Applications of Spin-Polarized Electrons in Condensed Matter Physics Dan Pierce Electron Physics Group, NIST Supported in part by the Office of Naval Research Principle of GaAs Polarized e- Source Optical excitation of spin polarized electrons For positive helicity σ+ light, the theoretical polarization of the electrons photoexcited by bandgap radiation is N ↑ − N ↓ = 1-3 P= N = -50% ↑ +N ↓ 1+3 Polarization is easily and rapidly reversed by switching helicity of light Pierce and Meier, PR B 13,5484-5500 (1976) Negative Electron Affinity (NEA) GaAs Surface treatment gives world’s best photoemitter Source characteristics: P ~ 30% for bulk wafer I = 20 µA/mW continuous or pulsed operation low initial energy and energy spread high figure of merit = P2I Charlie’s Hippie Days Spin Polarized Electron Gun Spin polarized e- scattering apparatus Measure I −I A = ↑↑ ↑↓ ∝ M I +I ↑↑ ↑↓ Pierce, Celotta, Wang, Unertl, Galejs, Kuyatt, Mielczarek, RSI 51, 478-499 (1980) Polarized e- Gun for SLAC Parity Violation Experiment Beam polarization, 35% to 45% Beam current, 1 mA cw to 15 A peak Complete Polarized e- Injection System for SLAC Parity Violation Experiment Technical Support in the Early Days Development of Measurement Techniques Using Spin-Polarized Electrons Spin-polarized electron gun (NEA GaAs) Spin polarized electron scattering Spin polarized low energy electron diffraction (SPLEED) Spin polarized inverse photoemission spectroscopy (SPIPES) Spin polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy (SPEELS) Spin polarized low energy electron microscopy (SPLEEM) Electron spin polarization analyzer Spin polarized photoemission Spin polarized Auger electron spectroscopy Spin polarized secondary electron emission Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA) Surface Sensitivity Surface sensitive due to short electron mean free paths Inelastic mean free path especially short in transition metals with many d holes Spin dependent attenuation length in ferromagnets at low energy Pappas et al, PRL 66, 504 (1991) Spin Polarized Electron Gun Spin polarized e- scattering apparatus Measure I −I A = ↑↑ ↑↓ ∝ M I +I ↑↑ ↑↓ Pierce, Celotta, Wang, Unertl, Galejs, Kuyatt, Mielczarek, RSI 51, 478-499 (1980) Spin Polarized Low Energy Electron Diffraction (SPLEED) First surface magnetization measurement with SPLEED IAA, IAB A(T) A(H) θ A=A(E,θ,H,T) Test for true magnetic effect by measuring field and temperature dependence Celotta, Pierce, Wang, Bader, Felcher, PRL 43, 728 (1979) Spin-Polarized Electron Scattering Measure low temperature surface magnetization Bs/Bb=3 Ni40Fe40B20 Thermal excitation of spin waves M (T ) =1- BT 3/2 +.... M (0) Bsurface Theory: =2 Bbulk Experiment: Bs >2 Bb Results explained by extending theory to include weaker exchange coupling of surface to bulk, JS⊥<JB Pierce, Celotta, Unguris, Siegmann, PR B 26, 2566 (1982) Spin-Polarized Electron Scattering Determine surface critical exponent A lot of theory but few experiments for magnetic critical behavior at surfaces Aex ∝ tβ, where t=[1-(T/TC)]. Find β≅0.78 for both Ni(110) and Ni(100) surfaces, independent of E and θ Neutron measurements give β=0.38 for bulk Alvarado, Campagna, Hopster, PRL 48, 51 (1982) Spin Polarized Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy Spin dependent bandstructure of unfilled states Energy, angle (k), and spin-resolved inverse photoemission Photon detector sensitivity hw = 97 . ± 035 . eV Measure F 1 In - n B A J A=G G Jn + n G HP0 cosa J KA B Large minority spin peak just above Fermi level from the d-holes responsible for ferromagnetism in Ni Unguris, Seiler, Celotta, Pierce, Johnson, Smith, PRL 49, 1047 (1982) Running with Friends Bay to Breakers Stopping to read while others catch up Tough Happy on top of the mountain A Sinclair Grand Canyon Expedition Determined You’re not tryin’ if your not bleedin’! Principled Two things I can’t tolerate: Incompetence and Cold Coffee Married in 1983! How ‘bout them legs Spin Polarized Secondary Emission High spin polarization where have high secondary intensity Fe81.5B14.5Si4 Valence electron polarization n − n n # Bohr magnetons P = n↑ + n↓ = nB = V # Valence electrons ↑ ↓ M =-m B( n - n ) A B nB nV P Fe 2.2 8 0.28 Co 1.7 9 0.19 Ni 0.055 10 0.055 Unguris, Pierce, Galejs, Celotta, PRL 49, 72 (1982) Scanning Electron Microscopy with Polarization Analysis (SEMPA) High resolution magnetization imaging Incident Electrons From Scanning Electron Microscope Spin-Polarization Analyzer P= N↑ - N ↓ N↑ + N ↓ Spin-Polarized Secondary Electrons Magnetic Specimen Magnetization M= - µ B (N ↑ - N ↓) NIST SEMPA Apparatus Electron Source In-Plane Secondary & Backscatter Electron Detectors Polarization Analyzers Sample Out-of-Plane Metal Evaporators RHEED Screen 10 keV 20 keV 100 Old LaB6 10 1 New Field Emission 0.1 0.01 Auger Electron Energy Analyzer Ion Gun Acquisition time (min) 1000 1 10 100 Beam diameter (nm) 1000 Low Energy Diffuse Scattering Analyzer Y Input Optics Drift Tube Anode 150 eV e- A D B C End View 4 cm MCP G2 G1 E2 E1 Au & C Targets Au evaporator X SEMPA Example – Iron Crystal Measure the topography and two magnetization components (simultaneously but separately): Intensity Mx My Then derive the magnetization direction and magnitude: Magnitude Direction θ = tan-1(Mx/My) M = (Mx2+ My2)1/2 Cobalt Vector Magnetization Out-of-plane M M contour In-plane M SEMPA – MFM Comparison Hard disk test sample with Au patterned overlay Intensity SEMPA 350 nm M AFM MFM Interlayer Exchange Coupling Cr wedge schematic Fe Film ∼ 1-2 nm 0 - 20 nm Cr Wedge M ∼ 500 µm Fe Whisker Unguris, Celotta, Pierce, PRL 67, 140 (1991) Fe/Cr/Fe Oscillatory Exchange Coupling Precise measurement of coupling periods M P(Fe) 0.2 Interlayer 0.0 Cr -0.2 0.144 nm/layer Ag 0.204 nm/layer RHEED P(Cr) 0.04 Au 0.204 nm/layer 0.0 -0.04 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Cr Thickness (layers) 70 80 Measured period (layers) 2.105 ± 0.005 12 ± 1 2.37 ± 0.07 5.73 ± 0.05 2.48 ± 0.05 8.6 ± 0.3 Leadership Vision We’ll get there if you can keep up with me Between a rock and a hard place Magnetic Depth Profiling Co/Cu Multilayers Magnetoresistance and domain structure Current through magnetic multilayer depends on magnetization alignment, i M but real domain structures can be complex: Cu Co Ion milled crater (2 keV Ar+) Top Co layer 2nd Co layer Top layer magnetization predominantly antiparallel to 2nd layer Borchers, Dura, Unguris, Tulchinsky, Kelley, Majkrzak, Hsu, Loloee, Pratt, Bass, PRL 82, 2796 (1999) Interlayer Domain Correlations Quantify layer-by-layer angle distributions Angle images: 1st layer 2nd layer Correlation distribution: FM AFM P(∆φ) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 90 ∆φ (°) 180 Magnetic materials Air Side Transformer core ferromagnetic glass (Allied Signal) Wheel Side Magnetic Nanostructures Fe “nanowires” M Fe Cr 213 nm Fe evaporated at grazing incidence on Cr lines fabricated by laser focused atom deposition Tulchinsky, Kelley, McClelland, Gupta, Celotta, JVST A16, (1998) Ready to retire??? Acknowledgements Spin-polarized electron work at NBS/NIST Many contributors, especially Bob Celotta and John Unguris Pictures of Charlie Joel Falk Jim Murray Roger Route