Complete a quote quickly and accurately with QuickFill® Property

Complete a quote
quickly and
accurately with
QuickFill® Property
You need accuracy, speed, and efficiency when completing a
homeowners insurance quote, a process that’s often timeconsuming for you and the applicant. What’s more, many applicants don’t have the necessary details when they call or apply
online, and that can lead to incomplete applications or high
abandon rates. You can lose a potential customer or — without
the right information — improperly underwrite a policy.
Verisk’s QuickFill® Property is a fast and efficient way to
complete an insurance premium quote.
Fast, convenient, and complete
QuickFill Property uses a proprietary search engine to query
multiple data sources and find the relevant information on
your applicant. The system then prefills the quote screen, right
at the point of sale. You get a comprehensive customer profile
immediately with the up-to-date details needed to help you
make the right underwriting decisions and determine coverages.
In addition, QuickFill Property:
•enhances the accuracy of information and premiums
•shortens call times, increasing productivity
•reduces follow-up calls and associated costs
•improves online flow-through rates
•lowers acquisition costs
•increases the number of quotes converted to active policies
•provides information customers either don’t have at their
fingertips or might not want to disclose
•helps identify cross-sell opportunities
QuickFill Property uses a flexible rules engine that sifts through
the data — based on your business needs — and flags important
risk information that requires your attention. Through conditional ordering, each discovery can trigger an additional search
of related databases until the system uncovers all the data
immediately relevant to your needs. We can provide the information in a summary format, giving you the vital highlights.
You don’t have to sift through all the information — which is
always available to you — to see the most important data.
You can integrate QuickFill Property easily into any of your
sales channels, including agent point-of-sale applications, call
centers, and online quote systems. QuickFill Property helps you
optimize the customer experience throughout the sale.
A simple process
Both you and your customers will appreciate how quick and
complete QuickFill Property information is. Customers won’t
scramble for details, and you won’t need to call them multiple
times. The system is easy to use once it’s integrated into your
The QuickFill Property Process
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Enter basic information
(phone # or name/address).
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QuickFill Property queries
multiple data sources for
applicant information.
QuickFill Property prefills
the application screen with
a complete profile.
The applicant verifies
the basic information.
QuickFill Property
automatically displays
additional relevant data.
The applicant confirms
the information.
You ask better follow-up
questions right at the
first contact.
You generate an accurate
quote — in a fraction of
the usual time.
Available data sets
QuickFill Property accesses a wide variety of underwriting
information from the most comprehensive collection of data in
the industry. You get information from our proprietary databases
as well as access to third-party data. And you can customize the
information to meet your specific needs. Here’s a sample of the
available data sets:
Customer data
•reverse phone number lookup
•address scrubbing
Personal property information
•year built
•total square footage
•building type
•construction and roof type
•number of rooms/bathrooms
Commercial property information
•building information, including address, year built,
and survey date
•construction information, including construction class,
number of stories, number of basements, and square footage
•occupancy information, including number of occupants,
occupant details, and occupancy hazards
•protection information, including protection class and
information on security, sprinkler systems, and fire alarms
•code and classification information, including:
– RCP (rating/construction/protection), CSP (commercial
statistical plan), and Basic Group II CSP codes
– Basic Group I and Basic Group II loss costs
– CSP class
–rating type
– experience level adjustment factor
Risk hazard information
•fire protection information — Public
Protection Classification (PPC™)
•Business Code Effectiveness Grading
Schedule (BCEGS®) classification
•distance to coast
•windpool eligibility
•wildfire hazard information
•flood zone
•crime data
•natural catastrophe information
•territory information
•hail damage
Estimated replacement costs
Claims history
•date of loss and claim status
•type of loss and loss amount
•reporting carrier, policy, and
claim number
•loss location
Information on current and previous
•coverages, limits, and coverage dates
•inception dates, persistence, lapses,
and transactions
•mortgagee names and addresses
•policy types
QuickFill available for auto
Verisk also offers QuickFill Auto, the
industry’s leading data sets for auto.
Information includes driver details,
vehicle data, current and previous
coverage information, and more.
Contact your Verisk representative
for further details.
© Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013. ISO, the ISO logo, BCEGS, and QuickFill are registered trademarks and PPC, Verisk, Verisk Insurance Solutions, and the Verisk Insurance Solutions logo are
trademarks of Insurance Services Office, Inc. AIR Worldwide and the AIR Worldwide logo are registered trademarks of AIR Worldwide Corporation. Xactware is a registered trademark of Xactware
Solutions, Inc. All other product or corporate names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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For more information on QuickFill Property, please contact your account
representative or call Verisk Customer Support at 1-800-888-4476.