RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Sharing information on Progress (SIP) 2015 CONTENT RTU FEEM on the PRME ……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Principle 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...4 Principle 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6 Principle 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7 Principle 4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...9 Principle 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13 Principle 6 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15 Objectives for next 24 months…………………………………………………………………………………….17 www.ievf.rtu.lv RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management on the PRME The Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (FEEM) is one of the eight faculties of Riga Technical University (RTU). It is constantly evolving and expanding. At present we are the biggest faculty at RTU and more than one fourth of approximately 15,000 students of the University study at FEEM, besides that, FEEM has the biggest number of international, both exchange and full time, students studying at RTU. Nowadays FEEM offers higher education of all levels in various specializations in economics, business and management. In comparison with other higher education institutions, where students can acquire programs related to economics and management, FEEM differs by specializing in specific areas, thus preparing competitive specialists for particular industries. Economists, managers, specialists of real estate, administration of customs and taxes, occupational safety, marketing, logistics, international economic relations, quality management and other spheres, who are prepared by FEEM, are engaged in the management of economic and business processes in different spheres and the analysis of the results attained. They occupy executive positions in state and municipal institutions, enterprises, non-governmental, international and multinational organizations. FEEM is proud of its students and graduates, who often become full-time or guest lecturers, at the same time being practitioners in their sphere. For FEEM it is important to provide students with the knowledge and skills that can prepare them for their future careers. The academic staff is engaged in academic and methodological work and conduct research in different sub-disciplines of economics and management. Work at FEEM is dynamic and innovative; here science and research are closely linked with practical experience and application. The high quality of studies has been evaluated on the international level. Eduniversal which is a global business school ranking and rating agency has recognized FEEM as an Excellent Business School in 2013 and 2014. FEEM has received 3 Palmes. Eduniversal creates a list of the best business schools to help students choose the most appropriate global business schools and universities on the basis of recognized educational expert recommendations. In 2008 the FEEM also became a member of Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) which means that we are constantly improving the academic environment to meet the global challenges. FEEM puts forward the mission of PRME to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally. The mission of FEEM is to educate success-driven individuals towards excellence in managerial competence. Our values: knowledge, responsibility, development, collaboration, respect, excellence, diversity. FEEM provides all opportunities to make the studies more attractive, develop the research and raise the level of the education quality. STUDIES AT FEEM – SOLID BASIS FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER 3 Principle 1 Purpose: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy. FEEM provides all levels of higher education: doctoral, master and bachelor’s as well as the first-level professional higher education study programs, all together 28 different study programs. The level of study process and quality in FEEM corresponds to the global level and it successfully competes with study programs in other universities in Latvia, as well as in higher education institutions in Europe and worldwide. FEEM prepares specialists in accordance with the labour market demands; it is proven by the demand for our graduates. FEEM has signed cooperation agreements with companies where our students have practical placement. At the end of their placement, many of the students are invited to work in the company on a full-time basis. The accreditation of 12 study directions of RTU was completed in 2013. The 12 study directions consist of 134 study programs, including 28 study programs of FFEM. All study programs of RTU and FEEM have been accredited for a period of 6 years which means full accreditation and acknowledgment that the programs are of high quality. FEEM implements study programs in 4 out of 12 RTU study directions: Management and Administration, Real Estate Management, Internal Security and Civil Protection, Economics, Architecture and Civil Engineering. FEEM study programs have received high ratings not only from the State Accreditation Commission in Latvia, but also from international experts. After successful graduation from RTU, the received diplomas are recognized both in Latvia and internationally. FEEM performance has been recognized not only on national but also international level. In 2013 and 2014, FEEM together with the Riga Business School was in the first place among universities in Latvia in Eduniversal business school ranking (www.eduniversal-ranking.com). FEEM received 3 Palmes, which means – excellent business school with reinforcing international experience. FEEM also has active student self-government. RTU and FEEM respect the principles of democracy, and that is why students are involved in decision making and participate in meetings of faculty and institute councils. Students can exercise their right to vote when important decisions are taken. Students are also involved in decision making on the national level through the Student Union of Latvia. In addition to that, it is important to mention that the President of the Student Union of Latvia from 2013 to 2014 was a FEEM student – Mikus Dubickis. FEEM Students’ Council is actively working with employers, organizing various events, thus building a bridge between students and potential employers. For example, in the academic year 2013/2014 it organized the following events: Marketing ideas competition “Reklaminators”, with the aim to promote students’ creative thinking in the field of marketing, as well as to promote cooperation with enterprises and the academic staff by performing business tasks and determining the winners of the competition. The offered prize was the opportunity to have practical placement in the companies. Competition “Business Challenge”, with the aim to promote schoolchildren and students’ creative thinking and entrepreneurial skills, as well as to develop self-generated business ideas in a limited time and space. “Economists’ days” that aim to show the current and prospective students of FEEM extensive job opportunities after graduation. During the event, FEEM graduates and industry professionals talk about their work experience and about the skills that are necessary when entering employment relationships. 4 Every semester international study tours are organized to various companies, thus introducing domestic as well as exchange or foreign students with the industry in Latvia. This enables the students to see their future prospects, and also meet their potential employers and to understand the company’s operation principles. In addition, participation in such tours helps to understand whether the chosen profession will be attractive and interesting when they start working in their specialty. Such and similar activities help students to build their own social network so that in the future they could easily engage in the work environment. Representatives of FEEM student self-government participate in the annual project “Love Festival”, organized by seven universities, which is the largest Baltic blood donation project. The goal of the project is donation of blood as well as promotion of donation in general, focusing on its importance in Latvian health care and everyone’s role in it. FEEM students are usually among the most active blood donors within this charity project. FEEM student self-government is also actively involved in the “Active School”, which is a multi-day event for student self-government representatives of all RTU faculties and branches to promote their interest and understanding of the RTU Student Parliament and the nature of its activities, to develop their leadership skills, ability to work in team and efficiently allocate tasks. Some RTU students, as well as FEEM students participate in the project “Mission Possible” supported by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Involvement in the project means that its participants acquire a unique experience and make significant changes working in schools. The participants of the “Mission Possible” work as full-time teachers for two years and teach subjects relevant to their education in schools all over Latvia. Besides their work in school, they participate in leadership development programs – intensive and experience-based learning, where they acquire teaching and leadership skills and receive the support of experienced professionals. In addition to the salary of a teacher, the project provides a monthly grant. Only the very best candidates are selected. In 2012, a total of 21 and in 2013, a total of 17 new teachers started working in the schools of Latvia; among them were two FEEM students. FEEM students have the opportunity to participate in various interest groups organized by RTU Student Club and Culture Centre and become the members of interest groups such as RTU women’s or men’s choirs, folk dance groups, vocal ensemble, string ensemble, students’ brass orchestra, student drama group and others. RTU Student Club and Culture Centre are open not only to all RTU students, but also to students of other universities as well as the academic and administrative staff. Culture Centre helps students not only to develop their social and cultural skills, but also teaches social responsibility to the community. With the help of Culture Centre, the students are actively involved in social life. Culture Centre regularly organizes events where every participant of interest groups can show what they have learned by performing in concerts and shows to a wider audience who can watch them for free. Culture Centre members also participate in various national and international competitions, as well as charity events, thereby facilitating and supporting social responsibility to the society in which we live. Noteworthy is the Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project YOUNG LEADERS developed and implemented in the period from 2012 to 2014: “Developing and enhancing leadership skills for young managers in times of crisis: an innovative training package for European young professionals”. Within the Project an innovative training package on leadership programs for Young Business Leaders at national and European level has been developed (YBLs are university graduates trying to enter the labour market, young professionals who want to advance to senior management positions and who have less than 5 year experience or who start their own company). In the rapidly changing and unstable business environment that the EU firms operate nowadays, junior managers should be exposed to leadership training early on. They should be motivated to start their own companies and be ready to handle the challenges of today’s unstable economy. During project implementation, training of 30 young people aged 21 to 29 (unemployed or young graduates, and also young professionals with less than 5 years of work­ing experience or young entrepreneurs) was organized. The results of the successful project are planned to be commercialized by offering young people an opportunity to develop leadership skills. 5 Principle 2 Values: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact. All FEEM study programs include subjects focused on corporate social responsibility (CSR); among them are Fundamentals of Ethics, Communication Basics, Business Etiquette, Politology, Organizational Psychology, and others. All students must acquire a minimum of two of these subjects. Subjects focused on CSR are included both in bachelor and master’s level programs. Several study programs offer such subjects as “International Protocol”, which teaches business etiquette at an international level, “Personal Financial Management”, which is designed to teach students to act responsibly in their private lives assuming responsibility for their financial decisions; “Environmental Compatibility and Risks” and “Environmental Economics”, which explain the impact of business operations on the environment. The study course “Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics” is offered in the master’s study programs. The course is designed to show the development of CSR and its role in Latvia and in the world and explore the society’s perception of corporate social responsibility by analysing moral conflict situations. Its aim is to demonstrate business ethics as an interdisciplinary academic field, to provide insight into business-related ethical problems and to present a contemporary approach to solving problems related to business relationships. The course includes theoretical knowledge of business ethics, values orientation, CSR classification and evaluation, theory of stakeholder groups and also develops practical skills relevant to solution of ethical problems and implementation of CSR strategies in a company. The Department of Customs and Taxes at the International Business and Customs Institute (SESMI) of FEEM offers acquiring higher education in the study program “Customs and Tax Administration”, which is the only such program in Latvia. It is based on the regulations and basic principles of CSR. In July 2014, SESMI successfully implemented two projects “Supply Chain Security” within the grant scheme of Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Program “Swiss Researchers’ Activities in Latvia”. The projects aimed to provide a high quality of training in the subject “International Supply Chain Security”, therefore one of the world leading international supply chain security experts – Doctor Juha Hintsa, leading researcher of Swiss Cross-Border Research Association (CBRA) was invited to participate in the study process. The work done in the projects has made a significant contribution to the quality improvement of the study program “Administration of Customs and Taxes” realized by SESMI. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ISSUES ARE EMBEDDED IN ALL STUDY SUBJECTS AND PROGRAMS OFFERED BY FEEM. 6 Principle 3 Method: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership. Since 2012 RTU has been participating in the project “Sustainability Index”. The project enables companies and institutions to assess the extent to which corporate strategy is realized in business processes. “Sustainability Index” refers to the following key spheres: strategy, society, environment, market relations and working environment, as well as social and environmental issues and communication with stakeholders. In 2012 and 2013, RTU was included in the Bronze group, which means that the institution has taken the first steps in public communication about its practice in the fundamental issues regarding the impact on the environment, society, working environment and the overall market, the institution has set its vision, mission and values, as well as publicized their corporate responsibility principles, with everyone in the institution involved in their implementation. Whereas, in 2014, RTU was already included in the Silver group that represents institutions that purposefully work to implement an effective engagement of stakeholders and introduce processes with which to identify and manage risks and opportunities. It is important to mention that RTU, including FEEM as a part of RTU, has entered the world’s green university policy and sustainability ranking “GreenMetric”, where in 2012 it ranked 120 among 214 higher education institutions from all over the world, but in 2013 it ranked 159 among 301 higher education institutions. “GreenMetric” ranks higher education institutions from all over the world by assessing their commitment to minimize harmful impacts on the environment and to address sustainability challenges. The place received demonstrates the University’s efforts in ensuring energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental protection. Within the campaign “Praise Good Service!” which has been run in Latvia already for ten years, RTU was awarded with the title “Good Service Leader in Latvia in 2013” in the category business to customer (B2C). Every year in March, the general public is invited to evaluate good customer service and share their experiences with others. Employers’ Confederation of Latvia survey recognized RTU as the most popular and recognized higher education institution in the employers’ opinion and RTU has been awarded the honourable 1st place in this ranking already for the last three years (2012, 2013 and 2014). This is the evaluation of Latvian higher education institutions designed by the Latvian portal “Prakse.lv” and Employers’ Confederation of Latvia. The evaluation was performed on the basis of the following criteria: which professions are now mostly demanded in the labour market and which universities are able to produce the best professionals for competitive businesses. It was recognized that RTU is an example of how a real link is provided between studies and the labour market. FEEM cares about each student. Besides the state budget allocated places, all students whose families have been granted the status of low-income family, students who are without parents’ care or orphans, students who have children under 18 years of age or students with Group I or II disability have the opportunity to study for free. In addition, the FEEM building has the relevant equipment so that students with special needs can move freely throughout all the premises. The academic staff, administrative staff and students strive to be socially responsible not only within FEEM or during study process, but also in everyday life. For example, Professor Rolf Qvenield from Norway (the study program “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”) financially supports a low-income family in Cesis. FEEM offers its students to use the RTU portal https://ortus.rtu.lv where the academic staff places their lecture materials as well as other information necessary for successful acquisition of the study course. Study materials no longer need to be printed and copied as much as before, because they are all available online. In addition, unnecessary papers and printed materials are collected and passed to a paper mill for recycling, thus contributing to the environment protection (saving trees from cutting down). Every year FEEM together with other RTU faculties participate in the “Big Cleaning”, which is an environmental clean-up event with the aim to make Latvia a greener and cleaner country. FEEM students actively participate in this annual project together with the academic and administrative staff, tidying the surrounding area. By participating in the “Big Cleaning”, each student understands the importance of taking care of the environment, and what damage is done to it by littering irresponsibly. 7 It is important to mention the project “Employability and Skills Anticipation Policies: a Social ROI Approach” within the framework of EU LLP Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Program, developed during the years of 2012-2014. The Project focused on inclusive growth based on knowledge, ensuring lifelong skills and acquisition of more competitive qualifications; adjusting to the new market demands. The project stems from the debate concerning the unemployment crisis versus increasing skills, oriented towards market needs and the stakeholders’ role as facilitators, the project aimed at calculating the social ROI from public employment and VET policies and the major challenge of forecasting skills supply and demand; sectorial level analysis; employers’ survey on skills needs; focus on learning outcomes; promotion of the reflection about recognition of employability skills and dissemination of products at European/national/local level. The ultimate concern is to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In 2013, from 3 to 14 March, FEEM organized ERASMUS Intensive Program “Conducting interdisciplinary research in cross-cultural environment”, held in Latvia, whereas in 2014, from 29 March to 10 April, this program was held at the University of Technology in Brno (Czech Republic). Participants of the project were doctoral students, students and academic staff from six European universities: Riga Technical University (Latvia), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), Technical University of Iaşi (Romania), and the University of Valladolid (Spain). The program aimed at promoting the competence of the new generation of scientists in performing interdisciplinary research activities in order to solve today’s complex problems. Within the framework of the Intensive Program, participants were provided with training environment for its members to be able to: understand the nature, approaches and principles of interdisciplinary research working in intercultural teams; develop skills in performing interdisciplinary research activities by adapting research methods from one scientific area to other areas and by using a systemic approach to the solution of complex problems in international teams of various scientific areas; acquire knowledge, writing interdisciplinary scientific works; exchange cultural, scientific, professional and personal experiences with other participants of the Intensive Program; see how research impacts on business developments; develop self-confidence and a positive attitude in management of interdisciplinary research. Similarly, in 2013, from 12 to 23 August, within the framework of Erasmus Intensive Program “Learning for entrepreneurship in health, behavioural, engineering & life sciences” RTU FEEM in cooperation with the University of Latvia (LU) organized International Business Summer School “Baltic Entrepreneurial Summerschool”. It was attended by 42 students and more than 15 lecturers from seven European universities: Wageningen University (Netherlands), HAN University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), Tallinn University of Applied Sciences (Estonia), University of Latvia (Latvia), Riga Technical University (Latvia). Latvian students’ team consisted of 3 students of RTU FEEM and 4 students of the University of Latvia. The program of Entrepreneurial Summerschool was focused on seeing and creating innovative business ideas, developing entrepreneurial skills, intuition, creativity, leadership and social skills, as well as on creating interdisciplinary and intercultural social networks. 8 Principle 4 Research: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value. FEEM scientific and research activities are linked to study programs. FEEM research is based on the following research areas: Business development and innovations, Building entrepreneurship, real estate, urban and regional development, Organizational and national security, Quality management of processes, products and systems, Development of economic-mathematical models. In 2014, the structure of FEEM was changed. Now there are five institutes in which research is being conducted: Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Development; Institute of General and Civil Safety; Institute for Quality Engineering; International Business and Customs Institute; Institute of Business Management and Engineering. All FEEM institutes are unique in their field. Each of them is trying to use and implement the rules and principles of CSR in their work; it also appears in research papers and projects, as well as doctoral student promotion papers. Every year FEEM, on the occasion of the RTU anniversary, organizes the international scientific conference “Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE)”. The aim of the conference is to present latest scientific achievements of researchers in economics, business, international economic relations, taxation and customs from Latvia and from abroad, to facilitate exchange of information and networking among scientists and to provide an opportunity for doctoral students to publish their research work. Besides that, RTU FEEM organised the 19th international scientific conference “Economics and Management – 2014” (ICEM-2014) which took place in Riga in April 2014. It is a scientific conference, organized annually by one of the partner universities: Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business (KTU SEB) (Lithuania), RTU FEEM (Latvia), Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management (Czech Republic) and Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration (Estonia). The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and inspire discussions about challenges that trigger the creation of smart, sustainable and inclusive economies, institutions, and organisations within the continuously changing world. During the plenary session the question “How to create a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem?” was discussed. Scientists and entrepreneurs from Finland, Russia, USA, Lithuania and Latvia shared their experience. During five parallel workshops, conference participants presented articles on several topical issues of today’s economy: Accounting research on issues of contemporary interest, Challenges and opportunities of financial economics, Competitiveness of national and global economy, Contemporary marketing: inspiration, innovation, and implementation, Corporate social responsibility: interaction of businesses, society, and the state, Management intelligence for smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. On 31 October 2013 an international conference on “Sustainable Development of Tax and Customs Administration within the European Union” was organized to celebrate the 20th anniversary of FEEM SESMI and the State Revenue Service (SRS). Kunio Mikurya, the Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO) appreciated the close FEEM SESMI and SRS cooperation in providing training for customs officers and recognized the quality of FEEM SESMI professional bachelor and master’s study program “Administration of Customs and Taxes”. The aim of the scientific-practical conference was to look back on 20 years of work and to raise further challenges for the development of administration of customs and taxes and training in this field. The cooperation between SESMI and SRS is based on the agreement signed in 1994, which is regularly updated. In accordance with the agreement, training of SRS specialists, further education, participation in joint projects aimed at improving the administration of customs and taxes are provided. 9 After the conference, a scientific monograph “Sustainable Development of Tax and Customs Administration within the European Union” was published. The collective monograph covers topical aspects of customs and tax administration, provides general insights into the operations of the State Revenue Service – tax administration, customs management and prevention of criminal offences in the field of customs and taxes. The publication provides an overview of the experience gained by RTU in the field of education as well as presents the experience of authors from other countries with regard to the topical issues in the administration of customs and taxes. Speaking of research, it is necessary to mention Maris Juruss, the docent of SESMI Department of Customs and Taxes, who is an expert in several research works of Customs Advisory Centre and the Department of Customs and Taxes: leading expert in the research “The analysis and prognosis of the burden of the excise tax on cigarettes, their prices, consumption and revenue” (2014), leading expert in the research “The optimal structure of the excise tax on cigarettes” (2013), leading expert in the research on natural losses of petroleum products and alcoholic beverages in the customs field (2013); and expert in the research of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia on the possibilities of applying differentiated natural resource tax rates for waste disposal in landfills and assessing potential of raising natural resource tax rates in waste disposal and the necessary rate increases to motivate the reduction of waste disposed of and promote the idea not to dispose of wastes which are recyclable (2013). Every year articles by FEEM researchers, academic staff and doctoral students are published in various scientific editions in Latvia and abroad. FEEM is publishing the scientific journal “Economics and Business” on annual basis, which is abstracted and indexed in EBSCO, ProQuest, Versita and VINITI databases. The scientific journal “Safety and Technogenic Environment” prepared by the researchers of the Institute of General and Civil Safety can be found in EBSCO, ProQuest and VINITI. There are also other scientific journals in such areas as entrepreneurship and management, administration of customs and taxes, real estate management and others. It is also important to mention the scientific journal “Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Development”, as well as students’ scientific publication “Economic Research in Business”. During the reporting period another scientific monograph directly related to CSR principles “Strategic Management System for Sustainable Development of Organizations” was published by the Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics. In this scientific monograph, the authors discuss the factors affecting the development of sustainability in enterprises and indicate the impact of the external environment; they provide scientific solutions and practical proposals on the lines of action to be taken in order to promote implementation of sustainable development principles at the level of strategic management. The topicality of the monograph is associated with an increase of the role of strategic management in the 21st century, because in the changing environment organizational sustainability is ensured by the ability of organizations to use the opportunities created by the external environment and the ability to reduce the negative impact of the external environment. The study highlights the specific characteristics of the energy-related businesses in ensuring sustainable development within the framework of strategic management system. Aspects of corporate social responsibility are analysed in the broadest context in scientific research and publications, for example, the researchers of the Institute for Quality Engineering have published scientific papers on the following topics: Integrated management systems for building socially responsible and sustainable organizations, Corporate social responsibility: management of reliable water consumption, Social responsibility and its economic impact on society: water usage reporting and water losses, Corporate social responsibility and creating shared value: Case of Latvia, The role of municipalities in promoting well-being, Asymmetric development under European integration: Social aspect, Interaction of main stakeholders in an innovation process, Stakeholders of human resource management: Socially responsible management, The concept of creativity and innovativeness assessment in business organizations. 10 Researchers of the Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics have published scientific articles on: Case study on employee competence regarding competitiveness and CSR issues of the forest industry companies, Comprehension of social responsibility of entrepreneurs, media and experts: Case study in Latvia, Interaction of socio-economic factors and real estate market in the context of sustainable urban development, Nanotechnologies in Latvia: Commercialisation aspect, The origins of nanotechnology in Latvia, Nanoscience: Scale of Latvia, Expert assessments on evaluation of land use efficiency in municipalities of Latvia, Assessment of the improvement of sustainable development system of the largest energy companies in Latvia, The influence of real estate market cycle on the development in Latvia, Decisions on industry location and market capacities in Latvia, Characteristics of socio-economic issues and their possible resolution in the housing market of Latvia, The case study of the big Latvian energy companies’ compliance with the principles of sustainable development, The concept of the Latvian industrial property market development model in the context of strategic planning, Economic aspects of corporate social responsibility in construction industry in different stages of the economic development cycle, Economic aspects of corporate social responsibility in construction industry, Corporate social responsibility and mass media: Case study in Latvia. Other FEEM publications related to entrepreneurship and management spheres are: Socially responsible marketing: Theory and praxis, Corporate social responsibility in business practises of the companies: Problems and possibilities. Many FEEM doctoral students for their promotion thesis have chosen themes closely related to the topical problems of the entrepreneurship environment in Latvia – innovation, the work of clusters, ensuring sustainable development. As examples there can be mentioned: Directions for improving bank value management, Operating effectiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises: Problems and solutions, Ensuring competitive entrepreneurship management for manufacturing wood products in Latvia, Problems and solutions in assessing product quality compliance, Management system of real estate market development in Latvia, Achieving shareholder value sustainability in Central and East European equity markets, Development of customer centric business model in a commercial bank, Issues of spatial economic allocation of entrepreneurial activities in Latvia, Development of employee share ownership in Latvia, Evaluation methodology of land use efficiency in land management, Support efficiency and effectiveness for renewable energy generation in Latvia, Competitiveness of business environment in Latvian towns and the instruments applicable for its improvement. All these works include chapters on CSR. Extensive studies and projects have been developed in FEEM Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics (IBEREE) under supervision of Professor Ineta Geipele. Many of them were already mentioned in the previous report and they are important for sustainable development of Latvian economy. There is a new noteworthy project “Development of multifunctional nano-coatings for the protection of structural elements of aerospace equipment”. RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautics and FEEM, Institute of Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics have joined their efforts in implementing the above-mentioned project. 11 The project aims at carrying out research and development of highly efficient technologies for special protective nano-coatings for aerospace equipment products with engineer economic evaluation of efficient use of energy and natural resources in order to increase international competitiveness of newly developed technologies. The planned research is interdisciplinary as it will contribute to the development of transport and mechanical engineering on the basis of the two priority directions of research defined by the state. The main expected results of the project: Establishment of a new research group; Creation of new positions in the research group; Preparation of scientific articles for journals that are included in Web of Science or SCOPUS databases; Preparation of scientific monographs for publishing in scientific publishing houses in Latvia and abroad; Presentations at international scientific conferences; Development of innovative and highly effective technologies for special protective nano-coatings for aerospace equipment products; Development of system of engineer economic indicators for multifunctional nano-coating technologies; Preparation of patent applications. WE CARE NOT ONLY ABOUT THE STUDENTS’ EDUCATION BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT, BUT WE ALSO DEVELOP PROJECTS AND CONDUCT RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF CSR, WHICH IS ESSENTIAL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. 12 Principle 5 Partnership: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges. WE ARE BUILDING A BRIDGE BETWEEN STUDENTS AND COMPANIES! FEEM cooperates with companies and organizations in Latvia whose activities are closely related to FEEM programs and need appropriately trained specialists that are prepared in FEEM. The cooperation is developed as provision of practical placement locations, as well as guest lectures in some of the study subjects. Many lecturers are specialists in their fields and occupy responsible positions, so they can introduce students not only to theoretical but also practical aspects of the relevant subject. In several FEEM study programs guest lectures outside the university, as well as visits to companies are organized for students to become familiar with business operations and understand all the issues of concern in the industry. In addition, FEEM also supports student exchange in studies and practical placement. Both the students and the academic and administrative staff use the opportunity of going on Erasmus exchanges, thus gaining international experience, which may be necessary and useful for future studies and careers. Furthermore, every year more and more foreign students and guest lecturers are attracted, which facilitates improvement and development of international cooperation between universities and RTU recognisability. The International Business and Customs Institute, in accordance with the study program, every year organizes study tours for their students. International business organization and management students have already been to Brussels four times, learning about and visiting EU’s central institutions. Business logistics students have visited the Czech Republic and in October 2012 participated in the International Student Olympiad in St. Petersburg, where they won several prizes. In March 2013, the students of the study program “Business Logistics” went on a two-day study trip to Lithuania, where they visited the company “Zaksi” ltd., the terminal of “Dan Store” ltd. and the Klaipeda port. The students of the study program “Administration of Customs and Taxes” go on student practical placement program exchange tours to St. Petersburg every year. Whereas, the students of the study program “Innovations and Entrepreneurship” have been yearly going on study trips to Norway for 10 years, and once they went on a study trip to Taiwan. In the summer of 2014, the students of the study program “Engineering of Regional Development and Urban Economics” took part in the International Summer School of Economics in Nis, Serbia, during which important issues in economics, politics, and finances were discussed. Study tours are organized with the aim to improve the study process, and this is an additional experience for those students who have proved themselves as very good and active students. Every year RTU Career Centre organizes a Career Day during which all RTU students, including FEEM students, have the opportunity to meet face to face with company representatives. Students’ aims and interests are to obtain information on available practical placement locations and employment opportunities, as well as to learn more about the industry and the current situation in the labour market. 13 To promote cooperation with the business environment, FEEM organizes not only scientific but also business-oriented conferences, here the international conference – the 12th Annual BMDA (Baltic Management Development Association) Conference “A Successful 21st Century Organization” in May 2014 can be mentioned as one of the most important. It took place in Riga, Latvia, and was organized and hosted by RTU FEEM. The unique event combined presentations of academic and business leaders, TED format presentations on business solutions, specially designed question and answer sessions, company visits, and networking and cultural events. The Conference attracted over one hundred participants from 18 countries. The first day of the Conference, titled “Academic Solutions and Insights”, was devoted to the academic and research community. During the first day, researchers presented their research papers, covering the topics of innovation and technology transfer for bridging academia and business, the role and impact of higher education institutions on success of a company, the role of the leader empowering success of the organization, sustainability and social responsibility practices leading to the success of an organization. The second day, titled “Business Solutions for Leading Organizations”, was organized in TED format, with each of the four parts dedicated to the leaders and managers of international and local business and non-profit organizations. Experienced international and local experts and consultants presented their business solutions in sessions on what kind of a leader and what kind of a team the organization needs, how to find out and better satisfy the customer needs, how to organize activities within an organization in the most efficient way, and how to do the “impossible” things and plan the future. This BMDA Conference created a unique platform for debate, dialogue, knowledge and experience exchange between the business and the academic communities, as well as was the place for experiencing many meaningful and joyful moments together. As mentioned above, FEEM is trying to establish close cooperation with enterprises, state institutions, etc., so that FEEM students were demanded and recognized already in the study time, for example, SESMI cooperates with the US Embassy in training Latvian specialists on dual-use goods control. On 2 October 2014, two students of the program “Customs and Tax Administration”, at the request of the US Embassy were involved in a conference on issues of security control in transit and shipping practices organized by the US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The academic staff of the Department of Customs and Taxes have been invited to provide their expert opinion on civil and criminal matters for various state institutions of the Republic of Latvia: the Constitutional Court, the Senate of the Supreme Court (Professor K.Ketners), the Security Police at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Professor A.V.Krastins, docents A.Gulbis and A.Cevers), the Administrative Court (docents A.Gulbis and A.Cevers), training for judges. Also the members of the academic staff are in the working group at the Ministry of Finance on matters of tax and customs legislation development, as well as members of the SRS Customs and Entrepreneurs Advisory Council. THE ACADEMIC STAFF OF FEEM REGULARLY ACQUIRES NEW KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BY PARTICIPATING IN VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL SEMINARS. Only by working together we will achieve our goals! 14 Principle 6 Dialogue: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, stu­ dents, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interest groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibil­ ity and sustainability. FEEM emphasizes the implementation of the strategy of internationalisation with the aim to differentiate the study programs, to attract guest lecturers and students by involving the students and academic staff into different international cooperation projects (such as Leonardo da Vinci program, ERASMUS, ERASMUS Mundus, INTERREG, ESF and others) and their implementation. Through participation in the activities of international organisations and expansion of the circle of its partners, FEEM implements and strengthens its internationality. FEEM is a member of different international organisations and participates in implementing international projects. The most significant cooperation organisations are: Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA); Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN); World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU); New Initiatives and Challenges in Europe (The NICE Network). The International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI). In the academic year 2013/2014, several important conferences were organized in collaboration with partner organizations. In addition to the above-mentioned organizations, it is necessary to mention “The NICE Network” annual international conference which took place at Riga Technical University from 15 to 17June, 2014. 50 participants from 15 countries took part in it with the aim to share experience, discuss further cooperation and network expansion as well as facilitate internationalisation process in the universities of partner countries. “The NICE Network” is a network of higher education institutions, uniting more than 35 partners – universities, business schools, faculties and departments of many higher education institutions – from Europe, North Africa and Asia. This was already the 24th conference. Each year the conference takes place in one of the network partner institutions, this year it was RTU FEEM. The conference raised issues concerning facilitation of student mobility, cooperation possibilities within “Erasmus+” program and other projects, development of higher education quality evaluation, international accreditation and evaluation, as well as internationalisation of study programs. Besides the above-mentioned international cooperation activities, the Department of Customs and Taxes also participates in the PICARD (Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development) international program that is designed for enhancing education, training, scientific research of all customs organizations and universities as well as building customs capacity worldwide. Head of the Department of Customs and Taxes (DCT) Professor Aivars Vilnis Krastins and foreign consultant Jan Erland Jansson of the DCT as experts participated in organizing the 8th WCO PICARD conference in Mexico in September 2014. Professor Aivars Vilnis Krastins also participated in organizing the WCO PICARD conference in St. Petersburg in 2013, in Marrakesh in 2012, in Geneva in 2011. He has been a member of the conference organizing committee since 2006. 15 The DCT participates in other international programs such as the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) BOMCA – the Border Management Program in Central Asia – which is one of the largest EU-UNDP assistance programs in Central Asia. The overall objectives of BOMCA are: to help increase security in Central Asia, to contribute towards the facilitation of legitimate trade and transit, and to reduce illicit movement of goods and people. Experts in this program for many years have been professors Aivars Vilnis Krastins, Jan Erland Jansson and Aivars Gulbis. Within the framework of this project, a group of students from Central Asian countries arrived on a study visit to Latvia in November 2012. Within the framework of BOMCA-8, in December 2013 professor A.V.Krastins organized training of leading experts of national border guarding and customs of five Central Asian countries at Finnish-Russian border checkpoints and Finnish customs, and he also organized a meeting of Border Security Coordination Council of CA countries in Helsinki. Since RTU SESMI specialists have been participating in the above mentioned UN and EU international program for several years, in 2015, when Latvia will be the presiding country of the European Union, one of the central tasks will be to promote the Eastern Partnership and provision of Central Asian border security. It is planned that the RTU SESMI will be the leading organization in Component 3 “Integrated Border” of the project BOMKA-9 and will participate in the project until 2018. Also FEEM participated in the implementation of an international project. It was the INTERREG IVC Program project “Micropolis – Remote Work Centres outside the Metropolitan Areas”. It was launched on 1 January 2012 and finished on 2 October 2014 when the conference “Smart Work – New Opportunities for Regions” took place at Riga Technical University. It was the last official event of the project that was engaged in discovering how this shift in work culture could favour remote work and the opportunities offered by the 2.0 economy could help to re-vitalise rural Europe. Within the project, researchers participated in experience exchange and searched for new solutions for remote work development in rural areas. Basically, it was a project for improvement and development of employment relationships, conditions and business environment. MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROJECTS IS AN IMPORTANT AREA OF WORK THAT FOSTERS DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION IN FEEM. 16 Objectives for next 24 months Continue working! Implementation of PRME principles are closely related to the mission and strategic goals of RTU and FEEM. The strategic goals of RTU and FEEM, as a part of the University, are the following: Internationalization: Competitive activities of the University in the field of science, innovation and studies at international level; Interdisciplinarity: Cooperation between different sectors and specialities, as a basis for development of new and innovative products and modern education content; Organisational efficiency: Efficient and high quality management of the University to ensure development and modern implementation of study and research processes; Financial efficiency: Established financial independence and motivating internal financial system of the University to boost its growth; Infrastructure efficiency: Up-to-date study, scientific and innovation environment with modern buildings and technical equipment that comply with the activities of the University. On the basis of the overall strategy laid down by the University in the field of corporate responsibility and sustainability, we plan to continue the work started, as well as set new targets: Continue to increase the number of study subjects which integrate corporate governance, business ethics and corporate social responsibility issues; Continue to ensure sustainable development of RTU and FEEM, increasingly based on the principles of responsible management education in the study process and in study programs and subjects, consequently, stimulating sustainable business environment and economic development of the country through development of our academic staff and alumni. Promote the methodology on return of social investment adapted within the framework of the project Social ROI, and inform the general public by publishing a book developed within the project. Continue development of innovations and exchange of knowledge with the help of qualitative research incorporated in the study process by involving international and domestic partners from research institutions and the industry. Increase student and academic staff involvement in sector-specific studies to further engage the bachelor, master and doctoral students in research, especially the research related to ethical problems in entrepreneurship and society. Increase the number of research projects developed in cooperation with business associations and companies that support research and corporate activities, thereby creating a sustainable economic growth. Continue to enhance knowledge about social responsibility and develop the idea that social responsibility is an integral part of management, and it can improve a company’s competitiveness and increase the welfare of society. BEING SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE AND REALIZING THE PRINCIPLES FOR RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION WORKING WITH STUDENTS – IT IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF DAILY LIFE OF FEEM. WE STRIVE TO ACT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PRINCIPLES, TO NURTURE AND DEVELOP THE UNDERSTANDING OF THESE PRINCIPLES IN ALL OF OUR STUDENTS IN ORDER TO BUILD A RESPONSIBLE SOCIETY AND A SUSTAINABLE COUNTRY! 17 Kalnciema Street 6, Riga LV-1048, Latvia Phone: + 371-67089394 E-mail: feem@rtu.lv www.ievf.rtu.lv