Brigham Young University Articulations

Brigham Young University Articulations
General Education
The following courses taken at Brigham Young University will meet
USU General Education requirements. Below the names of the USU
categories, the names of the BYU General Education categories are
shown in parentheses. Course listings with an asterisk (*) are not
part of BYU’s General Education requirements, but are equivalent to
courses approved for General Education at USU. Therefore, these
courses may be applied toward USU General Education requirements.
USU equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
The following designations are solely for purposes of this document,
and are NOT codes used by Brigham Young University. The
designations indicate where BYU places these courses within its General Education program.
First-Year Writing
Advanced Writing
Quantitative Reasoning
Languages of Learning
American Heritage
Civilization 1
Civilization 2
Biological Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Communications Literacy (CL1 & CL2)
(First-Year Writing and Advanced Writing)
One of the following First-Year Writing courses (satisfies CL1):
ELANG 105 (FW) First Year Writing for International Students ............ 3
For international students with English as a second language
ENGL 115 (FW) College Writing and Reading ......................................3
PHIL 150/H (FW) Reasoning and Writing..............................................3
One of the following Advanced Writing courses (satisfies CL2):
ANTH 499R (AW) SeniorThesis.............................................................3
CHEM 391 (AW) Technical Writing Using Chemical Literature.............. 3
ENGL 311/H (AW) Writing About the Arts and Humanities..................... 3
ENGL 312/H (AW) Persuasive Writing...................................................3
ENGL 313 (AW) Expository Writing for Elementary Education Majors.. 3
ENGL 315/H (AW) Writing in the Social Sciences..................................3
ENGL 316/H (AW) Technical Communication........................................3
GERM 340/H (AW) Writing About Literature..........................................3
HIST 200+490 (AW) The Historian’s Craft + Capstone Research
HONRS 300R (AW) Advanced Writing...................................................3
IAS 360+361 (AW) International Field Study + Post-Field Analysis
and Writing.............................................................................. variable
MCOM 320/H (AW) Communication in Organizational Settings............ 3
NEURO 316 (AW) Neuroscience Advanced Writing..............................3
NURS 320+339 (AW) Scholarly Inquiry in Nursing +
Ethics in Nursing............................................................................3+2
PHIL 300/H (AW) Philosophical Writing.................................................3
PHSCS 416A + 416B (AW) Writing in Physics 1 + 2.........................1+2
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
PLSC 200 (AW) Political Inquiry.............................................................4
plus one of the following courses:
MESA 495R (AW) Senior Seminar in Middle East Studies................ 3
PLSC 400 (AW) Capstone Seminar in Political Theory...................... 3
PLSC 410 (AW) Capstone Seminar in American Politics................... 3
PLSC 430 (AW) Capstone Seminar in Public Policy..........................3
PLSC 450 (AW) Capstone Seminar in Comparative Politics............. 3
PLSC 470 (AW) Capstone Seminar in International Relations.......... 3
PSYCH 303 (AW) Writing Within Psychology........................................3
RMYL 487 (AW) Research and Evaluation............................................3
Quantitative Literacy (QL)
(Quantitative Reasoning)
One of the following courses:
ACC 200 (QR) Principles of Accounting.................................................3
HONRS 242R (*) Mathematics............................................................3-6
[satisfies QL]
HONRS 246R (*) Statistics..................................................................3-6
[satisfies QL]
HONRS 250 (LL) Math Modeling...........................................................3
MATH 102 (QR) Quantitative Reasoning...............................................3
MATH 110 (QR) College Algebra...........................................................3
[MATH 1050 (QL)]
MATH 112/H (LL) Calculus 1..................................................................4
MATH 113/H (LL) Calculus 2..................................................................4
MATH 119 (LL) Introduction to Calculus.................................................4
or a higher mathematics course
PHIL 205 (QR) Deductive Logic.............................................................3
STAT 105 (QR) Introduction to Statistics................................................3
or a higher statistics course
Breadth American Institutions (BAI)
(American Heritage)
AHTG 100/H (AH) American Heritage....................................................3
HIST 220 (*) The United States Through 1877......................................3
[HIST 2700 (BAI)]
HIST 221 (*) The United States Since 1877...........................................3
[HIST 2710 (BAI)]
HONRS 240 (AH) American Government and Society.......................... 3
PLSC 110/H (*) American Government and Politics..............................3
[POLS 1100 (BAI)]
Breadth Creative Arts (BCA)
(Arts and Letters)
ARTHC 111/H (AR) Introduction to Art History.......................................3
ARTHC 203 (AR) Survey of Oriental Art and Architecture..................... 3
ARTHC 375 (AR) Japanese Art and Architecture..................................3
ARTHC 380 (AR) Northern Mesoamerican Art......................................3
ARTHC 382 (AR) Southern Mesoamerican Art......................................3
DANCE 260/H (AR) Introduction to Dance............................................3
FNART 270R (AR) European Fine Arts..............................................1-6
HONRS 204R (AR) Fine Arts..............................................................3-6
HONRS 209R (AR) Arts: Global and Cultural Awareness...................3-6
HONRS 304R (AR) Fine Arts..............................................................3-6
HONRS 309R (AR) Arts: Global and Cultural Awareness...................3-6
MUSIC 101/H (AR) Introduction to Music...............................................3
MUSIC 190 (*) Music Fundamentals......................................................2
[MUSC 1100 (BCA)]
MUSIC 201/H (C1) Civilization: Music 1.................................................3
MUSIC 202/H (C2/AR) Civilization: Music 2...........................................3
MUSIC 203 (AR) World Music Cultures.................................................3
Brigham Young University Articulations
MUSIC 204 (AR) Introduction to Jazz....................................................3
MUSIC 206 (AR) Survey of Latin American Music.................................3
PWS 112 (AR) Floral Design..................................................................3
SFL 102 (AR) Introduction to Interiors....................................................3
TMA 101 (AR) Introduction to the Theatre.............................................3
TMA 102 (AR) Introduction to Film.........................................................3
VAEDU 326 (AR) Arts for Elementary Teachers.....................................3
VAEDU 397 (AR) Issues in Contemporary Art, Aesthetics, and
VASTU 101 (AR) Introduction to Art and Drawing..................................3
VASTU 104 (AR) Introduction to Sculpture for Non-majors................... 3
VASTU 105 (AR) Introduction to Ceramics for Non-majors................... 3
Breadth Humanities (BHU)
(Civilization or Arts, Letters, and Sciences)
ARTHC 201 (C1) World Civilization to 1500 .........................................3
ARTHC 202 (C2/AR) World Civilization Since 1500..............................3
ARTHC 211 (*) Survey of Western Art 1................................................3
[ARTH 2710 (BHU)]
ARTHC 212 (*) Survey of Western Art 2................................................3
[ARTH 2720 (BHU)]
CHIN 344 (LT) Chinese Literature in Translation—Prose....................... 3
CLCV 110/H (LT) Introduction to Greek and Roman Literature.............. 3
CLCV 201/H (C1) The Classical Tradition 1...........................................3
CLCV 202/H (C2/LT) The Classical Tradition 2......................................3
CLCV 241/H (LT) Greek and Roman Mythology....................................3
CLCV 245 (LT) Golden Age of Greece . ................................................3
CLCV 246 (LT) Golden Age of Rome.....................................................3
CMLIT 201/H (C1) Civilization: Literature 1...........................................3
CMLIT 202/H (C2/LT) Civilization: Literature 2.......................................3
DANSH 340 (LT) Danish Literature........................................................3
ELED 340 (LT) Children’s Literature......................................................3
ENGL 201/H (C1) Masterpieces of World Literature 1...........................3
ENGL 202/H (C2/LT) Masterpieces of World Literature 2...................... 3
ENGL 211 (C1) Rhetoric and Western Civilization 1............................. 3
ENGL 212 (LT) Rhetoric and Western Civilization 2..............................3
ENGL 230 (LT) Introduction to Literature: Fiction, Drama, Poetry......... 3
ENGL 232 (LT) Shakespeare ................................................................3
ENGL 235 (LT) Masterpieces of American Literature . .......................... 3
ENGL 236 (LT) Masterpieces of English Literature................................3
ENGL 268 (LT) Literature of Latter-day Saints.......................................3
ENGL 300R (LT) English Literature in a Cultural Setting....................1-6
ENGL 305 (LT) Critical Reading.............................................................3
ENGL 336 (LT) The American Novel......................................................3
ENGL 350 (LT) The Bible as Literature..................................................3
ENGL 355 (LT) Greek and Roman Classics and the
English Tradition . ..............................................................................3
ENGL 359 (LT) The Short Story.............................................................3
ENGL 382 (LT) Shakespeare.................................................................3
ENGL 391 (LT) Introduction to Folklore..................................................3
FINN 340 (LT) Finish Literature..............................................................3
FLANG 340 (LT) Introduction to Literature.............................................3
FREN 317 (AR) French and Italian Cinema...........................................3
FREN 361 (AR/LT) French Civilization from the Beginning to 1715...... 3
FREN 362 (AR/LT) French Civilization from 1715 to the Present.......... 3
GERM 217 (AR) German and Scandinavian Cinema............................ 3
GERM 343 (LT) Introduction to Literary Analysis...................................3
HIST 201/H (C1) World Civilization to 1500...........................................3
HIST 202/H (C2) World Civilization from 1500.......................................3
HIST 302 (LT) The Italian Renaissance.................................................3
HIST 303 (LT) The Reformation: Age of Turmoil....................................3
HIST 312 (LT) History of Ideas...............................................................3
HIST 324 (LT) France . ..........................................................................3
HONRS 201 (C1) Civilization 1..............................................................3
HONRS 202 (C2/AR/LT) Civilization 2: Arts...........................................3
HONRS 203R (LT) Literature..............................................................3-6
HONRS 205R (LT) Philosophy............................................................3-6
HONRS 206R (AR/LT) Humanities: Letters.........................................3-6
HONRS 208R (LT) Letters: Global and Cultural Awareness...............3-6
HONRS 210R (*) Civilization and Culture...........................................3-6
[satisfies BHU]
HONRS 211R (*) Colloquium in Arts and Letters................................3-6
[satisfies BHU]
HONRS 222R (*) History.....................................................................3-6
[satisfies BHU]
HONRS 230R (*) Civilization and Culture...........................................3-6
[satisfies BHU]
HONRS 232R (*) History: Global and Cultural Awareness..................3-6
[satisfies BHU]
HONRS 303R (LT) Literature..............................................................3-6
HONRS 305R (LT) Philosophy............................................................3-6
HONRS 306R (AR/LT) Humanities: Arts.............................................3-6
HONRS 308R (LT) Letters: Global and Cultural Awareness...............3-6
IHUM 101 (AR) An Introduction to the Humanities.................................3
IHUM 240 (AR/LT) Introduction to the Humanities of Asia..................... 3
IHUM 242 (AR/LT) Introduction to the Humanities of the
Islamic World......................................................................................3
IHUM 260 (AR/LT) Humanities of Latin America....................................3
IHUM 261/H (AR/LT) Introduction to American Humanities 1:
Colonial Era to1876............................................................................3
IHUM 262/H (AR/LT) Introduction to American Humanities 2:
1877 to the Present............................................................................3
IHUM 280R (*) Sophomore Seminar in Interdisciplinary Humanities 3
ICLND 429 (LT) Old Icelandic Language and Literature........................ 3
ITAL 317 (AR) French and Italian Cinema.............................................3
ITAL 420 (AR/LT) Italian Civilization from the Beginning to 1600.......... 3
ITAL 421 (AR/LT) Italian Civilization from 1600 to the Modern Era........ 3
ITAL 460 (LT) Dante’s Divine Comedy...................................................3
JAPAN 350 (LT) Japanese Literature in Translation—Eighth Through
Sixteenth Centuries............................................................................3
JAPAN 351 (LT) Japanese Literature in Translation—Seventeenth
Through Nineteenth Centuries...........................................................3
JAPAN 352 (LT) Japanese Literature in Translation—
The Modern Era.................................................................................3
KOREA 340 (LT) Korean Literature to 1900..........................................3
MFG 201 (C1) History of Creativity in the Arts, Science,
and Technology 1...............................................................................3
MFG 202 (C2/AR) History of Creativity in the Arts, Science,
and Technology 2...............................................................................3
NORWE 340 (LT) Norwegian Literature.................................................3
PHIL 110/H (LT) Introduction to Philosophy...........................................3
PHIL 201/H (C1) History of Philosophy 1...............................................3
PHIL 202/H (C2/LT) History of Philosophy 2..........................................3
PHIL 210/H (C1) Science and Civilization 1...........................................3
PHIL 211/H (C2/LT) Science and Civilization 2......................................3
PHIL 213 (LT) Introduction to Ethics......................................................3
PHIL 214 (AR) Introduction to the Philosophy of Art..............................3
PHIL 215 (LT) Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion....................... 3
PHIL 218 (LT) Science and Religion......................................................3
PHIL 423/H (LT) History and Philosophy of Science..............................3
PLSC 202/H (LT) Western Political Heritage 2.......................................3
PLSC 308 (LT) Theories of Human Freedom.........................................3
PORT 339 (LT) Introduction to Portuguese and Brazilian Literature...... 3
RUSS 340 (LT) Masterpieces of Russian Novel in English.................... 3
RUSS 341 (LT) Dostoevsky’s Major Works in Translation..................... 3
RUSS 342 (LT) Tolstoy’s Major Works in Translation.............................3
SWED 340 (LT) Swedish Literature........................................................3
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Brigham Young University Articulations
Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)
(Biological Science)
ANTHR 300 (*) Biological Anthropology . ..............................................3
[ANTH 1020 (BLS)]
BIO 100/H (BS) Principles of Biology.....................................................3
BIO 220A (*) Biological Diversity: Animals.............................................4
[BIOL 1620 (BLS)]
HONRS 241R (*) Colloquium in Sciences...........................................3-6
[satisfies BLS]
HONRS 244R (*) Biological Science...................................................3-6
[satisfies BLS]
HONRS 247R (*) Natural Sciences: Global and
Cultural Awareness..........................................................................3-6
[satisfies BLS]
HONRS 260 (BS) Biological Science Principles and Reasoning........... 3
MMBIO 221 (BS) General Microbiology.................................................3
NDFS 100 (*) Essentials of Human Nutrition.........................................3
[NDFS 1020 (BLS)]
PDBIO 120+MMBIO 240 (BS) Science of Biology +
Molecular Biology...........................................................................2+3
PWS 150 (BS) Environmental Biology...................................................3
Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)
(Physical Science)
CHEM 100 (*) Elementary College Chemistry.......................................3
[CHEM 1010 (BPS)]
CHEM 101 (*) Introduction to General Chemistry..................................3
[CHEM 1110 (BPS)]
CHEM 102 (PS) Concepts of Chemistry................................................3
CHEM 106 (*) General College Chemistry.............................................3
[CHEM 1220 (BPS)]
CHEM 112 (*) Principles of Chemistry...................................................3
[CHEM 1220 (BPS)]
GEOG 101 (*) Global Environment........................................................3
[GEOG 1000 (BPS)]
HONRS 241R (*) Colloquium in Sciences...........................................3-6
[satisfies BPS]
HONRS 243R (*) Physical Science.....................................................3-6
[satisfies BPS]
HONRS 259 (PS) Physical Science Principles and Reasoning............. 3
PHSCS 106+108 (*) Introduction to Applied Physics + Lab...............3+1
[PHYS 2120 (BPS)]
PHYS 100/H (PS) Physical Science.......................................................3
PHYS 110A+110B (PS) Physical Science A + B................................4+2
OR complete one course each from two of the following groups:
Group 1:
CHEM 101 (PS) Introductory General Chemistry...................................3
CHEM 102 (PS) Concepts of Chemistry................................................3
CHEM 105 (PS) General College Chemistry.........................................4
CHEM 111/H (PS) Principles of Chemistry.............................................3
CHEM 152 (PS) Introductory Organic Chemistry...................................2
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Group 2:
PHSCS 101 (PS) Fundamentals of Physics...........................................3
PHSCS 105 (PS) Introductory Applied Physics......................................3
PHSCS 121 (PS) Principles of Physics 1...............................................3
PHSCS 123 (PS) Principles of Physics 2...............................................3
PHSCS 127/H (PS) Descriptive Astronomy...........................................3
PHSCS 137 (PS) Introduction to the Atmosphere and Weather............ 3
PHSCS 167 (PS) Descriptive Acoustics of Music and Speech.............. 3
PHSCS 220 (PS) Principles of Physics 3...............................................3
Group 3:
GEOL 100 (PS) Dinosaurs.....................................................................3
GEOL 101/H (PS) Introduction to Geology............................................3
GEOL 102 (PS) Geological Field Studies..............................................3
GEOL 103 (PS) Life of the Past.............................................................3
GEOL 111 (PS) Physical Geology..........................................................4
GEOL 330 (PS) Geology for Engineers.................................................3
Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)
(Social Science)
ANTHR 101/H (SS) Social/Cultural Anthropology..................................3
ANTHR 110/H (SS) Introduction to Archaeology....................................3
ANTHR 215 (*) Introduction to Archaeology: Method and Theory......... 3
[ANTH 2330 (BSS)]
COMMS 101 (*) Mass Communication and Society..............................3
[JCOM 1500 (BSS)]
ECON 110/H (SS) Economic Principles and Problems.......................... 3
ENGT 231 (SS) Moral Leadership in a Technological World.................. 3
GEOG 110 (SS) Introduction to Natural Hazards...................................3
GEOG 120/H (*) Geography and World Affairs......................................3
[GEOG 1300 (BSS)]
GEOG 130 (*) Introduction to Human Geography..................................3
[GEOG 1400 (BSS)]
HONRS 221R (*) Colloquium in Social Sciences................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 223R (*) Behavioral Sciences...............................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 224R (*) Political Science......................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 225R (*) Sociology................................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 226R (*) Anthropology...........................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 227R (*) Economics..............................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 228R (*) Education................................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 229R (*) Business.................................................................3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 231R (*) Social Science: Global and Cultural Awareness.....3-6
[satisfies BSS]
HONRS 261 (SS) Social Science Principles and Reasoning................. 3
PLSC 150/H (*) Comparative Government and Politics......................... 3
[POLS 2200 (BSS)]
PLSC 201/H (C1) Western Political Heritage 1......................................3
PLSC 202/H (C2/LT) Western Political Heritage 2.................................3
PLSC 308 (LT) Theories of Human Freedom.........................................3
PLSC 310 (SS) Theories of American Politics.......................................3
PSYCH 111/H (SS) General Psychology...............................................3
Brigham Young University Articulations
SFL 160/H (SS) Introduction to Family Processes.................................3
SFL 210/H (SS) Human Development...................................................3
SOC 111/H (SS) Introductory Sociology.................................................3
SOC 112/H (SS) Current Social Problems.............................................3
SOC 222 (*) Introduction to Women’s Studies.......................................3
[WGS 1010 (BSS)]
SOCW 200 (SS) Introduction to Social Work.........................................3
WS 222 (*) Introduction to Women’s Studies.........................................3
[WGS 1010 (BSS)]
Depth Education
BYU does not have depth education requirements. However, the
following courses (which are equivalent to those approved for USU’s
Depth Education Requirements) will fill Communications Intensive,
Quantitative Intensive, and Depth course requirements at USU. USU
equivalent courses are shown in brackets.
Communications Intensive (CI)
AMST 300 (*) Literature and Cultures of the American West................. 3
[HIST 4600 (CI/DHA)]
ARTHC 304+306 (*) Greek Art + Roman Art......................................3+3
[ARTH 4610 (CI)]
ASL 101+102 (*) Conversation ASL, Parts 1 and 2...........................4+4
[COMD 3010 (CI)]
BIO 370 (*) Bioethics..............................................................................2
[BIOL 3100 (CI)]
BIO 420+421 (*) Evolutionary Biology + Lab.....................................2+1
[BIOL 5250 (CI)]
BUSM 498 (*) Strategic Management....................................................3
[MGT 4880 (CI)]
CHEM 464 (*) Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1....................................1
[CHEM 3080 (CI)]
CHEM 465 (*) Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2....................................1
[CHEM 3090 (CI)]
CHEM 495 (*) Senior Seminar...............................................................1
[CHEM 4990 (CI)]
CLCV 304 (*) Greek History...................................................................3
[HIST 3130 (CI/DHA)]
CLCV 307 (*) Roman History.................................................................3
[HIST 3150 (CI)]
CMLIT 499R (*) Honors Thesis...........................................................5-6
[ENGL 5910 (CI)]
COMMS 324 (*) Feature Writing............................................................3
[JCOM 3110 (CI)]
COMMS 325 (*) Broadcast Reporting....................................................3
[JCOM 4210 (CI)]
COMMS 336 (*) Strategic Planning and Problem Solving..................... 3
[JCOM 5300 (CI)]
COMMS 385 (*) Television News Producing..........................................3
[JCOM 4220 (CI)]
COMMS 420 (*) Advanced Print Reporting............................................3
[JCOM 3110 (CI)]
COMMS 421 (*) Public Relations Writing and Production...................... 3
[JCOM 2310 (CI)]
COMMS 485 (*) Strategic Public Relations Campaigns......................... 3
[JCOM 5300 (CI)]
CS 340 (*) Software Design and Testing................................................3
[CS 2450 (CI)]
ELANG 430R (*) Editing for Publication..............................................1-3
[ENGL 4400 (CI)]
ELED 356 (*) Teaching Reading & Language Arts in Primary Grades... 2
[ELED 4040 (CI)]
ELED 357 (*) Teaching Reading & Lang Arts in Intermediate Grades... 2
[ELED 4040 (CI)]
ELED 443 (*) Teaching Literacy in the Intermediate Grades (3-6)......... 2
[ELED 4040 (CI)]
ENGL 316 (AW) Technical Communication............................................3
[ENGL 3080 (CI)]
ENGL 356 (*) Myth, Legend, and Folktales............................................3
[ENGL 3710 (CI)]
ENGL 378 (*) Teaching Literature & Reading in Secondary Schools..... 3
[ENGL 4510 (CI)]
ENGL 393R (*) Studies in Folklore.........................................................3
[ENGL 3710 (CI)]
ENGL 423 (*) Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools.................. 3
[ENGL 4500 (CI)]
FREN 311R (*) Third-Year Conversation................................................2
[FREN 3060 (CI)]
FREN 321 (*) Advanced Grammar.........................................................3
[FREN 3090 (CI)]
FREN 322 (*) Advanced Composition....................................................3
[FREN 3090 (CI)]
FREN 411R (*) Fourth-Year Conversation.............................................2
[FREN 4060 (CI)]
GEOL 210 (*) Field Studies....................................................................3
[GEO 4700 (CI)]
GEOL 370 (*) Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.....................................3
[GEO 3550 (CI)]
GERM 302 (*) Advanced German Language 1......................................3
[GERM 3040 (CI)]
GERM 303 (*) Advanced German Language 2......................................3
[GERM 3050 (CI)]
HIST 300 (*) The Early Middle Ages.......................................................3
[HIST 3110 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 301 (*) The Late Middle Ages........................................................3
[HIST 3220 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 334 (*) History of Ancient Iraq.......................................................3
[HIST 3110 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 364 (*) Utah...................................................................................3
[HIST 3850 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 374 (*) U.S. History from 1890 to 1945.........................................3
[HIST 3760 (CI/DHA)]
HIST 384 (*) United States Women’s History.........................................3
[HIST 4550 (CI/DHA)]
MCOM 320/H (AW) Communication in Organizational Settings............ 3
[MIS 2200 (CI)]
NDFS 356 (*) Clinical Nutrition 2............................................................3
[NDFS 4560 (CI)]
NDFS 361 (*) Food Microbiology...........................................................3
[NDFS 5110 (CI)]
NDFS 440 (*) Teaching Methods in Dietetics.........................................3
[NDFS 4050 (CI)]
NDFS 465 (*) Food Product Development.............................................3
[NDFS 5920 (CI)]
PHIL 320R (*) Studies in Ancient Philosophy.........................................3
[PHIL 3100 (CI)]
PHIL 340R (*) Studies in Modern Philosophy........................................3
[PHIL 3120 (CI)]
PHSCS 399R (*) Academic Internship................................................1-9
[PHYS 4250 (CI)]
PHSCS 497R (*) Research in Physics................................................1-3
[PHYS 4900 (CI)]
PLSC 382 (*) International Relations in North America.......................... 3
[POLS 4450 (CI)]
PLSC 400 (*) Capstone Seminar in Political Theory..............................3
[POLS 4990 (CI)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Brigham Young University Articulations
PLSC 410 (*) Capstone Seminar in American Politics...........................3
[POLS 4990 (CI)]
PLSC 430 (*) Capstone Seminar in Public Policy..................................3
[POLS 4990 (CI)]
PLSC 450 (*) Capstone Seminar in Comparative Politics...................... 3
[POLS 4990 (CI)]
PLSC 470 (*) Capstone Seminar in International Relations................... 3
[POLS 4990 (CI)]
PORT 321 (*) Third-Year Portuguese Grammar and Composition........ 3
[PORT 3040 (CI)]
PORT 322 (*) Third-Year Portuguese Grammar and Composition........ 3
[PORT 3040 (CI)]
PORT 520 (*) Advanced Portuguese Grammar.....................................3
[PORT 3040 (CI)]
PSYCH 302 (*) Psychological Research Design and Analysis.............. 3
[PSY 3500 (CI/DSS)]
PWS 491R (*) Undergraduate Seminar.................................................1
[PSC 4890 (CI)]
SCED 353 (*) Multicultural Education....................................................2
[SCED 3210 (CI/DSS)]
SCED 380 (*) Content-Area Literacy......................................................2
[SCED 4200 (CI)]
SOC 300 (*) Methods of Research in Sociology....................................3
[SOC 3110 (CI)]
SOC 301 (*) Applied Social Research Methods.....................................3
[SOC 3110 (CI)]
TMA 201 (*) Dramatic Performance: Antiquity to Renaissance.............. 3
[THEA 3230 (CI/DHA)]
TMA 202 (*) Dramatic Performance: Renaissance to Present............... 3
[THEA 3240 (CI)]
MATH 313 (*) Elementary Linear Algebra..............................................3
[MATH 2270 (QI)]
MATH 334 (*) Ordinary Differential Equations........................................3
[MATH 2280 (QI)]
MMBIO 461 (*) Advanced Bacterial Physiology.....................................3
[BIOL 5300 (QI)]
NDFS 350 (*) Food Analysis..................................................................4
[NDFS 5500 (QI)]
NDFS 475 (*) Research Methods in Dietetics........................................2
[NDFS 4420 (QI)]
PDBIO 363 (*) Advanced Physiology Laboratory...................................1
[BIOL 5610 (QI)]
PHIL 205 (*) Deductive Logic.................................................................3
[PHIL 2200 (QI)]
PHSCS 228 (*) Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy.............................3
[PHYS 3030 (QI/DSC)]
PLSC 328 (*) Quantitative Political Methodology...................................4
[POLS 3000 (QI)]
PSYCH 301 (*) Psychological Statistics.................................................4
[PSY 2800 (QI)]
PWS 305+306 (*) Soil and Water Quality + Lab.................................3+1
[PSC 5530 (QI)]
SFL 290 (*) Critical Inquiry and Research Methods...............................3
[FCHD 3130 (QI)]
SOC 307 (*) Data Analysis, Presentation, and Management................. 3
[SOC 3120 (QI)]
STAT 105 (*) Introduction to Statistics....................................................3
[STAT 2000 (QI)]
STAT 121 (LL) Principles of Statistics....................................................3
[STAT 2000 (QI)]
Quantitative Intensive (QI)
Depth Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA)
BUSM 301 (*) Financial Management....................................................3
[FIN 3400 (QI)]
CHEM 223 (*) Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis..............................4
[CHEM 3000 (QI)]
CHEM 227 (*) Principles of Chemical Analysis......................................4
[CHEM 3000 (QI)]
CHEM 462 (*) Physical Chemistry.........................................................3
[CHEM 3060 (QI)]
CHEM 463 (*) Physical Chemistry.........................................................3
[CHEM 3070 (QI)]
CS 142+235+240 (*) Introduction to Computer Programming +....3+3+4
Data Structures and Algorithms + Adv Programming Concepts
[CS 1400 + 1405 + 1410 (QI) + 2420 (QI)]
ECON 388 (*) Introduction to Econometrics...........................................3
[ECN 5330 (QI)]
ECON 410 (*) Agricultural Economics....................................................3
[APEC 5010 (QI)]
AMST 300 (*) Literature and Cultures of the American West................. 3
[HIST 4600 (DHA/CI)]
ARTHC 310 (*) Early Christian and Byzantine Art.................................3
[ARTH 4620 (DHA)]
CLCV 304 (*) Greek History...................................................................3
[HIST 3130 (DHA/CI)]
ENGL 314 (AW) Writing About Literature...............................................3
[ENGL 3030 (DHA)]
ENGL 395R (*) Studies in Literature......................................................3
[ENGL 3030 (DHA)]
FREN 363 (*) Contemporary French Civilization....................................3
[FREN 3550 (DHA)]
FREN 452R (*) Studies in Period, Movement, and Theme.................... 3
[FREN 4610 (DHA)]
FREN 453R (*) Studies in Genre...........................................................3
[FREN 4620 (DHA)]
GERM 330 (*) Cultural History of German-Speaking Peoples............... 3
[GERM 3550 (DHA)]
GERM 340 (*) Writing About Literature..................................................3
[GERM 3000 (DHA)]
GERM 440R (*) German Literary Periods and Movements................... 3
[GERM 3600 (DHA) + GERM 3610 (DHA)]
GERM 450 (*) History of the German Language....................................3
[GERM 3000 (DHA)]
HIST 300 (*) The Early Middle Ages.......................................................3
[HIST 3110 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 301 (*) The Late Middle Ages........................................................3
[HIST 3220 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 334 (*) History of Ancient Iraq.......................................................3
[HIST 3110 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 337 (*) Pre-Modern Korea.............................................................3
[HIST 3550 (DHA)]
ECON 486 (*) Mathematical Economics................................................3
[ECN 4310 (QI)]
ECON 488 (*) Applied Econometrics......................................................3
[APEC 5330 (QI)]
ECON 490 (*) Senior Paper...................................................................1
[ECN 5950 (QI)]
EXSC 362 (*) Kinesiology and Biomechanics........................................3
[PEP 4200 (QI)]
GEOL 435 (*) Introduction to Groundwater............................................3
[GEO 5510 (QI)]
GEOL 525 (*) Petroleum Systems Analysis...........................................4
[GEO 5530 (QI)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Brigham Young University Articulations
HIST 338 (*) Modern Korea....................................................................3
[HIST 3550 (DHA)]
HIST 364 (*) Utah...................................................................................3
[HIST 3850 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 374 (*) U.S. History from 1890 to 1945.........................................3
[HIST 3760 (DHA/CI)]
HIST 384 (*) United States Women’s History.........................................3
[HIST 4550 (DHA/CI)]
MUSC 308 (*) History of Jazz................................................................3
[MUSC 3020 (DHA)]
PHIL 414R (*) Philosophy of Art.............................................................3
[PHIL 3810 (DHA)]
PHIL 415 (*) Philosophy of Religion.......................................................3
[PHIL 3600 (DHA)]
PORT 329 (*) Survey of Luso-Brazilian Linguistics................................3
[PORT 3630 (DHA)]
PORT 355 (*) Brazilian Civilization.........................................................3
[PORT 3570 (DHA)]
PORT 395R (*) Contemporary Culture.............................................0.5-3
[PORT 3570 (DHA)]
PORT 453 (*) Twentieth Century Brazilian Literature............................. 3
[PORT 3630 (DHA)]
PORT 459R (*) Special Topics in Brazilian Literature............................ 3
[PORT 3630 (DHA)]
SPAN 339 (*) Introduction to Spanish Literature....................................3
[SPAN 3600 (DHA) or SPAN 3610 (DHA)]
SPAN 345 (*) Iberian Civilization............................................................3
[SPAN 3550 (DHA)]
SPAN 355 (*) Spanish American Culture and Civilization...................... 3
[SPAN 3570 (DHA)]
SPAN 441 (*) Survey of Spanish Literature............................................3
[SPAN 3600 (DHA) or SPAN 3610 (DHA)]
SPAN 451 (*) Survey of Hispanic-American Literature.......................... 3
[SPAN 3620 (DHA) or SPAN 3630 (DHA)]
TMA 201 (*) Dramatic Performance: Antiquity to Renaissance.............. 3
[THEA 3230 (DHA/CI)]
TMA 257 (*) Storytelling.........................................................................2
[THEA 4030 (DHA)]
TMA 422 (*) Dialects..............................................................................2
[THEA 3450 (DHA)]
TMA 462 (*) History of Costume............................................................3
[THEA 3570 (DHA)]
TMA 480R (*) Special Topics in Theatre Research................................3
[THEA 5270 (DHA)]
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC)
PHSCS 228 (*) Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy.............................3
[PHYS 3030 (DSC/QI)]
SFL 282 (*) Textiles................................................................................3
[FCSE 3030 (DSC)]
Depth Social Sciences (DSS)
ANTHR 350 (*) Archaeological Cultures of North America.................... 3
[ANTH 3300 (DSS)]
ANTHR 385 (*) Archaeology of Europe..................................................3
[ANTH 3370 (DSS)]
ANTHR 434 (*) Medical Anthropology....................................................3
[ANTH 4230 (DSS)]
COMMS 329 (*) Opinion Writing............................................................3
[JCOM 3140 (DSS)]
COMMS 406 (*) Media and the First Amendment..................................3
[JCOM 4030 (DSS)]
ECON 210 (*) Introduction to Agricultural Economics............................ 3
[APEC 3010 (DSS)]
ECON 257 (*) International Trade and Finance.....................................3
[ECN 3400 (DSS)]
ECON 274 (*) American Economic History............................................3
[ECN 5110 (DSS)]
MANEC 300 (*) Economics of Market Systems.....................................3
[ECN 3010 (DSS)]
MANEC 358 (*) International Economics...............................................3
[ECN 3400 (DSS)]
ORGB 347 (*) Managerial Leadership Development.............................3
[MGT 3110 (DSS)]
PLSC 300 (*) Contemporary Political Theory.........................................3
[POLS 4320 (DSS)]
PLSC 314 (*) The United States Presidency..........................................3
[POLS 3140 (DSS)]
PLSC 315 (*) Congress and the Legislative Process.............................3
[POLS 3130 (DSS)]
PLSC 316 (*) American Political Parties................................................3
[POLS 3110 (DSS)]
PLSC 323 (*) Modern American Political Thought.................................3
[POLS 3310 (DSS)]
PLSC 330 (*) Theories of Public Policy..................................................3
[POLS 3810 (DSS)]
PLSC 341 (*) Western European Politics...............................................3
[POLS 3210 (DSS)]
PLSC 353 (*) China: Government and Politics......................................3
[POLS 3250 (DSS)]
PLSC 358 (*) Politics and Society in Latin America...............................3
[POLS 3270 (DSS)]
PLSC 376 (*) U.S. Foreign Policy..........................................................3
[POLS 3400 (DSS)]
PSYCH 302 (*) Psychological Research Design and Analysis.............. 3
[PSY 3500 (DSS/CI)]
PSYCH 306 (*) Psychology of Gender...................................................3
[PSY 4230 (DSS)]
PSYCH 341 (*) Personality....................................................................3
[PSY 4210 (DSS)]
PSYCH 342 (*) Abnormal Psychology....................................................3
[PSY 3210 (DSS)]
PSYCH 350 (*) Introduction to Social Psychology.................................3
[PSY 3510 (DSS)]
PSYCH 540 (*) Personality Theory........................................................3
[PSY 4210 (DSS)]
SCED 353 (*) Multicultural Education....................................................2
[SCED 3210 (DSS/CI)]
SFL 260 (*) Family Finance....................................................................3
[FCHD 3350 (DSS)]
SOC 340 (*) Sociology of International Development............................ 3
[SOC 5650 (DSS)]
SOC 345 (*) World Populations..............................................................3
[SOC 3200 (DSS)]
SOC 422 (*) Inequality and Society........................................................3
[SOC 3010 (DSS)]
SOC 528 (*) Sociology of Rural Communities........................................3
[SOC 3610 (DSS)]
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013
Brigham Young University Articulations
USU General Education Articulation 2012-2013