ACCELERATOR R&D ACTIVITIES IN IHEP, CAS Yunlong Chi Accelerator Center, IHEP, CAS NOV.22, 2013 Outline BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IHEP BEPC (Beijing e- & e+ Collider) & BEPCII CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) ADS (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) FUTURE ACCELERATOR Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Institute of Modern Physics: established at 1950 Institute of High Energy Physics: independent Institute for Particle physics at 1973 Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China 1250 employees, 2/3 of them are physicists and engineers, 450 PhD Students and post-doctors Goal of IHEP: multiple discipline research center based on large scientific facilities. IHEP Major research fields Particle physics: Charm physics @ BEPCII LHC exp. Yangbajing cosmic ray observatory particle astrophysics n physics: Daya Bay reactor n exp. Accelerator technology and applications High Lumi. e+e- collider: BEPCII High power proton accelerator Radiation technologies Synchrotron radiation source and applications Spallation neutron source and application IHEP Large scientific facilities Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII / BSRF) The Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment Cosmic ray physics and high energy astrophysics lab China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Accelerator Driven Subcritical system (ADS) Beijing Advance Light Source (under R&D) IHEP Organization Chart Mission of Accelerator Center One of the key divisions in IHEP. Develop accelerator physics and technology. Main force on large scientific facility construction since BEPC. Supporter of the future projects in IHEP. Outline BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IHEP BEPC (Beijing e- & e+ Collider) & BEPCII CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) ADS (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) FUTURE ACCELERATOR BEPC & BEPCII Beijing Electron Positron Collider : Constructed: 1984-1988 BESI: run from 1989-1998 BESII: run from 1999-2004 Upgraded (BEPCII ): 2004-2008 BESIII: run from 2008 BEPCII LINAC (e- an e+) (1984 construct, BEPCII 2004 upgrade) LINAC Design Measured Energy (e+ / e-) ( GeV ) 1.89 / 2.3 1.89 / 2.5 Current ( e+ ) ( mA ) 37 61 Current ( e- ) ( mA ) 500 > 500 Emittance(e+)( 1 σ, mm-mrad) 0.40 (37 mA) 0.39~0.41 (40~46 mA) ( 1 σ, mm-mrad) 0.10 (500 mA) 0.09~0.11 (600 mA) Pulse Repe. Rate (Hz) 50 50 Energy Spread ( e- ) (%) ± 0.50 (500 mA) ± 0.44 (600 mA) Energy Spread ( e+ ) (%) ± 0.50 (37 mA) ± 0.50 (≥37 mA) Emittance (e-) Positron Source Design Measured e- Beam spot radius(mm) 2.5 1.0 – 1.5 e- Beam energy (MeV) 240 210 4.5 – 0.5 5.3 – 0.5 Flux pulse magnetic field(T) @ 12 kA pulse current Flux pulse magnetic field(T) @ operation current 10.2 kA Solenoid magnetic field (T) @ 350 A driving current 4.5 – 0.48 0.5 T 7 m Solenoid magnetic field (T) @ operation current 320 A 0.5 T 7 m 0.48 T 7 m e+ current @ solenoid exit (mA) 88 100 e+ energy @ solenoid exit (MeV) 80 - 100 100 e+ yield @ solenoid exit(e- /e+(GeV)) 4.3 7.6 BEPCII: High Luminosity Double Ring e- e+ Collider Design Goals: charm energy region world best collider Keep Collider and Light source operation Beam energy range Optimized beam energy region Luminosity @ 1.89 GeV Injection from linac Dedicated SR operation 1–2.3 GeV 1.89GeV 110 33 cm-2s-1 Full energy injection: Einj=1.55-1.89GeV Positron injection rate > 50 mA/min 250 mA @ 2.5 GeV BEPCII: High Luminosity Double Ring e- e+ Collider SC RF Cavity BESIII LIGA 1A 3B BEPCII 光束线 和实验站 3W1 能 3B 1 BEPCII III 4B 4B9B 4W1A 荧光分析 4W1B XAFS I IV 4B 2 1W 8 4B9 1W1B 漫散射 1 W1 4w1 1W 1A 2B X-射线成像 4B9A 7 衍射 光电子能谱 II 4 W2 VUV 1W 线 线 束 X射 分子 生物大 3W1A 高压 中 软 光刻 生物 大分 子 Double Ring 小角散射 12 Beam Line Cryogenic System of BEPCII 500MHz SC Cavity Cryogenic Plant BEPCII Storage Ring SC Magnet 13 13 日 日 10 21 12 月 9日 月 14 日 12 月 17 日 12 月 23 日 12 月 24 日 1月 12 日 4月 8日 12 3日 日 15 5月 3月 3月 2月 日 1日 23 2月 -2 -1 8 800 6 600 4 400 2 Luminosity e+ beam current 200 0 e- beam current 0 B eam cu rren t (m A ) 1月 32 L u m in o sity (×1 0 cm s ) Commissioning, and operation of BEPCII Outline BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IHEP BEPC (Beijing e- & e+ Collider) & BEPCII CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) ADS (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) FUTURE ACCELERATOR CSNS Design The phase-I CSNS facility consists of an 80-MeV H- linac, a 1.6-GeV RCS, beam transport lines, a target station, and 3 instruments. Project Phase I II Beam Power on target [kW] 100 500 Proton energy [GeV] 1.6 1.6 Average beam current [μA] 62.5 312.5 Pulse repetition rate [Hz] 25 25 Linac energy [MeV] 80 250 Linac type DTL +Spoke Linac RF frequency [MHz] 324 324 Macropulse. ave current [mA] 15 40 Macropulse duty factor 1.0 1.7 RCS circumference [m] 228 228 RCS harmonic number 2 2 RCS Acceptance [mm-mrad] 540 540 Target Material Tungsten Tungsten Linac RCS LINAC & LRBT Fast Neutron Target RTBT Experiment hall Civil Design Total long-term construction site area is about 0.67km2. 0.27km2 has been occupied for phase-I construction. The remaining land is planned for future expansion for new project. Facility buildings, including Linac, RCS, transport line, target, have a total area of 30,431m2. Auxiliary buildings, including administration office, test halls, occupy a total area of 36,258m2. 2017.08. Beam on target 2016.05. RCS commissioning 2015.09. Linac&LRBT commission 2015.01. RTBT installation 2014.07. RCS installation 2013.12. DTL installation 2013.09. Frontend installation 2012.03. Civil Construction start 0-order CPM Groundbreaking on 20 Oct. 2011 Civil Construction May 2009 20 Civil Construction 21 April 2013 Linac Design 3 MeV H — IS LEBT 80 MeV MEBT RFQ Buncher1 LRBT DTL Debuncher Buncher2 RING HVPS 4616 4616 Solid State Amplifier LLRF LLRF Solid State Amplifier LLRF MOD LLRF MOD Klys. Klys. LLRF LLRF Klys. Klys. Solid State Amplifier Klys. LLRF LLRF LLRF 2.5 MW klystron ea. 350kW*2 Tetrode LLRF Low Level RF HVPS MOD MOD 4616 4616 Tetrode RF Amplifier Klys. Klystron MOD Modulator HVPS High Voltage Power Supply EMQ option in FFDD lattice Electrostatic chopper in LEBT Ion Source RFQ DTL 0.05 3.0 Input Energy(MeV) Output Energy(MeV) 0.05 3.0 80 Pulse Current (mA) 20/40 20/40 15/30 RF frequency (MHz) 324 324 Chop rate (%) 50 50 Duty factor (%) 1.3 1.05 1.05 Repetition rate (Hz) 25 25 25 Front-end • • H- ion source A Penning source has been set up. It is now under beam extraction test. The first extracted H- beam reached 20 in May. LEBT with a chopper Space charge neutralized LEBT with an electrostatic deflector as a chopper at the entrance of the RFQ. A prototype of the chopper reaches a fast rise time less than 17ns in a proton beam test. Front-end • • RF power couplers RFQ A four-vane type RFQ at 324 MHz composed of two coupled resonators. Four modules have been brazed for assembly and field tuning. Vacuum pumps RF Power Two sets of Burle 4616 Tetrode feed 530 kW total RF power to the RFQ. In the power test, the source can reach 400 kW pulse power with pulse length of 700μs at 25 Hz, better than specification. DTL • • Tank and drift tube The DTL linac is composed of 4 tanks with a total length of 35 m. Each tank is about 9m long and assembled with 3 technical modules. EMQs in FFDD lattice provide focusing in equipartioning design. The first tank is under fabrication. Tank is made of a carbon steel tube with copper plated on the inner surface. A feature of the DTL is the use of OFC in all parts of DTs. SAKAE coil is adopted for the quadrupole. DTL • RF Power RF power source for DTL is 324 MHz klystron from CPI, with maximum output power of 3 MW. Two sets of 400 Hz AC series resonance high voltage power supply is under manufacture. • LLRF A full digitalized LLRF system was tested with amplitude and phase variations in the cavity less than ±0.25% and ±0.35° with beam loading, much better than the requirements of ±1% in amplitude and ±1° in phase. ±0.20%, <±1.00%, required ±0.25 , <±1.00, required RCS Design Lattice of 4-fold symmetry, triplet. 227.92m circumference. Four long straight sections for injection, acceleration, collimation and extraction. 24 main dipoles with one power supply. 48 main quadrupoles with 5 power supplies. Ceramic vacuum chambers for the AC & pulsed magnets. 8 RF ferrite loaded cavities to provide 165 kV. RCS Hardware prototype • RCS Main Dipole Two prototypes were fabricated to address the issue of laminate crack. Based the successful experience we started the mass production at IHEP workshop. • RCS Main Quadrupole Overcome crack trouble of the coil epoxy resin. Contracted with IHEP workshop and the first one has been manufactured. 72 hours test run has been conducted without any crack. Field measurement show a satisfactory results. Power supply White resonant circuit is chosen as the power supply to provide AC+DC current to the main magnets. Power source and choke are now under mass production. To compensate for the field deformation due to the magnet core nonlinearity, harmonic injection technology is successfully introduced into the power supplies in the test of the prototype. Ring RF Ferrite loaded cavity’s resonant frequency shifts from 1.02 MHz to 2.44 MHz in 20 ms by a bias current supply. Cavity design is improved, under mass production. Tube amplifier RF Cavity Power supplies and drive amplifier Anode DC power supply Bias supply 8 sets of 500 kW transmitter have been in mass production. Heat exchanger Electricity switchboard Control and interlock modu Ceramic Chamber Mass production of the ceramic chambers for RCS main Q and D magnets has started. N2/Ar inlet Right cathode(7.5) Left cathode(7.5) A curved magnetron sputtering facility for TiN coating has be set up at IHEP and glow discharge has been got in the first test for the prototype dipole ceramic chamber. 31 RCS Injection & Extraction The stripping foil facility has been manufactured with 20 carbon foils on a rotating frame. One of the two injection pulsed bump power supplies of 9,000A made in R&D phase can be directly used. 8 kicker magnets have been put into mass production and the first one will be accepted in August. Their power supplies are now under fabrication and the first one is scheduled in Sept. 2013. Outline BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IHEP BEPC (Beijing e- & e+ Collider) & BEPCII CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) ADS (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) FUTURE ACCELERATOR China ADS Road Map Phase I: key tech. R&D Acc. & target & reactor prototype (~10 MWt, ~2023) Phase II: Exp. Facility Phase III: Demo Facility (~100 MWt, ~2030) (~1000 MWt, ~2037) ADS Proton Beam Requirement Particle Proton Energy 1.5 GeV Current 10 mA Beam power 15 MW Frequency 162.5/325/650 MHz Duty factor 100 % Beam Loss <1 (0.3) W/m Beam trips/year <25000 <2500 <25 1s<t<10s 10s<t<5m t>5m Layout of the ADS Proton Linac The proton accelerator is being built by IHEP and IMP together. This project has begun from early 2011, supported by “Strategic Priority Research Program” by CAS。 Design of Injector I Frequency (MHz) 325 ECR Source Voltage (keV) 35 RFQ Energy (MeV) 3.2 Injector I Energy (MeV) 10 Number of Spoke012 Cavity 14 Number of solenoid 14 Number of cold BPM 14 Number of CM 1+1 8%/ 5%/5% Design of Injector II ECR LEBT 2*Sole. 35keV =0.087 RFQ 4-5m 4-5parts . Frequency(MHz) 162.5 ECR Voltage(KeV) 35 RFQ Energy(MeV) 2.1 Injector II Energy (MeV) 10 Number of HWR010 Cavity 12 Number of solenoid 12 Number of cold BPM 10 Number of CM 1+1 MEBT FDF-B-FDF-B 2.1MeV =0.067 SC-segment HWR C.M. 2.1-10MeV g~0.09 Design of Main Linac Cavity type β Frequency Vmax (MV) Emax (MV/m) Bmax (mT) Number of Cavity S-spoke 0.21 325 1.64 31.14 65 36 S-spoke 0.40 325 2.86 32.06 65 56 5-cell Ellip. 0.63 650 10.26 37.72 65 36 5-cell Ellip. 0.82 650 15.63 35.80 65 95 Lattice structures for the main linac sections RMS beam envelope along the main linac IS and LEBT Parameters Required Status Ion type proton Energy (KeV) 35 35 Peak Current (mA) 10 (RFQ) ~35 Discharge Power (kW) <2 < 0.9 Microwave Frequency (GHz) 2.45 2.45 Operated Mode CW CW or Pulsed α 2.4 β(cm/rad) 7.7 ε (nRMS) (π.mm.mrad) 0.2 ~0.2 CH3为DCCT测试CW引出束流信号 35keV@19mA CH4 Beamstop测试引出束流信号 35keV@15mA LEBT传输效率约79% RFQ for injector I and II Frequency Injection energy Output energy Beam current Beam duty factor Beam transmission Inter-vane voltage V Average bore radius r0 Vane tip curvature Maximum surface field Input norm. rms emittance (x,y,z) Output norm. rms emittance (x/y/z) Vane length Accelerator length 162.5 35 2.1 10 100 99.6 65 5.731 4.298 15.7791 0.3/0.3/0 0.31/0.31/0.92 419.2 420.8 325 35 3.2 10 100 98.7 55 2.775 2.775 28.88 0.2/0.2/0 0.2/0.2/0.50 467.75 469.95 MHz keV MeV mA % % kV mm mm MV/m πmm.mrad πmm.mrad/keV-ns cm cm Superconducting Cavities Parameters Cavities Units HWR010 S012 S021 S040 E063 E082 Frequency 162.5 325 325 325 650 650 MHz Epeak/Eacc 5.90 4.54 3.88 3.30 2.60 2.12 Bpeak/Eacc 12.1 6.37 8.13 8.34 4.73 4.05 mT/(MV/m) R/Q 153 142 206 244 304 514 Ω G 28.4 61.0 87.0 104 193 235 Ω Q0 4.0 E+08 Vertical test result of Spoke012 Q0=5.8x108@6MV/m, 4K; Q0=3.4x108@7MV/m, 4K. Vertical test results of HWR010 High Power Input Coupler Cavity type Frequency (MHz) 162.5 RFQ 325 HWR 162.5 Spoke 325 Elliptical 650 Power (kW) Qext Connecting type 80,CW,TW ~5670 15,CW,TW ~7.0E5 WR2300 Coaxial waveguide, YX50-105-1 Coaxial waveguide, ,50 10~20, CW,TW ~7.0E5 RF Source Frequency(MHz) Output Power(kW) CW Klystron RFQ I 325 600 1 CW Tetrode RFQ II 162.5 200 4 Spoke 325 HWR 162.5 CW SSA Elliptical LLRF 650 Digital LLRF (mTCA) 10 / 20 / 40 80kV,18A PSM ADS Injector Beam Test Schedule Injector I 2013.11 ECR & LEBT Commissioning 2014.01 RFQ Conditioning 2014.02 ECR+LEBT+RFQ Conditioning 2014.03 ECR+LEBT+RFQ Beam Commissioning 2014.05 Cryogenics ready 2014.10 1st Cryomodule Horizontal Test 2014.12 5 MeV Beam Commissioning 2015.03 2nd Cryomodule Horizontal Test 2015.05 10 MeV Beam Commissioning Injector II Cryogenics ready 5 MeV Beam Commissioning Outline BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF IHEP BEPC (Beijing e- & e+ Collider) & BEPCII CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) ADS (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) FUTURE ACCELERATOR R&D BAPS(Beijing Advanced Photon Source) ILC CEPC+SppC MOMENT Beijing Advanced Photon Source A 5-GeV light source, with very small Emittance; and the possibility to have ERL and X-FEL in the future. Parameters Unit Value Elentron beam energy GeV 5 m 1296 mA 200~300 Horizontal emmittance nm·rad 0.46(0.1/0.01) Electron beam length ps/mm ~ 8.0/2.4 Circumference Current Photon energy(Ec) Peak luminosity keV Photons/s/mm2 /mrad2/0.1%BW 10.65(main bend) 83.1(5T SC Wig.) 大于1021 49 Beijing Advanced Photon Source • Some key accelerator technologies and accelerator physics need R&D, including Accelerator physics study High-precision quadrupoles and sextupoles Pulsed sextupole for injection SC wiggler and low temperature undulator Some beam diagnostics components Mechanics and girder Stability study including mock-up tunnel RF power source and 5-cell cavity ERL Test Facility is being proposed Compact TF-- 35 MeV-10 mA DC- and 5 MeV injector (2 x 2-cell CW SC cavity) RF Gun and 20 MeV injector for the FEL ERL ring L-band CW SC Linac: (2 x 7-cell CW SC cavity) ; 2 TBA arcs , 2 straight sections ; ERL -THz beam lines (from CSR or Oscillator). 51 500kV Photocathode DC-Gun development at IHEP Parameter Value HV 350 ~ 500 kV Cathode GaAs:Cs QE 5-7%(initial),1% Life Time 20 h Driven laser 2.3W,530nm Repetition rate 100MHz, 1.3GHz* Beam dump 500kV HVPS GaAs photocathode preparation system Beam diagnostics Drive laser Nor. emittance Titanium gun body and ceramic insulator (1~2)mm.mrad ,(77pC) (0.1~0.2)mm.mrad,(7.7pC) Bunch length 20ps Beam current (5~10) mA •Two operation modes: 1). 100MHz-7.7mA-77pC, 2)1300MHz-10mA-7.7pC. The Gun’s preliminary design is ready and its funding is approved by IHEP, the main purpose: To develop a prototype of DC-Gun for ERL To develop a test bench for advanced beam diagnostics Key SC Accelerator Technologies for ILC 1.3GHz 9-cell cavity (IHEP-01) IHEP first Large-grain low-loss shape, 20MV/m Input coupler 12 m Cryomodule for Euro-XFEL PXFEL1 in FLASH; 58 ordered for XFEL Long-term projects oriented research CEPC+SppC • A circular e+/e- collider as Higgs Factory has been studying at IHEP. If it can be built in 10 years from now, it will put China as one of the key players in high-energy physics. The machine can be converted into a proton-proton collider for tens TeV high-energy frontier. pp collider SppC:50 – 90 TeV CEPC:240 – 250GeV ee+ Higgs Factory Long-term projects oriented research MOMENT After neutrino experiments at Daya Bay and JUNO which both are based on reactor neutrinos, a longer term project based on accelerator neutrinos is also under study at IHEP. MOMENT (MuOn-decay Medium baseline NeUTrino beam facility) is a dedicated machine to measure leptonic CP violation. Summary • The Accelerator Center is developed along with the development of accelerator physics and technology, for both high energy physics and user application. • Operation, construction large scientific facilities are the main tasks of the Accelerator Center. • There are many common interest in developing high power accelerator between IHEP and ESS. • Look forward more fruitful collaboration with ESS. Thanks for your attention! 57