Thursday 9 June 2016 - Duncan House

London Legacy Development Corporation Quality Review Panel
Report of Planning Application Review Meeting: Duncan House
Thursday 9 June 2016
Level 10, 1 Stratford Place, Montfichet Road, London E20 1EJ
Peter Studdert (chair)
Tom Holbrook
Rachel Gleave O’Connor
Deborah Denner
LLDC Planning Policy and Decisions Team
Fortismere Associates
Report also copied to
Anthony Hollingsworth
Allison De Marco
LLDC Planning Policy and Decisions Team
LLDC Planning Policy and Decisions Team
Note on process
The Quality Review Panel comments below follow on from three pre-application
reviews and a planning application review of the scheme for Duncan House. Panel
members who attended the previous meetings were: Peter Studdert (chair); John
Lyall; Catherine Burd; Neil Deely; Tom Holbrook; Tom Lonsdale; Lindsey Whitelaw;
Peter Stewart; Lynne Sullivan; Dan Epstein; and Peter Lainson.
Report of Planning Application Review Meeting
Thursday 9 June 2016
QRP67_Duncan House
Project name and site address
Duncan House, Stratford High Street, London E15
Planning application reference:
Presenting team
Jim Davies
Stephen Hodder
Chris Benham
Ben Wrighton
Watkin Jones Group
GL Hearn
GL Hearn
Planning authority’s views
Duncan House was submitted for planning approval in April 2016, and recommended
for approval by planning officers. However, the LLDC planning committee had
concerns about the height of the development and its impact on the neighbouring
conservation area – and has deferred their decision on the application to allow the
Quality Review Panel to assess changes since their previous review on 14 January
2016. Amendments have been made to the podium, the tall building has been
reduced in height by 10m, and there has been further development of the landscape
design. Planning officers would welcome the panel’s comments on areas where they
previously suggested refinements, and their view on whether outstanding architecture
has been achieved.
Quality Review Panel’s views
The panel supports the planning application for Duncan House and feels that the
proposals now meet the test of policy BN10 requiring outstanding architecture for tall
buildings on Stratford High Street. Amendments to the scheme’s overall height, the
podium, construction detailing, and landscape design are welcome. In the panel’s
view this is a strong example of a scheme refined through positive pre-application
dialogue with planning officers and the Quality Review Panel. The care and attention
that has been paid to detailing and construction materials is particularly welcome.
This gives the scheme a robust design quality, which promises to weather well and
stand the test of time. Adjustments to the podium improve the scheme’s relationship
with the conservation area. Whilst a further 3m reduction in the height of the tall
building has been explored, the panel do not think this makes any appreciable
difference in townscape views, and would regret the loss of the ‘lantern’ providing
social space for students. What is particularly attractive about the tall building is the
slenderness of its elements, and the way in which they are articulated. A further
reduction in height would reduce the elegance of its proportions. More detailed
comments are provided below.
Report of Planning Application Review Meeting
Thursday 9 June 2016
QRP67_Duncan House
Scale and massing
In the panel’s view the elegant and intriguing form of the tower element,
together with the high quality of materials and construction detailing proposed,
successfully meet the test of policy BN10 requiring outstanding architecture.
The design team have investigated the possibility of reducing the height of the
tall building by a further 3m, through loss of the ‘lantern’ at the top of the
tower, providing social space for students.
The panel do not think this would be beneficial in terms of townscape views,
and would regret relocation of the student social space away from the top of
the tower.
At street level, the panel think the design of the podium creates a base to the
building that successfully responds to the neighbouring conservation area.
Mix of uses
The proposal demonstrates a skilful response to a brief incorporating several
uses: residential, academic, student housing, commercial and artists’ studios.
The panel notes that 50 per cent of residential units are designed to be dual
aspect. It repeats its recommendations that single aspect apartments be
avoided and that access corridors benefit from natural light wherever possible.
Architectural expression
The architecture demonstrates a welcome legibility and structural coherence –
and promise high quality detailing and material, which in the panel’s view can
be judged as ‘outstanding architecture’.
It will be crucial that the refinement and quality of construction promised by the
planning application drawings is realised on site – and the panel would
support the planning authority in the use of robust conditions to ensure this.
Landscape design
The panel welcomes the proposed improvements to the public realm along
Stratford High Street – which is currently of particularly poor quality.
Skill and care are also evident in the design of private and shared private
external spaces in the submitted scheme.
The panel is particularly encouraged that the landscape design strategy looks
beyond the site’s ‘red line’ boundary to ensure that it connects successfully
into the surrounding environment.
Report of Planning Application Review Meeting
Thursday 9 June 2016
QRP67_Duncan House
Inclusive design
The panel would encourage the provision of storage for mobility scooters, as
well as cycles – bearing in mind the future needs of an ageing population.
In general, any assessment of ‘outstanding architecture’, as required by Policy
BN.10, should include the extent to which the LLDC’s aspirations for diversity
and inclusion have been addressed.
Next steps
The panel supports the planning application for Duncan House and looks
forward to seeing it built.
High quality materials and construction will be crucial to the success of this
scheme, and the panel would support the use of robust planning conditions to
ensure this.
The panel also strongly recommends retention of the current design team
throughout construction.
Report of Planning Application Review Meeting
Thursday 9 June 2016
QRP67_Duncan House