April 4, 2014
Address: Department of Mathematics
202 Mathematical Sciences Bldg
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Email: hnc5b (at) mail.missouri.edu
Phone: Office: 573-884-7896
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Quang Ngai, Vietnam
2010-Present: Ph.D. student in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri - Columbia, USA.
Advisor: Dr. Loukas Grafakos.
2004-2006: Master of Science in Mathematics, College of Education, Hue University, Vietnam.
Thesis title: The Gauss map of spacelike surfaces on Lorentz-Minkowski spaces.
Advisor: Dr. Doan The Hieu.
1999-2003: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, College of Education, Hue University, Vietnam.
2013-Present Graduate Teaching Assistant; Teaching Calculus I; Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri - Columbia.
2007-2010 Instructor; Teaching Affine Geometry and Projective Geometry; Department of Mathematics, Hue College of Education.
2006-2007 Instructor; Teaching Projective Geometry; Department of Mathematics, Hue College of Education.
2005-2006 Instructor; Teaching Linear Algebra, Projective Geometry; Department of Mathematics, Hue College of Education.
2003-2005 Teaching Assistant; Teaching Calculus I, II; Department of Mathematics, College of Education, Hue University, Vietnam.
Jun 2013 Summer Research Grants, supported by Loukas Grafakos.
Jun 2012 Summer Research Grants, supported by Loukas Grafakos.
Apr 2011 Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Awards (Algebra and Analysis).
2010-2012 Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) Fellowship.
Dec 2003 Second Prize of Scientific Research Program for Vietnamese Students; Minister of Education and Training, Vietnam.
May 2003 Second Prize in Analysis; Vietnamese Mathematical Olympiad for college students; Vietnamese Mathematical Society.
May 2003 First Prize in Algebra; Vietnamese Mathematical Olympiad for college students; Vietnamese Mathematical Society.
2008-2010 Took part in a project: Manifolds with density, supported by Doan The Hieu.
2005-2007 Took part in a project: Isoperimetric problems with boundary conditions, supported by Doan The Hieu.
2002-2003 Took part in a project: On the comass norm of k -covector and minimal surfaces, supported by Doan The Hieu.
Harmonic Analysis: Fourier analysis, multilinear multiplier operators, singular integral operators, Calderon-Zugmond operators.
Differential Geometry: Minimal surfaces, complex geometry, calibrations, manifolds with density, geometric measure theory.
H ANH V AN N GUYEN , A maximal Fourier integral operator and an application, J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 4 (2013), no. 4, 443–456. (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=3127134)
D OAN T HE H IEU AND N GUYEN V AN H ANH , Analytic extension of a maximal surface in
3 along its boundary, Acta
Mathematica, Universitatis Comenianae, 78 (2009), no. 1, 29–38. (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=2684168)
D OAN T HE H IEU , N GUYEN V AN H ANH , Some 3-calibrations have faces containing a special lagrangian’s, East-West J.
Math. 4 (2002), no. 2, 149–155 (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=2034455).
Analytic extension of a maximal surface in
3 along its boundary, DAHITO conference, Vinh, Vietnam.
Some results on 3-calibrations, Winter school of algebraic topology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
On the computing comass norm of 3-covector, National conference of mathematics, Hue, Vietnam.
Loukas Grafakos, Prof. Dr.
Department of Mathematics,
106 Mathematical Sciences Bldg
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211 USA
Email: grafakosl (at) missouri.edu
Doan The Hieu, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Department of Mathematics,
Hue College of Education,
34 Le Loi Street, Hue, Vietnam
Email: deltic (at) dng.vnn.vn
Frank Morgan, Prof. Dr.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267
Phone: (413) 597-2437
Email: Frank.Morgan (at) williams.edu