If you are a collector and would like to purchase stamps or other items from BMS Stamp Bureau, please contact by email if possible: In addition, we also welcome collectible items such as: • Coins and notes – foreign and pre-decimal British • Medals and badges – especially military, police or fire service • Postcards – especially older ones but newer ones also required • Cigarette and tea cards • Pre-1950 greetings cards – old Christmas or birthday cards but not recent ones These can be sent to Baptist House in the same way as stamps. For Foreign and Commonwealth stamps: Ken Flint 02476 504459 foreignstamps@bmsworldmission.org For British stamps and other items: Richard Camp 01952 247783 britishstamps@bmsworldmission.org othercollectibles@bmsworldmission.org For bulk stamps - retail and trade (sold by weight usually on paper): Richard Pearson 01212 418878 bulkstamps@bmsworldmission.org STAMP BUREAU BMS WORLD MISSION For general enquiries: stamps@bmsworldmission.org bmsworldmission.org/stamps BMS World Mission PO Box 49 Didcot OX11 8XA bmsworldmission.org/stamps Baptist Missionary Society: registered as a charity in England and Wales (number 233782) and in Scotland (number SC037767) British Stamps © Royal Mail Group plc 1967–2005 Reproduced by kind permission of Royal Mail. All rights reserved 06/13 • BMS Stamp Bureau Since the late 1920s, the BMS Stamp Bureau has been raising money for BMS World Mission by gathering and selling used postage stamps and other collectibles. In 1928, this first appeared in the BMS accounts as a contribution of £60; now, with your help, it raises over ten thousand pounds each year. • put a box to receive stamps in your church, perhaps with some of these leaflets, to provide a central collection point • If you’re able to help us with stamps or other collectibles, here’s what you can do, either individually or as a group or church: ask people to cut round the stamps, leaving a maximum of 5mm (1/4 inch) of the envelope showing all round, but be careful not to damage any part of the stamp including the perforations. Any envelopes with first day issues, pre-decimal or older foreign stamps, unusual postmarks, designs or other marks on them should be left intact – they may be especially valuable • • some groups even organise stamp-trimming session as an opportunity for a chat and a coffee together • please sort the stamps into British and other countries. ‘Others’ includes stamps from all foreign countries and those of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. If there are stamps you think may be special or unusual, do keep them apart As you send stamps, and other collectible items such as coins, medals and cards to BMS Stamp Bureau, we collate and sell them on to collectors and dealers. The income raised goes directly to BMS to support the work of transforming lives around the world. encourage friends or church members to keep the stamps from their letters and even from the schools, offices or shops where they work • when you have enough, pack the trimmed stamps using one bag for UK, one for other countries and one for any specials, and attach a note saying where the stamps are from (both sender and group or church as appropriate) and label it for the BMS Stamp Bureau, Baptist House, 129 Broadway, Didcot OX11 8XA. Send it or give it to anyone going to Baptist House in Didcot, perhaps someone from your regional Baptist Union or Association. If you do post them, try to use higher value pictorial stamps rather than ordinary ones please note that to save costs, acknowledgements will normally be sent by email so please provide an email address if at all possible (whether your own or someone else’s). Alternatively please send a stamped addressed envelope if you require an acknowledgement by post. We accept all sorts of postage stamps, however they come, but you can help greatly by making sure stamps are neatly trimmed before sending them to us. This will also reduce the bulk, weight and cost of your parcel. However, there is no need to soak stamps off the envelope or backing paper as they can be easily damaged and are harder to sell. If you have stamps that are already ‘off-paper’ do send them to us, but it is helpful if you can sort them separately from the ‘on-paper’ ones. We especially welcome stamp collections, in whole or in part, stamp albums, stockbooks and stamp collecting equipment of all types. Please send any collections separately with a letter giving details of the gift and giver. You may also like to consider leaving your collection to BMS by way of a legacy. There are fewer stamp collectors among the younger generations so you may consider this a fitting way both for you to be remembered and for the proceeds to be used in the on-going mission of BMS.