Class Description for 7th Grade Health Voicemail #: (503) 356-2580 Teacher: Kristen Gustafson X 5624 Wesley Showalter X 5626 Every student at Conestoga Middle School is scheduled for nine weeks of health each year. During the school year, students attend health for three-week intervals in lieu of PE. The ultimate goal for each course of health is to encourage the following components: enhancing health behaviors, promoting health literacy, preventing disease, and reducing health related risk behaviors. As a health educator, I strive to create a classroom environment that is dynamic, challenging, and conducive to the development and practice of life skills. I strongly encourage each student to share the information they receive in class with their families. A copy of the course outline (in the order in which the units will be taught) has been provided to keep you updated on the information that will be covered throughout the health course. Academic Learning Targets for 7th Grade Health: Learning Targets have been Email Address: Kristen_gustafson@ Wesley_Showalter @beaverton.k12.o developed for every subject/class for the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Targets are intended to clearly identify and align the expected learning. These targets are consistent across all 8 of the Beaverton middle schools. Literacy Learning Targets have also been developed, and are always part of what I teach. These Targets can be found on our school's website and are not included in the list below. Health Education Standards KEY: CC=Concepts SM=Self-Management DM=Decision Making AV=Advocacy AI=Accessing Information INF=Analyzing Influences GS=Goal Setting IC=Interpersonal Communication Healthy Eating: • Track progress toward achieving a short-term personal goal related to variety and moderation within healthy eating (GS). • Identify how food choices are influenced by culture, family, media, technology, peers, body image, and emotions (INF). • Explain eating disorders and symptoms (CC). • Identify disordered eating habits and symptoms (CC). • Advocate for healthy diets at school and at home (AV). Mental, Social & Emotional Health: District Goal for 2010-15: All students will show continuous progress toward their personal learning goals, developed in collaboration with teachers and parents, and will be prepared for post-secondary education and career success. • • • • • • • Identify school, home and community resources for mental and emotional health concerns (AI). Demonstrate effective communication skills that encourage healthy relationships (IC). Make decisions that enhance or establish health relationships (DM). Analyze influences that may affect self-esteem (e.g. peers, media, adults) (INF). Advocate for health communication skills within relationships (AV). Explain eating disorders and symptoms (CC). Identify disordered eating habits and symptoms (CC). Violence Prevention: • • • • Explain how violence, aggression, bullying and harassment affects health and safety (CC). Identify that media contains violent messages (CC). Explain how witnesses and bystanders can help prevent violence by reporting dangerous situations (CC). Advocate for the promotion of respect and empathy for individual differences (AV). Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs: • Demonstrate refusal skills around the use of ATOD (IC). • Use a refusal skill model to avoid or refuse addictive substances (IC). • Identify the influences that may encourage young people to try addictive drugs (INF). • Explain the short- and long-term effects, including social, legal, economic, and cosmetic, of ATOD (including inhalant) use (CC). • Identify the effects of ATOD use during pregnancy (CC). • Advocate in the school and community for a drug- and tobacco-free environment (AV). • Determine resources for help on alcohol and other drug issues (AI). • Identify individual factors that modify drug effects including age, gender, weight, dosage, purity, tolerance and drug interactions (INF). • Explain appropriate use of “over the counter” and prescription drugs (CC). Academic Learning Targets for 7th Grade Health Continued: Prevention & Control of Disease: • Identify the differences between communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases (CC). Sexual Health: • Advocate for the promotion of abstinence as the safest, most effective method of prevention of STD/HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and pregnancy (AV). • Acknowledge that abstinence is the safest, most effective method of protection from STD/HIV and pregnancy (CC). • Identify the methods of protection from STD/HIV, pregnancy, and Hepatitis B, including abstinence, disease reduction measures, and contraception (CC). • Analyze how our values influence our sexual health-related decisions (INF). Grading Policy: A standards based grading system will be used to determine the level and depth of a student's Health knowledge and skills. This grading system will provide students and their families with more detailed information regarding the progress their student is making in my class. Students will be given multiple opportunities throughout the semester to demonstrate their level of proficiency in Health. Rubrics: To improve a student's proficiency or mastery of the learning, a rubric will be used to judge student progress and to provide feedback on the assigned learning targets. Additional information on the Health Learning Targets and Rubrics can be accessed on Conestoga's website. Grading Principles: 1. The purpose of grades is to communicate student learning. A student’s final grade will be based on summary judgments of the learning targets. It is not possible to solely use an average to determine a grade using this model. In some cases, the median or the mode will be the best measure of center to represent your child’s progress. Principles of statistics will be used to make this decision. District Goal for 2010-15: All students will show continuous progress toward their personal learning goals, developed in collaboration with teachers and parents, and will be prepared for post-secondary education and career success. 2. Grades should reflect the current level of achievement. The most recent evidence of student achievement on the learning targets will be used in calculating summary judgments. As students grow in their understanding of the learning target, it is expected that their scores will increase, as multiple opportunities are given to demonstrate understanding. As more recent evidence shows understanding, earlier evidence may have less impact in the summary judgments. 3. One assessment may be weighted more than another. Some assessments may deserve greater weight than others in calculating the final grade. Performance assessments (end of unit assessments, unit quizzes, etc.) will be weighted more than skill assessments (assignments leading up to the performance assessments). Again, principles of statistics and the teacher’s professional judgment will be used to make these decisions. Beaverton School District Behavior Learning Targets: Students will receive a score for each the learning targets listed using the rubric below: 1. BLT 1 Manage Responsibilities: I can manage my responsibilities as a student. 2. BLT 2 Self-Directed Learning: I can self-direct my learning 3. BLT 3 Classroom Interactions: I can effectively communicate and work effectively within a team or I can self-direct my learning. Rarely (R) Generally (G) I rarely manage my responsibilities as a student. I generally manage my responsibilities as a student. I rarely monitor, evaluate, and direct my learning. I generally monitor, evaluate, and direct my learning. I rarely clearly communicate and work effectively within a team or group. I generally clearly communicate and work effectively within a team or group. Consistently & Independently (CI) I consistently and independently manage my responsibilities as a student. I consistently and independently monitor, evaluate, and direct my learning. I consistently and independently clearly communicate and consistently work effectively within a team or group. Personal Management: This is what I expect of all students. 1. 2. 3. 4. District Goal for 2010-15: All students will show continuous progress toward their personal learning goals, developed in collaboration with teachers and parents, and will be prepared for post-secondary education and career success. Participate cooperatively and productively to identify and solve problems. Display initiative and demonstrate respect for others Plan, organize, and complete assigned tasks accurately and on time. Exhibits work ethic, performance and integrity, including the ability to be responsible and dependable. Please Sign and Cut on line below and return to your teacher. _____________________________________________________ After reviewing the information listed above, please have your child return this slip back signed. Thank you! Name: ____________________ Class Period:________ Family signature: ___________________ Date:____________