MetOp-SG MWI Tipo Doc.: Doc.Type: REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION N° Doc.: Doc. N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Titolo : Title : INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE Nome & Funzione Name & Function Preparato da: Prepared by: N° DRD: DRD N°: Ediz.: Issue: 02 Firma Signature Data: Date: Data Date 05/09/2014 LISTA DI DISTRIBUZIONE DISTRIBUTION LIST MWI Team Di Of 19 N A 1 X I 2014.09.05 11:08:18 +02'00' L. Cremonesi (CGS-PA) 05/09/2014 X C. Cinquepalmi (CGS- 05/09/2014 CC) Applicazione autorizzata da: Application authorized by: 1 05/09/2014 T. Lupi (CGS-SE) C. Bredin (ADSF-SE) Pagina Page Interna / Internal MWI Team Approvato da: Approved by: MWI-SS-33 A. Sacchetti (CGS-PM) 05/09/2014 Esterna / External ESA 1 X Customer / Higher Level Contractor Accettato da: Accepted by: Approvato da: Approved by: N=Numero di copie A=Applicazione I=Informazione N=Number of copy A=Application I=Information Gestione documenti: Data Management: 2014.09.05 15:51:51 +02'00' Firma / Signature Data / Date File: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003_Issue02 (Ins Design Consider and Req for Long Term St) Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 2 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 REGISTRAZIONE DELLE MODIFICHE / CHANGE RECORD EDIZIONE ISSUE DATA DATE AUTORIZZAZIONE CHANGE AUTHORITY OGGETTO DELLA MODIFICA E SEZIONI AFFETTE REASON FOR CHANGE AND AFFECTED SECTIONS 01 16/10/2012 First Issue 02 05/09/2014 Second Issue: Updated document logo and intellectual rights note Updated Applicable document list General updating to Chapter 4 – 5 Added Chapter 7 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 3 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 LISTA DELLE PAGINE VALIDE / LIST OF VALID PAGES PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE 1 - 19 02 PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE PAGINA PAGE EDIZIONE ISSUE Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 4 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 MWI PROGRAMME PLANNING ........................................................................................................ 5 2. APPLICABILITY ........................................................................................................................................ 6 3. DOCUMENT ORGANISATION.................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 RELEVANT DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... 7 3.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 8 3.3 ACRONYMS........................................................................................................................................ 8 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 5. SPECIFIC LIFETIME REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO FLIGHT INSTRUMENT/EQUIPMENTS ... 13 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM THE MWI TRS [AD09] ............................................. 13 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM INSTRUMENT GDIR [AD13A] ................................ 13 REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM PA REQUIREMENT FOR SUPPLIER [AD14B] ..................... 17 REQUIREMENTS COMING FROM ECSS-E-ST-33-01C ................................................................ 17 GSE SPECIFIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 18 6.1 7. CONSIDERATIONS ON INSTRUMENT STORAGE ........................................................................ 10 MWI STORAGE CONTAINER SPECIFIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 18 INSTRUMENT LONG STORAGE CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................ 19 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1: Applicable Documents ...................................................................................................................... 7 Table 3-2: Reference Documents...................................................................................................................... 8 Table 4-1 – General Guidelines for long term storage .................................................................................... 10 Table 4-1 – Instrument storage consideration ................................................................................................. 12 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 5 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE This document presents the design requirements and constraints that shall be applied from the very beginning of the instrument design at all levels of the instrument development to ensure compatibility with the long term storage requirements applicable to the MetOp-SG MWI Instrument. The purpose of this document is to provide requirements in order to minimize the need for satellite and/or instrument intervention and revalidation during and after the storage period by design and ensure all features necessary to support the storage/destorage activities are designed in from the start of the programme. The Storage Plan document, addressing the necessary actions to be undertaken in preparation of storage, during the storage period and the frequency of the operations will be provided in the Instrument Long Term Storage Plan in accordance to DRD MWI-SS-32. The present document as well as the Storage Plan will be provided at the MWI instrument reviews as well as at the satellite CDR in order to confirm the feasibility of the satellite storage plan and associated design requirements, constraints and provisions necessary to support long term storage and destorage activities. This document also address the specific requirements to be applied to the MWI Instruments should the Agency /Prime opts for a stand alone storage. 1.1 MWI PROGRAMME PLANNING ESA and EUMETSAT are currently working on securing the development of the MetOp Second Generation system. Such MetOp-SG system will provide continuity and enhancement of meteorological observation from polar orbit in the time frame 2020 to 2040. The Metop-SG consists of two series of satellites, designated as “Satellite A” and “Satellite B”. The Microwave Imager (MWI) will be part of the complement for “Satellite B” as shown in the next table: Payload name SCAtterometer MicroWave Instrument Radio Occultation sounder Ice Cloud Imager Argos-4 data collection system Satellite B SCA MWI RO ICI Argos-4 The target operational system foresees 21 years of operations for both series of satellites. The nominal planning foresees the recurrent satellites being launched at interval of 7 years for each Satellite A and B, which implies three units in each series (so-called “3+3” configuration). However, the final configuration in terms of number of recurrent satellites will be decided by EUMETSAT during the approval of its EPS-SG Programme. Therefore, the baseline until the end of Phase B2 will consist of two flight models of each satellite (including associated instruments), with an option for a third recurrent unit. These options will be exercised (or not) prior to starting Phase C/D. At the date of this issue three solutions are envisaged for the storage of the MWI instrument: Instrument integrated on the satellite (baseline) Instrument stored at CGS premises before integration onto satellite (SOW option 3) Instrument stored in its own container and associated GSE at the Instrument Supplier premises and requiring a recalibration process before integration on the satellite (SOW option 4) Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 6 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 2. APPLICABILITY This specification is intended to provide the requirements to be applied at: MWI Instrument, subsystems, equipments, spares level the relevant deliverable GSE the SDVE (SW Development and Validation Environment ) and SVF (SW Validation Facility) the non deliverable GSE, if they are necessary in case of MWI Instrument unit maintenance. In such case the maintenance in operational conditions shall be kept up to the SIOVR (Satellite In Orbit Validation Review) of the last MetOp-SG Satellite B on which the unit is embarked. In case the instrument is stored in its own container at the Instrument Supplier (option 3 and 4), dedicated requirements are applicable to the container and to the storage area. 3. DOCUMENT ORGANISATION This document is structured in the following way: Chapter 3 gives the list of applicable and reference documents as well as the acronyms; Chapter 4 identifies the high level long term storage principles; Chapter 5 consolidates the specific requirements imposed by the MWI Instrument to the S/C; Chapter 6 lists the long term storage requirements applicable to the MWI Instruments. In particular consolidates the requirements coming from the MWI IRS, GDIR and ECSS Standards; Chapter 7 provides the specific requirements applicable to the MWI GSE, including the requirements for the storage/transportation containers. This document is derived from GDIR R-ENV-1010. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE 3.1 RELEVANT DOCUMENTS 3.1.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AD Issue/ Rev. Doc. No. Reserved AD02 Reserved AD03 Reserved MOS-SOW-ADS-SATB-0579 1.1 Reserved AD06 Reserved AD07 Reserved AD08 Reserved MOS-SP-ADS-SATB-0580 1.4 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 7 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 Statement Of Work for the MicroWave Imager [SOW-MWI] AD05 AD09 MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Title AD01 AD04 N° Doc: Doc N°: Technical Requirements Specification for the MicroWave Imager Instrument [TRS-MWI] AD10 Reserved AD11 Reserved AD12 Reserved AD13a MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00816 1.1 MetOp-SG Instrument General Design and Interface Requirements [INS-GDIR] AD13b MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00349 2.2 MetOp-SG Units General Design and Interface Requirements [Units GDIR] AD13c ENS-06-00123-ASTR 8.0 General Design and Interfaces Requirements [Generic GDIR] AD14 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0434 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Product Assurance and Safety Requirements [PARD] AD14b MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00401 1.0 MetOp-SG Product Assurance Requirements for Suppliers AD14c MOS-SP-ASF-SYS-00402 1.0 MetOp-SG Software Product Assurance Requirements for Suppliers AD15 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0435 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Project Management Requirements [MARD] AD16 MOS-LI-ESA-SYS-0067 1.1 MetOp-SG Deliverable Items and Services List [DISL] AD17 MOS-LI-ESA-INS-0436 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Document Requirements List [DRL] AD18 MOS-LI-ESA-INS-0437 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Document Requirements Definition [DRD] AD19 MOS-RS-ESA-INS-0438 1.0 MetOp-SG Instruments Tailoring Of ECSS-E Standards Table 3-1: Applicable Documents Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE 3.2 RD N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 8 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Doc. No. Issue/ Title Rev. [RD01] MOS-LI-CGS-MWI-0001 01 List of acronyms and abbreviations [RD02] MOS-DD-CGS-MWI-0001 02 Instrument Design and Technical Description [RD03] MOS-PL-CGS-MWI-0006 02 Instrument Design, Development and Verification Plan [RD04] MOS-PL-CGS-MWI-0015 01 Instrument AIT plan Table 3-2: Reference Documents 3.3 ACRONYMS Definitions and acronyms used in the present document are compliant with the ones given in [RD01]. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Pagina Page 9 Data: Date: di of 05/09/2014 19 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES Instrument, equipments and GSE designs shall be such that: a cost effective storage can be guaranteed; the human intervention is minimized. Material, EEE, process and storage containers selection shall be as far as possible consistent with the long term storage, in particular the PA shall control and assure that in the design solutions, process selection and definition (defined in the DDVP), the storage time is considered and when a not qualified solution is the only available, the storage time shall be evaluated in terms of risk identifying all the risk mitigation actions. The following general guidelines are applicable for long term storage fulfilment: ID Guideline descrtiption The materials shall have high properties stability vs time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Impact @ Equipment/Instrument/Satellit e levels Equipment/Instrument levels The creep in preloaded structural parts shall be considered in the design The joints shall be designed to avoid preload relaxation (bolted junction used for connecting materials not creep sensitive, low CTE differences, the junction number shall be minimized); The maintenance shall be minimized The instrument shall be stored in Nitrogen to minimize aging effect on coatings and lubricant property change, then the Nitrogen storage shall minimize the galvanic action and the also cleanliness shall be guaranteed Periodic check of cleanliness witness sample shall be performed if needed Tests activities shall be performed during and at the end of the long term storage to assure that no degradation occurred to process and hardware both on instrument and on representative samples (adhesive, creep of flexible preloaded parts, coatings, etc.) EEE components (active or passive) aging effect shall be considered in the procurement specification, board design, manufacturing process (conformal coating) and in the storage condition definition (the ageing mechanisms are ruled by temperature, voltage and humidity .for the largest part of the components, while other predictable aging effects are the variation in the magnetic permittivity for ceramic capacitor and the quartz resonance frequency variations). EEE passive components that are affected by failure due to long term storage shall be avoided (i.e.: tantalum capacitor). If it is not possible to replace these tantalum capacitors, they shall be activated each 2 years by protecting them from in-rush current failure to avoid the internal oxide layer deterioration. Life limited items shall be avoided as far as possible Equipment/Instrument levels The capability to check or refresh the EEPROM memory and to upload software correction shall be guaranteed after de-storage Periodic functional test on mechanism shall be performed in case of usage of lubricated bearings Equipment/Instrument/Satellite levels Equipment/Instrument/Satellite levels Equipment/Instrument levels Instrument/Satellite levels Instrument/Satellite levels Instrument/Satellite levels Equipment level Equipment/Instrument/Satellite levels Equipment level Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE ID 12 13 14 15 16 Guideline descrtiption N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 10 di of 05/09/2014 19 Impact @ Equipment/Instrument/Satellit e levels Equipment/Instrument/Satellite levels Electrical / functional tests and relifing activities shall be performed during and at the end of the long term storage to assure that no degradation occurred to process and hardware on instrument and on representative samples Obsolescence of parts shall be considered in the procurement in the Equipment level spare philosophy (for the GSE as well) GSE periodic check shall be performed during storage Equipment/Instrument/Satellite level Containers shall be designed to fulfil the long term storage Instrument level requirements Before launch, a de-storage procedure shall be applied to verify the Instrument/Satellite level instrument performances and calibration and then to put the instrument in flight configuration Table 4-1 – General Guidelines for long term storage 4.1 CONSIDERATIONS ON INSTRUMENT STORAGE The following table reports a critical discussion on the instrument needs during storage ID 1 2 Title Discussion Remarks At present there are no special needs for cleanliness Impacts @ identified for the MWI instrument. The same means for Instrument/Satellite levels contamination minimization and monitoring as used for the satellite should be applicable (GDIR_R-ENV-0045) Points 4 – 5 of Table 4-1 Anyway particular attention shall be dedicated to avoid lubricant degradation as well as to guarantee a Cleanliness, controlled environment (humidity and temperature) for purging port, the RF components (non-hermetically sealed Millimeter cleanliness wave components) during all life phases including test samples storage, test, launch, transportations. This will require housing the MWI instrument in GN2 ambient, or storage of the whole satellite in inert gas atmosphere with controlled temperature. In addition to periodically control the contamination of the instrument it will be required to store with the instrument cleanliness witness samples. Witness Witness samples have to be stored the same samples environmental condition of MWI (the same container where MWI is stored) for: Structural bonding Adhesives Thermo-optical and optical properties Lubricants On-board calibration target absorber Reflectors coating Impacts @ Equipment/Instrument/Satellite levels Point 6 of Table 4-1 These witness samples shall be inspected / tested before the MWI periodic test in order to confirm that no degradation in the process/hardware storage sensitive items occurred. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE ID 3 MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 11 di of 05/09/2014 19 Title Discussion Remarks Specific The instrument shall be stored with the gravity vector Instrument/Satellite levels Orientation aligned to the rotation axis in order to spread loads and storage (gravity) on all rolling elements. configuration For what concerns the storage configuration, at this project stage, it is foreseen to store the MWI both at payload and at S/C levels by clamping the rotating deck by using the locking mechanism applying a reduced preload needed only to: 4 N° Doc: Doc N°: Allow the MWI to be kept in nearly any tilt angle when clamped; Avoid stress and possible deformation of the Scan Mechanism (creep). In order to keep the payload in this intermediate preload configuration the hold device could use additional “remove before flight” item (ground locking device), avoiding additional complexity on the flight hardware. Dedicated provisions shall be included in the MWI instrument design to allow for the installation/removal of these items. Removal/Installation of the locking device will require the use of LLD loading/offloading device. As minimum a rotation of the SCM is needed every year Impacts @ Periodic Test in order to re-generate the oil film, minimizing the Equipment/Instrument/Satellite and possibility of false brinelling in the bearings. levels accessibility to the During this activation a full functional test is needed to Points 8-10-11-12 of Table 4-1 instrument check the instrument status and functionality. This test will require physical and functional During this periodic testing accessibilities to the instrument. the functionality of the Physical accessibility is need to: Downconverter shall be 1. Install the loading/offloading device in the LLD verified (maximum interval areas; less than 5 years). These units 2. Install the Zero-g MGSE on top of the are not hermetically sealed instrument; and a GaAs diode not 3. Route and connect the test harness for the encapsulated is installed on instrument. them. At the present time the Functional accessibility is needed to operate the acceptability of storage over 5 instrument without activating the satellite and the years is not fully following has to be considered: demonstrated. The storage in GN2 environment with Location of dedicated test ports for accessibility controlled temperature is at satellite level; considered a mitigation action. Compatibility of Platform-MWI interfaces with this operational configuration (MWI active, satellite inactive) shall be assessed . In addition to the full functional test, simple health check modes shall be identified to verify the status of the equipment(s). Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE ID 5 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 12 di of Title Discussion Before launch a de-storage procedure shall be followed De-storage to prepare the instrument. Test and A full functional test and a performance test shall be accessibility performed in ambient: to the These tests will require physical and functional instrument accessibilities to the instrument. Physical accessibility is need to: 1. Install the loading/offloading device in the LLD areas; 2. Install the Zero-g MGSE on top of the instrument; 3. Route and connect the test harness for the instrument; 4. Position the calibration target in the instrument field of view for performance test Functional accessibility is needed to operate the instrument without activating the satellite and the following has to be considered: 05/09/2014 19 Remarks Impacts @ Instrument/Satellite levels Points 8-10-11-12-16 of Table 4-1 Location of dedicated test ports for accessibility at satellite level; Compatibility of Platform-MWI interfaces with this operational configuration (MWI active, satellite inactive) shall be assessed . Once the instrument functionalities and performances have been verified the instrument shall be prepared for launch. In particular the Zero-g MGSE will be removed and final preload will be applied to the LLD. Finally all the “remove before flight” protection will be removed. When the launch configuration is completed only the simple health check modes could be verified to evaluate the status of the equipment(s). Table 4-2 – Instrument storage consideration Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE 5. SPECIFIC LIFETIME REQUIREMENTS INSTRUMENT/EQUIPMENTS 5.1 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 13 di of APPLICABLE TO 05/09/2014 19 FLIGHT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM THE MWI TRS [AD09] IRS_R-MWI-1220-R All MWI feed horns shall include a dust cap in order to protect receiver HW from dust and particles. These dust caps shall be identified as “Remove Before Flight”. 5.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM INSTRUMENT GDIR [AD13a] GDIR_R-IFM-1105 The Instruments shall withstand the on-ground operations environment specified in Table 4.4-02 of [AD13a]. (Pressure, Humidity, Temperature, Cleanliness). GDIR_R-IFM-1110 The Instruments shall withstand the on-ground operations and handling loads specified in Table 4.403 of [AD13a]. GDIR_R-SYS-0070 Each of the MetOp-SG satellites and their respective instruments shall be designed for a nominal lifetime in space of at least 7,5 years , including commissioning , validation and calibration.(this requirements is reported here for sake of completeness , i.e.: definition of the nominal mission lifetime). GDIR_R-SYS-0080 Each of the MetOp-SG satellites and their respective instruments shall be provisioned with consumables for an extended mission lifetime of 9.5 years (7.5 + 2 year). GDIR_R-SYS-0085 (Mandatory Requirement). Each of the MetOp-SG satellites and their respective instruments shall be designed, manufactured and qualified to sustain at least 15 years – i.e. corresponding to 2 times the duration of the nominal operational lifetime – of storage with minimum intervention (typically a once per year functional test) before having to meet the above stated lifetime requirements (SSRD_RSYS-0280-TAR, SSRD_R-SYS-0300-TAR). As goal the GDIR indicates: GDIR_G-SYS-0086 Each of the MetOp-SG satellites and their respective instruments shall be designed, manufactured and qualified to sustain at least 19 years – i.e. corresponding to 2 times the duration of the extended operational lifetime – of storage with minimum intervention (typically a once per year functional test) before having to meet the above stated lifetime requirements (SSRD_R-SYS-0280-TAR, SSRD_RSYS-0300-TAR). GDIR_R-SYS-0088 The Instruments shall meet the requirements of their specification after a minimum on-ground lifetime, as specified in [AD13b], GDI-50000. (minimum on-ground lifetime of 20 years including up to 15 years in storage). GDIR_R-STR-0020 The structure shall be designed to cope with the whole satellite operational life including ground testing, transport, on-ground storage and in-orbit operations. See the details in [AD13b], GDI-299. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 14 di of 05/09/2014 19 GDIR_R-STR-0130 Mounting interfaces shall allow for easy maintenance, mounting and demounting. GDIR_R-STR-0140 The layout of the structure shall provide sufficient accessibility to allow for easy integration, removal and maintenance activities. GDIR_R-TCS-0120 The Thermal Control design shall take into account the degradation of surface properties (alpha, epsilon) during the mission lifetime. GDIR_R-MEC-0100 Mechanism lifetime shall be demonstrated by test using the sum of predicted nominal ground test cycles (other than lifetime test), cycles during on-ground storage and the in orbit operation cycles. The number of predicted cycles shall be multiplied by the factors specified in [ECSS-E-ST-33-01C]. GDIR_R-MEC-0101 Mechanisms lifetime qualification tests shall be performed as specified by GDIR_R-MEC-0100 and by ECSS-S-ST-33-01C, taking into account the Nominal Lifetime in-orbit as specified in GDIR_RSYS-0070. SSRD_R-MEC-0250 All preloaded elements in mechanisms shall be able to sustain the ground transportation and storage conditions and durations without affecting performance. This includes also to launch preloads. For long storage periods alternative solutions shall be provided if needed. GDIR_R-MEC-1020 For all surfaces pre-loaded together for launch , and/or for storage configurations, special care shall be taken in materials selection to avoid materials adhesion, fretting or cold welding. SSRD_R-MEC-0280 Where wet lubrication systems are proposed, specific methods shall be included to avoid lubricant migration, during on-ground storage and in-orbit operations. SSRD_R-MEC-0290 The effectiveness and longevity of the systems to avoid lubricant migration shall be demonstrated with representative tests. SSRD_R-MEC-0380 The mechanism shall be designed to be maintenance free during ground life including storage. If specific maintenance and/or refurbishments are unavoidable, these shall be defined, justified and agreed by the Agency and Airbus DS. SSRD_R-MEC-0390 Any maintenance operation required at spacecraft level shall be compliant with the nominal spacecraft configuration and environment during storage. SSRD_R-MEC-0400 All mechanisms shall be designed to remain installed at spacecraft level during long- term storage. SSRD_R-MEC-0410 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 15 di of 05/09/2014 19 All mechanisms shall be able to perform nominally after the specified storage period on-ground at satellite level, after completion of all activities at equipments, subsystem and satellite levels prior to the formal Pre-Storage Review. SSRD_R-MEC-0420 If mechanism and/or associated lubrication systems require special cleanliness or environmental constraints (e.g. very low humidity to avoid corrosion) desiccated gas purge ports shall be provided. These shall be fully accessible throughout all levels of satellite integration, testing and storage. SSRD_R-MEC-0430 Dedicated purging shall not be required following encapsulation on the Launch Vehicle, or during short term transportations during AIT activities. GDIR_R-MEC-1050 If needed, easy replacement of life time expired devices shall be ensured by design. GDIR_R-ENV-0030 Assembly, ground testing and calibration, transportation and storage environmental conditions shall be as specified in [SDS02, SDS03, ECSS-Q-20-07A, PSS-01-202 issue 1]. GDIR_R-ENV-0010 The satellites, instruments and their Ground Support Equipments (GSE) shall be protected from or designed to survive, without performance degradation, the applicable ambient natural environment during commercial air, sea and road transportation and handling in Europe and at the launch site (conditions according to GDIR_R-ENV-0030) . GDIR_R-ENV-0020 The satellite/Instrument shall be compatible with the contamination and cleanliness conditions specified for the assembly, ground testing and calibration, transportation and storage. GDIR_R-ENV-0021 The satellites, instruments and their Ground Support Equipments (GSE) shall be designed to allow the performance of all on- ground AIV activities, including storage, both in Europe and at the launch site, in a controlled environment with a minimum cleanliness level of ISO 8 Class as defined in ECCS-Q-ST-70-01C, Table G-1. . GDIR_R-ENV-0022 Instruments Suppliers shall provide: o o o An Instrument Cleanliness and Contamination Control Plan, defining the measures and methods used at Instrument level to prevent contamination, An Instrument level Contamination Budget, quantifying the Instrument contamination levels resulting from the MAIV operations at instrument level, before delivery to the Satellite Prime Contractor, A Satellite level Contamination Budget, specifying the Instrument contamination levels required during the Satellite AIV operations, storage, launch campaign execution, launch preparation (encapsulation under fairing), launch, in-orbit lifetime operations, together with the assumed conditions (cleanliness class, duration of each operations). An example of such a satellite level contamination budget is provided in Table 4 of R-ENV-0022 and shall be completed by the Instrument supplier. GDIR_R-ENV-0040 Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 16 di of 05/09/2014 19 Mechanical and thermal loads induced by the environment during assembly, transportation and storage shall not establish the dimensioning case for any element of the satellite. This shall be ensured by the use of adequate means of transportation and protective ground support equipment. GDIR_R-ENV-0045 During long-term storage, satellites (and instruments if dismounted) shall be kept in an environmentally controlled and monitored container with dry GN2. GDIR_R-ENV-0050 The storage and de-storage needs and associated requirements shall be established by the entity responsible for maintaining the integrity of the performances and reliability. GDIR_R-ENV-1010 For long term storage (See GDIR_R-SYS-0085; GDIR_G-SYS-0086) of their respective Instruments, the Instrument Suppliers shall define and specify : • Storage conditions (Container; Cleanliness; Purging; …) • Regular maintenance and verification activities (typically once a year), • Accessibility requirements and constraints. GDIR_R-GSE-0010 The Ground Support Equipment (GSE) shall be designed and manufactured to support the MetOpSG programme throughout its lifetime including long-term storage, with minimal needs for refurbishment. GDIR_R-GSE-0020 The GSE shall include all hardware and software necessary to support the AIV activities at all levels of integration including the launch campaign and long-term storage. SSRD_R-AIV-0590 It shall be possible to store the satellite, with the instruments integrated, in a controlled environment for at least 15 years with no risk of performance or reliability degradation. Storage lifetime is specified in SSRD_R-SYS-0310-TAR and SSRD_G-SYS-0320-TAR. SSRD_R-AIV-0600 During storage, a satellite functional test (including the activation of all the mechanisms) shall be envisaged once per year. Such functional test shall be a repeat of a baseline functional test performed throughout the AIV programme, exercising all redundant chains and checking instrument performances. For mechanism activation, the following sequence have to be considered each time the instrument is activated : 1) Initial measurement 2) Activation sequence (typically 1 or 2 days of continuous rotation of the mechanism) 3) Final measurement. SSRD_R-AIV-0610 Provisions shall be made to have witness plates and process manufacturing samples to check the contamination and the ageing of the satellites and instruments. SSRD_R-AIV-0620 The witness plates and process manufacturing samples shall be stored together with the satellite / instrument in identical conditions. SSRD_R-AIV-0620 The witness plates and process manufacturing samples shall be stored together with the satellite / instrument in identical conditions. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE 5.3 N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 17 di of 05/09/2014 19 REQUIREMENTS DERIVED FROM PA REQUIREMENT FOR SUPPLIER [AD14b] ECSS-Q-ST-10_MOS-016 – Note 1 Due to the long storage requirements and mission duration for the MetOp-SG system, it is necessary to retain full visibility of ALL historical NCR’s in case of future anomalies and for future reference. ECSS-Q-ST-70_MOS-009 a. The supplier shall evaluate the obsolescence risk of materials and processes (e.g. by REACH, RoHS) throughout its supply chain, establish any such risks and present in the Risk Register, and inform the project on technical or programmatic implications. Obsolescence related issues shall be communicated via the MPCB process and reported (e. g. in the DMPL Tool). ECSS-Q-ST-70_REQ-039 b. The supplier shall identify and evaluate the materials, mechanical parts and processes considered as long term storage sensitive in the frame of the MPCB process. ECSS-Q-ST-70_MOS-010 c. The Long Term Storage Plan shall address material performance during the storage period and identify mechanisms to predict and/or verify material or process or mechanical part performance throughout the storage period until de-storage and launch campaign activities. Note: For example this can include adhesive samples stored with the flight adhesives they represent (i.e. under the same storage conditions), tested at intervals throughout the storage period and evaluated against initial results and control samples; laminated materials (e.g. magnetics) samples stored under the same storage conditions, checked for corrosion/delamination during the storage period and compared to control samples; material samples in a flight representative configuration that may be prone to Creep during the storage period (e.g. resin/plastic washers) and checked throughout the storage period for the presence of Creep. 5.4 REQUIREMENTS COMING FROM ECSS-E-ST-33-01C Maintainability (Chapter a. The mechanism should be designed to be maintenance free during storage and ground life. b. If the design is not maintenance free, the maintenance requirements shall be documented in the SMS, justified, agreed by the customer. c. If ground maintenance during storage or ground operation is not avoided, the maintenance procedures shall be provided. Flushing and purging (Chapter 4.2.6) a. If operating the mechanism in air is detrimental to the performance of the mechanism over its complete mission, means for flushing the critical parts with an inert clean dry gas shall be provided. NOTE Example of detrimental cause to operate the mechanism in air is the presence of moisture or other deleterious contamination. b. Only lubricants qualified in respect to the residual humidity of the dry gas shall be used. Tribology (Chapter 4.7.3) It shall be verified that the degradation of the lubricant in the on‐ground and in‐orbit environments does not lead to a mechanism performance degradation below the limits specified in the Specific Mechanism Specification. The effect of exposure to on‐ground storage and related gravity effects, and other ground or in‐orbit accelerations on lubricant distribution shall be validated. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 18 di of 05/09/2014 19 6. GSE SPECIFIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The MWI GSE shall be designed in order to meet the overall MWI programme duration including the long term storage (for example no corrosion sensitive material will be used for mechanical parts) The GSE manufacturer shall identify if the GSE storage shall be carried out in the relevant container. The GSE, when housed in their container, shall be designed for the following non operating storage conditions: o Temperature: TBD o Relative Humidity: TBD o Shock: TBD o Pressure : from sea level up to 16000 m The limited life items shall be identified (e.g. batteries). Components / Commercial SW shall be procured taking into consideration the obsolescence risks, and as far as possible, portability on newer generation hardware. When a GSE with commercial SW is provided, it shall be provided with the last available revision. To support the long term availability of the GSE it should be based on the use of ESA SCOS. Upgrade/maintenance requirement of the GSE shall be documented. Detailed maintenance procedures shall be provided. Spare parts for the critical items shall be delivered. 6.1 MWI STORAGE CONTAINER SPECIFIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS These requirements are applicable in case the instrument is stored in its container at the instrument supplier facilities (option). The container design shall be compatible with the long term storage lifetime without degradation of its structural properties. The container shall be designed to sustain a number TBD of transportations. The container shall allow for the monitoring of the internal temperature and humidity without the need of opening it. The container internal surface shall be compatible with the storage lifetime, without releasing particulates, dust or contaminants in excess of TBD. The container shall allow for dry Nitrogen filling, with a delta pressure of TBD, and a leak rate of less than TBD. Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved MetOp-SG MWI INSTRUMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE N° Doc: Doc N°: MOS-RS-CGS-MWI-0003 Ediz.: Issue: 02 Data: Date: Pagina Page 19 di of 05/09/2014 19 7. INSTRUMENT LONG STORAGE CONSTRAINTS According to the discussion of chapter 4, the following constraints are induced by MWI when integrated on the satellite: Need of storage in an environmentally controlled and monitored container with dry GN2 – (See Table 4-2 – Row1 );. Need of cleanliness test samples – (See Table 4-2 – Row1 ); Need to store some process/hardware witness samples sensitive to long storage in the same environmental condition of the payload – (See Table 4-2 – Row2 ); Need to be stored with the rotation axis aligned to the gravity vector and with ground locking device installed (LLD with minimal preloaded applied) – (See Table 4-2 – Row3 ); Need of periodic testing (possibly less or equal test once per year). Periodic testing shall be carried out based on a procedure and results shall be recorded. The testing orientation shall be with the instrument rotation axis aligned to the gravity vector and with the main reflector looking to the ground – (See Table 4-2 – Row4 ). The expected time for periodic testing is 1 week; Need of de-storage operation implementation before launch. For de-storage operation the instrument rotation axis aligned to the gravity vector and with the main reflector looking to the ground – (See Table 4-2 – Row5 ) . The expected time for de-storage is 2 weeks;. Need to guarantee the instrument accessibility both hardware accessibility and EGSE ports connection for testing purpose during storage, periodic testing and the de-storage – (See Table 4-2 – Row3-4-5 ). Questo documento contiene informazioni di proprietà di CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS e Space Engineering SpA. Tutti i diritti sono riservati All information contained in this document is property of CGS SpA, Airbus Defence and Space SAS and Space Engineering SpA. All rights reserved