PADS Scheduler


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PADS Scheduler

Welcome to PADS Scheduler

Thank you for choosing PADS, one of the most advanced and complete professional display software packages that are available today.

This PADS Scheduler manual describes the possibilities of PADS Scheduler, the end-user application to schedule PADS presentations.

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Starting PADS Scheduler

A number of aspects play a role with starting the PADS Scheduler application, like connecting to a PADS

Server and logging on to the application. The system has several built-in functions that have to deal with this process.

In this section

Starting the application

Describes how to start the PADS Scheduler application in Microsoft Windows.

Connecting to your PADS Server

Describes the procedure to connect to your PADS Server.

Logging on to your PADS Server

Describes the procedure to logon on to your PADS Server.

Specifying connection and logon properties

Describes the properties that reflect the logon settings and the status of the connection to the PADS


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Starting the application

PADS Scheduler is the end-user application for scheduling PADS presentations.

To start the PADS Scheduler application

1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.

2. Select (All) Programs and then PADS4 .

3. Select Scheduler .


1. In Windows Explorer, go to the folder containing the PADS Scheduler program files.

2. Double click the PADSScheduler.exe


After this the application will be started.


If al l c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s of th e ap p l i c ati on ar e c or r ec t th en th e s ys tem w i l l au tomati c al l y c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e. If you s tar t th e ap p l i c ati on f or th e ver y f i r s t ti me or w h en on e or mor e of th e c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s ar e i n c or r ec t ( th e s ys tem i s n ot ab l e to c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e) th en th e PADS c on n ec ti on man ag emen t w i n d ow w i l l au tomati c al l y b e s h ow n . T h i s al l ow s you to s p ec i f y th e r i g h c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s i n or d er to c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e an d th u s s tar t th e ap p l i c ati on .

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Connecting to your PADS Server

When PADS Scheduler has been started, it will look for a PADS Server connection. Depending on how you have set up the connection properties, the program will respond differently.

To connect to your PADS Server for the first time

When it's the very first time you start PADS Scheduler and you haven't set any connection properties yet, you will encounter the following message.

When you click OK the PADS Server Connections window will be opened to specify connection properties.

To connect to your PADS Server manually

When you have specified that you want to connect manually to your PADS Server, the program's screen will be empty after starting PADS Scheduler.

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To connect to your PADS Server manually you can choose two options from the ribbon bar.

1. Use the PADS Server connection button.


1. Move the mouse cursor to the network connection button and click it to connect.

2. Use the PADS Server connection split button.

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1 2 3

1. Move the mouse cursor to the PADS Serverconnection split button.

2. Click the PADS Serverconnection split button to reveal all available connections.

3. Move the mouse cursor to the PADS Serverconnection you wish to connect to and click to connect.

3. PADS Scheduler will try and connect.

To connect to your PADS Server automatically

When you have specified that you want to connect automatically to your PADS Server, PADS Scheduler will try and connect immediately after starting.

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Logging on to your PADS Server

After you have connected successfully to your PADS Server, you need to log on.

To logon to your PADSServer manually

When you have


that you want to log on manually to your PADS Server, the following screen will be shown after the program has started.

Enter your User Name , your Password and click the Log On button to actually log on.

PADS Scheduler will then try and complete the connection and log on procedure.

To logon to your PADS Server automatically

When you have


that you want to log on automatically to your PADS Server, PADS Scheduler will try and log on to your PADS Server without you noticing. If all is well you will see only the connection being made.

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Specifying connection and log on properties

You can manage your connection and log on settings through the PADS Server connections window.

In this section

Connection properties

Describes the settings for your PADS Server connection.

Log on properties

Describes the settings for your PADS Server log on.

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Connection properties

The connection properties show information about your PADS Server connection(s).

To open the PADS Server Connections window

1 2

1. Move your mouse cursor to the Connections section of the Home tab group in the ribbon bar and click the Manage button.

2. The PADS Server Connections window is opened.

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To manage your PADS Server connection(s)

1 2 3

1. Click Manage and next Add...

to add a new PADS Server connection, or

2. Click Edit...

to change an existing PADS Server connection, or

3. Click Remove...

to delete an existing PADS Server connection.

To add or edit a PADS Server connection

Whether you want to add or edit a connection, the screen is basically the same.

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In the Identification section you enter a Connection Name for your PADS Server connection. In the

Server Connection section you specify which server computer you want to connect to. In the Application Startup you can indicate whether you want the program to start this connection automatically or that you want to start the connection manually.

To specify a server connection

In the Server Connection section there are three ways to connect to a computer that acts as a PADS

Server. If you choose for the option Automatic then whenever you start PADS Scheduler the program will look on its own for the first PADS Server it can find in its vicinity and connect to it.

To have the local PC act as your server select the option This Computer .

When you want to enter a specific PC or want to search for one, you choose the option Other .

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You can enter the name or IP address of the PC or you can have PADS look for a nearby PADSServer.


W h en you r ow n c omp u ter i s th e PADS s er ver th en you mu s t al w ays u s e th e op ti on Th i s

C ompu t er . If you i n s tead u s e th e op ti on Ot h er an d s p ec i f y you r c omp u ter n ame as

P AD S S erv er th en th e PADS Vi ew er s w on ' t b e ab l e to d etec t you r c on ten t f i l es i n th e

PADS c on ten t l i b r ar y.

Click Search...

to find a PADS Server nearby.

PADS will run a check over the network if any PADS Server is active.

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A PADS Ser ver c an on l y b e au tomati c al l y d etec ted w h en th e PADS Ser ver p r oc es s i s r u n n i n g an d th e U DP p or t n u mb er 3 7 0 2 i s n ot b l oc ked b y a f i r ew al l on th e s er ver PC or s omew h er e el s e i n th e n etw or k.

When the search is finished, select the PADS Server you want to connect to and click OK to confirm.

Click OK in the Connection window and Close in the PADS Server Connections window to apply the settings.

To specify another port number for your PADS Server connection

For network or security reasons you may want to use another port number than the default one, 7237.

This is also done at the option Other in the Server Connection section.

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1. Select the option Other in the Server Connection section.

2. Click on the Show Advanced Options expander.

3. In the number field enter the desired port number.

4. Click OK in the Connection window and Close in the PADS Server Connections window to apply the settings.

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Logon properties

In the

connection properties

you can also determine how you want to log on to your PADS Server.

To specify log on details for your PADS Server connection

When adding or editing your PADS Server connection select the Credentials tab in the Connection window. Enter your User Name in the Credentials section.

If you want to log on automatically, you will have to check the option Automatic Login and enter your

Password .

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W h en w or ki n g w i th PADS Domai n s on th e i n d i c ated PADS Ser ver , you c an s p ec i f y th e l og on d etai l s f or a p ar ti c u l ar Domai n i n th e D omai n s ec ti on . T h i s i s an ad van c ed top i c d es c r i b ed i n th e PADS In s tal l ati on Man u al . T h e op ti on Au t omat i c w i l l s u f f i c e i n mos t c as es .

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Main Window

The main window of the PADS Scheduler application gives access to all functions of the application. By selecting a date and Viewer (group) you can get an overview of the scheduled presentations.

In this section


Describes the elements of the main window.

Ribbon bar

Describes the menu structure of the Scheduler application.

Selecting a date or period

Shows how to select a date or period to get an overview of the scheduled presentations.

Selecting a destination

Shows how to select a Viewer (group) to get an overview of the scheduled presentations.

Scheduled presentations

Describes how scheduled presentations are represented.

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After you have started the application, have been connected to the PADS Server and have logged on you are situated in the main window of PADS Scheduler, also called the overview window.

PADS Scheduler main window

When you've started the Scheduler application, the main window will look as follows.

The main window is built up out a number of parts:

1. The ribbon bar

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Via the ribbon bar all functions of the application can be accessed. Which options are visible and enabled depends on the situation: is the application connected to a PADS Server, are you logged on, has there been a scheduled presentation selected?

2. The date selection area

You can select a particular date, a period, a number of non-sequential dates, and browse days, months, years, all within a few mouse clicks. This will affect the number of schedules shown in the schedules area as well as the view they are contained in.

3. The destinations area

In the destinations area you can view your destinations in a categorized or alphabetical view.

Alternatively you can search or filter specific destinations.

After you have selected a destination the scheduled presentations for this destination will be displayed in the schedules area.

4. The schedules area

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The schedules area provides a representation of the scheduled presentations, albeit in calendar form, table form or a combination.

5. Status bar

The status bar provides information about the PADS Server you are connected to, as which user you are logged on, and on the far right there is a zoom slider for the Day, Work Week, Month and Timeline mode of the Calendar View.

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Ribbon bar

PADS4 has replaced the old menu structure by the new ribbon bar look & feel as set out by Microsoft

Office 2010. This is done to keep you familiar with the way of working with the different PADS applications.

Overview of the PADS Scheduler ribbon bar

The PADS Scheduler ribbon bar is divided in 5 sections called tab groups. You can access them by clicking the respective headers. Detailed information will be provided in topics to follow.

1. File

The File tab group contains the most basic functionality for the PADS Scheduler, including connection management and printing.

2. Home

The Home tab group is the container for the functions most used. These include PADS Server connection management, scheduling functions and particular views on schedules.

3. View

The View tab group lets you determine the way you want to view your scheduled presentations based on criteria like destination, date and type of view.

4. Tools

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The Tools tab group provides access to options for the application itself as well as options and functionality for synchronization.

5. Help

The Help tab group will provide access to manual upgrades and information about the application itself like version and license details.

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Selecting a date or period

You may want to view your Destinations and their scheduled presentations for another date or period than the time frame they are shown in at the moment. You can do this by selecting another date or period. The view in which the scheduled presentations are shown, whether it be Text or Calendar, is automatically adapted.

To select another date

1. In the PADS Scheduler main window go to the calendar in the left pane.

2. Move your mouse cursor to the preferred date.

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3. Click the date and watch the view on the right change accordingly.

To select a period

1. In the PADS Scheduler main window go to the small calendar in the left pane.

2. Move your mouse cursor to the preferred date.

3. Click the date and hold the mouse button down.

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4. Move your mouse cursor while holding down the mouse button to create the desired period.

5. Release the mouse button to watch the view on the right change accordingly.


Movi n g you r mou s e c u r s or to a d ate i n an oth er w eek w i l l c au s e PADS Sc h ed u l er to s el ec t th e c omp l ete w eeks . If you w an t to s el ec t on l y th e i n d i c ated d ays , p l eas e r ead th e n ext s ec ti on : To sel ect a n u mbers of n on -con secu t i v e dat es to ac h i eve th i s .

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To select a number of non-consecutive dates

1. In the PADS Scheduler main window go to the small calendar in the left pane.

2. Move your mouse cursor to the preferred date.

3. Click the date and press and hold the [Ctrl] key.

4. Select additional dates while holding the [Ctrl] key.

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5. Release the mouse cursor and the [Ctrl] key when you are finished creating the period. Watch the view on the right change accordingly.

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To select a date or period via the ribbon bar

Alternatively, you can use the ribbon bar to select a date or period. In the ribbon select the View tab to access the various options.



This option will select the current date.



With this option you can shift back by day or by period.

By day:

By period:


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2 3

1 2 3 l


Analogue to the Back option, except that it is in the opposite direction.


T h e b ac k an d f or w ar d ar r ow s i n th e vi ew f or th e s c h ed u l ed p r es en tati on s s h ar e th e s ame f u n c ti on al i ty.



With this option you can select a specific date.

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1. Click the Date... button in the ribbon bar.

2. The Go to Date window appears. Enter the desired date in the date field or use the up and down arrows.

3. Or use the calendar drop down.

4. Click OK to select the specified date.

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Selecting a Destination

Before you can get an overview of the scheduled presentations you must first select a destination. A destination can be a Viewer or Viewer group. Each Viewer represents a public display device that is controlled by the PADS system. There are different ways to select a Destination.

To select a Destination

1. In the main screen of PADS Scheduler move your mouse cursor to the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window).

2. In the Destinations tree view click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group.

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All active views automatically refer to the selected Destination.

Possibly you first have to click one or more arrow signs to expand a tree view item.



Nor mal l y th e Des ti n ati on s tr ee vi ew i s au tomati c al l y p op u l ated w i th th e Vi ew er s th at h ave b een d ef i n ed i n th e PADS s ys tem. For mor e i n f or mati on on h ow to man u al l y ad d , ed i t or r emove Vi ew er or Vi ew er g r ou p s s ee th e PADS Sys tem Man ag emen t Man u al .

When your permissions for destinations have been limited, the Destinations tree view will only show the destinations for which you have at least read permissions.

To use the Alphabetical View to select a Destination

By default, the Destinations are shown in the Categorized View, displaying Viewers, Viewer Groups and their hierarchical structure. Alternatively, you can choose to display the Destinations in an alphabetical order.

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1. In the left pane of the main window, move your mouse cursor to Destinations area and over the

Alphabetical View button.

2. Click the Alphabetical View button to have the Destinations displayed in an alphabetical order.

To use the Search functionality to select a Destination

The button right to the Alphabetical View button is the Search button and gives you the possibility to look for Viewers containing a certain piece of text in their names.

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1. Move your mouse cursor over the Search button.

2. Click the Search button to enable the search functionality.

3. Enter your search text.

4. Move your mouse cursor to the arrow pointing to the right to find your first match.

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5. Click the button to find your first match.

PADS Scheduler will try and find the first Destination that matches your criterion and select that

Destination. When you click the arrow button again, the next match will be found and selected.


T h e Sear c h f u n c ti on al i ty w i l l matc h an y Des ti n ati on th at c on tai n s th e p i ec e of text an yw h er e i n i ts n ame.

To use the Filter option to select a Destination

You can shorten the list of displayed Destinations by using the Filter option.


Fi l ter i n g i s on l y avai l ab l e i n th e Al p h ab eti c al Vi ew .

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1. Move your mouse cursor over the Filter button.

2. Click the Filter button to enable the Filter option.

3. Enter your filter text.

PADS Scheduler will filter the results as you type.

4. If you want, you can select what kind of Viewers within these results should be displayed.

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Move your mouse cursor to the Viewer type selection box.

5. Click the selection box.

6. Select Viewers Only .

7. Only the Viewers will be shown now.

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8. To restore to displaying all viewer types in the filtered results, click the selection box again and select All Destinations .

9. The original filter will be shown.

10. To remove the filter, click the Clear Filter button.

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11. All Destinations are shown again.

To use the Search functionality and the Filter option in conjunction to select a Destination

If you wish, you can use the Search functionality and the Filter option at the same time to have only those

Viewers displayed you are interested in.

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1. Click the Search button followed by the Filter button.

To use the ribbon bar to select a Destination

Alternatively, you can select a Destination via the ribbon bar.

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1. In the View tab group of the ribbon bar, click Select Destination .

2. The Browse for a Destination window appears.

In this window you can browse through the Destinations as you would in the main window. The

Categorized and Alphabetical View as well as the Search and Filter functions are also there.

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Select the Destination you want and click OK to continue.

3. The selected Destination is now selected in the main window as well.

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Scheduled presentations

After a Viewer or Viewer group has been selected an overview of the scheduled presentations for the selected Viewer (group) is displayed in the right pane of the main window.

In this section


Provides information on how to view your scheduled presentations.


Describes the steps to print your scheduled presentations.

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PADS Scheduler offers a couple of views for your scheduled presentations.

In this section

Table view

Shows all scheduled presentations for the selected Viewer or Viewer group displayed as text in a table.

Calendar view

Provides a graphical representation for all scheduled presentations for the selected Viewer or Viewer group.

Combined view

Describes the steps to combine the Table View and the Calendar View.


Provides zooming functionality to your view on the scheduled presentations.

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Table View

The Table View displays scheduled presentations as records of a table.

To view scheduled presentations in Table View

1. In the Schedules View of the View tab in the ribbon bar click Table .

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Calendar View

The Calendar View is the default for PADS Scheduler. It is shown when you first start the application.

Within this view several options are available.

To view scheduled presentations in Calendar View

1. In the Schedules View of the View tab in the ribbon bar click Calendar .

To view the scheduled presentations in different Calendar modes

The Calendar View offers a number of distinctive views on its own. You can either view schedules on a

Day, Work Week, Week, Month basis or view the schedules in a Timeline. Click on the corresponding button in the Calendar View tab group:

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1. Day

2. Work Week

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3. Week

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4. Month

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5. Timeline

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Combined View

To get the best of both worlds, use the Combined View to display scheduled presentations as records of a table as well as part of the calendar.

To view scheduled presentations in Combined View

1. In the Schedules View of the View tab in the ribbon bar click Combined .

You can use each and any option that you would have in the separate views.

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In the Calendar View you have several zoom functions to get a better overview of the scheduled presentations. Zoom levels per mode in the Calendar View can differ and not all modes have the zoom functionality.

To zoom in on the Calendar View

1. In the Zoom tab group in the View group of the ribbon bar, click Zoom In .

To zoom out on the Calendar View

1. In the Zoom tab group in the View group of the ribbon bar, click Zoom Out .

To switch directly to a certain zoom level

1. In the Zoom tab group in the View group of the ribbon bar, click Zoom Level .

2. Click on the listed zoom level.

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To specify the zoom level per view mode

Different view modes (Day, Work Week, Week, Month, Timeline) can have different zoom levels. Per mode:

1. Day

2. Work Week

3. Week

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4. Month

As you can see, there are no zoom levels available for the Month view mode.

5. Timeline

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The PADS Scheduler offers printing options for your scheduled presentations.

In this section

Printing your scheduled presentations

Describes the steps to print your scheduled presentations.

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Printing your scheduled presentations

The PADS Scheduler offers printing options for your scheduled presentations.

To print your scheduled presentations

1. Make sure the scheduled presentations you want printed are visible in the schedules view.


PADS Sc h ed u l er w i l l on l y p r i n t th os e s c h ed u l es th at ar e ac ti vel y vi s i b l e i n th e mai n w i n d ow .

2. In the File tab on the ribbon bar, select Print .

3. The Print window appears.

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You can specify some properties like printer settings and print orientation. A preview is shown on the right of the window.

4. Click Print to actually print the scheduled presentations.

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Scheduling presentations

PADSScheduler offers many functions for scheduling presentations. Presentations can be designed and scheduled from scratch or you can schedule a predefined presentation. Presentations can be scheduled to be displayed only once or with recurrence. At any time the design, schedule or priority of the scheduled presentation can be adjusted. Scheduled presentations that are no longer required can be removed.

In this section


Provides an introduction to scheduling presentations in PADS4.

Creating schedules

Describes the methods to create your schedules.

Editing schedules

Describes the methods to edit your scheduled presentations.

Removing schedules

Describes the methods to remove your scheduled presentations.

Cutting, copying and pasting

Explains how to add or change scheduled presentations by cutting, copying and pasting.

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The main window of the PADS Scheduler application gives access to all functions of the application. By selecting a date (or period) and destination you can get an overview of the scheduled presentations.

In this section

Scheduling concepts

Explains the concepts of scheduling presentations in PADS4.

Content Library

Describes the mechanics of the new content system for presentations in PADS4.

Type of schedule

Describes the types of schedules that are available in PADS4.


Explains the workings of priorities for scheduled presentations.


Describes the mechanics of recurring schedules.

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Scheduling concepts

Scheduling presentations in PADS consists of three main parts: content, location and time.


In PADS Scheduler you will want to schedule content for your specific business needs. Content can consist of a video, an image, text or likely elements in any combination you desire. This content is created with help of the PADS Designer and stored in a PADS presentation file (.padsx) on disk, a network storage device or PADS Content Organizer, or directly sent to the PADS Server.


T h er e' s a d i f f er en c e b etw een th e p r es en tati on you c r eated w i th th e PADS Des i g n er an d th e on e you s c h ed u l e f or d i s p l ay. W h en you p i c k u p a PADS p r es en tati on f i l e ( . p ad s x) f r om s tor ag e ( d i s k, n etw or k or PADS Con ten t Or g an i z er ) an d c r eate a s c h ed u l e b as ed on i t, th e Sc h ed u l er w i l l c r eate a c op y of i t an d s en d th e c op y to th e PADS Ser ver . T h e c op y at th e PADS Ser ver i s th e on e th at w i l l b e d i s p l ayed . Fr om th at momen t on , th es e tw o ar e s ep ar ate au ton omou s f i l es th at h ave n o l i n k to eac h oth er w h ats oever .


The content you created in your presentation needs to be displayed on certain display devices located somewhere in your system. As a layer of abstraction, display devices in PADS are referred to as Destinations. When properly set up in the PADS System Management, PADS Schedulerprovides you with an overview of Destinations you can schedule your presentation to. PADS Scheduler offers you the possibility to schedule your presentation to a Destination, a Destination Group or several unrelated Destinations altogether.


The last component in scheduling your presentation concerns time. Having decided what you are going to schedule and where, you will want to determine the period or periods in which the presentation needs to be displayed. PADS Scheduler offers you possibilities to schedule for a single period of time or for a more advanced approach, a repetitive pattern in time to your liking, using recurrence.

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Content Library

In PADS4 the Content Library has been introduced as a new storage mechanism. The Content Library stores content ranging from images and videos to presentations themselves on the PADS Serverfor easy distribution to the designated PCs (Designer, Scheduler, etc). The structure of this storage is very similar to the folder structure of Windows Explorer and equally customizable. This mechanism will simplify synchronization between Server and the other PCs. So PADS Scheduler too can make use of this functionality to schedule presentations.

For a detailed working of the Content Library and the Content Organizer, please have a look at the PADS

Content Organizer manual.

Using the Content Library to schedule presentations

When creating or editing schedules, you will notice there's an option to retrieve a presentation from the

PADS Content Library.

Clicking the Browse button will take you to the Content Library Dialog and, in the case of the Scheduler, will present you with an overview of presentations stored in the Content Library. Obviously, these presentations have had to be created via the Designer and stored in the Content Library beforehand.

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Navigate to the desired presentation and select it. Click Open to import the presentation into the schedule.

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Type of schedule

PADS Scheduler identifies three types of schedules.


For eac h an d ever y typ e of s c h ed u l e r ec u r r en c e c an b e ap p l i ed .

The types of schedule

The three types of schedule are:


Simple schedule

A simple schedule is a schedule with one presentation for one destination and one showing period.


Playlist schedule

A playlist schedule is a schedule with a list of presentations for one destination and one showing period.


Advanced schedule

An advanced schedule is a schedule with a list of presentations for multiple destinations and/or multiple showing periods.

Schematically , it would look like this:

Type Presentation(s)

Simple schedule

Destination(s) Period(s)

Playlist schedule

Advanced schedule

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Every schedule that you create in the PADS Scheduler is given a priority. By default it's one of the priorities High, Medium or Low, but it can be any priority that has been created or changed with help of the

PADS System Management application. Whether a scheduled presentation will be displayed depends on if there have been other presentations scheduled for the same period of time. In this case the priority and sub priority of the scheduled presentation determine whether it will be displayed or not. Optionally, the user access to priority levels can be limited by defining access permissions.


When there is an overlap in time for multiple scheduled presentations with different priorities then always the scheduled presentation with the highest priority will be displayed.

The priority is required to be specified when you schedule a presentation. It can be modified at any time.

Sub priority

When there is an overlap in time for multiple scheduled presentations with the same priority then the sub priority will determine which scheduled presentation will be displayed.

The sub priority is an internal value that is invisible for the user. It is the time stamp of the moment that the scheduled presentation has been created.

This makes that if two scheduled presentations with the same priority have an overlap in time, the presentation that has been scheduled last will have a higher sub priority and thus be displayed.

Sub priorities are not adjusted when the design or schedule of a scheduled presentation is adjusted.

You can however adjust the sub priority by increasing/decreasing the importance of a schedule. In the

Home tab of the Scheduler ribbon bar go to the Priority tab group to increase or decrease the sub priority.

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A schedule may happen again and again, but that doesn't mean you have to enter it again and again. To tell PADS Scheduler that a schedule needs to occur over, and over, and over, you use the Set Recurrence feature. The frequency of the schedule is called its recurrence pattern.

For instance, recurring schedules can occur on a daily, twice a week, weekly, monthly, the second

Monday of the month, yearly, and four times a year (Olympics and presidential elections) basis.

Recurrence is defined by three aspects: start date and end criterion, recurrence type, and specifics within one day.

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Start date and end criterion

Recurring schedules will last as long as you specify. The beginning is determined by its start date. The ending depends on how you want the recurring pattern to take place:

1. By end date

2. By number of occurrences

3. Never ending

Recurrence type

There are four types of recurring schedules:

1. Daily

2. Weekly

3. Monthly

4. Yearly

Each type has its own specific settings, which will be discussed further on.

Specifics within one day

The last step in determining the recurrence pattern for a scheduled presentation is to specify at what times the presentation should be displayed during the day. This is a two-fold procedure:

1. Determine the start and end time during the day

2. If you desire, you can divide this interval even further into specific segments: l


No further division is applied.


Several minutes on an hourly basis l

Several minutes on a minute basis

Page 72 of 213

Creating schedules

The PADS Scheduler application provides several methods to schedule your presentations.

In this section

Schedule Wizard

Describes the steps to walk through the Schedule Wizard.

New Presentation

Describes the method to create your schedule by creating a new presentation.

Using drag & drop

Describes the steps to create your schedule by dragging and dropping a PADS presentation file from

Windows Explorer.

Page 73 of 213

Schedule Wizard

Scheduling a presentation by using the Schedule Wizard offers you a number of possibilities. To explore these you will have to start the Schedule Wizard. In the Home tab of the PADS Scheduler ribbon bar click the Schedule Wizard button in the New Schedule tab group.

Further instructions will be explained in the next topics.

In this section

Simple Schedule

Describes the steps to schedule a presentation for one destination and one showing period.

Playlist Schedule

Describes the steps to schedule a playlist of presentations for one destination and one showing period.

Advanced Schedule

Describes the steps to schedule a playlist of presentations for multiple destinations and/or showing periods.

Applying Recurrence

Describes the steps to make your schedule recurring.

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Simple Schedule

A schedule in its most elementary form consists of a single presentation and is assigned to one destination and for one showing period.

To create a Simple Schedule

Creating a Simple Schedule in PADS4 is pretty straightforward.

1. In the Schedule Wizard click Simple Schedule .

2. In the following screen you will be asked to enter a Name for the schedule in the Identification section.

Page 75 of 213

Next, in the Presentation to be Scheduled section you will decide where you will retrieve your content from: l

From the Content Library

This method is described in the topic

Content Library



From file

This method will let you browse for your presentation in the Windows Explorer folder structure.


By creating a new presentation

This method will start the PADS Designer and lets you create a new presentation on-thefly. This is similar to creating a schedule by using the option of a

New Presentation .

Page 76 of 213

In this example, a presentation is retrieved from file.

3. In the next screen you will be asked to enter destination, showing period and priority.

In the Destination section select a Viewer or Viewer Group by using the drop down list or the


button to get a hierarchical view of the Destinations. Only the destinations for which you have at least read permissions will be displayed.

In the Display Period section specify a start and end date.


On th e f ar r i g h t you c an s ee th e r ec u r r en c e b u tton . T h e top i c

Ap p l yi n g r ec u r r en c e

c over s th i s s u b j ec t.

Page 77 of 213

In the Priority section specify the appropriate priority for this schedule. Only priority levels for which you have been granted access can be selected.

Click Finish to complete the creation of the schedule.

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Playlist Schedule

When you want to schedule a number of presentations that need to be displayed sequentially, PADS

Scheduler offers the ability to create a Playlist Schedule.

To create a Playlist Schedule

Creating a Playlist Schedule is a little different from creating a Simple Schedule.

1. In the Schedule Wizard click Playlist Schedule .

2. In the following screen you will be asked to enter a Name for the schedule in the Identification section.

Page 79 of 213

Next, in the Presentations section you will decide what presentations will be listed for the schedule. The functionality to do so is available in the small toolbar:

A description of the buttons in the toolbar are given below:

Import an existing Presentation from the PADS Library

Import an existing Presentation from file

Design and add a completely new Presentation

Remove Item

Page 80 of 213

Go to first Item

Go to previous Item

Go to next Item

Go to last Item

Move Item one position down

Move Item one position up

Select the pages of the presentation you want to be visible

Edit the Design of the Presentation

3. After adding some presentations to the list, the screen could resemble something like this:

Page 81 of 213


Note th at th e mi d d l e p r es en tati on h as a d u r ati on of 0 0 :0 1 :0 0 + Au t omat i c . T h i s mean s th at th e p r es en tati on c on tai n s s ome el emen ts , of w h i c h th e d u r ati on c an n ot b e d eter mi n ed ( e. g . on l i n e d ata l i ke RSS or vi d eos ) , an d s o th e total d u r ati on f or th e p r es en tati on an d th e p r es en tati on p l ayl i s t f or th e s c h ed u l e c an n ot b e es ti mated p r ec i s el y. So, i f an y of th e p r es en tati on s ad d h as an u n d eter mi n ab l e d u r ati on , th e total d u r ati on of th e s c h ed u l e p l ayl i s t w i l l h ave + Au t omat i c as w el l .

4. Additionally, for any presentation in the list you can specify whether it will show all of its pages or a selection of them.

To do that:

Page 82 of 213

1. Select the presentation you want to adjust and iIn the toolbar click the Select the pages of the presentation you want to be visible button.

2. The Visible Pages window appears.

Check or uncheck pages to create your own selection of pages to show for the schedule.

Page 83 of 213

Click OK to continue.

3. In the Schedule Wizard you will see that the display for Visible Pages has been adjusted for the selection of pages you created.

Page 84 of 213

5. Click Next to continue. In the next screen you will be asked to enter destination, showing period and priority.

From here it's the same procedure as for

creating a Simple Schedule


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Advanced Schedule

If you want complete flexibility in scheduling then PADS Scheduler offers the Advanced Schedule. This type of schedule enables you to schedule your content, represented in a presentation playlist, for a multitude of destinations, periods, and even priorities, if you so desire. Thus, the schedule becomes a

Timetable for a multitude of schedules.


You can create a timetable to indicate that the very same content should be displayed on one Viewer in the morning and on another Viewer in a completely different Viewer Group two days later in the evening, with even another priority.

To create an Advanced Schedule

Creating a Advanced Schedule is a little different from creating a Planning Schedule and a Simple Schedule.

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1. In the Schedule Wizard click Advanced Schedule .

2. In the following screen you will be asked to enter a Name for the schedule in the Identification section. In the Presentations section you will decide what presentations will be listed for the schedule.

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This is basically the same as for

creating a Playlist Schedule


When you have created your presentation playlist , click Next to continue.

3. In the next screen you can create your Timetable.

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This screen consists of two parts:

1. The Timetable

Let's have a closer look at the toolbar and splitbar:

Page 89 of 213

Add New Item

Remove Item

Copy Item

Go to first Item

Go to previous Item

Go to next Item

Go to last Item

Maximizes the Timetable area

Restores the Timetable area to the default size (as shown in picture)

Minimizes the Timetable area

2. The individual schedule

This is the part containing the details of the selected entry in the Timetable, namely the

Destination section, the Display Period section and the Priority section. This view is similar to the one in a

Simple Schedule

and a

Playlist Schedule .

By clicking the , , or button you can specify the number of entries in your Timetable. In the

Destination , Display Period and the Priority section, you specify the details for each and every entry.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to destinations and/or priorities. In this case only the destinations for which you have at least read permissions will be displayed. Destinations for which you don't have write permissions can not be selected as destination. Priority levels for which you have not been granted access can not be selected.

The end result could look something like this:

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4. Click Finish to complete the creation of the Advanced Schedule.

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Applying Recurrence

As explained in the


introduction topic, you can create recurring schedules that occur over and over in a repetitive pattern. Recurrence can be applied to each type of schedule (Simple, Playlist and

Advanced Schedule) and will be accessed by clicking the recurrence button in the Schedule Wizard:


Y ou c an al s o ap p l y r ec u r r en c e th r ou g h th e r i b b on b ar , as s h ow n i n th e top i c

Rec u r r en c e .

To specify recurrence settings

After clicking the recurrence button, the Recurrence Settings window will appear.

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The window contains three sections: Period , Type , Within One Day and Description . Each will be discussed separately.

To specify Period properties for the recurrence settings

All recurring schedules will take place within a certain period. How and when this period should start and end is determined in the Period section.

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The beginning is determined by the Start date. The ending depends on how you want the recurring pattern to take place:

1. By end date

2. By number of occurrences

Specify the number of display times for this recurring schedule.

3. Never ending

Check the option No End Date if you want to display this schedule indefinitely.

To specify Type properties for the recurrence settings

PADS Scheduler offers four recurrence types that contain options of their own:

1. Daily

Daily enables the schedule to occur every given number of days or weekdays

2. Weekly

Weekly offers you the possibility to create recurring schedules for a pattern of days in the week and an interval of any number of weeks. Check or uncheck the days in the week to create your day selection, and specify the number of weeks, at which interval the schedule should occur.

3. Monthly

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Monthly offers you the possibility to create recurring schedules on a monthly basis: l

By specifying the day number for an interval of given number of months, for instance every

23th of every 3 months.


By specifying a certain pattern, consisting of three parts.

The first offers an ordinal pattern: o first o second o third o fourth o last

The second part offers options for the day in the week: o day o weekday o weekend day o Monday o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday o Friday o Saturday o Sunday

The last part is the interval in number of months.

4. Yearly

Yearly offers you the possibility to create recurring schedules on a yearly basis:

Page 95 of 213


By specifying the day number for a specific month, for instance every 23th of every March.


By specifying a certain pattern, consisting of three parts:

The first offers an ordinal pattern: o first o second o third o fourth o last

The second part offers options for the day in the week: o day o weekday o weekend day o Monday o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday o Friday o Saturday o Sunday

The last part is a specific month.

To specify Within One Day properties for the recurrence settings

These settings determine how recurrence is handled within one day. The From and Until time determine the period of the day during which the scheduled presentation will be displayed.

Page 96 of 213

You can decide to even further divide this period by specifying if the schedule should run for several minutes every number of hours or number of minutes within the From and Until period.

To verify the recurrence settings

At any time during the editing of your recurrence settings, you can check the end result in the Description section.

It will show the descriptive text of the recurrence pattern, generated on the basis of your actions in the

Recurrence Settings window.

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New Presentation

One way to create a new schedule is to create a new presentation from the PADS Scheduler.

In this section

Scheduling by creating a new presentation

Explains how you can create a new schedule by creating a new presentation.

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Scheduling by creating a New Presentation

Alternatively, you can schedule a presentation by creating a new presentation directly from the Scheduler.

To schedule a presentation by creating a new one directly from the Scheduler

It takes a few steps to create a schedule based on a newly created presentation from the Scheduler:

1. In the Scheduler toolbar, select the Home tab and click New Presentation in the New Schedule tab group.

2. The PADS Designer is started.

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3. You can create your presentation on-the-fly.

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4. When you're done creating your presentation, you click the Schedule Presentation button in the

Scheduler Actions tab group of the Home toolbar of the Designer toolbar.

5. The Schedule Wizard is started from the Designer.

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In the Identification section you can enter a Name for the schedule. There are no other options in the Presentation to be Scheduled section, since you are only scheduling this on-the-fly presentation. From here it's like creating a

Simple Schedule


6. When you are done scheduling, you will return to your presentation in the Designer. Click the

Return to Scheduler in the Scheduler Actions tab group of the Home tab in the Designer toolbar to return to the Scheduler.

Page 102 of 213


A mes s ag e b ox w i l l as k i f you w an t to s ave th i s p r es en tati on to f i l e or to th e Con ten t L i b r ar y. T h i s i s op ti on al .

7. In the Scheduler you can verify that the presentation has been scheduled.

Page 103 of 213

Using drag & drop

New in the PADS4 Scheduler is to schedule a presentation by dragging and dropping a PADS presentation file from Windows Explorer into the Scheduler.

In this section

Drag & drop a presentation from Windows Explorer

Explains the steps to schedule by dragging & dropping a PADS presentation file from Windows


Page 104 of 213

Drag & drop a presentation from Windows Explorer

When PADS presentations have been created with the PADS Designer and stored to file, the .PADSX files reside somewhere on a PC or network storage device. Using Windows Explorer you can easily pick up this file and drag it directly into the Scheduler to schedule it.

To drag & drop a presentation from Windows Explorer into the Scheduler

Make sure PADS Scheduler and Windows Explorer have been started and positioned conveniently for dragging and dropping. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the PADS presentation file that you want to schedule.

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Now it is a matter of picking up the file with the mouse cursor and dragging it onto the Scheduler application:

1 2 3 4

1. In Windows Explorer select the PADS presentation file that you want to schedule and hold down the mouse button.

2. Start dragging the file to the PADS Scheduler. The mouse cursor additionally shows an document image.

3. When you have moved the mouse cursor over the PADS Scheduler you can release the mouse button.

4. Automatically the Schedule Wizard is started, with most of the file's information already filled in.

From here, it's just like scheduling a

Simple Schedule


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Editing schedules

After you have scheduled a presentation with PADS Scheduleryou still have full control over this presentation. For each scheduled presentation it is always possible to change the content of the presentation or the schedule.

Editing a schedule can be done by the ribbon bar, by context menu (selecting and right-clicking a schedule) or, in Calendar view, by dragging and dropping.

In this section

Editing the design of your schedule

Describes the steps to edit the design of your schedule.

Editing the Timetable of your schedule

Describes the steps to edit the Timetable of your schedule.

Editing the priority of your schedule

Describes the steps to edit the priority of your schedule.

Editing recurring schedules

Describes the steps to edit recurring schedules.

Editing a schedule belonging to another group

Describes the steps to edit a schedule that belongs to another group.

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At any time you can change the schedule of a presentation. This means you can alter where and when the presentation is displayed or the priority of the presentation.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to destinations and/or priorities. In this case some features that are related to destinations and/or priorities might be invisible or disabled.

To edit a schedule

Editing a schedule can be done in a number of ways.

1. Using the ribbon bar

When you have selected a schedule you can use the buttons in the Manage Schedule and Priority tab groups in the Home tab to edit the schedule.

2. Using the context menu

You can right-click a schedule and click Edit menu item in the context menu that appears.

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3. Using drag & drop

1 2 3 4

1. Move your mouse cursor to the schedule you want to drag to another date. Select the schedule and hold down the mouse button.

2. Move your selected schedule towards the desired date.

Page 109 of 213

3. Hold down the mouse button as you move the selected schedule into the desired date.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively move the schedule from one date to another.

When you have chosen to use option 1 or 2 to edit the schedule, you will see the properties of the schedule next screen.

The schedule properties are listed in the Timetable tab. You can change Destination , Display Period and Priority . You can apply recurrence settings too if you wish. If you click the Switch to Advanced

Mode you will get a slightly different view.

Page 110 of 213

Now your schedule will be treated as a Timetable of schedule entries. See

Advanced Schedule

. You can add extra schedule entries if you wish.

When you click the Presentations tab, you will see the scheduled content listed as a playlist, even if you scheduled a

Simple Schedule .

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Here you can change the content of the schedule.

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Editing the design of your schedule

For each scheduled presentation you can edit the design at any time. After an update the system will automatically make sure that the changes become effective immediately.

To edit the design of your schedule

There are several ways to change the design of your schedule.

1. Click the Edit Presentation button in the Manage Schedule tab group of the Home tab.

2. You can right-click a schedule and click Edit menu item in the context menu that appears, and choose Presentation in the sub menu.

3. In the Edit Schedule window of a schedule, you can click the Edit the Design of the Present-

Page 113 of 213

ation button, being , in the Presentations tab.

When the content of the schedule consists of one presentation, the Scheduler will open the Designer to edit this presentation.

When the schedule contains two or more presentations, the Scheduler will ask you to select the presentation you want to edit.

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Once it is clear what presentation needs to be edited, the Designer is opened with the specified presentation.

After editing you click the Update Presentation button in the Scheduler Actions tab group of the

Home tab to effectively apply the changes to the presentation in the schedule. Clicking the Return to

Scheduler button will bring you back to the Scheduler.

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Page 116 of 213

Editing the Timetable of your schedule

Opening the Edit Schedule window of a schedule will show the schedule properties in the Timetable tab. Clicking the Switch to Advanced Mode will show the actual Timetable. With this view you can treat the schedule as an

Advanced Schedule , even if it wasn't one to begin with.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to destinations and/or priorities. In this case some features that are related to destinations and/or priorities might be invisible or disabled.

To edit the Timetable of your schedule

In the advanced mode of the Edit Schedule window the Timetable is displayed.

This screen consists of two parts:

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1. The Timetable

Let's have a closer look at the toolbar and splitbar:

Add New Item

Remove Item

Copy Item

Go to first Item

Go to previous Item

Go to next Item

Go to last Item

Maximizes the Timetable area

Restores the Timetable area to the default size (as shown in picture)

Minimizes the Timetable area

2. The individual schedule

This is the part containing the details of the selected entry in the Timetable, namely the Destination section, the Display Period section and the Priority section. This view is similar to the one in a

Simple Schedule

and a

Playlist Schedule .

By clicking the , , or button you can specify the number of entries in your Timetable. In the Destination , Display Period and the Priority section, you specify the details for each and every entry.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to destinations and/or priorities. In this case only the destinations for which you have at least read permissions

Page 118 of 213

will be displayed. Destinations for which you don't have write permissions can not be selected as destination. Priority levels for which you have not been granted access can not be selected.

The end result could look something like this:

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Editing the priority of your schedule

When schedule overlap in time priorities will determine what schedule will be displayed. This can be on priority level or sub priority level. For more details, see the topic about

Priorities .

Editing priorities in the Scheduler can be done by using the ribbon bar or context menu. In this example the context menu is used.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to priorities.

In this case some features that are related to priorities might be invisible or disabled.

To edit the priority of a schedule

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

2. In the Calendar or Table view right-click the schedule you want to change the priority of.

Page 120 of 213

Click the Priority menu item and wait for the sub menu to appear. Choose Increase or Decrease for the appropriate action.

3. The priority of the schedule is changed.

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To edit the sub priority of a schedule

When two or more schedules have the same priority, you can change the sub priority to determine which one should have preceeds the other(s) within the same priority.

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

Page 122 of 213

2. In the Calendar or Table view right-click the schedule you want to change the sub priority of.

Click the Priority menu item and wait for the sub menu to appear. Click the Importance menu item and in the second sub menu that apppear choose Increase or Decrease for the appropriate action.

Page 123 of 213

3. The priority of the schedule is changed.

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Page 125 of 213

Editing recurring schedules

When you edit a recurring schedule, you will be faced with the question if you want to edit the complete series or just the occurrence you selected. You can use the ribbon bar for this. In the example the context menu is chosen.

When access permissions have been defined for the system, you might have limited access to destinations and/or priorities. In this case some features that are related to destinations and/or priorities might be invisible or disabled.

To edit the series of a recurring schedule

1. In the Calendar or Table view right-click the recurring schedule you want to change the series of.

Click the Edit menu item and wait for the sub menu to appear. Choose Series .

2. The Edit Schedule window is shown. Here you can change standard settings of the schedule, like its priority.

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3. When you click the button, the Recurrence Settings window will appear, and now you can change settings for the complete series.

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4. Click the OK button for the Recurrence Settings window and for the Edit Schedule to apply the new settings.

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To edit an occurrence of a recurring schedule

1. In the Calendar or Table view right-click the occurrence of a series that you want to change.

Click the Edit menu item and wait for the sub menu to appear. Choose Occurrence .

Page 129 of 213

2. The Edit Occurrence window is shown. Here you can change its display period.

Page 130 of 213

3. Click the OK button apply the changes for this occurrence.

Page 131 of 213


Note th at th e c h an g ed s c h ed u l e i s s ti l l an oc c u r r en c e of th e s er i es . It h as b ec ome a Rec u r r en c e E xc ep ti on . Ch an g es to th e s er i es as a w h ol e w i l l af f ec t th e exc ep ti on as w el l . If you ac tu al l y w an t to d i s c on n ec t th e oc c u r r en c e, you w i l l n eed to

d el ete i t

an d c r eate a s i mi l ar

Si mp l e Sc h ed u l e

w i th ou t r ec u r r en c e.

Page 132 of 213

Editing a schedule belonging to another group

In situations where a hierarchical structure of Destinations can get convoluted, a quick mechanism to find the exact Destination (Viewer Group) where a presentation for a certain Viewer has been scheduled, is desirable. PADS4 Scheduler now offers this functionality.

To edit a schedule belonging to another group

In this example, a presentation has been schedule to Viewer Group called 1stFloor .

1stFloorViewer01 is a Viewer that has been placed in the 1stFloor group.

When you select this Viewer and have a look at the schedules, you will see that the schedule from

1stFloor is listed as well. You can tell that this schedule doesn't belong to the Viewer itself because the description contains the name of the actual Destination the schedule belongs to, namely 1stFloor .

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It is even more apparent when you try to edit that schedule. Belonging to another Destination, this schedule is unavailable for editing.

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You can go directly to the Destination the schedule belongs to. Right-click the schedule and click the menu item Go to Destination of Schedule .

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You will go to the destination where the schedule belongs to, and from this location you can edit the schedule.

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Editing the period of your schedule

Once a schedule has been made, you may want to change its display period. PADS Scheduler offers functionality to do this in various ways.

To edit the period of your schedule

Adjusting the period of your schedule can be done in several ways.

1. Using the Edit Schedule window

You can change the period in the Display Period section by adjusting the From and Until field.

2. Using drag & drop in the Calendar View

Make sure the Calendar View is enabled.

Page 138 of 213

1 2 3 4

1. Move your mouse cursor to the schedule you want to drag to another date. Select the schedule and hold down the mouse button.

2. Move your selected schedule towards the desired date.

3. Hold down the mouse button as you move the selected schedule into the desired date.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively move the schedule from one date to another.

3. Using drag & drop in the Timeline View

Make sure the Timeline View is enabled.

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The following steps will describe the procedure to change the period of the schedule.

1 2 3

Page 140 of 213

1. Move your mouse cursor to the schedule you want to change the period of.

2. Move your mouse cursor over the edge over the schedule until the image of the cursor changes into a double arrow. Click and hold the edge of the schedule.

3. Move the period in the direction want and release the mouse cursor at the desired point in the Timeline.

Page 141 of 213

Removing schedules

If a scheduled presentation is no longer required you can manually remove it from the system.

In this section

Removing a schedule

Explains how to remove a scheduled presentation that has been scheduled on an ad-hoc basis.

Removing a recurring schedule

Explains how to remove one or more occurrences or the entire recurrent definition of presentations that have been scheduled with recurrence.

Page 142 of 213

Removing a schedule

A scheduled presentation (Simple, Playlist or Advanced) can be removed manually from the table view as well as the calendar view.

To remove a schedule

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the scheduled presentation you want to remove.

3. In the Clipboard tab group in the Home tab click the Delete button.

Page 143 of 213


Al ter n ati vel y you c an r emove a s c h ed u l e b y c l i c ki n g th e D el et e b u tton i n th e Man age S ch edu l e tab g r ou p i n th e H ome tab of th e r i b b on b ar , u s i n g th e c on text men u w h en you r i g h t c l i c k th e s el ec ted s c h ed u l e, or p r es s i n g th e Del key on you r keyb oar d .

4. A message box will ask you to confirm this action.

Page 144 of 213

5. If you press Yes the schedule is removed.

Page 145 of 213

Removing a recurring schedule

For a recurrent scheduled presentations you have two options: either you remove one of the occurrences that have been generated by the system or you remove the entire recurrent definition.


T h er e i s a d i f f er en c e b etw een Remov e Recu rren ce an d D el et e S eri es .

Remov e

Recu rren ce w i l l d el ete th e r ec u r r en c e s etti n g s an d w i l l make a s i n g l e s c h ed u l e of th e s el ec ted oc c u r r en c e, d el eti n g al l of th e oth er oc c u r r en c es ; D el et e S eri es w i l l d el ete th e r ec u r r en c e s etti n g s an d al l of th e oc c u r r en c es i n c l u d i n g th e s el ec ted oc c u r r en c e.

To remove a recurring schedule

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the recurring schedule you want to remove.

3. In the Clipboard tab group in the Home tab click the Delete button.

Page 146 of 213

4. You will be asked if you want to delete this single occurrence or the complete series.

5. After clicking the OK button, your choice will executed.

Page 147 of 213

Alternative ways of removing a recurring schedule

InPADS Scheduler you can achieve the same results in different ways. It all depends on your preferred way of working.

1. Using the context menu

You can right-click the recurring schedule that you want to remove, to have a context menu pop up.

Move your mouse cursor to the Delete item and wait for the sub menu to pop up. Choose to delete the Occurrence or the complete Series .

Alternatively, you can choose to pick the Recurrence item, wait for its sub menu to pop up, and choose to Remove the complete series.

Page 148 of 213

2. Using the ribbon bar

If you are sure to remove the complete series you can click the Remove Recurrence button in the

Manage Schedule tab group of the Home tab of the ribbon bar.

Alternatively, you can use the Delete button

Page 149 of 213

1 2

1. Click the arrow down on the Delete button.

2. The list of options is displayed.

3. Select the option Delete Occurrence or Delete Series .

4. The occurrence or series is deleted.


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Cutting, copying and pasting

A quick way to schedule presentations is often by using the cut, copy and paste functions. With the combination of copying and pasting you can insert new scheduled presentations. With the combination of cutting and pasting you can move scheduled presentations from one destination to another, or from one period to another.

In this section

Cutting, copying and pasting a schedule

Explains how to adjust scheduled presentations by cutting, copying and pasting.

Cutting, copying and pasting a recurring schedule

Explains how to adjust recurring schedules by cutting, copying and pasting.

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Cutting, copying and pasting a schedule

By using the clipboard functions cut, copy and paste you can move a scheduled presentation or insert a new from one Viewer(group) to another.

To cut and paste a schedule

Cutting and pasting a schedule will create a new schedule, as is shown below.

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the schedule you want to cut.

3. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Cut button.

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4. A message box will ask you to confirm that you are going to delete the schedule.

5. The schedule is deleted, but a copy is still available at the clipboard.

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6. Move and click your mouse cursor where you want to paste the schedule.

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7. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Paste button.

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8. The schedule is pasted to the new date.

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9. Notice that this is a new schedule. You will see this when you check the schedule's properties.

Right-click on the schedule and in the context menu that appears, click the Edit item, followed by the Schedule item.

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The Edit Schedule window appears, displaying one schedule in the Timetable.

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To copy and paste a schedule

Copying and pasting a schedule will create an extra entry in the Timetable, as is shown below.

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the presentation has been scheduled.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the schedule you want to copy.

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3. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Copy button.

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4. Move and click your mouse cursor where you want to paste the schedule.

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5. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Paste button.

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6. The schedule is pasted to the new date.

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7. Notice that this is a new entry to the Timetable. You will see this when you check the schedule's properties.

Right-click on the schedule and in the context menu that appears, click the Edit item, followed by the Schedule item.

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The Edit Schedule window appears, displaying the two schedules in one Timetable, similar to an

Advanced Schedule.

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Cutting, copying and pasting a recurring schedule

By using the clipboard functions cut, copy and paste you can move a scheduled presentation or insert a new from one Viewer(group) to another.

To cut and paste a recurring schedule

Cutting and pasting a recurring schedule will create a new schedule, as is shown below.

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the recurring schedule has been made.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the recurring schedule you want to cut.

3. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Cut button.

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4. A message box will ask you to confirm that you are going to delete the recurring schedule.

5. The recurring schedule is deleted, but a copy is still available at the clipboard.

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6. Move and click your mouse cursor where you want to paste the schedule.

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7. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Paste button.

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8. The recurring schedule is pasted to the new date.

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9. Notice that this is a new schedule. You will see this when you check the schedule's properties.

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To copy and paste a recurring schedule

Copying and pasting a recurring schedule will create an extra entry in the Timetable, as is shown below.

1. In the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) click the item representing the Viewer or Viewer group for which the recurring schedule has been made.

2. In the Calendar or Table view select the recurring schedule you want to copy.

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3. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Copy button.

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4. Move (to another date or Destination) and click your mouse cursor where you want to paste the recurring schedule.

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5. In the Clipboard tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, click the Paste button.

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6. The recurring schedule is pasted to the new date.

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7. Notice that this is a new entry to the Timetable. You will see this when you check the schedule's properties.

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The PADS Scheduler application has some built-in tools that are used across or affect the entire application.

In this section


There are a number of program settings that can be set for the PADS Scheduler application.


Describes the content synchronization options for the PADS Scheduler application.

Check for Updates

Describes how PADS Scheduler application handles updates.


Shows version and license information about the PADS Scheduler application.

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The PADS Scheduler application has a number of global settings that determine the overall working of the application.

To adjust application settings

1. In the Application tab group of the Tools tab in the ribbon bar click the Options button.

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2. The Options window will appear.

The window contains three sections: General , Display and Scheduling .

To adjust General settings

The first section, General , contains the language options for the application. It will display the language that is currently in place. You can select another language, but you will be informed that this language will only take effect after you restart the application.

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To adjust the Display settings

The Section Display provides options to change the way you look at the way schedules are displayed. In the section Default Views you can determine the way your schedules are presented at application startup. Basically, these are the same option that you also find in the View tab in the ribbon bar.

Default Schedule View lists the options for the main area for the schedules: l

Table l

Calendar l


Default Calendar View lists the options for when the main area for the schedules is in Calendar mode:

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Day l

Week l

Month l

Work Week l


Default Zoom Levels: is divided into two categories:


Day/Work Week View lists the zoom levels for the Day & Work Week View of the Calendar: l

60 Minutes l

30 Minutes l

15 Minutes l

10 Minutes l

5 Minutes


Timeline View lists the zoom levels for the Day & Work Week View of the Calendar: l

12 Hours l

6 Hours l

3 Hours l

1 Hour l

30 Minutes l

15 Minutes

Work Hours: enables you to specify the work hours. If you check Only show Work Hours the Day View and Work Week View of the Calendar will only show the period between the indicated Start Time and

End Time .

To adjust the Scheduling settings

The Scheduling section shows options for how and what to schedule.

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In the section Presentation to be Scheduled you can click the Browse...

button to navigate to the folder that you want to be the default location for your schedules' presentations. This will be your first entry when you

schedule content by importing a presentation from file


The section Display Period enables you to specify what minimum time unit for scheduling you want to apply: l

1 Minute

This will allow you to do your scheduling on a minute basis.

For instance, you can create a schedule with a start time of 10:47.


1 Second

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This will allow you to do your scheduling on a second basis.

For instance, you can create a schedule with a start time of 10:47:54.

Once you have changed this option, the Scheduler application will apply this setting to all its windows where a time specification can be applied, like the Schedule Wizard.

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If content synchronization has been enabled in the server settings of your PADS Server, then you can have the files in your local content library synchronized with the content library on your PADS Server.

PADS offers two-way content synchronization between PADS Scheduler and PADS Server. When one side of the connection has a change in its content, albeit PADS presentations, video files, images or other, then the synchronization mechanism will detect that change (an insertion, editing or removal) and propagate it to the other side. This can be done automatically or manually.

To set up content synchronization in PADS Scheduler

1. Click Options in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

2. The Synchronization Settings window will appear.

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3. In the Content Library Synchronization Activation section choose whether synchronization must take place automatically, manually or never. In most situations automatic synchronization is the best choice.

4. In the PADS Content Library Storage Folder section you can specify the local folder that will be used to store your content. If you don't work with multiple PADS Servers or multiple domains it's recommended to choose Automatic .

5. Click OK to apply the settings.


W h en PADS Ser ver an d PADS Sc h ed u l er ar e on th e s ame PC i t i s i mp or tan t to s el ec t th e op ti on Th i s C ompu t er i n you r c on n ec ti on s etti n g s . On l y th en th e s ys tem w i l l d etec t th at b oth c omp on en ts ar e on th e s ame PC an d w i l l au tomati c al l y tu r n of f c on ten t

Page 188 of 213

s yn c h r on i z ati on .

W h en you h ave s ever al PADS c l i en t ap p l i c ati on s ( l i ke PADS Des i g n er an d PADS Sc h ed u l er ) r u n n i n g on you r PC an d th ey ar e c on n ec ted to th e s ame PADS Ser ver , th en th ey w i l l s h ar e th e s ame c on ten t s yn c h r on i z ati on p r oc es s .

Starting content synchronization

If you have chosen in the synchronization settings window to automatically synchronize your content then the synchronization process will automatically start whenever the system detects a change to your content library. When you have chosen to manually synchronize the content, then you have to take the following steps to synchronize your content:

1. Click Synchronize Now in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

2. After this the system automatically starts the synchronization process and shows the Synchronization Progress window.

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When the synchronization process is completed the progress bar shows 100% and the synchronization log contains a message that the 'synchronization session has finished'.

3. Click Close to close the window..

If you have set up automatic synchronization and click Synchronize Now , then the system will forcefully start the synchronization process (although there is normally no need for this) or show the progress of the synchronization process when it's currently running.

Canceling content synchronization

There might be situations where you want to interrupt the running synchronization process.

To abort the running synchronization process:

1. If the Synchronization Progress window is open, click Close to close it.

2. Click Cancel in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

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If the Cancel button is not enabled this means that the synchronization process is not running.

Viewing details of the synchronization process

At any moment you can view the details of the synchronization process. This can be used to check the progress of the running synchronization process or afterwards to check the synchronization log.

To view the details:

1. Click Show Progress in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

After this the Synchronization Progress window will be shown.

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Synchronization Status

If the synchronization process is actively synchronizing then you will see here the progress of the synchronization. The top progress bar shows the total progress, while the bottom progress bar shows the progress of the current item. When the process is finished there is only one progress bar showing


Download Progress

In this section the logging information of the running process or the last finished process is shown. The information is not automatically refreshed, so you need to click Refresh to get the latest information.

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Check for Updates

PADS Scheduler, like every other application within the PADS installation, offers the functionality to manually check for software updates.

To check for updates

1. In the Software tab group of the Tools tab in the ribbon bar click the Check for Updates button.

2. The PADS Software Update Wizard is started. The steps that follow are described in the PADS

Installation Manual, in the section Maintaining the installation. Please consult that manual for further instructions.

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The About window of the PADS Scheduler shows you information about the version of the application that you are currently running.

To view the About window

1. Click About in the Info section of the Help menu.

2. The About window will appear.

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T h e ab ou t w i n d ow c ol l ec ts i ts l i c en s e i n f or mati on f r om th e PADS Ser ver of you r s ys tem.

T h i s mean s th at th e l i c en s e i n f or mati on i s on l y avai l ab l e w h en you ar e c on n ec ted to a

PADS Ser ver .

For detailed information about your actual license, please consult the PADS System Management application or the PADS License Wizard.

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Advanced features

This section covers the more advanced features of the PADS Scheduler application.

In this section

Working with multiple windows

Explains how to work with multiple windows in the Scheduler environment.

Working with multiple servers

Explains how to work with multiple servers in the Scheduler environment.

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Working with multiple windows

One of the new features in PADS4 is the functionality to work with multiple windows. You can use this feature to easily compare timetables of different Destinations.

To create another window

You can find the functionality to work with multiple windows in the Window tab group of the View tab in the ribbon bar.

1. Click the New Window button to open a new window in the schedule area.

2. A new window will be created and initially it picks the same Destination as the one that was already active.

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3. Use the Select Destination button of the Go To tab group in the ribbon bar, or the Destinations tree view (left pane of the main window) to select another Destination for the new window.

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4. The window now shows the scheduling for another Destination.

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To create a new tab group

Now that you have two windows, you can place them side by side for comparison.

1. In the Window tab group click the New Tab Group button. In the sub menu that appears, click the New Vertical Tab Group .

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2. The windows will be positioned side by side in a vertical manner.

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To switch windows

When two or more windows are open, you can switch from one window to another. Selecting the tab is one option, using the ribbon bar another.

1. In the Window tab group click the Switch Windows button. A list of windows other than the active one is displayed.

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2. The window selected from the list will become the active on.

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To move a window to another group

1. In the Window tab group click the Move to button. In the sub menu that appears, click the Move to Previous Tab Group .

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2. The active window will be moved to the previous tab group.

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To use the context menu

Alternatively you can use the context menu on the individual windows.

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Working with multiple servers

With PADS4 it is possible to view multiple PADS Servers in one instance of the Scheduler. In this topic the features for working with multiple PADS Servers is shown. In the example MyPADSServer is the name of the already present Server connection.

To connect and view an extra PADS Server

In this example an extra Server connection has been made to another PADS Server and this connection has been named AnotherPADSServer . This has been done as explained in the topic

Connection properties


In order to show this extra connection you do the following.

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1 2 3

1. Move your mouse cursor to the Connections section of the Home tab group in the ribbon bar and click the Connect split button to reveal all available connections, other than the one already active (being MyPADSServer ).

2. Click the available server connection you wish to view.

3. After a connection has been successfully made, the already present server connection

( MyPADSServer ) and the new one ( AnotherPADSServer ) are shown in navigation panes in the bottom of the navigation bar. The new one is the active one, as you can tell by the highlighted navigation pane, by the name displayed above the calendar and the information in the status bar.


T h e n avi g ati on p an es f or th e PADS Ser ver c on n ec ti on s ar e on l y s h ow n w h en tw o or mor e c on n ec ti on s ar e vi ew ed . W h en on l y on e c on n ec ti on i s vi ew ed , n o p an es ar e vi s i b l e.

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Now you can view different destinations and their schedules of different PADS Servers side by side. You can open a new window as explained in the topic

Working with multiple windows

. and show information of the separate destinations. It could look something like this:

And view the information of the other destination on another PADS Server in another window:

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To disconnect PADS Servers

If you are done viewing a certain PADS Server connection, you can disconnect one or many from the navigation bar.

You can disconnect a single Server connection by clicking the Disconnect split button in the Connections tab group of the Home tab in the ribbon bar, and select the PADS Server connection from the resulting drop down list that you want to disconnect. The connection will be closed after that as well as the corresponding navigation pane and potential open windows. You can repeat this procedure for all the connections that you want to close.

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Alternatively, you can disconnect from all connections at once: in the Connections tab group of the

Home tab in the ribbon bar, click Disconnect All .

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Closing PADS Scheduler

When you are finished with scheduling presentations you can close the PADS Scheduler application.

To close the PADS Scheduler application

1. Select File in the ribbon bar.

2. Click Exit .

Alternatively, you can use the key combination [Alt] + F4 to leave the application. If you have opened additional windows then you must use this key combination several times to quit.


W h en c l os i n g th e ap p l i c ati on you w i l l au tomati c al l y b e l og g ed of f i n al l c on n ec ti on s th at you h ave ac ti ve, af ter w h i c h th ey w i l l b e c l os ed .

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