Principles and Practices of Stud Welding

Principles and Practices
of Stud Welding
Harry A. Chambers
Nelson Stud Welding, Inc.
Elyria, Ohio
The embedment properties of stud welded anchors have been the
subject of many testing programs worldwide. Currently, design
provisions for cast-in-place anchorages are included in the 2000
edition of the International Building Code (IBC 2000), and these will
be introduced along with design provisions for post-placed anchors
into the 2002 edition of the ACI Building Code (ACI 318-02). In all of
the testing programs, performance and failure modes of the as-welded
studs with respect to groups, edge conditions, tension, shear, and
combined loadings have been the central theme of the reports. Stud
welding principles and practices necessary for obtaining consistent
stud weld quality and anchorage performance have received little
attention. The purpose of this article is to present the fundamental
principles of stud welding and implementing practices so that the user
may be confident in the ensuing welding results and performance of
the finished product.
lectric arc stud welding was
invented just prior to World
War II and developed out of
a necessity to attach wood planking
to naval aircraft carriers. Threaded
studs could be placed on the exterior side of steel deck plates by using
only one welder rather than drilling
holes through the plate, a very slow
and labor intensive process. Since that
time, the use of studs has increased
enormously in the appliance, automotive, and construction industries.
Today, stud welding is widely used
in the construction industry. There are
many different stud welded products
that are commonly used in the manufacture of precast/prestressed components, including threaded, headed,
and deformed bars. These products are
welded to steel plates and other shapes
that are embedded in precast/prestressed concrete products for structural connections (see Fig. 1).1
The behavior of these embedments is critical to the performance of
each structural element. Because the
strength and integrity of the finished
structural system is vital to the overall
safety of the structure’s occupants and
the general public, engineers must give
full attention to the planning, design,
and execution of these connections.
Test results that describe the performance of headed studs and deformed
bars made from cold deformed wire as
embedments in concrete are available
in various publications.2-6 References
2 and 3 describe the ability of studs to
develop full strength welds and discuss the fact that, in some cases, some
welds were less than full strength. References 4 and 5 document embedment
shear and tension tests of deformed
bar anchors where no weld failures
occurred. Reference 6 summarizes the
results of extensive testing and studies
from many sources on the performance
of stud welded anchors and other types
of anchorage devices.
When the proper operation of stud
welding equipment is combined with
good quality control and inspection
procedures, full strength welds can
be obtained consistently and result in
optimal performance of the embedded
anchorages. In the author’s experience
and in discussions with other experts
in the stud welding industry, the root
causes for weld or stud failures can
usually be attributed to one or more of
the following factors:
• Unacceptable base plate material
or plate surface condition
• Inappropriate weld settings
• Malfunctioning or obsolete equipment
• Little or no formal training for
stud welding operators
• Lack of quality control and inspection procedures
This paper addresses these problems
by explaining the fundamentals of the
September-October 2001
Precast/Prestressed Tee
Bar Studs
Steel Insert
Strand Hold Down Stud
Fig. 1. Typical connection using deformed bar anchor studs in a precast/prestressed
concrete tee. Source: Nelson Stud Welding, Inc., Reference 1.
process and highlighting key issues
in the assurance of quality in the stud
welding process. The first section discusses basic principles, and the second
part presents the recommended steps
for producing quality stud welds and
preventing weld failures.
Electric arc stud welding involves
the same electrical, mechanical, and
metallurgical principles found in any
other arc welding process. In stud
welding, the power source and stud
welding control system are set to control the amperage and the arc duration or time. The welding gun has a
trigger-activated circuit to initiate the
weld and a lifting mechanism to draw
the stud away from the base material
and initiate the welding arc. The gun
includes a stud-holding chuck, two
legs, a foot piece, and a ferrule grip to
hold the ceramic ferrule (also called
an arc shield) (see Fig. 2).
The sequence of operations for
making a stud weld is illustrated in
Fig. 2. Stud welding gun. Source: Nelson Stud Welding, Inc.
Fig. 3. Sequence of stud welding operations.
A. A stud and ferrule are loaded into the gun, and the gun properly positioned against the base plate.
B. The gun is pushed against the base material taking up the plunge, or stud length available for burn off against the gun spring
pressure. The trigger button is depressed to start the fully controlled automatic sequence. This sequence consists of initiating the
weld current, and lifting the stud to create an arc by energizing the gun solenoid.
C. The arc duration time is completed and the stud plunged into the molten pool by means of a spring when the gun solenoid is
de-energized and turning off the weld current at the end of the weld cycle.
D. The weld is completed and the gun is lifted off the stud and the ceramic ferrule removed. The stud is inspected for weld quality.
Fig. 4. Typical stud weld
cross section. Source:
Nelson Stud Welding, Inc.
Weld Zones: (A) Heatunaffected stud material,
(B) Stud heat affected zone
(HAZ), (C) Cast zone,
(D) Base material HAZ,
(E) Heat-unaffected base
When performed properly,
the stud weld is stronger
than both the stud material
and base plate material,
and failure will occur at
the ultimate steel strength
in the stud shank or in the
base plate, rather than in
the weld.
Fig. 3.7 The fasteners for electric arc
stud welding have a special shape
and flux on the end of the stud that is
to be welded. This flux initiates and
improves starting and stabilizing the
welding arc. It also serves to deoxidize
the molten weld metal for a sound,
low-porosity weld zone to produce a
full penetration weld.
The ceramic ferrule confines the
weld arc and heat to a specific area of
the base material and holds the molten
metal in place to provide the uniform
weld flash. The term weld flash is used
instead of fillet because the weld zone
comprises a mixture of melted material from the stud end and expelled
from the base plate material, rather
than a weld made from a separate filler
material that is deposited.
A completed weld cross section is
shown in Fig. 4, with the various areas
of the weld cross section identified.
Stud and base plate materials must
be compatible with the stud welding
process. Suppliers of both materials
can provide physical and chemical
certification on the products they supply and these should be requested on
all orders as part of good quality control recordkeeping. Studs of all styles
are available in low carbon steel and
various grades of stainless steel. Commonly used studs in the precast and
construction industries are governed
by the following American Welding
Society (AWS) codes:
Low carbon steel studs: ANSI/
AWS D1.1-00, Structural Welding
Code—Steel.8 Studs are required to
meet ASTM A 1089 chemical specifications for Grades C-1010 through
C-1020 with the mechanical property
requirements listed in Table 1. Three
stud classifications are identified as
follows (see Table 1):
• Type A studs are general purpose
studs, of any type or size, used
for purposes other than embedment or composite design construction. These include 1/4 in.
and 3/8 in. (6 and 10 mm) headed
• Type B studs are headed, bent, or
some other configuration, 1/2 in.
(13 mm) or larger in diameter,
used for concrete embedment
or as an essential component in
composite design construction.
• Type C studs are ASTM A 49610
deformed wires of any diameter,
used for concrete embedment
Stainless steel studs: ANSI/AWS
D1.6-99, Structural Welding Code—
Stainless Steel.11 Studs are required
to meet ASTM A 493 12 or ASTM
A 276 13 chemical specifications for
Grades XM-7, 304, 305, 309, 310,
or 316, or the low carbon versions
of these alloys with the mechanical
property requirements listed in Table
2. The properties listed apply to stud
Types A and B as described in Table
1. This code does not contain stainless
steel Type C, deformed bar studs.
Acceptable base plate materials are
listed in ANSI/AWS D1.1, Table 3.1,
Groups I and II. These include most
of the common low carbon structural
steels such as A36, A709, A992, and
A516. Both the common carbon steel
materials in Table 3.1 of ANSI/AWS
D1.1 and the stainless steel materials
listed in ANSI/AWS D1.6, Section
7.2.6, that meet ASTM A 276 are acceptable base materials for stainless
steel stud welds.
September-October 2001
Table 1. Minimum mechanical property requirements for studs.8
Type A
Type B
AWS D1.1
AWS D1.1
Tensile strength 61,000 psi
65,000 psi
(420 MPa)
(450 MPa)
Yield strength 49,000 psi
51,000 psi
(0.2 percent offset)
(340 MPa)
(350 MPa)
Yield strength Not specified
Not specified
(0.5 percent offset)
Elongation (percent in 2 in.)
Elongation (percent in 5 x diameter)
Percent area reduction
50 percent
50 percent
Type C
ASTM A 4965
80,000 psi
(552 MPa)
Not specified
70,000 psi
(485 MPa)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa.
Stud welding has been in continuous
use for over 60 years. Since the early
1900s, there have been many changes
in the equipment used in the process,
but the principles remain the same.
In the basic process, DC power from
a self-contained generator or transformer/rectifier is passed through a
stud welding control system. The control system is set at a determined time,
voltage, and amperage to initiate the
arc, which forms the molten pool. The
remaining unmelted stud shank is then
plunged into the molten metal pool.
In the early years of stud welding,
the power source was separated from
the control system. Power came from
motor generators, battery banks, and
transformer rectifiers. Today, the control system is typically incorporated
into the power source, and transformer
Table 2. Minimum mechanical
property requirements for stainless
steel studs.11
Tensile strength (UTS)
Yield strength
70,000 psi
(490 MPa)
35,000 psi
(0.2 percent offset)
Elongation (percent in 2 in.)
(245 MPa)
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 psi = 0.006895 MPa.
rectifiers are now the predominant
sources of power (see Fig. 5). Systems
are available for welding studs with
diameters ranging from 1/8 to 11/4 in. (3
to 32 mm).
In recent years, the stud welding industry has been transformed from mechanical to solid state welding equipment with closed-loop controls that
have contributed significantly to simpler weld setups and better weld quality. These solid state controls provide
Fig. 5. Transformer/rectifier powered stud welding systems. Source: Nelson Stud
Welding, Inc.
Table 3. Stud welding setups for mild and stainless steel studs welded to mild and stainless steel base materials.14
Diameter Area
mm sq in. Amp
0.187 4.9 0.0276 300
0.250 6.4 0.0491 450
0.213 7.9 0.0767 500
0.375 9.5 0.1105 550
0.437 11.1 0.1503 675
0.500 12.7 0.1964 800
0.625 15.9 0.3068 1200
0.750 19.1 0.4418 1500
0.875 22.2 0.6013 1700
1.000 25.4 0.7854 1900
Downhand welding
Sec Cycles Lift Plunge Amp
0.15 8-9 0.062 0.125 300
0.17 10-12 0.062 0.125 450
15 0.062 0.125 500
20 0.062 0.125 550
25 0.062 0.125 675
33 0.062 0.125 800
40 0.093 0.187 1200
0.84 50-55 0.093 0.187 1500
1.00 60-65 0.125 0.250 1700
85 0.125 0.250 2050
Overhead welding
Sec Cycles Lift Plunge Amp
8-9 0.062 0.125
0.17 10-12 0.062 0.125
0.062 0.125
0.062 0.125
0.062 0.125
0.062 0.125
0.093 0.187
0.84 50-55 0.093 0.187
0.125 0.250
0.125 0.250
Vertical welding
Cycles Lift
10-12 0.062
Not Recommended
Not Recommended
Note 1: These welding parameters should be considered as an initial setup guide for the stud diameter and position being welded. They should produce satisfactory results, but
should not be considered so restrictive that they prevent modification based on physical and visual test evaluations of the finished welds as outlined in AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code — Steel, AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code — Stainless Steel and/or AWS C5.4 Recommended Practices for Stud Welding, which would assist in finalizing the weld
setup based on the conditions and equipment at the production welding site.
Note 2: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 sq in. = 645 mm2.
verification measurement of both weld
time and current.
Current controls can adjust for weld
cable resistance, compensate for incoming power fluctuations, and provide system shutdown in the event of
variations from the set weld parameters. As another example, welding
guns with potentially erratic pneumatic
weld plunge dampeners have been upgraded to very reliable, self-contained,
sealed hydraulic dampener controls.
An understanding of the settings and
adjustments and their relationship with
weld quality is needed to ensure consistent stud welding results. The following definitions of specialized stud
welding terms will make the narrative
easier to understand.
• Plunge is the length of stud that
protrudes beyond the ferrule. This
portion of the stud is available to be
“burned off,” or melted, to develop the
weld fillet. A short plunge may cause
Fig. 6. Typical
test fixture
(Reference 8).
Slotted Fixtures to
Hold Stud Head and
Specimen Plate
excessive splatter and high or uneven
fillet formation. Plunge is a physical
measurement set and measured with
the stud and ceramic ferrule in place
on the stud gun (see Fig. 2).
• Lift is the distance the gun pulls
the stud away from the base material.
Before the weld is started, the stud and
base metal are in contact. Lift creates
an air gap that the electric current must
bridge. The current flow across the resistance of this gap creates the arc heat
to melt the stud and base material.
If no gap exists, the current will not
create sufficient heat to fuse the metal.
A short lift may allow the molten
metal to bridge the arc gap, resulting
in a cold weld. An excessively long
lift increases the chance of having
arc blow and welds that are bonded
on only one side of the fillet. Lift is
physically set on the stud gun and is
measured when the stud weld is initiated. Lift should be set and measured
by placing the stud and ferrule on a
nonconductive surface and initiating
the weld cycle so that an actual molten
weld is not made.
• Time is the duration of the weld.
On thin base material, a shorter time
and higher amperage can be used to
achieve sufficient heat and prevent
melting through the base material. On
some base materials, a longer time and
lower amperage improve the ductility
of the weld zone. Weld time is set on
the time setting indicator of the control system.
• Amperage is a measure of the current from the power source that flows
across the air gap created by the lift.
Increasing the amperage increases the
weld heat. As with the time setting, a
higher amperage setting is needed for
larger stud sizes. Amperage is also set
on the control system’s current setting
• Alignment is the proper centering the stud in the ceramic ferrule so
that the stud does not contact the ceramic ferrule during lift and plunge,
which can cause friction or binding
between the stud and ferrule. Binding can inhibit both stud lift and stud
plunge sufficiently so that there is less
than sufficient stud melting and less
than full penetration into the molten
weld pool, resulting in a less than full
strength weld.
Table 3 contains suggested weld settings.14 These settings are suggested
starting points for obtaining a final
setup. The final setup is verified by
visual inspection, after weld measurements and physical testing to confirm
weld quality. Other factors such as
welding system grounding, base plate
composition, and cable connections
can influence the weld settings.
Stud welding manufacturers are required by AWS codes 8,11 to qualify
their standard stud weld base diameters
by 60 stud tests of each stud diameter
with the current at plus or minus 10
percent from optimum [except in the
case of 7/8 and 1 in. (22 and 25 mm)
diameters, which are plus or minus 5
percent]. The tests require bending and
tensile testing all of the studs to failure
without failure in any weld. Current
range variations in the test provide an
indication of the acceptability of the
welds under conditions that can occur
in actual shop or field welding production.
Figs. 6, 7, and 8 illustrate typical
fixtures used for stud base tests, which
include the alternating 30-degree bend
test at a distance of 2 in. (51 mm) from
the stud weld.8,11 Fig. 9 shows acceptable and unacceptable weld failures.8
1. Fixture holds specimen and stud is bent 30o alternately
in opposite directions.
2. Load can be applied with hydraulic cylinder (shown)
of fixture
Adapted for use with tension test machine.
Fig. 7. Bend testing device (Reference 8).
Proper implementation of the
practices presented in this section
will result in successful stud welding products. As in other welding and
fabricating methods, there are some
general guidelines to consider when
September-October 2001
Fig. 8. Suggested type of device for qualification testing of small studs (Reference 8).
Note: Fracture in weld near
stud. Fillet remains on plate.
Note: Fracture through flash.
Fillet torn from plate.
Fig. 9. Typical acceptable stud failures and typical unacceptable weld failures.
determining the basics of good practice. Among these are the following
Weld Plate Thickness— A plate
thickness that is at least 0.33 times
the stud shank diameter will develop
the full steel tensile and shear capacity of the stud. It is possible, however,
that this ratio of stud diameter to plate
thickness will cause unacceptable distortion and bending when high loads
are applied. A minimum plate thickness of one-half the stud diameter is
often specified and is recommended
in the PCI Design Handbook.15 Plate
bending should always be a consideration in any embedment plate design.
Weld Plate Cleanliness— The area
where the stud is to be welded (weld
spot) should be as clean as possible.
The spot where the ground clamp is
fastened should also be cleaned on
both sides of the plate so that a good
current path is established.
The presence of light rust or light
mill scale is not usually detrimental.
Heavy mill scale or heavy, flaky rust
should be removed, as well as any
deleterious coating such as heavy oil,
paint, galvanizing, grease, and moisture. Weld and ground spots can be
cleaned very quickly with an abrasive
wheel, wire brush or wheel, drill burr,
or end mill.
Note that solid grinding wheels or
abrasive discs do not remove zinc galvanized plating very well. The grinding disc or wheel fills with zinc and
does no more than spread the zinc
plating around, making the weld spot
look shiny and clean. Open pore abrasive discs and grinding burrs are better options for removing galvanizing.
When zinc galvanizing is used to coat
studs, the coating should be removed
from the weld end by the stud manufacturer before the studs are shipped
and welded.
Galvanizing— Even though zinc
galvanizing is electrically conductive,
studs should not be welded to a galvanized plate. Zinc is a contaminant that
affects the weld metallurgy, causing
brittle welds. Galvanizing should be
done after, rather than before, the base
plate has been welded to the stud.
The effects of hydrogen embrittlement should be considered when hot
dip galvanizing is used. Hydrogen embrittlement can have several points of
origin, which can cause serious brittleness in the weld stud shank when studs
are bent to a very tight bend diameter.
Causes of hydrogen embrittlement are
improper pickling of the finished weld
plate, either by pickling too long or
not rinsing thoroughly after pickling;
plating too long or at too high a temperature; and using a stud that is of
a much higher strength than the base
plate material strength.
To prevent embrittlement in the
bend area of bent bar studs, the bending radius in studs to be zinc plated
should be four to six times the stud diameter as provided by the ACI Building Code.16
Edge Distance— Studs should be
placed no closer to a base plate free
edge than the stud diameter plus 1/8 in.
(3 mm) to the edge of the stud base.
This distance should be at least 1 to
11/2 in. (25 to 38 mm) from each free
Grounding/Arc Blow— Edge distance and ground placement can influence weld quality due to arc blow; that
is, the welding arc is electromagnetically deflected toward the grounding
point or toward the larger mass of the
base plate configuration being welded.
Fig. 10 shows typical ground and edge
effect patterns due to arc blow.17
These effects are less noticeable
when large masses of steel are present,
such as in large beams, but relatively
small embedment plates can present
difficulties. Typically, there is a lack
of weld fillet on the periphery of the
stud opposite the direction of the arc
blow that can adversely affect weld
strength and quality.
As an example, a welding platen
table may be grounded at all four corners by four separate ground wires
bolted to the table and joined to the
welding system single ground wire
by a bolted connection. This turns the
entire platen into a grounded mass and
arc blow on a small plate set onto the
table is minimized. On longer, rectPCI JOURNAL
angular plates, a double ground (one
at each end on opposite edges of the
plate) provides a good current flow
Ground connections may be screw
type “C” clamps, fast action spring
clamps, or lever action hold-down
clamps mounted to the welding table
and connected to the stud welding
system ground cables. All of these
types have proven successful. Frequently, a copper or steel plate larger
than the base plate to be welded, with
a center ground bolted to the bottom,
will eliminate or minimize the effects
of arc blow.
Weld splatter, weld berries, and ferrule pieces should be removed from
the weld plates so that the surface
contacts the weld plate cleanly and
evenly. This will ensure good electrical contact and current flow. It may
take some time and a few trials to establish a good current flow path for
the typical base plate configuration.
When proper grounding is established
and arc blow is minimized, the result
is a consistent high quality weld with
a low rate of rejection and decreased
repair costs.
Ceramic Ferrules— These pieces
are also called ceramic arc shields.
Ferrules serve several functions.
First, they contain the pool of molten
metal and form it into the fillet (flash)
formed around the periphery of the
stud. Second, they control to a great
extent the amount of arc brightness and
the quantity of sparks expelled during
the weld. Third, they are designed with
specific vent patterns so that when the
arc is initiated, the flux in the stud end
is consumed and deoxidizes the weld
zone by expelling weld gasses through
the vents, thus preventing oxygen from
entering the weld area.
Ferrules are also available in a wide
variety of configurations to allow studs
to be welded to round tubing and bars,
plate edges, channels, struts, rectangular and square structural tubing edges.
These various configurations also
allow for a number of weld positions
other than downhand.
It is important to keep the ferrules
dry. If they absorb too much moisture,
the weld instantly turns the moisture
into steam with a substantial amount
of molten metal expelled. In addiSeptember-October 2001
Fig. 10. Effect of (a) Ground connection, and (b) Workpiece on distortion of
magnetic field (Reference 17).
tion to the possible danger from this
“explosion,” the weld is made very
porous and weak. Ferrules that have
been wet or have absorbed moisture
can be dried by heating them to 250ºF
(121ºC) until the moisture is gone.
Ferrule cartons are marked with a
warning that they contain silica, a possible health hazard. Because the ferrules are made from “green” fireclay
with binders and fired at high temperatures, there is no free silica material in respirable sizes released during
the weld. If simply broken free of the
weld, they are basically an inert, inorganic material, such as fired aggregate
or rock, and may be disposed of easily
and safely. It would take an enormous
amount of ferrule breakage or grinding
to produce a dangerous health hazard
to the stud welding operator or those
Position Welding— Studs of all
weld base configurations and diameters can be easily welded in the
downhand position. As a general rule,
studs up to 3/4 in. (19 mm) in diameter
can be welded to the weld plate in a
vertical position with consistent full
strength results. Special ceramic ferrules are used with studs 5/8 in. (16
mm) and larger when welding to the
vertical position of the plate. There
is a special ceramic ferrule for welding 7/8 in. (22 mm) diameter studs to
the vertical position of the plate, but
welding this diameter with the base
plate vertical requires very carefully
controlled conditions.
Welding overhead can also be done
with all stud diameters. Naturally, the
overhead position causes an increased
amount of welding sparks to fall during welding and suitable operator protection is needed. There are spark retention accessories available from the
stud manufacturer. Welding positions
are shown in Fig. 11.11
Stainless Steel Studs Welded to
Carbon Steel Base Plates— Full
strength welds are made when standard carbon steel studs are welded to
either approved stainless steel or carbon steel base plate materials. Similarly, welds made with stainless steel
studs to stainless or carbon steel base
plate materials develop full stud steel
capacity in tension or shear. However,
in cases where stainless steel studs are
welded to carbon steel plates and are
to be subject to repetitive or cyclic
loads, stress corrosion failure in the
weld can occur, initiated by carbide
precipitation during the weld and subsequent intergranular cracking.
As an example, on one project,
stainless threaded studs were welded
to low carbon structural steel to secure
counterweight vibration dampers exposed to open weather conditions. The
constant movement of the dampener
weights and repetitive loading cycles
on the studs produced cracking, corrosion and failure in the stud welds.
It is good practice to specify that the
stainless studs to be used under such
conditions are either annealed after
manufacture or made from annealed
in-process stainless steel with less
than 90 Rockwell B Hardness in the
cator to verify compliance with quality
programs and welding codes.
Stud Welding at Low Temperature— Studs should not be welded
when the base plate temperature is
below 0ºF (-18ºC) or when the surface of the base plate is wet, covered
with frost, or exposed to rain or snow.
When the base plate is below 50ºF
(10ºC), impact testing of the welded
stud, such as with a hammer blow,
should not be done. Instead, the stud
should be tested by bending it slowly
with a hollow pipe or other bending
device. A brittle failure by impact testing at low temperatures in the weld or
in the base metal is quite common.
Tension and shear tests done at temperatures as low as -40ºF (-40ºC) on
studs welded at -40ºF have shown no
loss in weld strength.20 It is the impact
testing that causes the weld failure.
Whenever possible, welding and testing studs at low temperatures should
be avoided; if indeed it is necessary,
the bend test should be done with a
pipe instead of a hammer.
Training and Qualification of the Stud
Welding Operator
Fig. 11. Positions for stud welding (Reference 11).
finished condition. This minimizes the
chance of weld cracking and failures.
Material Selection and Verification
Studs are made from steel supplied
to the stud manufacturer by quality
approved steel suppliers. Quality assurance procedures require that the
steel supplier provide certified mill
test reports (CMTRs) for each heat
and diameter of steel supplied. These
CMTRs certify compliance to welding code specified material grades and
chemistry. These reports are requested
at the time of purchase from the stud
manufacturer and are part of their certification package on every shipment
of studs.
At the time of manufacture, stud
heats are also tested to determine
whether their mechanical properties
are in compliance with welding code
requirements. A certificate of compliance (COC) for each stud shipment
can be made at the time of shipment
to verify that chemical and physical
properties comply with the specifications of the engineer.
A COC can certify compliance with
typical steel specifications such as
ASTM A 1089 and A 276,13 as well as
various welding codes such as AWS
D1.1,8 AWS D1.6,11 CSA W59,18 and
ISO 13918.19 Similarly, the weld plate
fabricator should require certified mill
test reports from their steel vendors to
verify compliance to welding code-approved materials.
As mentioned previously, welding
codes require stud manufacturers to
weld test and qualify their stud base
diameters and materials. These tests
must be certified by an independent
testing laboratory, which will either
conduct or witness the testing. Along
with the stud COCs and CMTRs for
both studs and weld plates, the stud
weld base qualifications should be
kept on file with the weld plate fabri-
The following section discusses
training of operators and process qualification.
Operator Training— Introductory training of operators in the stud
welding process is the first step in
successful production stud welding.
This familiarizes the operators with
the general principles of the process,
proper equipment setup, weld setup
for the studs, general guidelines, and
inspection techniques. Trained and experienced representatives of stud and
equipment manufacturers can provide
specifications, guidelines, and other
literature as part of a complete program that will lead to formal qualification of both the operator and the stud
welding process.
Process Qualification— Stud welding is a prequalified process unique
among the many welding processes
due to the many millions of studs that
have been successfully welded using
the process. When studs are welded
in the downhand position to approved
base plate materials, only two studs
are required to be welded and tested.
The test consists of both a visual and
physical inspection.
The physical inspection requires
bending the studs 30 degrees from the
vertical by hammering the stud on the
unwelded end or bending it with a
pipe or other device. The pipe should
be placed 2 in. (51 mm) above the stud
weld. The visual inspection verifies
that the stud flash is complete around
the stud periphery, and that the afterweld height of the stud is appropriate
for the diameter being welded.
If the physical and visual inspection
are each satisfactory, then both the
process and the operator are considered qualified for those stud diameters
welded downhand. This qualification
applies as long as there are no changes
made in the studs, settings, equipment,
welding cables, or ceramic ferrules, or
from an approved to a non-approved
base material qualified by the test. The
two-stud test is required at the start
of every production period, such as a
shift change or operator change.
Studs welded to a non-approved
base plate material or in a position
other than downhand, such as to a
vertical or overhead base plate, or
the fillet or heel of an angle, must be
application qualification approved.
Qualification approval consists of
welding ten of each stud style and
diameter to be used in production to
the positions and base materials to
be used in production, with the same
equipment, settings, welding cables
and ceramic ferrules to be used in the
actual production welding.
All ten studs of each diameter and
in each position to be qualified must
be tested to failure by tensile, bend, or
torque test, or a combination of these.
They must also meet visual inspection
requirements. For all studs tested, failure must be in the stud shank or base
plate material, rather than in the stud
weld. Note that failure is allowed in
the base plate material.
This provision is acceptable only
when it is known the base plate material may be of a composition, strength
or thickness that will not fully develop
the stud weld strength, but the strength
and weld results are acceptable for the
end use intended. Such a failure is not
acceptable for embedment plates used
for structural connections nor for atSeptember-October 2001
Fig. 12. Visual inspection of stud weld appearance. Source: Nelson Stud Welding, Inc.
tachments requiring full strength and
ductility. The successful completion of
the specific application qualification
tests qualifies both the operator and
the process.
Qualification documentation for the
operator and the process should be
part of the overall recordkeeping of the
plate fabrication facility. This documentation can be completed by first
establishing a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) for the stud diameters, equipment, settings, cable lengths,
welding positions, weld plate materials,
and ceramic ferrules that are to be used
in the weld plate fabrication.
Once the welding procedure specifications are completed and documented, the operators set up and per-
form the welding procedure using the
WPS guidelines. The operator welds
two studs of all diameters downhand
and ten studs for all other positions.
The welds are visually inspected and
tested with the testing certified by the
welding supervisor or trainer. The operator is certified by name using the
same form as a Welder Qualification
Record (WQR).
These records are retained along
with material certifications and production inspection records as part of
the documentation files for review by
interested parties including customers,
quality certification agencies, the engineer of record, and the owner’s representative. A sample WPS/PQR/WQR
form for stud welding is provided in
AWS D1.1.8
Inspection Guidelines
Visual Weld Inspection— A proper
relationship between the lift, plunge,
time, and amperage is needed to obtain good weld results. The length reduction or burn-off and the weld fillet appearance are determined by the
weld settings. Referring to Fig. 12,
visual weld inspection consists of interpreting the appearance of the weld
fillet, and is normally a very accurate
method if certain guidelines are followed.
A “good weld” is characterized by:
• Even flash (fillet) formation
• A shiny, bluish hue to the flash
• A slight flow or bend of the flash
metal into the base material
• Good flash height
• Consistent after-weld length
• Full “wetting” – i.e., flash around
the stud periphery without undercut
A “cold weld,” which requires more
time, amperage, or both, is indicated
• Low flash (fillet) height
• Incomplete flash formation
• A dull gray cast to the flash surface
• Stringers of flash metal forming
“spider legs”
A “hot weld,” which is made with
too much time, amperage, or both, is
distinguished by:
• Excessive splatter
• A washed-out flash (fillet)
• Undercutting of the stud
• Burn through the base material
“Stud hang-up” can result from too
much lift, poor alignment of the stud
relative to the work piece, and binding during lift and plunge caused by
poorly centering the stud in the ceramic ferrule. Stud hang-up is distinguished by:
• Very low or no flash (fillet)
• Severe undercut in the weld
• No penetration of the weld into
the base plate
• Insufficient stud burn-off (after
weld height is too long)
Burn-Off – Stud Length Reduction— In most arc welding processes,
the weld fillet metal comes from a
stick electrode or a spool of welding
wire. In stud welding, a portion of the
stud itself is the source of the fillet
metal. The stud material that is melted
to develop the fillet is called burn-off.
The difference in length between a
welded stud and the original length is
the burn-off length.
The burn-off length is a very good
measure of weld quality, because the
burn-off is determined by the weld settings of time, current, lift, and plunge.
Proper burn-off also indicates that
there was no binding or hang-up during the plunging motion of the gun.
The most convenient method of
checking burn-off is to stand an unwelded stud upside down (load end
up) next to a welded stud to compare
the length difference to the stud base
– not to the end of the flux load. Afterweld height can also be checked with
a sliding carpenter’s level or square.
Table 4 shows typical burn-off length
reductions when welding to the bare
Physical Weld Inspection— At the
beginning of the day, shift change, or
any change of operator, equipment,
position, or settings, two studs are
welded according to qualified settings
during pre-production testing. Following satisfactory visual inspection, they
are bent 30 degrees (or torque tested in
the case of threaded studs). Studs that
are bent may be straightened to the
original axis and used in production.
However, studs should not be heated
during bending nor straightening without approval by the engineer of record.
Torque testing is performed to a
proof load level slightly lower than the
nominal stud yield to prevent permanent distortion of the threads. Torque
test proof load requirements are found
in AWS D1.1 or D1.6. The torque test
studs may be used in production.
The stud welding operator is responsible for pre-production setup and
testing. The operator shall weld two
studs to a production weld plate, or
to a piece of material similar to the
weld plate in material composition and
within 25 percent of the production
weld plate thickness.
Inspections during production are
also the responsibility of the operator.
Pre-production and production inspection test results should be recorded and
approved by the welding supervisor.
Table 4. Stud burn-off lengths.21
Stud diameter
/16 – 1/2 in.
/8 – 7/8 in.
1 in. and over
Length reduction
/32-1/8 in. (2.4-3 mm)
/32-3/16 in. (4-5 mm)
/16-1/4 in. (3-6 mm)
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
Unsatisfactory pre-production or production inspections and tests should
be brought to the welding supervisor’s
attention and corrections made. This
should be accompanied by additional
tests with fully satisfactory inspection
and test results before proceeding with
further welding.
At regular intervals during production welding, the studs welded since
the previous testing interval should
be inspected visually. If the visual inspection shows a full periphery weld
flash without undercut and satisfactory
after-weld length, welding may continue. If the visual inspection shows a
lack of fillet or insufficient weld burnoff, the questionable studs should be
marked and appropriate supervisory
personnel notified.
In accordance with codes, the contract documents, or the quality assurance inspection criteria in use, the
studs without a full peripheral fillet but
with a satisfactory after-weld length
may be tested by bending 15 degrees
in the direction opposite the lack of
fillet, or repaired with a hand weld
by adding a minimum fillet weld as
required in Table 5.8 The repair weld
shall extend at least 3/8 in. (10 mm)
beyond each end of the discontinuities
being repaired.
If any tested stud fails the bend test
or if there is continued and frequent
evidence of insufficient stud burn-off,
or incomplete fillet, production must
be halted and appropriate supervisory
personnel notified. The welding variables should be checked, the necessary
adjustments made and the process and
operator qualification procedures repeated with satisfactory results before
continuing with further production
In many cases, the fabrication of
stud welded embedment plates may be
subcontracted to an outside supplier.
The weld plate fabricator’s inspection procedure and inspection results
should be made available to the prePCI JOURNAL
Table 5. Minimum fillet weld sizes for studs.8*
Stud diameter
/4 through 7/16
6.4 through 11.1
/8, 3/4, 7/8
15.9, 19.0, 22.2
Minimum size fillet
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
* Welding shall be done with low hydrogen electrodes 5/32 or 3/16 in. in diameter except that a smaller diameter
electrode may be used on studs 7/16 in. diameter or under or for out-of-position welds.
cast/prestressed producer. Further, the
producer should implement an incoming inspection procedure with acceptance, rejection and corrective action
criteria and corresponding records.
An excellent welding inspection
procedure can be found in PCI’s Manual for Quality Control for Plants and
Production of Architectural Precast
Concrete Products.22
Equipment Service and Repair
The following section discusses
safety precautions to be taken in the
event of malfunctioning equipment
and stud welding operations.
Malfunctioning/Obsolete Equipment and Maintenance— Older stud
welding units with mechanical contactors and relays powered by a separate
motor generator or transformer rectifier are obsolete. These systems lack
read-out displays for time and current,
current compensation, fault protection,
and shut down, which allow controlled
quality welds. Spare parts for these
systems are not readily available.
Newer equipment is solid state, but
even a new system can suffer breakdowns. Welding cable connections can
deteriorate, wiring connections can
become brittle and fail, and the accumulation of heavy dust or moisture
can cause the solid-state components
to overheat and short out. Parts in the
welding gun can suffer wear or breakage, affecting the consistency of programmed weld setup parameters.
It is good practice to regularly clean
the welding systems and to inspect
and replace worn or defective parts.
Trained representatives of the equipment and stud supplier are usually
available to assist in evaluating the
equipment and cleaning guns or suggesting which components may need
to be replaced.
September-October 2001
Stud Welding Safety— As with
any welding process, common sense
should be applied for the safety of
the stud welding operator and welding station facilities. The welding area
should be kept clear of any flammable materials, gases, and falling and
tripping hazards. The operator should
also wear welding safety glasses with
No. 3 tinted lenses, protective gloves,
welding aprons, and other protective
clothing as needed for the setup of the
welding table and welding position.
For example, a welding table at waist
height may subject the operator to
sparks from the weld process, in which
case a welding apron should be used.
Welding cables should be regularly
inspected for such things as loss of
insulation and exposed connections.
Any necessary repairs should be made
without delay. Finished weld plates
must be handled carefully as they can
become very hot during or shortly
after welding is completed. The work
area should be adequately ventilated
so that welding fumes are exhausted
from the area.
Welding arc brightness is minimized
due to the ceramic ferrule, but continual observation of the weld should be
avoided and tinted lenses are recommended. The sparks that are caused by
stud welding are usually minimal and
do not carry for a long distance, but
workers should be at least 5 ft (1.52
m) away from each other. These safety
practices and other precautions are
outlined in ANSI/ AWS Z49.1.23
Stud welding is a long recognized
and practiced welding method. In any
given year and throughout the world,
over 100 million stud welds of all
types are made with the requirement
for development of full weld strength.
Quality welds are critical to the performance of finished structural members, attachments, and connections.
Whether the user employs the welding
procedure in their in-plant fabrication
shop or purchases the finished weld
plates from a subcontractor, the principles and practices discussed in this
article should be followed. The following summary recommendations are
given for achieving consistent quality.
Stud and Weld Plate Materials
1. Studs should be manufactured
from materials acceptable for the stud
welding process as approved in the
AWS welding codes. The stud manufacturer should be required, by specifications from the purchaser, to provide
certified material test reports on the
material used to make the studs. The
manufacturer should also be required
to provide certificates of compliance
verifying that the shipped studs meet
the AWS codes and engineering specification requirements provided by the
purchaser in the purchase documents.
2. Base plate materials should also
meet the requirements for AWS code
approved materials for use with stud
welding and appropriate certifications
should be required for the base materials from the steel manufacturer or the
plate supplier. In both cases, the steel
certification documents are part of the
fabricator’s quality control system and
should be maintained in their records
and be included in the purchaser’s or
user’s documentation package.
Welding and Inspection
1. Stud welding training, equipment
setup, welder qualification, and unique
application qualification instruction
are available from stud and equipment
suppliers, and fabricators should avail
themselves of these services. The records for such training can be incorporated into an appropriate quality assurance program.
2. Inspection of pre-production
welds and continuous and documented
results of both visual and physical inspection of finished welds is further
assurance of acceptable weld quality.
Stud Welding Equipment
and Safety
1. Equipment for stud welding has
grown much more reliable than in past
years, and improvements in the technology are ongoing. Obsolete equipment may not function properly and
should be considered for replacement.
All pieces of operating equipment are
subject to wear or possible failure.
Equipment must be regularly inspected,
repaired, or replaced as needed.
2. Welding safety for both operators and other personnel in the welding area is a matter of common sense.
Publications are available with guidelines for safety. Safety increases productivity.
The author wishes to express his
appreciation to the PCI JOURNAL
reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments.
1.Stud Welding Applications: Concrete Connections, Nelson
Stud Welding, Inc., Elyria, OH, 1988.
2.Anderson, Neal S., and Meinheit, Donald F., “Design Criteria
for Headed Stud Groups in Shear: Part 1 – Shear Capacity and
Back Edge Effects,” PCI JOURNAL, V. 45, No. 5, SeptemberOctober 2000, pp. 36-75.
3.Strigel, Roberta M., Pincheira, José A., and Oliva, Michael
G., “Reliability of 3/8 in. Stud-Welded Deformed Bar Anchors
Subject to Tensile Loads,” PCI JOURNAL, V. 45, No. 6, November-December 2000, pp. 72-82.
4.Wiewel, Harry, “Load Capacity of Nelson D2L Deformed Bar
Anchors Installed in Concrete,” Nelson Stud Welding, Inc.,
Elyria, OH, September 1986.
5.Wiewel, Harry, “Report of Tests Conducted on Nelson D2L
Deformed Bar Anchors Installed in Stone Aggregate Concrete,”
Nelson Stud Welding, Inc., Elyria, OH, December 1994.
6.ACI Committee 355, “State-of-the-Art Report on Anchorage
to Concrete,” ACI 355.1R-91, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 1991.
7.Welding Handbook, Eighth Edition, V. 2, Welding Processes,
Chapter 9, Stud Welding, American Welding Society, Miami,
FL, 1991, pp. 300-327.
8.ANSI/AWS D1.1-00, Structural Welding Code—Steel, American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 2000.
9.ASTM A 108-99, “Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality,” American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
10.ASTM A 496-97a, “Standard Specification for Steel Wire,
Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement,” American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
11.ANSI/AWS D1.6-99, Structural Welding Code—Stainless
Steel, American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 1999.
12.ASTM A 493-82a, “Standard Specification for Stainless
and Heat Resisting Steel for Cold Heading and Cold Forg-
ing,” American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
13.ASTM A 276-00, “Standard Specification for Stainless Steel
Bars and Shapes,” American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.
14.Training Program, Nelson Stud Welding, Inc., Elyria, OH,
15.PCI Design Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete,
Fifth Edition, MNL 120-99, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL, 1999.
16.ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-99) and Commentary (ACI 318R99),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI,
17.Baeslack, III, W. A., Fayer, III, G., and Jackson, C. E., “Quality Control in Arc Stud Welding,” The Welding Journal, November 1975, pp. 789-797.
18.CSA W59-89, “Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding),” Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario,
Canada, 1989.
19.ISO 13918:1998, “Welding—Studs and Ceramic Ferrules for
Arc Stud Welding,” International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1998, 21 pp.
20.Kennedy, D. J. Laurie, “Stud Welding at Low Temperatures,”
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 7, 1980, pp. 442454.
21.ANSI/AWS C5.4-94, “Recommended Practices for Stud Welding,” American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 1994.
22.Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural Precast Concrete Products, Third Edition, MNL
117-96, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL,
23.ANSI/AWS Z49.1-94, “Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied
Processes,” American Welding Society, Miami, FL, 1994.