Untitled - Silver Wave Film Festival

Official Program
Selection 2015
Festival Contact Info/Information
Silver Wave Film Festival/Festival du film Silver Wave
732 Charlotte Street/732, rue Charlotte
Fredericton, NB E3B 1M5/Fredericton, N.B. E3B 1M5
Tel: 506-455-1632/Tél.: 506-455-1632
Fax: 506-457-2006/Téléc.: 506-457-2006
Email: info@nbfilmcoop.com/Courriel: info@nbfilmcoop.com
Table of Contents
Table des matières
Message from Festival Organizers............................................................... 1
Message des organisateurs
Message from Festival Supporters.............................................................. 6
Message des commanditaires
Box Office: Tickets / Prices / Venues......................................................... 10
Billetterie: Billets / Prix / Sites
Thursday – Nov. 5/2015............................................................................. 14
Jeudi, le 5 novembre 2015
Friday – Nov. 6/2015.................................................................................. 16
Vendredi, le 6 novembre 2015
Saturday – Nov. 7/2015.............................................................................. 25
Samedi, le 7 novembre 2015
Sunday – Nov. 8/2015................................................................................ 39
Dimanche, le 8 novembre 2015
NB Silver Wave Awards.............................................................................. 45
Prix Silver Wave
Cover Design by/Conception de la couverture par Bunthivy Nou
Content and Layout by Cat LeBlanc/Contenu et mise en page par Cat LeBlanc
Translation by Sophie Lavoie/Traduction de Sophie Lavoie
Visitez le site web du festival pour les dernières nouvelles!
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Messages from the
Festival Organizers
Messages des
organisateurs du festival
Message from the Executive Director
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
A warm welcome to everyone as we celebrate the fifteenth anniversary
of the Silver Wave Film Festival. It has been an incredible journey so
far, and we are delighted to once again be able to showcase the best
films from New Brunswick and away.
This past year has been a challenging one for our colleagues in the
commercial film industry both here and in Nova Scotia. We hope that
the situation will improve in the coming year and that we can look
forward once again to a thriving industry in the Atlantic region.
Tony Merzetti
Our filmmakers are a resilient lot and judging by the quality of the work
on display this year, they are pouring their hearts into their stories. We
hope that you will join us in celebrating the creative cinematic content
of the film artists from New Brunswick and beyond.
Message du Directeur Exécutif
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
Une chaleureuse bienvenue à tous en cette quinzième édition du
Festival du Film Silver Wave. Jusqu’à maintenant notre aventure a valu
le détour et nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir présenter encore une
fois les meilleurs films du Nouveau Brunswick et d’en dehors de la
Cette dernière année a été difficile pour nous collègues de l’industrie
commerciale cinématographique, autant ici qu’en Nouvelle Écosse.
Nous avons espoir que la situation s’améliore dans l’année qui vient
et que nous pourrons retrouver avec joie un milieu florissant dans la
région atlantique.
Nos réalisateurs font partie d’un groupe tenace et, à en juger par la
qualité des œuvres que nous vous présenterons, ils mettent cœur et
âme dans leurs films. Nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous
pour célébrer la créativité cinématographique des artistes du cinéma
du Nouveau Brunswick et d’en dehors de la province.
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Messages from the
Festival Organizers
Messages des
organisateurs du festival
Message from the President
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
Welcome to the 15th Silver Wave Film Festival.
Once more the Silver Wave Film Festival has received a multitude of
projects and we are proud to have all of our expectations surpassed once
again with the quality and diversity of productions this year. We are also
pleased to celebrate and highlight our local New Brunswick filmmakers
who provide a voice and vision for our part of the country. Donovan Richard
I sincerely hope that everyone will enjoy another inspiring film festival. I
would like to thank all of our volunteers who help make this event such a
great success. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our staff to organize and run such an efficient film festival. Furthermore, we cannot forget our filmmakers without whom this film
festival would not exist. Finally, I wish to thank our sponsors and the members of the community
who support our filmmakers and film festival year after year. Message du Président
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
Bienvenue au 15ième Festival du film Silver Wave.
Une fois de plus le festival du film Silver Wave a reçu une multitude de projets. Nous sommes fiers d’avoir dépassé toutes nos attentes pour la qualité
et la diversité des productions une fois de plus cette année. Nous sommes
ravis d’honorer et d’appuyer nos cinéastes du Nouveau-Brunswick qui
fournissent une voix et une vision de notre petite partie du pays.
Je souhaite sincèrement que tout le monde profite d’un nouveau festival de
film passionnant. Je tiens à remercier tous nos bénévoles qui contribuent à
faire de cet évènement un grand succès. Je voudrais également souligner
le travail acharné et le dévouement de notre personnel dans l’organisation
et la réalisation si compétente de ce festival de film. En outre, nous ne pouvons pas oublier nos cinéastes, sans qui ce festival
du film ne pourrait exister. Enfin, je tiens à remercier nos commanditaires et les autres membres de
la communauté qui soutiennent nos cinéastes et ce festival du film année
après année.
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Messages from the
Festival Organizers
Messages des
organisateurs du festival
Message from the Vice President
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
Britany Sparrow
On behalf of the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative and its
staff, board and membership, I am pleased to welcome you to the
15th annual Silver Wave Film Festival. For 15 years, Silver Wave has
been bringing together filmmakers from around the province to
celebrate another year of movie making in New Brunswick. Every
year, the quality of the films that come out of New Brunswick
continues to improve, and this year’s Silver Wave is a wonderful
opportunity to showcase and celebrate all of the writers, directors,
actors, technical crew, and all of the others who work so hard to tell
New Brunswick stories on film.
The independent film community in New Brunswick is a truly unique
and special thing. The filmmakers here are passionate, resourceful,
creative, and above all else committed to their art simply for the joy
of creating art. At the heart of this community, the Silver Wave Film
Festival gives a platform for filmmakers to celebrate their hard work
and dedication to their craft, and allows the rest of the community
an inside look at what makes New Brunswick, and its filmmakers,
something worth talking about.
I want to thank Silver Wave’s many supporters, from our sponsors,
the members of the community, and the many volunteers whose
hard work makes the festival possible.
Message de la vice présidente
NB Filmmakers’ Co-operative
De la part de la NB Film Coop, ses employées, son conseil
d’administration et ses membres, j’ai le plaisir de vous souhaiter à
tous la bienvenue au quinzième festival du film annuel Silver Wave.
Depuis quinze ans, les réalisateurs de toute la province se réunissent
pour célébrer une autre année de production au Nouveau Brunswick.
Chaque année la qualité des films qui se font ici s’améliore et le
festival de cette année nous permet souligner le talent des nombreux
artistes, artisans, techniciens, acteurs, et des autres membres qui
travaillent si fort pour créer et projeter leurs films.
La communauté indépendante du cinéma au Nouveau-Brunswick
est vraiment unique et spéciale. Les réalisateurs d’ici sont
passionnés, créatifs, débrouillards, et surtout consacrés à leur art,
juste pour le plaisir de créer. Au cœur de cette communauté, le
Festival du film Silver Wave permet aux réalisateur de trouver un
tribune où fêter leur labeur et dévouement à leur métier, et permet au
reste de la communauté de découvrir que le Nouveau Brunswick et
ses réalisateurs valent le détour.
Je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui nous appuient, que ce soit nos
commanditaires ou le grand public, et nos nombreux bénévoles
dans la réalisation de ce festival. Il n’existerait pas sans eux.
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Festival Team
L’equipe du festival
2015 Festival Team
L’équipe du festival 2015
Programming, Events,
Finance & Sponsorship
évènements, finance et
Tony Merzetti, Cat LeBlanc &
Chris Campbell
Tony Merzetti
Cat LeBlanc
Chris Campbell
Marketing & Publicity
Marketing et publicité
Bunthivy Nou
Human Resources
Ressources humaines
Jennifer Coburn
Tracey Lavigne
Bunthivy Nou
Jennifer Coburn Tracey Lavigne
Human Resources
Ressources humaines
Victoria Douglass
Ashley Phinney
Galas & Events
Galas et événements
Corena Walby
Victoria Douglass
Ashley Phinney
Corena Walby
Music Video Showcase
Vitrine des vidéoclips
Tim Rayne
Website/Site Web
Youth Screening/Séance
Arthur Thomson
Tim Rayne
Arthur Thomson
Rob Gemmell
Jon Dewar
Logistics & Venues
Logistique et lieux              
Rob Gemmell
Jon Dewar
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Merci aux nombreux partenaires et amis du festival!
PLATINUM LEVEL/Niveau platine
Don Chapman
SILVER LEVEL/Niveau Argent
BRONZE LEVEL/Niveau Bronze
Linda Joy Media Arts Society
Nan MacDonald
Jan Miller
Stephen Butters
Christene Hirschfeld
Will Roberts
Andrea Levesque
Sarah MacLeod
Rob Gray
Message from the
Festival Supporters
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Messages des
Message from the
Festival Supporters
Messages des
Message from the Mayor of Fredericton
On behalf of my Council colleagues and the citizens of Fredericton,
I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to the members of the film
community as well as the patrons attending the Silver Wave Film
Festival. The City of Fredericton is proud to support this festival
through its Arts, Culture & Heritage Funding Program.
The City of Fredericton prides itself on being a smart, sustainable city
offering a world-class business environment and balanced lifestyle
with abundant recreational and cultural amenities. Fredericton is
internationally and nationally recognized for municipal and
community efforts. Together with its community stakeholders, and
cultural partners such as the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-op,
the City of Fredericton is working to be one of the most vibrant small
cities in North America.
This is culture by design! Once again, welcome! We look forward to
another successful festival.
Message du maire de Fredericton
Au nom des membres du conseil municipal et des citoyens de
Fredericton, je souhaite la bienvenue aux professionnels de l’industrie
cinématographique et aux visiteurs qui assistent au Festival du
Film Silver Wave. La municipalité appuie fièrement ce festival par
l’entremise de son Programme de financement des arts, de la culture
et du patrimoine.
Fredericton se flatte d’être une ville ingénieuse et durable qui offre un
cadre pour les affaires de calibre mondial et un mode de vie équilibré
avec de nombreuses installations récréatives et culturelles.
Fredericton possède également une réputation internationale et
nationale pour les efforts déployés par sa municipalité et sa
communauté. En collaboration avec ses partenaires
communautaires, comme la New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-op,
l’administration municipale cherche à faire de Fredericton une des
petites villes les plus dynamiques en Amérique du Nord.
Ici, la culture est à son meilleur! Encore une fois, bienvenue! Nous
n’en doutons pas, le festival sera une réussite cette année encore!
Visit swfilmfest.com
Message from the
Festival Supporters
Messages des
Message from CBC Television
Congratulations to the Festival Team for 15 great years. This is a
significant milestone for the Silver Wave Film Festival and gives
everyone an opportunity to look back at the great films and great
people that have been involved over the years. A special thanks
to Tony, Cat and the entire board and staff of the New Brunswick
Filmmakers’ Co-operative. And a hearty thanks to the volunteers
who make the Festival a success year after year.
CBC is now delighted to contribute to the CBC/NB Joy Award
and support New Brunswick filmmakers. I am looking forward to
seeing the winning film next year.
It is always a pleasure to attend the Festival and see all the work
coming from New Brunswick producers and directors. I hope
filmmakers will feel free to stop and chat and tell us about the
work you are doing.
Have a great weekend.
Peter Hall
Senior Manager Arts and Documentary Programming
CBC Atlantic
Message de Radio Canada Télévision
Félicitations à toute l’équipe du Festival pour 15 belles années. C’est
une étape importante pour le Festival du Film Silver Wave qui nous
donne la chance de revoir tous les excellents films et les gens
remarquables qui y ont travaillé depuis le début. Un grand merci à
Tony, Cat et au Conseil d’Administration et aux employés de la
Filmmakers’ Co-operative du Nouveau Brunswick. Et surtout un
merci chaleureux à tous les bénévoles qui sont indispensables aux
succès annuels du Festival.
CBC se réjouit de contribuer au Prix CBC/NB Joy et d’appuyer les
réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Nouveau Brunswick. J’ai déjà hâte de
voir le film récompensé au festival de l’année prochaine.
C’est toujours un grand plaisir d’assister au Festival et de voir tout
le travail qui émane des réalisateurs et de producteurs du Nouveau
Brunswick. J’espère que les cinéastes se sentiront libres de passer
nous parler du travail qu’ils font.
Bonne fin de semaine.
Peter Hall, Cadre
Supérieur, Programmation, Arts et Documentaire
CBC Atlantique
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~ Success is a journey, not a destination.
Presented by
New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-op
The LeBlanc Family and additional donations
Jane LeBlanc Filmmaker Award ($1880.00 value)
(for first time Filmmakers)
• $200 in workshops/training from the NBFC
• $600 cash from The LeBlanc Family and
generous donations
• $1000 in equipment and post services from
• $80 (full membership for two years) from the
• Workshopping of winning screenplay
Presented by the New Brunswick Filmmakers’
Co-operative & the LeBlanc Family
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Box Office:
Tickets / Prices / Venues
Opening Night Gala Film
(p. 14)
New Brunswick Feature Film
Date/Time: Thurs, Nov 5, 7:00 pm
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Reception: James Joyce Pub
Date/Time: Thurs, Nov 5, 10:00 pm
Owl River Runners
$9.00 adult
$8.00 student/senior (65 plus)
(Tickets sold at the door only on
the night of the screening). Ticket
price includes entrance to Gala
Party afterwards
Cinema Politica Showcase
(p. 16)
Date/Time: Fri, Nov 6, 7:00 pm
Venue: Conserver House
Guilda: elle est bien dans
ma peau
Donations welcome at the door.
East Coast Music Video Showcase
Date/Time: Fri, Nov 6, 8:00 pm (p. 16)
Venue: Wilser’s Room, The Capital
Complex, downtown Tannery
This Kind of Love
I Never Promised You
Another Day
anotheroneoutthere (II)
East Coast
March Of The Dead
Black Wings of Death
For My Own Enemy
Viral Judgement
Darkest Day/The
Workhorse Walks Alone
Clobber the Clown
Coast to Coast Shorts
(p. 18)
Date/Time: Fri, Nov 6, 9:30 pm
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Kindergarten Tycoon
Ne change rien et
continue avec une
consistance immaculée
Last Watch
Culvert Affairs
The Labyrinth of Minos
Forgotten Details
Sugar Tree
Petty Theft
The Last Take
$5.00 general admission (Tickets
sold at the door only on the night
of the screening)
CliFF Feature Film
(p. 22)
Date/Time: Fri, Nov 6, 9:30 pm
Venue: Kinsella Auditorium, St. Thomas
Reception: Pre-screening Reception:
8:30 pm
Donations welcome at the door.
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Box Office:
Tickets / Prices / Venues
Midnight Madness
(p. 23)
(Murder, Ghosts & Time Travel)
Date/Time: Fri, Nov 6, 11:59 pm
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
The Final Hour (Trailer)
All Doors Locked
Holly in Red
The Man Who Loved
Some Things Won’t Sleep
Victorias’ Secrets
The Future Perfect
$3.00 general admission (Tickets
sold at the door only on the night
of the screening)
(p. 25)
Canadian & International Shorts I
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 12:00 pm
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
My Younger Older Sister
A Talk in the Garden
Without Flight
The Boy
Fear and Crying
A Suicide at the Gun
Games People Play
Paper Thin
$5.00 general admission (Tickets
sold at the door only on the day of
the screening)
Youth Shorts
(p. 27)
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 12:00 pm
Venue: Le Centre communautaire
Sainte-Anne Theatre
Caution: Wet Floor
Making of a Guitarist
Terrific Terror
The Voice Only I Can
Entre Temps
(p. 28)
Canadian & International Shorts II
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 2:00 pm
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Negative Nature
4 Quarters
$5.00 general admission (Tickets
sold at the door only on the day of
the screening)
CLiFF Shorts
(p. 30)
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 2:00 pm
Venue: Fredericton Public Library,
Chickadee Hall
Pre-screening Reception: 1:00 pm
Donations welcome at the door.
Short Docs I
(p. 30)
(People & Places)
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 4:00 pm
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Bees’ n Trees
Henny’s Opus in B Minor
My History of Saint John
The American Marten
(Apistane’wj) & The First
Pine Trees
Ron Taylor: Dr. Baseball
Seeding Fear
Singing Lumberjack
Wonders of Iceland: Peek
Behind the Scenes
$5.00 general admission (Tickets
sold at the door only on the day of
the screening)
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Box Office:
Tickets / Prices / Venues
New Brunswick Shorts Gala
(p. 34)
Date/Time: Sat, Nov 7, 7:00 pm
Venue: Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Silver Wave Awards: 10:00 pm
Reception: James Joyce Pub: 11:30 pm
One Last Ride
a list
Oznaberg: LMOE
In Search of Laura Fearn
Standing Up
Shove Your Winter
Choke Hold
The Lie
As The Crow Cries
Cold Feet on a Winter
Confessions & Reflections
of a Superhero
What is Your Name?
Ticket price includes
entrance to Silver Wave
Awards and Gala Party at
James Joyce Pub.
Short Docs II
(Memory & Change)
Date/Time: Sun, Nov 8, 2:00 pm
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
(p. 39)
Little Bay Islands
Continuous Journey:
Lebanese in NB
Pocket Change
Reboot: Rebuild
Then Then Then
Atlantic Feature Film
Date/Time: Sun, Nov 8, 2:00 pm
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
(p. 42)
Noon Gun
$5.00 general admission
(Tickets sold at the door only
on the day of the screening)
New Brunswick Documentary Showcase
Date/Time: Sun, Nov 8, 4:00 pm
(p. 43)
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
The Utrecht Seals/Les
sceaux d’Utrecht
Closing Night Gala
(p. 44)
Atlantic Feature
Date/Time: Sun, Nov 8, 7:00 pm
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Reception: James Joyce Pub: 10:00 pm
$9.00 adult
$8.00 student/senior (65
plus) (Tickets sold at the
door only on the night of
the screening). Ticket price
includes entrance to Gala
Party afterwards
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Thur. Nov. 5/7:00 PM/Tilley Hall, UNB Campus/Opening Night Gala Film: New Brunswick
Feature - Owl River Runners/Gala Party at James Joyce Pub (10:00 PM)
Fri. Nov. 6/7:00 PM/ Conserver House 180 St. John St./Cinema Politica Showcase:
Guilda: elle est bien dans ma peau
Fri. Nov 6/8:00 PM/Wilser’s Room, The Capital Complex, Tannery/East Coast Music
Video Showcase
Fri. Nov. 6/9:30 PM/Tilley Hall, UNB Campus/Coast to Coast Shorts
Fri. Nov. 6/9:30 PM/Kinsella Auditorium, St. Thomas University/CLiFF Feature Film - TBA
Fri. Nov. 6/11:59 PM/Tilley Hall, UNB Campus/Midnight Madness
Sat. Nov. 7/12:00 PM/Charlotte Street Arts Centre/Canadian & International Shorts I
Sat. Nov. 7/12:00 PM/Sainte-Anne/Youth Shorts
Sat. Nov. 7/2:00 PM/Charlotte Street Arts Centre/Canadian & International Shorts II
Sat. Nov. 7/2:00/Fredericton Public Library, Chickadee Hall/CLiFF Shorts - TBA
Sat. Nov. 7/4:00 PM/Charlotte Street Arts Centre/Short Docs I
Sat. Nov. 7/7:00 PM/Sainte-Anne/NB Shorts Gala/Silver Wave Awards (10:00 PM) Gala
Party at James Joyce Pub (11:30 PM)
Sun. Nov. 8/2:00 PM/Charlotte Street Arts Centre/Short Docs II
Sun. Nov. 8/2:00 PM/Tilley Hall, UNB Campus/Atlantic Feature - Noon Gun
Sun. Nov. 8/4:00 PM/Charlotte Street Arts Centre/New Brunswick Documentary
Showcase - The Utrecht Seals/Les sceaux d’Utrecht
Sun. Nov. 8/7:00 PM/Tilley Hall, UNB Campus/Closing Gala Film: Atlantic Feature Kooperman/Gala Party at James Joyce Pub (10:00 PM)
Festival Passes: $40.00 (Adults)
$20.00 (Students - must show ID)
(Includes all screenings and galas). Festival
passes are available at the NB Film Co-op
for purchase starting Friday, October 23,
2015 (cash or cheque). Individual tickets for
all venues will be sold at the door only (cash
only). Festival pass holders must be present
20 minutes prior to a screening to ensure seat
availability. Festival reserves the right to sell all
seats after that time.
(Note: Films will not necessarily be shown in
the order they are listed)
**Please note that all films are for adults (except
for indicated youth screening programme or
programmes specified as ‘youth friendly’). Pay
attention to any disclaimers. Please call (506)
455-1632 for more information or email
Social Venue Locations:
- James Joyce Pub & Crowne Plaza Lord
Beaverbrook: 659 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB
- Milda’s Pizza’s+More: 732 Charlotte Street,
Charlotte Street Arts Centre Basement
- Charlotte Street Arts Centre: 732 Charlotte
Street, Fredericton, NB Upstairs Auditorium
Screening Venues:
- Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne (CCSA): 715 Priestman Street, Fredericton, NB
- Charlotte Street Arts Centre Auditorium (CSAC): 732 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, NB
- Tilley Hall, Room 102: University of New Brunswick campus, Fredericton, NB
- Conserver House: 180 St John Street, Fredericton, NB
- Fredericton Public Library, Chickadee Hall, Fredericton, NB
- Kinsella Auditorium, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB
- Wilser’s Room, The Capital Complex, Tannery, 362 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB
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Thursday Nov 5 / 2015
Opening Gala
New Brunswick Feature
Presented By:
Thursday – November 5, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Social Venue: James Joyce Pub at 10:00 PM
Owl River Runners
Director: Danny Thebeau/Writer: Chris Fulton/Producer: Elaine
Shannon, André Goguen, Danny Thebeau/Executive Producers: Avi
Federgreen, Gia Milani, Tony Whalen/Cast: Molly (T) Thomason, Ryan
Barton, Ariana Marquis, Clayton Thompson, Joshua Linton, John
Mick, Xavier Gould, Susan Thompson, Joceline Paczoski, Danny
Thebeau/Length: 80:00/Dieppe, New Brunswick, 2015
The film follows Jaime (played by Antigonish Nova Scotia
singer/songwriter T. Thomason) as she joyrides the back
roads of Owl River, population: sinking. She’s going nowhere
fast, and it’s the same in life.
BFF Paula (Ariana Marquis) pressures her to apply to
colleges. Papa Hal (Clayton Thompson) just wants to keep
her out of juvie. But Jaime can’t know where she’s going
until she knows where she comes from.
When ex-con Ray (Ryan Barton) shakes her down for the
whereabouts of a stash, Jaime learns of her departed
grandpa Graham’s family secret.
Atlantic Film Festival - Official Selection
Charlottetown Film Festival - Official Selection
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Friday Nov 6 / 2015
Presented By:
Cinema Politica Showcase
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Conserver House, 180 St. John St.
Guilda: elle est bien dans ma peau (French with English Subtitles)
Director/Writer: Julien Cadieux/Producer: Phare Est Média, Cécile Chevrier/
Length: 53:00/Moncton, New Brunswick, 2014
The story of Guilda, the timeless beauty of the golden age of
Montreal cabaret culture, and of Jean Guilda, originally from France,
who lent her his body and life. A fascinating character living in two
East Coast Music Video Showcase
Presented By:
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 8:00 PM
Venue: Wilser’s Room, The Capital Complex, Tannery
This Kind of Love
Director/Writer: Julia Wright/Producer: Shawna Waterall,
Emily St. Pierre (Hemmings House)/Length: 4:29/Saint
John, New Brunswick, 2015
A collaboration between members of the NB Film
Co-op, Hemmings House Pictures, and the Saint
John Theatre Company, and a Moncton-based
choreographer featuring singer/songwriter Jared
Director/Producer: Peter Doyle/Length: 2:31/Saint John,
New Brunswick, 2014
From East Coast Music Award-winning artist Ryan
LeBlanc comes this instrumental piece. Shot in
early morning light along a lake, the tone of the
images support the rustic feel of the music.
I Never Promised You Nothing
Director/Writer/Producer: Caley MacLennan/Length: 4:00/
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2014
After losing her friend and being chased, singer Kim
Wempe finds refuge in a country shack.
Another Day
Director/Producer: Matthew Ingraham/Writer: Jordan
Hines/Length: 2:39/Sydney, Nova Scotia, 2014
Lifting youth out of tough times with
skateboarding by music artist Jofo.
East Coast
Director: Rob Parsons/Length: 3:30/Saint John, New
Brunswick 2015
Music video shot for Phakt’s album spotlighting the
east coast anthem.
March Of The Dead Things
Director/Writer/Producer: Caley MacLennan/Length: 6:03/
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2013
The video follows Halifax-based Ghettosocks and
his UK friends through intense but hilarious
apocalyptic adventures.
Black Wings of Death
Director/Writer/Producer: Bruce LeGrow/Length: 4:24/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
Debut music video for Fredericton metal act
Spinesplitter. A bizzare ritual resurrects spinesplitter
from the dead.
For My Own Enemy
Director/Writer/Producer: Aaron Elliott/Length: 3:57/St.
John’s, Newfoundland, 2015
The lead singer for Devastator is locked away in an
asylum, driven crazy because he can’t get this song
out of his head.
Viral Judgement
Director/Producer: Peter Doyle/Writer: Mazord/Length:
3:54/Saint John, New Brunswick, 2015
This electrifying rock tune from Mazord sets the
stage for Peter’s stylized images and editing.
Director/Producer: Tim Rayne/Arthur Thomson Length:
5:39/Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
Inspired by the Amanda Todd tragedy, the song/
video by Hero’s Last Rite deals with cyber bullying
and its effect on a young girls life and a parent’s
worst nightmare.
Clobber the Clown
Darkest Day/The Workhorse Walks Alone
anotheroneoutthere (II)
Director/Producer: Tim Rayne, Arthur Thomson/Length:
2:23/Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
A surreal throwback to 80s pop videos with a
contemporary flare, Clobber the Clown
showcases Young Satan in Love’s darkly hilarious
social commentary. Wake up and Clobber the
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Director/Writer/Producer: Aaron Elliott/Length: 6:16/
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2015
A scientist makes a battle robot to protect her from
the zombie apocalypse, but when she brings it to
life the robot falls in love with her and decides to
turn her into a cyborg fighting machine.
Friday Nov 6 / 2015
Coast to Coast Shorts
Presented By:
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 9:30 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Kindergarten Tycoon
Director/Writer/Producer: Cameron
Tingley/Cast: Susan Q. Wilson, Bill
Mahoney, David Parisian, Joey
Campbell/Length: 11:08/Toronto,
Ontario, 2014
This humorous short uses a
kindergarten class as a
microcosm of modern society.
Last Watch
Director/Producer: Jana Stackhouse,
Adrian Morphy/Writer: Adrian Morphy,
Jana Stackhouse, Billy MacLellan/Cast:
Billy MacLellan, Arwen Humphreys,
Mark Paci/Length: 5:20/Toronto,
Ontario, 2015
Investigating a lead, two cops
rekindle their partnership to hunt
down a serial killer before he
strikes again.
Director/Writer: Eric Iversen/Producer:
Alex Cusack/Cast: Tyler Trask, Kelsey
Hines/Length: 4:24/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2014
The heartbreak of a great love
cut short.
Culvert Affairs
Director: Kelly Hill/Writer: Kelly Hill,
Hot Dad Jesus, Louise Wentworth,
Britney McMichael/Producer: Hot
Dad Jesus/Cast: Britney McMichael,
Hilda Kelley, Lee Thomas, Louise
Wentworth/Length: 4:58/Fredericton,
New Brunswick, 2014
Our hero, dejected, stumbles
upon an underground society
that might just change her life.
But jealous nemeses arise! Is our
hero’s shot at a new life but a
weeping pipe dream?
Ne change rien et continue
avec une consistance
(French with English Subtitles)
Director/Writer: Alisa Arsenault, Annie
France Noël/Length: 9:18/Moncton,
New Brunswick, 2014
Inspired by each other’s creative
processes, Alisa and Annie’s
childhood stories intertwine into
a visual exploration of family,
memories and self-discovery.
The Labyrinth of Minos
Director: Tom Belding/Writer: Alyssa
Ciccarelli/Producer: Darren
Borrowman, Alex Villegas, Tina Wu/
Cast: Amanda Marier, Amanda Baia,
Christopher Pascal /Length: 6:48/
Vancouver, British Columbia, 2015
Theseus volunteers himself in
the queen’s labyrinth in hopes of
winning his freedom and being
with his secret love Ariadne, the
queen’s daughter.
Forgotten Details
Director/Writer/Producer: Mitch Nash/Length: 2:00/Fredericton, New Brunswick,
Series of images from someone’s long forgotten memory. Melancholy.
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Friday Nov 6 / 2015
Coast to Coast Shorts
Presented By:
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 9:30 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Sugar Tree
No Funswick
Petty Theft
Director/Writer: Yalitsa Riden/Cast:
Sara Campbell, Andrea Skinner,
Danielle Doiron/Length: 11:13/Halifax,
Nova Scotia, 2015
Wynne leaves her family home to
confront her grief. She and her
friends must learn to live together,
and Wynne must find her way
back home.
Director: Jon Dewar, Amy Bourgaize,
Matt Rogers/Writer: Robert W. Gray/
Producer: Matt Rogers/Cast: Michelle
Duncan, Greg Profit, Jared Mallard/
Length: 7:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
Three individuals in isolated
worlds pinball and collide, and
then must reconcile among the
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Director:Victoria Douglass/Length:
1:11/Fredericton, New Brunswick
Stop-motion animation made
from candy.
Director/Writer/Producer: Todd
Fraser/Length: 1:27/Sackville, New
Brunswick, 2015
A DIY 16mm film of New
Brunswick’s Hopewell Rocks; a
bucket processed chaotic vision
of one of Atlantic Canada’s
natural wonders.
Director/Writer/Producer: Avi Diggle,
Robin Goodine/Length: 3:21/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
The idea of memory as largely
indefinite and ephemeral. What is
often taken for granted – a strand
of hair, a piece of dust, or a wisp
of steam – is infinitely beautiful in
its subtlety.
Director: Shawn Dorey, Julien Bernstein/
Writer: Robin Goodine/Cast: Kristin
Mackenzie, Suzanne Lapointe/Length:
5:00/Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
The relationship between best
friends Steph and Amy is strained
as they prepare to commit one last
robbery together.
Friday Nov 6 /2015
Coast to Coast Shorts
Presented By:
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 9:30 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
The Last Take
Director: Eric Iversen/Writer: Alex Donovan/Producer: Matt Rogers/Cast:
Brennen Joseph de Carufel, Barry McCluskey, Trish McNeill/Length: 13:04/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
A young man struggles to cope with the death of his older brother
by incorporating unusual habits into his daily life.
Director/Writer/Producer: Brock Jorgenson, Nicole Boudreau, Janet
Crawford, Ida Orenbach, Daniel Dairo-Singerr, Nicholas Antworth,
Don Carroll, Sarah Martini, Lana Vallis/Length: 8:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
A documentary crew gets more than they bargained for when
they interview a sleazy website provider who runs an online
dating site for cheaters.
CLiFF Feature Film
Presented By:
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 9:30 PM
Venue: Kinsella Auditorium, St. Thomas University
Pre-Screening Reception: 8:30 PM
Join the Fredericton & District Labour Council for their annual screening event
in partnership with Silver Wave. Details about the feature film screening will be
unveiled before the festival.
CLiFF Festival in-a-Box
Visit swfilmfest.com
Friday Nov 6 / 2015
Midnight Madness
Presented By:
(Murder, Ghosts & Time Travel)
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 11:59 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
The Final Hour (Trailer)
All Doors Locked
Holly in Red
Director: B.R. Stevens/Writer: Hank
White, Richard MacQueen/Producer:
Dr. Steven MacLean, B.R.Stevens/
Length: 1:30/Halifax, Nova Scotia,
A doctor seeks refuge from his
past in a rundown country clinic.
But his demons aren’t so easily
satiated. Reality shifts, lines blur,
dreams become real and
monsters come out to play.
Director: Matt Rogers, Jon Dewar/
Writer: Matt Rogers/Producer: NB Film
Co-op/Cast: Eric Iversen/Length: 2:00/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
Legend has it that the Charlotte
Street Arts Centre is haunted by
a ghost known only as “Merzetti”.
Local naysayer Eric Iversen sets
out to put this fantasy to rest.
Director: Jean-Marc Goguen,
Samuel Malenfant/Writer/Producer:
Jean-Marc Goguen/Cast: Jean-Marc
Goguen, Samuel Malenfant/Length:
4:48/Moncton, New Brunswick, 2014
While a broken lamp flickers on
the floor, a man drags a dead
body across the living room.
Then, someone knocks on the
Director/Writer/Producer: Perry
Sieben/Cast: Miranda Pattyn, Derek
Wallis, Judy Harms/Length: 15:37
Delta, British Columbia, 2015
Valentine’s Day, 1993: something
deep within the shadows watches
as Holly cleans the house, waiting
for her boyfriend. There will need
to be a cleansing tonight that
doesn’t involve housework.
Director/Writer: Struan Sutherland/
Producer: André Pettigrew/Cast: Nicole
Steeves, Emily Pettet/Length: 1:13/
Truro, Nova Scotia, 2015
After regaining consciousness, a
desperate woman is willing to do
anything to escape a life or death
Director: Jon Mann/Writer/Producer:
Jon Mann, Rob Ramsay/Cast: Rob
Ramsay, Lydia Zimmer/Length: 16:00/
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2015
A young man deals with grief and
guilt after committing a
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Friday Nov 6 / 2015
Midnight Madness
Presented By:
(Murder, Ghosts & Time Travel)
Friday – November 6, 2015 – 11:59 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
The Man Who Loved Flowers
Director/Writer/Producer: Jared Carney/Cast: Jason K. Roy, Victoria Douglass,
Melissa Lunney, Brendan Wahl/Length: 12:00/Fredericton, New Brunswick,
A romantic horror film dealing with the dark nature of love,
heartbreak, and delusion.
Some Things Won’t Sleep
Director/Writer: Leah Johnston/Producer: André Pettigrew/Cast: Alexis
Milligan, David Christoffel, Alyssa Cross, Jordan Poole/Length: 10:56/Truro,
Nova Scotia, 2014
A woman tries to bury herself, and then becomes haunted by her
unearthed spirit. Like all allegories, it carries a deeper message,
about denial and its consequences on our inner psyche.
Victorias’ Secrets
Director: Geneviève Gagné/Writer: Geneviève Gagné, Michel Guitard,
Victoria Douglass/Cast: Barry McCluskey, Victoria Douglass, Shelby
Thompson, Jordan Travis/Length: 5:00/Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2014
Sexually charged horror film explores the dark side of a young
woman’s double life.
The Future Perfect
Director/Writer: Nick Citton/Producer: Jason James/Cast: Robert Baker,
Zachary Quinto/Length: 12:21/Burnaby, British Columbia, 2015
With a nod to 1970s sci-fi classics like THX 1138 and 2001, the film
uses a single visual metaphor to explore themes of sexuality, love,
and the endless nature of grief.
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Sat Nov 7 / 2015
Canadian & International Shorts I
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 12:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
My Younger Older Sister
Director/Writer: Leah Johnston/
Producer: Leah Johnston, Jess Brown/
Cast: Katherine Johnston, Jeremie
Saunders, Alexis Milligan, Shelley
Thompson/Length: 16:31/Truro, Nova
Scotia, 2015
A young woman suffers a severe
crisis when she realizes she is
about to out-age her older sister
who died at 18.
Without Flight
A Talk in the Garden
Director/Writer/Producer: Dave Ward/
Length: 3:47/Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island, 2014
Using an uncut roll of film as a
backdrop, the filmmaker
remembers a dream with a punch
line as well as a moment
experienced beyond the
Director/Writer: Hamid Dastgerdi/Producer:
Hamid Dastgerdi, Pouya Fathi/Length: 5:00/
Tehran, Iran, 2014
A man falls asleep and dreams of flying.
Director/Writer: Shelley Thompson/
Producer: Gay Hauser/Cast: Molly
Thomason, Richard Donat, Gordon White,
Andrea Lee Norwood, Retto/Length:
15:02/Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2015
An isolated young musician moving
from small-town to city life must
come to terms with love and loss.
The Boy
Director: Cayman Grant/Writer: Cayman Grant,
James Peoples/Producer: Cayman Grant, James
Peoples, Cale Finot, Paula Gregg, Hakeen
Kae-Kazim, Carol Ann Shine, Terry City/Cast:
Abraham Bello, Hakeem Kae Kazim, Benjamin
Ochieng, Krystel Roche/Length: 8:56/Sherman
Oaks, California, 2015
When a family starts to notice a disturbing
behaviour in their only son, they call on a
local tribal healer to rid him of the evil.
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Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
Canadian & International Shorts I
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 12:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Fear and Crying
Director/Writer/Producer: Dave Ward/
Length: 2:46/Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island, 2014
Deals with an actual dream of
fear, and the cries from an ancient
legend brought to life in the
contemporary world.
A Suicide at the Gun Range
Director/Writer: Stephanie
Clattenburg/Producer: Stephanie
Clattenburg, Sahar Yousefi/Cast: Rob
Cotterill, Nicole Steeves, Nathan Wiley,
Matt Chisholm/Length: 11:00/
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 2015
A man posts a newspaper ad in
order to find a gun range partner
to help him commit suicide.
Games People Play
Director/Writer: Dawn Westlake/
Producer: Dawn Westlake, Ron
de Cana Productions/Cast: Dawn
Westlake, David Razowsky, Mark
Jacobson/Length: 7:51/Los Angeles,
California, 2014
A married couple vows never to
speak another cross word, but
playing some is not off the table.
Paper Thin
Director: Jeff Parker/Producer: Dominic Fegan/Cast: Dan Bray,
Jacob Sampson/Length: 6:00/Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2015
While preparing for his thesis defense on Sherlock Holmes,
a man overhears a mysterious exchange in the apartment
next door, forcing him to choose whether he wants to write
about a detective, or be one himself.
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Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
Youth Shorts
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 12:00 PM
Screening Venue: Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Caution: Wet Floor
Director/Writer/Producer: Michel Guitard and the
NBFC Teen Film Camp/Length: 4:16/Fredericton,
New Brunswick, 2015
Three teenagers break into their school to
change their marks while a janitor plots
his revenge on the administration for their
treatment of him.
Making of a Guitarist
Director/Writer: Zack Dickinson/Length: 8:00/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
Documentary about the filmmaker’s twin
brother, whose passion for guitars and playing
guitar has evolved into building guitars.
Director/Writer/Producer: Danny Lee, James Chu, Xavier
Soh/Length: 7:52/Langley, British Columbia, 2015
A young gang member wants to leave the gang
life. After the gang leader gives him a task, he
finally makes a life changing decision about what
he must do.
Director/Writer/Producer: Spencer Hetherington/Cast:
Rob Hetherington, Melissa Hetherington, Sarah
Hetherington, Wesley Hetherington/Length: 4:59/Saint
John, New Brunswick, 2015
A day in the life of a family man…or is it?
Director/Writer/Producer: Zach Lutchmedial/Cast: Peter
Fillman, Raine Easton/Length: 11:35/Saint John, New
Brunswick, 2015
When a teenager is left alone for the night, things
begin to go awry. The situation becomes more
complicated when his girlfriend shows up, and they
begin to wonder who else is in the house.
Terrific Terror
Director/Writer/Producer: Brock Jorgenson and the NBFC
Kids Film Camp/Length: 2:44/Fredericton, New Brunswick,
A young girl disappears in her home one night and
returns to haunt and wreak havoc for all eternity.
The Voice Only I Can Hear
Director/Writer: Abby Slipp/Producer: Abby Slipp, Robert
Slipp/Cast: Robert “Bobby” Slipp, Abby Slipp, Sarah Slipp/
Length: 8:47/Woodstock, New Brunswick, 2015
Carl uses his phone to cope with his mom’s death.
After he gets stuck in the woods, he finds out that
his mom never really left him, and that he still might
be able to be with her.
Entre Temps
(French with English Subtitles)
Director/Writer: Geneviève Boudreau, Jolaine Albert, Chris
LeBlanc/Producer: Productions 3 Faces/Cast: Nicolas
Berry, Florence Deschaines, Gabrielle Gagnon, Simon Boudreau, Gabrielle Breau, Sébastien Poirier, Jolaine Albert,
Eric Thériault Length: 34:00/
Memramcook, New Brunswick, 2015
Back in 1989, a high school filmmaker wanted
nothing more than to be Freddy Krueger and Joker;
he wanted immortality. Twenty-five years later, a
group of unsuspecting teens discover a time
machine that unleashes an old foe.
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Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
Canadian & International Shorts II
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 2:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Negative Nature
4 Quarters
Director: Latonia Hartery/Writer:
Deanne Foley/Producer: Emily Bridger/
Cast: Joanne Kelly, Emily Corcoran,
Tessa Crosbie, Sheilagh Guy Murphy,
Des Walsh/Length: 14:28/St. John’s,
Newfoundland, 2014
In 1940s rural Newfoundland, a
voyeuristic nurse becomes
fascinated with a teenage patient
who is struggling to deal with the
tragic death of her parents.
Director: Ashley McKenzie/Writer:
Andrew Gillis, Ashley McKenzie/
Producer: Nelson MacDonald, Ashley
McKenzie/Cast:Andrew Gillis, Sofia
Banzhaf, Melissa Kearney, Fern Moore/
Length: 13:00/Sydney, Nova Scotia,
An overworked student is
entangled in a wicked problem
when trying to nurse a fledgling
friendship with a young drug
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Director/Writer/Producer: Dawn
George/Length: 6:15/Hammonds Plains,
Nova Scotia, 2014
Bugs, slugs and time-lapse
plants are treated in film reversal,
embellished with a sophisticated
sound design and delivered with
touches of drama and humour in
a six-minute blast of challenging
cinematic reverie.
Director/Writer: Daniel Boos/Producer:
Lynn Matheson/Cast: Michael
Pellerin, Monte Murray, Becca Babcock,
Hesam Hanafi/Length: 9:00/Halifax,
Nova Scotia, 2015
When a group of mysterious
workers appear at his brother’s
sawmill, a rural shopkeeper must
face a troubling decision.
Director: Millefiore Clarkes/ Writer: Jill
Mary Elizabeth McRae/Producer: Jason
Arsenault/Cast: Jill McRae, Jeremie
Saunders, Ella Putnam, Taylor Stewart,
Lillian MacIsaac/Length: 19:45/Belfast,
Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2014
A film about a woman who lives in
isolation, believing that she has a
curse that will separate her from
others for the rest of her life. When
she has a chance meeting with a
solitary man, they spark a small
hope for a less lonely future. But
will it last?
Director/Writer: Justin Oakey/Producer:
Justin Oakey, James Vandewater/Cast:
Joel Thomas Hynes, Lawrence Barry,
Darren Ivany, Mike Daly, Colin Harris,
Monica Walsh/Length: 14:00/St. John’s,
Newfoundland, 2014
On the eve of a storm in rural
Newfoundland, two groups of
feuding fishermen are forced to
set their conflicts aside when an
emergency arises.
Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
Presented By:
CLiFF Shorts
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 2:00 PM
Venue: Chickadee Hall, Fredericton Public Library
Pre-Screening Reception: 1:00 PM
Join the Fredericton & District Labour Council for their annual screening
event in partnership with Silver Wave. The full schedule of shorts will be
unveiled before the festival.
CLiFF Festival in-a-Box
Short Docs I
Presented By:
(People & Places)
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 4:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Bees ‘n Trees
Director/Writer/Producer: Dawn
Plains, Nova Scotia, 2015
Armed with a chainsaw and
harness, arborist Ryan Bartlett
rescues beehives from urban trees
that are on the chopping block.
Ryan’s approach to tree cutting
shows us how we can all employ
respect, peace, and balance in our
work. Ryan has saved fourteen
beehives from destruction. But
when he visits his own hive, a
surprise awaits.
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Henny’s Opus In B Minor
Director/Writer/Producer: Andréa
Conte/Length: 5:00/Niagara On The
Lake, Ontario, 2014
The humorous and heartfelt story
of Henny Nixon’s love for classical
music as she approaches the end
of her third act. Henny exemplifies
how wit and wisdom are the
consequence of a lifetime lived
with recourse for younger people,
who must seek elders so they,
in turn, know how to become an
Don Chapman
My History of Saint John
Writer/Director/Producer: Gretchen
Kelbaugh/Length: 10:50/Quispamsis,
New Brunswick, 2015
A spirited tale of self-discovery
through a humourous look at the
settling of Saint John. It features
a variety of animation techniques,
such as stop-motion, rotoscoping,
and sand on a light board.
Saturday Nov 7/ 2015
Short Docs I
Presented By:
(People & Places)
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 4:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
The American Marten
(Apistane’wj) & The First Pine
Director/Writer: Madeline Yakimchuk/
Producer: gryphon media productions/
Length: 4:54/Sydney, Nova Scotia,
The story of how the Pine Trees
came to be in Unama’ki teaches
many lessons about taking care
of the forest. This is the English
language version of this
three-language release (also in
French and Mi’kmaw), and is
the third in the Mi’kmaw Legend
The Singing Lumberjack
Ron Taylor: Dr. Baseball
Director/Writer/Producer: Drew Taylor,
Matthew Taylor/Length: 18:00/Toronto,
Ontario, 2015
Ron Taylor was a Major League
pitcher for 11 years, winning two
world championships. Charting
Ron’s path through interviews with
former teammates and friends, his
two sons uncover the motivation
behind his decision to return to
school and become a physician
after his baseball career.
Director/Writer: Rachel Bower/
Producer: Paul McNeill/Length: 7:00/
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2015
For nearly 40 years, Charlie Chamberlain
was one of the most popular vocalists in
Canada – and the most beloved member
of the old-time band Don Messer and his
Islanders. “The Singing Lumberjack” brings
Chamberlain’s home-grown talent and
gregarious personality back to life.
A National Film Board of Canada
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Don Chapman
Seeding Fear
Director/Writer: Craig Jackson/
Length: 10:45/Moncton, New
Since Monsanto began selling
their patented “Roundup Ready”
genetically modified seeds, they
have threatened to sue hundreds
of farmers for patent infringement. This short doc recounts
the David & Goliath tale of
Michael White, fourth-generation
farmer and seed cleaner in rural
Alabama, versus the GMOpimping agribusiness behemoth
Wonders of Iceland: Peek Behind the Scenes
Director/Writer: Ryan Groom/Producer: Ryan Groom &
Trekk.It Corporation/Length: 23:37/Hanwell, New Brunswick, 2015
4 friends, 9 cameras, 10 days, with a Land Rover they called
Happy and a DJI Phantom called Vincent, filming in Iceland.
The film follows this motley crew traveling to Iceland while
filming a 7 part series called Wonders of Iceland for
BellAliant FiberOP TV1. The film has stunning aerial footage,
geographical highlights, bloopers, and self-reflection on a trip
of a life time. Experience the off the beaten path journey in
Iceland with the Trekkit crew as they entertain and educate the
audience about this marvelous place.
Featuring music by Crossection and Séan McCann of Great
Big Sea fame.
Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
New Brunswick Shorts Gala
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Silver Wave Awards: 10:00 PM
Social Venue: Silver Wave Gala Party,
James Joyce Pub at 11:30 PM
Director/Writer: Robert W. Gray/
Producer: Robert W. Gray, Jon Dewar/
Cast:Greg Profit, Bonnie Piesse/
Length: 5:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
By the time Ben died, 21 people
declared their romantic love for
Oznaberg: LMOE
Director/Writer/Producer: John Mick/
Cast: Bobbie McNutt, John Mick/
Length: 11:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
James just became the Last Man
On Earth. A Ghost Dance may be
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One Last Ride
Director/Writer: Rob Parsons/
Producer: Elaine Shannon/Cast:
Sheldon Garland, Gary Stackhouse/
Length: 5:00/Saint John, New
Brunswick, 2015
A young man who is about take
office as the Prime Minister takes
his last bike ride with a friend.
In Search of Laura Fearn
Director/Writer: Lisa Jodoin/Producer:
Lisa Jodoin, Tracey Lavigne/Cast: Jon
Blizzard, Annick Noël, Will Pacey,
Melissa Lunney/Length: 8:00/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
An acclaimed author’s wife
disappears, and when he can find
no trace that she ever existed at
all, he is forced to delve into his
own mind for answers.
a list
Director/Writer: Matt Rogers/
Producer:Jon Dewar, Rob Gray/Cast:
Ian Goff, Alex Donovan, Kayla-Renée
Ossachuk, John Ball /Length: 11:51/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
A man apathetically watches
the world go by as he works a
dead end job. This all changes
when the grocery list and wallet
of a wealthy man come into his
Director/Writer/Producer: Fonya
Irvine/Cast: Jillian Acreman, Chris
Gairns/Length: 5:11/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
A young couple comes to terms
with the true value of their
Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
New Brunswick Shorts Gala
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Silver Wave Awards: 10:00 PM
Social Venue: Silver Wave Gala Party,
James Joyce Pub at 11:30 PM
Standing Up
Shove Your Winter
Choke Hold
Director/Producer: Robert Parsons, Let
Em Laugh Productions/Writer: Gary
Stackhouse/Cast: Gary Stackhouse,
Robert Parsons/Length: 3:30/Saint
John, New Brunswick, 2015
Music parody documenting the
insane amount of snow that fell in
early 2015.
Director/Writer: R.W. Gray/Producer:
Matt Rogers, Jon Dewar, R.W. Gray/
Cast: Ian Goff, Jesse Lapointe/Length:
13:30/Fredericton, New Brunswick,
Pete and Bobby have been going
to the same parties since Chris
Hansen’s 10th birthday, but they
have never talked, never been
friends. A challenge leads both
men into unexpected territory
where they find that sometimes
you’ve got to get unconscious to
get conscious.
The Lie
As the Crow Cries
Director: Pierre Huard/Writer: Alex
Donovan/Producer: Michel Guitard/
Cast: Quentin Palmer, Gabriel Guitard,
Pierre Huard/Length: 5:00/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
Philippe has a bully, and no one
is on his side. He quickly learns
that sometimes words just aren’t
Director/Writer: Paul Erskine/
Producer: Jamie Oon/Cast: Paul
Erskine, Jamie Oon/Length: 6:50/
Rothesay, New Brunswick, 2015
A suburban housewife’s life is
anything but ordinary.
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Director/Writer: Fonya Irvine/Producer:
Fonya Irvine, Jillian Acreman, Gia
Milani/Cast: James Corbett, Daniel
Lillford, Fonya Irvine/Length: 4:24/
Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2015
James is a young man dealing
with profound grief in an
exceptional manner. Closing
off from the real world, he finds
comfort by escaping into his own
Director/Writer/Producer: Gordon
Mihan, Britany Sparrow/Cast: Collin
Flanagan, Trish McNeill, Ryan Barton,
Jack Ball/Length: 15:40/Fredericton,
New Brunswick, 2015
When a mix up at registration
puts him in an all-girls dorm, Jody
meets his new roommate Alex, a
girl who will stop at nothing to ruin
his time at school.
Saturday Nov 7 / 2015
New Brunswick Shorts Gala
Presented By:
Saturday – November 7, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Silver Wave Awards: Start Time 10:00 PM
Social Venue: Silver Wave Gala Party,
James Joyce Pub at 11:30 PM
Cold Feet on a Winter Wander
Director/Writer: Jamie Oon/Producer:
Paul Erskine/Cast: Paul Erskine, Jamie
Oon/Length: 4:23/Saint John, New
Brunswick, 2015
A runaway bride and a wilderness
recluse trek through snowy lands
in search of hope and solace.
Director: Brock Jorgenson/Writer:
Eric Iversen/Producer: Matt Rogers/
Cast: Connor Morand, Elizabeth
Sterritt/Length: 2:22/Fredericton, New
Brunswick 2015
A young man facing anxiety
sits alone in his bedroom; he
practices his social skills before
attending an event.
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Daydreamer: Confessions and
Reflections of a Superhero
What is Your Name?
Director/Writer/Producer: Jeep Jones/
Length: 13:00/Moncton, New
Brunswick, 2015
A New Brunswick artist animates
one of his journals resulting in a
fascinating, intimate peak inside
the cartoon labyrinth of the artist’s
Director: Gordon Mihan/Writer/
Producer: Gordon Mihan, Lance
Blakney/Cast: Gordon Mihan, Alexa
Higgins/Length: 7:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
A man goes about his day seeing
glimpses into an ethereal
daydream. As the day progresses
and the dream becomes more
sinister and violent, lines begin
to blur.
Director: Mark Hemmings/Writer:
Clyde A. Wray/Producer: Greg
Hemmings/Length: 3:07/Saint John,
New Brunswick, 2015
A collaboration between
photographer/filmmaker Mark
Hemmings and poet Clyde A.
Wray, based on our often failed
desire to look past ourselves
and ask the stranger what their
name is.
Director/Writer/Producer: Jillian
Acreman/Cast: Ryan O’Toole/Length:
8:00/Fredericton, New Brunswick,
A peculiar take on legacy in the
absence of coital reproduction.
Sunday Nov 8 / 2015
Presented By:
Short Docs II
(Memory & Change)
Sunday – November 8, 2015 – 2:00 PM
Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Little Bay Islands
Director: Jason Arsenault/Producer:
Millefiore Clarkes/Length: 15:45/
Belfast, Prince Edward Island, 2015
History appears to be repeating
itself in Newfoundland. Despite
recent improvements to the
provincial economy, a number
of small towns and villages face
deteriorating economic
circumstances and challenges
resulting from living far from
urban centers. One of those
towns is Little Bay Islands, where
the 72 remaining residents are
confronting difficult questions
about the future of their village:
should they stay or should they
Continuous Journey: Lebanese
in New Brunswick
Director/Producer: Alex Vietinghoff/
Length: 11:54/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
This short documentary was
produced in partnership with the
Asian Heritage Society of New
Brunswick, examining Lebanese
culture in New Brunswick as well
as local stories.
Pocket Change
Director/Writer: Dawson Gorham/
Producer: Amy Bourgaize, Matt
Rogers/Length: 7:00/Fredericton, New
Brunswick, 2015
A film produced by FHS students
that looks at equity issues facing
the transgender community and
the small changes necessary for
gender inclusion in educational
Student Voice Award, What’s up
Doc? Film Festival 2015.
Reboot: Rebuild
Director: Ian Estey/Writer/Producer: Ian Estey, Jeffrey Kelley/Length: 23:01/
Hampton, New Brunswick, 2015
Chronicling the emotional and physical comebacks of amateur
bodybuilders who use the sport of bodybuilding as a means of healing
mind, body, and soul. Featuring author and natural bodybuilder Jeffrey
Kelley, who returns to the sport after a ten-year absence, embracing an
overall healthy lifestyle. Joining us on this journey are cancer survivors
Amanda Denton and Randy Davis, who also use the sport of
bodybuilding to reboot and rebuild.
Then Then Then
Director/Producer: Daniel Schioler/Length: 29:50/Montreal, Quebec, 2015
When protest fails, what’s left?
A hypnotic and unsettling blend of archival footage and music, Then
Then Then offers a stark glimpse into the moral struggles of a
generation coming to terms with its own inability to affect social
change. Lesser-known acts of protest spotlight dissenters’ turn to
more radicalized acts of protest against those in power and the
machinery designed to stifle their opposition.
This meditation on civil disobedience is a timely reminder of the
lengths some have gone to in order to have their voices heard.
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Sunday Nov 9 / 2014
Presented By:
Atlantic Feature
Sunday – November 8, 2015 – 2:00 PM
Screening Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Noon Gun
Director/Writer: Caley MacLennan/Producer: Caley
MacLennan, Jessica Brown/Cast: Jarrett Shaw, Holly
Ovadia, Gloria Williams, Taylor Olson, Mo Brown,
David Wojcik/Length: 70:00/Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Every day in Halifax, a neutered but
ceremonial blast fires from a cannon. The
Noon Gun sends a rattle through the old
wooden homes of the North End.
Within one of these homes, an elderly woman
dotes over her graffiti writer grandson. An
interracial couple walk tensely down a side
street. A recovering alcoholic cop lectures his
street-wizened young partner as they walk the
On one day in particular, the Noon Gun blast
ties these groups into a sequence of events.
As these events unfold, each group’s
perspective grows, obscuring reality and
ultimately affecting each other’s lives.
Noon Gun is a story ripped from writer/
director Caley MacLennan’s heart. Focused
on storytelling and performance, the style is
reminiscent of Dogme 95 films.
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Sunday Nov 8/ 2015
New Brunswick Documentary Showcase
Presented By:
Sunday – November 8, 2015 – 4:00 PM
Screening Venue: Charlotte Street Arts Centre
The Utrecht Seals/Les sceaux d’Utrecht
(French with English Subtitles)
Director/Writer: Paul Bossé/Producer: Suzette
Lagacé, Mozus Productions/Host: Samian/Length:
91:00/Moncton, New Brunswick, 2014
The Utrecht treaty was signed in 1713. It
changed the face of the world. This
documentary, hosted by the Algonquin
Métis rapper Samian, tells the story from
the point of view of those who were not at
the table to sign this most important treaty
that had consequences for all populations
of America.
Examining these events, we are reminded
of the foundation of our existing economy
which is still based on the devastating
extraction of our natural resources, and we
discover the attitudes and mentality of the
Aboriginals, the Acadians, and the
Europeans in their relationship to the
exploitation of this land.
Prix La Vague Léonard-Forest et ACIC/ONF pour la
Meilleure Œuvre Acadienne & Audience Choice Award,
FICFA, 2014.
2015 Royal Reel Winners, Canada International Film
Nominated by Académie Canadienne du cinéma et de la
télévision for a prestigious Prix Gémeaux
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Sunday Nov 8 / 2015
Closing Gala: Atlantic Feature
Presented By:
Sunday – November 8, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Venue: Tilley Hall, UNB Campus
Social Venue: James Joyce Pub at 10:00 PM
Director: Harmony Wagner/Writer: Harmony Wagner, Jason Rogerson/
Producer: Jason Rogerson/Cast: Dylan Miller, Tamara Steele, Julien
Kitson, Nathaniel Ing, Adi Vella, Carl Peterson/Length: 76:00/
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 2015
When the owner of a struggling comic book store faces
eviction, he must snap out of his fantasy world and become
his own hero in order to save his store, his friendship, and
Kooperman is a smart, character-driven comedy bromance
that blends rich visuals with a driving laugh-out-loud
plotline, while commenting on society’s obsession with
superheroes in an age of apathy.
Shot on beautiful Prince Edward Island by first time
feature director Harmony Wagner, this film won the 2014
Telefilm Canada Micro-budget Production Fund and showcases a rich
soundtrack of Canadian indie darlings such as Paper Lions, Catherine
MacLellan, Nudie, Coyote and Boxer the Horse.
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NB Silver Wave
Awards 2015
The Silver Wave Awards
Presented By:
Saturday, Nov 7, 2015
Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne
Start Time - 10:00 pm
(Party following awards at James Joyce Pub in the Crowne
Plaza Hotel downtown)
To celebrate the achievements of this year’s filmmakers, you are invited to join them and
special guests and sponsors right after the NB Shorts Gala Program on a Saturday night
that promises to be entertaining and full of surprises. The Annual Silver Wave Awards will
recognize excellence in the cinematic arts and significant contribution to the development
of the film/video/television community. To be eligible for the Silver Wave Awards,
films/videos must have been accepted for screening at the 2015 Silver Wave Film Festival
and be in eligible categories. It’s time again to reward New Brunswick filmmakers and
filmmakers from away in the below award categories for 2015!
1) Best NB Short Drama OR Comedy
(Open to all eligible short NB dramatic/comedic films/
2) Lex Gigeroff Excellence in Screenwriting in a NB Short
Drama OR Comedy
(Open to all eligible short NB dramatic/comedic films/
3) Best Low-Budget NB Documentary (for Under $20,000)
(Open to all NB documentary films/videos of any
4) Excellence in Cinematography in a NB Short Film
5) Excellence in Art Direction in a NB Short Film
6) Excellence in Sound Design in a NB Short Film
7) Excellence in Picture Editing in a NB Short Film
8) Excellence in Music Composition in a NB Short Film
9) Outstanding Performance by a NB Actor in a Short Drama
OR Comedy
10) Outstanding Performance by a NB Actress in a Short
Drama OR Comedy
11) Best Experimental OR Animated Short Film
(Open to all short films/videos)
12) Best French Short Film (dependent on number of
13) Best Youth Short Film
14) Best Student Short Film (dependent on number of
15) Best Documentary (open to all documentaries of all
16) Best Canadian or International Short
17) Best Horror/Sci-Fi Short
18) Best Music Video (Open to all all music videos in the
Atlantic Music Video Showcase)
19) Jane LeBlanc Filmmaker Award ($1880.00 value)
(for first time Filmmakers)
• $200 in workshops/training from the NBFC (2016)
• $600 cash from The LeBlanc Family and generous
• $1000 in equipment and post services from NBFC
• $80 (full membership for two years) from the NBFC
• Workshopping of winning screenplay
Presented by the New Brunswick Filmmakers’
Co-operative & the LeBlanc Family
20) CBC/New Brunswick Joy ($18,500)
• $2,000 in cash from CBC
• $1,000 in cash from New Brunswick Filmmakers’
• $10,000 in equipment resources from Equifilm
• $5,500 in equipment or facilities from the New
Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative
21) Viewer’s Choice Award
Chosen by the fest audience and announced after the
The Silver Wave Award Statues
are Sponsored by:
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Happy 15th Anniversary!