ba do di bu da be bi ba de du bo bi da de bo bu ba di be do du be

ba do di
bu da be
ba de du bo bi
da de bo bu ba di
be do du be da bi
du bu bo de be ba
do bi
du bo bi
be bi
de do du bo
da du ba di
bu da
ba bo du be de di
be bi
da du de bo
Hang the above sheet on a wall. Have your child stand about 3-5 feet
from the wall. The student should say the sound the consonant and vowel
make (not the letter names). You can start at any line. Change the line at
which you start each day so that the child doesn't start to memorize the
pattern. You only need to do 4-5 lines at a time. If the child is frustrated,
only do 2-3 lines and work your way up to more and more.
Level 1
Stand in front of the page and do the above instructions.
Level 2
Have your child say the sounds to a metronome beat. Gradually increase
the rate to where it is challenging but not too frustrating.
Level 3
Add a physical movement like jumping up and down on a mini trampoline
or just on the floor. See if your child can say one sound for each jump. If
that's too hard, do a sound for every two jumps and gradually get faster.
Level 4
When the student sees and says a /b/ sound with a vowel after it he jumps
with his legs out. When the student sees and says a /d/ sound with a
vowel after it, he jumps with his feet together. This is a great exercise to
get both sides of the brain working hard together. Try it! It's not easy.
When the student becomes comfortable with that movement, change the
movement. Here are some ideas:
b+vowel - legs jump front and back
d+vowel - legs jump apart
b+vowel - legs jump together
d+vowel - legs jump front to back
b+vowel - legs jump scissors
d+vowel - legs jump apart
Feel free to make up your own...maybe add in some arm movements!