Attachment 3 – Commissioning Services Commissioning Agent The Commissioning Agent shall be an independent entity not affiliated with members of the project team that shall oversee Limited Building Systems Commissioning or Total Project Commissioning for each project assigned. The services shall help to ensure the completed facility, or specific systems of the facility, meet the County’s performance requirements. Consultant shall work under the direction of a designated project architect or engineer within the Department of Public Works and Planning. Limited Building Systems Commissioning shall consist of the operational testing and documentation of one or more systems within the facility. Total Project Commissioning shall consist of establishing system performance criteria, design document verification, operational testing and documentation of all systems within the facility. The Commissioning Agent may also be called upon to perform Retro Commissioning on existing systems in existing buildings in order to improve their performance. Services may consist of but are not limited to: • Assist in the development and documentation of the County’s project requirements, the basis of the design proposed to solve the requirements and how the various systems will work together to meet the County’s requirements. • Development of design, functional and operational criteria during the design phases addressing the project requirements. • Ensure provisions are made for future expansion or revisions to the facility, including blockouts, spare conduits, chases, utility stubouts, etc. • Review of systems designs to verify compliance with functional and operational criteria during each design phase. • Develop and incorporate commissioning requirements into the construction documents. • Develop a commissioning plan. • Identification of and recommendations to correct nonconforming design work and concisely communicate them to the designated project architect or engineer. • Review substitutions of systems and equipment for conformance with project requirements, basis of design and functional and operational criteria. • Periodic review of systems installations during the course of construction to confirm they are being installed in accordance with the contract documents. • Provide a detailed review of systems as they near completion during construction to confirm the products and equipment have been installed in accordance with the contract documents. • Identify nonconforming work and report it to the designated project architect or engineer so it can be reported to the contractor. • Review and approval of O & M manuals and establish preventative maintenance and service program. • Observe the contractor’s start-up procedures and initial operational testing. • Coordinate a detailed review of the entire facility with the contractor utilizing measurement and verification equipment and procedures for monitoring optimum system performance. o Check the actual performance of systems against the functional and operational criteria developed during the project conception and design phases, which can include energy efficiency, operating noise levels, smoothness of operation, Page 1 of 2 Pages Attachment 3 – Commissioning Services • • • • • • maintenance accessibility, ability to meet performance requirements and other predetermined criteria. Coordinate with the contractor to make adjustments to the systems to meet or exceed the established criteria without voiding manufacturer or installer warranty provisions. Document the information gathered during the commissioning process and provide system testing reports in a clear, concise, easily read, and understood and in a format readily usable by the County. Oversee the training of County staff on the various systems ensuring they are familiar with the operation of the systems and ready to assume operation of the systems. Review training videos submitted by contractors to confirm they succinctly contain the information required for training on the systems, note deficiencies and concisely communicate them to the designated project architect or engineer. Review record documents to ensure they adequately reflect the installed conditions and operating parameters. Communicate any deficiencies to the designated project architect or engineer so the information can be forwarded to the contractor and/or project team and incorporated into the project record drawings. Coordinate a review of the systems ten (10) months into the warranty period to confirm systems continue to operate as designed. Identify deficiencies, provide a plan to resolve them and concisely communicate them to the designated project architect or engineer. Systems that may require commissioning include but are not limited to: • Intrusion alarms • Security access systems • Fire suppression systems • Building automation • Environmental controls • Telecommunications systems • Public address systems • Data Networks • Process equipment systems • Energy management systems • Lighting management systems including daylighting controls • Passive and mechanical HVAC systems • Domestic hot water systems • Renewable energy systems • Thermal energy storage Page 2 of 2 Pages