Lebanon Middle School Agriculture Program INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND NATURAL RESOURCES AND LMS FFA WE’RE ALL INVOLVED IN IT…WE COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT!! Get a jump start on your high school career. The Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources class is currently offered to 8th grade students for high school credit. Look ahead to the numerous opportunities that await! ( P R E S S Y O U R D O W N A R R O W K E Y O R PA G E D O W N K E Y T O L E A R N M O R E ) 8th Grade Introduction to Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources(formerly Fundamentals of Ag) Taught by: Mrs. Hartley Study of : Plant/Soil science & Horticulture/Landscape Animal science/Genetics Natural Resource Management Food science Agriculture Mechanics Agricultural business FFA/Leadership Year-long course for HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT Hands On Applied Activities: Ice cream making Seed germination DNA extraction Job Shadowing *Soil testing *Plant propagation *Sensory evaluation with Food *Demonstrations Field trips *Fair Oaks Dairy/Heartland Growers Greenhouse 8th Grade IAFNR in Action Determining the difference between monocots and dicots Reviewing Animal Science Students showing leadership while assuming the role of president. 8th Grade IAFNR in Action *SMARTBOARD* Sensory Evaluation in Food Science 8th Grade IAFNR in Action The proud parents – Baby Reebop genetics lab Strawberry DNA extraction Creating Wind Erosion! Ag Mechanics! 8th Grade IAFNR in Action Bringing in animals from home for demonstrations *Job Shadowing* 8th Grade IAFNR in Action “How do you milk a cow?” Seeing a calf born at Fair Oaks Dairy 8th Grade IAFNR in Action Field trip to Heartland Growers! 8th Grade IAFNR in Action Teambuilding and cooperation exercises LMS FFA Leadership Opportunities National FFA Week State FFA Leadership Camps Ag Education Center @ County Fair State and National Convention The Middle School FFA is an organization for Chapter Officer students who have an interest in agriculture. The FFA is a national youth organization that promotes premier leadership, career success and personal growth. The $15.00 membership fee pays the state and national dues for each member. In addition, they will receive the National FFA magazine in the mail each month. Committee Chairmen Agricultural Issues Demonstrations Public Speaking Parliamentary Procedure Food Drive Snapshots of LMS FFA Snapshots of LMS FFA Soils Judging JUST DANCE! Snapshots of LMS FFA Backwards Kickball Bowling night State Dairy Foods Parli Pro Team Snapshots of LMS FFA Summer FFA Challenge Leadership Camp With other students from across Indiana WHAT’S NEXT???? Animal Science Food Science By taking advantage of IAFNR as an 8th grader, the following classes can be taken as a freshman. Horticulture Natural Resource Management Don’t wait! Continue on to learn about the exciting opportunities that await you at the high school! What Ag Classes are Available to YOU at Lebanon High School? LEBANON AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT 2013-2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE ( P R E S S Y O U R D O W N A R R O W K E Y O R PA G E D O W N K E Y T O L E A R N M O R E ) Advanced Life Science-Animals Engage students in advanced life sciences and biotechnology via agricultural modules to help students understand how biotechnology, agriculture and life sciences contributes to new solutions. The goal is that students will see the connection between their chemistry and biology experience and be able to apply what they have learned. This course is particularly useful to Health Career students. All animal systems and labs are related to human life science examples. Topics covered include animal industry biotech techniques, research and development, growth and development, the systems including endocrine, skeletal, muscle (and its conversion to meat), circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive, genetics, and veterinary medicine. Some Lab Highlights Include: Heart Dissection, Digestive Tract and Extraction of Digestive Enzymes, Hormones, & Chemicals Lab, Turkey Harvesting, Reproductive Tract Labs, Bone Marrow Extraction Lab, and others. This course is a middle tier weighted course for Lebanon High School. Students in this course are eligible to receive concurrent (dual) credit from Purdue University in Animal Science 102 (a three credit hour course). And meets the dual credit requirement for the Academic & Technical Honors Diplomas. ALS–Animals - Students in Action Students working with pig digestive tracts in our digestion unit. Advanced Life Science - Food Engage students in advanced life sciences and biotechnology via agricultural modules to help students understand how biotechnology, agriculture and life sciences contributes to new solutions. The goal is that students will see the connection between their chemistry and biology experience and be able to apply what they have learned. Topics covered include: food industry, nutrition, food safety, food product labeling, bacteria, fungi, molds, pasteurization, irradiation, processing, additives, inhibitors, flavor enhancement, flavor development, new product development, chemistry of making food labels, food packaging, muscle conversion to meat, and others. Exciting Lab Activities: Food Bacteria Lab, New Food Product Development, Labeling, Packaging, & Marketing, Cheese Making, Yogurt Making, Jerky Making, Sensory Evaluation, and Fermentation. This course is a middle tier weighted course for Lebanon High School. Students in this course are eligible to receive concurrent (dual) credit from Purdue University in Food Science 161 (a three credit hour course), and meets the dual credit requirement for the Academic & Technical Honors Diplomas. ALS – Foods - Students Doing a Lab Students are shown here completing sensory evaluations. The next part of the project will be to develop a new turkey product using the meat they are processing. They will have to develop, produce, package, label, and market their product. Advanced Life Science-Plant & Soil Engage students in advanced life sciences and biotechnology via agricultural modules to help students understand how biotechnology, agriculture and life sciences contributes to new solutions. The goal is that students will see the connection between their chemistry and biology experience and be able to apply what they have learned. Topics covered include soil formation, soil conservation/erosion, soil texture, soil components, soil testing, nutrient availability of soil, management practices, GPS use, plant anatomy, plant utilization of nutrients, photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, translocation, pH, genetics, biotechnology, chemical use, chemical types, fungicides, insecticides, hydroponics, and others. Exciting Labs: Actual Soil Testing (students do the chemistry), GPS Gridding & Mapping, Actual Planting, Harvesting & Management of our Outdoor Agronomy Lab, Root Beer Making to understand pH and chemical properties, Pesticide Use on Plants Lab, Rapid Radishes, Pumpkin Patch and others. This course is a middle tier weighted course for Lebanon High School. Students in this course are eligible to receive concurrent (dual) credit from Purdue University in Botany 210 (a four credit hour course), and meets the dual credit requirement for the Academic & Technical Honors Diplomas. ALS – Plant & Soil - In Action Student doing research on “Rapid Radishes.” Agribusiness Management Study of: Business Matter applied to Agricultural Careers and others. Year-long course Fun Activities: Purchase a franchise, develop a business plan, learn how to keep records, create a resume, develop an advertisement, create and sell a product, and guest speakers Career Areas: All of them! Agribusiness Management Students working together as a team to solve a problem presented to them! Agriculture Power and Technology (formerly Ag Mechanics) Study of: Metallurgy, Metal Working Equipment, Safety Equipment/Clothing, Oxy-Acetylene Cutting/Welding, Arc, MIG, & TIG Welding, Plasma Arc Cutting, Robotics, Design & Construction of Projects. Each is a one semester course Projects: Letter paperweights, puzzles, pencil holders, hitch covers, and other student designed major projects, Career Areas: Agricultural Mechanics, Ag Supplies and Services, Production Agriculture Agriculture Power and Technology (formerly Ag Mechanics) Animal Science Study of: Various animals, animal industry, animal organs and functions, nutrition, and proper management Year-long course Hands On Applied Activities: Egg labs, Meats lab, Circulatory Cities, Horse Breed Association Letters, Easter Egg Genetics Career Areas: Production Agriculture, Agricultural Processing, Products and Distribution, Forestry, Ag Supplies and Services, Agriscience Professions Animal Science in Action “Circulatory Creation” developed by students to show importance of the system. A student constructing a “backbone” model. Food Science(New class for 2013-14) Study of: How food is used and how it is made up Year-long course Topics/Hands On Applied Activities: Sensory evaluation Nutrition New food trends Food Safety Preservation Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources(formerly Fundamentals of Ag) Study of: An overview of the agriculture field with an emphasis on life sciences. Students will study all areas of agriculture including the following: plant/soil science, animal science, natural resource management, food science, agriculture mechanics, and FFA. Year-long course Hands On Applied Activities: Homemade ice cream, soil testing, seed germination, plant care, study trip, and class presentations Career area: Horticulture, Landscape, Production Agriculture, Forestry, Renewable Natural Resources, Agricultural Processing, Products and Distribution, Agricultural Supplies and Services, Agriscience Professions, Agriculture Mechanics. Horticulture Science Study of plants, plant parts, flowers, fruit/vegetable production. Year-long course Hands On Applied Activities: Work in the courtyard, floral arrangements, “Adopt-A-Plant”, various labs in the greenhouse, and hydroponics Career area: Horticulture, Landscape, Production Agriculture, Forestry, Renewable Natural Resources, Agricultural Processing, Products and Distribution. Horticulture Student In Action Horticulture students using their creativity to create models of a plant. Natural Resource Management Study of: Forests, Water, Recycling, Pollution, Firearm Safety. Year-long course Hands On Applied Activities: Class debates, “Environment Enhancement” class project, town construction, and work on a one acre wooded lot. Career area: Renewable Natural Resource, Forestry, Ag Supplies and Services, Horticulture Natural Resources Students in Action Students listen to District 4 forester, Adam Dumond, as he explains tree identification at our outdoor forestry plot. Landscape Management NEW CLASS FOR 2013-14!! Possible projects/activities Creation of landscape design Implementation of designs Explanation of Prerequisites Fundamentals of Agriculture Science & Business is a prerequisite for the following courses: Agribusiness Management, Animal Science, Food Science, Landscape Managment, Horticulture Science, Natural Resource Management Agriculture Power and Technology (formerly Ag Mechanics) has no prerequisite, but is for juniors and seniors Biology I and Chemistry I or ICP are prerequisites of the Advanced Life Science courses (Animals, Food, Plant & Soil) FFA Students in Action John Plunkett won the Discovery Demonstration Speech with his presentation on how to start a bee hive. For More Information Check out our website by clicking on the following link: http://www.leb.k12.in.us/LHS/academics/agriculture.asp Or contact any of the LCSC Agriculture Department Kristen Scott - scottkk@leb.k12.in.us Agriculture -Department Head Stacey Hartley - hartleys@leb.k12.in.us Agriculture - Teacher Josh Nelson – nelsonjs@leb.k12.in.us Agriculture - Teacher Mackenzie Crooks – crooksm@leb.k12.in.us Agriculture - Teacher Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) A 1-credit hour opportunity over the summer for those students that have taken Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources(formerly known as Fundamentals of Agriculture Course Requirements – Attend required number of field trips Participate in required amount of activities Keep a journal and record book Attend mandatory course meetings Set up and complete teacher site visits Mission Statement The Lebanon Agriculture Department serves the greater Lebanon learners as an institution whose mission is to educate through research, hands-on applied activities and supervised experiences that through rigor and relevance will empower students to be successful as lifelong learners in secondary, postsecondary, entrepreneurship, industry, and leadership settings.