Upsize/Downsize and/or Alter my Bin Services Form for a Residential Property (Must be completed by Property Owner or Authorised Agent) This form to be returned to City of Greater Bendigo, PO Box 733, Bendigo 3552 Phone: 03 5434 6000 Fax: 03 5434 6200 Email: Property Owner Name: Address to be supplied to: Agent Details (if applicable): (Please provide agency name) Telephone and or Email: Property Owner Agent for property (Please tick one box) I request to change my existing garbage bin from – (Please tick appropriate box) 140lt Garbage bin(s) 240lt Garbage bin(s) to to 240lt Garbage bin(s) 140lt Garbage bin(s) I request to change my existing recycle bin from – (Please tick appropriate box) 140lt Recycle bin(s) to 240lt Recycle bin(s) to 140/240lt Recycle bin(s) to 240lt Recycle bin(s) 140lt Recycle bin(s) 360lt Recycle bin(s) (I understand that there will be no change in fees between a 140lt and 240lt recycle bin but there will be a one off charge to upsize to a 360lt recycle bin) I request to add an additional bin/s to my existing waste services: Please supply an additional: (Please tick appropriate box/es) 140lt Garbage bin 240lt Garbage bin 140lt Recycle bin 240lt Recycle bin 360lt Recycle bin I accept the change in fees for bin charges on my rates for this property as a result of changing an existing service and/or requesting additional services. Signed: Date: Office Use Only Request number/s: CS2016