MetOp-SG MWI Tipo Doc.: Doc.Type: REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION N° Doc.: Doc. N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Titolo: Title : RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION Nome &Funzione Name & Function Preparato da: Prepared by: N° DRD: DRD N°: Ediz.: Issue: 04 Firma Signature Data: Date: Data Date 05.09.2014 T. Lupi (CGS-SE) Di Of 75 N A 1 X 2014.09.05 11:33:10 +02'00' 05/09/2014 X C. Cinquepalmi (CGS- 05/09/2014 F. Tominetti (CGS-PM) 05/09/2014 CC) Esterna / External ESA 1 Customer / Higher Level Contractor Accettato da: Accepted by: Approvato da: Approved by: N=Numero di copie A=Applicazione I=Informazione N=Number of copy A=Application I=Information Gestionedocumenti: Data Management: 2014.09.05 15:52:53 +02'00' Firma / Signature I 05/09/2014 L. Cremonesi (CGS-PA) Applicazione autorizzata da: Application authorized by: 1 Interna / Internal MWI Team C. Bredin (ADS-SE) Pagina Page LISTA DI DISTRIBUZIONE DISTRIBUTION LIST MWI Team Approvato da: Approved by: MWI-IN-04a Data / Date File: MWI-IN-04a_MOS-RS-CGS-MWI0006_v4_RFA Specification.docx Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved X MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 2 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 REGISTRAZIONE DELLE MODIFICHE / CHANGE RECORD EDIZIONE ISSUE DATA DATE 01 3/12/2012 02 28/03/2013 AUTORIZZAZIONE CHANGE AUTHORITY OGGETTO DELLA MODIFICA E SEZIONI AFFETTE REASON FOR CHANGE AND AFFECTED SECTIONS First Issue iSRR RIDs - 03 30/04/2014 04 05.09.2014 RID #200: 1. Paragraph 8.1 updated (this specification is considered at RF Assembly level) 2. Applicable Documents list (Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) updated 3. Paragraph 5.4 : requirements R-RAD-RFA-1350-TA, R-RAD-RFA-0230-TA, R-RAD-RFA-0231-TA modified; requirement R-RAD-RFA-0232-TA added Paragraph 5.5.3 : requirements R-ANT-RFA-0422-TA and R-ANT-RFA-0500-TA modified; requirements RANT-RFA-0100-TR, R-ANT-RFA-0110-T and R-ANTRFA-0423-TA added 4. Paragraph 8.5 : requirement R-IFE-RFA-1035-T (reference to EMC Control Plan) added 5. Paragraph 8.4.3 : IF of MWI-1 H and V specified (value TBC) 6. Paragraph 5.6 : requirements R-THR-RFA-0010-R, R-THR-RFA-0015-TR and R-THR-RFA-0020-TR modified; requirements from R-THR-RFA-0050-R to R-THR-RFA-0160-R added Paragraph 8.3 : R-IFC-RFA-1020-A and R-IFC-RFA1030-A added Paragraph 8.3.1 : requirement R-IFC-RFA-1005-R added Paragraph 8.3.2 : requirements R-IFC-RFA-1040-TR and R-IFC-RFA-1050-TR added; requirement R-IFCRFA-0270-A deleted Paragraph 8.3.3 : requirement R-IFC-RFA-0320-R modified Added paragraph 8.3.4 (requirements from R-IFCRFA-1060-R to R-IFC-RFA-1110-R) 7. Paragraph 5.3 : requirements R-DES-RFA-0140-R and R-DES-RFA-0141-TR added; paragraph 8.4.2 : requirement R-IFC-RFA-0360-R modified, requirements R-IFC-RFA-0412-TR and R-IFC-RFA0414-TR added 8. Paragraph 5.3 : requirement R-DES-RFA-0150-TR added (see also paragraph 8.4.2 requirement R-IFCRFA-0370-R) RID #216: Paragraph 8.1 updated (this specification is considered at RF Assembly level) RID #243: Requirement R-RAD-RFA-0231-TA modified (Paragraph 5.4 ) TBD removed in requirements R-DES-RFA-0060-TA and RDES-RFA-0127-T All General update for the MWI Bridging phase Final Review All Document Template Updated Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 3 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 LISTA DELLE PAGINE VALIDE / LIST OF VALID PAGES PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE 1 - 75 04 PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 4 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 8 2. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................. 8 2.1 2.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 8 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 9 3. ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 4. MWI INSTRUMENT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 5. RFA DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................... 12 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 GENERAL RFA REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 14 5.2 RFA SPECTRAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 15 5.3 RECEIVER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 18 5.4 RFA RADIOMETRIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................ 19 5.5 RFA GEOMETRIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 23 5.5.1 COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 23 5.5.2 POINTING PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 23 5.5.3 ANTENNA PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 23 5.5.4 INTERNAL CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 28 5.6 THERMAL HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 28 5.7 TELEMETRY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 30 6. RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 32 7. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 33 7.1 8. LIFETIME .................................................................................................................................................... 33 INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 34 8.1 MECHANICAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 34 8.1.1 REFERENCE FRAMES .............................................................................................................................. 35 8.1.2 RFA DIMENSIONS AND MASS ................................................................................................................... 35 8.1.3 RFA DYNAMIC RANGE ............................................................................................................................. 35 8.2 INTERFACES DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................ 35 8.2.1 GENERAL INTERFACES ............................................................................................................................ 35 8.2.2 RFA INTERFACE WITH SCM .................................................................................................................... 36 8.2.3 RFA INTERFACE WITH CPDU AND FEE ................................................................................................... 37 8.2.4 RFA INTERFACE WITH LLD AND SCM PRELOADING GSE ......................................................................... 38 8.2.5 RFA INTERFACE WITH OFFLOADING AND HOISTING GSE ........................................................................... 40 8.2.6 BALANCING ............................................................................................................................................ 41 8.2.7 RFA FIELD OF VIEW ............................................................................................................................... 41 8.2.8 RFA INTERFACE WITH THE CALIBRATION ASSEMBLY ................................................................................ 44 8.3 THERMAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 44 8.3.1 TEMPERATURE DEFINITION AND DISSIPATION ............................................................................................ 45 8.3.2 RECEIVERS AND FEED CLUSTER .............................................................................................................. 45 8.3.3 REFLECTOR THERMAL INTERFACES.......................................................................................................... 46 8.3.4 DECK THERMAL INTERFACES ................................................................................................................... 47 8.4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 47 8.4.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 47 8.4.2 FEE INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................... 48 8.4.3 CDPU INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................. 49 8.5 EMC REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................... 50 8.5.1 BONDING AND GROUNDING ...................................................................................................................... 51 8.5.2 CABLE AND HARNESS REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................... 52 8.5.3 CIRCUITS REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 53 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 8.5.4 9. N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 5 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 STATIC CHARGING ................................................................................................................................... 53 GENERAL DESIGN AND INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 55 9.1 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 55 9.1.1 LIFETIME ................................................................................................................................................. 55 9.1.2 DESIGN SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................... 55 9.1.3 DEPENDABILITY AND SAFETY ................................................................................................................... 55 9.1.4 VENTING ................................................................................................................................................. 55 9.1.5 IDENTIFICATION & MARKING ..................................................................................................................... 55 9.1.6 ACCESSIBILITY/MAINTAINABILITY .............................................................................................................. 56 9.1.7 TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING AND STORAGE ........................................................................................... 56 Transport ....................................................................................................................................... 56 Unit packing ................................................................................................................................... 56 Container identification .................................................................................................................. 57 Handling ......................................................................................................................................... 57 Seals .............................................................................................................................................. 57 Lubricants and Sealants ................................................................................................................ 57 Screw Locking ............................................................................................................................... 57 Ground Support Equipment ........................................................................................................... 57 9.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 57 9.2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENT.......................................................................................................................... 57 9.2.2 YELD AND ULTIMATE LOADS...................................................................................................................... 58 9.2.3 MARGINS OF SAFETY ............................................................................................................................... 58 9.2.4 QUASI-STATIC DESIGN LOAD.................................................................................................................... 58 9.3 ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................... 58 9.3.1 CONNECTORS GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 58 Harness.......................................................................................................................................... 58 Connector Types ........................................................................................................................... 59 9.3.2 BONDING ................................................................................................................................................ 59 9.4 THERMAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 60 10. ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 61 10.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................. 61 10.2 GROUND ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................................... 61 10.2.1 GROUND HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE............................................................................... 62 10.2.2 VERIFICATION AND TESTING ..................................................................................................................... 62 10.3 LAUNCH ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................... 63 10.4 SPACE ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................................................................... 63 10.4.1 VACUUM ................................................................................................................................................. 63 10.4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TEST............................................................................................................................. 63 10.4.3 NATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION AND INDICES .............................................................................. 66 10.4.4 NEUTRAL ATMOSPHERE ........................................................................................................................... 66 10.4.5 PLASMA .................................................................................................................................................. 66 10.4.6 ENERGETIC PARTICLE RADIATION ............................................................................................................. 66 10.4.7 SPACE DEBRIS AND METEOROIDS ............................................................................................................ 66 10.4.8 ATOMIC OXYGEN ..................................................................................................................................... 66 11. ASSEMBLY, INTEGRATION AND VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 68 11.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................. 68 11.2 ASSEMBLY AND INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................ 68 11.3 VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 68 11.4 CALIBRATION .......................................................................................................................................... 70 11.5 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................... 70 11.5.1 EGSE .................................................................................................................................................... 71 11.5.2 MGSE .................................................................................................................................................... 71 11.5.3 FACILITIES .............................................................................................................................................. 71 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 6 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Conical scanning principle ........................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 3-2 MWI block diagr ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Figure 4-3: RFA tree .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 5-1: RFA Filters mask ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 5-2: MWI polarisation Vectors ........................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 8-1: MWI mechanical architecture overview ................................................................................................... 34 Figure 8-2: RFA interfaces (in launch and operational configuration) ....................................................................... 36 Figure 8-3: Locations of interfaces with LLD and SCM preloading GSE ................................................................... 38 Figure 8-4: Mechanical interface with LLD and SCM preloading GSE ...................................................................... 39 Figure 8-5: Locations of interfaces with offloading and hoisting GSE ....................................................................... 40 Figure 8-6: Earth acquisition field of view .................................................................................................................. 42 Figure 8-7: Cold calibration field of view .................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 8-8: Hot calibration field of view ...................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 8-9: MWI Thermal design concept with platform shadowing .......................................................................... 44 Figure 8-10: Command data link interface diagram .................................................................................................. 49 Figure 8-11: RFA LO power command data link scheme .......................................................................................... 49 Figure 10-1: Acoustic Vibrations Qualification Spectrum .......................................................................................... 65 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 7 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 LIST OF TABLES Table 5-1: MWI Channels ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 5-2: RFA Channels frequency stability ............................................................................................................. 16 Table 5-3: RFA input protection filter requirement for MWI-1/MWI-2/MWI-3 channels .............................................. 17 Table 5-4: RFA Earth scene dynamic range requirements. ....................................................................................... 20 Table 5-5: RFA Channel noise figure requirements ................................................................................................... 21 Table 5-6: Channels integration time requirements ................................................................................................... 22 Table 5-7: Spillover requirements ............................................................................................................................... 25 Table 5-8: Energy in the sidelobes requirements ....................................................................................................... 25 Table 5-9: RFA channel polarisation .......................................................................................................................... 26 Table 5-10: RFA channel cross-polarisation requirement .......................................................................................... 27 Table 8-1: Interface with SCM .................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 8-2: Description of LLD and SCM preloading GSE interfaces with RFA .......................................................... 39 Table 8-3: Description of offloading and hoisting GSE interfaces with RFA .............................................................. 41 Table 8-4: Load factors for hoisting ............................................................................................................................ 41 Table 8-5: Earth acquisition field of view [TBC] .......................................................................................................... 42 Table 8-6: Cold calibration field of view [TBC]............................................................................................................ 43 Table 8-7: Hot calibration field of view [TBC] ............................................................................................................. 44 Table 8-8: Qualification temperatures ........................................................................................................................ 45 Table 8-9: FEE Power supply rail characteristics ....................................................................................................... 48 Table 8-10: Max current consumption of the power supply rails ................................................................................ 49 Table 8-11: RFA-CDPU electrical interfaces .............................................................................................................. 50 Table 8-12: MetOp-SG on board transmitters RF emission characteristics ............................................................... 50 Table 8-13: Characteristics of TT&C, ARGOS-DCS and SCA on board transmitters................................................ 51 Table 8-14: Cables EMC classification ....................................................................................................................... 53 Table 10-1: On Ground Operations Environment ....................................................................................................... 61 Table 10-2: On Ground Operations and Handling Loads ........................................................................................... 62 Table 10-3: Sine Vibration Qualification Spectrum applicable to RFA ....................................................................... 64 Table 10-4: Random Vibration Qualification Spectrum applicable to RFA ................................................................. 64 Table 10-5: Shock qualification loads ......................................................................................................................... 65 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 8 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE This document defines the technical specifications of Calibration Assembly (CA) of MWI Instrument. This document defines all the interface requirements between the CA and the other constituting parts of the instrument and the MetOp-SG platform. Further to the specific requirements contained in this document, MetOp-SG equipment are subject to the common design, interface, environment and test requirements included in General Design and Interface Requirements (GDIR specification). GDIR document specifies contractually relevant requirements as well as assumptions and constraints, which also apply to the development, design, manufacturing, assembly, verification and delivery of any MetOp-SG equipment to the extent specified in this FEE specification. In case of conflicts, this specification supersedes - within the scope of the conflict only - GDIR content; the conflict shall anyhow be reported to the Contractor for proper resolution. 2. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 2.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AD Doc. No. Issue/ Rev. Title AD04 MOS-SOW-ADS-SATB-0579 1.1 Statement Of Work for the MicroWave Imager [SOWMWI] AD09 MOS-SP-ADS-SATB-0580 1.4 Technical Requirements Specification for the MicroWave Imager Instrument [TRS-MWI] AD13a MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00816 1.1 MetOp-SG Instrument General Design and Interface Requirements [INS-GDIR] AD13b MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00349 2.2 MetOp-SG Units General Design and Interface Requirements [Units GDIR] AD13c ENS-06-00123-ASTR 8.0 General Design and Interfaces Requirements [Generic GDIR] AD14 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0434 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Product Assurance and Safety Requirements [PARD] AD14b MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00401 1.0 MetOp-SG Product Assurance Requirements for Suppliers AD14c MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00402 1.0 MetOp-SG Software Product Assurance Requirements for Suppliers AD15 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0435 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Project Management Requirements [MARD] AD16 MOS-LI-ESA-SYS-0067 1.1 MetOp-SG Deliverable Items and Services List [DISL] AD17 MOS-LI-ESA-INS-0436 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Document Requirements List [DRL] AD18 MOS-LI-ESA-INS-0437 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Document Requirements Definition [DRD] AD19 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0438 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Tailoring Of ECSS-E Standards AD20 MOS-PL-CGS-MWI-0014 01 MWI EMC Control Plan AD21 MOS-TN-CGS-MWI-0003 03 MWI Instrument Reference Coordinate System AD22 MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0013 01 MWI Instrument Thermal Requirements Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION AD Doc. No. Issue/ N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Pagina Page 9 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 75 Title Rev. MOS-PL-ADS-MWI-0002 1 AD24 AD25 MOS-PL-CGS-MWI-0006 MOS-PL-CGS-MWI-0015 5 1 Instrument Characterization and Performance Verification Plan Instrument Design, Development and Verification Plan Instrument Assembly, Integration and Test Plan AD26 MOS-PL-ADS-MWI-0001 01 Instrument Calibration Plan AD23 Remark: [AD13b] is often recalled in this document as source for a requirement, In such case, all requirements of relevant [AD13b] paragraph constitute integral part of this specification and must be intended as applied to FEE (including their original numbering and verification method). 2.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS RD Doc. No. Issue/ Rev. Title RD01 MOS-LI-CGS-MWI-0001 01 List of acronyms and abbreviations RD02 MOS-TN-CGS-MWI-0007 01 IRS Requirements Analysis RD03 MOS-TN-CGS-MWI-0008 01 GDIR Requirements Analysis RD04 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 44(3), 2006 - Ruf, C., S.M. Gross, S. Misra, “RFI detection and mitigation for microwave radiometry with an agile digital detector” RD05 ECSS-E-ST-10-04C 11/08 Space environment RD06 ECSS-E-ST-10-02C 3/09 Verification RD07 ECSS-E-ST-03A 2/02 Testing RD08 ECSS-E-ST-20-07C 7/08 Electromagnetic Compatibility RD09 ECSS-E-ST-50-14C 7/08 Spacecraft discrete interfaces RD10 ECSS-E-ST-32-10C 1 Structural factors of safety for spaceflight hardware Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 10 di of 05/09/2014 75 3. ACRONYMS Please refer to [RD01] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 11 di of 05/09/2014 75 4. MWI INSTRUMENT OVERVIEW The MicroWave Imager (MWI) Instrument is part of the payload complement of the MetOp-SG Satellites type B. MWI is a conical scanning radiometer, with multiple frequency channels covering the frequency range from 18.7 GHz to 183.3 GHz. The instrument rotates at constant speed, and collects the microwave radiation from the Earth surface and atmosphere at several IFOV positions at each rotation, in an angular sector of ±65 degrees. At each rotation of the instrument, a line of the microwave-image is formed. As the satellite moves forward along the orbit, the on-ground track of the scanning, the image of the atmosphere is formed by the succeeding IFOV lines. The spatial resolution (dimension of the IFOV) ranges from 50 km at 18.7GHz to 10 km for the highest frequency channels. The MicroWave Imager will provide precipitation monitoring as well as sea ice extent information. Figure 4-1 Conical scanning principle The microwave radiation from the scene is collected by the antenna reflector and focused to the respective horns. The scene is scanned by rotation of the complete antenna i.e. the reflector and the horns. Every rotation, the angular sector where the antenna beam looks at the platform is used to calibrate the receivers. A calibration mirror is used to collect the energy coming from the cold sky. An on board hot target allows to have another calibration point. These elements constitute the Calibration Assembly (CA). The required radiometric sensitivity needs to have the receivers close to the horns and so they are implemented in the rotating part. The purpose of the receivers is to deliver signals, the magnitude of which is proportional to the brightness temperature of the scene. A rotating joint (PDTD) allows the transfer of the electrical signals (video, TM/TC, power supplies, heater lines) between the fixed part and the rotating part. The rest of the instrument is constituted by a scan mechanism (SCE and SCM) which insures the antenna and Back-End assembly rotation, an Instrument Control Unit (ICU), a Control Data Processing Unit (CDPU) and a FEE (Front End Electronics). The RF receivers are located in the rotating part of the instrument that includes also the feed cluster, the main dish and two electronics units: the CDPU and the FEE. The block diagram of the MWI Instrument including the electrical interfaces is shown in the following figure. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 12 di of Temperature sensors for thermal control Rotating part 05/09/2014 75 Fixed part Calibration Assembly CA Radio Frequency Assembly RFA Front-End Sub Assembly FESA Feed Cluster Front End Receivers OMT+ Input filter Low Frequency Equipment Integrated Receivers SH RX 18.7 GHz SH RX 18.7 GHz Cold Sky Reflector Thermal Acquisition Module (3x redundancy) RFI Mitigation Module Temperature sensors RX 23.8 GHz 18.7/23.8 GHz ICU Power Instrument Control Unit ICU Nom & Red RX 23.8 GHz RX 31.4 GHz OMT+ Input filter 31.4 GHz On Board Calibration Target CDPU Power Eq. Switch Off Lines, ON/OFF TC Observation Data & TM/TC RX 31.4 GHz Back End (BE) OMT 50/54 GHz DoCon 50/54 GHz Nominal section Main Reflector BE 50/54 GHz RX 89 GHz OMT Focal point 89 GHz Scan Mechanism Sub-Assembly BE 50/54 GHz RX 89 GHz DoCon 118 GHz BE 118 GHz DoCon 165 GHz BE 165 GHz DoCon 183 GHz BE 183 GHz Redundant section DoCon 50/54 GHz 118 GHz PDTD Survival Temperature sensors Survival Heaters Power (rotating part) ON/OFF TC Scan Mechanism Encoder Data Motor Phases 165 GHz 183 GHz Receivers Temp. Sensors Control & Data Processing Unit CDPU Front End Electronics FEE Heaters power (operational mode) Temperature Sensors for survival mode Heaters (survival mode) Scan Control Electronics SCE Nom & Red Launch Lock Devices LLD (x3) Temperature Sensors for survival mode Heaters for survival mode Scan Mechanism Power Data handling LLD Activation Survival Temperature sensors Survival Heaters Power (Fixed part) Video line Power - Secondary supply Serial link Discrete Commands Synchronisation Power - Primary supply Observation Data / Data handling (SpaceWire) Temperature sensors Figure 4-2 MWI block diagr 4.1 RFA DESCRIPTION The RF Assembly is composed by the main elements shown in the following figure, according to the MWI instrument product tree: Figure 4-3: RFA tree The RF Assembly is mounted on the rotating part of the instrument. It is constituted of a parabola with a set of horns located at the reflector focal point. Behind each horn, receivers deliver analogue signals, the magnitude of which is proportional to the temperature signal at the antenna. A set of telecommands allows optimizing the channel gain and offsetting as required by the user. Thermistors located on the critical sub-equipment allow the temperature monitoring. A set of regulated voltage lines supplies the receivers. All assemblies including the antenna reflector are mounted on a rigid structure, which insures the required mechanical and thermal stability. The RFA sub-equipment are: Antenna: Main reflector and feed cluster (including horns, OMT and HF Frontend), Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 13 di of 05/09/2014 75 Receivers: direct detection receivers, heterodyne receivers, down-converters, back-ends, Thermal and mechanical hardware Electrical and RF Harness. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 14 di of 05/09/2014 75 5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 GENERAL RFA REQUIREMENTS R-GEN-RFA-0080-R RFA is composed of 26 receivers channels defined as follows: Channel name Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation MWI-1 18.7 200 H&V MWI-2 23.8 400 H&V MWI-3 31.4 200 H&V MWI-4 50.3 400 H&V MWI-5 52.61 400 H&V MWI-6 53.24 400 H&V MWI-7 53.75 400 H&V MWI-8 89 4000 H&V MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 2x 500 V MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 2x 400 V MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 2x 400 V MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 2x 400 V MWI-13 165.5±0.725 2x 1350 V MWI-14 183.31±7.0 2x 2000 V MWI-15 183.31±6.1 2x 1500 V MWI-16 183.31±4.9 2x 1500 V MWI-17 183.31±3.4 2x 1500 V MWI-18 183.31±2.0 2x 1500 V Table 5-1: MWI Channels Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0080-R R-GEN-RFA-1050-R RFA shall have a single main antenna. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1050-R R-GEN-RFA-1060-R RFA main antenna shall be fixed and shall not require deployment mechanism. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1060-R Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-GEN-RFA-1210-AR N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 15 di of 05/09/2014 75 The RFA shall include a sun shield against the sun intrusion into the instrument, minimizing the openings other than those needed for the instrument operation (i.e. earth view and cold sky view) Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1210-R R-GEN-RFA-1220-R All RFA feed horns shall include a dust cap in order to protect receiver HW from dust and particles. These dust caps shall be identified as “Remove Before Flight”. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1220-R R-GEN-RFA-1230-R The ADC function, data collection and transmission to the fixed part of MWI shall not be included in RFA and shall be realized in CDPU. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1230-R 5.2 RFA SPECTRAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS R-SPC-RFA-0130-T nd RFA channel center operating frequencies shall be according to 2 column of Bandwidth Channel name Frequency (GHz) Polarisation (MHz) MWI-1 18.7 200 H&V MWI-2 23.8 400 H&V MWI-3 31.4 200 H&V MWI-4 50.3 400 H&V MWI-5 52.61 400 H&V MWI-6 53.24 400 H&V MWI-7 53.75 400 H&V MWI-8 89 4000 H&V MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 2x 500 V MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 2x 400 V MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 2x 400 V MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 2x 400 V MWI-13 165.5±0.725 2x 1350 V MWI-14 183.31±7.0 2x 2000 V MWI-15 183.31±6.1 2x 1500 V MWI-16 183.31±4.9 2x 1500 V MWI-17 183.31±3.4 2x 1500 V MWI-18 183.31±2.0 2x 1500 V Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION Table 5-1. R-SPC-RFA-0140-T N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 16 di of 05/09/2014 75 Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0130-T RFA channel bandwidths shall be according to 3rd column of Bandwidth Channel name Frequency (GHz) Polarisation (MHz) MWI-1 18.7 200 H&V MWI-2 23.8 400 H&V MWI-3 31.4 200 H&V MWI-4 50.3 400 H&V MWI-5 52.61 400 H&V MWI-6 53.24 400 H&V MWI-7 53.75 400 H&V MWI-8 89 4000 H&V MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 2x 500 V MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 2x 400 V MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 2x 400 V MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 2x 400 V MWI-13 165.5±0.725 2x 1350 V MWI-14 183.31±7.0 2x 2000 V MWI-15 183.31±6.1 2x 1500 V MWI-16 183.31±4.9 2x 1500 V MWI-17 183.31±3.4 2x 1500 V MWI-18 183.31±2.0 2x 1500 V Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation Table 5-1. Note: Channel bandwidths given in 3rd column of Channel name Frequency (GHz) MWI-1 18.7 200 H&V MWI-2 23.8 400 H&V MWI-3 31.4 200 H&V MWI-4 50.3 400 H&V MWI-5 52.61 400 H&V MWI-6 53.24 400 H&V Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 17 di of MWI-7 53.75 400 H&V MWI-8 89 4000 H&V MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 2x 500 V MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 2x 400 V MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 2x 400 V MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 2x 400 V MWI-13 165.5±0.725 2x 1350 V MWI-14 183.31±7.0 2x 2000 V MWI-15 183.31±6.1 2x 1500 V MWI-16 183.31±4.9 2x 1500 V MWI-17 183.31±3.4 2x 1500 V MWI-18 183.31±2.0 2x 1500 V 05/09/2014 75 Table 5-1 are maximum acceptable half-power bandwidths (except for MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3, where channels bandwidths are -20dB-power bandwidths), assuming absolutely stable frequency response. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0140-T rd R-SPC-RFA-0150-TA RFA center frequency stability shall be according to 3 column of Table 5-2 Note: Frequency stability represents the maximum deviations authorised from the specified nominal frequency during lifetime. This performance shall include initial settings, environmental variations (temperature, voltage, radiation effects…) and on ground and on board ageing Channel Frequency [GHz] Stability [+/- MHz] MWI-1 18.7 50 MWI-2 23.8 50 MWI-3 31.4 50 MWI-4 50.3 10 MWI-5 52.61 5 MWI-6 53.24 5 MWI-7 53.75 5 MWI-8 89 100 MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 15 MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 15 MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 15 MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 15 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 18 di of MWI-13 165.5±0.725 100 MWI-14 183.31±7.0 70 MWI-15 183.31±6.1 70 MWI-16 183.31±4.9 70 MWI-17 183.31±3.4 70 MWI-18 183.31±2.0 30 05/09/2014 75 Table 5-2: RFA Channels frequency stability Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0150-TA R-SPC-RFA-0200-TA The peak-to-peak “ripples” within the half-power bandwidth shall be less than 1.5 dB for at least 80 % of the center portion of the half-power bandwidth and less than 3 dB for the remaining 20 %, as shown in Figure 5-1. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0200-TA R-SPC-RFA-0210-TA MWI out-of-band rejection for channels MWI-4 to MWI-18 shall be >3 dB, for all frequencies outside 0.5 times the maximum acceptable half-power bandwidths, > 30 dB at the band center value for all frequencies outside of 0.65 times the maximum acceptable half power bandwidths and >40dB for all frequencies 0.75 times the maximum acceptable half-power bandwidths as shown in Figure 5-1. Note: Specified maximum acceptable half-power bandwidths are reported in Table 5-1. Figure 5-1: RFA Filters mask Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0210-TA R-SPC-RFA-0211-TA MWI out-of-band rejection for channels MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3 shall be >20dB for all frequencies outside 0.5 times the maximum acceptable -20dB-power bandwidths, shall be > 30 dB for all frequencies outside of 0.65 times the maximum acceptable -20dB-power bandwidths and >40dB for all frequencies 0.75 times the maximum acceptable -20dB- Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 19 di of 05/09/2014 75 power bandwidths and >100dB for all frequencies 1.0 times the maximum acceptable 20dB-power bandwidths. Note: Specified maximum acceptable -20dB-power bandwidths for MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3 are reported in Table 5-1. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0211-R R-SPC-RFA-1240-TA RFA out-of-band rejection at the input of the receiver LNA/mixer for channels MWI-1, MWI2 and MWI-3 shall be according to Table 5-3. MWI-1 (18.7 GHz) Frequency [GHz] <17 Minimum Attenuation [dB] -40 17 MWI-2 (23.8 GHz) Frequency [GHz] <22 Minimum Attenuation [dB] -40 -40 22 17.2 -30 17.4 MWI-3 (31.4 GHz) Frequency [GHz] <30 Minimum Attenuation [dB] -40 -40 30 -40 22.2 -30 30.2 -30 -30 22.4 -30 30.4 -30 17.6 -30 22.6 -20 30.6 -20 17.8 -20 22.8 -20 30.8 -10 18 -20 23 -10 31 -10 18.2 -10 23.2 -10 31.2 0 18.4 0 23.4 0 31.4 0 18.6 0 23.6 0 31.6 0 18.8 0 23.8 0 31.8 -10 19 0 24 0 32 -10 19.2 -10 24.2 0 32.2 -20 19.4 -20 24.4 -10 32.4 -20 19.6 -20 24.6 -10 32.6 -30 19.8 -30 24.8 -20 32.8 -30 20 -40 25 -30 33 -30 20 - 36 -40 25-36 -40 33.2 -40 >36 -20 >36 -20 33.2-36 -40 >36 -20 Table 5-3: RFA input protection filter requirement for MWI-1/MWI-2/MWI-3 channels Note: The input filtering is required in order to protect the first active components of the receiver from damage from high power transmitters, both on-ground and on-board the S/C. The filtering of the input waveguide due cut-off frequency may also be included as a part in the complete input filter. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1240-TA Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 20 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-SPC-RFA-1250-TA RFA out of band rejection shall be designed to be compatible with SAT-B on-board transmitters, according to GDIR [AD3]. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1250-TA R-SPC-RFA-0171-TA RFA channel response knowledge shall be from 1 MHz up to 3 channel. RD harmonic of each Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0171-TA R-SPC-RFA-0160-T RFA channels shape knowledge shall be < 0.1 dB until channel response is down to -40dB relative to channel max response. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0160-TA R-SPC-RFA-1270-TA RFA channels shape knowledge shall be < 0.5dB where channel response is lower than 40dB. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1270-TA R-SPC-RFA-0170-T Each RFA channel shape resolution knowledge shall be bandwidth/100 as a minimum until channel response is down to -40dB relative to channel max response. Note: For this purpose, bandwidth refers to channel bandwidth or sub-channel bandwidth depending on the channel. (As an example channel having bandwidth defined as 2 times 1500 MHz channel has 1500 MHz bandwidth). Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0170-T R-SPC-RFA-1280-TA Each RFA channel shape resolution knowledge shall be bandwidth/10 as a minimum where channel response is lower than -40bB. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1280-TA R-SPC-RFA-0180-TR RFA Double SideBand (DSB) channels can be implemented as Single SideBand (SSB) channels if performance can be retained. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0180-TR R-SPC-RFA-0190-T For channels with two pass-bands, pass-bands shall have equal average system gain over the pass-band bandwidth within ±1 dB. Note: This requirement refers to RF pass-bands (Mixer sideband imbalance) in case of double sideband receiver. Requirement applies to average system gain. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0190-TA 5.3 RECEIVER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS R-DES-RFA-0005-TAR For each channel the output voltage shall be in the range [-2.5V, +2.5V] [TBC] under all circumstances (scene or calibration temperature, equipment temperature, aging). The output voltage shall be differential. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 21 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-DES-RFA-0010-TAR For each channel, the output video filter shall have a 3 dB cut-off of 2.5 KHz [TBC]. R-DES-RFA-0020-R For each channel, the output video filter shall be a first order filter. R-DES-RFA-0110-TA The mean O/P of any channel shall not vary by more than than 0.015% [TBC] (equivalent to 0.05K) due to any form of crosstalk. Note: The cross-talk is a contributor of the MWI instrument radiometric accuracy Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0240-TA, and IRS_R-MWI-0290 R-DES-RFA-0126-R For channel MWI-1, heterodyne receiver shall be used. R-DES-RFA-0127-T The IF frequency of the heterodyne receiver for channel MWI-1 shall be 1.375 GHz. [TBC] Note: The supplier can select a fundamental or sub-harmonic mixer for the channel MWI-1 R-DES-RFA-0128-R A RFI coupled output just before the detector shall be included in the MWI-1 receiver. Note: A RFI mitigation processing board will be included in the CDPU R-DES-RFA-0129-TA The power level of the RFI coupled output for the MWI-1 receiver shall be in the range of 30 dBm to -20dBm [TBC] when measuring 335K scene temperature, plus the noise diode temp. (See section 5.5.4 ) R-DES-RFA-0140-R For all heterodyne receivers, an LO power control shall be implemented. R-DES-RFA-0141-TR The LO power shall be controlled by 2 SDBL discrete telecommands. R-DES-RFA-0150-TR Each Back End unit in the RFA shall provide separated power supply lines in order to allow independent switch on/off of each channel. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1550 5.4 RFA RADIOMETRIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS R-RAD-RFA-0220-T The RFA earth scene dynamic range shall be according to the following table. Channel Frequency [GHz] Lower End of Dynamic Range [K] Upper End of Dynamic Range [K] MWI-1 18.7 80 335 MWI-2 23.8 80 335 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 22 di of MWI-3 31.4 80 335 MWI-4 50.3 100 320 MWI-5 52.61 100 320 MWI-6 53.24 100 320 MWI-7 53.75 100 320 MWI-8 89 80 335 MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 80 320 MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 80 320 MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 80 320 MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 80 320 MWI-13 165.5±0.725 80 335 MWI-14 183.31±7.0 80 320 MWI-15 183.31±6.1 80 320 MWI-16 183.31±4.9 80 320 MWI-17 183.31±3.4 80 320 MWI-18 183.31±2.0 80 320 05/09/2014 75 Table 5-4: RFA Earth scene dynamic range requirements. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0220-T RFA dynamic range shall be from cold sky temperature (2.7 K) up to highest scene temperature and highest calibration temperature Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1350-TA R-RAD-RFA-1350-TA Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-RAD-RFA-0230-TA N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 23 di of 05/09/2014 75 The RFA channel noise figure including losses before the receivers shall be according to Table 5-5. Note : This noise figure requirement is one parameter of the instrument Ne T performance Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0230-TA Channel Frequency [GHz] Noise Figure [dB] MWI-1 18.7 3.9 MWI-2 23.8 4.5 MWI-3 31.4 3.2 MWI-4 50.3 4 MWI-5 52.61 4 MWI-6 53.24 4 MWI-7 53.75 4 MWI-8 89 7.3 MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 4.7 MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 4.3 MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 4.3 MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 4.3 MWI-13 165.5±0.725 5.5 MWI-14 183.31±7.0 5.8 MWI-15 183.31±6.1 5.6 MWI-16 183.31±4.9 5.6 MWI-17 183.31±3.4 5.6 MWI-18 183.31±2.0 6.0 Table 5-5: RFA Channel noise figure requirements -9 R-RAD-RFA-0231-TA The short term and mid term gain stability shall be better than 30•10 integration time in the range [1ms...10000 ms] for all channels. [TBC] for an Note : this STGS requirement is one parameter of the instrument NeT performance Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0230-TA R-RAD-RFA-0232-TA Deleted Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-RAD-RFA-0233-TA N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 24 di of 05/09/2014 75 The integration time of each channel shall be higher than: Channel Frequency [GHz] Integration time [ms] MWI-1 18.7 8.4 MWI-2 23.8 8.1 MWI-3 31.4 5.1 MWI-4 50.3 4.1 MWI-5 52.61 4.1 MWI-6 53.24 4.1 MWI-7 53.75 4.1 MWI-8 89 1.8 MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 1.6 MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 1.6 MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 1.6 MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 1.6 MWI-13 165.5±0.725 1.2 MWI-14 183.31±7.0 1.2 MWI-15 183.31±6.1 1.2 MWI-16 183.31±4.9 1.2 MWI-17 183.31±3.4 1.2 MWI-18 183.31±2.0 1.2 Table 5-6: Channels integration time requirements Note: Integration time is the time required for the instrument to conically scan across the Footprint ellipse at 45 rpm Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0090-AR of [AD09] R-RAD-RFA-0250-TAR The output voltage of each channel shall be linear with respect to the input antenna temperature. R-RAD-RFA-0251-TAR The relative discrepancy between the "ideal" response and the actual response must be less than +/-0.05 %, the “ideal” response being defined by the output voltage measured for the cold and the hot calibration temperatures. This specification shall be met over the temperature performance range and during the instrument lifetime. Note: This linearity requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0240-TA, IRS_R-MWI-0270-TA, IRS_R-MWI-0290 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 5.5 RFA GEOMETRIC PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 5.5.1 COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 25 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-GEO-RFA-0320-TA The Beam On-Board Angle (OBA) shall be in the range 44.8° ±1.05° (TBC) for each antenna beam. The OBA is the angle between the direction of the beam electrical boresight and the rotation axis of the MWI instrument. Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0050-TAR of the [AD09] R-GEO-RFA-0321-TA Deleted 5.5.2 POINTING PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS R-POI-RFA-1420-TA RFA absolute pointing accuracy shall be < [TBD] ° (1σ) per axis (along scan and across scan). Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1420-TA R-POI-RFA-0390-TA The pointing knowledge of the RFA electrical boresight with respect to instrument reference frame shall be < [TBD] ° (1σ) per axis (along scan and across scan). Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0390-TA R-POI-RFA-1430 The relative pointing knowledge of any channel electrical boresight with respect to MWI-8 shall be < 0.01° [TBC] per axis. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1430 5.5.3 ANTENNA PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS R-ANT-RFA-0100-TR The insertion loss of the main reflector active face shall be llower than 0.01 dB from 18 to 195 GHz (Corresponding to a Reflectivity of 99.8 %). A pure metallic coating is mandatory on the active face A surface treatment to avoid concentration of the visible and infrared radiation shall be included Note: this requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies, Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0240-TA, IRS_R-MWI-0270-TA, IRS_R-MWI-0290 R-ANT-RFA-0110-T The insertion loss shall be verified on representative samples with measurement accuracy better than ± 0.001 dB Note: this requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies, Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0240-TA, IRS_ R-MWI-0270-TA, IRS_R-MWI-0290 R-ANT-RFA-0410-TA MWI footprint size shall be as follows: • ≤ 50 km for MWI-1 – MWI-2 • ≤ 30 km for MWI-3 – MWI-7 • ≤ 10 km for MWI-8 – MWI-18 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION ≥ 47.0 km for MWI-1 – MWI-2 • ≥ 28.5 km for MWI-3 – MWI-7 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 26 di of 05/09/2014 75 • ≥ 9.5 km for MWI-8 – MWI-18 Note: The orbital parameters of the MetOp satellite shall be taken into account to estimate the Footprint. Footprint size is defined at the highest distance between S/C and ground. Footprint is the arithmetic mean of the two axes of the Footprint Ellipse Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0070-AR of AD09 R-ANT-RFA-0420-T RFA shall have main beam efficiency > 95 % for all channels. Note: Requirement applies to 4π sphere. Derived From R-MWI-0420-T and R-MWI-0240-TA R-ANT-RFA-0421-T RFA shall have wide beam efficiency > 98 % for all channels and for all scene beam positions. Note: Requirement applies to 4π sphere. Derived From R-MWI-0421-T R-ANT-RFA-0422-TA RFA spillover shall be less than: Channel Frequency [GHz] Spillover [%] MWI-1 18.7 2 [TBC] MWI-2 23.8 2 [TBC] MWI-3 31.4 2 [TBC] MWI-4 50.3 0.6 [TBC] MWI-5 52.61 0.6 [TBC] MWI-6 53.24 0.6 [TBC] MWI-7 53.75 0.6 [TBC] MWI-8 89 2 [TBC] MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 1.9 [TBC] MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 1.9 [TBC] MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 1.9 [TBC] MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 1.9 [TBC] MWI-13 165.5±0.725 1.1 [TBC] MWI-14 183.31±7.0 1 [TBC] MWI-15 183.31±6.1 1 [TBC] MWI-16 183.31±4.9 1 [TBC] MWI-17 183.31±3.4 1 [TBC] MWI-18 183.31±2.0 1 [TBC] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 27 di of 05/09/2014 75 Table 5-7: Spillover requirements Note: this spillover requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies, Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0130-AR of AD09 R-ANT-RFA-0423-TA The percentage of energy due to sidelobes shall be less than: Channel MWI-1 MWI-2 MWI-3 MWI-4 MWI-5 MWI-6 MWI-7 MWI-8 MWI-9 MWI-10 MWI-11 MWI-12 MWI-13 MWI-14 MWI-15 MWI-16 MWI-17 MWI-18 Frequency [GHz] 18,7 23,8 31,4 50,3 52,61 53,24 53,75 89 118,7503 ± 118,7503 ± 118,7503 ± 118,7503 ± 165,5 ± 183,31 ± 183,31 ± 183,31 ± 183,31 ± 183,31 ± 3,2 2,1 1,4 1,2 0,725 7,0 6,1 4,9 3,4 2,0 Sidelobes [%] < 3,0 < 3,0 < 3,0 < 3,0 < 3,0 < 3,0 < 3,0 < 2,0 < 2,0 < 2,0 < 2,0 < 2,0 < 1,5 < 1,5 < 1,5 < 1,5 < 1,5 < 1,5 Table 5-8: Energy in the sidelobes requirements Note: this energy in sidelobes requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies. Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0120-AR of [AD09] R-ANT-RFA-0430-T RFA antenna pattern shall be measured down to < -60 dB. Note: Requirement is defined as relative level to the peak of the co polarization antenna pattern. Requirement applies to 4π sphere. Derived From IRS-R-MWI-0430-T R-ANT-RFA-0460-T RFA antenna pattern shall be measured over full 4π sphere. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0460-T R-ANT-RFA-0440-T RFA Wide beam antenna pattern shall be measured at angular resolution of: < 0.05° for channels MWI-1 and MWI-2, Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION < 0.03° for channels MWI-3 – MWI-7, < 0.01° for channels MWI-8 – MWI-18. N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 28 di of 05/09/2014 75 Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0440-T R-ANT-RFA-450-T RFA antenna pattern outside the wide beam shall be characterized and all side lobes greater than -60dB measured at angular resolution of < 0.5°. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0450-T R-ANT-RFA-490-TAR RFA linear polarisation of each channel shall be according to Table 5-9. Note: Polarization vectors (V and H) are defined in Figure 5-2. Table 5-9: RFA channel polarisation Figure 5-2: MWI polarisation Vectors R-ANT-RFA-1500-T Each polarization shall be aligned within +/-0.5° from the plane of incidence. Derived From R-MWI-1500-T Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 29 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-ANT-RFA-0500-TA The cross-polarization shall be lower than: Channel Frequency [GHz] Cross-polarisation [%] MWI-1 18.7 0.5 [TBC] MWI-2 23.8 0.4 [TBC] MWI-3 31.4 0.5 [TBC] MWI-4 50.3 0.4 [TBC] MWI-5 52.61 0.4 [TBC] MWI-6 53.24 0.4 [TBC] MWI-7 53.75 0.4 [TBC] MWI-8 89 0.5 [TBC] MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 0.4 [TBC] MWI-10 118.7503±2.1 0.4 [TBC] MWI-11 118.7503±1.4 0.4 [TBC] MWI-12 118.7503±1.2 0.4 [TBC] MWI-13 165.5±0.725 0.4 [TBC] MWI-14 183.31±7.0 0.4 [TBC] MWI-15 183.31±6.1 0.4 [TBC] MWI-16 183.31±4.9 0.4 [TBC] MWI-17 183.31±3.4 0.4 [TBC] MWI-18 183.31±2.0 0.4 [TBC] Table 5-10: RFA channel cross-polarisation requirement Note: The cross-polarisation requirement is one parameter of the instrument radiometric accuracies. Derived From R- PRF-ANT-0140-AR of [AD09] R-ANT-RFA-0510-T The cross-polarization response of the instrument shall be known to -35 dB. Note: Requirement is relative to the peak of co-polarization antenna pattern. Requirement applies to 4π sphere. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0510-T R-ANT-RFA-0520-T RFA antenna cross polarization shall be measured over full 4π sphere. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0520-TA R-ANT-RFA-1510-T RFA Wide beam cross polarization antenna pattern shall be measured at angular resolution of: < 0.05 ° for channels MWI-1 and MWI-2, < 0.03 ° for channels MWI-3 – MWI-7, Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 30 di of 05/09/2014 75 < 0.01° for channels MWI-8 – MWI-18. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1510-TA R-ANT-RFA-1520-T RFA cross polarization antenna pattern outside the wide beam shall be characterized and all side lobes greater than -60dB measured at angular resolution of < 0.5°. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1520-TA 5.5.4 INTERNAL CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS R-NDC-RFA-0010-R RFA shall include internal calibration sources for channels MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1170-R R-NDC-RFA-0020-R Internal calibration sources shall be noise diodes (ND). Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1180-R R-NDC-RFA-0022-R The excess noise value shall be in the 100 +/- 10 K. R-NDC-RFA-0025-TR It shall be possible to activate / deactivate the noise diodes by means of discrete (on/off) control signals. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1190-TR and IRS_R-MWI-1200-TR R-NDC-RFA-0030-TR It shall be possible to activate the noise diodes at any time, and independently of each other Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1190-TR and IRS_R-MWI-1200-TR R-NDC-RFA-0033-TR The signal from the noise diodes shall be stable within 1 ms after the application of the command 5.6 THERMAL HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS R-THR-RFA-0010-R The Heating orbital average power for the RFA shall be as follows: Location RFA Deck RFA Feed Cluster Operation mode ≤35 W [TBC] ≤10 W [TBC] Survival mode ≤25 W [TBC] ≤15 W [TBC] R-THR-RFA-0015-TR For thermal control, the RFA shall be provided of 10 “Main” + 10 “Redundant” [TBC] heaters lines from the CDPU in normal mode with a maximum delivery power of 10 W [TBC] each. R-THR-RFA-0020-TR For thermal control, the RFA shall be provided of 2 “Main” + 2 “Redundant” [TBC] heaters lines from the S/C in survival mode with a maximum delivery power of 50 W [TBC] including 20% of margin. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 31 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-THR-RFA-1740-TR Thermal control in survival mode shall be performed autonomously by the RFA by means of thermostats. Derived from R-MWI-1740-T R-THR-RFA-0030-TR The following temperatures shall be collected and so the relevant temperature sensors set will be provided according to the block diagram show in Figure 4-2. TS1 Main Reflector TS2 Integrated Receiver SH RX 18.7 GHz H TS3 Integrated Receiver SH RX 18.7 GHz V TS4 Integrated Receiver RX 23.8 GHz H TS5 Integrated Receiver RX 23.8 GHz V TS6 Front End Receiver RX 31.4 GHz H TS7 Front End Receiver RX 31.4 GHz V TS8 Front End Receiver Do Con 50-54 GHz H TS9 Front End Receiver Do Con 50-54 GHz V TS10 Back End BE 50-54 GHz H TS11 Back End BE 50-54 GHz V TS10 Front End Receiver RX 89 GHz H TS11 Front End Receiver RX 89 GHz V TS12 Front End Receiver Do Con 118 GHz TS13 Front End Receiver Do Con 165 GHz TS14 Front End Receiver Do Con 183 GHz TS15 Back End BE 118 GHz TS16 Back End BE 165 GHz TS17 Back End BE 183 GHz Each temperature sensor set will be composed of three sensors for redundancy purposes. R-THR-RFA-0040-TR For thermal control loop of the heaters lines, thermistors shall be provided for each heater line on the rotating part of the MWI containing the RFA. R-THR-RFA-0050-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed outside of the RFA cone. Cone shall provide attachment points and grounding points to the blanket, as needed. R-THR-RFA-0060-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed on the outer side of the roof of the Cone. The roof shall provide attachment points and grounding points to the blanket, as needed. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 32 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-THR-RFA-0070-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed on the inner side of the Cone. The Cone shall provide attachment points and grounding points to the blanket, as needed. Outer layer of this blanket shall be crinkled, to limit specular reflection to <0.2. R-THR-RFA-0080-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed on the inner side of the roof of the Cone. The roof shall provide attachment points and grounding points to the blanket, as needed. Outer layer of this blanket shall be crinkled, to limit specular reflection to <0.2. R-THR-RFA-0090-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed on the back side of the main reflector. The reflector shall provide attachment points and grounding points to the blanket, as needed. Outer layer of this blanket shall be crinkled, to limit specular reflection to <0.2. R-THR-RFA-0100-R The deck shall have emissivity >0.8 [TBC] at both sides. R-THR-RFA-0110-R All units mounted on the deck shall have emissivity >0.8. R-THR-RFA-0120-R An MLI blanket of 12 [TBC] layers shall be installed around the feed horn assembly (enveloping the horns, waveguides, RX and DC units which are not directly mounted on the deck). Outer layer of this blanket shall be crinkled, to limit specular reflection to <0.2. R-THR-RFA-0130-R An aluminium radiator shall be employed, to reject the heat of the feed cluster 2 subassembly. Radiator area shall be 0.16m [TBC] at least. SSM optical coatings shall be applied, in agreement with prime. R-THR-RFA-0140-R The MLI blanket of 12 layers, shall grant at least the following thermal decoupling: GLMLI <= 0.0470 GRMLI <= 0.0203 Where the two values represent the equivalent thermal conductance (conductive and radiative) of the blanket between its two faces (1 and 2), according to the formula: Q12 = A * (GLMLI * (T1-T2) + s * GRMLI * (T1^4 – T2^4)), With Ti = temperature of the MLI inner and outer layer, A = total blanket area, and s = Stefan-Boltzmann constant R-THR-RFA-0150-R MLI blankets shall be grounded. R-THR-RFA-0160-R MLI blankets shall have adequate venting provisions. 5.7 TELEMETRY REQUIREMENTS R-TTLM-RFA-0010-TR [TBD] temperatures measured on RFA items shall be provided to be included in the MWI science telemetry. R-TTLM-RFA-0020-TR The main characteristics of these temperature telemetries shall be: Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION Type MWI Equipment No. of lines / N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 33 di of 05/09/2014 75 Telemetry RFA Temperature telemetry: 2 wires per thermistor wires Sensor type YSI 44907 / 44908 (10KOhm at 20°C) or Betatherm G15K4D489 (15 KOhm at 20°C) Type of Connector [TBD] R-TTLM-RFA-0030-TR Temperatures accuracy of the thermistors shall be better than ±1°C [TBC] in the range [60°C, +80°C]. R-TTLM-RFA-0040-TR Six temperature sensors (3 main + 3 redundant) direct lines shall be provided by the RFA for survival temperature monitoring. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 34 di of 05/09/2014 75 6. RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS R-REL-RFA-0540-ARI RFA equipment shall have failure rates batter than: HORN+OMT MWI-1-2: RX Channel MWI-1 (H/V): RX Channel MWI-2 (H+V): 12 fit 550 fit each 200 fit each HORN+OMT MWI-3: RX Channel MWI-3 (H+V): 12 fit 200 fit each HORN+OMT MWI-4-7: DoCon + LO MWI-4-7: BE MWI-4-7 (H+V): 12 fit 270 fit 280 fit each channel HORN+OMT MWI-8: RX Channel MWI-8 (H+V): 12 fit 200 fit each HORN MWI-9-12: DoCon + LO MWI-4-7: BE MWI-9-12 + MWI 13 (V): 7 fit 270 fit 280 fit each channel HORN MWI-13: DoCon + LO MWI-13: 7 fit 270 fit HORN MWI-14-18: DoCon + LO MWI-14-18: BE MWI-14-18 (V): 7 fit 270 fit 280 fit each channel Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0540-ARI Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 35 di of 05/09/2014 75 7. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS R-OPR-RFA-0030-TR RFA receivers shall provide measurement video signals continuously over each full orbit. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-0030-TR R-OPR-RFA-1770-T In Operational mode, RFA is rotated continuously. All the receivers’ channels are active. R-OPR-RFA-1771-T RFA shall have the capability to be operated with one or several channels being switched OFF. Nominal performances of the remaining active channels shall not be degraded. R-OPR-RFA-1772-T In pointing mode, RFA is stopped in a fixed position. All the channels receivers are ON. The RFA shall be able to operate in pointing mode for at least 30 minutes R-OPR-RFA-1773-T 7.1 In survival mode, RFA is stopped in a fixed position. All the channels receivers are OFF. A passive thermal control is performed. LIFETIME TBW Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 36 di of 05/09/2014 75 8. INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS 8.1 MECHANICAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS The following picture shows the MWI mechanical architecture overview: Figure 8-1: MWI mechanical architecture overview It must be pointed out that this specification is at RF Assembly level. Further derivation of requirements at equipment level shall be performed by RFA responsible. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 37 di of 05/09/2014 75 At this stage, GDIR structural requirements are considered applicable at RFA level because of high stiffness of the LLD. 8.1.1 REFERENCE FRAMES NAR-IFC-RFA-0010 Deleted NAR-IFC-RFA-0020 Deleted NAR-IFC-RFA-0030 The RFA local reference frame RFA shall be orthogonal, right-handed and defined as per [AD21]: The origin ORFA of the RFA corresponds with the intersection between the instrument rotation axis and the interface plane with the scan mechanism. The direction and the orientation of the ZRFA axis of the RFA are coincident with the direction and the orientation of the ZINSTR axis from the rotating part interface plane to the main reflector. The X RFA axis of RFA is parallel to the rotating part interface plane, oriented toward the focus of the main reflector. Due to clamping system release after launch, the ORFA vertical coordinate is different in launch and flight configuration writ instrument reference frame. ORFA coordinates in mm are (0.,0.,270.) in nominal launch configuration (i.e. the antenna focus is aligned with the – XINSTR axis and the RFA is clamped on the LLD) in the INSTR reference frame 8.1.2 RFA DIMENSIONS AND MASS R-IFC-RFA-0040-RI The maximum volume envelope of the RFA is a cylinder with 1400 mm diameter and 1562.5 mm height. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1580-RI R-IFC-RFA-0050-TA The maximum mass of the RFA shall be < 95 kg [TBC], including harness, thermal and mechanical hardware and excluding balancing countermasses. The above mentioned value shall include margins on units. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1630-T R-IFC-RFA-0135-R The balancing countermasses shall be lower than 7.2 kg [TBC]. Derived From IRS_R-MWI-1630-T 8.1.3 RFA DYNAMIC RANGE R-IFC-RFA-0060-A The maximum moment of inertia of the RFA around the instrument rotation axis shall be < 2 21 [TBC] kg x m . Including also the contributions of all rotating harness, the balancing countermasses, the rotating part of the SCM and the LLD, the CDPU and the FEE. 8.2 INTERFACES DEFINITION 8.2.1 GENERAL INTERFACES Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-IFC-RFA-0070-R N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 38 di of 05/09/2014 75 The following figure define the interfaces of the RFA with the others parts of the MWI instrument: RFA SCM RFA CDPU RFA FEE RFA LLD RFA Handling GSE Figure 8-2: RFA interfaces (in launch and operational configuration) R-IFC-RFA-0072-R For alignment purposes, a reflecting mirror cube shall be placed on top of the roof, in correspondence of the instrument rotation axis. The alignment of this reference cube wrt to the RFA reference frame shall be better than [TBD]. R-IFC-RFA-0074-R The RFA shall be provided with provisions to accommodate balancing countermasses. These provisions shall be accessible from the external after RFA integration. 8.2.2 RFA INTERFACE WITH SCM R-IFC-CA-0080-R The RFA is permanently connected to the Scan Mechanism rotating part. R-IFC-CA-0090-R The mechanical interface with the SCM shall be as follows: Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION Parameters N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 39 di of 05/09/2014 75 Sr. No. 1 Details No. of fixings 2 Surface finish 12 threaded holes M6x1x1.5D equidistant on a diameter 320 mm with a hole at 0° wrt the XRFA axis. Screw insertion direction is coincident with +ZRFA orientation. 1.6 microns [TBC] 3 Accuracy of holes location 0.1 mm [TBC] 4 Interface plane flatness 0.1/100 [TBC] 5 0.05 mm [TBC] 6 Co planarity of Interface plane wrt to XRFA-YRFA plane No. of reference dowel pins (*) 7 Dowel pins position tolerance 8 Dowel pins perpendicularity to I/F Plane 2 dowel pins ISO 2338 diameter 6m6 mm and diameter 5m6 mm symmetrically located on a diameter 320 mm; height of both pins: 8 mm; diameter 6 mm pin located at 15° wrt the X RFA axis. 0.03 [TBC] 0.03 [TBC] (*) Reference dowel pins are needed for accurate location of RFA wrt SCM. Table 8-1: Interface with SCM 8.2.3 RFA INTERFACE WITH CPDU AND FEE R-IFC-RFA-0100-R The CDPU and FEE are located in the lower part of the RFA deck. R-IFC-RFA-0110-R The CDPU and FEE are permanently connected to the RFA deck. R-IFC-RFA-0115-R The CDPU and FEE reference positions on the RFA deck shall be optimized in accordance with the static and dynamic unbalancing requirements R-IFC-RFA-0170-TAR and R-IFCRFA-0175-TAR in order to minimize the amount of balancing coubntermasses. R-IFC-RFA-0120-R The CDPU and FEE volumes are: CDPU: o o o o FEE: o o o Width: 255 mm [TBC] Depth: 240 mm [TBC] Height: 155 mm [TBC] These figures include the RFI processor module – this can be a separate unit (TBC) Width: 210 mm [TBC] Depth: 250 mm [TBC] Height: 140 mm [TBC] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-IFC-RFA-0130-R Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 40 di of 05/09/2014 75 CDPU: 8.2 kg max [TBC] including 20% of margin - This figure includes the RFI processor module – this can be a separate unit (TBC) FEE: 7.2 kg max [TBC] including 20% of margin The masses of the rotating parts of the LLD and the SCM are: 8.2.4 MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 The CDPU and FEE masses are: R-IFC-RFA-0132-R N° Doc: Doc N°: LLD: 0.65 kg max [TBC] for each LLD including 20% of margin SCM: 23.0 kg max [TBC] including 20% of margin RFA INTERFACE WITH LLD AND SCM PRELOADING GSE R-IFC-RFA-0135-R The RFA shall interface with LLD and the SCM preloading GSE in three areas which are equispaced over a 1250 mm interaxis in accordance with Figure 8-3: Figure 8-3: Locations of interfaces with LLD and SCM preloading GSE R-IFC-RFA-0140-R Sr. No. 1 2 The mechanical interface with LLD and the SCM preloading GSE shall be a channel type fitting defines as follows (see Figure 8-4): Parameters No. and type of fittings Fittings material and surface treatment Details 3 Ti6Al4V grade 5 [TBC] Surface treatment: [TBD] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fittings location LLD fitting height from RFA lower deck plane SCM preloading GSE fitting height from RFA upper deck plane Parallelism with SCM interface plane Flatness accuracy between all LLD and RFA lower deck plane Local flatness accuracy at each LLD and SCM preloading GSE interface plane LLD interface plate thickness LLD interface plate area N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 41 di of 05/09/2014 75 See Figure 8-4 [TBC] -140 mm [TBC] ± [TBD] mm 0 mm [TBC] ± [TBD] mm 0.1 mm [TBC] 0.1 mm [TBC] 0.05 mm [TBC] [TBD] ± [TBD] mm 60 mm [TBC] x 100 mm [TBC] Table 8-2: Description of LLD and SCM preloading GSE interfaces with RFA Figure 8-4: Mechanical interface with LLD and SCM preloading GSE R-IFC-RFA-0145-TAR The additional preload sizing parameters for the interfaces with LLD and SCM preloading GSE shall be: Limit vertical tension force to be applied during SCM preload: 15000 N [TBC] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 8.2.5 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 42 di of 05/09/2014 75 Limit lateral force to be applied during preload: 1000 N [TBC] Capability to withstand non-simultaneous release of LLDs (only one LLD engaged) RFA INTERFACE WITH OFFLOADING AND HOISTING GSE R-IFC-RFA-0150-R The RFA shall interface with the offloading and the hoisting GSE in three areas which are located over a 1250 mm interaxis in accordance with Figure 8-5: Figure 8-5: Locations of interfaces with offloading and hoisting GSE R-IFC-RFA-0155-R Sr. No. The mechanical interface with offloading and hoisting GSE shall be a channel type fittings defines as follows: Parameters 1 2 No. and type of fixings Fittings material and surface treatment 3 4 5 6 Fittings location Fitting height from RFA lower deck plane Parallelism with SCM interface plane Flatness accuracy between all offloading and hoisting GSE interfaces and RFA lower deck plane Flatness accuracy between each offloading 7 Details 3 Ti6Al4V grade 5 [TBC] Surface treatment: [TBD] See Figure 8-5 [TBC] 0 mm [TBC] ± [TBD] mm 0.1 mm [TBC] 0.1 mm [TBC] 0.05 mm [TBC] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 8 9 and hoisting GSE interfaces and RFA lower deck plane Offloading and hoisting GSE interface plate thickness Offloading and hoisting GSE interface plate area N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 43 di of 05/09/2014 75 [TBD] mm ± [TBD] mm [TBD] mm x [TBD] mm Table 8-3: Description of offloading and hoisting GSE interfaces with RFA R-IFC-RFA-0160-AR The Sizing parameters for the interfaces with offloading and hoisting devices shall be: Mass to be considered for hoisting is 250 kg [TBC] Load factors to be considered for hoisting shall be: Handling & hoisting Horizontal / In plane [g] Vertical [g] Simultaneously acting loads 0.2 -1.3/+0.5 Table 8-4: Load factors for hoisting 8.2.6 BALANCING R-IFC-RFA-0165-TAR In the RFA reference coordinate system, the ZRFA coordinate of the CoG of the RFA shall be 220 mm including also the contributions of all rotating harness, the balancing countermasses, the rotating part of the SCM and the LLD, the CDPU and the FEE. R-IFC-RFA-0170-TAR The maximum static unbalance of the RFA around the instrument rotation axis shall be 0.07 kgm including also the contributions of all rotating harness, the balancing countermasses, the rotating part of the SCM and the LLD, the CDPU and the FEE. R-IFC-RFA-0175-TAR The maximum dynamic unbalance of the RFA around the instrument rotation axis shall be 0.02 kgm2 including also the contributions of all rotating harness, the balancing countermasses, the rotating part of the SCM and the LLD, the CDPU and the FEE. 8.2.7 RFA FIELD OF VIEW R-IFC-RFA-0176-R The earth acquisition field of view geometry shall be in accordance with Figure 8-6 and Table 8-5. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 44 di of 05/09/2014 75 [TBD] Figure 8-6: Earth acquisition field of view Table 8-5: Earth acquisition field of view [TBC] R-IFC-RFA-0177-R The cold calibration field of view geometry shall be in accordance with Figure 8-7 and Table 8-6. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 45 di of 05/09/2014 75 Figure 8-7: Cold calibration field of view Table 8-6: Cold calibration field of view [TBC] R-IFC-RFA-0178-R The hot calibration field of view geometry shall be in accordance with Figure 8-8: Hot calibration field of view and Table 8-7 Figure 8-8: Hot calibration field of view Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 46 di of 05/09/2014 75 Table 8-7: Hot calibration field of view [TBC] 8.2.8 RFA INTERFACE WITH THE CALIBRATION ASSEMBLY R-IFC-RFA-0180-R The RFA shall host within its internal cavity the Calibration Assembly (CA) made of the Cold sky reflector, the On Board Calibration Target (OBCT) and their mechanical support. Other requirements [TBD]. 8.3 THERMAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS The thermal design is based on a passive thermal control for all reflectors and structural elements and an active thermal control for the feed-cluster and front-ends assembly and for electronics units. The thermal design uses, as far as possible, passive elements (MLI, SSM, Insulations washers, painting,…) supplemented when necessary by active elements (Heaters, thermistors,…). In operational modes the instrument thermal fluctuations are naturally reduced by the spin of the instrument. The thermal design concept is show in the picture below: Figure 8-9: MWI Thermal design concept with platform shadowing R-IFC-RFA-1020-A Thermal interface model (preferably, a thermal detailed model) shall be generated for integration into system model. Detail level shall be agreed with prime. No more than 5000 nodes [TBC], no less than 1000 nodes [TBC] are required. (Note: number of nodes may be exceeded, provided that the radiative nodes (i.e. nodes present in the GMM) are kept under a reasonable limit. R-IFC-RFA-1030-A Thermal interface/detailed model shall be generated for integration into system model. Detail level shall be agreed with prime. The delivered thermal model shall have a sufficient Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 47 di of 05/09/2014 75 detail level to allow to verify at system level all the temperature requirements listed applicable to the units contained in the assembly. 8.3.1 TEMPERATURE DEFINITION AND DISSIPATION R-IFC-RFA-1000-R Temperatures definition: R-IFC-RFA-1005-R Storage temperatures shall be -50°C / +70°C [TBC] Acceptance temperature shall be defined as Design temperature ± 5°C [TBC] Qualification temperature shall be defined as Design temperature ± 10°C [TBC] Units Qualification temperatures shall be according the following table: Item Qualification OP range Qualification NOP range OP temperature variation over one orbit OP temperature variation over lifetime Specific thermal requirements Main reflector Cold Calibration reflector Feed Cluster RF equipment RX DD, DoCon, BE -110°C/+80°C N.A. -120°C/+120°C N.A. < 65°C N.A. < 80°C N.A. -40°C/+60°C +5°C/+55°C -70°C/+70°C -50°C/+70°C < 5°C < 10°C FEE and CPDU Structural items ICU and SCE N.A. -60°C/+65°C N.A. -65°C/+85°C N.A. N.A. Temperature variation over one rotation (~2s) < 0,003°C/s for 89 GHz to 183 GHz channels < 0,006°C/s for 18 GHz to 54 GHz channels Not part of RFA N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Not part of RFA Not part of RFA Table 8-8: Qualification temperatures R-IFC-RFA-1010-A 8.3.2 The RFA power consumption shall be less than 45 W EOL [TBC] including 20% of margin. RECEIVERS AND FEED CLUSTER R-IFC-RFA-0185-R The receivers and feed cluster shall be installed on a self-standing mechanical structure. R-IFC-RFA-0190-R The receivers and feed cluster shall be thermally insulated from the deck, by means of low conductance feet. Interface conductivity shall be lower than 0.25W/K [TBC] overall. R-IFC-RFA-0200-R The receivers and feed cluster shall be thermally insulated from the MWI instrument, by means of MLI blankets. MLI performance shall be better than [TBD]. Only exposed parts shall be the isolative mounting feet, the feed horns, and the Feed Cluster radiator. R-IFC-RFA-1040-TR The MLI blanket receiver and feed cluster shall grant at least the following thermal decoupling: GLMLI <= 0.0470 GRMLI <= 0.0203 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 48 di of 05/09/2014 75 Where the two values represent the equivalent thermal conductance (conductive and radiative) of the blanket between its two faces (1 and 2), according to the formula: Q12 = A * (GLMLI * (T1-T2) + s * GRMLI * (T1^4 – T2^4)), With Ti = temperature of the MLI inner and outer layer, A = total blanket area, and s = Stefan-Boltzmann constant R-IFC-RFA-0210-A Operational conductive sink temperature at deck interface shall be 20±20°C [TBC]; non operational shall be 10 ± 50°C [TBC]. R-IFC-RFA-0220-A Radiation sink temperature for MLI external faces shall be [TBD]. Each side shall have its proper interface temperature. R-IFC-RFA-0230-A The receivers and feed cluster shall not exchange (through mounting feet and MLI) no more than 4W [TBC] with the rest of the MWI instrument. R-IFC-RFA-0240-R Thermal management of the RFA shall be performed autonomously, through an appropriate thermal design which shall consider the radiator as the ultimate heat sink. R-IFC-RFA-0250-R Thermo-optical finishes of the radiator shall be agreed with system architect. SSM coating is the baseline [TBC]. R-IFC-RFA-0260-R The environmental conditions of the radiator shall be defined in all the sizing cases, operational modes, and both at orbital frequency (low frequency) and at rotation frequency (high frequency). R-IFC-RFA-0270-A Deleted R-IFC-RFA-1050-TR The receiver and feed cluster shall be covered with embossed MLI (12 layers), crinkled outer skin. Thermal characteristics of the external layer thermal coating shall be: = 0.71 = 0.4 / 0.52 (BOL/EOL) Secularity: <0.2 Internal layer shall be aluminized. R-IFC-RFA-0280-R 8.3.3 Operational Heaters shall be installed to provide necessary thermal stability and achievement of temperature limits. Appropriate control logic shall be implemented. REFLECTOR THERMAL INTERFACES R-IFC-RFA-0290-R Reflector thermal control shall be passive (no heaters). R-IFC-RFA-0300-R Reflector shall be thermally isolated at back side with MLI blankets. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 49 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-IFC-RFA-0310-AR Main Reflector antenna shall be conductively isolated from their mechanical support structures, with a total conductance lower than 0.01 W/K [TBC]. R-IFC-RFA-0320-R Optical properties of reflector side shall be selected to avoid overheating of the antennas. An emissivity/absorptivity ratio higher than 0.85 is required. R-IFC-RFA-0330-TR Optical properties values (absorptivity, emissivity and reflectivity) shall be measured and stored. R-IFC-RFA-0340-R Thermal relevant properties (materials, shapes) shall be provided to the prime, sufficient to build a representative thermal model (in alternative: a thermal model shall be delivered, whose dimensions shall be agreed with prime). 8.3.4 DECK THERMAL INTERFACES R-IFC-RFA-1060-R Deck thermal interfaces with non-RFA equipment are: Conductive o SCAN mechanism o FEE o CDPU Radiative o Lower enclosure (lower side) o Upper Single layer insulation/Racetrack [TBC] o Calibration Assembly support structure o Thermal skirt R-IFC-RFA-1070-R Deck shall be thermally coupled to FEE and CDPU; a flat mounting interface shall be provided to these units. R-IFC-RFA-1080-R Deck shall provide a heat sink to the FEE and CDPU, assuming a heat rejection up to 35W and 41W respectively. R-IFC-RFA-1090-R A thermal filler [TBD] shall be put at the interface between FEE/CDPU and deck. R-IFC-RFA-1100-R A thermal conductance better than 1.0W/K [TBC] shall be ensured at the interface between the deck and the SCAN mechanism. R-IFC-RFA-1110-R Deck radiative interfaces are [TBD]. It is assumed that the deck shall reject the heat load of the units mounted on it mainly through radiation towards its radiative sinks. 8.4 ELECTRICAL INTERFACES REQUIREMENTS 8.4.1 GENERAL R-IFC-RFA-0350-R The RFA shall be electrically interfaced with the following equipment and transmission media: Front End Electronics (FEE) Control Data Processing Unit (CDPU) Free space “Reflector Antenna interface” Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 8.4.2 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 50 di of 05/09/2014 75 FEE INTERFACES The RFA electrical interface toward the FFE shall be composed of the following type of signals: R-IFC-RFA-0360-R Power Supply rails, Direct telecommand for RF channels gain and offset level setting, Direct telecommand for noise diode switch on/off command. Direct telecommand for LO power level setting Direct telecommand links are based on Standard Balanced Digital Link, SBDL (see ECSSE-ST-50-14C § 8.8.2). The power supply interface shall be composed of four set power supply rails with output power distribution and delivered power [TBC] as show in Table 8-9: R-IFC-RFA-0370-R Power output SET#1 Power supply rails +8.8V +2.5V +5.5V - X X FEE modules Power outputs assignment FEE Power [mW] ±8V #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 X MWI-1 Hor (HD RX) MWI-1 Vert (HD RX) MWI-2 Hor (DD RX) MWI-2 Vert (DD RX) MWI-13 Vert (BE) +2.5V unloaded MWI-8 Hor (DD RX) 2500 2500 1420 1420 750 1495 MWI-4 -5 -6 -7 Vert (DoCon) +/-8V unloaded MWI-4 -5 -6 -7 Vert (BE) (note1) MWI-1 Hor (NOISE DIODE) MWI-4 -5 -6 -7 Hor (DoCon) +/-8V unloaded MWI-4 -5 -6 -7 Hor (BE) (note1) MWI-1 Ver (NOISE DIODE) MWI-9 -10 -11 -12 Vert (DoCon) +/-8V unloaded MWI-9 -10 -11 -12 Vert (BE) (note1) MWI-2 Hor (NOISE DIODE) MWI-14 -15 -16 -17 -18 Vert (DoCon) +/-8V unloaded MWI-14 -15 -16 -17 -18 Vert (BE) (note1) MWI-2 Vert (NOISE DIODE) MWI-13 Vert (DoCon) +/-8V unloaded MWI-8 Vert (DD RX) 1490 1490 1180 1780 1780 1495 MWI-3 Hor (DD RX) MWI-3 Vert (DD RX) 3000 3000 3000 3750 1630 1630 MWI-3 Hor (NOISE DIODE) MWI-3 Vert (NOISE DIODE) 150 150 150 150 150 150 7140 7140 5750 7100 4310 4770 SET#2 - X X X SET#3 - - X X SET#4 X - - - Notes: (1) Back End units shall provide separated power supply lines (up to 5) in order to allow independent switch on/off of the MWI channels (2) It shall be not possible to lose more than one channels among MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3 (related equipment are indicated in golden-brown background) or more than one channels among MWI-8 and MWI-14 (related equipment are indicated in blue background) otherwise the instrument is considered failed. For this reason a single FEE module (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6) cannot deliver power to more than one channel of the same “group” (MWI-1, MWI-2 and MWI-3 or MWI-8 and MWI-14). Table 8-9: FEE Power supply rail characteristics R-IFC-RFA-0380-R The maximum current consumption in any environmental and operative mode for each line of the power supply rail shall be as follows: Power Output Power supply +8.8 VDC +2.5 VDC +5.5 VDC +8VDC -8VDC Set [mA] [mA] [mA] [mA] [mA] #1 - [TBD] [TBD] [TBD] [TBD] #2 - [TBD] [TBD] [TBD] [TBD] #3 - - [TBD] [TBD] [TBD] #4 100 max - - - - [TBC] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 51 di of 05/09/2014 75 Table 8-10: Max current consumption of the power supply rails Each gain/offset setting data link shall be composed of 4 lines as follows (this interface is R-IFC-RFA-0400-R TBC): CLOCK TM/TC FPGA DATA LATCH LOAD Offset/ bit 3 Offset / bit 2 Offset / bit 1 Offset / bit 0 Gain / bit 3 Gain / bit 2 Gain / bit 1 Gain / bit 0 MASTER RESET FEE RF receiver Figure 8-10: Command data link interface diagram Electrical interface shall be compliant with Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. section 8.8 (RS-422) R-IFC-RFA-0500-TR The timing shall be compliant to [TBD]. R-IFC-RFA-0510-TR The command data update rate is below 0.6 Hz [TBC]. R-IFC-RFA-0410-TR The RFA shall provide a direct command data link for each noise diode of channels 1-2-3 in order to allow the FEE to switch them on/off. R-IFC-RFA-0412-TR The RFA shall provide two telecommand links to set the LO power level of each Down Converter. It shall be compliant to the scheme shown in the following figure: LO Power command #1 TM/TC FPGA LO Power command #2 FEE RF receiver Figure 8-11: RFA LO power command data link scheme Electrical interface shall be compliant with Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. section 8.8 (RS-422) R-IFC-RFA-0414-TR The LO power discrete telecommands update rate is below 0.6 Hz [TBC]. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 8.4.3 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 52 di of 05/09/2014 75 CDPU INTERFACE R-IFC-RFA-0420-R The RFA electrical interface toward the CDPU shall be composed of the following type of signals: R-IFC-RFA-0430-R Analogue Baseband Video signals, RF_IF 1.375 GHz. Interface signals toward the CDPU shall be according to the following table: Interface type Description Analogue Video Earth and calibration data Nom Red 26 26 Comment 26 channels (see Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Polarisation MWI-1 18.7 200 H&V MWI-2 23.8 400 H&V MWI-3 31.4 200 H&V MWI-4 50.3 400 H&V MWI-5 52.61 400 H&V MWI-6 53.24 400 H&V MWI-7 53.75 400 H&V MWI-8 89 4000 H&V MWI-9 118.7503±3.2 2x 500 V MWI10 118.7503±2.1 2x 400 V MWI11 118.7503±1.4 2x 400 V MWI12 118.7503±1.2 2x 400 V MWI13 165.5±0.725 2x 1350 V MWI14 183.31±7.0 2x 2000 V MWI15 183.31±6.1 2x 1500 V MWI16 183.31±4.9 2x 1500 V MWI17 183.31±3.4 2x 1500 V Channel name Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION MWI18 183.31±2.0 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 53 di of 2x 1500 05/09/2014 75 V Table 5-1) IF signal (1.375 GHz, [TBC]) MWI-1 H and V channels for removing interference @ 18.7 GHz 2 RFI mitigation module is not redundant Table 8-11: RFA-CDPU electrical interfaces 8.5 EMC REQUIREMENTS R-IFE-RFA-1035-T The requirements listed in [AD014] are applicable to the RFA. R-IFE-RFA-1040-T The RFA shall be compatible with, and immune to interferences caused by the following Transmitters / Emitters emitting in the following frequency bands: Ka band (platform SMD): 25.5 to 27 GHz X band (platform HR-DDB): 7.750 to 7.900 GHz L band (platform LR-DDB): 1698.75 to 1709.25 MHz S band (platform TTC): 2.200 to 2.290 GHz Derived from R-IFE-1040 R-IFE-RFA-1044 The main characteristics of the Transmitters specified in R-IFE-RFA-1042 are given in the following tables: Table 8-12: MetOp-SG on board transmitters RF emission characteristics Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 54 di of 05/09/2014 75 Table 8-13: Characteristics of TT&C, ARGOS-DCS and SCA on board transmitters Derived from R-IFE-1044 R-IFE-RFA-1046-T The RFA equipment shall be compatible with the active RF signals received on-board of MetOp-SG Satellites by the following Receivers: L band (platform AOCS and RO GNSS Receivers): o GPS : 1.57542 ( GPS L1 ) and 1.17645 ( GPS L5 ) GHz o GALILEO : 1.17645 ( GAL E5a ) and 1.57542 ( GAL E1-B/C ) GHz S band (platform TC Rx): 2.0534 GHz Derived from R-IFE-1046 8.5.1 BONDING AND GROUNDING R-IFE-RFA-1100-R The RFA shall adopt a single point grounding concept. Typically the bond methods can be classified in two main typologies: direct (metal‐to‐metal) and indirect. Direct bonding is the preferred one, being the junctions permanently fixed together without needing additional joints. Derived from R-IFE-1100 R-IFE-RFA-1102-R In order to satisfy the electrical conductivity requirements it is sometimes necessary to bond together dissimilar metals. In order to avoid galvanic corrosion processes, the metals selection guidelines are contained in [ECSS-Q-70-71A: Data for selection of Space Materials and Processes; (sect. 5.2.14)]. The galvanic corrosion effects should be carefully considered also in presence of direct bonding between metals and conductive/partially conductive fiber‐reinforced materials (e.g. carbon fiber composites). Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 55 di of 05/09/2014 75 Derived from R-IFE-1102 R-IFE-RFA-1104-T The bond itself shall have an adequate cross section to carry fault currents of 1.5 times the unit/circuit protection device rating for an in-definite time. Derived from R-IFE-1104 R-IFE-RFA-1106-T The DC resistance between two mating metallic structure parts shall be 2.5 mΩ, measured using the 4-wire method, 1 ADC, both directions of polarity. Derived from R-IFE-1106 R-IFE-RFA-1108-I Bond straps shall be designed so that their length-to-width ratio shall not exceed 5:1. Bonding straps shall preferably be made of silver plated copper braid. Derived from R-IFE-1108 R-IFE-RFA-1110-I Thermal blankets shall be grounded, in line with R-IFE-RFA-1100-R. Each blanket shall be provided with one bonding point to ground for each 0.4 m2 of exposed surface, minimum two bonding points for each blanket Derived from R-IFE-1110 8.5.2 CABLE AND HARNESS REQUIREMENTS R-IFE-RFA-1200-RI All connectors shall be EMC tight (e.g. by RF tight back-shells) such that the connector including cabling is completely shielded as soon as the connector is mated with the box mounted part. Derived from R-IFE-1200 R-IFE-RFA-1202-T The DC resistance between the connector receptacle (unit case mounted connector part) and the unit case shall not exceed 5 mΩ measured with the 4 wire method, 1 ADC, both directions of polarity. Derived from R-IFE-1202 R-IFE-RFA-1204-I All cable bundles shall be routed as close as possible to the structure, ground plane and ground rail respectively, in order to reduce the common mode noise. Derived from R-IFE-1204 R-IFE-RFA-1206-R Physical separation along common runs of EMC classes listed below (Table 8-14) shall be retained up to and inclusive of the module interface connectors. When this is not feasible, exceptions shall approved by the customer. As a minimum, power, signals, and telemetry shall be separated in a connector by a set of unused pins, in order to avoid failure propagation. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION EMC Class Interface Type N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 56 di of 05/09/2014 75 Cable Type Primary Power Lines 1 Secondary Power Lines Twisted pair Motor Supply Lines 2 Command/Control Lines Twisted pair 3 Analogue Command/Sensor Lines Screened Twisted pair 4 Mechanisms/Pyros Screened Twisted pair Digital Data/Bus Low Voltage Differential Signals Screened Twisted pair (Z0 according to signal type) RF Signals Coaxial 5 6 Table 8-14: Cables EMC classification Derived from R-IFE-1206 8.5.3 CIRCUITS REQUIREMENTS R-IFE-RFA-1300-R EMI filters shall be used in equipment to reduce conducted emissions and susceptibility. Derived from R-IFE-1300 R-IFE-RFA-1302-T Electromagnetic interference safety margins are mandatory and shall be determined for critical signals. A minimum acceptable safety margin is to be achieved and shall be: 6 dB for power and signal circuits. Derived from R-IFE-1302 R-IFE-RFA-1304-R In cases where the required minimum systems margins are not met between emissions and susceptibility for either power or signal circuits threshold shall be determined on system, equipment, or component level. This data shall be submitted in support of any RFW/NCR application. Derived from R-IFE-1304 8.5.4 STATIC CHARGING R-IFE-RFA-1400-T The DC resistance of all metallic parts to RFA structure shall be in all cases lower than 100 kΩ to prevent static charging. Derived from R-IFE-1400 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-IFE-RFA-1402-T N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 57 di of 05/09/2014 75 Any space exposed surface or surface coating of the RFA, shall be conductive and grounded to satellite structure. Derived from R-IFE-1402 R-IFE-RFA-1404-T All space exposed surfaces (Coatings; Finishes; Foils; External layers of thermal blankets) shall be conductive and shall be provided of straps to be grounded to satellite structure. Derived from R-IFE-1404 R-IFE-RFA-1406-I Any cable of the RFA electrically exposed outside the main spacecraft body shall be protected/filtered to prevent damage to the related electronic equipment. Derived from R-IFE-1406 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 58 di of 05/09/2014 75 9. GENERAL DESIGN AND INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS 9.1 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS This section contains requirements relating to: Venting Parts, material and process Engineering standards Handling, packing and transportation Reliability, availability, maintainability, safety Identification and marking Workmanship Note: Product Assurance (PA) requirements specified in [AD14] are applicable. However, descriptive PA issues may be found within this document. 9.1.1 LIFETIME R-DES-RFA-0010 The requirements of [AD13b] §3.1.1 apply; see also next requirements. R-DES-RFA-0020-RT Witness samples shall be provided for all the process/hardware used on the RFA that can be sensitive to long storage (i.e.: structural bonding, adhesives, coatings, surface treatments, etc.) in order to be stored with the instrument in the same condition. A periodic testing/inspection of these samples shall be defined and agreed with the customer in order to confirm that no degradation in the process/hardware storage sensitive items occurred. R-DES-RFA-0030-R Life limited items shall be avoided as far as R-DES-RFA-0035-RAT Mechanical and electrical/electronic design choices shall be compatible with the long term storage requirement 9.1.2 DESIGN SAFETY R-DES-RFA-0040-R The RFA shall be designed and fabricated with compatible materials in such a manner that all hazards associated with the RFA are eliminated, minimised and controlled. R-DES-RFA-0050 The requirements of [AD13b] §3.1.2 apply in addition to above requirements 9.1.3 DEPENDABILITY AND SAFETY R-DES-RFA-0055 9.1.4 VENTING R-DES-RFA-0060 9.1.5 The requirements of [AD13b] § 3.1.3 apply The requirements of [AD13b] § 3.1.3 apply IDENTIFICATION & MARKING Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 59 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-DES-RFA-0110-I The RFA shall be identified with a nameplate in order to achieve configuration traceability. The identification shall contain the following information: • Name Of Manufacturer • Project Name • Part Number • Serial Number • Date Of Manufacture Each Individual unit shall be marked with a serial number. For standard parts and where the physical size of an item precludes identification of the hardware itself, a 'bag and label’ technique shall be used (up to final integration). R-DES-RFA-0120-I The unit identification nameplate shall be mounted on the connector face, visible when installed on the unit. Its location shall be noted on the ICD. The identification shall be legible with unaided eye from 0.5m distance. The identification label shall meet all the requirements relevant to the unit. R-DES-RFA-0130 The requirements of [AD13b] § 3.1.6 apply in addition to the above requirements 9.1.6 ACCESSIBILITY/MAINTAINABILITY R-DES-RFA-0140 The requirements of [AD13b] § 3.1.6 apply; see also next requirements R-DES-RFA-0150-R In case specific operation (de-storage procedure) has to be carried out after long term storage, these shall be agreed with the customer and notify it into the User’s Manual. R-DES-RFA-0151-R In case periodic maintenance operations (mechanical/electrical relying/functional) are needed during long term storage, these shall be agreed with the customer and notify it into the User’s Manual R-DES-RFA-0152-R For periodic testing and de-storage activities need for CA the instrument accessibility both hardware accessibility and EGSE ports connection shall be agreed with the customer and identified in the User’s Manual. R-DES-RFA-0160-R No field maintenance, servicing or adjustment shall be required within six months from launch (launch window shifts included). 9.1.7 TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING AND STORAGE TRANSPORT R-DES-RFA-0170 The requirements of [AD13b] § apply; see also next requirements R-DES-RFA-0190-RI During long term storage the RFA shall be stored under the following conditions: • Pressure: 250 mbar to 1050 mbar • Temperature:20°C ± 10°C • Humidity: 45% ± 15% or dry GN2 atmosphere • Cleanliness: Class 100,000 or better UNIT PACKING Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 60 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-DES-RFA-0200-I Where applicable blanking caps shall be fitted to any ports. Blanking caps shall be labelled and instructions included in the Handling and Transportation Procedures, to 'Remove Before Flight or Test' as applicable. R-DES-RFA-0210 The requirements of [AD13b] § apply in addition to the above requirement CONTAINER IDENTIFICATION R-DES-RFA-0220 R-DES-RFA-0240 The requirements of [AD13b] § apply HANDLING The requirements of [AD13b] § apply SEALS R-DES-RFA-0250-R Any seals used shall comply with all the applicable requirements of this specification, particularly regarding propellant and simulant compatibility and out-gassing. R-DES-RFA-0260 The requirements of [AD13b] § apply in addition to the above requirement LUBRICANTS AND SEALANTS R-DES-RFA-0270 SCREW LOCKING R-DES-RFA-0280 R-DES-RFA-0290-R The requirements of [AD13b] § apply The requirements of [AD13b] § apply; see also next requirements All screw type hardware used on the unit shall be locked by adequate measures GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT R-DES-RFA-0291 The requirements of [AD13b] §3.1.10 apply; see also next requirements R-DES-RFA-0292 The requirements of [AD13b] § apply to EGSE interfaces to Flight H/W 9.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 9.2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENT R-DES-RFA-0300-R All drawings, specifications and engineering data shall only use the International System of Units (SI units), with the exception of accelerations which may be expressed in terms of multiples of g (gravity); temperatures which may be expressed in degrees Celsius; accelerations which may be expressed in degrees. R-DES-RFA-0310-R Units shall be compliant with ECSS-E-ST-03A (Testing), and shall be compatible with mechanical testing. R-DES-RFA-0320-I Following testing the unit shall be inspected to confirm the absence of physical damage. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 9.2.2 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 61 di of 05/09/2014 75 YELD AND ULTIMATE LOADS R-DES-RFA-0330-A The RFA structure shall be able to withstand the yield levels (limit load multiplied by the yield safety factor) without showing elastic or plastic deformation that will adversely affect the RFA performance. [Source: MOS.SP.ASF.SYS.00816 Iss.1 Rev.1 (INS-GDIR), requirement GDIR_R-STR0030] R-DES-RFA-0340-A The RFA structure shall be able to withstand the ultimate load levels (limit load multiplied by the ultimate safety factor) without rupture, collapse or permanent deformations that impact the integrity of other parts or the system performance. [Source: MOS.SP.ASF.SYS.00816 Iss.1 Rev.1 (INS-GDIR), requirement GDIR_R-STR0040] 9.2.3 MARGINS OF SAFETY R-DES-RFA-0350-A The RFA structure safety margins will be as per [AD13b]. Positive margins shall be demonstrated by strength analysis after application of the relevant safety factors (yield and ultimate) for all worst-case loads. [Source: MOS.SP.ASF.SYS.00816 Iss.1 Rev.1 (INS-GDIR), requirement GDIR_R-STR0040] R-DES-RFA-0360-A The derivation of Design Limit Load starting from Qualification loads shall consider the factors and the relationships that are shown in [AD13b]. [Source: MOS-RS-ESA-SYS-0433 (MOS GDIR), requirement R-STR-0080] 9.2.4 QUASI-STATIC DESIGN LOAD R-DES-RFA-0370-R The quasi-static acceleration that shall be considered in the design is 15 g. The quasi-static loads shall be applied at the centre of mass of the RFA, acting along the worst spatial direction with respect to the resulting reactions and with the loads in the different axes not acting simultaneously. [Source: MOS.SP.ASD.SATB.0580 Iss.1 Rev.5draft (MWI_TRS), requirement TRS_R-MWI-1231-RT] 9.3 ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Electro Magnetic Compatibility requirements contained in [AD20] are applicable 9.3.1 CONNECTORS GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS HARNESS R-DES-RFA-0380-IR Cables falling into different EMC classifications shall be assembled to different (separate) cable bundles and connectors. If this is not feasible and wires of different classifications use the same connector, the separation shall be implemented by a row of grounded pins in between. R-DES-RFA-0390-IR All cable bundles shall be routed as close as possible to the structure ground plane/ground rail respectively, in order to reduce the common mode noise. R-DES-RFA-0400-IR In wiring through connectors all leads shall be kept as close as possible to their return (i.e. twisted wires shall be routed on adjacent pins), to obtain good self cancellation and to minimize the wire loop. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 62 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-DES-RFA-0410-T The DC resistance between the single cable shield and the shield ground point (at the connector, unit case, PCB or intermediate points) shall be ≤ 10 mΩ. R-DES-RFA-0420-IR The structure termination of shields shall be made via connector housing. When multiple shielding is used, each shield shall be grounded separately. CONNECTOR TYPES R-DES-RFA-0430-R All connectors mounted on the CA shall be D*MA** connectors. R-DES-RFA-0440-RI All flight connectors shall be designed to withstand without damage at least 55 mate / demate cycles. R-DES-RFA-0450-R Individual mate/demate shall be recorded in a mate/demote log. R-DES-RFA-0460-R The number of times flight connectors are mated / demated before delivery shall not exceed 5, except by prior agreement with S/C Prime. R-DES-RFA-0470-RI If by prior agreement with S/C Prime the number of mate / demate is to exceed 5, then visual inspection of the connectors and connector contacts shall be performed after every 5 mate / demate and the results of the inspection shall be recorded in the mate / demate log. 9.3.2 BONDING R-DES-RFA-0480-R Bonding is the method by which adjacent conductive elements are electrically connected in order to minimise any potential differences and flow of electrical currents. In order to avoid galvanic corrosion processes, the metals selection guidelines are contained in [ECSS-Q70-71A: Data for selection of Space Materials and Processes; (sect. 5.2.14)]. The galvanic corrosion effects should be carefully considered also in presence of direct bonding between metals and conductive/partially conductive fibre‐reinforced materials (e.g. carbon fibre composites). Derived from R-IFE-1102 R-DES-RFA-0490-R The bond shall be resistant against corrosion and shall have an adequate cross section to carry fault currents of 1.5 times the unit/circuit protection device for an indefinite time. Derived from R-IFE-1104 R-DES-RFA-0500-T Metallic parts of each electrical equipment chassis (case) shall be mutually bonded together by direct metal contact (preferred method) or bonding strap. Bonding interfaces shall be designed to achieve a contact resistance of 2.5 mΩ or less per bonding junction (including strap, if used). R-DES-RFA-0510-RI Joint faces shall be flat and clean before assembly; the only permitted surface finishes for joint faces are (preference order): • alodine 1200 for aluminium alloys, • clean metal except for Aluminium alloys. R-DES-RFA-0520-T All non-electrical equipment shall be bonded to the structure by direct metallic contact with less than 1kΩ. R-DES-RFA-0530-T Metallic receptacles of connectors shall be electrically bonded to the equipment case with a DC resistance of 2.5mΩ or less. The DC resistance between a connector backshell and the connector body shall be 2.5mΩ or less. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 9.4 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 63 di of 05/09/2014 75 THERMAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS R-DES-RFA-0540-A The RFA thermal design shall comply with the requirements of [AD22]. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION 10. ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS 10.1 GENERAL R-AIV-CA-0005-R AD26. 10.2 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 64 di of 05/09/2014 75 The CA shall be integrated, verified, characterized in agreement with AD23, AD24, AD25, GROUND ENVIRONMENT R-ENV-RFA-0010-R The RFA shall be able to withstand, without degradation of performance and reliability, all environments – as specified in [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0020 – during assembly, ground testing and calibration, storage and transportation. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_GDIR_R-ENV-0010 R-ENV-RFA-0015-R RFA Supplier shall provide: An RFA Cleanliness and Contamination Control Plan, defining the measures and methods used at Instrument level to prevent contamination, An RFA level Contamination Budget, quantifying the Instrument contamination levels resulting from the MAIV operations at RFA level, before delivery to the Satellite Prime Supplier. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0022 R-ENV-RFA-0020-R Assembly, ground testing and calibration, transportation and storage environmental conditions shall be as specified in Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., ECSS-Q-20-07A, PSS-01-202 issue 1. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0030 R-ENV-RFA-0022-R The RFA shall withstand the on-ground operations environment specified in Table 10-1. Table 10-1: On Ground Operations Environment Derived From [AD13a] GDIR_R-IFM-1105 R-ENV-RFA-0024-R The RFA shall withstand the on-ground operations and handling loads specified in Table 10-2. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 65 di of 05/09/2014 75 Table 10-2: On Ground Operations and Handling Loads Derived From [AD13a] GDIR_R-IFM-1110 R-ENV-RFA-0026-A The first eigen-frequency of the RFA shall be higher than 60 Hz. Derived From R-IFM-1130 R-ENV-RFA-0028-A The analytically predicted first eigen-frequency of the Instruments shall be at least 15% higher than the minimum specified requirement (See R-ENV-RFA-0026) before any modal survey / coupled loads analysis results are available. Derived From R-IFM-1140 10.2.1 GROUND HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE R-ENV-RFA-0040-R During long-term storage, the RFA shall be kept in an environmentally controlled and monitored container with dry GN2. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0045 R-ENV-RFA-0050-R The storage and de-storage needs of the RFA (both at assembly level and at instrument level) and associated requirements shall be established by the entity responsible for maintaining the integrity of the performances and reliability. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0050 R-ENV-RFA-0060-R For long term storage of RFA, the Instrument Supplier shall define and specify: Storage conditions ( Container ; Cleanliness ; Purging ; … ), Regular maintenance and verification activities ( typically once a year ), Accessibility requirements and constraints. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-1010 10.2.2 VERIFICATION AND TESTING Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-ENV-RFA-0070-R N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 66 di of 05/09/2014 75 The ground tests, their definition, the applicable environmental levels, as well as the underlying rationale shall be derived from the predicted conditions during launch and inorbit suitably factored for qualification and acceptance. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0080 R-ENV-RFA-0080-R The RFA and its associated Ground Support Equipment (GSE) shall be designed to withstand without any performance and reliability degradation the tests to be performed on ground. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0090 10.3 LAUNCH ENVIRONMENT R-ENV-RFA-0090-TA The RFA shall be able to withstand, without degradation of performance and reliability, all environments during pre-launch activities, launch and ascent. 10.4 SPACE ENVIRONMENT 10.4.1 VACUUM R-ENV-RFA-0100-A The RFA shall be designed with sufficient venting holes and area to withstand the depressurisation profile during the launch ascent phases. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0110 R-ENV-RFA-0110-A The RFA shall be manufactured according to the following pressure requirements: Inside transportation containers and inside integration- and launch site preparation facilities: ambient + 1 mbar During storage: ambient During launch: pressure transition from 105 Pa to 1 Pa within 80 sec during ascent In orbit: vacuum of 10-7 Pa over its lifetime R-ENV-RFA-0120-T The operating temperature shall be in the range: - [TBD] °C to + [TBD] °C. R-ENV-RFA-0130-T °C. The non-operating temperature range shall be comprised between - [TBD] °C to + [TBD] 10.4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TEST R-ENV-RFA-0150-T The RFA shall be tested in sinusoidal, random, acoustic and shock environments. For what concerns the random tests for the RFA, the acoustic loads are expected to be the dimensioning loads, due to the type of structure; therefore the baseline includes acoustic tests, which are expected to envelope random vibrations. Nevertheless, actual random loads shall be verified by analysis and the worst case between acoustic and random vibration loads shall be verified by test. For what concerns the shock test for the RFA, this kind of test shall be performed only at instrument level. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 67 di of 05/09/2014 75 R-ENV-RFA-0160-TA The RFA shall be designed to withstand the sine vibration loads given in the following tableErrore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.. The given sine loads are: qqualification level, to be applied by single axis, to all axis. Table 10-3: Sine Vibration Qualification Spectrum applicable to RFA [Source: MOS.SP.ASD.SATB.0580 Iss.1 Rev.5draft (MWI_TRS), requirement TRS_RMWI-1232-TA] R-ENV-RFA-0170-TA The RFA shall be designed to withstand the random vibration loads given in in the following tableErrore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.. The given random loads are 2 defined as Power Spectral Density (PSD, in g /Hz): qualification level, to be applied by single axis and to all axis for duration of 120 s per axis. For applicability at the interface of the RFA and to account for the transfer function, the levels presented in the following table shall be increased by a factor of 1.5 as the value to be applied for RFA qualification. Overall: 4.94 gRMS Table 10-4: Random Vibration Qualification Spectrum applicable to RFA [Source: MOS.SP.ASF.SYS.00816 Iss.1 Rev.1 (INS_GDIR), requirement GDIR_R-IFM1170] R-ENV-RFA-0180-TA The RFA shall be designed to withstand the shock loads given in the following table: Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 68 di of 05/09/2014 75 CA Qualification Shock Loads Spectrum Loads [g] 1000 QUALIFICATION SHOCK LEVELS 100 Hz – 20 g 270 Hz – 100 g 2000 Hz – 500 g 10000 Hz – 400 g 100 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency [Hz] Table 10-5: Shock qualification loads [Source: MOS.SP.ASD.SATB.0580 Iss.1 Rev.5draft (TRS), requirement TRS_R-MWI1233] R-ENV-RFA-0190-TA The RFA shall be designed to withstand the acoustic loads given in the following figure (qualification levels). CA Qualification Acoustic Vibration Spectrum 145 140 Acoustic loads [dB] 31.25 62.5 125 250 ACOUSTIC FIELD [dB] 131 136 139 141 FREQ [Hz] 135 130 125 120 115 10 100 1000 10000 Frequency [Hz] 500 137 1000 129 2000 124 4000 122 Figure 10-1: Acoustic Vibrations Qualification Spectrum [Source: MOS.SP.ASF.SYS.00816 Iss.1 Rev.1 (INS-GDIR), requirement GDIR_R-IFM1180] Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 69 di of 05/09/2014 75 10.4.3 NATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION AND INDICES R-ENV-RFA-0210-R The natural electromagnetic radiation environment specified in Section 6.2.1 of [RD08] shall be used. Where estimated solar and geomagnetic indices are used the reference values specified in Section 6.2.2, tailored according to Section 6.2.3 of [RD08], shall be applicable. Note: The Supplier should pay attention to the Note attached to 6.2.3 d, since the new Solar Cycle 24 appears to be starting slowly. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0150 10.4.4 NEUTRAL ATMOSPHERE R-ENV-RFA-0220-R The atmospheric density models specified in Section 7.2.1 of [RD08] shall be used, following the guidelines given therein for model selection. Note: Alternative models of the neutral atmosphere may be used if justified by the Contractor and agreed by the Customer. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0160 10.4.5 PLASMA R-ENV-RFA-0230-R The ionosphere plasma environment specified in Section 8.2.2 of [RD08] shall be applicable to the RFA design. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0170 R-ENV-RFA-0240-R The aurora charging environment specified in Section 8.2.3 of [RD08] shall be applicable to the RFA design. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0180 10.4.6 ENERGETIC PARTICLE RADIATION R-ENV-RFA-0250-R The trapped energetic particle radiation, solar particles and galactic cosmic rays specified in Section 9.2 of [RD08] shall be applicable to the RFA design. An initial assessment of the radiation environment at the reference orbit can be found in [AD20] Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0190 10.4.7 SPACE DEBRIS AND METEOROIDS R-ENV-RFA-0260-R The external surfaces of the RFA shall be specified taking the flux of space debris and micrometeoroids defined by the models specified in Section 10.2 of [SDS04] into account Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0200 10.4.8 ATOMIC OXYGEN R-ENV-RFA-0270-R The atomic oxygen environment specified in of [SDS04] shall be used. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 70 di of 05/09/2014 75 Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0210 R-ENV-RFA-0280-R The external surfaces of the RFA shall be specified taking the flux of atomic oxygen defined by the models specified in Appendix G of [SDS04] into account. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-ENV-0220 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 71 di of 11. ASSEMBLY, INTEGRATION AND VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 11.1 GENERAL 05/09/2014 75 AIV is defined as all the processes in the life cycle of equipment leading from assembly of components to the verification of equipment performance at P/L level. 11.2 ASSEMBLY AND INTEGRATION R-AIV-RFA-0010-R Assembly and integration shall be planned to ensure accomplishment of the schedule and efficient use of resources along the development. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0010 R-AIV-RFA-0020-R The RFA shall be assembled and integrated in agreement with AD12 R-AIV-RFA-0030-R The integration flow shall minimise the number of models and test drivers compatible with the overall development plan. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0030 R-AIV-RFA-0040-R The design shall allow for easy access to equipment during AIV. Skin test connectors and test points shall be provided. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0040 R-AIV-RFA-0045-R AIT activities shall monitor, control and minimize equipment contamination. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0045 R-AIV-RFA-0050-T The integrity of all interfaces, which are mated/de-mated during AIV for integration or replacement of units or for tests, shall be verified by test. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0050 11.3 VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS R-AIV-RFA-0060-R Prior to integration to P/L, the RFA equipment shall be verified and operationally validated. A verification control document shall provide evidence of the verification results and fulfilment of the pass criteria. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0060 R-AIV-RFA-0070-R The overall test and verification programme shall be endorsed by the Customer. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0070 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-AIV-RFA-0075-R N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 72 di of 05/09/2014 75 The RFA shall be verified and tested in agreement with AD25 and AD26 R-AIV-RFA-0080-R The AIV programme shall be compliant with Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.SDS02] and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.SDS03]. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0080 R-AIV-RFA-0090-R All RFA functions shall be verified by review-of-design, similarity, analysis, simulation, test or combinations thereof. The methods are listed by increasing order of priority. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0090 R-AIV-RFA-0100-R The end-to-end verification of the RFA shall preferably be done by test and by operating the elements in a configuration fully representative for the intended functions. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0100 R-AIV-RFA-0110-A Verification methods based on simulations rather than testing may be applied only when significant cost savings can be demonstrated, or ground tests are assessed as unfeasible, and shall be accepted by the Customer. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0110 R-AIV-RFA-0120-R The equipment simulators shall provide high fidelity functions to allow the verification of any Equipment functions in a realistic environment. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0120 R-AIV-RFA-0130-R The verification program shall cover all performance of equipment and its interface (mass, dimensions, etc.) parameters. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0130 R-AIV-RFA-0140-R All prime and redundant functions of the RFA shall be verified independently. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0140 R-AIV-RFA-0150-T Operational interfaces shall be verified by test. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0150 R-AIV-RFA-0170-R The RFA design shall provide for in-orbit verification and calibration. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0170 R-AIV-RFA-0200-R The verification programme shall demonstrate that the equipment meets the performance requirements under the specified environments. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0200 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-AIV-RFA-0210-R N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 73 di of 05/09/2014 75 The verification programme shall cover all performance parameters in a hierarchical structure such that all the mission objectives, broken-down to lower levels, can be fully traced. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0210 R-AIV-RFA-0220-R Verification shall be performed hierarchically and exhaustively at each level of specification, without omissions, and therefore without assuming that the next upper level of verification can properly address not verified lower level requirements. Note: This will improve early detection and correction of non conformance, avoiding impacts to the programme at later stage when resolving the problem will be more complex and costly. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0220 R-AIV-RFA-0240-R Standard verification procedures and configurations shall be used at all levels of integration to ensure repeatability and reproducibility. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-AIV-0240 11.4 CALIBRATION R-AIV-RFA-0320-R The performances of the RFA shall be fully characterized. R-AIV-RFA-0325-R The RFA shall characterized and calibrated in agreement with AD23 and AD26 R-AIV-RFA-0330-R The RFA shall be calibrated and the measurements shall be traceable. R-AIV-RFA-0340-R The characterisation, calibration records and information shall be stored. R-AIV-RFA-0360-R Calibrated and commissioned reference validated tools and systems shall be used for the verification of the performances of the RFA. R-AIV-RFA-0370-R Reference validated tools shall be used for the investigation of anomalies and verifications of fixes. 11.5 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT R-GSE-RFA-0010-R The GSE shall be designed and manufactured to support the MWI programme throughout its lifetime including the in-flight operations. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0010 R-GSE-RFA-0020-R The GSE shall include all hardware and software necessary to support the AIV activities. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0020 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION R-GSE-RFA-0030-R N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 74 di of 05/09/2014 75 The GSE shall permit functional testing to demonstrate flight readiness of the integrated equipment. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0030 R-GSE-RFA-0050-R The GSE shall be compatible with the ground facilities as required, including compliance to all applicable safety regulations. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0050 R-GSE-RFA-0060-R The GSE design shall take into account the requirements of the AIV facilities as appropriate. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0060 11.5.1 EGSE R-GSE-RFA-0070-R The Electrical GSE (EGSE) shall support the integration and testing of the RFA. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0070 R-GSE-RFA-0130-R The EGSE shall support end-to-end equipment tests, listen in and instrument data recording. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0130 R-GSE-RFA-0160-R The EGSE shall provide the stimuli to Support AIV Verify the functionality and performance of RFA Calibrate and characterise the RFA Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0160 11.5.2 MGSE R-GSE-RFA-0190-I The MGSE shall include the equipment needed for transport, handling and storage of the RFA. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0190 11.5.3 FACILITIES R-GSE-RFA-0210-R Equipment end-to-end verification during payload thermal vacuum testing shall be performed to the extent feasible within the given constraints of European Test Facilities. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0210 R-GSE-RFA-0220-R Special facilities, if needed shall be early identified. Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0220 R-GSE-RFA-0230 The use of a particular facility shall in no way result in unacceptable degradation of the test-article or invalidation of the verification results. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI RADIO FREQUENCY ASSEMBLY (RFA) SPECIFICATION N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0006 Ediz.: Issue: 04 Data: Date: Pagina Page 75 di of 05/09/2014 75 Derived from [AD13a] GDIR_R-GSE-0230 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved