Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 Modelling and simulation of induction motors with inter-turn faults for diagnostics M. Arkan a , D. Kostic-Perovic b , P.J. Unsworth c,∗ a Inonu University, Engineering Faculty, Electrical–Electronics Department, Malatya, Turkey b Dana Corporation, Automotive Motion Technology Ltd., Andover, UK c University of Sussex, School of Engineering and IT, Brighton BN1 9QT, UK Received 20 April 2004; received in revised form 10 August 2004; accepted 18 August 2004 Available online 4 May 2005 Abstract This paper presents two orthogonal axis models for simulation of three-phase induction motors having asymmetrical windings and inter-turn short circuits on the stator. The first model assumes that each stator phase winding has a different number of turns. To model shorted stator turns, the second model assumes phase as has two windings in series, representing the unaffected portion and the shorted portion. It uses the results of the first model to transfer phase as to qd so that shorted portion is transferred to the q axis. Simulations results from the models are in good agreement with other studies and are compared with experiment carried out on a specially wound motor with taps to allow different number of turns to be shorted. The models have been successfully used to study the transient and steady state behaviour of the induction motor with short-circuited turns, and to test stator fault diagnostic algorithms operating in real time. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Induction motors; Turn faults; Modelling; Diagnostics; Orthaogonal axis 1. Introduction Because of costly machinery repair, extended process down time, and health and safety problems, a trend in modern industry is to focus attention and resources on fault detection and predictive maintenance strategies for industrial plant [1,2]. It is known that approximately 36% of induction motor failures are caused by failure of the stator winding, and it is believed that these faults begin as undetected turn-to-turn faults in a coil, which progress to catastrophic phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground short circuit faults [1,2]. To achieve prior warning of failure so that an orderly shut-down may be made to avoid catastrophic failure, shorted turns within a stator winding coil must be detected or predicted [1–5]. ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: markan@inonu.edu.tr (M. Arkan), dragica.kostic-perovic@dana.com (D. Kostic-Perovic), p.j.unsworth@sussex.ac.uk (P.J. Unsworth). 0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2004.08.015 Modelling of induction motors with shorted turns is the first step in the design of turn fault detection systems [3]. Simulation of transient and steady state behaviour of motors with these models enable correct evaluation of the measured data by diagnostics techniques. The asymmetrical induction machine has been a subject of considerable interest. Brown and Butler [6] have utilized symmetrical component theory to establish a general method of analysis for operation of polyphase induction motors having asymmetrical primary connection. Jha and Murthy [7] have utilized rotating field concepts to develop a generalized theory of induction machines having asymmetrical windings on both stator and rotor. Winding-function-based models presented in Refs. [8,9], and models presented in Refs. [10,11] need motor geometrical design parameters. The generalized theory of electrical machines incorporating orthogonal or qd0 axis theory is generally accepted as the preferred approach to almost all types of transient and steady state phenomena [12]. The analysis of machines is greatly facilitated by the standard transformation 58 M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 to qd0 axis. The same transformation process can be applied to machines in which there are phase unbalances [13]. Hence, it is useful to extend this approach to also incorporate problems encountered with asymmetrical induction motors. The aim of this paper is to present a useful and straightforward method to simulate inter-turn short circuits for diagnostic purposes. The fault can be simulated by disconnecting one or more turns making up a stator phase winding [9,14]. Firstly an induction motor model with unequal numbers of stator turns has been developed. Then using this model, a second model has been developed to simulate stator inter-turn short circuits. Models are simulated in Matlab® Simulink® and simulation results are presented. Results obtained are confirmed with a conventional asymmetrical motor model in a three-phase, non-orthogonal base, and by experimental results obtained from a specially wound motor. s r11 s r12 s r13 s s s r22 r23 where rsqd0 = r21 and matrix elements s s s r31 r32 r33 are given in Appendix A and assuming rar = rbr = rcr = rr , rrqd0 = rr I3x3 . In matrix notation, the flux linkages of the stator and rotor windings may be written in terms of the winding inductances and the current as sr λsabc Lss isabc abc Labc = (3) rr λrabc Lrs irabc abc Labc where stator and rotor inductances are Lasas Lasbs Lascs Lss and Lrr abc = abc = Lbsas Lbsbs Lbscs , Lcsas Lcsbs Lcscs Larar Larbr Larcr Lbrar Lbrbr Lbrcr Because of symmetry, stator Lcrar Lcrbr Lcrcr 2. Induction motor model with different numbers of mutual inductances have Lasbs = Lbsac , Lascs = Lcsas and Lbscs stator turns = Lcsbs . Similarly rotor self- and mutual inductances have Larar = Lbrbr = Lcrcr , and Larbr = Larcr = Lbrar = Lbrcr = Lcrar The model for a symmetrical three-phase induction motor = Lcrbr , respectively. is well known [15–18]. To derive equations for asymmetrical Those of the stator-to-rotor mutual inductances are destator winding and rotor, the following assumptions have been pendent on the rotor angle (orientated with respect to stator), made: therefore 2π 2π L cos θ L cos θ cos θ + − L asar r ascr r r asbr 3 3 2π 2π sr (4) Labc = Lbsar cos θr − Lbscr cos θr + Lbsbr cos θr 3 3 2π 2π Lcsbr cos θr − Lcscr cos θr Lcsar cos θr + 3 3 With the appropriate subscripts as, bs, cs, ar, br, and cr, the voltage equations of the magnetically coupled stator and rotor circuits can be written as follows: sr and Lrs abc = Labc where ( ) means the transpose of the matrix. The coefficients Lasar , Lasbr , Lascr , Lbsar , Lbsbr , Lbscr , Lcsar , Lcsbr , and Lcscr are peak values of stator-to-rotor mutual inductances. Because of rotor symmetry Lasar = Lasbr = Lascr , Lbsar = Lbsbr = Lcscr , and Lcsar = Lcsbr = Lcscr . The stator and rotor qd0 flux linkages are obtained by applying transformation to the stator and rotor abc flux linkages in Eq. (3), that is vsabc = rsabc isabc + pλsabc , s sr r λsqd0 = Lss qd0 iqd0 + Lqd0 iqd0 , • each stator phase of the motor has a different number of turns, but uniform spatial displacement is assumed; • magnetic saturation is not present. 0 = rrabc irabc + pλrabc (1) where p = d/dt. Applying a stationary reference frame transformation to this equation yields the corresponding qd0 equations and Eq. (1) becomes vsqd0 = rsqd0 isqd0 + pλsqd0 , 0 0 = rrqd0 irqd0 − ωr −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 λrqd0 + pλrqd0 0 s rr r λrqd0 = Lrs qd0 iqd0 + Lqd0 iqd0 ss L11 ss ss where Lqd0 = L21 (2) Lsr 11 sr L21 Lsr 31 Lsr 12 Lsr 22 Lsr 32 0 0 , 0 Lss 31 Lrr qd0 (5) Lss 12 Lss 13 Lss 32 Lss 33 Lss 22 Lrr 11 = 0 0 Lss 23 , 0 Lrr 22 0 Lsr qd0 = 0 0 , Lrr 33 and M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 0.5 Lsr 31 sr −0.5 Lsr Lrs 32 . Matrix elements of qd0 = L12 0 0 0 sr rr rs , L Lss , L , and L qd0 qd0 qd0 qd0 are given in Appendix A. Normally, an induction machine is connected to a threephase supply by a three-wire connection (i.e. neutral current does not flow). Hence, for a squirrel cage induction machine and three-wire connection, the stator and rotor flux linkages in Eq. (5) may be expressed compactly as λsq Lsr 11 Lsr 21 Lsr 22 Lss 11 λs Lss d 21 r = sr λq L11 Lsr 21 λrd Lss 12 Lsr 11 Lsr 12 Lrr 11 0 Lss 22 Lsr 22 Lsr 21 Lsr 12 isq s Lsr 22 id 0 irq Lrr 22 (6) ird 2.1. Determination of inductances In order to define asymmetrical machine inductances, assume stator phases as, bs and cs have numbers of winding turns given by Na , Nb , and Nc , respectively, and that rotor phases ar, br and cr have winding turns given by Nar = Nbr = Ncr = Nr . If self- and mutual inductances are known for a symmetrical machine with reference number of turns Ns , new parameters for an asymmetrical machine can be defined from these inductance values as described in [2,15,18]. By using known parameters the stator self-inductances for phases as, bs and cs can be calculated as Lasas N2 = a2 Ns 2 Lls + Lm 3 = Na2 Lmls Larar = Lbrbr = Lcrcr = Llr + Lcscs = Nc2 Lmls (9) 2 Nr2 Lm = Llr + Lmar (13) 3 Ns2 N2 where Lmar = 23 Nr2 Lm . For the same reason, rotor mutual s inductances are also equal to each other and given by Larbr = Larcr = Lbrar = Lbrcr = Lcrar 1 2 Nr2 1 = Lcrbr = − L m = − Lmar 2 3 Ns2 2 (14) Previously defined stator-to-rotor mutual inductances can be defined in term of new parameters. Because of rotor symmetry (turn numbers for each rotor phase are equal) mutual inductances will be Lasar = Lasbr = Lascr , Lbsar = Lbsbr = Lbscr , and Lcsar = Lcsbr = Lcscr . Referring to Fig. 1, we can see that the rotor phase ar is displaced from stator phase as by the electrical angle θ r , where θ r is a variable. The corresponding mutual inductances will vary with θ r . The variable sine and cosine factors are already present in Eq. (4), so peak mutual inductances will be Lasar = Lasbr = Lascr = 2 N a Nr Lm = Na Lmsr 3 Ns2 (15) Lbsar = Lbsbr = Lbscr = 2 Nb N r Lm = Nb Lmsr 3 Ns2 (16) Lcsar = Lcsbr = Lcscr = 2 Nc N r Lm = Nc Lmsr 3 Ns2 (17) where Lmsr = (8) 2 Nr 3 Ns2 Lm . 2.2. Simulation of the asymmetrical induction motors where Lmls = Lls + . The stator mutual inductances between phases as and bs, bs and cs, and cs and as can be derived as 1 N a Nb 2 Lm 1 =− Lm Lasbs = Lbsas = − Na Nb 2 3 Ns 2 3 Ns2 1 Ns2 Therefore (7) Lbsbs = Nb2 Lmls 59 2 3 Lm = Na Nb Lmss In this subsection, equations are rearranged for the asymmetrical induction motor model that has been developed. The qd-applied voltage in a reference frame fixed to the stator can be obtained from the stator phase voltage vas , vbs , and vcs by standard transformation [17]. The qd voltages will be (10) Lascs = Lcsas = Na Nc Lmss (11) Lbscs = Lcsbs = Nb Nc Lmss (12) where Lmss = − 13 LNm2 . s The rotor self- and mutual inductances can be found by a similar way. Because the rotor is assumed symmetric, the total self-inductances of rotor phases ar, br and cr are equal. Fig. 1. Induction machine winding displacement. 60 M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 2 1 1 2 vas − (vbs + vcs ) = vag − (vbg + vcg ) , 3 2 3 2 vsq = 1 1 vsd = √ (−vbs + vcs ) = √ (−vbg + vcg ) 3 3 (18) where vag , vbg , and vcg are supply phase voltages. Flux linkages may be obtained from Eq. (2) for a threewire system to give s s s s λsq = (vsq − r11 iq − r12 id ) dt, λsd = λrq λrd = s s s s (vsd − r21 iq − r22 id ) dt, (ωr λrd − rrr irq ) dt, =− (ωr λrq + rrr ird ) dt (19) The current can be found by inverting Eq. (6). The speed of the machine can be obtained from the torque equation as P (Tem + Tmech − Tdamp ) dt ωr (t) = (20) 2J Tem is the electromagnetic torque impressed on the shaft of the machine and can be expressed as 3P s s (21) (λ i − λsq isd ) 22 d q Tmech is the externally applied mechanical torque in the direction of the rotor speed, Tdamp is the damping torque in the opposite direction of the rotor speed, and J is inertia. By using Eqs. (18)–(21) with resistances and inductances that are defined in Appendix A, a motor with asymmetrical windings can be simulated. The compact model for the simulation of the asymmetrical motor is shown in Fig. 2. Results of simulation in Fig. 2 are fed to a diagnostic block that uses negative sequence current to display motor condition. Supply voltage and motor current are decomposed into their positive and negative sequence components by using a power decomposition technique [19] and the condition of the motor is analysed using a method that has been described in [2,4,20]. Tem = 3. Induction motor model with inter-turn stator short circuit In order to develop an induction motor model with a stator inter-turn short circuit, it has been assumed that phase as has two windings in series comprising Nus unshorted turns and Nsh shorted turn(s), where Nas = Nus + Nsh = Ns , the overall number of turns Ns . The phases bs and cs have Nbs = Ncs = Ns . By assuming the unequal numbers of stator turns, the first model can be used for induction motor model with inter-turn short circuit to transfer motor equation from abc axes to qd0 axes. By doing this, the Nsh turn shorted winding can be introduced in qd0 axes. The fault severity can be changed by varying the number of shorted turns, and by a current limiting resistance across the short circuit windings. The same assumptions that were made for the first model are valid for this model as well. In the following, the modification of equations for the new model is presented. The self-inductances for phase as, bs, and cs in Eqs. (7)–(9) will be Lasas 2 Lm 2 Lls + Lm + 2Nus Nsh 3 3 Ns2 N2 2 Lls + Lm + sh 2 3 Ns N2 = us Ns2 2 = (Nus Lmls + Nus Nsh Lmsh ) 2 +(Nus Nsh Lmsh + Nsh Lmls ) = (Lasas + Lassh ) + (Lassh + Lshsh ) where Lmsh = winding(s). 2 Lm 3 Ns2 Lbsbs = Lcscs = Ns2 Ns2 (22) and subscript ‘sh’ is used for shorted 2 Lls + Lm 3 = Ns2 Lmls (23) As it can be seen from Eq. (22), the phase as self-inductance contains the unshorted self-inductance Lasas , the mutual inductance between unshorted and shorted turns Lassh , and the shorted turns self-inductance Lshsh . The stator mutual inductances will be Lasbs = − 1 N a Ns 1 Nus 1 Nsh Lm = − Lm − Lm 3 Ns2 3 Ns 3 Ns = Lasbs + Lshbs (24) Lascs = Lbsas = Lcsas = Lasbs + Lshbs , 1 Lbscs = Lcsbs = − Lm 3 Fig. 2. Simulation of asymmetrical induction motor model. (25) The stator-to-rotor mutual inductances in Eqs. (15)–(17) will be M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 2 N a Nr Lm 3 Ns2 Lasr = Lasar = Lasbr = Lascr = = 61 2 Nus Nr 2 Nsh Nr Lm + Lm = Lasar + Lshar 3 Ns2 3 Ns2 (26) Lbsr = Lbsar = Lbsbr = Lbscr = Lcsar = Lcsbr = Lcscr = 2 Ns N r Lm 3 Ns2 (27) As in the previous section, assuming that stator windings have different numbers of turns, dq0 axes inductances can be obtained for an inter-turn short circuit condition by using the newly defined self- and mutual inductances. The transformass sr sr tions of Lss abc to Lqd0 and Labc to Lqd0 are Lss qd0 Lss 11 = 0 0 Lss 22 Lss 31 0 Lsr 11 0 Lsr 22 Lsr qd0 = 0 Lsr 31 0 Lss 13 0 and Lss 33 0 0 0 Lrs qd0 Lrr 33 0 Lsr 11 = 0 0 0 Lsr 22 0.5Lsr 31 0 0 0 (28) λsd (29) λsh q s λq λs d r λq λrd Lsh q ssh Lq = 0 shr Lq 0 Lssh q Lsq 0 Lsr q 0 0 0 Lsd 0 Lsr d Lshr q Lsr q 0 Lrq 0 0 ish q 0 isq s Lsr d id 0 irq Lrd (30) ird The stator phase resistances are ras = Na Nus Nsh rs = rs + rs = ras + rsh Ns Ns Ns rbs = rcs = rs (31) (32) 0 s r21 s r22 The shorted portion of the stator winding (sh) is seen to only appear in the q-axis element. The matrix elements are given in Appendix A. Fig. 3 shows the motor model with an interturn short circuit, which only effects part of the q-axis stator winding. rext is an external short circuit current limiting resistance. Flux linkages may be obtained from Eq. (2) for a threewire system in the stationary reference frame to give sh λsh = (vsh q q − rsh iq ) dt, λsq = rr r r where Lrr 11 = Lq and L22 = Ld . Matrix elements are given in Appendix A. The stator and rotor flux linkages for the new model of a squirrel cage induction motors will be where rsh is the shorted winding(s) resistance. Stator qd resistance for new model will be sh 2 rq 0 3 rsh 0 s s s (33) r11 r12 rq = 0 rds ss s sr s ssh sh ssh where Lss 11 = (Lq + Lq ) + (Lq + Lq ), L22 = Ld , L11 sr sr sr shr = Lq + Lq and L22 = Ld . Similarly, the results of transformation of rotor self- and mutual inductances can be simplified as rr 0 0 L11 Lrr 0 and Lrr qd0 = 0 22 0 Fig. 3. Motor model with inter-turn stator short circuit. = λrq = λrd = − s s s s (vsq − vsh q − r11 iq − r12 id ) dt, s s s s (vsd − r21 iq − r22 id ) dt, (ωr λrd − rrr irq ) dt, (ωr λrq + rrr ird ) dt (34) Note that vsh q will be zero if the external resistance rext is zero. The current can be found by inverting Eq. (30). 4. Simulation results The models developed have been simulated in Matlab® Simulink® and the following simulation results are for a 2 hp motor whose parameters are given in Appendix A. The results are taken during acceleration from stand still to full speed. Figs. 4 and 5 are results for acceleration from stand still to full speed at full load under normal conditions. Initially, motor currents are not symmetrical because of the starting 62 M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 Fig. 4. Torque and speed variation. Fig. 6. Torque and speed variation with five turns shorted. transient. This introduces high negative sequence current until the motor reaches full speed. Figs. 6 and 7 show the simulation results from stand still to full speed at full load with five turns shorted. The supply negative sequence current is around 400 mA. Because of stator asymmetry, the torque graph in Fig. 6 shows the expected pulsation at twice supply frequency (2fs ) even at steady state. This is because the negative sequence current introduces a braking torque in the motor. The short circuit current of 60 A in the shorted turns seen in Fig. 7 is 2.6 times the normal locked rotor current of 23 A. Figs. 8 and 9 are for same condition but with an external 1.5 resistance to limit short circuit current to avoid destruction of the motor. This limits short circuit current to nearly 3 A, and supply negative sequence current to 27 mA. The torque still has pulsation 2fs but is much smaller as seen in Fig. 8. Fig. 7. Positive sequence, negative sequence, and short circuit currents for five turns shorted. Fig. 5. Positive and negative sequence currents (rms). Fig. 8. Torque and speed variation with five turns shorted with 1.5 resistance. M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 Fig. 9. Positive sequence, negative sequence and short circuit currents for five turns shorted with 1.5 resistance. 4.1. Comparison of experimental with simulated results In order to validate the results from the dynamic model developed, an experimental investigation was also conducted. The results in Table 1 compare experimental results with simulation results obtained for a specially wound 2 hp motor with up to four turns shorted. Experimental and simulated short circuit currents have been limited by using an external 0.3 r ext resistance. In is motor negative sequence current, and Ir ext is short circuit current in the external current limiting resistance. Results have also been obtained by simulation for different numbers of directly shorted turns (rext = 0). For rext = 0 negative sequence current In is proportional to the number n of shorted turns In ∼ = kn Fig. 10. Short circuit current vs. shorted turns for different external resistance values (rext ). circuit current is almost independent of the number of shorted turn when external resistance is zero, at 2.6 times locked rotor current. This means that for a short circuit fault involving only few turns, the motor will run for a considerable time, from a few minutes to an hour, since the shorted turns can dissipate heat into adjacent turns. In addition, as their temperature rises, their resistance increases, and Fig. 10 shows that the current reduces quite rapidly with additional resistance within the short circuit path (rext in the experimental study). Fig. 11 presents relation between the number of shorted turns, external current limiting resistance, and negative sequence current. 4.3. Effect of unequal winding temperatures 4.2. Relation between shorted turns and negative sequence current In ∝ n or 63 If a motor is operated from an unbalanced voltage supply, the heating effect of unequal phase currents will cause (35) where k is constant. Fig. 10 shows Ir ext current in the external resistance and number of shorted turns relation with 0 and 0.2 external current limiting resistance. As it can be seen from figure short Table 1 Experimental and simulation results for different numbers of shorted turns with short circuit current limited externally n 1 2 3 4 Experimental result Simulation result In (mA) In (mA) Ir ext (A) 5.6 16 31.4 48.5 2.9 5.6 8.1 10.2 4 15 30 54 Ir ext (A) 2.7 5.3 8.98 10 Fig. 11. Negative sequence current vs. shorted turns for different external resistance values (rext ). Short circuit current limited by 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 resistance. 64 M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 With the motor parameters used in the simulations (see Appendix A) at rated voltage 240 V and full-load current 2.7 A, Eq. (40) can be simplified to runb = 0.69n (41) From simulation results, runb = 0.63n is obtained, which is close to the theoretical relation (Eq. (41)). Hence a thermal increase in resistance of one phase (due to current unbalance) by 0.69 relative to the other windings will give the same effect as a single turn short circuit. For the motor used, this is a 17% increase, which is equivalent to a 42.5 ◦ C increase in temperature in one winding over the other windings. Fig. 12. Negative sequence current vs. extra series resistance runb . resistive unbalance to develop between the phases, whose contribution to negative sequence current could be confused with a stator fault. This is now considered. Assuming an additional temperature rise in only one motor phase, its effect may be obtained by considering an unbalance resistance runb in series with stator phase as. The maximum added resistance runb is 1 which is equivalent to a 61.5 ◦ C temperature rise. In is linearly proportional to runb (see Fig. 12). In ∝ runb (36) The relation between runb and negative sequence current can be defined [2] as In = Isp runb 3 Zn + (runb /3) (37) where Isp is positive sequence current, Zn = r rr the above rs + 2−sp + j(Xs + Xr ), and if Zn unb 3 equation can be simplified to In = runb Isp 3 Zn (38) under balanced supply conditions. The relation between negative sequence and the number of shorted turns n is presented in [2] as In = 3 n Vsp 8 N s Zs (39) where Vsp is the applied positive sequence voltage, Ns the total number of turns, n the number of shorted turn, and Zs = |rs + jXs |. The relation between runb and n to give the same negative sequence current can be defined from Eqs. (38) and (39) runb 9 1 Zn Vsp = n 8 N Zs Isp (40) 5. Conclusion Two models have been developed for analysing an asymmetrical induction motor. The models are based on general machine parameters so that it is not necessary to know detailed motor geometry or physical layout of the windings. New parameters for asymmetrical conditions have been presented. The models have also been confirmed against simulation results obtained from a conventional asymmetrical motor model in a three phase non-orthogonal base, which requires seven differential equations. It has not been presented because of space. Inter-turn faults can be easily simulated by the model. Fault severity can be controlled by the number of shorted turns and an optional current limiting resistance to short circuit the windings. Simulation results have been used in [2,4,20,21] to check fault detection algorithms for stator faults. The models have been used to study the relation between the number of shorted turns and negative sequence current, the effects of resistive unbalance between the phases due to the heating effect of unbalanced phase currents, and temperature effects on shorted turn resistance. Results confirm that negative sequence current and shorted number of turns are linearly dependant, and that resistive unbalance can produce comparable negative sequence current, so that fault detection algorithms should be able to distinguish between the effects of turn shorts and thermal unbalance [2,4,20]. The results obtained for short circuit under limited short circuit current (by external resistance) reveal that sensitivity depends on number of shorted turns and short circuit current. Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr. Peter Lindon for providing a conventional asymmetrical motor model in a three-phase nonorthogonal base to validate the developed models, and for his valuable discussions. M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 ss ss ss (7)–(13) it can be shown that Lss 12 = L13 = L21 = L23 = ss ss ss ss ss L31 = L32 = 0 and L11 = L22 = Lls + Lm , L33 = Lls . Appendix A A.1. Matrix elements for induction motor with different numbers of stator turns The qd0 resistances elements are: 2 1 1 s r11 = ras + rbs + rcs 3 4 4 √ 3 s = r12 (rbs − rcs ) 6 A.3. The stator-to-rotor qd0 mutual inductances (42) (43) s r13 = 1 (2ras − rbs − rcs ) 3 (44) s r22 = 1 (rbs + rcs ) 2 (45) 1 = (ras + rbs + rcs ) 3 s r33 (46) A.2. The stator qd0 self- and mutual inductances 1 Lss 12 = √ (Lbsbs − Lcscs − Lasbs + Lascs ) 2 3 Lss 13 = 2 (Lasas − .5Lbsbs − .5Lcscs + .5Lasbs 3 + .5Lascs − Lbscs ) 1 Lss 21 = √ (.5Lbsbs − .5Lcscs − Lasbs + Lascs ) 3 (55) (56) (57) sr sr sr Lsr 21 = L12 , and L32 = −L12 . When Na = Nb = Nc = Ns , Lasar = Lasbr = Lascr = Lbsar = Lbsbr = Lbscr = Lcsar = Lcsbr = Lcscr Nr sr and mutual inductances will be Lsr 11 = L22 = Ns Lm and sr sr sr sr L12 = L21 = L31 = L32 = 0. A.4. The rotor qd0 self- and mutual inductances 3 Nr2 rr Lrr = L = L + = L + Lm L mar lr lr 11 22 2 Ns2 (58) Lrr 33 = Llr (59) A.5. Matrix elements for induction motor with inter-turn stator short circuit (48) The stator qd self- and mutual inductances: From (49) and (53), the stator qd self- and mutual inductances can be defined as follows 2 Lss 11 = (Lasas + .5Lbsbs − 2Lasbs + .5Lbscs ) 3 2 (Lasas + .5(Lbsbs + Lbscs ) − 2Lasbs ) = 3 2 + (Lassh − Lshbs )] + [Lshsh + (Lassh − Lshbs )] 3 (49) (50) 1 = (Lbsbs + Lcscs − 2Lbscs ) 2 (51) Lss 23 1 = √ (−Lbsbs + Lcscs − Lasbs + Lascs ) 3 (52) 1 (Lasas + Lbsbs + Lcscs + 2Lasbs 3 + 2Lascs + 2Lbscs ) (54) (47) Lss 22 Lss 33 = Lsr 11 = Lasr + .25Lbsr + .25Lcsr √ 3 sr (Lbsr − Lcsr ) L12 = 4 3 Lsr 22 = (Lbsr + Lcsr ) 4 The rotor self- and mutual inductances are Lss qd0 matrix elements are: 2 (Lasas + .25Lbsbs + .25Lcscs − Lasbs 3 − Lascs + .5Lbscs ) Because of rotor symmetry, the coefficients of stator-to-rotor mutual inductances can be simplified as Nasar = Nasbr = Nascr = Nasr , Nbsar = Nbsbr = Nbscr = Nbsr , and Ncsar = Ncsbr = Ncscr = Ncsr , and the transformation result is Lsr 31 = .5Lasr − .25Lbsr − .25Lcsr s = r s , r s = − 1 r s , r s = 1 r s , and r s = −r s , where r21 12 23 32 12 2 12 31 2 13 Nb Nc a ras = N r , r = r , and r = r , when N = Nb = s s cs s a bs Ns Ns N s = rs = s = r and r s s = r s = r s = r s = Nc = Ns , r11 r33 s 22 12 13 21 23 s = r s = 0. r31 32 Lss 11 = 65 sh ssh = (Lsq + Lssh q ) + (Lq + Lq ) (60) 1 (Lbsbs + Lcscs − 2Lbscs ) = Lbsbs − Lbscs 2 = Lls + Lm = Lsd (61) Lss 22 = (53) 1 ss 1 ss ss and Lss 31 = 2 L13 , and L32 = 2 L23 . When Na = Nb = Nc , Nasas = Nbsbs = Ncscs and Nasbs = Nascs = Nbscs . By using Eqs. The stator-to-rotor qd mutual inductances: From (54) and (55), the stator-to-rotor qd mutual inductances can be defined as follows: Lsr 11 = Lasr + .25Lbsr + .25Lcsr = Lasr + .5Lbsr shr = (Lasr + .5Lbsr ) + Lshar = Lsr q + Lq (62) 66 M. Arkan et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 75 (2005) 57–66 3 3 (63) (Lbsr + Lcsr ) = Lbsr = Lsr d 4 2 The rotor self- and mutual inductances and resistances will be the same as before. Lsr 22 = A.6. Motor parameters Reliance motor parameters: Line voltage 460 V Full load line current Horse power Rated speed at 60 Hz Number of poles 2.7 A 4 Power factor Service factor 0.815 1.15 2 hp 1752 rpm Total number of turns per phase Stator winding resistance Stator leakage inductance Rotor resistance (stator referred) Rotor leakage inductance (stator referred) Magnetising inductance Rotor inertia 252 4.05 13.97 mH 2.6 13.97 mH 538.68 mH 0.06 kg m2 References [1] W.T. 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