Auto Mouse Click - MurGee Auto Mouse Click Video Tutorials

Auto Mouse Click
Automate Mouse Clicking, Key Pressing and everything else with Auto Mouse
Click. This Document displays few Screenshots of the Auto Mouse Click Software.
Download and try it for Free on your Windows Computer.
The Windows Automation Software has inbuilt Video Tutorials and is really easy
to understand and use. Do have a close look at the Screenshots to view features
offered by the software.
Right Click Menu
The Given below screenshot displays Right Click Menu which offers functionality to edit and
manage Script Actions. There are lots of features available in this Right Click Menu which help
you customize the behavior of the software and script actions as well.
System Menu
By doing a Left Click on the Top Left Corner of the Software, you can invoke System Menu
which offers other features offered by this Windows Automation Software.
The Settings Screen allows you to configure Mouse Simulation method and also allows you to
select Key Press Simulation Method.
Startup Parameters
Configure Script Startup Parameters which affect how the Script behaves when it is opened. This can be
useful when you want to execute the Script at a Later Date / Time.
Auto Mouse Click Version Selector
By default, Auto Mouse Click requires Administrative Rights to Open, however you can use
Version Selector to switch it to Non - Admin Version with Version Selector.
Macro Recorder
Quick way to Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard Actions is offered by Macro Recorder.
You can find Macro Recorder Shortcut in the Auto Mouse Click Programs Menu. The Macro
Recorder has Configurable Keyboard Shortcuts to Start / Stop Recording and Playback.
Macro Recorder Script Action
You can even have an embedded Macro Recording within the Auto Mouse Click Script by
adding a Macro Recording Action as displayed in the given below screenshot. To get Started,
add a Macro Recording Action to the Script and Double Click on it.
Visible Action Selector
You can Edit the List of Visible Actions for New Auto Mouse Click Scripts by configuring the
Visible Action Selector. The Visible Action Selector can be launched from a button located near
Action Type Combo on the Main Screen of the Software.
Inbuilt Video Tutorials
Auto Mouse Click has inbuilt Video Tutorials which can be opened by clicking on the bottom
right corner of the software. You can close the Tutorials Screen by clicking again on the button.
Time Converter
You can use the inbuilt Time Converter to convert between Hours, Minutes and Seconds to MilliSeconds and vice versa. You can launch Time Converter from the Right Click Menu of Auto Mouse Click.
Profile Manager
The Profile Manager allows you to manage Multiple Auto Mouse Click Scripts. The Keyboard Shortcuts
defined in Auto Mouse Click Script are loaded by Profile Manager so you can easily Start / Stop Scripts
with Profile Manager.
Other features
Yes there are lot more features in the Auto Mouse Click Software. They all are easy to Explore
and use, with the help of right click and double click on the software, you can explore all the
In order to utilize all the features, do make sure that you do have the latest version of Auto
Mouse Click installed on your Windows Computer. In case you are not sure, you can use this
Download link to get the latest version and enjoy all the features of the software.
From time to time, this Software Application is updated upon feedback from users. In case you
do have a suggestion, do send it to and get it implemented for free.