Western Systems Coordinating Council SUPPORTING DOCUMENT FOR RELIABILITY CRITERIA FOR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM PLANNING J. Kondragunta, SCE and WSCC Reliability Subcommittee AUGUST 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 1 3. TRANSIENT VOLTAGE CRITERIA .............................................................................. 1 4. 5. 3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 3.2 SWING VOLTAGES ............................................................................................ 2 3.3 OVERVOLTAGE CRITERIA .............................................................................. 3 3.4 UNDERVOLTAGE CRITERIA ........................................................................... 3 TRANSIENT FREQUENCY CRITERIA ........................................................................ 7 4.1 OVERFREQUENCY CRITERIA ......................................................................... 7 4.2 UNDERFREQUENCY CRITERIA ...................................................................... 7 POST TRANSIENT VOLTAGE DEVIATION .............................................................. 9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Disturbance-Performance Table ........................................................................... 10 Table 2 Performance Levels .............................................................................................. 11 Table 3 Disturbances Ordered by Frequency of Occurrence............................................. 12 Table 4 Sinusoidal Real System Voltage Dip <100% ....................................................... 13 Table 5 Sinusoidal Real System Voltage Dip <90% ......................................................... 14 Table 6 Sinusoidal Real System Voltage Dip <85% ......................................................... 15 Table 7 Average Peak Voltage Dip <100% ...................................................................... 16 Table 8 Average Peak Voltage Dip <90% ........................................................................ 17 Table 9 Average Peak Voltage Dip <85% ........................................................................ 18 Table 10 Load Loss with Voltage Swing of 0.7 Hz .......................................................... 19 Table 11 Load Loss with Voltage Swing of 0.28 Hz ........................................................ 20 Table 12 WSCC Load Shedding ....................................................................................... 21 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Schematic Diagram for Swing Voltage Measurements ...................................... 22 Figure 2 Load Sensitivity to Voltage Dips ........................................................................ 23 Figure 3 Voltage Dip Limit - Level A Disturbance - 0.7 Hz Swing ................................. 24 Figure 4 Voltage Dip Limit - Level B,C,& D Disturbances - 0.7 Hz Swing .................... 25 Figure 5 Voltage Dip Limit - Level A Disturbance - 0.28 Hz Swing ............................... 26 Figure 6 Voltage Dip Limit - Level B,C,& D Disturbances - 0.28 Hz Swing .................. 27 Figure 7 Voltage Performance Parameters ........................................................................ 28 APPENDIX I: Examples of Disturbance Classifications ............................................................. 29 ii 1. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this document is to provide the rationale for the parameters in the Performance Table 1 in the Reliability Criteria for Transmission System Planning, Part I of the WSCC Reliability Criteria dated March, 1993. The parameters in the performance table, Table 1, were selected in such a way that the application of new criteria, dated March 1993, do not result in a higher or lower level of reliability for the WSCC system when compared to the level of reliability from the application of the old reliability criteria, dated March 1990. The reliability criteria in its final form has been developed by lengthy discussions among the members of the Reliability Subcommittee, comments received from the PCC members as well as extensive work performed by the Ad-hoc Reliability Criteria Parameters Evaluation Group (ARCPEG) of TSS. 2. BACKGROUND: Table 2, from the old criteria, shows the allowable actions or conditions on systems other than the one in which the disturbance occurred. The performance table shown in Table 1 was developed in such a way that the actions resulting from application of Table 1 for various level of disturbances will be essentially the same as Table 2. The Subcommittee classified various disturbances into level A, B, C and D. The necessary probability data shown in Table 3, provided by Bonneville Power Administration, was used to establish relative outage rates for various elements of the system. Also the table shows the relative rate of outage of each element with respect to a single line outage. 3. TRANSIENT VOLTAGE CRITERIA: 3.1 Introduction: Historically, some WSCC members have used a minimum swing voltage magnitude of 0.8 p.u. as the performance criteria in assessing acceptable bulk transmission transient stability results. Consequently, the corresponding percent voltage dip could vary widely as long as the magnitude of the dip did not go below 0.8 p.u.. The 0.8 p.u. voltage criteria provided margin for nuclear unit auxiliary undervoltage trip protection that is usually set at a magnitude of 0.65 p.u. to 0.70 p.u. based on the rated generator terminal voltage. In most instances it would take at least a N-2 outage to produce such critical voltage deviations under the new criteria. Nuclear plant owners should be especially careful in setting power flow conditions for nuclear units, because under the right set of conditions a N-2 outage could cause an allowed voltage deviation of 25% that could lead to a nuclear unit trip if the initial voltage was below 1.0 p.u.. 1 The auxiliary protection on fossil-fired units has not been investigated at this time. However, unit owners are encouraged to determine what the undervoltage trip settings are and their relationship to the allowable voltage dips in the Performance Table to assess stability performance. 3.2 Swing Voltages: •Measurement: Figure 1 and the following examples illustrate why using a maximum percentage voltage swing deviation is more appropriate than using a fixed minimum voltage magnitude when examining study results. In the WSCC data bank, the 500 kV and 230 kV systems are fairly well represented, but the lower voltage systems (below 230 kV down to the distribution level) are sparsely represented, if they are represented at all. There is also additional voltage regulation at the distribution level (either regulating transformers, or regulators on individual feeders), which is generally not represented in the WSCC data. This leads to the following problems (assuming that a given percent voltage change on a high voltage bus causes an equal percent swing on the load bus): 1) If the load is represented at a 500 kV or 230 kV bus, the initial voltage may be well above 1.00 p.u.. In the attached example, the 230 kV bus voltage is at 1.052 p.u. and the 500 kV bus voltage is at 1.1 p.u.. If a criteria of 0.8 p.u. is used for voltage swings, the voltage on the low voltage bus (where the load actually is connected) could deviate between 0.76 p.u. (0.8/1.052) and 0.73 p.u. (0.8/1.1). 2) If the load is represented at a 115 kV or other low voltage bus, the initial voltage may be below 1 p.u.. In the attached example, the 115 kV voltage is 0.974 p.u.. Therefore, the allowable swing may be only 0.82 p.u. (0.8/0.974) on the 13.8 kV low voltage load bus. From the example, it is clear that using a criteria of 0.8 p.u. does not appropriately represent effects on the load itself. It is logical to use a percentage voltage dip rather than the absolute minimum valuation for voltage swings. Note that the actual voltage realized at the load bus may differ from this radial example due to the network configuration and active devices in the system. For systems having subtransmission networks containing active elements (for example, synchronous condensers, cogenerators and induction motors) the load bus voltage dip is more complex than the simple radial example. For some 500 kV or 230 kV disturbances, the subtransmission buses could have a higher or lower dip than the 500 kV or 230 kV voltage dips. 2 3.3 Overvoltage Criteria: The ARCPEG recommendation was that an overvoltage criteria is not needed for WSCC member systems, based on the survey, and is not recommended here because it is usually a local problem. 3.4 Undervoltage Criteria: The Reliability Subcommittee has established voltage dip criteria designed to avoid uncontrolled loss of load. The values selected were based on the estimated response of electronic equipment such as computers to voltage dips. These loads are believed to be most sensitive. Load sensitivity data was obtained from several sources that were somewhat imprecise and inconsistent. During the one-year trial period Reliability Subcommittee conducted load sensitivity and evaluation of the WSCC voltage dip criteria. The results of the study indicate that the WSCC voltage dip criteria now in place are appropriate and that no modification is warranted at this time. The Reliability Subcommittee is in general agreement that the following table will apply for voltage dip criteria to meet its objectives. Level Instantaneous Minimum dip A B C D 25% 30% 30% 30% Maximum Duration of V Dip exceeding 20% 20 cycles 20 cycles 40 cycles 60 cycles Figure 7 shows the interpretation of the voltage performance parameters. As indicated in Table 3 the disturbances that occur frequently need to meet level A performance. As the frequency of occurrence of disturbances decreases, the level of performance changes from level A to levels B, C and D. The allowable transient voltage dips for these levels were selected based on the frequency of occurrence of events. In other words, maximum transient voltage dip for level A disturbances should be less than that of level B disturbances and so on. BACKGROUND — At the time the criteria were established, several sources of information were available relating equipment response to voltage dips. The Adhoc Reliability Criteria Parameters Evaluation Group (ARCPEG) suggested dip levels and duration for the Disturbance-Performance Table considering SDG&E, CBEMA (Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association)/IEEE, and ASEA data. The SDG&E curve was believed to be the most conservative and was used as the basis for their recommendations. The values adopted by the 3 RS for the table, referred to the SDG&E curve, were believed to provide margin against load loss for levels A, B, and C, and to be at the threshold for level D. Duane Braunagel of Platte River Power Authority also reviewed these and other data sources and noted a discrepancy in what was purported to be the CBEMA curve. This curve was shown about the same in the SDG&E, U.S. Dept. of Commerce publication FIPS PUB 94, and an IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery paper from 1990. However, ANSI/IEEE Standard 446-1987 shows a "Typical Design Goals of Power-Conscious Computer Manufacturers" curve that resembles the so-called CBEMA curve but is noticeably more conservative. Using the ANSI/IEEE curve as a reference, it appeared that levels A and B as now shown in the table would be at the load loss threshold and levels C and D would result in uncontrolled load loss. (Any load loss, firm or interruptible, by transient voltage dip would be considered uncontrolled and therefore unacceptable.) The ANSI/IEEE source seemed the most authoritative and appropriate data to use for WSCC criteria development. Duane also provided information to the Subcommittee indicating that voltage dip tests were performed by imposing a step change dip in voltage on electronic equipment for various time durations. He pointed out that, on the real system, voltage dips are sinusoidal in shape which would cause less time exposure to low voltage for equipment than a step change, thereby providing some margin if the ANSI/IEEE data is directly applied to the system. The question of concern was, how great is this margin and is it sufficient to generally offset the higher load sensitivity and resultant loss of load indicated by the ANSI/IEEE curve? Refer to Brent Vossler's October 7, 1992 letter and final report to the ARCPEG, Duane Braunagel's February 9 and 22, 1993 letters to Mike Raezer, and his June 3, 1993 letter to the RS for details about the above information. CBEMA was contacted to obtain better information on electronic load sensitivity to voltage dips. Bill Hanrahan of CBEMA's standards department said that CBEMA has not developed any curves showing computer voltage tolerance, although he was aware that various such curves have been represented as CBEMA curves. He referred to the curves in ANSI/IEEE Std. 446-1987 and in FIPS PUB 94 as the best sources for guidance (neither document represents the curves as being from CBEMA), but did not know the origin of the curves. He was not aware that the curves were different and on being informed, recommended using the more conservative ANSI/IEEE curve. He also suggested contacting John Roberts of IBM, Chair of CBEMA's Power Interfaces Committee for further information. Mr. Roberts was contacted and was able to provide some historical background and information on some new standards work. He said that the so-called CBEMA curve was developed several years ago by a gentleman (didn't get the name) in the Navy Department for their computers. The curve was adopted by CBEMA for its use. The latest information that Mr. Roberts had was a standard developed 4 by IBM and proposed for adoption by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The IEC was apparently dragging its feet on adopting the standard but Mr. Roberts expected that the European equivalent of CBEMA was very likely to adopt it. He said that this standard best represents the sensitivity of modern computers to voltage dip. Mr. Roberts confirmed that the sensitivity tests are conducted by subjecting the loads to a step reduction in voltage followed by a step increase back to the original level. SELECTION OF A LOAD SENSITIVITY CURVE — Figure 2 shows load sensitivity to voltage dips according to the ANSI/IEEE Std. 446-1987, IBM, San Diego, and "CBEMA" (as represented in the San Diego study) standards. The IBM curve is based on 3 discrete points from the standard at 0, 75, and 80 percent voltage. The ANSI/IEEE data is shown in two ways. The data was given in the 446-1987 standard in the form of a curve that was rather more like a sketch than an accurate plot. It was apparently intended more for guidance than to serve as a precise standard. Duane Braunagel enlarged the curve on a copy machine and transferred the data as plotted to semi-log graph paper to make it easier to read. This is shown as the ANSI/IEEE curve "ANSI FIG 4-SCALED." However, discrete values for three points on the curve were indicated at 0, 30, and 87 percent voltage, so a curve was also constructed using these three data points. This is shown as the ANSI/IEEE curve "ANSI FIG 4 - 3PTS." The two reproduced curves do not coincide. The original was obviously not drawn to the scale indicated by the data points. The IBM standard is in close agreement with the San Diego curve in the region of interest, that is, between 70 and 80 percent voltage and between 20 and 80 cycles. These curves are based on measured equipment response. The "CBEMA" is least conservative, the ANSI/IEEE most conservative, of all the curves. The sources for the ANSI/IEEE curves are not known. In summary, the IBM standard is most up-todate and from a known source, is probably more indicative of today's equipment capability, and is somewhat mid-range among the various options along with the San Diego curve. It seems the best choice for evaluating the WSCC voltage dip standard. COMPARING THE SINUSOIDAL REAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE DIP WITH THE SQUARE WAVE TEST DIP — If we assume that the energy delivered to a resistive load is an approximate indicator of load reaction to a voltage dip we can convert the system sinusoidal dip to an equivalent square wave dip of equal energy (Tables 4-6). We can then compare this square wave dip to the allowable square wave dip on the curve. Alternatively, we can assume that the load responds directly to peak voltage rather than energy delivered, and convert the sinusoidal voltage during the dip to an average peak voltage (Tables 7-9). We can then compare a square wave dip of the same value to the allowable dip on the curve. The two approaches produced about the same result with the energy based equivalent square wave dip generally being slightly greater. 5 The effect was also examined by varying the portion of the dip that was assumed to affect the load, assuming that regulated power supplies in electronic equipment are not affected by low voltage until the voltage drops below a critical level. The various curves suggest that equipment can continuously tolerate voltage that does not drop below about 85% to 90%. Tables 4-9 show that the difference between a sinusoidal dip and a square wave dip diminishes as the critical voltage threshold is lowered. Thresholds of 100%, 90% and 85% were evaluated. The more conservative 90% threshold, rather than 100%, was used for the primary evaluation of load loss at the limiting conditions specified in the WSCC criteria. WILL APPLICATION OF THE WSCC CRITERIA RESULT IN LOSS OF LOAD? — The limiting condition was determined for voltage swings of 0.7 and 0.28 Hz at performance levels A, B, C, and D of the criteria. Examination of the time voltage remained below 80% at the maximum allowed voltage dip for each level indicated whether the maximum dip or the time less than 80% would be limiting (Figures 3 through 6). The limiting conditions are summarized in Tables 10 and 11, as are the equivalent square wave voltage dips, and time allowed by the IBM standard for the dip at the limiting condition. Load was assumed lost if the dip time exceeded the time allowed by the IBM standard. Time margin is also indicated. The analysis indicated that no load would be lost for a 0.7 Hz voltage swing (a "typical" swing) at any performance level. Level A has about a one second margin and level B 12 cycles. Levels C and D have no margin and would appear to be at the threshold of load dropping. This is consistent with the rationale used to develop the voltage dip standard. For a 0.28 Hz voltage swing (a "slow" swing), no load would be lost for levels A and B with more than a half second margin. Level C has virtually no margin and would be at the threshold of load dropping. There would appear to be loss of load at level D with about a negative one second margin. For a sensitivity to assumptions comparison, data is also shown on the basis that the voltage dip affects load at all levels below initial voltage, a less severe condition for a sinusoidal dip. For this condition no load loss would occur for level D. CONCLUSIONS — The voltage dip performance standards in the WSCC Planning Criteria Disturbance-Performance Table will likely produce the intended system response during credible disturbances. It was intended that no load be lost due to voltage dips for level A through D disturbances, with some margin at the higher levels and little or no margin at the lower levels. There appears to be some risk of load loss at level D for a very low frequency voltage swing using the more conservative load response assumptions, but the risk does not seem great enough to warrant changes in the criteria at this time. 6 4. TRANSIENT FREQUENCY CRITERIA: 4.1 Overfrequency Criteria: WSCC Reliability Subcommittee did not find a need to define a new overfrequency criteria. This recommendation was presented to PCC. The ARCPEG's recommendation is that an overfrequency criteria is not needed because: — — the member survey did not indicate a need and most overfrequency problems are associated with generators which have local protection that may vary widely by generator type, frequency set points, and time delays. This recommendation from ARCPEG also supports the Subcommittee's recommendation regarding the overfrequency criteria. 4.2 Underfrequency Criteria: The frequencies chosen are intended to coordinate with underfrequency load shedding (UFLS) programs. UFLS is expected to arrest frequency decline and assure continued operation of the system within any islands that may be formed as a result of a disturbance. In each island, underfrequency load shedding relay settings are coordinated with underfrequency protection of generating units and any other manual or automatic actions which can be expected to occur under conditions of frequency decline. The coordinated automatic load shedding program is based on studies of system dynamic performance, under conditions which would cause the greatest potential imbalance between load and generation. In the long run, the frequency specifications are expected to remain relatively constant. If a system sets load shedding above a particular threshold the action will be interpreted as accepting loss of that load for the specified class of disturbance. Table 12 summarizes the load preservation program data from the "COORDINATED BULK POWER SUPPLY PROGRAM 1992-2002" (OE-411) report. The numbers shown in Table 12 are estimated additional MW relief at each frequency level. The rationale for each performance level is as follows: Level A (59.6 Hz) Based on the old criteria, no load dropping is allowed and this concept is carried out in selecting the frequency. 7 The intent is to have no firm or interruptible load shedding. 59.6 Hz was selected and this is above nearly all known settings. Some interruptible loads are now set at 59.75 Hz and tripping of these is acceptable. Level B (59.4 Hz) Based on the old criteria, dropping of interruptible load is allowed and this concept is carried out in selecting the frequency. A minimum frequency of 59.4 Hz was selected and this allows dropping of interruptible load only and will not allow dropping of firm load. Level C (59.0 Hz) Based on the old criteria, controlled opening of interconnections, system islanding and automatic under frequency load dropping are allowed and this concept is carried out in selecting the frequency. In order to satisfy the above requirements a frequency of 59.0 Hz was selected and this allows dropping of only the first two blocks of load which includes firm load. Also this setting leaves additional load to be dropped for level D. Level D (58.1 Hz) Based on the old criteria controlled dropping of firm load and generation separation are allowed and this concept is carried out in selecting the frequency. A minimum frequency of 58.1 Hz was selected to allow shedding of most, but not all, load under UFLS control. Maintaining some load shedding set below the minimum criteria frequency is important insurance against total collapse of a major island. Also, at present interconnections among California Power Pool (CPP) members open at 58.2 Hz. A minimum frequency of 58.1 Hz allows controlled opening of CPP interconnections during disturbances. The Reliability Subcommittee is in agreement that the following table will apply for frequency criteria to meet its objectives. Level Minimum Transient Frequency A B C D 59.6 Hz 59.4 Hz 59.0 Hz 58.1 Hz 8 5. POST TRANSIENT VOLTAGE DEVIATION: In developing a criteria for post transient voltage deviation, it was the intent of the Reliability Subcommittee to provide some measure of the ability of the system to recover to acceptable operating conditions following an outage. The Subcommittee was concerned both with load protection and system integrity. While post transient voltage can provide some insight into the incipient voltage collapse problems, in itself it is not adequate as a voltage stability criteria. The Subcommittee recognizes that a voltage collapse criteria may include reactive power margin, minimum voltage and the ability to consider local constraints. The simple voltage criteria as proposed does provide some measure of system recovery following an outage and may be an initial step toward developing a more complete criteria in the future. The language was placed into the current reliability criteria: For the purpose of these criteria, the post transient time frame is one to three minutes after a system disturbance occurs. This allows available automatic voltage support measures to take place, but does not allow the effects of operator manual actions or Area Generation Control response. The recommended simulation is a post transient power flow that simulates all automatic action but not manual actions and not area interchange control. These criteria are not intended to fully address potential voltage collapse problems; to do so would require consideration of local constraints that are not easily generalized. The Subcommittee is still concerned that voltage collapse should be addressed in the planning process. Footnote 7 of the Disturbance-Performance Table is intended to override the reliability criteria table in cases where voltage collapse is known to occur at voltage levels higher than those in the table. Planning and operation must be constrained to avoid voltage collapse. At this time, voltage collapse avoidance requires more sophisticated analysis than can be reflected in a simple voltage deviation criterion. The Subcommittee has not recommended any type of var/watt/voltage margin requirements in the criteria, due to the likelihood that these criteria are sensitive to the robustness of the effected area and the type of disturbance. Until more is known about voltage collapse throughout the WSCC system, each member system should evaluate its criteria to avoid voltage collapse for known disturbances. It is the expectation of the Subcommittee that these voltage criteria be addressed through the peer review process. Within the procedures for rating transmission paths, it is the responsibility of the affected parties to identify potential voltage collapse problems and bring them to the attention of the sponsors of the path being rated. 9 TABLE 1 WSCC DISTURBANCE-PERFORMANCE TABLE (1) OF ALLOWABLE EFFECT ON OTHER SYSTEMS Performance Level A B Disturbance(2) Initiated By: No Fault 3 Ø Fault With Normal Clearing SLG Fault With Delayed Clearing DC Disturbance (3) Generator One Circuit One Transformer DC Monopole (8) Bus Section Transient Voltage Dip Criteria Minimum Transient Frequency (4)(5) Post Transient Voltage Deviation (4)(5)(6)(7) Loading Within Emergency Ratings Damping (4)(5)(6) Max V Dip - 25% 59.6 hz 5% Yes >0 Max Duration of V Dip Exceeding 20% - 20 cycles Max V Dip - 30% 59.4 hz 5% Yes >0 Max Duration of V Dip Exceeding 20% - 20 cycles C D Two Generators Two Circuits DC Bipole (8) Three or More circuits on ROW Entire Substation Entire Plant Including Switchyard Max V Dip - 30% 59.0 hz 10% Yes >0 Max Duration of V Dip Exceeding 20% - 40 cycles Max V Dip - 30% 58.1 hz 10% No >0 Max Duration of V Dip Exceeding 20% - 60 cycles (1) This table applies equally to the system with all elements in service and the system with one element removed and the system adjusted. (2) The examples of disturbances in this table provide a basis for estimating a performance level to which a disturbance not listed in this table would apply. (3) Includes disturbances which can initiate a permanent single or double pole DC outage. (4) Maximum transient voltage dips and duration, minimum transient frequency, and post transient voltage deviations in excess of the values in this table can be considered acceptable if they are acceptable to the affected system or fall within the affected system's internal design criteria. (5) Transient voltage and frequency performance parameters are measured at load buses (including generating unit auxiliary loads); however, the transient voltage performance parameters for level D apply to all buses. Allowable post transient voltage deviations apply to all buses. (6) Refer to Figure 1. (7) If it can be demonstrated that post transient voltage deviations that are less than these will result in voltage instability, the system in which the disturbance originated and the affected system(s) should cooperate in mutually resolving the problem. Simulation of post transient conditions will limit actions to automatic devices only and no manual action is to be assumed. (8) Refer to section 7.0 - Application to DC Lines, paragraph 7.2. 10 TABLE 2. PERFORMANCE LEVELS ALLOWABLE ACTIONS OR CONDITIONS ON SYSTEMS OTHER THAN THE ONE ON WHICH THE DISTURBANCE OCCURRED PERFORMANCE LEVEL * A 1. 2. * ACTIONS B C D AS PERMITTED BELOW a. DROPPING OF INTERRUPTIBLE LOAD NO YES YES YES b. CONTROLLED GEN. DROPPING OR EQUIVALENT REDUCTION OF ENERGY INPUT TO THE SYSTEM NO YES YES YES c. CONTROLLED OPENING OF INTERCONNECTIONS INCLUDING SYSTEM ISLANDING AND AUTOMATIC UNDERFREQUENCY LOAD DROPPING NO NO YES YES d. CONTROLLED DIRECT DROPPING OF FIRM LOAD NO NO NO YES e. CONTROLLED SUB ISLANDING AND GENERATION SEPARATION NO NO NO YES POST DISTURBANCE LOADINGS AND VOLTAGES OUTSIDE OF EMERGENCY LIMITS PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT NO NO NO YES A "YES" INDICATES THE ACTION OR CONDITION IS PERMITTED IN SIMULATION TESTING TO MEET THE PERFORMANCE LEVEL IF REQUIRED TO PREVENT CASCADING. A "NO" INDICATES THAT THE ACTION OR CONDITION IS NOT ALLOWED. 11 TABLE 3. DISTURBANCES ORDERED BY FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE Element Lost Generator One Line Two Generators Two Line Dependent Line + Generator Bus Section Transformer Generator + Transformer Line + Transformer Two Line Independent Outage Rate/Year 4.0 1.8 0.33 0.088 0.082 0.072 0.037 0.012 0.0051 0.0030 Outage Rate Relative To Line 2 1 0.2 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.018 0.007 0.003 0.002 NOTE 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 NOTE: 1. Level A — Comparable to single line outages. 2. Not used — Seen as non-simultaneous outage e.g., one unit trips while another is down on maintenance. Level B — Dependent outages seen as variations of bus section outages. 3. 4. Level A — The Reliability Subcommittee is in general agreement that outage of one transformer should be deemed Level A in spite of frequency data to make the performance requirement consistent for loss of single element and to maintain about the same level of performance provided by the previous criteria. 5. Level C — (N-2) outages two orders of magnitude less likely than N-1. 12 TABLE 4 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 100% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 START TIME seconds ___________ 0 0 0 0 END TIME seconds __________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 DURATION seconds __________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 ENERGY watt-sec _________ 0.2546 0.2368 0.6365 0.5919 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD 13 V DIP % _______ 15.6 18.6 15.6 18.6 Assumes energy delivered to resistive load is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes voltage dip affects load at all levels below initial voltage. DURATION seconds ___________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 ENERGY watt-sec __________ 0.2544 0.2366 0.6360 0.5916 TABLE 5 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 90% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 27 21 24 START TIME seconds ___________ 0.0936 0.0773 0.2339 0.1932 0.0863 0.2822 0.2443 END TIME seconds __________ 0.6207 0.6370 1.5518 1.5925 0.6280 1.5036 1.5414 DURATION seconds __________ 0.5271 0.5597 1.3178 1.3993 0.5417 1.2214 1.2971 ENERGY watt-sec _________ 0.1676 0.1638 0.4190 0.4096 0.1667 0.4142 0.4192 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD 14 V DIP % _______ 20.3 23.5 20.3 23.5 21.6 17.6 19.6 Assumes energy delivered to resistive load is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes no effect of voltage dip on load until dip exceeds 10%. DURATION seconds ___________ 0.5271 0.5597 1.3178 1.3993 0.5417 1.2214 1.2971 ENERGY watt-sec __________ 0.1674 0.1638 0.4185 0.4095 0.1665 0.4146 0.4192 TABLE 6 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 85% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 START TIME seconds ___________ 0.1463 0.1191 0.3658 0.2977 END TIME seconds __________ 0.5680 0.5952 1.4199 1.4880 DURATION seconds __________ 0.4217 0.4762 1.0540 1.1904 ENERGY watt-sec _________ 0.1265 0.1307 0.3161 0.3266 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME ENERGY INTO 1 OHM LOAD 15 V DIP % _______ 22.5 25.9 22.6 25.9 Assumes energy delivered to resistive load is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes no effect of voltage dip on load until dip exceeds 15%. DURATION seconds ___________ 0.4217 0.4762 1.0540 1.1904 ENERGY watt-sec __________ 0.1266 0.1307 0.3157 0.3268 TABLE 7 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 100% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 START TIME seconds ___________ 0 0 0 0 END TIME seconds __________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 DURATION seconds __________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 V-AVG. volts _________ 0.8408 0.8090 0.8408 0.8090 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE 16 V DIP % _______ 15.9 19.1 15.9 19.1 DURATION seconds ___________ 0.7143 0.7143 1.7857 1.7857 Assumes average peak voltage applied to load over given time is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes voltage dip affects load at all levels below initial voltage. V-AVG. volts __________ 0.8408 0.8090 0.8408 0.8090 TABLE 8 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 90% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 START TIME seconds ___________ 0.0936 0.0773 0.2339 0.1932 END TIME seconds __________ 0.6207 0.6370 1.5518 1.5925 DURATION seconds __________ 0.5271 0.5597 1.3178 1.3993 V-AVG. volts _________ 0.8023 0.7702 0.8023 0.7702 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE 17 V DIP % _______ 19.8 23.0 19.8 23.0 DURATION seconds ___________ 0.5271 0.5597 1.3178 1.3993 Assumes average peak voltage applied to load over given time is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes no effect of voltage dip on load until dip exceeds 10%. V-AVG. volts __________ 0.8023 0.7702 0.8023 0.7702 TABLE 9 • • SINUSOIDAL DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE DURING PORTION OF DIP WHERE V < 85% FREQUENCY Hz ____________ 0.70 0.70 0.28 0.28 • FREQUENCY radians ____________ 4.398 4.398 1.759 1.759 V DIP % _____ 25 30 25 30 START TIME seconds ___________ 0.1463 0.1191 0.3658 0.2977 END TIME seconds __________ 0.5680 0.5952 1.4199 1.4880 DURATION seconds __________ 0.4217 0.4762 1.0540 1.1904 V-AVG. volts _________ 0.7843 0.7519 0.7843 0.7519 EQUIVALENT SQUARE WAVE DIP IN 60 HZ, 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL FOR SAME AVERAGE PEAK VOLTAGE 18 V DIP % _______ 21.6 24.8 21.6 24.8 DURATION seconds ___________ 0.4217 0.4762 1.0540 1.1904 Assumes average peak voltage applied to load over given time is relevant indicator of voltage dip effect on electronic equipment. Assumes no effect of voltage dip on load until dip exceeds 15%. V-AVG. volts __________ 0.7843 0.7519 0.7843 0.7519 TABLE 10 APPLICATION OF THE WSCC VOLTAGE DIP CRITERIA FOR VOLTAGE SWING OF TYPICAL FREQUENCY CHECK FOR LOAD LOSS AT LIMITING CONDITION ALLOWED BY CRITERIA 0.7 HZ VOLTAGE SWING WSCC PERF. LEVEL A WSCC CRITERIA LIMITS V DIP T < 80% (%) (CYCLES) 25 20 19 B 30 20 C 30 40 D 30 60 LIMITING AND CORRESPONDING NON-LIMITING - ( ) CONDITION EQUIV. SQUARE WAVE DIP & TIME (% V DIP) (CYCLES) TIME ALLOWED BY IBM STANDARD (CYCLES) LOAD LOSS? (YES/NO) MARGIN (CYCLES) 25% V DIP (<80% for 18~) 25% V DIP*** 20 32 100 NO 69 16 43 > 100 NO > 57 <80% for 20~ (27% V DIP) 22 33 45 NO 12 24 34 34 NO 19 43 > 100 NO 24 34 34 NO 0 19 43 > 100 NO > 57 30% V DIP (<80% for 23~) 30% V DIP*** 30% V DIP (<80% for 23~) 30% V DIP*** Based on energy delivered to resistive load during dip, and no effect on load until dip exceeds 10%. ***For comparison, assumes voltage dip affects load at all levels below initial voltage. 0 > 57 TABLE 11 APPLICATION OF THE WSCC VOLTAGE DIP CRITERIA FOR VOLTAGE SWING OF TYPICAL FREQUENCY CHECK FOR LOAD LOSS AT LIMITING CONDITION ALLOWED BY CRITERIA 0.28 HZ VOLTAGE SWING WSCC PERF. LEVEL WSCC CRITERIA LIMITS V DIP T < 80% (%) (CYCLES) LIMITING AND CORRESPONDING NON-LIMITING - ( ) CONDITION EQUIV. SQUARE WAVE DIP & TIME (% V DIP) (CYCLES) TIME ALLOWED BY IBM STANDARD (CYCLES) LOAD LOSS? (YES/NO) MARGIN (CYCLES) 25 20 <80% for 20~ (21% V DIP) 18 73 >100 NO > 27 B 30 20 <80% for 20~ (21% V DIP) 18 73 > 100 NO > 27 C 30 40 <80% for 40~ (24% V DIP) 20 78 80 NO 2 D 30 60 30% V DIP (<80% for 57~) 30% V DIP*** 24 84 32 YES -52 > 100 NO ? 20 A 19 107 Based on energy delivered to resistive load during dip, and no effect on load until dip exceeds 10%. ***For comparison, assumes voltage dip affects load at all levels below initial voltage. TABLE 12 WSCC LOAD SHEDDING (PEAK MW) (from the 1993 OE-411 Report) Frequency Hz NWPP RMPA AZNM CASN TOTAL By 59.3 By 59.1 By 58.9 By 58.7 By 58.5 By 58.2 By 58.0 By 57.8 By 57.6 By 57.4 Below 57.4 3449 4610 7277 4464 1498 985 1206 208 720 455 693 94 9 977 86 1164 91 1180 35 269 1217 1192 1410 1392 1362 1413 802 74 1542 5757 5415 5747 6300 3201 4858 1810 460 614 795 5120 10645 14886 11489 10372 5669 8606 3431 1982 1143 1488 TOTALS 25565 3601 9166 36499 74831 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Appendix I: Examples of Disturbance Classifications This appendix is intended to assist WSCC members in determining the proper performance level for disturbances that involve substation elements. 29 Example Substation #1 (Breaker and One Half Bus Arrangement) North Bus South Bus #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 CASE ONE Disturbance: Fault in center breaker between Lines #2 and #5 resulting in the outage of those two lines. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section: A bus section is considered to be a common point in a substation for two or more system elements) CASE TWO Disturbance: Loss of Line #1 with delayed clearing (center breaker does not operate) resulting in the additional loss of Line #4. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section) CASE THREE Disturbance: Loss of Line #1 with Normal Clearing. Additional loss of Line #6. Specified Performance Level: Initially not on D-P Table, assuming no prior knowledge of common mode failure and that the lines are not on a common right-of-way. Level C (Two Circuits) would be required if a common mode for the outage has been identified and until the common mode has been eliminated. 30 CASE FOUR Disturbance: Breaker on the bus side of Line #1 is initially out of service. Fault on Line #4 with normal clearing that results in the outage of Line #4 and the isolation of Line #1. Specified Performance Level: A (One Circuit) CASE FIVE Disturbance: Fault on Line #5 with delayed clearing resulting in clearing the south bus which takes out the transformer. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section) CASE SIX Disturbance: Center breaker between Line #1 and Line #4 initially out of service. Fault on Line #5 with delayed clearing resulting in clearing the south bus which takes out the transformer and isolates Line #4. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section) 31 Example Substation #2 (Main and Transfer Bus Arrangement) West Bus #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 East Bus CASE ONE Disturbance: Loss of Line #1 with delayed clearing resulting in the loss of the entire west bus of the substation. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section) Note: If there had not been a bus sectionalizing breaker, this disturbance would have resulted in the loss of the entire substation. In this case, performance level B would still be required. CASE TWO Disturbance: Fault in the bus sectionalizing breaker resulting in the outage of the entire substation. Specified Performance Level: D (Entire Substation) Note: Refer to bus section discussion under the “Terms Used in the Disturbance-Performance Table” for special considerations provided for bus tie and bus sectionalizing circuit breakers. 32 Example Substation #3 (Ring Bus) #1 #2 #3 #4 CASE ONE Disturbance: Line #1 is out for maintenance so the ring bus is open. A fault occurs on Line #4 which splits the bus, separating Lines #2 and Line #3. Specified Performance Level: A (One Circuit) Note: The performance requirement is not reduced with a facility initially out of service. CASE TWO Disturbance: Fault in the breaker between Lines #1 and #2 resulting in the outage of those two lines. Specified Performance Level: B (Bus Section) 33 Example Substation #4 (Double Breaker Double Bus) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 CASE ONE Disturbance: Fault on Line #1. Backup relaying is incorrectly set for both buses to trip before primary relaying. All breakers operate clearing the entire substation. Specified Performance Level: D (Entire Substation) 34