establishes a B uelooth wireless connection Network Access betweenthe client and a server that is physrcaly connectedto the Local Area Netlvork. f the cleni has pemlssion (user name and passwordfor lhe LAN), the wireless connecton can be used as if the client were hardwiredto the LAN. Audio Gateway alows a remote Bluetooth device to use this computels microphoneand speakersas the remole devices audro nput a n d o u i p u ld e v i c e s . . Printer allowsa BluetoothClientto use a Blueioolhpfinter. LOCAL SERVICES Local Services are those seruces that a B ueloolh seNer is capable of providing.To display the local services provided : 1n [/y BluetoothPlaces, from the Foiders pane. select (highlghi) My Device. The servce provided by B uetooth are Bluetoolh Serial Porl, Dial-up Netwofking, Fax, File Transfef.Headsel,Pl[,] ltem Transfer,PllV Synchfonization,NetworkAccess, Audio Gateway,and so on. F. "X Lx in their icons for services that are nol avalabe have a red lower-rghtcorner.Servicesmay be unavailablebecausethey are in use or becausethe necessaryhardware{such as a modemfor Dial !p Networking) The names of al the seNices are disp ayed even though the servef may not be capableof supportingall services.For example,when a seNer provides a seruicethat is hadware dependant,that setuer must be capableof loca action, i.e., a Dial up Networking server have a working modern, a Fax server musi have a functionalfax modem, and a Network Access server must be physicallyconnectedto the Local Area Network Ail servicesstart alrtomatcaly by defalrltwhen BTW is initalized. Bluelooth USB Dongle Quick Start Guide NofE: Rea.l this Quick staft Gutde befarc ihstalling the Biuetooth usB Dongle For I canplete safety precaulions and canfiguration details, please rea.l the Bluetooth USB ; USB Donqle usB qgl'g!9llq!9!9!q!!lj!tide USB DongleCD-RO|\,4 BluetoothAppl cationSoftware BluetoothUSB Donge Usefs Guide li any item is missing,p ease coniactyour productprovider PRODUCTINTRODUCTION The B uetoolh USB Dongle allows a compulef with a USB port to communrcaiewith olher Bluetooth-enableddevces. When used wth the Bluetoothapplicationsoftware, t can peform wireless networkapplicalions such as infomation exchange, file tfansfer, net\rvorkaccess, dial-up networking,headset,audio gaieway,printerapplication.and so on SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS D u r o n/ A t h l o n P r o c e s s o f : l n tC e le e r o n/ P e n t i u ml l l / P e n t i u ml V ; A [ , 4 D OperatingSystem:IvlicrosoftWindows98SE / ME / 2000 / XP - Syslem memory:32NrlBat leasl ' Hard Drive Space: 11 5MB BEFORE INSTALLATION Please rer.ove any previous version of Widcomm Bluetooth Applicaton softwafeexistingin your system.The femove proceduresare as follows: 1. CLickStarusettings, then select Control Panel. 7 5 1 4 3 0 0 02 2 V t 1 2. ln lhe Contro Panelwindow,dcube clickAdd/Remove progrems icon. 3. F nd oui the ilem Widcomm Bluetooth Soflware x.x.x,x , then remove t by cllckingthe Remove bution. Note: Ta prcvenl potenlial problems cluting installing the software, please cto NOT plug the Bluetooth USB Dongle into the conputer until the Bluetaoth application soflware installation is finished. INSTALLATIONOF THE BLUETOOTHAPPLICATIONSOFTWARE (Widcomm's BTW) 1. Irsert the BluetoothSoftware CD into CD-RO|V|drive. tf the Auto Run function of CD-RON,4 is enabled (n Windows, the defaul selting of this functon is usualy enabed), then lnsia lation program wilt starl äutomatically.lf not, you can uiilizethe Windows Explorerto brcwse CD conlentand run Setup.exe manually. 2. When ensu ng wlndow appears,please click Next buttonto continuethe soth/vareinstalation. 3. Then in the License Agrcemenl window, check the item, accepf t e tems in the license agreemertand click Next butlon to cont nue. 4. The softwaredefaut desUnationfolder is locaiedat C:\ Prcgram Fites \ Widcomm I Bluetooth Sottwale\. lfyou want io changethe lolder,clck Chänge... button then select one you prefer. lf everlthing js feady and done, p ease click Next bulton. 5. Then click Install bultonto beglnlhe instalation The softwafeinstallation rs processrngnow NOTE: Dunng the processing of the Bluelaoth Saftware installation under Windows 98SE or Windaws 2044. ft is passible to neet Microsoft Digital Sigraiu,€ ,Ssues such as Bluetooth Personal Arca Network Divet, Bluetoath Camnunication Pons, Widcomm Bluetooth Fax Modem. and Unkown Software package. Please confirn them nanually by pressing Yes butlon in those pop up windaws. 6. Pleaserebootyour systemafter the softwäreinstalation s inished. 7. Afrer rebooting,when you log in Windowsopefat ng systernthere will be two new Bluetooth icons appearingon the desktop and the Windows SystemTray respectively. BASIC OPERATIONS 1. Double-clickihe Bluetoothrcon n ihe Windows Syslem Tfay, which is norrnaly located in the loweFrightcorner of the screen,to open the I\4y BluetoolhPlaceswindow 2 Searchfor Deviceslooks for Bluetoothdevicesin ihe vtcinityand disptays the devices it finds in My Bluelooth Places. To slalt the Search for Devices: a) In [/y Bluetooth Places, from the Foldeß pane, setect (hightigho Entire Bluelooth Neighborhood. b)Open lhe Bluetoothmenu and selecl Search for Devices. 3 After lhe searching process,devicesfoundwlllappe€rin lhe ghi pane of l\,4yBluetoothPlacewindow 4. The processof detem ning lhe servicesthat a device provldesis called ServiceDiscoveryTo rnitialea ServiceDiscovery: ln the Folders pane of My BluetoothPlaces, rightctick the device and selecl DiscoveryAvailable Services from the shortcutmenu. 5. After the discove ng pfocess,servicesfound will appearin the righl pane of Ä,4y BluetoothPlaceswindow 6. To use a service:Double-clickthe icon of the seruicein the right pane of [,ly BluetoothPlaceswindow to use the service.The servicessupported Bluelooth Seriäl Port - establishesa Bluetoothwireless connection between two devices The connectionmay be used by applicatons as though a physrcalse al cable connectedthe devices. Dial-up Networking - allows a Bluetoothcllenl to use a modem ihät is physicallyaltachedto the Elueloothserver. Fax - allows a Bluetoothcllenl 10wirelesslysend a fax using a devce that is physcaly atiachedlhe Bluetoothsetuer File Transfer - establrshesa Bluetoothwirelessconnectionthat allows your computer to perfom file sysiem operations on another Bluetoolh-enableddevice browse, drag/drop, open, prlnt, cut /copy, oaste,delete.renäme.etc. Headset - allows a Bluetoothclient 10 use a Bluetoolhheadsel as the audio inDuland outDutdevicefor this client. Information Exchange - establishesa Bluetoothwireless connection bet\rveentlvo devices so that they can exchange personal informalion managerdata sLrchas businesscards, calendaritems, email messages, and notesIntormation Synchronization establishes a Bluelooth wireless connectionbetweentwo devices and uses the connectionto syncronize PersonalInfomation Manaoerdata betweenthe two devices.