This international site allows you to access all the Merlin Gerin products in just 2 clicks via comprehensive range data-sheets, with direct links to: b complete library: technical documents, catalogs, certificates, FAQs, brochures… b selection guides from the e-catalog. b product discovery sites and their Flash animations. You will also find illustrated overviews, news to which you can subscribe, a discussion forum, the list of country contacts… 14 These technical guides help you comply with installation standards and rules i.e.: the electrical installation guide, the protection guide, the switchboard implementation guide, the technical booklets and the co-ordination tables all form genuine reference tools for the design of high performance electrical installations. For example, the LV protection co-ordination guide - discrimination and cascading - optimises choice of protection and connection devices while also increasing markedly continuity of supply in the installations. Compact NS Masterpact NW Functions and characteristics Presentation 6 Selection guide for DC circuit breakers 16 Types of DC distribution systems Solutions depending on the distribution system and the voltage 16 17 Series connection of poles Parallel connection of poles 17 18 Examples of circuit-breaker selection 19 Calculation of DC distribution-system characteristics 21 Short-circuit currents L/R time constant 21 Panorama of electrical and mechanical accessories 22 Compact NS100 to NS630 Masterpact NW10 to NW40 22 24 General characteristics 26 Compliance with standards Pollution degree Tropicalisation Environmental protection Ambient temperature Altitude Positive contact indication Vibrations Installation in class II switchboards Electromagnetic compatibility Degree of protection 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 Circuit-breaker characteristics 30 Compact NS100 to NS630 Masterpact NW10 to NW40 30 32 Trip-unit characteristics 34 Types of trip units Trip units for Compact NS Trip units for Masterpact NW 34 34 36 Communication 38 COM option in Masterpact NW Compact NS 38 39 Electrical and mechanical accessories 40 Compact NS100 to 630 Masterpact NW10 to NW40 40 50 Dimensions and connection Electrical diagrams Installation recommendations Additional characteristics Catalogue numbers and order form 61 87 103 121 143 15 Functions and characteristics Selection guide for DC circuit breakers Types of DC distribution systems There are three types of DC distribution systems (see the table). The operational voltage in conjunction with one of the three systems determines the number of poles taking part in current interruption. Selection of a circuit breaker depends essentially on the distribution-system parameters presented below which are used to determine the corresponding characteristics: b type of system - determines the type of product and the number of poles connected in series for each polarity b rated voltage - determines the number of series poles taking part in current interruption b nominal current - determines the rated current of the circuit-breaker b maximum short-circuit current at the point of installation - determines the breaking capacity. 0 Types of systems Earthed systems Isolated systems The source has one earthed polarity (1) Diagrams and different faults Fault analysis (neglecting resistance of earth electrodes) Fault A b maximum Isc at U b only protected polarity concerned b all poles of protected polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U Fault B b maximum Isc at U b if only one polarity (the positive here) is protected, all poles of protected polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U b if both polarities are protected, to enable disconnection, all poles of the two polarities must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U Fault C No consequences Double fault Double fault not possible, A and D or C and system trips on first fault E Most unfavourable cases Fault A and fault B (if only one polarity is protected) b maximum Isc at U/2 b only positive polarity concerned b all poles of positive polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U/2 b maximum Isc at U b both polarities are concerned b all poles of the two polarities must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U DB105018 DB105017 DB105016 The source has an earthed mid-point b no consequences b the fault must be indicated by an IMD (insulation-monitoring device) and cleared (standard IEC/EN 60364) b maximum Isc at U b both polarities are concerned b all poles of the two polarities must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U b same as fault A b same as fault A with the same obligations b all poles of the negative polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U/2 Double fault not possible, b maximum Isc at U system trips on first fault b only positive polarity (cases A and D) or negative (C and E) concerned b all poles of each polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at U Fault B Double fault A and D or C and E Conclusion: selection of number of poles and breaking capacity Layout of protection poles b on only one polarity (1) b identical for each polarity Number of series poles Per polarity b all on same polarity b equal Total b 1, 2 or 3 without disconnection b 2 or 4 (2) b 2, 3 or 4 with disconnection Breaking capacity b all poles of the protected polarity u Isc max. b all poles of both polarities u Isc max. at U at U b all poles of each polarity u Isc max. at U/2 Disconnection of both polarities (3) Possible by adding a pole to the non-protected b ensured polarity Implementation See the selection table opposite (1) Positive or negative, depending on the polarity connected to the exposed conductive parts. (2) A 3P circuit breaker can be used if a 2P version does not exist. In this case, the central pole is not connected. (3) Disconnection made possible by multi-pole breaking. 16 b identical for each polarity b equal b 2 or 4 (2) b all poles of each polarity u Isc max. at U b ensured Selection guide for DC circuit breakers Solutions depending on the distribution system and the voltage Functions and characteristics 0 Series connection of poles Type of distribution system 2 2 DB105002 Isolated Isolated polarities DB105001 Mid-point connected to earth DB105000 Protected polarities Diagrams (and types of faults) Earthed One polarity (negative here) connected to earth (or exposed conductive parts) 1 (disconnection of 1P) 2 (disconnection of 2P) DB104999 Type Source Selection of circuit breaker and pole connection Compact NS Two-pole (1). Single-pole. Two-pole (1). DB105004 DB105004 DB105004 DB105003 24 V y Un y 250 V Two-pole (1). Two-pole (1). Two-pole (1). Three-pole. DB105007 DB105004 DB105006 DB105005 250 V < Un y 500 V Four-pole. Three-pole. Four-pole. DB105007 DB105009 DB105008 500 V < Un y 750 V Four-pole. Masterpact NW Version C. Version C. DB105010 DB105010 DB105010 Type N 24 V y Un y 500 V Version C. Version D. Version C. DB105012 DB105010 DB105011 Type H 24 V y Un y 500 V Version E. Version D. Version E. DB105012 DB105012 DB105011 500 V < Un y 750 V Version E. Version D. Version E. (1) A 3P circuit breaker can be used if a 2P version does not exist. In this case, the central pole is not connected. DB105012 DB105012 DB105011 750 V < Un y 900 V Version E. 17 Selection guide for DC circuit breakers Solutions depending on the distribution system and the voltage Functions and characteristics 0 Parallel connection of poles Type of distribution system 2 2 DB105002 Isolated Isolated polarities DB105001 Mid-point connected to earth DB105000 Protected polarities Diagrams (and types of faults) Earthed One polarity (negative here) connected to earth (or exposed conductive parts) 1 (disconnection of 1P) 2 (disconnection of 2P) DB104999 Type Source Selection of circuit breaker and pole connection Compact NS Two, three-pole, 2, 3P in Four-pole, 2 x 2P in parallel. parallel, four-pole, 4P in parallel. DB105014 DB105014 DB105014 DB105013 Un y 250 V Four-pole, 2 x 2P in parallel. Four-pole, 2 x 2P in parallel. DB105014 DB105015 250 V < Un y 500 V Four-pole, 2 x 2P in parallel, connected in series. Four-pole, 2 x 2P in parallel. Breaking capacity of parallel solutions Un y 250 V Two-pole Three-pole Four-pole 2 poles in parallel 3 poles in parallel 4 poles in parallel 2 x 2 poles in parallel, connected in series N 85 - 250 V < Un y 500 V H 100 - DC 100 100 100 N - H - DC 100 Comparison of series and parallel connection in terms of performance Series connection of poles divides the voltage per pole and optimises breaking capacity for high-voltage systems. Series connection of poles on a DC circuit breaker is the means to: b divide the system voltage by the number of poles b use the rated current for each pole b use the breaking capacity of the circuit breaker for all the poles. For example, a Compact NS630, 3P DC type, with the three poles connected in series, provides: b a maximum voltage of 750 V (250 V per pole) b a rated current of 630 A b a breaking capacity of 100 kA / 750 V. Consequently, a 630 A / 250 V device can be used in a 750 V system. Parallel connection of poles divides the current per pole and optimises the rated current for systems that do not exceed the withstand voltage of each pole. The maximum useable rating and the value of the magnetic setting are indicated on pages 110 and 111. Parallel connection of poles, on the contrary, imposes the system voltage on each pole, but is the means to: b divide the current flowing through each pole by the number of poles b increase the rated current. For example, the same Compact NS630 DC 3P circuit breaker with three poles in parallel provides: b a maximum voltage of 250 V (250 V per pole) b a rated current of 1500 A (see table on page 111) b a breaking capacity of 100 kA / 250 V. Consequently, a 630 A device used in a 250 V system can handle 1500 A. 18 Functions and characteristics Selection guide for DC circuit breakers Examples of circuit-breaker selection 0 Selection of a Compact NS Example 1 type of system - mid-point connected to earth system voltage - Un = 500 V DC with time constant L/R = 5 ms rated current required at point of installation In = 250 A short-circuit current at the point of installation Isc = 60 kA Selection constraints - see page 16 The system with the mid-point connected to earth requires (see conclusion page 16): b identical protection-pole layout for each polarity b an equal number of poles for each polarity, i.e. a total of two or four b all poles of the two polarities must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at Un, i.e. 60 kA/500 V in this case b all poles of the each polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at Un/2, i.e. 60 kA/250 V in this case. DB105021 DB105020 DB105019 b b b b Selection possibilities - see pages 17 and 18 The tables indicate for 250 V < Un y 500 V and for this system: b poles connected in series: two-pole 2P in series V selection 1 b poles connected in parallel: four-pole 2 x 2P parallel connected in series V selection 2. Selection 2: Compact NS160 DC 4P 2 x 2P parallel mounted in series. DB105022 Selection 1. Selection 3: Compact NS250 DC 3P with 2P connected. Circuit-breaker selection - see pages 30 and 110 b selection 1: the 250 A rated current does not exist in 2P. It is possible to use a 250 A 3P DC type circuit breaker with the central pole not connected V selection 3 b selection 2: the 160 A rated current (DC version) is suitable with a 2 x 2P assembly connected in parallel because (see table page 110): v the rated current of the 2 x 2P assembly connected in parallel is In = 288 A > 250 A v and for L/R = 5 ms: - breaking capacity of all poles = 100 kA/750 V > 60 kA/500 V - breaking capacity of poles of each polarity = 100 kA/250 V > 60 kA/250 V. The options are: b selection 1: Compact S250DC, 3P, 2 poles connected b selection 3: Compact NS160DC, 4P, 2 x 2P parallel connected in series. Both solutions exist in fixed and withdrawable configurations. Trip-unit selection b Compact NS250DC 3P: the selection table on page 35 indicates 3 TM250DC trip units, which are interchangeable b Compact NS160DC, 4P (2 x 2P) 160 A: the selection table on page 110 indicates, for the 2 x 2P parallel configuration mounted in series and for 250 A, a TM125DC trip unit with the magnetic-protection threshold set to 2500 A. Example 2 Selection 1: Compact NS160N 1P. type of system - one polarity earthed system voltage - Un = 250 V DC with time constant L/R = 5 ms rated current required at point of installation In = 160 A short-circuit current at the point of installation Isc = 45 kA. Selection constraints - see page 16 The system with one polarity connected to earth requires (see conclusion page 16): b protection poles on the protected polarity b all poles contribute to breaking for the polarity: v 1, 2 or 3P without disconnection of the two polarities v 2, 3 or 4P with disconnection of the two polarities b all poles of the protected polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at Un, i.e. 45 kA/250 V in this case. DB105025 DB105024 DB105023 b b b b Selection 2. Selection possibilities - see pages 17 and 18 The tables indicate for 250 V < Un y 250 V and for this system: b poles connected in series: single-pole V selection 1 (or two-pole with disconnection V selection 2) b poles connected in parallel: two-pole V selection 3 b other selections (parallel connection) are possible, but are of no particular interest. DB105026 Circuit-breaker selection - see page 30 and page 110 b selection 1: Compact NS160N, 1P, 50 kA, available in fixed version (or selection 2: Compact NS160N 2P, 85 kA, if disconnection of the two polarities is desired) b selection 3: Compact NS100N, 2P in parallel, 50 kA, providing a rated current of 200 A (see table page 110), available in fixed version. Selection 3: Compact NS100N 2P in parallel. Trip-unit selection b Compact NS160N, 1P: the selection table on page 35 indicates a built-in TM160DC trip unit with the magnetic-protection threshold set to 1250 A b Compact NS100N, 2P in parallel: the selection table on page 110 indicates, for the 2P parallel configuration and for 160 A, a TM80D trip unit with the magneticprotection threshold set to 1600 A. 19 Functions and characteristics Selection guide for DC circuit breakers Examples of circuit-breaker selection 0 Selection of a Masterpact NW Example 1 DB105023 b b b b type of system - isolated polarities system voltage - Un = 750 V DC with time constant L/R = 30 ms rated current required at point of installation In = 2000 A short-circuit current at the point of installation Isc = 40 kA DB105027 Selection constraints - see page 16 The system with isolated polarities requires (see conclusion page 16): b identical protection for each polarity b an equal number of poles for each polarity, i.e. a total of two or four b all poles of each polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at Un, i.e. 40 kA/750 V in this case. Selection possibilities - see page 17 The table for series poles indicates for a voltage 24 V < Un y 750 V and the type of system, use of a four-pole, version E circuit breaker. Circuit-breaker selection - see page 32 The Masterpact NW characteristics table indicates more specifically with a 2000 A a NW20 type H circuit breaker with a breaking capacity of 50 kA/750 V (L/R = 30 ms). The correct selection is a Masterpact NW20 type H version E, 2000 A, 50 kA, available in fixed and drawout versions. Masterpact NW20H version E. Example 2 DB105023 b b b b type of system - one polarity earthed system voltage - Un = 500 V DC with time constant L/R = 15 ms rated current required at point of installation In = 1000 A short-circuit current at the point of installation Isc = 30 kA DB105028 Selection constraints - see page 16 The system with one polarity connected to earth requires (see conclusion page 16): b protection poles on the protected polarity b all poles contribute to breaking for the polarity: v 1, 2 or 3P without disconnection of the two polarities v 2, 3 or 4P with disconnection of the two polarities b all poles of the protected polarity must have breaking capacity u Isc max. at Un, i.e. 30 kA/500 V in this case. Selection possibilities - see page 17 The table for series poles indicates for a voltage 24 V < Un y 500 V and the type of system, use of a three-pole, version C circuit breaker. Masterpact NW10N version C. 20 Circuit-breaker selection - see page 32 The Masterpact NW characteristics table indicates more specifically with a 1000 A a NW10 type N circuit breaker with a breaking capacity of 35 kA/500 V (L/R = 15 ms). The correct selection is a Masterpact NW10 type N version C, 1000 A, 35 kA, available in fixed and drawout versions. Functions and characteristics Calculation of DC distributionsystem characteristics Short-circuit currents L/R time constant 0 DB105060 Short-circuit currents Calculation of the short-circuit current across the terminals of a battery During a short-circuit, the battery discharges a current equal to Vb Icc = ------Ri b Vb = maximum discharge voltage (battery 100 % charged) b Ri = internal resistance equivalent to all cells (a function of the capacity in amperehours). Example b consider a set of four 500 Ah batteries connected in parallel b discharge voltage of one battery: 240 V (110 cells 2.2 V each) b discharge current of one battery: 300 A with a run-time of 30 minutes b discharge current of all four batteries: 1200 A with a run-time of 30 minutes b internal resistance 0.5 mΩ per cell, i.e. for one battery: Ri = 110 x 0.5 x 10-3 = 55 x 10-3 Ω b short-circuit current of one battery: Isc = 240 V / 55 x 10-3 Ω = 4.37 kA b neglecting the resistance of the connections, for all four batteries discharging the short-circuit current in parallel, the total short-circuit current is four times that of one battery, i.e. Isc = 4 x 4.37 kA = 17.5 kA. Note: if the internal resistance is not known, it is possible to use the following rough approximation: Isc = kc where c is the capacity of the battery in ampere-hours and k is a coefficient close to 10 and always less than 20. Other typical examples b PABXs: Isc from 5 to 25 kA at 240 V DC with L/R = 5 ms b submarine: Isc from 40 to 60 kA at 400 V DC with L/R = 5 ms. DB105056 DB105059 L/R time constant When a short-circuit occurs across the terminals of a DC circuit, the current rises from the load current (y In) to the short-circuit current Isc over a period of time that depends on the value of the resistance R and inductance L of the short-circuited loop. The equation determining the current in the loop is: u = Ri + L di/dt The curve of I versus time is defined (neglecting In) by the equation: i = Isc (1 - exp(t/τ)) where τ = L/R is the time constant for the rise to Isc. Practically speaking, after a time t = 3τ, the short-circuit is considered to be established, because the value of exp(-3) = 0.05 is negligible compared to 1 (see the curve opposite). The lower the time constant (e.g. battery circuit), the shorter the time required for the current to rise to Isc. To express breaking capacity, the interrupted short-circuit current with the following time constants is used: b L/R = 5 ms, fast short-circuit b L/R = 15 ms, standardised value used in standard IEC 60947-2 b L/R = 30 ms, slow short-circuit. In general, the value of the system time constant is calculated under worst-case conditions, across the terminals of the generator. Breaking-capacity values for: b Compact NS (table page 30) are the same for 5 ms and 15 ms b Masterpact NW (table page 32) are indicated for 3 values, 5 ms, 15 ms and 30 ms. 21 Functions and characteristics Panorama of electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to NS630 0 DB105029 The Compact range offers a wide number of installation possibilities: b fixed (front or rear connected) b plug-in b withdrawable. With a minimum number of catalogue numbers, the Compact NS DC system offers a wide variety of solutions up to 630 A. Plug-in pact com NH . p 8kV NB250 . Uim Icu Ui 750V (kA) 100 70 65 50 440 10 500/525 85 660/690 Ue (V) 220/240 380/415 250 Icu 100% Ics= cat A -2 CEI 947BS IECVDE UNE NEMA push to trip Im 10 9 1 x pact com -2 CEI 947BS IECVDE UNE NEMA push to trip Im 10 9 1 .8 .9 x 250 22 5 6 Ir Withdrawable D TM 250 /40˚C 250A 125/160 UTE A 8 7 x 250 A Ir Im 5 6 Ir NH . p 8kV NB250 . Uim Icu Ui 750V (kA) Ue 100 (V) 70 220/240 65 380/415 50 440 10 /525 500 85 660/690 250 Icu 100% Ics= cat A D TM 250 /40˚C 250A 125/160 UTE .8 .9 250A 8 7 x 250 A Ir Im Panorama of electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to NS630 0 DB105030 Functions and characteristics harg disc ed O OFF O OFF push -2 CEI 947BS IECVDE UNE NEMA D TM 250 /40˚C 250A 125/160 UTE push to trip Im 10 I ON push 5 6 Ir 9 1 .8 .9 x 250 8 x 7 250A Ir Im A 23 Panorama of electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 All Masterpact NW DC devices exist in circuit-breaker (equipped with Micrologic DC 1.0 control unit) and switchdisconnector versions. All auxiliaries are common from 1000 to 4000 A. DB105108 Functions and characteristics OFF pushbutton. ON pushbutton. Closing mechanism charging handle. Operation counter. Operating mechanism charged and "ready to close" indication: b spring charged b spring discharged. 6 Main contact position indication: b ON b OFF. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DB104523 DB104522 1 2 3 4 5 Fault trip indication and reset button. Micrologic 1.0 DC control unit. Racking interlock. Racking-handle storage. Shutter position indication and locking. "Connected / test / disconnected" position indication. Racking-handle port. Reset pushbutton. Padlock locking. Keylock locking. Circuit breakers and switch-disconnectors PB101136-40 Masterpact NW exists in fixed and withdrawable versions: b circuit breaker equipped with Micrologic 1.0 DC control unit b switch-disconnector without the control unit. Common auxiliaries from 1000 to 4000 A All accessories are: b accessible from the front in a compartment isolated from the power circuits b secured by a single screw b no adjustments b adaptable on site. Vertical rear connection. Communication PB100791-32 Circuit-breaker or switch-disconnector integration in a supervision system requires the COM option. Masterpact is designed for integration in the SMS PowerLogic electrical-installation management system and communicates using the Digipact and Modbus protocols. An external gateway is available for communication with other networks (Profibus, Ethernet, etc.). Connections DB101147 DB101150 DB101149 DB101156 Connection accessories. 24 b b b v v v v v v v v v rear connection (horizontal or vertical) prefabricated series connections optional accessories: bare-cable connectors and connector shields terminal shields vertical-connection adapters cable-lug adapters interphase barriers spreaders disconnectable front-connection adapters safety shutters, shutter locking blocks shutter position indication and locking. 0 Panorama of electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics 0 PB100780-32 PB100795-30 b pushbutton locking by padlockable transparent cover b OFF-position locking by padlock or keylock b chassis locking: v in disconnected position by keylock v in connected, disconnected and test positions b door interlock (inhibits door opening with breaker in connected position) b racking interlock (inhibits racking with door open) b racking interlock between crank and OFF pushbutton b automatic spring discharge before breaker removal b mismatch protection. PB100796-29 Locking Locking in disconnected position by keylock or padlock. Door interlock (inhibits door opening with breaker in connected position). PB100774-19 PB100781-19 BP100816-19 PB100820-19 PB100807-12 b standard or low-level contacts: v ON/OFF indication (OF) v "fault-trip" indication (SDE) v carriage switches for connected (CE), disconnected (CD) and test (CT) positions b programmable contacts: v two contacts (M2C) v six contacts (M6C). PB100806-19 Indication contacts OF contact (microswitch). OF contact (rotary). SDE contact. Combined contact Programmable (connected/closed). contacts (M2C and M6C). Remote ON/OFF. Gear motor. PB100818-11 PB100809-11 PB100808-22 b remote ON/OFF: v gear motor v XF closing or MX opening voltage releases v PF ready-to-close contact v options: - RAR automatic or Res electrical remote reset - BPFE electrical closing pushbutton b remote tripping function: v MN voltage release: - standard - adjustable or non-adjustable delay v or 2nd MX voltage release. PB100765-48 Remote operation Voltage releases (MX and XF). PF readyto-close contact. PB100776-29 auxiliary terminal shield operation counter escutcheon transparent cover for escutcheon escutcheon blanking plate. DB104524 b b b b b PB100822-22 Accessories Operation counter. Escutcheon with blanking plate. Transparent cover. 25 Functions and characteristics General characteristics DB104461 Compliance with standards DB104462 Compact NS250. Compact NS and Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers and auxiliaries comply with the following: b international recommendations: v IEC 60947-1 - general rules v IEC 60947-2 - circuit breakers v IEC 60947-3 - switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors, etc. v IEC 60947-4 - contactors and motor starters v IEC 60947-5.1 and following - control-circuit devices and switching elements; automatic control components b European (EN 60947-1 and EN 60947-2) and the corresponding national standards: v France NF v Germany VDE v UK BS v Australia AS v Italy CEI b the specifications of marine classification companies (Veritas, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, etc.) b French standard NF C 79-130 and the recommendations issued by the CNOMO organisation for the protection of machine tools. For United States UL, Canadian CSA, Mexican NOM and Japanese JIS standards, please consult us. Pollution degree Compact NS and Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers are certified for operation under pollution conditions in industrial environments, as per standard IEC 60947, corresponding to: b pollution degree 3 (Compact NS) b pollution degree 4 (Masterpact NW). Tropicalisation Masterpact NW20 HDC-D. Compact NS and Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers have successfully passed the tests prescribed by the following standards for extreme atmospheric conditions: b IEC 60068-2-1 - dry cold (-55 °C) b IEC 60068-2-1 - dry heat (+85 °C) b IEC 60068-2-30 - damp heat (95 % relative humidity at +55 °C) b IEC 68-2-52 (level 2) - salt mist. Environmental protection Compact NS and Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers take into account important concerns for environmental protection. Most components are recyclable. Insulating parts making up the Compact NS and Masterpact NW are marked as specified in applicable environmental standards. 26 0 Functions and characteristics General characteristics 0 Ambient temperature Operating-temperature range b Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers may be used between -25 °C and +70 °C b circuit breakers should be put into service under the normal, ambient operating temperatures indicated above. Exceptionally, they may be put into service when the ambient temperature is between -35 °C and -25 °C. Derating Above 40 °C (50 °C for Masterpact with vertical connections), it is necessary to take into account the derating values indicated on pages 108 (Compact NS) and 119 (Masterpact NW). Storage-temperature range b Compact NS circuit breakers may be stored in their original packing between 50 °C and +85 °C b Masterpact NW circuit breakers may be stored without the control unit between 35 °C and +85 °C. The control unit must be stored at a temperature between -25 °C and +85 °C. Altitude Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers are designed to operate at their rated values at altitudes under 2000 metres. Above 2000 metres, the changes in the characteristics of the ambient air (electrical resistance, cooling capacity) result in a reduction of the characteristics below. Altitude (m) 2000 3000 4000 5000 Dielectric resistance voltage (V) Compact NS Rated insulation voltage (V) Maximum utilisation voltage (V) Rated current (A) at 40 °C Masterpact NW Rated insulation voltage (V) Maximum utilisation voltage (V) Rated current (A) at 40 °C 3500 3150 2500 2100 750 690 1 x In 700 550 0.96 In 600 480 0.93 In 500 420 0.9 In 1000 900 1 x In 900 770 0.99 In 700 680 0.96 In 600 420 0.94 In Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers are suitable for isolation as defined by IEC 60947-1 and 60947-2: b the isolation position corresponds to the O (OFF) position b the operating handle and the indicators cannot indicate the OFF position unless the contacts are effectively open b padlocks may not be installed unless the contacts are open. The isolation function is certified by tests guaranteeing: b the mechanical reliability of the position-indication system b the absence of leakage currents b overvoltage withstand capacity between upstream and downstream connections. For Compact NS, installation of a rotary handle or a motor mechanism does not alter the reliability of the position-indication system. DB104527 PB100881-55 Positive contact indication 27 Functions and characteristics General characteristics 0 Vibrations Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers are guaranteed against electromagnetic or mechanical vibrations. Tests are carried out in compliance with standard IEC 68-2-6 for the levels required by merchant-marine inspection organisations (Veritas, Lloyd's, etc.): b 2 to 13.2 Hz: amplitude ±1 mm b 13.2 to 100 Hz: constant acceleration 0.7 g. Excessive vibration may cause tripping, breaks in connections or damage to mechanical parts. Installation in class II switchboards All Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers are class II front-face devices. They may be installed through the door of class II switchboards (as per standard IEC 60664) without downgrading switchboard insulation. Installation requires no special operations even when the circuit breaker is equipped with a rotary handle or a motor mechanism. Electromagnetic compatibility Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers are protected against: b overvoltages caused by devices that generate electromagnetic disturbances b overvoltages caused by atmospheric disturbances or by a distribution-system outage (e.g. failure of a lighting system) and devices emitting radio waves (radios, walkie-talkies, radar, etc.) b electrostatic discharges produced by users. The circuit breakers have successfully passed the electromagnetic-compatibility tests (EMC) defined by international standard IEC 60947-2, appendix F. The above tests guarantee that: v no nuisance tripping occurs v tripping times are respected. Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers comply with the following electromagnetic-compatibility standards: b IEC/EN 61000-4-2 - electrostatic immunity discharge test, part 2 (circuit breakers) b IEC/EN 61000-4-3 - electromagnetic-field immunity test b IEC/EN 61000-4-4 - electrical fast transient/burst immunity test b IEC/EN 61000-4-5 - surge immunity test b IEC/EN 61000-4-6 - immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radiofrequency fields b CISPR 11 - radio-frequency conducted and radiated emission tests required for CE marking v EN 61000-6-2 - immunity standard for industrial environments v EN 50081-1-2 - emissions in commercial and industrial environments. 28 General characteristics Functions and characteristics 0 Degree of protection Compact NS and Masterpact NW circuit breakers offer the following protection characteristics depending on the installation conditions: b IP: degree of protection (standard IEC 60529) b IK: protection against external mechanical impacts (standard EN 50102). Compact NS Bare circuit breaker with terminal shields IP40 IK07 With direct rotary handle, standard or VDE IP40 IK07 With toggle IP40 IK07 With direct rotary handle, standard or VDE CCM CNOMO IP40 IK07 IP43 IP54 IK07 IK07 With extended rotary handle IP55 IK08 With motor mechanism IP40 IK07 Bare circuit breaker Escutcheon (CDP) for fixed and drawout versions, with blanking plate IP30 IP40 IK07 Transparent cover (CCP) for escutcheon for fixed and drawout versions IP54 IK10 DB104529 DB104528 With toggle DB104533 DB104532 DB104531 DB104530 Circuit breaker installed in a switchboard Masterpact NW PB100776-20 DB104534 Circuit breaker installed in a switchboard 29 Functions and characteristics Circuit-breaker characteristics Compact NS100 to NS630 PB101047-14 Compact circuit breaker Number of poles PB101048-20 Electrical characteristics as per IEC 60947-1/ 60947-2 and EN 60947-1 / 60947-2 Rated current at 40 °C Rated insulation voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated operational voltage Type of circuit breaker Ultimate breaking capacity (L/R = 5 ms and L/R = 15 ms) In Ui Uimp Ue (A) (V) (kV peak) (V DC) Icu (kA rms) Service breaking capacity Rated making capacity Utilisation category Breaking time Suitability for isolation Pollution degree (as per IEC 60664-1) Protection against overcurrents (see trip-unit table page 34) Trip units Ics Icm % Icu % Icu (ms) Built-in Interchangeable Overloads Short-circuits Protection PB101055-27 Durability (O/F cycles) V DC 48-125 V (1P) (1) 250 V (1P) (1) 500 V (2P) (1) 750 V (3P) (1) Mechanical Electrical 250 V In 250 V In/2 500 V In 500 V In/2 750 V In 750 V In/2 Indication and control auxiliaries Auxiliary contacts Voltage release MX shunt release MN undervoltage release Installation and connections Fixed Front connection Rear connection Front connection Rear connection Front connection Rear connection PB100905-36 Plug-in (base) Withdrawable (chassis) Dimensions and weight Dimensions H x W x D (mm) connected in series Fixed Weight (kg) connected in series Fixed (1) Number of poles taking part in current interruption. Example. The NS100N circuit breaker exists in the following versions: - 1 pole with an Icu of 50 kA, for systems y 250 V - 2 poles with an Icu of 85 kA, for systems y 500 V; 1 pole can be used in a 250 V system. 30 1P 2P 3P 4P 1P 2P 3P 4P 0 Circuit-breaker characteristics Compact NS100 to NS630 Functions and characteristics NS100 NS160 1 100 800 8 250 N 50 50 100 % 100 % A < 10 ms b III b b b 2 NS250 NS400 NS630 3/4 1 H 85 85 - 500 N 85 85 85 - b b b b b b H 85 85 - 500 N 85 85 85 - H 100 100 100 - 750 DC 100 100 100 100 160 800 8 250 N 50 50 - b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 0 2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 H 100 100 100 - 750 DC 100 100 100 100 250 800 8 750 DC 100 100 100 100 400 800 8 750 DC 100 100 100 100 550 800 8 750 DC 100 100 100 100 b b b b b b b b b b b b 10000 5000 10000 5000 10000 5000 10000 5000 1000 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 b b b b b - - 161 x 35 x 86 0.7 - - - 161 x 70 x 86 1.2 - b b b b - 161 x 105 x 86 161 x 140 x 86 1.6 to 1.9 2.1 to 2.3 161 x 35 x 86 0.7 - - - - 161 x 70 x 86 1.2 - b b b b b b b b 161 x 105 x 86 161 x 140 x 86 1.6 to 1.9 2.1 to 2.3 b b b b b b b b 255 x 140 x 110 225 x 185 x 110 6.0 7.8 31 Functions and characteristics Circuit-breaker characteristics Masterpact NW10 to NW40 E88193-31 Masterpact circuit breaker Number of poles Version C or D Version E Electrical characteristics as per IEC 60947-1/ 60947-2 and EN 60947-1 / 60947-2 PB101129-34 Rated current at 40 °C / 50 °C (1) Rated insulation voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated operational voltage Type of circuit breaker Ultimate breaking capacity NW10DC 4P. In Ui Uimp Ue (A) (V) (kV peak) (V DC) L/R = 5 ms Icu (kA) L/R = 15 ms Icu L/R = 30 ms Icu Service breaking capacity Rated making capacity Short-time withstand current Utilisation category Breaking time Making time Suitability for isolation Pollution degree (as per IEC 60664-1) Protection against overcurrents (see trip-unit table page 36) Trip units Protection Durability (O/F cycles) Mechanical Electrical Indication and control auxiliaries Auxiliary contacts Voltage release Ics Icm Icw V DC 500 750 900 500 750 900 500 750 900 % Icu % Icu 1s (ms) (ms) Built-in Overloads Short-circuits With maintenance Without maintenance Without maintenance 500 V CC 900 V CC MX shunt release MN undervoltage release Characteristics of switch-disconnectors as per IEC 60947-3 and EN 60947-3 Type of switch-disconnector Rated making capacity Rated short-time withstand current Icm Icw (kA) (kA) 3P 4P 3P 4P RC 1s Installation and connections Connection Drawout Fixed Dimensions and weight Dimensions H x W x D (mm) connected in series Drawout Fixed Weight (kg) connected in series (approximate values) Drawout Fixed (1) 50 °C - see the derating table for the NW40. 32 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P 4P RC Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical 0 Circuit-breaker characteristics Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics NW10 NW20 NW40 3 4 3 4 3 4 1000 1000 12 500/900 N 85 35 25 100 % 100 % 50 B 30 to 75 < 70 b 4 H 100 85 85 85 50 35 50 50 25 2000 1000 12 500/900 N 85 35 25 - H 100 85 85 85 50 35 50 50 25 4000 1000 12 500/900 N 85 35 25 - H 100 85 85 85 50 35 50 50 25 85 50 85 50 85 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 20000 10000 8500 - 2000 5000 - 2000 2000 - 1000 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b - HA 85 85 - HA 85 85 - HA 85 85 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 439 x 441 x 494 439 x 556 x 494 352 x 422 x 427 352 x 537 x 427 90 to 116 125 to 146 60 to 86 85 to 106 0 439 x 441 x 594 439 x 556 x 594 352 x 422 x 527 352 x 537 x 527 33 Trip-unit characteristics Types of trip units Trip units for Compact NS Depending on the version, Compact NS DC circuit breakers are equipped with: b 1P/2P: TM-D built-in thermal-magnetic trip units b 3P/4P: v up to 250 A, TM-D, TM-DC or TM-G interchangeable thermal-magnetic trip units v for 400 and 630 A, MP1, MP2, MP3 built-in magnetic trip units. Types of trip units DB105052 Functions and characteristics Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers, 3 or 4pole, use built-in Micrologic 1.0 DC control units with instantaneous pick-ups. see page 34 see page 110 (parallel connection of poles) see page 36 Trip units for Compact NS DB104537 DB104536 TM thermal-magnetic trip unit up to 250 A Up to 250 A for Compact NS, protection is provided by thermal-magnetic trip units. 1 overload protection threshold. 2 short-circuit protection pick-up. For 1 or 2 poles, trip units are built in b TM-D up to 160 A: fixed thermal threshold and magnetic pick-up For 3 or 4 poles, trip units are interchangeable b TM-D up to 63 A: adjustable thermal threshold and fixed magnetic pick-up b TM-DC from 80 to 250 A: fixed or adjustable (for 200 and 250 A) magnetic pick-up and adjustable thermal threshold b TM-G, up to 63 A: adjustable thermal threshold and fixed low magnetic pick-up to protect long cables. 34 0 Trip-unit characteristics Trip units for Compact NS Functions and characteristics 0 Trip units for Compact NS100 - NS160 - NS250 Single-pole and two-pole (built-in trip units) Type of trip unit Rating Compact circuit breaker NS100N/H NS160N/H Overload protection (thermal) Tripping threshold In (A) at 40 °C Ir (A) at 40 °C Protection against short-circuits (magnetic) Pick-up Im (A) Compact circuit breaker NS100/160N/H Marked AC value (1) True DC value TM-D 16 20 b b - 25 b - 32 b - 40 b - 50 b - 63 b - 80 b - 100 b - 125 b 160 b Fixed 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 Fixed 190 190 260 260 300 400 300 400 500 700 500 700 500 700 640 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1250 1250 250 b TM-G 16 25 b b b b - - Three-pole 3P-3d and four-pole 4P-4d (interchangeable trip units) Type of trip unit Rating (A) Compact circuit breaker NS100DC NS160DC NS250DC Overload protection (thermal) Tripping threshold (A) TM-D 16 25 b b b b - In (A) at 40 °C Ir (at 40 °C) 32 b b - 40 b b - 50 b b - 63 b b - TM-DC 80 100 b b b b b b 125 b b 160 b b 200 b 40 b b - 63 b b - Adjustable 0.8 to 1 x In Protection against short-circuits (magnetic) Pick-up (A) Im Fixed Adjustable Fixed Compact circuit breaker NS100/160/250DC Marked AC value (1) 190 300 400 500 500 500 63 80 80 125 True DC value 260 400 550 700 700 700 800 800 1250 1250 5 to 10 x In 80 100 100 150 (1) The pick-up values for single-pole and two-pole, TMD and TMG magnetic trip units up to 63 A are marked with AC values. A correction coefficient is required to obtain the DC pick-up values indicated on the next line. The magnetic-protection pick-up values for TM-DC trip units are indicated directly in DC values. DB104538 MP magnetic trip unit for 400 and 630 A Above 250 A, the protection of Compact NS 400 A and 630 A circuit breakers is ensured by built-in magnetic trip units supplied mounted on the circuit breaker and offering one of three protection levels MP1, MP2 and MP3. Compact NS400 - NS630 trip units Three-pole 3P-3D and four-pole 4P-3d (built-in trip units) Type of trip unit Circuit breaker Compact NS400DC Compact NS630DC Protection against short-circuits (magnetic) Pick-up (A) Im MP1 b b MP2 b b MP3 b Adjustable 800…1600 1250…2500 2000…4000 35 Functions and characteristics Trip-unit characteristics Trip units for Masterpact NW All Masterpact NW DC devices are equipped with a Micrologic 1.0 DC control unit. Protection using the Micrologic 1.0 DC control unit PB101139-32 Masterpact NW DC circuit breakers use Micrologic 1.0 DC control units. These interchangeable units with instantaneous thresholds, operating with electromagnetic sensors, can be adjusted on site. The circuit breakers can be used with the three versions of sensors, defined by their setting range. Type of sensor Masterpact NW10 Masterpact NW20 Masterpact NW40 1250/2500 A 2500/5400 A 5000/11000 A b - b b - b b b Adjustments DB104540 DB104541 Settings for Masterpact NW circuit breakers may be accessed from the front, with the switchboard door open. b Settings are made for the input (+ pole) and the output (- pole). b The setting range comprises eleven positions, plus five preferential settings marked A, B, C, D and E. b The setting values for the two corresponding sensors must be identical. Magnetic pick-up value. Two identical settings. 36 0 Trip-unit characteristics Trip units for Masterpact NW Functions and characteristics 0 Setting values for magnetic pick-up Im Settings marked A, B, C, D and E DB104542 Minimum Maximum 1250/2500 2500/5400 5000/11000 Settings A1 and A2 1250 A 2500 A 5000 A Settings B1 and B2 1500 A 3300 A 8000 A Settings C1 and C2 1600 A 4000 A 10000 A Settings D1 and D2 2000 A 5000 A 11000 A Settings E1 and E2 2500 A 5400 A 11000 A Tolerances ±8 % ±10 % ±10 % ±10 % ±10 % DB104543 Sensor versions Intermediate settings DB104544 It is possible to set eleven other (unmarked) intermediate values. 37 Communication COM option in Masterpact NW The COM option is required for integration of the circuit breaker or switch-disconnector in a supervision system. Masterpact uses the Digipact or Modbus communications protocol for full compatibility with the SMS PowerLogic power-monitoring system. An external gateway is available for communication on other networks: b Profibus b Ethernet… The COM option in Masterpact is made up of: For fixed devices b a "device" communication module, installed behind the Micrologic control unit and supplied with its set of sensors (OF, SDE ,PF and CH micro-contacts) and its kit for connection to XF and MX communicating voltage releases. For drawout devices b a "device" communication module, installed behind the Micrologic control unit and supplied with its set of sensors (OF, SDE, PF and CH micro-contacts) and its kit for connection to XF and MX communicating voltage releases b a "chassis" communication module supplied separately with its set of sensors (CE, CD and CT contacts). Status indication by the COM option is independent of the device indication contacts. These contacts remain available for conventional uses. Digipact or Modbus "device" communication module This module is independent of the control unit. It receives and transmits information on the communication network. Digipact or Modbus "chassis" communication module This module is independent of the control unit. The Modbus "chassis" communication module makes it possible to address the chassis and to conserve the address when the circuit breaker is in the disconnected position. Consumption: 30 mA, 24 V. PB100777-26 PB100782-26 Functions and characteristics Digipact "chassis" communication module. Modbus "device" communication module. Modbus "chassis" communication module. 1 2 3 4 5 DB104595 PB100802-27 PB100782-26 Digipact "device" communication module. DB105053 XF and MX communicating voltage releases The XF and MX communicating voltage releases are equipped for connection to the "device" communication module. Remote-tripping functions (second MX or MN) are independent of the communication option. These releases are therefore not equipped for connection to the "device" communication module. "Device" communication module. "Chassis" communication module. OF, SDE, PF and CH "device" sensors. CE, CD and CT "chassis" sensors. DMX and XF release. : hard wiring. : communication bus. Communication functions The Digipact or Modbus COM option may be used to: b identify the device b indicate status conditions b control the device ON/OFF. 38 Switch-disconnector and circuit breaker with communication bus Digipact Modbus Device identification Address Rating Type of device Type of control unit Status indications ON/OFF (OF) Spring charged (CH) Ready to close (PF) Fault-trip (SDE) Connected/disconnected/test position (CE/CD/CT) Controls ON/OFF (MX/XF) Spring charging Reset of the mechanical indicator b - b - b b b b b b b b b b b - b - 0 Communication Compact NS Communication with the circuit breaker Compact NS is possible using a number of hardware solutions: b Advantys OTB Modbus interface module with built-in inputs/outputs b SC150 interface b communicating auxiliary contacts. A number of hardware solutions are available for the range: b Advantys OTB Modbus interface module with 12 inputs/8 outputs built in and expandable by adding optional modules from the Twido range b communicating auxiliaries They replace the standard auxiliaries and connect directly to the Digipact bus, with three equipment levels: v communicating auxiliary contacts, comprising: - OF (on/off), SD (trip indication) and SDE (fault-trip indication) contacts - electronic module - prefabricated wiring. v communicating auxiliary contacts and motor-mechanism module, comprising: - OF (on/off), SD (trip indication) and SDE (fault-trip indication) contacts - MCH motor-mechanism module (220 V AC) (1) - electronic module - prefabricated wiring. v communicating carriage switches for the chassis, comprising: - CE / CD (connected/disconnected position) contacts - electronic module - wiring connector b SC150 interface Using the SC150 interface, it is possible to integrate a device equipped with noncommunicating auxiliaries into a supervison system. The SC150 interface is used to connect: v the auxiliary contacts on the circuit breaker (OF, SD, SDE, SDV, CD, CE) v the remote-operation system (on, off, reset) v one unassigned digital input. PB101038-25 Functions and characteristics PB100884-22 PB100883-25 Advantys OTB Modbus. 0 Software To make use of the information provided by the communicating devices, it is necessary to use software incorporating a Modbus driver. Schneider Electric offers two solutions: the RCU utility and SMS software. RCU utility Withdrawable Compact NS on its chassis equipped with communicating auxiliary contacts. This is a set of Modbus drivers that, in conjunction with a PC, can be used to: b view device status (on/off and fault trip) b view variables: currents, voltages, power, energy (instantaneous and maximum values) b remotely open and close the device. PB100885-10 Compact NS equipped with communicating auxiliary contacts and motormechanism module. SMS (System Management Software) SMS is power-management software to control and monitor LV and MV electrical installations. The SMS family includes a number of products offering different features for all types of applications. SMS can communicate with all intelligent devices in the electrical installation. SC150 indication and control interface. Communication functions DB105054 Compact equipped with: Advantys communicating SC150 OTB Modbus auxiliaries Device identification Address b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b - b b b b - b b Indication of status conditions OF (on/off) SD (trip indication) SDE (fault-trip indication) CE/CD (connected/disconnected position) Controls ON/OFF MX/XF LED reset Operating and maintenance aids Reading of the protection settings Operation counter UNE NEMA D TM 250 250A/40˚C 125/160 UTE push to trip Im 10 discharged O OFF 5 -2 BS CEI IEC947 VDE 6 Ir .8 .9 x 250A UNE NEMA 8 7 x 250A Ir Im O push OFF I push ON BS CEI IEC947-2 VDE UNE NEMA push to trip D TM 250 250A/40˚C 125/160 UTE push to trip Im 10 9 5 6 9 1 .8 .9 x 250A 8 7 x 250A Ir 1 Im O push OFF I push .8 .9 x 250A ON 5 6 Ir Im 10 Ir D TM 250 C 250A/40˚ 0 125/16 UTE 9 1 8 7 x 250A Ir Im DB104593 discharged O OFF BS CEI IEC947-2 VDE : hard wiring. : communication bus. : Modbus bus. 39 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 The plug-in configuration makes it possible to: b extract and/or rapidly replace the circuit breaker without having to touch connections b allow for the addition of future circuits at a later date. Installation Fixed circuit breakers DB104554 DB104553 PB100886-32 DB104552 Compact circuit breakers may be mounted vertically, horizontally or flat on their back without any derating of characteristics. They are designed for easy installation in the various types of switchboards of each market and country. Mounting on DIN rail (with adapter). DB104550 Fixed Compact NS250H. Mounting on rails. DB104555 Mounting on a backplate (solid or slotted). Installation positions. Mounting on a Prisma functional mounting plate. DB104558 DB104557 DB104556 PB100887-32 Circuit breaker on a plug-in base Compact NS250H on a plug-in base. Mounting on a backplate. Mounting through a front panel. Mounting on rails. DB104551 Protection against direct contacts with power circuits b circuit breaker plugged in = IP4 b circuit breaker removed = IP2 b circuit breaker removed, base equipped with shutters = IP4 Installation positions. Parts of a plug-in configuration b Compact circuit breaker b set of power connectors added to the circuit breaker b plug-in base for mounting on a backplate or on rails b insulating screen, for use when the circuit breaker is installed on a backplate with front connections b safety trip, installed on the circuit breaker, that causes automatic tripping if the circuit breaker is ON, before engaging or withdrawing it. The safety trip does not prevent circuit breaker operation, even when it has been removed b mandatory short terminal shields. Accessories Insulating accessories can be used to: b protect against direct contact b increase insulation between phases. 40 0 b disconnected position - the power circuits are disconnected, but the circuit breaker is still on the chassis and may still be operated (ON, OFF, push-to-trip) b the circuit breaker may be locked using 1 to 3 padlocks (shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm), to prevent connection b the auxiliaries can be tested (with manual auxiliary connector). Circuit breaker on a withdrawable chassis 0 DB104559 Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 PB100888-34 Functions and characteristics Connected. Disconnected. Removed. The chassis is made up of two side plates installed on the base and two other plates mounted on the circuit breaker. Accessories b auxiliary contacts for installation on the fixed part, indicating the "connected" and "disconnected" positions b toggle collar for circuit breakers with a toggle mounted through a front panel, intended to maintain the degree of protection whatever the position of the circuit breaker (supplied with a toggle extension) b keylock which, depending on the bolt fitted, can be used to: v prevent insertion for connection v lock the circuit breaker in the connected or disconnected positions b telescopic shaft for extended rotary handles. DB104551 Compact NS250H on a withdrawable chassis. Installation positions. DB104563 DB104562 Lugs Lugs are different for copper and aluminium cables. They are supplied with interphase barriers and are compatible with the long terminal shields. b the small lugs for copper cables may be used for cables with the following cross-sectional areas: v 120, 150 or 185 mm2 (NS100 to 250) v 240 or 300 mm2 (NS400 to 630). Crimping by hexagonal barrels or punching. b the small lugs for aluminium cables may be used for cables with the following cross-sectional areas: v 150 or 185 mm2 (NS100 to 250) v 240 or 300 mm2 (NS400 to 630). Crimping by hexagonal barrels. DB104564 DB104565 Right-angle terminal extensions. Straight terminal extensions for NS100 to 250. DB104566 The Compact NS100 to NS630 devices are equipped as standard with terminals comprising snap-in nuts with screws (M8 for NS100 to 250, M10 for NS400 to 630) for direct connection to insulated bars or cables with lugs. Additional terminal extensions (right-angle, edgewise, spreaders) are available for all connection requirements. Edgewise terminal extensions for NS400 to 630. DB104567 Front connection of bars or cables with lugs Small lug for copper cables. DB104568 DB104561 DB104560 Connection of fixed devices Small lug for aluminium cables. 41 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 0 Insulation of live parts Terminal-shield selection b fixed circuit breaker, front connection - long terminal shields b fixed circuit breaker, rear connection - short terminal shields b for voltages u 500 V, terminal shields are mandatory b for voltages > 600 V, special connection kit with terminal shields and insulating screens b for withdrawable circuit breaker (plug-in and chassis type), short terminal shields on the device are mandatory. Terminal shields on the base are possible. Compact NS equipped with terminal shields. Terminal shields. DB104570 DB104578 Terminal shields are sealable insulating accessories used for protection against direct contact with power circuits (degree of protection IP40, IK07). They are supplied with sealing accessories. DB104569 Terminal shields Long terminal shields for plug-in bases are used to: b protect against direct contact with power circuits (degree of protection IP40, IK07) b increase insulation between phases. Insulating accessories for plug-in bases include: b an adapter offering the same connection possibilities as the circuit breaker b long terminal shields for the plug-in base. Interphase barriers. Interphase barriers Safety accessories for maximum insulation at the power-connection points: b they clip easily onto the circuit breaker b not compatible with terminal shields b special version for plug-in bases. Accessories for series and parallel connection DB104727 A limited number of accessories can be used to optimise series and parallel connection of poles. These include series connection plates, equipped with heat sinks. DB104726 Accessories for series connection Accessories for parallel connection DB104728 DB104730 DB104729 Series connection plates equipped with heat sinks. Parallel pole connection accessories are identical to those for series connections. The are equipped with heat sinks. Customer connections are made directly to the connection plates after removing the heat sinks. Parallel connection plates. 42 Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 Functions and characteristics 0 Connection of electrical auxiliaries Fixed configuration DB104573 DB104973 Auxiliary circuits exit the device through a knock-out in the front cover. Compact NS100/160/250. DB104574 DB104974 Plug-in and withdrawable configurations Compact NS400/630. Automatic auxiliary connectors Auxiliary circuits exit the circuit breaker via one to three automatic auxiliary connectors (nine wires each). These are made up of: b a moving part, connected to the circuit breaker via a support (one support per circuit breaker) b a fixed part, mounted on the plug-in base, equipped with connectors for bare cables up to 2.5 mm2. DB104976 DB104975 Selection of automatic auxiliary connectors For Compact NS400 to 630, connection wires for the options installed with trip unit STR53UE also exit via the automatic auxiliary connectors. Compact NS100 to NS250. Compact NS400 to NS630. DB104577 Manual auxiliary connector for withdrawable configurations Withdrawable circuit breakers may be equipped with one to three plugs with nine wires each. In "disconnected" position, the auxiliaries remain connected and can therefore be tested by operating the circuit breaker. Each auxiliary is equipped with a terminal block with numbered terminals for connection of wires up to: b 1.5 mm2 for auxiliary contacts and voltage releases b 2.5 mm2 for the motor-mechanism module. Nine-wire manual auxiliary connector. 43 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 0 Indication contacts PB101033-18 Common-point changeover contacts are used to remote circuit-breaker status information and can thus be used for indications, electrical locking, relaying, etc. They comply with the IEC 60947-5 international recommendation. Functions Changeover contacts. All the auxiliary contacts opposite are also available in "low-level" versions capable of switching very low loads (e.g. for the control of PLCs or electronic circuits). b OF (ON/OFF) - indicates the position of the circuit breaker contacts b SD (trip indication) - indicates that the circuit breaker has tripped due to: v an overload v a short-circuit v an earth-leakage fault v operation of a voltage release v operation of the "push to trip" button v disconnection when the device is ON. Returns to de-energised state when the circuit breaker is reset b SDE (fault indication) - indicates that the circuit breaker has tripped due to: v an overload v a short-circuit. Returns to de-energised state when the circuit breaker is reset b CAM (early-make or early-break function) - indicates the position of the rotary handle. Used in particular for advanced opening of safety trip devices (early break) or to energise a control device prior to circuit-breaker closing (early make) b CE / CD (connected/disconnected position) - microswitch type carriage switches for withdrawable circuit breakers. Installation b OF, SD and SDE functions - a single type of contact provides all these different indication functions, depending on where it is inserted in the device. The contacts clip into slots behind the front cover of the circuit breaker. The SDE function on a circuit breaker equipped with a thermal-magnetic trip unit requires the SDE actuator. b CAM function - the contact fits into the rotary-handle unit (direct or extended). b CE / CD (connected/disconnected) function - two parts must be fitted on the fixed and moving parts of the chassis. Caractéristiques électriques des contacts auxiliaires Contacts Rated thermal current (A) Minimum load Utilisation cat. (IEC 60947-5-1) Operational current (A) 24 V 48 V 110 V 220/240 V 250 V 380/440 V 480 v 660/690 V 44 Standard 6 100 mA at 24 V AC12 AC15 DC12 6 6 6 6 6 2.5 6 5 0.6 6 4 0.3 6 2 6 1.5 6 0.1 - Low level 5 1 mA at 4 V DC14 AC12 AC15 1 5 3 0.2 5 3 0.05 5 2.5 5 2 0.03 5 5 1.5 5 1 - DC12 5 2.5 0.6 0.3 - DC14 1 0.2 0.05 0.03 - Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 0 Remote tripping PB101036-28 MX or MN voltage releases are used to trip the circuit breaker. MN undervoltage release This release trips the circuit breaker when the control voltage drops below a tripping threshold: b tripping threshold between 0.35 and 0.7 times the rated voltage b circuit breaker closing is possible if the voltage exceeds 0.85 times the rated voltage. For a lower value, circuit breaker closing cannot be guaranteed. Circuit breaker tripping by an MN release meets the requirements of standard IEC 60947-2. MX or MN voltage release. Time-delay unit for an MN release Eliminates nuisance tripping due to transient voltage dips lasting 200 ms. It is used in conjunction with: b a 250 V DC MN release, control voltage 220/240 V AC b a 48 V DC MN release, control voltage 48 V AC. MX shunt release Trips the circuit breaker when the control voltage rises above 0.7 x Un. Control signals can be of the impulse type (u 20 ms) or maintained. Operation When the circuit breaker has been tripped by an MN or MX release, it must be reset locally. MN or MX tripping takes priority over manual closing. In the presence of a standing trip order, closing of the contacts, even temporary, is not possible. Mechanical characteristics b endurance is equal to 50 % of the mechanical endurance of the circuit breaker b the releases clip in behind the front cover b connection using wires up to 1.5 mm2, to integrated terminal blocks. Electrical characteristics b v v b consumption: pick-up (MX): < 10 VA seal-in (MN and MNR): < 5 VA. response time: < 50 ms. 45 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 Rotary handles PB101034-30 There are two types of rotary handle: b direct rotary handle b extended rotary handle. There are two models: b standard with a black handle b VDE with a red handle and yellow front for machine-tool control. Direct rotary handle Degree of protection IP40, IK07. PB101035-55 Compact NS250L with a direct rotary handle. The direct rotary handle maintains: b visibility of and access to trip unit settings b suitability for isolation b indication of the three positions O (OFF), I (ON) and tripped b access to the "push to trip" button b circuit breaker locking capability in the OFF position by one to three padlocks, shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm (not supplied). It replaces the circuit-breaker front cover. Accessories transform the standard direct rotary handle for the following situations: b motor control centre (MCC) switchboards: v door opening disabled when the circuit breaker is ON v circuit-breaker closing is disabled if the door is open b a higher degree of protection (IP43, IK07) b machine-tool control, complying with CNOMO E03.81.501, IP54, IK08. Extended rotary handle Degree of protection IP 55, IK08. This handle makes it possible to operate circuit breakers installed at the back of switchboards, from the switchboard front. Compact NS250L with an extended rotary handle. It maintains: b suitability for isolation b indication of the three positions O (OFF), I (ON) and tripped b access to trip unit settings, when the switchboard door is open b circuit breaker locking capability in the OFF position by one to three padlocks, shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm (not supplied). The door cannot be opened if the circuit breaker is ON or locked. The extended rotary handle is made up of: b a unit that replaces the front cover of the circuit breaker (secured by screws) b an assembly (handle and front plate) on the door that is always secured in the same position, whether the circuit breaker is installed vertically or horizontally b an extension shaft that must be adjusted to the distance. The min/max distance between the back of circuit breaker and door is: v 185 to 600 mm for Compact NS100 to 250 v 210 to 625 mm for Compact NS400 to 630. For withdrawable configurations, the extended rotary handle is also available with a telescopic shaft with two stable positions. 46 0 Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 Functions and characteristics 0 Motor-mechanism module PB101037-40 When equipped with a motor-mechanism module, Compact NS circuit breakers feature very high mechanical endurance as well as easy and sure operation: b all circuit-breaker indications and information remain visible and accessible, including trip-unit settings and indications b suitability for isolation is maintained and padlocking remains possible b double insulation of the front face. Applications b local motor-driven operation, centralised operation, automatic distribution control b normal/standby source changeover or switching to a replacement source to optimise energy costs b load shedding and reconnection. Automatic operation b circuit-breaker ON and OFF controlled by two impulse-type or maintained control signals b automatic spring charging following voluntary tripping (by MN or MX), with standard wiring b mandatory manual reset following tripping due to an electrical fault. DB104579 Compact NS250H with motor mechanism. Manual operation b transfer to manual mode using a switch (9) with possibility of remote mode indication b circuit-breaker ON and OFF controlled by 2 pushbuttons b recharging of stored-energy system by pumping the lever 9 times b padlocking in OFF position. Installation and connection All installation (fixed, plug-in/withdrawable) and connection possibilities are maintained. Motor-mechanism module connections are made behind its front cover to integrated terminals, for cables up to 2.5 mm2. Accessories b keylock for locking in OFF position b operations counter for the Compact NS400 and NS630, indicating the number of ON and OFF cycles. The counter must be installed on the front of the motormechanism module. Characteristics 6 7 8 9 10 Contact position indicator (suitability for isolation). Outgoing-circuit identification labels. Spring status indicator (charged, discharged). Locking device (keylock). Locking device (OFF position), using 1 to 3 padlocks, shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm, not supplied. Manual spring-charging lever. I (ON) pushbutton. O (OFF) pushbutton. Manual/auto mode selection switch. The position of this switch can be indicated remotely. Operations counter (Compact NS400/630). Motor mechanism Response time (ms) MT100 to MT630 Opening Closing Cycles/minute max. DC AC 50/60 Hz < 600 < 80 Rate 4 Control voltage (V) 24/30 - 48/60 - 110/130 - 250 48 (50 Hz) - 110/130 220/240 - 380/440 Consumption (W) (1) DC (W) Opening y 500 Closing y 500 AC (VA) Opening y 500 Closing y 500 (1) For NS100/250, motor "vibratory" type consider inrush current as 2 In during 10 ms cycling. Electrical endurance Circuit breaker + motor-mechanism module, in thousands of operations (IEC 60947-2), at 500 V - 2P, 750 V - 3P. DB105055 1 2 3 4 5 47 Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 Functions and characteristics 0 Locking systems Locking in the OFF position guarantees isolation as per IEC 60947-2. Padlocking systems can receive up to three padlocks with shackle diameters ranging from 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not supplied). Control device Toggle Direct rotary handle MCC rotary handle Rotary handle Extended rotary handle Meansrequired Accessories Lock in OFF position Lock in OFF or ON position Lock in OFF position padlock padlock removable device fixed device padlock keylock keylocklocking device + keylock keylock padlock padlock keylock padlock keylock keylocklocking device + keylock DB104583 DB104582 Lock in OFF position Lock in OFF position Lock in OFF position, door opening prevented Lock in OFF position motor mechanism locked out DB104581 Motor mechanism Function ON I pr of al ux O OFF Locking of the toggle using a removable device. Locking of the toggle using a fixed device. Locking of the rotary handle using a padlock or a keylock. DB104585 DB104587 DB104584 Escutcheons are an optional feature mounted on the switchboard door. They increase the degree of protection to at least IP40, IK07. DB104586 Escutcheons ON I push to trip Front-panel escutcheons for toggle. Secures to the panel, from the front. 48 Toggle cover: b degree of protection IP43, IK07 b fits on the front of the circuit breaker. O OFF Front-panel escutcheon for rotary handle. Secures to the panel by four screws, from the front. Electrical and mechanical accessories Compact NS100 to 630 Functions and characteristics 0 Protection collars maintain the degree of protection, whatever the position of the device (connected, disconnected). b front-panel escutcheons are mandatory (same as those for rotary handles and ammeter modules) b collars are mounted on the device using two screws b escutcheons are attached to the switchboard b a toggle extension is supplied with the collar. DB104589 Protection collar for toggle Front-panel escutcheons for motor mechanism, rotary handles, ammeter modules Same as for fixed devices. Outgoing-circuit identification DB104590 Compact NS100 to 630 devices come with clip-in labels for hand-written indications. It is also possible to use pre-printed Telemecanique labels part number AB1-**: b Compact NS100 to 250: 8 digits b Compact NS400 to 630: 16 digits. Identification accessories. Sealing accessories DB104591 This option includes the elements required to fit lead seals to prevent: b front removal b rotary-handle removal b opening of the motor-mechanism module b access to auxiliaries b access to trip-unit settings b trip-unit removal b access to earth-leakage protection settings b terminal-shield removal b access to power connections. Sealing accessories. 49 Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics 0 Locking on the device DB104804 1 Fault trip indication and reset button. 2 OFF position locking. 3 Electrical closing pushbutton. 4 ON pushbutton. 5 OFF pushbuton. 6 Operating mechanism charged and "ready to close" indication. 7 Pushbutton locking. 8 Main contact position indication. 9 Operation counter. PB100811-32 Pushbutton locking Access to pushbuttons protected by transparent cover. b The transparent cover blocks access to the pushbuttons used to open and close the device. It is possible to independently lock the opening button and the closing button. The locking device is often combined with a remote operating mechanism. The pushbuttons may be locked using either: b three padlocks (not supplied) b lead seal b two screws. PB100810-32 Device locking in the OFF position Pushbutton locking using a padlock. The circuit breaker is locked in the OFF position by physically maintaining the opening pushbutton pressed down: b using padlocks (one to three padlocks, not supplied) b using keylocks (one or two different keylocks, supplied). Keys may be removed only when locking is effective (Profalux or Ronis type locks). The keylocks are available in any of the following configurations: b one keylock b one keylock mounted on the device + one identical keylock supplied separately for interlocking with another device b two different key locks for double locking. Profalux and Ronis keylocks are compatible with each other. A locking kit (without locks) is available for installation of one or two keylocks (Ronis, Profalux, Kirk or Castell). PB100812-32 Accessory-compatibility 3 padlocks and/or 2 keylocks. Cable-type door interlock This option prevents door opening when the circuit breaker is closed and prevents circuit breaker closing when the door is open. For this, a special plate associated with a lock and a cable is mounted on the right side of the circuit breaker. With this interlock installed, the source changeover function cannot be implemented. PB100813-30 OFF position locking using a padlock. OFF position locking using a keylock. 50 Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics 0 Locking on the chassis DB104805 1 Racking-handle port. 2 "Connected/test/ disconnected" position indication. 3 Racking interlock. 4 Racking-handle storage. 5 Reset pushbutton. 6 Padlock locking. 7 Keylock locking. 8 Chassis front plate (accessible with cubicle door closed). 9 "Disconnected" position door interlock. 10 Mismatch protection. "Disconnected" position locking Mounted on the chassis and accessible with the door closed, these devices lock the circuit breaker in the "disconnected" position in two manners: b using padlocks (standard), up to three padlocks (not supplied) b using keylocks (optional), one or two different keylocks are available. Profalux and Ronis keylocks are available in different options: b one keylock b two different keylocks for double locking b one (or two) keylocks mounted on the chassis + one (or two) identical keylocks supplied separately for interlocking with another device. A locking kit (without locks) is available for installation of one or two keylocks (Ronis, Profalux, Kirk or Castell). Connected", "disconnected" and "test" position locking The "connected", "disconnected" and "test" positions are shown by an indicator. The exact position is obtained when the racking handle blocks. A release button is used to free it. On request, the "disconnected" position locking system may be modified to lock the circuit breaker in any of the three positions, "connected", "disconnected" and "test". Door interlock catch Mounted on the right or left-hand side of the chassis, this device inhibits opening of the cubicle door when the circuit breaker is in "connected" or "test" position. It the breaker is put in the "connected" position with the door open, the door may be closed without having to disconnect the circuit breaker. Racking interlock E89585 This device prevents insertion of the racking handle when the cubicle door is open. Cable-type door interlock This option is identical for fixed and drawout versions. Racking interlock between crank and OFF pushbutton Racking interlock. This option makes it necessary to press the OFF pushbutton in order to insert the racking handle and holds the device open until the handle is removed. Automatic spring discharge before breaker removal PB100815-32 This option discharges the springs before the breaker is removed from the chassis. Mismatch protection Mismatch protection ensures that a circuit breaker is installed only in a chassis with compatible characteristics. It is made up of two parts (one on the chassis and one on the circuit breaker) offering twenty different combinations that the user may select. Mismatch protection. 51 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Indication contacts are available: b in the standard version for relay applications b in a low-level version for control of PLCs and electronic circuits. Indication contacts 0 ON/OFF indication contacts (OF) Rotary type changeover contacts directly driven by the mechanism. These contacts trip when the minimum isolation distance between the main circuit-breaker contacts is reached. OF PB100806-32 Supplied as standard Maximum number Breaking capacity (A) p.f.: 0.3 AC12/DC12 Standard V AC 240/380 480 690 V DC 24/48 125 250 Low-level V AC 24/48 240 380 V DC 24/48 125 250 (1) Standard contacts: 10 A; optional contacts: 6 A. 4 12 minimum load: 100 mA/24 V 10/6 (1) 10/6 (1) 6 10/6 (1) 10/6 (1) 3 minimum load: 2 mA/15 V DC 6 6 3 6 6 3 "Fault-trip" indication contacts (SDE) ON/OFF indication contacts (OF) (microswitch type). Circuit-breaker tripping due to a fault is signalled by: b a red mechanical fault indicator (reset) b one changeover contact (SDE). Following tripping, the mechanical indicator must be reset before the circuit breaker may be closed. PB100807-20 SDE Supplied as standard Maximum number Breaking capacity (A) p.f.: 0.3 AC12/DC12 Standard V AC 240/380 480 690 V DC 24/48 125 250 ON/OFF indication contacts (OF) (rotary type). PB100820-32 Low-level V AC 24/48 240 380 V DC 24/48 125 250 1 2 minimum load: 100 mA/24 V 5 5 3 3 0.3 0.15 minimum load: 2 mA/15 V DC 3 3 3 3 0.3 0.15 Combined "connected/closed" contacts (EF) Additional "fault-trip" indication contacts (SDE). The contact combines the "device connected" and the "device closed" information to produce the "circuit closed" information. Supplied as an option for Masterpact NW, it is mounted in place of the connector of an additional OF contact. EF PB100816-32 Maximum number Breaking capacity (A) p.f.: 0.3 AC12/DC12 Standard V AC 240/380 480 690 V DC 24/48 125 250 Low-level Combined contacts. 52 V AC 24/48 240 380 V DC 24/48 125 250 8 minimum load: 100 mA/24 V 6 6 6 2.5 0.8 0.3 minimum load: 2 mA/15 V DC 5 5 5 2.5 0.8 0.3 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 0 PB100817-32 "Connected", "disconnected" and "test" position carriage switches Three series of optional auxiliary contacts are available for the chassis: b changeover contacts to indicate the "connected" position (CE) b changeover contacts to indicate the "disconnected" position (CD). This position is indicated when the required clearance for isolation of the power and auxiliary circuits is reached. b changeover contacts to indicate the "test" position (CT). In this position, the power circuits are disconnected and the auxiliary circuits are connected. Additional actuators A set of additional actuators may be installed on the chassis to change the functions of the carriage switches. CE, CD and CT "connected/disconnected/test" position carriage switches. Contacts CE Maximum number Standard with additional actuators Breaking capacity (A) p.f.: 0.3 AC12/DC12 Standard V AC 240 380 480 690 V DC 24/48 125 250 Low-level V AC 24/48 240 380 V DC 24/48 125 250 CD CT 3 3 3 9 0 0 6 3 0 6 0 3 minimum load: 100 mA/24 V 8 8 8 6 2.5 0.8 0.3 minimum load: 2 mA/15 V DC 5 5 5 2.5 0.8 0.3 53 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Two solutions are available for remote operation of Masterpact devices: b a point-to-point solution b a bus solution with the COM communication option. Remote operation: remote ON / OFF PB100765-68 The remote ON / OFF function is used to remotely open and close the circuit breaker. It is made up of: b an electric motor (MCH) equipped with a "springs charged" limit switch contact (CH) b two voltage releases: v a closing release (XF) v an opening release (MX). Optionally, other functions may be added: b a "ready to close" contact (PF) b an electrical closing pushbutton (BPFE) b remote reset following a fault. A remote-operation function is generally combined with: b device ON / OFF indication (OF) b "fault-trip" indication (SDE). DB105191 Wiring diagram of a point-to-point remote ON / OFF function Note: An opening order always takes priority over a closing order. If opening and closing orders occur simultaneously, the mechanism discharges without any movement of the main contacts. The circuit breaker remains in the open position (OFF). In the event of maintained opening and closing orders, the standard mechanism provides an anti-pumping function by blocking the main contacts in open position. Anti-pumping function. After fault tripping or intentional opening using the manual or electrical controls, the closing order must first be discontinued, then reactivated to close the circuit breaker. When the automatic reset after fault trip (RAR) option is installed, to avoid pumping following a fault trip, the automatic control system must take into account the information supplied by the circuit breaker before issuing a new closing order or blocking the circuit breaker in the open position. 54 DB101165 Wiring diagram of a bus-type remote ON / OFF function Note: MX communicating releases are of the impulse type only and cannot be used to lock a circuit breaker in OFF position. For locking in OFF position, use the remote tripping function (2nd MX or MN). 0 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 0 Electric motor (MCH) PB100808-32 The electric motor automatically charges and recharges the spring mechanism when the circuit breaker is closed. Instantaneous reclosing of the breaker is thus possible following opening. The spring-mechanism charging handle is used only as a backup if auxiliary power is absent. The electric motor (MCH) is equipped as standard with a limit switch contact (CH) that signals the "charged" position of the mechanism (springs charged). Characteristics Power supply V AC 50/60 Hz V DC Operating threshold Consumption (VA or W) Motor overcurrent Charging time Operating frequency CH contact 48/60 - 100/130 - 200/240 - 277 - 380/415 - 400/440 - 480 24/30 - 48/60 - 100/125 - 200/250 0.85 to 1.1 Un 180 2 to 3 In for 0.1 s maximum 4 seconds maximum 3 cycles per minute 10 A at 240 V Voltage releases (XF and MX) DB101179 Electric motor (MCH) for Masterpact NW. Their supply can be maintained or automatically disconnected. Closing release (XF) The XF release remotely closes the circuit breaker if the spring mechanism is charged. Opening release (MX) The MX release instantaneously opens the circuit breaker when energised. It locks the circuit breaker in OFF position if the order is maintained (except for MX "communicating" releases). Note: whether the operating order is maintained or automatically disconnected (pulse-type), XF or MX "communicating" releases ("bus" solution with "COM" communication option) always have an impulse-type action. Characteristics XF MX V AC 50/60 Hz V DC Operating threshold Consumption (VA or W) 24 - 48 - 100/130 - 200/250 - 277 - 380/480 12 - 24/30 - 48/60 - 100/130 - 200/250 0.85 to 1.1 Un 0.7 to 1.1 Un pick-up: 200 (during 200 ms) pick-up: 200 (during 200 ms) hold: 4.5 hold: 4.5 Circuit-breaker response time at Un 70 ms ± 10 (NW y 4000 A) 50 ms ± 10 (NW) 80 ms ± 10 (NW > 4000 A) PB100809-16 Power supply "Ready to close" contact (PF) PB100818-16 XF and MX voltage releases. The "ready to close" position of the circuit breaker is indicated by a mechanical indicator and a PF changeover contact. This signal indicates that all the following are valid: b the circuit breaker is in the OFF position b the spring mechanism is charged b a maintained opening order is not present: v MX energised v fault trip v remote tripping (second MX or MN) v device not completely racked in v device locked in OFF position v device interlocked with a second device. Characteristics Supplied as standard Maximum number Breaking capacity p.f.: 0.3 AC12/DC12 Standard V AC 240/380 480 690 V DC 24/48 125 250 "Ready to close" contacts (PF). Low-level V AC 24/48 240 380 V DC 24/48 125 250 1 minimum load: 100 mA/24 V 5 5 3 3 0.3 0.15 minimum load: 2 mA/15 V DC 3 3 3 3 0.3 0.15 55 Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics Electrical closing pushbutton (BPFE) DB101167 Located on the front panel, this pushbutton carries out electrical closing of the circuit breaker. It is generally associated with the transparent cover that protects access to the closing pushbutton. Electrical closing via the BPFE pushbutton takes into account all the safety functions that are part of the control/monitoring system of the installation. The BPFE connects to the closing release (XF) in place of the COM module. Remote reset after fault trip DB101169 Electrical reset after fault trip (Res) Following tripping, this function resets the "fault trip" indication contacts (SDE) and the mechanical indicator and enables circuit breaker closing. Power supply: 110 / 130 V AC and 200 / 240 V AC. Automatic reset after fault trip (RAR) Following tripping, a reset of the mechanical indicator (reset button) is no longer required to enable circuit-breaker closing. The mechanical (reset button) and electrical (SDE) indications remain in fault position until the reset button is pressed. 56 0 Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Functions and characteristics 0 Remote operation: remote tripping PB100819-68 This function opens the circuit breaker via an electrical order. It is made up of: b a shunt release (second MX) b or an undervoltage release (MN) b or a delayed undervoltage release (MN + delay unit). These releases (2nd MX or MN) cannot be operated by the communication bus. The delay unit, installed outside the circuit breaker, may be disabled by an emergency OFF button to obtain instantaneous opening of the circuit breaker. DB101177 DB101175 DB101172 Wiring diagram for the remote-tripping function Voltage releases (second MX) PB100809-16 When energised, the MX voltage release instantaneously opens the circuit breaker. A continuous supply of power to the second MX locks the circuit breaker in the OFF position. Characteristics Power supply MX or MN voltage release. V AC 50/60 Hz V DC Operating threshold Permanent locking function Consumption (VA or W) Circuit-breaker response time at Un 24 - 48 - 100/130 - 200/250 - 277 - 380/480 24/30 - 48/60 - 100/130 - 200/250 0.7 to 1.1 Un 0.85 to 1.1 Un pick-up: 200 (during 200 ms) hold: 4.5 50 ms ±10 Instantaneous voltage releases (MN) The MN release instantaneously opens the circuit breaker when its supply voltage drops to a value between 35 % and 70 % of its rated voltage. If there is no supply on the release, it is impossible to close the circuit breaker, either manually or electrically. Any attempt to close the circuit breaker has no effect on the main contacts. Circuitbreaker closing is enabled again when the supply voltage of the release returns to 85 % of its rated value. Characteristics Power supply Operating threshold V AC 50/60 Hz V DC opening closing Consumption (VA or W) MN consumption with delay unit Circuit-breaker response time at Un 24 - 48 - 100/130 - 200/250 - 380/480 12 - 24/30 - 48/60 - 100/130 - 200/250 0.35 to 0.7 Un 0.85 Un pick-up: 200 (during 200 ms) hold: 4.5 pick-up: 400 (during 200 ms) hold: 4.5 90 ms ±5 MN delay units To eliminate circuit-breaker nuisance tripping during short voltage dips, operation of the MN release can be delayed. This function is achieved by adding an external delay unit in the MN voltage-release circuit. Two versions are available, adjustable and nonadjustable. Characteristics Power supply VAC 50-60 Hz/DC Operating threshold non-adjustable adjustable opening closing Consumption of delay unit alone (VA or W) Circuit-breaker response non-adjustable time at Un adjustable 100/130 - 200/250 48/60 - 100/130 - 200/250 - 380/480 0.35 to 0.7 Un 0.85 Un pick-up: 200 (during 200 ms) hold: 4.5 0.25 s 0.5 s - 0.9 s - 1.5 s - 3 s 57 Functions and characteristics Electrical and mechanical accessories Masterpact NW10 to NW40 Shields, blanking plates, counters Auxiliary terminal shield (CB) PB100821-68 Optional equipment mounted on the chassis, the shield prevents access to the terminal block of the electrical auxiliaries. Operation counter (CDM) PB100822-32 The operation counter sums the number of operating cycles and is visible on the front panel. It is compatible with manual and electrical control functions. Escutcheon (CDP) DB101173 Optional equipment mounted on the door of the cubicle, the escutcheon increases the degree of protection to IP 40 (circuit breaker installed free standing: IP30) . It is available in fixed and drawout versions. Blanking plate (OP) for escutcheon Used with the escutcheon, this option closes off the door cut-out of a cubicle not yet equipped with a device. It may be used with the escutcheon for both fixed and drawout devices. Transparent cover (CP) for escutcheon Optional equipment mounted on the escutcheon, the cover is hinged and secured by a screw. It increases the degree of protection to IP 54, IK10. It adapts to drawout devices. PB100776-42 Escutcheon (CDP) with blanking plate. Transparent cover (CP) for escutcheon. 58 0 59