W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G M O D E LS RC P-7500, RC P-76 00 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S R R STD 7 DIMENSIONS: REFRIGERATED COLD PANS INCH (MM) 20 27 1/8 25 1/2 (508) (689) (648) 14 PAN RAIL 66 7/8 (1699) Wells Refrigerated Cold Pans are self-contained display units designed to hold pre-chilled products at serving temperature. The pans are recessed 3” to comply with NSF-7 performance requirements. The temperature of the heavily insulated cold pan is electronically controlled, providing flexibility and convenience. Features (356) RCP-7500 • Drop-in, refrigerated cold pan is designed to hold pre-chilled products at serving temperature. 25 3/8 74 (645) (1880) • Each pan has a large 1-inch drain located in the center for easy cleaning. RCP-7200 • Self-contained unit comes with an ON/OFF switch and cordset for easy installation. 80 5/8 (2048) • Air-cooled condensing unit has HFC-134a refrigerant, which is CFC free. RCP-7600 87 3/4 9 1/2 (2229) 1/4 Specifications (241) (6) 11 3/8 (289) 3 (76) 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 21 (533) POWER SUPPLY CORD R C P - 7 5 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 6 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : MODELS VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7500 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7600 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY • Fully insulated cold pans are refrigerated on both the bottom and sides for greater efficiency. 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 345-0444 • FAX: (775) 345-0569 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 Overall Dimensions: Width RCP-7100 RCP-7200 RCP-7300 RCP-7400 RCP-7500 RCP-7600 Depth Height Weights: RCP-7100 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7200 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7300 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7400 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7500 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7600 series: Installed Shipping • Recessed top edge lowers inset pan 3” to comply with NSF-7 performance requirements and allows a layer of air to insulate food, keeping it colder and fresher. Inches MM 19 1/8 32 3/4 46 1/2 60 1/4 74 87 3/4 27 1/8 25 3/8 Lbs. 486 832 1181 1530 1880 2229 689 645 KG 105 115 48 52 • A warranty against defects covers parts for one year and labor for 90 days. An extended one-year labor and five-year compressor warranty is available at extra charge. 124 140 56 64 Accessories / Options 156 175 71 79 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plate, available for all models, contact factory 175 210 79 95 Extended Warranty/Labor, one (1) year, WEL1 194 245 88 111 213 285 97 129 • Each unit’s interior and top is heavy duty (18 gauge) stainless steel construction for maximum strength and durability. • Optional perforated bottom strainer plate conveniently holds ice above drain to avoid clogging. • The RCP series Refrigerated Cold Pans are Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. LISTED and meet the National Sanitation Foundation standards. Extended Warranty/Compressor Motor, five (5) years, WEL5 WELLS WELLS R A I S I N G T H E S T A N D A R D REFRIGERATED COLD PANS LISTED E162919 ITEM NO. W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G M O D E LS RC P-7100, RC P-7200 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S R R LISTED E162919 STD 7 DIMENSIONS: 1/4 (6) R R LISTED E162919 STD 7 DIMENSIONS: INCH (MM) RCP-7100 25 3/8 (645) PAN RAIL 16 1/4 (413) 27 1/8 25 1/2 (508) (689) (648) 14 (356) (1000) 46 1/2 25 3/8 RCP-7300 (1181) 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 20 PAN RAIL 39 3/8 9 1/2 11 3/8 (241) (289) 3 (76) INCH (MM) 25 1/2 (648) 20 27 1/8 (508) (689) 12 (305) 19 1/8 (486) M O D E LS R C P - 73 0 0 , R C P - 74 0 0 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S (645) 53 1/8 POWER SUPPLY CORD 20 27 1/8 (508) (689) (1349) 60 1/4 25 1/2 (648) RCP-7400 (1530) 1/4 1/4 (6) RCP-7200 25 5/8 (651) 32 3/4 (832) PAN RAIL 14 (356) 25 3/8 (645) 9 1/2 3 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN L2 L3 POWER SUPPLY CORD R C P - 7 1 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 2 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7100 115 460 1/6 4.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7200 115 460 1/6 4.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (289) POWER SUPPLY CORD (413) R C P - 7 1 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 2 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : MODELS L1 16 1/4 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 16 1/4 (413) 11 3/8 (241) (76) 9 1/2 11 3/8 (241) (289) 3 (76) (6) 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 689-5700 • FAX: (775) 689-5972 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 MODELS VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7300 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7400 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. WELLS WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 345-0444 • FAX: (775) 345-0569 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 WELLS W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G M O D E LS RC P-7100, RC P-7200 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S R R LISTED E162919 STD 7 DIMENSIONS: 1/4 (6) R R LISTED E162919 STD 7 DIMENSIONS: INCH (MM) RCP-7100 25 3/8 (645) PAN RAIL 16 1/4 (413) 27 1/8 25 1/2 (508) (689) (648) 14 (356) (1000) 46 1/2 25 3/8 RCP-7300 (1181) 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 20 PAN RAIL 39 3/8 9 1/2 11 3/8 (241) (289) 3 (76) INCH (MM) 25 1/2 (648) 20 27 1/8 (508) (689) 12 (305) 19 1/8 (486) M O D E LS R C P - 73 0 0 , R C P - 74 0 0 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S (645) 53 1/8 POWER SUPPLY CORD 20 27 1/8 (508) (689) (1349) 60 1/4 25 1/2 (648) RCP-7400 (1530) 1/4 1/4 (6) RCP-7200 25 5/8 (651) 32 3/4 (832) PAN RAIL 14 (356) 25 3/8 (645) 9 1/2 3 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN L2 L3 POWER SUPPLY CORD R C P - 7 1 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 2 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7100 115 460 1/6 4.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7200 115 460 1/6 4.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 345-0444 • FAX: (775) 345-0569 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 MODELS VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7300 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7400 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (289) POWER SUPPLY CORD (413) R C P - 7 1 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 2 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : MODELS L1 16 1/4 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 16 1/4 (413) 11 3/8 (241) (76) 9 1/2 11 3/8 (241) (289) 3 (76) (6) WELLS WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 689-5700 • FAX: (775) 689-5972 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 WELLS W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G W E L LS M A N U FA CT U R I N G M O D E LS RC P-7500, RC P-76 00 R E F R I G E R AT E D C O L D PA N S R R STD 7 DIMENSIONS: REFRIGERATED COLD PANS INCH (MM) 20 27 1/8 25 1/2 (508) (689) (648) 14 PAN RAIL 66 7/8 (1699) Wells Refrigerated Cold Pans are self-contained display units designed to hold pre-chilled products at serving temperature. The pans are recessed 3” to comply with NSF-7 performance requirements. The temperature of the heavily insulated cold pan is electronically controlled, providing flexibility and convenience. Features (356) RCP-7500 • Drop-in, refrigerated cold pan is designed to hold pre-chilled products at serving temperature. 25 3/8 74 (645) (1880) • Each pan has a large 1-inch drain located in the center for easy cleaning. RCP-7200 • Self-contained unit comes with an ON/OFF switch and cordset for easy installation. 80 5/8 (2048) • Air-cooled condensing unit has HFC-134a refrigerant, which is CFC free. RCP-7600 87 3/4 9 1/2 (2229) 1/4 Specifications (241) (6) 11 3/8 (289) 3 (76) 1" NPT DRAIN CENTERED IN PAN 21 (533) POWER SUPPLY CORD R C P - 7 5 0 0 A N D R C P - 7 6 0 0 E L E C T R I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S : MODELS VOLTS WATTS HP AMPS PHASE POWER SUPPLY CORD RCP-7500 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P RCP-7600 115 805 1/4 7.0 SINGLE NEMA 5-15P NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. See installation instruction sheet prior to installing the unit. This document is not for installation purposes. WELLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY • Fully insulated cold pans are refrigerated on both the bottom and sides for greater efficiency. 2 ERIK CIRCLE, PO BOX 280, VERDI, NV 89439 U.S.A. • USA PHONE: (775) 689-5700 • FAX: (775) 689-5972 FOR ORDERS ONLY: (888) 356-5362 • FAX: (800) 356-5142 • www.wellsbloomfield.com A SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY • 2000 WELLS MANUFACTURING • PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. • 10/00 • REV(B) • PART NO. 302097 Overall Dimensions: Width RCP-7100 RCP-7200 RCP-7300 RCP-7400 RCP-7500 RCP-7600 Depth Height Weights: RCP-7100 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7200 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7300 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7400 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7500 series: Installed Shipping RCP-7600 series: Installed Shipping • Recessed top edge lowers inset pan 3” to comply with NSF-7 performance requirements and allows a layer of air to insulate food, keeping it colder and fresher. Inches MM 19 1/8 32 3/4 46 1/2 60 1/4 74 87 3/4 27 1/8 25 3/8 Lbs. 486 832 1181 1530 1880 2229 689 645 KG 105 115 48 52 • A warranty against defects covers parts for one year and labor for 90 days. An extended one-year labor and five-year compressor warranty is available at extra charge. 124 140 56 64 Accessories / Options 156 175 71 79 Perforated Bottom Strainer Plate, available for all models, contact factory 175 210 79 95 Extended Warranty/Labor, one (1) year, WEL1 194 245 88 111 213 285 97 129 • Each unit’s interior and top is heavy duty (18 gauge) stainless steel construction for maximum strength and durability. • Optional perforated bottom strainer plate conveniently holds ice above drain to avoid clogging. • The RCP series Refrigerated Cold Pans are Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. LISTED and meet the National Sanitation Foundation standards. Extended Warranty/Compressor Motor, five (5) years, WEL5 WELLS WELLS R A I S I N G T H E S T A N D A R D REFRIGERATED COLD PANS LISTED E162919 ITEM NO.