Banks' TUPAS certification service for service providers Service description and service provider's guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 FK|Federation of Finnish Financial Services TUPAS certification service for service providers Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 CHANGE LOG Version V2.0 V2.1 V2.2 Page All Comment Message structures changed New banks added, some wordings changed New message fields and message field attributes. Check from your bank whether the new attributes have been taken into use. APPROVAL Version code V2.0 Subcommittee V2.1 Subcommittee V2.2 Subcommittee Date 13.6.2002 Approved by Payment Transactions 3.10.2005 Payment Transactions 17.10.2006 Payment Transactions TUPAS certification service for service providers Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 Contents Page 1 TUPAS CERTIFICATION SERVICE ............................................................... 1 1.1 Agreeing upon bank identifiers and the customer authentication........... 1 1.1.1 Bank identifiers for private customers.................................................... 1 1.1.2 Bank identifiers for business/corporate customers ................................... 2 1.2 Agreement on the use of Certification service........................................ 2 1.3 General description of Tupas-service..................................................... 2 1.4 Service functionality................................................................................ 3 1. 5 Service security ..................................................................................... 4 1.6 Definition of strong authentication .......................................................... 4 2 FUNCTIONAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION ....................................................... 5 3 MESSAGES IN THE TUPAS CERTIFICATION SERVICE AND RELATED DATA ............................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Certificate request .................................................................................. 7 3.2 Certificate request field descriptions:...................................................... 8 3.3 orming the MAC for the certificate request (A01Y_MAC)..................... 9 3.4 Certificate and identifier........................................................................ 10 3.5 Certificate message field descriptions .................................................. 11 3.6 MAC calculation for in the Certificate ................................................... 12 3.7 Type of identification data..................................................................... 12 3.7.1 Identifier in plain text......................................................................... 13 3.7.2 Encrypted identifier ........................................................................... 13 3.8 Comparing the encrypted identifier data and authenticating the customer............................................................................................... 13 3.9 Bank-specific buttons ........................................................................... 14 3.10 Exceptional situations......................................................................... 14 4 CHANGING THE PASS PHRASE.................................................................. 15 5 CHARACTER SET USED IN THE SERVICE................................................. 16 TUPAS certification service for service providers Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 APPENDIX 1 BANK-SPECIFIC CONTACT INFORMATION...................... 18 APPENDIX 2 TYPE OF IDENTIFIER IN CERTIFICATE REQUEST (A01Y_IDTYPE).............................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX 3 CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER IN THE CERTIFICATE ............... 21 1 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 1 TUPAS certification service Banks’ Tupas-certification service (hereinafter “Certification service”) allows businesses or corporations (hereinafter “service provider”) providing electronic services on the Internet to authenticate their customers using Tupas certificates. Within certfication service, the bank authenticates its customer by a strong authentication method (see Section 1.6). Tupascertificates provided by the service can also be used for electronic signatures, if so agreed between the customer authenticating him/herself and the service provider. The certification service is jointly specified by the banks. Each bank authenticates its customers through the same bank-specific identifiers that the customer uses in the bank’s own services. 1.1 Agreeing upon bank identifiers and the customer authentication Certification service is accessed through bank-specific identifiers (hereafter “bank identifiers”) created and issued by a bank for its customer. For example, these can be a combination of a user ID and one-time passwords. Bank identifiers are always personal regardless of whether they are issued for use with private or business/corporate customers. Banks can use subcontractors and agents in their operations as long as the models of cooperation are compliant with the Credit Institutions Act and standards issued by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority by virtue of the Act. 1.1.1 Bank identifiers for private customers A customer can gain personal bank identifiers on the basis of a written agreement. The individual concerned must always sign personally the agreement. The customer cannot authorise another person to sign the agreement on his/her behalf. Banks have a statutory obligation to authenticate their customers. At a bank branch or a bank’s subcontractor’s or agent’s office, the customer’s identity is verified in a manner approved by the Financial Supervision Authority using an official identity document approved by the bank, such as a driving licence, personal identity card, passport or social insurance card with photo. The first bank identifiers must be fetched in person to enable a reliable customer authentication. Subsequent one-time identifiers can then be mailed to the customer. The customer cannot authorise anyone else to fetch the identifiers for the customer. 2 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 1.1.2 Bank identifiers for business/corporate customers When making an agreement on bank identifiers for business/corporate use, the bank identifiers are agreed on and fetched in compliance with the provisions of Section 1.1.1 above as applicable and with the practice accepted by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority. 1.2 Agreement on the use of Certification service The service provider must enter into a contract regarding Certification service with all of the banks whose services are to be used. A separate contract must be made with each bank. Bank-specific contact information is included in Appendix 1 to this description. Certification service implementation date is agreed upon when preparing the contract. The service provider’s data is registered in each bank and the service provider notifies each bank separately when changes occur to the contract data. Once the contract has been signed, the bank delivers the bank-specific service identifier and pass phrase to the service provider. The data is delivered to the service provider through a bank-specific procedure, either electronically or in paper format. The bank-specific data used in the testing phase is available with the service descriptions of each bank. The service provider can test the service in a production environment by using bank-specific testing identifiers before signing the contract. 1.3 General description of Tupas-service The customer authenticating him/herself plays a central role in the service. The customer controls the transmission of data between the service provider and the bank. The bank and the service provider are not in direct contact with each other during the service. When the service provider needs to authenticate a customer, the service provider sends a certification request to the customer, who is transferred to the bank’s authentication service by clicking on the link leading to the bank’s authentication service. The service provider’s certification request is transmitted from the customer to the bank’s Certificate service, which sends a response message to the customer (“the Certificate”). The customer checks the certificate’s data. If the customer approves it, he/she returns to the service provider’s service and the Certificate is transmitted to the service provider. If the customer so wishes, he/she is allowed to cancel the authentication transaction before authenticating him/herself to the bank’s service or reject the Certificate given by the bank. 3 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 The service provider and customer may agree on using the certificate as a component in an electronic signature used for a legal transaction between the customer and the service provider. However, the bank is only responsible for authenticating the customer as specified in this service description. The bank is not responsible for the validity or content of the legal transaction between the customer and the service provider. 1.4 Service functionality The Certificate provided by the bank is unique and tied to the service transaction in question and to the customer with a time stamp. The Certification service contains several functionalities and possibilities for use depending on the type of the Certificate specified in the service agreement between the service provider and the bank. The certificate issued by a bank always includes the name of the customer (person and/or company). Any additional identification information can be either plain text or encrypted. If the identification information is plain text, the bank may transmit either the customer’s personal identity number, the last four characters of the personal identity number, a Business Identity Code (hereinafter “Business ID”) or other electronic transaction identifier in accordance with the service agreement. The bank will only transmit personal identity numbers in plain text to service providers authorised to register them. If the identification information is encrypted, the bank will provide the service provider with an identifier based on the customer’s personal identity number, Business ID or other electronic transaction identifier. The actual personal identity number or other identifier will not be transmitted with the response message. Thus the service provider must have access to the customer’s personal identity number, Business ID or other electronic transaction identifier in order to ensure the correct authentication of the customer’s identity based on the response message provided by the bank. If the service provider does not possess the customer’s code, it should be requested before sending the certificate request. This functionality is suitable for verifying the validity of data submitted by the customer by comparing the data with the data stored at the bank. The Certification service is mainly applicable to consumer services. Some banks are able to identify a corporate user through the Business ID, but not all banks offer certification service certifying corporate customers. When authenticating banks’ corporate customers, the banks can give, together with the certificate, either the customer’s Business ID and the company name or 4 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 the customer’s Business ID, company name, name of person and personal identity code. 1. 5 Service security The SSL protocol is used in data communication between the parties of the certification service, preventing external parties from viewing the information or changing any of it. The service provider’s server software must support SSL encryption implemented with 128-bit keys. The length of the key used in the session is based on the properties of the customer’s browser. The Certification request and the Certificate are protected with a message authentication code ensuring data integrity, so it is not possible for the customer who controls the Certificate transmission to alter the data without the service provider or the bank noticing it. Each party is responsible for the protection and security of its own services and correctness of the data stored by them. The customer authenticating him/herself is responsible for making sure that the identifiers provided by the bank do not fall into the hands of any third parties. The service provider’s service must include a notice specifying that the service uses certification service employing the customer’s personal bank identifiers or corporate bank identifiers. The service provider must edit the notice text in its service according to whether the service provider wants to authenticate private customers and/or corporate customers. 1.6 Definition of strong authentication A strong authentication of a person comprises something that the user: 1) knows (such as a user ID), 2) possesses (such as a list of passwords), 3) is (such as a fingerprint). An authentication transaction can be considered to comply with the definition of the strong authentication if two of these requirements are fulfilled simultaneously. In addition to the strong authentication, the transaction must be based on a sufficiently secure procedure. One-time passwords fulfil the criteria for a strong authentication. This means that the sole combination of a fixed password and user ID does not fulfil the criteria for the strong authentication required in the Certification service. 5 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 2 Functional service description Customer Service provider Service screens 1 Customer service 2 Certificate request Customer's bank 3 Bank's customer authentication Approval of Certificate data 4 5 Customer authentication and Tupas certification service 8 6 7 Service terms Tupas Certificate Explanation of the chart describing service progression: 1. The customer identifying him/herself is in contact with the service provider’s service. The data communication between the customer and the service provider must be SSL-protected when the customer begins to enter data related to the certification service. During phases 2 to 7, the data transfer link is always SSL-protected. 2. The service provider sends to the customer a certification request containing specification data related to the transaction. The customer verifies the data in the request, but cannot alter it. The customer can, however, interrupt the authentication process, if desired, and return to customer service. The certification request page in the customer’s browser includes function buttons leading to the banks’ certification service and a Cancel button. 3. The customer clicks on a button transferring him/her to his/her bank’s certification service. The certificate request transmitted to the bank contains 6 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 the data on the service provider and transaction. The bank verifies the integrity of the request and the correctness of the data. 4. The bank sends an authentication request to the customer if the service provider’s certificate request is valid. The bank gives the customer an error notification if the bank notices errors in the request. Then the customer returns to the service provider’s service by clicking the Cancel button. 5. The customer authenticates him/herself in the certification service of the bank. The bank returns an error message to the customer if the authentication fails, and the customer returns to the service provider’s service by clicking the Cancel button. 6. After successful authentication, the bank generates the certificate. The certification service activates Accept and Cancel buttons for the customer. 7. The customer verifies the Certificate and approves the identification data to be transmitted to the service provider. By clicking Cancel, the customer can interrupt the authentication process and return to the service provider’s service. 8. The service provider verifies the integrity and uniqueness of the Certificate received. The service provider attaches the Certificate to the customer’s service transaction and stores it for as long as other service data is stored. Customer identification data must not be registered or used for any other purpose. 7 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 3 Messages in the TUPAS certification service and related data 3.1 Certificate request Certificate request data lies behind the bank-specific button or icon in the FORM data group, as hidden variables. CERTIFICATE REQUEST Field 1. Type of message 2. Version 3. Service provider 4. Service language Name of data A01Y_ACTION_ID A01Y_VERS A01Y_RCVID A01Y_LANGCODE Length 3-4 4 10 -15 2 5. Request identifier A01Y_STAMP 20 6. Type of identifier 7. Return address A01Y_IDTYPE A01Y_RETLINK 2 199 8. Cancel address A01Y_CANLINK 199 9. Rejected address A01Y_REJLINK 199 10. Key version 11. Algorithm A01Y_KEYVERS A01Y_ALG 4 2 12. Control field A01Y_MAC 32 - 40 Comment Standard, "701" For example, "0002" Customer code ISO 639 identifier: FI = Finnish SV = Swedish EN = English yyyymmddhhmmssxx xxxx See Appendix 2 OK return address for Certificate Return address in cancellation Return address in error situations Key generation data 01 = MD5 02 = SHA-1 Message Authentication Code of request Data field names are written in capital letters. The HTML structure of the FORM data group is: <FORM METHOD=”POST” ACTION=”bank certification service URL”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_ACTION_ID” TYPE=”hidden” VALUE=”701”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_VERS” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_RCVID” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_LANGCODE” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_STAMP” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> 8 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_IDTYPE” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_RETLINK” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_CANLINK” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_REJLINK” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_KEYVERS” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_ALG” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> <INPUT NAME=”A01Y_MAC” TYPE="hidden” VALUE=”...”> </FORM> 3.2 Certificate request field descriptions: Field 1 service. Type of message, which is a standard "701" in the certification Field 2 Version number of the certificate request message, which is bankspecific. Field 3 Service provider’s bank-specific customer identifier. The bank identifies the service provider based on the customer code and attaches to the certificate the service provider’s name existing in its register. Field 4 The language code of the service indicates the language of the service provider’s page, and the bank certification service opens in this language. Field 5 Individual code assigned to the certificate request by the service provider. The identifier can be a reference or customer number or a combination of the date, time and running identifier, as well as a reference number. Field 6 The identifier type shows what kind of an identifier the service provider wants from the customer to be authenticated. The identifier type must correspond to the functionality agreed upon in the service contract. Field 7 This is the address of the service provider’s page where the service continues when OK. The service address must start with ‘https’ - that is, the page must be SSL protected. Example: VALUE="" Field 8 Continuation point for the service provider’s service in case the customer cancels the transmission of the Certificate. 9 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 Example: VALUE="" Field 9 Continuation point for the service provider’s service in case of a technical error during identification. The return address can be the same as in field 8. Example: VALUE="" Field 10 Key version used in MAC calculation. Field 11 Algorithm type code used in MAC calculation. 01 = MD5 algorithm, which produces a 32-character MAC 01 = SHA-1 algorithm, which produces a 40-character MAC. Field 12 Message Authentication Code (MAC), calculated from the data to be protected in the certificate request and the service provider’s pass phrase using the algorithm defined in data field 11. Using the MAC, the recipient can verify the integrity of the certificate request and authenticate the sender. 3.3 Forming the MAC for the certificate request (A01Y_MAC) The service provider forms a bank-specific certificate request for each bank’s button, protected by a MAC attached to each request. The MAC is calculated from the bank-specific certificate request’s FORM data group using the pass phrase given to the service provider by the specific bank. The calculation starts by forming a character string from the VALUE of all data fields in the FORM data group preceding the MAC (fields 1 to 11) and the service provider’s pass phrase. The data is combined into character strings in sequence, and any blanks serving as fill characters are left out. The data groups in the character string are separated by “&” characters. An “&” character is also placed between the last data (field 11) and the pass phrase, as well as at the end of the pass phrase. The “&” characters are included in the MAC calculation. The data appears on one single line. "↵" indicates a line break in this document. A01Y_ACTION_ID&A01Y_VERS&A01Y_RCVID&A01Y_LANGCODE&↵ A01Y_STAMP&A01Y_IDTYPE&A01Y_RETLINK&A01Y_CANLINK&↵ A01Y_REJLINK&A01Y_KEYVERS&A01Y_ALG&passphrase& 10 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 The calculated MAC is converted into hexadecimal form, in which characters from A to F are represented in capitals. The hexadecimal hash value is taken to the Control field. 3.4 Certificate and identifier CERTIFICATE Field Name of data Length 1. Version B02K_VERS 4 2. Certificate identification B02K_TIMESTMP 23 3. Certificate number B02K_IDNBR 10 4. Request identifier B02K_STAMP 20 5. Customer B02K_CUSTNAME –40 6. Key version 7. Algorithm B02K_KEYVERS B02K_ALG 4 2 8. Identifier 9. Type of identifier 10. User ID B02K_CUSTID B02K_CUSTTYPE B02K_USERID -40 2 -40 11. User name B02K_USERNAME -40 12. Control field B02K_MAC 32-40 1 Obligatoriness of the data: O = obligatory R = at request only Obligato- Comment riness1 O For example, "0002" O NNNyyyymmddh hmmssxxxxxx O Number assigned to the identifier by the bank O Request data field 7 (A01Y_STAMP) O Name of person or company authenticated that is in the bank’s database O Key generation O 01 = MD5 02 = SHA-1 O See Appendix 3 O See Appendix 3 R Corporate user’s social security number or encrypted identifier See appendix 3 R Corporate user’s name See appendix 3 O MAC of the Certificate 11 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 The customer’s bank adds the certificate data in the response message to the OK return link in so-called query-string format. http://A01Y_RETLINK?↵ B02K_VERS&B02K_TIMESTMP&B02K_IDNBR&B02K_STAMP&↵ B02K_CUSTNAME&B02K_KEYVERS&B02K_ALG&B02K_CUSTID&↵ &B02K_MAC The data BO2K_USERID and BO2K_USERNAME_are optional and are included only with identifier values “ 3.5 Certificate message field descriptions Field 1 Version number of the certificate message, which is bank-specific. Field 2 Time stamp formed by the bank’s system, in which NNN is the bank’s number: Handelsbanken Nordea Bank Finland OP Bank Group Sampo Bank Savings banks and local co-op banks Tapiola Bank Bank of Åland = 310 = 200 = 500 = 800 = 400 = 360 = 600 Field 3 Data provided for the Certificate by the bank’s information system, uniquely identifying the Certificate in the bank’s system. Field 4 Identification of the certificate request, picked from data field 7 in the certificate request in question (A01Y_STAMP) Field 5 Name of authenticated customer according to the bank’s customer database. Field 6 Generation number of the MAC pass phrase. Field 7 MAC algorithm code. Field 8 Customer identifier with contents depending on the A01Y_IDTYPE field in the certificate request. The field may contain a customer identifier either in encrypted or in plain text format. Field 9 Type of identifier. Field 10 Corporate user’s social security number or encrypted identifier. 12 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 Field 11 Corporate user’s name. Field 12 MAC code of the certificate 3.6 MAC calculation for in the Certificate The control code (BO2K_MAC)is calculated from the original message, after which the Scandinavian characters and certain special characters (eg blank spaces, equal signs and quotation marks) are replaced in the corresponding hexadecimall character (eg %20) in the data communication message. The bank calculates the MAC of the Certificate with a service provider specific key. With the MAC the service provider can ensure that the Certificate has been formed at the customer’s bank and that its contents are unchanged. With the Certificate’s identifier type values “00” - “07” the MAC is calculated using data fields 1 to 9 in the Certificate. When calculating the MAC, the data and the pass phrase are separated by an "&" character. The character is also appended at the end of the pass phrase. The service provider-specific key is used in calculating the MAC. MAC calculation is not executed for the optional fields 10 & 11 when they are empty and are not returned to the service provider. B02K_VERS&B02K_TIMESTMP&B02K_IDNBR&B02K_STAMP&↵ B02K_CUSTNAME&B02K_KEYVERS&B02K_ALG&↵ B02K_CUSTTYPE&passphrase& with the Certificate’s identifier type values “08” - “09” the MAC is calculated using data fields 1 to 11 in the certificate. When calculating the MAC, the data and the pass phrase are separated by an "&" character. The character is also appended at the end of the pass phrase. The service provider-specific key is used in calculating the MAC B02K_VERS&B02K_TIMESTMP&B02K_IDNBR&B02K_STAMP&↵ B02K_CUSTNAME&B02K_KEYVERS&B02K_ALG&B02K_CUSTID↵ B02K_CUSTTYPE&BO2K_USERID&B02K_USERNAME&passphase& 3.7 Type of identification data The type of the identifier to be transmitted, specified in the A01Y_IDTYPE field of the certificate request, affects the response message MAC calculation. 13 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 3.7.1 Identifier in plain text The value of the A01Y_IDTYPE field in the certificate request is ”02” or ”03” - that is, basic identifier or truncated basic identifier in plain text. The identifier is a character string in plain text - for example, a personal identity number or the last four characters thereof - in accordance with the A01Y_IDTYPE field in the request message. The identifier will be assigned to the data field B02K_CUSTID in the Certificate in an unchanged form. 3.7.2 Encrypted identifier The value of the A01Y_IDTYPE field in the certificate request is “01” - that is, encrypted basic identifier. The bank uses the same hash algorithm for encrypting the identifier as is used for the MAC fields. The uniqueness of the identifier is ensured by using the data in the certificate data fields 2 to 4 and the customer identifier (personal identity number or Business ID) in accordance with data field 8 (A01Y_IDTYPE) in the request message as additional data. When calculating the encrypted identifier, the data and the pass phrase are separated by an "&" character. The character is also appended at the end of the pass phrase. The service provider-specific key is used for encryption. B02K_TIMESTMP&B02K_IDNBR&B02K_STAMP&↵ customer_identifier&passphrase& The result of the calculation is converted into hexadecimal form, in which characters from A to F are represented in capitals. The final result is a character string identifying the customer. The string will be used in the B02K_CUSTID field of the Certificate. 3.8 Comparing the encrypted identifier data and authenticating the customer If the identifier is encrypted, the service provider first verifies the integrity of the Certificate. Then the service provider calculates the comparison data for the customer identifier as described in section 3.7.2 on the basis of the customer code stored in its register. When the calculated comparison data and the identifier of the received message are identical and the message is intact, the data for the customer authenticated by the bank corresponds to that for the customer registered by the service provider. 14 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 3.9 Bank-specific buttons The image files for bank-specific buttons can be obtained from a website at an address separately specified by each bank. The size or colour of the buttons must not be changed. The button image must not be used for purposes other than those that have been agreed upon between the service provider and the bank. 3.10 Exceptional situations The service provider must be prepared for exceptional occasions, which include: 1. Customer interrupts the authentication process The customer can interrupt the transaction by clicking the Cancel button, either before the certificate request has been sent to the bank or after receiving the Certificate. The address for the Cancel button is the Cancel address in FORM data field 8 of the certificate request. 2. Customer authentication failed Customer authentication may fail if there are errors in the identifier or if the customer has requested authentication at a wrong bank. The customer can return to the service provider’s service by using the Cancel button. The address for the Cancel button is the Cancel address in FORM data field 8 of the certificate request. 3. The bank notices an error in the certificate request The bank notices an error in the identification request before the customer has been authenticated. The customer returns to the service provider’s service using the Cancel button assigned to the Rejected address in FORM data field 9. 4. The service provider notices an error in the Certificate. The service provider notices an error when verifying the Certificate that might be due to an error in the Certificate content or because the data provided by the customer to the service provider does not match the data stored in the bank’s information system. The service provider should provide the customer with information relevant to the situation at hand. 15 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 5. There is no response at all The reason for the interruption may be a connection break or other technical disturbance, or the customer terminating the session halfway through. 6. The same response comes several times The service provider must be prepared for that the customer will send the same response several times or resend an old certificate when moving between browser windows with the back/forward buttons. 4 Changing the pass phrase The pass phrase (key) used when calculating the MAC values can be changed if the bank or service provider so wishes. Bank-specific procedures are used when changing the key, and these are described in the bank-specific system descriptions. Two bank-specific procedures are used when changing the key: • Only the pass phrase is changed, the service provider’s customer ID remains the same. • Both the pass phrase and the customer ID are changed. The pass phrase is delivered to the contact person named in the contract. At the same time, the information on the new key’s version number and the effective date will also be delivered. From that date onwards, all MACs will be calculated using the new key. In order to guarantee a smooth change between keys, the service provider’s system must enable the entry of the new key into the system ahead of time in other words, the simultaneous use of at least two pass phrases. At the time of transfer (for a period of about 15 minutes), it is possible that the MACs in some Certificates arriving to the service provider have been calculated using the old key and the rest have been calculated using the new key. Once the new pass phrase has been successfully taken into use, the old key can be deleted or deactivated in the service provider’s system. 16 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 5 CHARACTER SET USED IN THE SERVICE An 8-bit ISO 8859-1 (Latin1) character set is used in the service, the codes of which are listed in the table below. æ backspace tab linefeed c return Space ! " # $ % & ' %00 %01 %02 %03 %04 %05 %06 %07 %08 %09 %0a %0b %0c %0d %0e %0f %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %15 %16 %17 %18 %19 %1a %1b %1c %1d %1e %1f %20 %21 %22 %23 %24 %25 %26 %27 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W %30 %31 %32 %33 %34 %35 %36 %37 %38 %39 %3a %3b %3c %3d %3e %3f %40 %41 %42 %43 %44 %45 %46 %47 %48 %49 %4a %4b %4c %4d %4e %4f %50 %51 %52 %53 %54 %55 %56 %57 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ € ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ %60 %61 %62 %63 %64 %65 %66 %67 %68 %69 %6a %6b %6c %6d %6e %6f %70 %71 %72 %73 %74 %75 %76 %77 %78 %79 %7a %7b %7c %7d %7e %7f %80 %81 %82 %83 %84 %85 %86 %87 ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ Ÿ ¡ ¢ £ ¥ | § ¨ © ª « ¬ ¯ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · %90 %91 %92 %93 %94 %95 %96 %97 %98 %99 %9a %9b %9c %9d %9e %9f %a0 %a1 %a2 %a3 %a4 %a5 %a6 %a7 %a8 %a9 %aa %ab %ac %ad %ae %af %b0 %b1 %b2 %b3 %b4 %b5 %b6 %b7 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç %c0 %c1 %c2 %c3 %c4 %c5 %c6 %c7 %c8 %c9 %ca %cb %cc %cd %ce %cf %d0 %d1 %d2 %d3 %d4 %d5 %d6 %d7 %d8 %d9 %da %db %dc %dd %de %df %e0 %e1 %e2 %e3 %e4 %e5 %e6 %e7 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ %f0 %f1 %f2 %f3 %f4 %f5 %f6 %f7 %f8 %f9 %fa %fb %fc %fd %fe %ff 17 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 ( ) * + , . / %28 %29 %2a %2b %2c %2d %2e %2f X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ %58 %59 %5a %5b %5c %5d %5e %5f ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ Ž %88 %89 %8a %8b %8c %8d %8e %8f ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ %b8 %b9 %ba %bb %bc %bd %be %bf è é ê ë ì í î ï %e8 %e9 %ea %eb %ec %ed %ee %ef 18 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 APPENDIX 1 BANK-SPECIFIC CONTACT INFORMATION HANDELSBANKEN Contract issues: Codes and keys: Customer support and technical problems: E-mail: Local branch Collected from the bank HelpDesk 010 444 2545 During weekdays 8–17 NORDEA Contract issues: Codes and keys: Customer support and technical problems: E-mail: OP BANK GROUP Contract issues: Codes and keys: Customer support: E-mail: SAMPO BANK Contract issues: Local branch Delivered by mail to the contact person named in the contract. Solo information for corporate customers • In Finnish: 0200 67210 (0.11 €/min + local network/mobile call fee) During weekdays between 8–18 • In Swedish: 0200 67220 (0.11 €/min + local network/mobile call fee) During weekdays 9–16.30 • In English: 0200 67230 (0.11 €/min + local network/mobile call fee) During weekdays 9–18 Local OP bank To be collected from a branch of the bank OP Bank phone service: • In Finnish: 0100 0500 • In Swedish: 0100 9051 Local branch or phone 0106 6060 (local n etwork/mobile call fee) Mon–Fri 8–17 19 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 Codes and keys: Will be delivered on diskette in a sealed mail package Customer support and technical problems: • Private customers 0200 2589 (local network/mobile call fee), Mon–Fri 9–18 • Corporate customers 0600 122 12 (1.17 €/min +local network/mobile fee), Mon–Fri 8–17 E-mail: or SAVINGS BANKS AND LOCAL CO-OPERATIVE BANKS Contract issues: Local branch Codes and keys: Collected from the bank Customer support and technical problems: • phone 0100 4052 (1.17 €/min + local network fee) E-mail: TAPIOLA BANK Contract issues Codes and keys Tapiola electronic services Delivered to the contact person named in the contract Customer support and technical problems: • Private customers 0203 45370 (Mon–Fri) E-mail: BANK OF ÅLAND Contract issues: Customer code: Customer support and technical problems: e-mail: Local branch Delivered at the branch upon signing the contract. The pass phrase is mailed to the contact person named in the contract. Contact Center customer service • In Finnish: 0204 292920 • In Swedish: 0204 292910 • During weekdays Mon–Thu 8.40– 16.30, Fri 9.30–16.30 20 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 APPENDIX 2 TYPE OF IDENTIFIER IN CERTIFICATE REQUEST (A01Y_IDTYPE) Data field 6 in the certificate request specifies the type of identifier requested. The type is encoded with two characters XY as follows: The first figure (X) indicates the contents of the type of identifier requested: 0Y = basic identifier 1Y = personal identity number 2Y = Business ID 3Y = personal identity number or Business ID 4Y = personal identity number and Business ID 5Y = personal identity number and Business ID or personal identity number alone The latter figure (Y) indicates the form of the identifier requested: X1 = Encrypted identifier A hexadecimal MAC (Message Authentication Code) calculated on the basis of the customer’s identification data. X2 = Identifier in plain text The identifier can be the customer’s complete personal identity number, an electronic transaction identifier or a complete Business ID. 03 = Truncated identifier A truncated identifier can contain the last four characters of the personal identity number without the punctuation mark indicating century, or a complete Business ID. NB: Code 23 is not used. 21 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 APPENDIX 3 CUSTOMER IDENTIFIER IN THE CERTIFICATE The data field for identifier type (field 9) indicates the type of identifier data. The data is encoded with two characters XY so that the first figure indicates whether the requested information about the customer is in the bank's customer database. 0Y = The requested information was found. The Certificate is returned to the return address in the return address field of the certificate request. 00 = identifier not known Value "00" is used if no identifiers are found. 01 = personal identity number in plain text Value "01" is used if the request concerns an identifier in plain text and only the personal identity number is returned. Field 5 holds the customer's name and field 8 the personal identity number in plain text. 02 = last four characters of personal identity number in plain text Value "02" is used if the request concerns a truncated identifier and only the last four characters of the personal identity number are returned. Field 5 holds the customer's name and field 8 the last four characters of the personal identity number in plain text. 22 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 03 = Business ID in plain text Value "03" is used if the request concerns an identifier in plain text and only the Business ID is returned. Field 5 holds the company's name and field 8 the Business ID in plain text. 04 = electronic transaction identifier in plain text Value "04" is used if the request concerns an identifier in plain text and only the electronic transaction identifier is returned. Field 5 holds the customer's name and field 8 the electronic transaction identifier in plain text. 05 = encrypted personal identity number Value "05" is used if the request concerns an encrypted identifier and only the personal identity number is returned. Field 5 holds the customer's name and field 8 the encrypted personal identity number. 06 = encrypted Business ID Value "06" is used if the request concerns an encrypted identifier and only the Business ID is returned. Field 5 holds the company's name and field 8 the encrypted Business ID. 07 = encrypted electronic transaction identifier Value "07" is used if the request concerns an encrypted identifier and only the electronic transaction 23 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 identifier is returned (not in use at Sampo). Field 5 holds the customer's name and field 8 the encrypted electronic transaction identifier. 08 = Business ID and corporate user's personal identity number in plain text, or other identifier agreed between the service provider and the bank in plain text Value "08" is used if the request concerns identifiers in plain text. Field 5 holds the company's name, field 8 the Business ID in plain text, field 10 the corporate user's personal identity number in plain text and field 11 the corporate user's name. 09 = encrypted Business ID and encrypted corporate user's personal identity number, or other encrypted identifier agreed between the service provider and the bank Value "09" is used if the request has concerned encrypted identifiers. Field 5 holds the company's name, field 8 the encrypted Business ID, field 10 the corporate user's encrypted personal identity number and field 11 the corporate user's name. 1Y = The requested information or part of it was not found. The information in the type of identifier field (B02K_CUSTTYPE) is returned to the address in the rejected address field of the certificate request. The latter number (Y) in the type of identifier indicates what information was not found on the customer. In such cases, the service provider can automate its error messages to the customers in different situations. 24 TUPAS certification service Service description and guidelines Version 2.2 6 February 2007 10 = No requested information on the customer. 11 = No personal identity number for the customer. 12 = No Business ID for the customer. Example: A service provider wants to know the customer's personal identity number but the customer uses identifiers that only have a Business ID. The bank sends the information in the type of identifier field (B02K_CUSTTYPE) to the address in the rejected address field. In this case, field 9, type of identifier, holds the value 11. Bulevardi 28 FI-00120 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 20 7934 200 Fax +358 20 7934 202