Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission Regional

 Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission Regional Federal Funding Profile Navigating the funding transportation funding process, especially the federal funding process can be difficult, for both agency staff and advocates. Each state and jurisdiction has particular rules, practices, personnel and contexts, which determine how decisions get made. To understand the system, it is helpful learn the who, what, where and when of each funding source. The following is an attempt to answer these questions for Northwest Arkansas. This profile template can be used as a guide to gather this information in any community. The focus of this profile is on un-­‐ or under-­‐utilized programs like the Surface Transportation Program (STP), the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and the State and Community Highway Safety Grants (Section 402). Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) MAP-­‐21 combines previous biking and walking funding programs – Transportation Enhancements (TE), Safe Routes to School and Recreational Trails – into one program: Transportation Alternatives. Funding for the Recreational Trails Program is taken off the top, then remaining TA funding is divided up into two equal pots: 50% will be distributed by the state DOT through a competitive grant process and 50% will be distributed according to the share of population with the state. MPOs with populations greater than 200,000 will administer their own grant process; the other communities will be funded through the state DOT’s grant process. When is your TAP call for proposals and application deadline? When is the state’s call for proposals and application deadline? AHTD – TBD NWARPC – The FY2013 Projects have been selected. The Fayetteville Town Branch Trail Project and the Rogers Mercy Phase II Trail Head were selected by the NWARPC Policy Committee. The FY 2014 TAP call for projects is anticipated in August 2013 with a deadline in September 2013. Are you doing a separate SAFETEA-­‐LU call for proposals? AHTD – TBD NWARPC-­‐ N/A Has the TAP application been written? AHTD – TBD NWARPC – The FY2014 draft application has been written by the TAP Committee. What are the selection criteria? 1. 2035 NWA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN A. Razorback Regional Greenway Connections B. Northwest Arkansas Regional Trail Plan/Heritage Trail Plan C. Local Master Trail Plan or Local Comprehensive Plan 2. CONNECTIVITY 3. SAFETY 4. BARRIERS TO MOBILITY 2 Are bicycling and walking projects prioritized over other activities, such as environmental mitigation and boulevard conversion? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ Yes Will the selection process prioritize a few large projects or more, smaller projects? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ Yes – Minimum project size is $125,000 and will be used for Construction Projects (FY2014 TAP annual amount approximately $450,000). Who sits on the selection committee? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ NWARPC Member Jurisdictions Are bicycling/walking advocates included as part of the selection committee? AHTD TBD NWARPC -­‐ No Are you spending remaining SRTS funds from SAFETEA-­‐LU? AHTD -­‐ Yes NWARPC – N/A Are you keeping your Safe Routes to School Coordinator? What is his / her contact information? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ N/A How is your state/region handling Safe Routes to School-­‐type projects within the TAP application? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ The focus will be on-­‐road and off-­‐road bike facilities for FY 2014 and FY 2015 TAP Funds. TAP Resources:
g%20Range%20Plan/CHAPTER%20V.pdf 3 Surface Transportation Program (STP) The Surface Transportation Program provides flexible funding that may be used by states and localities for projects on roads, bridges and transit. STP funds may be used for either the construction of bicycle transportation facilities and pedestrian walkways, or non-­‐construction projects (such as maps, brochures, and public service announcements) related to safe bicycle use and walking. Is funding distributed among funding categories? Are funding categories tied to federal categories or another system? If another system, what is it? AHTD -­‐ Tied to federal funding categories NWARPC-­‐ Tied to federal funding categories What is the project selection process? AHTD -­‐ Statewide Transportation improvement Program (STIP) Process – Arkansas State Highway Commission NWARPC -­‐ STP-­‐A Projects -­‐ Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Call for Projects, Review for 2035 Transportation Plan Consistency, STP-­‐A Requirements, Scoring, and Project Selection Who sets the project selection policy? AHTD -­‐ Arkansas State Highway Commission and AHTD NWARPC -­‐ NWARPC Policy Committee for STP-­‐A Funds Who makes funding decisions/selects projects? AHTD -­‐ Arkansas State Highway Commission and AHTD NWARPC -­‐ NWARPC Policy Committee for STP-­‐A What does the project application look like? How was it written? Do good bike/ped projects score well? AHTD -­‐ TBD NWARPC -­‐ The project application is based on the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process -­‐ 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and contains the Program Policy, Requirements, and Criteria developed by the Committee and approved by the NWARPC Policy Committee. Who rates the applications? AHTD -­‐ Arkansas State Highway Commission NWARPC – The NWARPC STP-­‐A Committee 4 Who administers the projects? AHTD -­‐ AHTD NWARPC -­‐ The local Project Sponsor What is the timeline for project selection? Key dates for application and selection? AHTD Statewide Transportation Improvement Program NWARPC-­‐ July, 2013 – Policy, Requirements, Criteria Application Fall 2013 – Project Selection for FY 2014 and FY 2015 projects STP Resources:
nge%20Plan/CHAPTER%20V.pdf 5 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) The CMAQ program funds transportation projects that improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion. See out Advocacy Advance report on CMAQ: FHWA recently confirmed that bike/ped projects are eligible for CMAQ funds: Where are the non-­‐attainment areas in your state? One area is non-­‐attainment: ARKANSAS Crittenden Co 8-­‐Hr Ozone 2008 Memphis, TN-­‐MS-­‐AR -­‐ (Marginal) Source: Who sets project selection policy? West Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee What is the project selection process? West Memphis MPO -­‐ Call for projects, Citizen Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Policy Committee. Who makes the project-­‐selection decisions? West Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee When are programming decisions made? West Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization -­‐ Programming decisions are made on an annual basis and programmed in the Transportation Improvement Program and approved by the Policy Committee. Can good bike/ped projects compete for funds? Yes – For example, Harahan Bridge Bike/Greenway Project linking Memphis TN to West Memphis AR. Funding History West Memphis MPO – Approximately $500,000 per year is available in CMAQ under MAP 21. CMAQ Resources: 6 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HISP) funds safety projects aimed at reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Bike and pedestrian safety projects are eligible for HSIP funding. All public roads – including state, borough and local roads – are eligible for HSIP funding. Examples of eligible projects include bike lanes, roadway shoulders, crosswalks, other intersection improvements and signage. See the Advocacy Advance report on HSIP case studies: Are bicycle and pedestrian safety identified as emphasis areas in your state’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan? AHTD -­‐ Yes – Pages 15 and 16 of the Arkansas Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013 addresses bicycle and pedestrian safety. What are the project selection criteria? AHTD – Based on Arkansas Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013 Who sets the project selection criteria? AHTD -­‐ Arkansas State Highway Commission and AHTD Who makes the project selections? AHTD -­‐ Arkansas State Highway Commission and AHTD When are the proposals and decisions made? AHTD -­‐ Statewide Transportation improvement Program (STIP) Process – Arkansas State Highway Commission HSIP Resources: 7 Section 402 – State and Community Highway Safety Grants Section 402, the State and Community Highway Safety Grant Program, is a federal program that provides funds for education, enforcement and research programs designed to reduce traffic crashes, deaths, injuries, and property damage. Under Section 402, bike and pedestrian safety programs are eligible to receive funding for projects such as these: • Comprehensive school-­‐based pedestrian and bike safety education programs • Helmet distribution programs • Pedestrian safety programs for older adults • Training in use of pedestrian and bicycle design guidelines • Community information and education programs • Public information in May, such as “Bike Safety Month”, and in September, “Back to School Safety Month.” • Public information for school zone and crosswalk safety • Public information about older adults and impaired pedestrian Which agency administers 402 grants? The Highway Safety Office (HSO) of the Arkansas State Police (ASP) administers the Section 402 funds and oversees the Highway Safety Program efforts supported by these funds for the State of Arkansas. What is the selection process? Proposals are solicited from identified agencies and are based on identified safety issues in Arkansas. Who makes the selection decisions? Highway Safety Office Program Managers and the Administrator make the selection decisions. What else do we need to know? The Arkansas Safety Office develops an annual Performance Plan and Highway Safety Plan and selects projects in the spring of each year. Northwest Arkansas – Funding is provided to the University of Arkansas to fund a Project Coordinator to assist with the continuation of the Northwest Arkansas Safe Communities Coalition. 402 Resources: 8 Other Relevant Funding Sources Temporary ½ cent Sales Tax Constitutional Amendment (10 year) Local Sales Tax Local 1% Hotel Motel Restaurant Tax -­‐ Parks Parkland Dedication -­‐ Subdivision Regulations Park Impact Fees Foundations and Private Sector Developer Contributions Non-­‐Profits General questions Who owns the majority of the roads? AHTD is responsible for 16,416 miles of State and US highways. How are the non-­‐federal matching funds paid for? Dedicated Local Sales Tax, State Turn back to Cities and Counties, Property Tax, Donations, In-­‐Kind, and Foundations. 9 Contacts State Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Statewide TIP (STIP) NWARPC Surface Transportation Program -­‐ Attributable: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality: Highway Safety Improvement Program Section 402 safety grants Safe Routes to Schools Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators Kimberly Sanders, AHTD
strian_planning.aspx John McLarty -­‐ Assistant Director/Transportation Planner Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Tim Conklin, AICP -­‐ Transportation Programs Planner West Memphis MPO Andrew Brewer, AHTD Arkansas State Police Highway Safety Office Kimberly Sanders, AHTD
strian_planning.aspx John McLarty -­‐ Assistant Director/Transportation Planner Paxton Roberts -­‐ Bicycle Coalition of the Ozarks Alan Ley -­‐ Director of Outreach and Advocacy for Bike Bentonville Matt Mihalevich, Trails Coordinator City of Fayetteville 10 Documents Arkansas Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013 Arkansas State Implementation Plans (SIPs) under the Clean Air Act: Arkansas Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)­‐2016/STIP_2013_2016_final.pdf NWARPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2035 Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Plan FHWA Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Bentonville, AR -­‐ Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Fayetteville, AR -­‐ Alternative Transportation and Trail Master Plan
er_plan.cfm Rogers, AR – Master Trail Plan Springdale, AR – Master Trail Plan
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