Catalog 2 0 1 5 –2 0 1 6 Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Brigham Young University-Idaho Rexburg, Idaho 83460 1- (208) 496-1400 · BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY-IDAHO CATALOG 2015-2016 Brigham Young University-Idaho Catalog The University makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this catalog but reserves the right to Young Catalogprior notice. make Brigham changes at University-Idaho any time without The University makes every effortNumber to ensure the accuracy of the Volume 78, 1 contents of this catalog but reserves the right to make changes May 2014 at any time without prior notice. Volume 79, Number 1Printed · May 2015 by PrintedBYU–Idaho by BYU-Idaho University Press University Press 2 Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 3 Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Welcome to Brigham Young University-Idaho. Whether you are a new or returning student, I offer my warmest wishes for a successful and productive school year. A BYU-Idaho education is a unique experience—one designed to strengthen you both intellectually and spiritually. At this university, you have access to a top-quality education offered in a wholesome environment rich with academic, social, and cultural opportunities. Your time at BYU-Idaho will prepare you well for employment, for additional education, and for the vital roles you will fulfill as a parent and a citizen. Most importantly, your BYU-Idaho education will strengthen your testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and set you on a lifelong path of discipleship. I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity available to you here. Immerse yourself in your coursework. Seek out mentoring experiences with faculty members. Participate in the Student Activities Program, and be actively involved in your student ward and stake. As you do, you will find your BYU-Idaho experience to be intellectually stimulating, spiritually uplifting, and immensely rewarding. Once again, welcome to BYU-Idaho. Best regards, Clark G. Gilbert President, Brigham Young University-Idaho 4 Table of Contents Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Academic Support Center ....................................................81 Accounting ..........................................................................84 Animal and Food Science .....................................................88 Applied Plant Science ...........................................................95 Art ....................................................................................108 Automotive .......................................................................126 Biology ..............................................................................131 Business Management ........................................................144 Chemistry ..........................................................................157 Civil Engineering ...............................................................162 Communication .................................................................165 Computer Information Technology ...................................178 Computer Science and Engineering ...................................183 Dance ................................................................................193 Design and Construction Management ..............................201 Economics .........................................................................207 English ..............................................................................215 Family History Research ....................................................222 Geography .........................................................................226 Geology.............................................................................229 Health, Recreation and Human Performance .....................238 History ..............................................................................265 Home and Family ..............................................................272 Humanities and Philosophy ...............................................284 Interdisciplinary Studies .....................................................289 Languages and International Studies ..................................312 Library ..............................................................................327 Mathematics ......................................................................328 Mechanical Engineering .....................................................336 Military Science .................................................................344 Music ................................................................................347 Nursing .............................................................................376 Philosophy and Humanities ...............................................284 Physics ...............................................................................383 Political Science .................................................................393 Psychology ........................................................................398 Religious Education ...........................................................404 Sociology and Social Work .................................................407 Teacher Education .............................................................413 Theatre ..............................................................................424 Web Design and Development ...........................................432 Welding .............................................................................436 GENERAL INFORMATION Academic Freedom ................................................................6 Accreditation .......................................................................22 Administration .......................................................................9 Board of Trustees .............................................................441 Academic Calendar ..............................................................15 Certificates ..........................................................................32 Colleges and Departments ...................................................11 Concentrations ....................................................................28 Correspondence Directory ...................................................12 Clusters ...............................................................................30 Emeriti ..............................................................................459 Faculty...............................................................................442 Foundations Requirements ..................................................34 Graduation ..........................................................................20 Index .................................................................................440 Lifelong Learning ..................................................................8 Map.....................................................................................14 Majors .................................................................................23 Minors.................................................................................29 Mission Statement .................................................................7 Nondiscrimination Statement.................................................6 Religion Requirements.........................................................41 Terminology ........................................................................19 University Outcomes ...........................................................21 ACADEMIC POLICIES Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)........................45 Credits and Grades ..............................................................48 Policies ................................................................................43 Standards .............................................................................46 Transfers ..............................................................................52 UNIVERSITY STANDARDS Dress and Grooming Standards ............................................61 Off-Campus Apartment Approval/Facilities .........................73 Personal Honor ...................................................................58 Student Wards and Stakes ....................................................61 ADMISSIONS and FINANCIAL POLICIES Application Procedures/Deadlines .......................................63 Financial Policies and Information .......................................66 General Admission Policies ..................................................63 International Students .........................................................63 Tuition, Fees, and Expenses .................................................65 SUPPORT SERVICES Academic Discovery Center .................................................78 Academic Support Center ....................................................76 Activities ..............................................................................79 Counseling Center ...............................................................74 Disability Services ................................................................73 Housing ..............................................................................72 Library ................................................................................73 Scholarships and Awards ......................................................71 Student Employment ...........................................................72 Student Financial Aid ...........................................................70 Student Health Care Services ...............................................74 Testing Center .....................................................................75 University Store ...................................................................73 5 Nondiscrimination/Academic Freedom Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Statement of Nondiscrimination BYU–Idaho considers non-discrimination to be fundamental to its mission, goals, and objectives. BYU–Idaho recognizes that its future success is, in part, dependent upon its ability to successfully accommodate the increasingly diverse nature of the student body and employees, which diversity is promoted by the worldwide growth of its sponsoring Church. The University is committed not to unlawfully discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment and other university-administered programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, veteran status, genetic information, or disability for all individuals who meet University and department academic requirements and agree to abide by the University’s standards of conduct and behavior. The University does exercise the “religious” exemption in admissions as granted in Title IX of the Education Amendments, 20 U.S.C. 1681 (a)(3) and in hiring employees as granted in 41 CFR 60-1.5(a)(5). Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against should contact the following: Students: ............................................................................................Dean of Students Office, located in 290 Kimball, or call (208) 496-9200 Faculty: ............................................................................................................Academic Office, located in 210 Kimball, or call(208)496-1135 Staff:..................................................................................................Human Resources Office, located in 226 Kimball, or call (208) 496-1700 Academic Freedom Brigham Young University–Idaho (BYU-Idaho) is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BYU–Idaho invites faculty and students to pursue secular knowledge in a climate of religious belief. This model consciously embraces all truth, regardless of its source. Individual freedom lies at the core of both religious and academic life and is based not only on a belief in the value of free inquiry, but also on the gospel principle that humans are moral agents. Individuals should seek knowledge in the sacred as well as in the secular, by the heart and spirit as well as by the mind, and through continuing revelation as well as in the written word of God. The faculty and students are entrusted with individual academic freedom and are encouraged to pursue truth according to the theories, methodologies, and practices that characterize scholarship in the various disciplines. This trust encompasses the freedom to explore a variety of ideas. The Board of Trustees and the academic leadership of BYU–Idaho expect faculty members to protect the fundamental interests and the doctrines of the Church, the individual faith of Church members, and the mission of the University at all times. Faculty members are free to discuss and analyze Church doctrine and policy. However, faculty members should not engage in expression privately or in public that knowingly contradicts or opposes Church doctrine and policy. Faculty members should not deliberately attack or deride the Church, the University, their leaders, or the principles of the Honor Code 6 Mission Statement Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 MISSION STATEMENT Brigham Young University-Idaho is afÞliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its mission is to: 1 Build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage living its principles. 2 Provide a quality education for students of diverse interests and abilities. 3 Prepare students for lifelong learning, for employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents. 4 Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social and spiritual environment. 7 Lifelong Learning Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 LIFELONG LEARNING Foundations offers a focused and complete approach to learning Brigham Young University-Idaho prepares students for lifelong learning, for employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents. Innovative educational concepts help prepare graduates to contribute significantly to the Church, the community, and the workplace. BYU-Idaho is home to the Foundations program. This unique approach to general education courses is aimed at raising the quality of every student’s experience at BYU-Idaho. In the previous general education program, students had a longer and more diverse list of classes to choose from, creating a significantly different experience for each student. Foundations has purposefully limited the number of class options, ensuring that all students will have similar experiences and receive a more focused educational experience. At BYU-Idaho: • A year-round track system allows more students to attend. • Internships enhance marketability. • The Student Activities Program provides students with opportunities to lead and serve. • The Learning Model fosters faith-building learning. • The Foundations Program offers a focused and complete approach to learning. • Students are trained to be leaders. • Students develop a life of honor. • The “Spirit of Ricks” is preserved and enhanced. Students are trained to be leaders While most universities are research-focused and faculty-centered, BYU-Idaho is teaching-focused and student-centered. Through hands-on student employment and leadership opportunities, thousands of students every year are given practical opportunities to build skills that will help them become disciples of Christ and leaders in the workforce. A year-round track system allows more students to attend President Kim B. Clark said, “We engage our students in active leadership with meaningful responsibility across the university. They are required to lead, direct, and move things forward in managing many of our programs and activities.” BYU-Idaho operates on an expanded year-round basis to allow more students the opportunity to attend. This creative academic calendar revolves around a three-track system: Spring/Fall, Fall/Winter, and Winter/Spring. Qualified students are admitted to one of the three tracks and they stay on the same track through graduation. Yearround options are available as students enter their upper coursework. Students develop a life of honor The heart of BYU-Idaho is Personal Honor. This means all students live by the BYU-Idaho Code of Honor, dress and grooming standards, and specific housing guidelines. Obedience and faith are the core of Personal Honor as each student strives to raise his or her personal bar of righteousness. Internships enhance marketability BYU-Idaho is one of the largest intern-producing universities in the nation. An academic internship is a cooperative program between the student, the university, and approved experience providers (employers). Internships enable students to obtain practical and valuable work experience, to apply skills and knowledge learned in school, and to gain exposure to various job opportunities. In most cases, an internship is a required element for both associate and bachelor degree-seeking students. BYU-Idaho holds a weekly devotional and students attend weekly worship services and other church activities—all bringing students together to be taught by the Spirit. Through unity, sacrifice, and love, students become better leaders in their homes, in the Church, and in the world around them. The Student Activities Program allows students to lead and serve The “Spirit of Ricks” is preserved and enhanced BYU-Idaho Student Activities Program meets the needs and interests of a broad and diverse student body. An array of year-round activities is offered in the areas of Outdoor, Social, Service, Talent, Fitness, and Sports. Each area is structured to give students numerous opportunities for active involvement at various levels of interest and commitment. Our innovative programs help students develop character and enhance leadership skills. Within Activities, students are participants not just spectators. While looking to the future, we work to preserve and enhance the “Spirit of Ricks.” Simply stated, this entails upholding a tradition of service, hard work, friendliness, and compassion—the same convention that bonded the students, faculty, and administration for more than 100 years as Ricks College. President Kim B. Clark said, “Our mission, our very purpose, is to educate, develop, and prepare disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. This purpose is deeply rooted in this university. The Lord watches over this university in a very powerful way. Our purpose is to help [students] become His true followers, His true disciples, a light to the world.” The Learning Model fosters faith-building learning At BYU-Idaho, everyone is a learner and a teacher. Designed to deepen the learning experience of students, the Learning Model helps create a greater responsibility for students to learn and teach one another. It is an inspired learning process and builds on the understanding that all learners and teachers are at different levels in their individual progress. It encourages learners and teachers to prepare, teach one another, and then ponder and prove. For more information, contact BYU-Idaho at (208) 496-1411, or visit The Learning Model teaches learners and teachers to 1) exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a principle of action and power; 2) understand that true teaching is done by and with the Holy Ghost; 3) lay hold upon the word of God—as found in the holy scriptures and in the words of the prophets—in all disciplines; 4) act for themselves and accept responsibility for learning and teaching; and 5) love, serve, and teach one another. 8 Administration Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Administration Clark G. Gilbert Fenton L. Broadhead Henry J. Eyring Charles N. Andersen Kevin T. Miyasaki Betty A. Oldham President Academic Vice President Advancement Vice President University Resources Vice President Student Services and Activities Vice President Special Assistant to the President for Strategy and Planning Academics Fenton L. Broadhead Kelly Burgener Academic Vice President Associate Academic Vice President - Instruction Brian Schmidt Ralph Kern Amy LaBaugh Greg Hazard Seth Deming Instructional Resources and Support Director Associate Academic Vice President - Student Connections Academic Discovery Center Director Academic Support Centers Director Testing Center Director Laurie Francis Ric Page University Librarian Associate Academic Vice President - Support Services Marc Stewart Edwin Sexton Lynne Anderson Academic Business Officer Associate Academic Vice President - Curriculum and Online Curriculum Development Managing Director Alan Young Scott Bergstrom Alan Dutson Van Christman Kirk Gifford Steven Dennis Scott Galer Kevin Brower Eric Karl Jon Linford Sid Palmer Online Instruction Managing Director Institutional Research and Assessment Director Accreditation, Outcomes and Assessment Director Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean, College of Business and Communication Dean, College of Education and Human Development Dean, College of Language and Letters Dean, College of Performing and Visual Arts Dean, College of Physical Sciences and Engineering Dean, Foundations and Interdisciplinary Studies Dean, Faculty Development and Mentored Research Advancement Henry J. Eyring Merv Brown Steve Davis Christopher Moore J.D. Griffith Advancement Vice President University Relations Managing Director Alumni Director LDS Philanthropies Director Pathway Managing Director Student Services and Activities Kevin T. Miyasaki Kip Harris Nick Rammell Rob Garrett Kyle Martin Aaron Sanns Tyler Williams Nathan Relken Wynn Hill Troy Dougherty Kristie Lords Shaun Orr Reed Stoddard Wade Gordon Derek Fay Justin Garner Layne Kinghorn Allen Jones Student Services and Activities Vice President Dean of Students Associate Dean of Students Enrollment Services Managing Director Registrar Student Financial Aid and Scholarship Director Admissions Director BYU-Idaho Support Center Director Student Well-Being Managing Director Student Living and Housing Director Student Honor Office Director Student Health Services Director Student Counseling Center Director Disability Services Director Student Activities Managing Director Activities Director Activities Director Student Support Director 9 Administration Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 University Resources Charles N. Andersen Kevin Price Kevin Allred Larry Rigby Joe Taylor Wayne Clark Garth Gunderson Rulon Nielsen Eric Conrad Doug Mason Judy Steiner Todd Huchendorf Shane Webster Mike Thueson University Resources Vice President Human Resources Director Internal Audit Director Budget Officer Chief Information Officer University Operations Managing Director University Security and Safety Director Facilities Planning and Construction Director University Services Managing Director University Store Director Event Management Director Food Services Director Financial Services Managing Director Purchasing and Travel Director 10 College Deans, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES Humanities and Philosophy Christopher Williams, Chair VAN CHRISTMAN, Dean Kathy Jo Cook, Associate Dean Steven Christenson, Associate Dean Languages and International Studies Kirk Widdison, Chair Animal and Food Science Zeph Quirl, Chair COLLEGE OF PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTS Applied Plant Science KEVIN BROWER, Dean Brian Memmott, Associate Dean Richard Clifford, Associate Dean Ben Romney, Chair Biology Art John Zenger, Chair Darren Clark, Chair Health, Recreation, and Human Performance Steve Kimpel, Chair Music Sara Hawkins, Chair Theatre and Dance Diane Soelberg, Chair Nursing Gary Larsen, Chair COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND COMMUNICATION COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING KIRK GIFFORD, Dean Keith Patterson, Associate Dean Rick Hirschi, Associate Dean ERIC KARL, Dean Mark Lovell, Associate Dean Larry Chilton, Associate Dean Accounting Chemistry Darryl Foutz, Chair Les Manner, Chair Business Management Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Kimball Galbraith, Chair Richard Grimmett, Chair Communication Design and Construction Management Mike Cannon, Chair Reed Nielsen, Chair Computer Information Technology Steve Rigby, Chair Geology Allan Walburger, Chair Mathematics Economics Julie Willis, Chair Jackie Nygaard, Chair COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Mechanical Engineering Greg Roach, Chair STEVE DENNIS, Dean Dana Johnson, Associate Dean Michael Abel, Associate Dean Physics Stephen McNeil, Chair Home and Family Scott Gardner, Chair FOUNDATIONS AND INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Psychology JON LINFORD, Dean Craig Johnson, Associate Dean Marc Skinner, Associate Dean Kendall Peck, Interdisciplinary Studies Director Kevin Shiley, International Study Programs Director Eric Gee, Chair Religious Education Phil Allred, Chair Rex Butterfield, Assistant Chair Sociology and Social Work FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORED RESEARCH Nathan Meeker, Chair Teacher Education SID PALMER, Dean Dan Moore, Associate Dean Kevin Stanger, Chair COLLEGE OF LANGUAGE AND LETTERS SCOTT GALER, Dean Dan Pearce, Associate Dean Duane Adamson, Associate Dean English Darin Merrill, Chair History, Geography, and Political Science Shawn Johansen, Chair 11 Directory Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Information Technology Insurance (Student) International Services Internship Services Interpreting & Captioning Serv. KBYI\KBYR Kimball Information Desk LDS Philanthropies Library Information Desk Livestock Center Locker Rooms Mens Womens Lost & Found Mail Services Manwaring Center Info Desk Math Study Center Online Student Support Center Outdoor Resource Center Parking Service Payroll Performance Tours Pharmacy Philanthropies Photo Services Preschool Print & Copy Services Purchasing & Travel Reading Center Recycling Registrar’s Risk Management ROTC Scheduling Class Rooms Academic Courses Facilities Scholarships Scroll (University Newspaper) Security and Safety Service Center Facilities Soap Box Sprint Kiosk (Bookstore) Stores and Receiving Student Accounts Student Activities Student Employment Student Honor Office Student Records & Registration Student Representative Council Student Support Student Well-Being Study Skills Center Swimming Pool Surplus Sales Telecommunication Testing Center Ticket Office DIRECTORY/INFORMATION (208) 496-1411 BYU–IDAHO 525 SOUTH CENTER STREET REXBURG, ID 83460 OFFICE Academic Administration Academic Discovery Center Academic Support Academic Technology Services Activities Administrative Services Admissions Alumni Relations ASK BYUI Audio Visual Badger Creek Ranch Beehive Credit Union Bookstore (University Store) Bowling Center Bursars Office Campus Security Career Services Cashier’s Office Catering Classroom Technology Competetive Sports Issue Computer Help Desk Continuing Education Counseling Center Dean of Students Disability Services for Students Employment (Admin/Staff) Employment (Student) Enrollment Services Event Management Event Services Executive Offices Express Print & Copy Facilities Management Facilities Planning & Const. Family History Center Farm Shop Field Service Office Financial Aid and Scholarships Financial Services Fitness Center Food Services Graphic Service Hart Building Hart Equipment Room Health Center Help Desk (Technology) Housing & Student Living Human Resources I-Card Office ICOMM Student Media Information Desk PHONE 496-1141 496-9800 496-4270 496-7230 496-7300 496-1901 496-1300 496-3300 496-1411 496-2356 496-2531 656-1000 496-3400 496-2221 496-1900 496-3000 496-9800 496-1950 496-2840 496-7070 496-7480 496-9000 496-1250 496-9370 496-9200 496-9210 496-1700 496-1700 496-4278 496-3122 496-3150 496-1113 496-2880 496-2601 496-2651 496-9536 496-4540 496-4140 496-1600 496-1901 496-7490 496-2800 496-2070 496-7480 496-7480 496-9330 496-9000 496-9220 496-1700 496-1931 496-3737 496-1411 ROOM KIM 210 MC 129 MCK 272 MCK 355 MC 101 KIM 290 KIM 120 MC 175 BID 236 MCK 320 BDGR CRK 65 S. CTR MC BKST MC 140 KIM 130 KIM 150 MC 129 KIM 130 MC 291 UO 120 HRT 187 MCK 322 ASB 103 SHC 200 KIM 290 MCK 158 KIM 226 KIM 226 MCK 290 BCTR 213 MC 230 KIM 200 MC 140A PPLT 249 PPLT 283 MCK 220 AGM 104 HIN 325 KIM 100 KIM 290 HRT 141 MC 276A BID 303 HRT 202 HRT 202 SHC 100 MC 310 KIM 220 KIM 226 KIM 130 SPO 114 BID 236 4+ZIP 1690 0760 0421 0415 0710 1695 1615 0705 0405 0540 0040 0715 0740 1620 1630 0760 1625 0725 8205 0900 0415 8011 2020 1688 0425 1670 1670 0421 2200 0720 1650 0400 8205 8205 0405 1300 1930 1610 1695 0900 0725 1701 0905 0905 2010 0415 1645 1670 1625 0115 4500 12 * Credit Description (Credit Hours : Lecture Hours per week : Lab Hours per week : Guided Instruction Hours per week) 496-7000 496-9331 496-1320 496-9800 496-4292 496-2050 496-1411 496-3510 496-9500 496-4520 KIM 170 SHC 174 MC 276 MC 129 RIG 158 RGS 102 KIM Stocks Ave MCK 1 FL HRLC 112 1635 2010 0775 0760 4525 1700 496-7485 496-7486 496-1401 496-2630 496-1400 496-4289 496-1800 496-7337 496-3030 496-1992 496-3100 496-9342 496-3510 496-7232 496-4067 496-2850 496-2310 496-4290 496-2514 496-1000 496-1972 496-4702 496-3120 496-3120 496-1022 496-3120 496-1600 496-3737 496-3002 496-2500 496-3737 496-3469 496-2645 496-1900 496-7300 496-1700 496-9300 496-1000 496-1420 496-1420 496-9200 496-4291 496-7401 496-2615 496-7000 496-1750 496-3170 HRT 207 HRT 261 MC 269 ASB 140 MC 269 MCK 272 BID 236 STADIUM KIM 150H KIM 130 BID 323 SHC 100 Stocks Ave BID 323 CLK 217 MC 167A ASB 111 MCK 230 PPLT 249 KIM 190 KIM 290 RIG 205 MC 191 MC 207 KIM 190 MC 191 KIM 100 SPO 114 KIM 150 UO 229 SPO 114 MC BKST ASB 146 KIM 130 MC 101 KIM 240 KIM 270 KIM 190 RIG 272 RIG 272 KIM 290 MCK 266 HRT 215 ASB 133 KIM 170 MC 5 KIM 130 0905 0905 0770 8000 0750 0421 4660 0905 1630 1620 4660 2010 1655 0415 0655 8005 8010 0421 8205 1640 1695 4505 0705 0750 1640 0750 1610 0115 1630 8205 0115 0715 8015 1625 0710 1670 1686 1640 4500 4500 1688 0421 0905 8020 1635 0780 1625 1655 0405 1110 Directory Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 Transcripts Travel Tutoring Center University Relations University Services University Store Wellness Center Writing Center 496-1000 496-2340 496-4270 496-2051 496-2700 496-3400 496-7491 496-4288 KIM 190 ASB 122 MCK 272 KIM 323 MC 276 MC BKST HRT 152 MCK 288 1640 8009 0421 1661 0725 0715 0905 0421 COLLEGES Agriculture & Life Sciences Business & Communication Education & Human Dvlpmnt Language & Letters Performing & Visual Arts Physical Sciences & Engineering Foundations & Interdsciplinary Studies DEPARTMENTS Academic Support Centers Accounting Animal & Food Science Applied Plant Science Art Automotive Technology Biology Business Management Chemistry Communication Computer Information Tech. Computer Science & Engr Design & Construction Mgmt Dance Economics English Geography Geology Health, Recreation, & Human Performance History Home & Family University Relations Humanities & Philosophy Languages & Intl Studies Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Music Nursing Physics Political Science Psychology Religious Education Sociology & Social Work Teacher Education Theatre 13 496-4500 496-3600 496-3900 496-4200 496-4800 496-7501 BEN 211 SMI 229 RIG 143 SMI 296 SPO 253 ROM 60 1110 0810 4525 0865 0125 0505 496-3350 SMI 294 0860 496-4270 496-3840 496-4521 496-4580 496-4900 496-7660 496-4600 496-3620 496-7700 496-3691 496-3620 496-7600 496-7570 496-4851 496-3840 496-4360 496-4220 496-7670 MCK 272 SMI 214 RIG 143 BEN 144 SPO 316 AUS 106 BEN 201 SMI 231 ROM 230 SPO 229 SMI 231 AUS 216 AUS 106 MC 214 SMI 214 RIG 180 RKS 262 ROM 150 0421 0841 4540 1120 0130 1000 1100 0800 0500 0120 0810 1015 1030 0700 0815 4540 2160 0510 496-4671 496-4220 496-4000 496-2000 496-4340 496-4300 496-7521 496-7630 496-4950 496-4550 496-7730 496-4220 496-4070 496-3920 496-4150 496-4100 496-4820 CLK 145 RKS 262 CLK 223 BID 323 TAY 240 SMI 450 RKS 232 AUS 159 SNO 246 CLK 102 ROM 118 RKS 262 RKS 110 TAY 202 RKS 132 HIN 353 SNO 126 0695 2160 0665 4660 1525 0825 2155 1020 1210 0620 0520 2160 2140 1510 2130 1930 1215 Campus Map Brigham Young University–Idaho 2015-2016 SECOND SOUTH KEY 1a 3 N 5 2 1 4 V = Visitor Parking CORNELL AVE. FIRST EAST I = Information Desk 1b V 7 6 THIRD SOUTH THIRD SOUTH 9 10 Code 15