15TH J UNE, 1902. NOTES ON THE EFFICIENCY OF LIFTING TACKLE. By J A MES S HIRRA . In the cons tru ction and repair of heavy machinery, s uch as marine engines, we a re constantly obliged t o use lifting appli ances t o carry ou t the work. The same, of course, could be said of all cons tru ctive work-bu t he did n o t propose here to trea t either of the hodman who carried the bricks and mortar of a tall building on his shoufders up a series of inclines , nor of the fixed s team derrick whi ch now so often did the work-but t o confine his attention to such hand tackle as would be used in and about a work shop , or be s upplied a s part of the outfIt accomp anying a s teamship's m achinery, su ch as screw-ja cks , block s and tackle , etc . And by efficien cy, he meant ' principally mechanical effi ciency, or the proportion of useful work actually done by the machine t o th at exerted on it, though strength and handiness migh t also be referr ed to . Every one who has 'ha d t o lift heavy weights jn a limited space and wit h 3. limited s taff of labour m ust often have observed that the output of s uch machines is very disappointing, even when in g ood cond ition , and that when they are in what is too often their condition, dirty, r usty, and either free from lub rication, or with the oil on them everywhere bu t where it is wanted, t o call them effi cient a t all is really t o t a ke a liberty with lang uage . In shops where the tackle s, screw-jack s , etc. , a re in cons tant use, the economy of keeping them in good working condition is soon EFFIC m NC Y OF LIFTIN G TACKLE . 49 b r ought home t o the. ma nagement, but wHere 1 he heavier tackles are only used at rare inter vals, and out of sight and mind most of the time , as in a steamer's engin eroom, they are often found wanting in some respects when needed, and though the work may be carried through in the long run, a quite unnecessary and incom'mensurate amoun t of en ergy, physical and spiritual, is expended and dissipated in to hea t in the operation. As regar d s the theoretical mechanical advantage or "purchase" gained by lifting tackles, t'his is usuaHy ea sily calc ulated from the velocity ratio of the re ceiv.in g and delive ring parts of the machine, the part whe re energy is impressed upon it, and tha t where it is e xpended upon the work t o be done , but t he k nowledge s o gained is only half knowledge without knowin g the -practical hindrances that dis count it. He fo und, however, that even t'his theoretical advantage is a mystery to many engineers, who, no doub t , know well enough the p ractical use of s uch tackle s , a n d that the study of applied ' me chanics, the very r udiments of a n engineer's educ a tio n, is too oft en neglec ted by those, for inst a nce, wh o proposed to take ou t certificates of compe tency a s marine engineers . It wa s this observation that led hIm t o revise hi s own studies on the subject, and t o bring it before this Associ ation in the hope of ge t ting some us eful h int s for his own benefit, and to show tha t the unknown q uan tities which we so easily negle ct on paper, are of supreme impor tanc e- the kn owledge of e1ement°ary theory mu st be supplemen t ed by p ractical experim,ent if it is to be of any use t o us . The simples t lifting machine s , if we may call them so, are the lever and the wedge. T he lever, in its simplest form, that of the pinch or crow-bar, 'ha s the unique advantage of bein g almos t fri ctionle ss , its moti on on its f ulcrum being usually a rolling one , and when thi s fulcrum or 'heel a nd the ba r itse]f were rigid, and the bar balanced, all the work put in at one end of the arra n g ement is returned at the other , in other words , its efficien cy is 100 p er cent. But this very rolling, unless on a knife edge a s in a weigb ing machin e , introdu ce s a complication in the calculation of the mechanical advan tage or purchase gaine d . Take , for ins tan ce, an ordinary crowba r Jittmg a weigh t- here 50 E FFICIENCY OF LIFTING TACKLE . t he purchase was the ratio of the weight "lifted to the verti cal effort on the long arm of the lever, and is inversely proportional to the horizontal projections of the a rms-but as soon as movement takes place, owing to change of position of the fulcrum by the curved knee of the bar rolling on its support, the ratio was altered, though the efficiency remained the same, and to calculate the rate a t which the purchase varied would require considerable mathematical skill. He mentioned this to show what food for thought we have even in the simplest m echanism . Another matter for thought is, why do we gain any effe ct by using a lever? We usually say, "Because of the leverage," like the texicographer's famous definition of an archdeacon-a Clergyman who exercises archdeaconal fun ctions-involving the expression without in any way enlightening us. It is because of the g rea t fundamental principle of all machinery that .t he energy developed, or work done, is exactly equal to that introduced or impressed upon the machine, and if none is lost in internal work or fri ction, we retained the same output as we put in. It is diffi cult to convince "the man in the s treet," he did not say the engineer, of course, that mechanical work, that is the energy which is measured by the produ ct of pressure and motion, was a real entity, and not a mere convention; while pressure a nd motion by themselves were b ut mere ideas , of no objective reality until they are combined. The pressure in a boiler under hydraulic test may seem a very real thing-but it does not produce a m otion in the molecules of the m etal-if the s tres s does not produce a strain, it was a mere phil osophical motion. The term "pressure" is certainly a useful one , and one we could ill afford to do without, but it can only be defined as a "tendency," and is only apparent to us throu gh the motions it produce s . But the product of th e s tre ss and the strain is work. and this is what t ries the boiler under test. To the practical man this might seem a mere philosophical notion itself, but the so-called practical man has often a lot to learn, he found. " Well, then, if a loaded lever like a' scale-beam or a steel yard is , in equilibrium, it is because the same amount of work would have to be expended in raising either end of t he system, and there lill<:FI I E ' OY 0 .'" LIFT ING 'l'AOKLE. being nothing to determine the bar to move either way, it necessarily stands still. As we say, the '.momenl" round the fulcrum of either weight is the same, but this ·word "moment" is just a convenient expression th a t explains nothing. To move the bar some external work must be done on it and set it oscillating; and then, t oo, at any instant, the kinetic energy a ccumulated in the moving weights is equal to the work so impressed; less that" expended in friction at the points of suspension and in agitating 'the surrounding air, which gradual~y converts the en ergy of work into that of heat , and brings the bar t o rest again. The same thing holds for all machines- -the sum of the external or useful work done , and that done intern ally, as in overcoming friction, or being stored up in spring s, or accumulated in moving masses, must equal the work put into it. When a lever is hung- in bearings, like the pump levers of an engine, the effect of sliding fri ction occurs at once , and the efficiency is necessariIy less than when rocking on a knife edge or rollin g on curved surface . The work so 'lost is proportional to t he radius of the gudgeon , and t o the sum of the pressu re s on t he ends of the lever and also that due to its own weight . COQsequently, if this sum be a large one , though the effor t neede d t o balance t he weight may be very small, the friction may be very considerable, and the efficiency much impa ired. T his: fact, that the friction is usu ally a fu nction , not of the effort only, but of the effort and resis tan ce combined,. IS what makes the necessary effort in practice so much. g reater than what t heory leads us t o expect , the tact being, of course, that we use an incomplete theory, and one that neglects indispensible f acts . Another appa rently simple appliance fo r lifting weights or applying energy , is the wedge , but m Its primitive fo rm it is used in conjunction with the hammer 0r maul, and the combin ation leads us at once into quite another field, wherf percu ssive a ction , elas ticity, and dynamic forces th a t alm ost defy calculation, come in to a ction . The wedge, a ctuated by simple p ressure, is useful sometimes, as for p rodu cing an easily gra duated motion of sligh t extent, but the linear motion of a nne wedge being so g reat in proportion t o its useful compon-- a 52 EFFICIEN CY OF LIFTI NG TACKLE . ent, and the frictional resistance bearing a definite ratio, usually a large one, t o the wh ole weight lifted, and actmg over the whole travel of the wedge, it may, and often does, form n early the wh ole of the resistance to mot~on, and leaves the efficiency low indeed. Suppose, for mstance, we try to lift a weight by a dead pressure on a wooden edge inserted between two surfaces of wood. The co-efficien t of friction may be a s much as · 5, corresponding to an "angle or repose" of 30 deg. , and both sides of the wedge encounter this resis tan ce , making it equal t o unity, so that simply to move the wedge req uires greater effort than t o lift the weig ht through an equivalent dis tan ce directly. The >useful work is that due to the t aper of the wedge, but a vast amount of dea d work has to be done before it takes e ffec t. If the taper be I in 1 0, the work nece ssary t o lift W lbs. I foot, is practically, with the above amoun t of friction, 10 W + W 11 W foot-Ibs, 1'10 that t¥- = of the whole only 1\ th or work 9%. is lost, and the efficiency is This is sometimes expressed by saying "Co unter-effi ciency" is I I, i.e ., I I times the useful work mu s t be expended in the operation. The e ffort required, or pressure on the end of the wedge, instead of being -frJ W, is now 1 -r.,j, and there is no mechanical advantage whatever . In p ractice, where the wedge would be dri ven with a hammer, its elasticity and compression and the ensuing vibration, would lessenthe frictional re sis tance indefinitely, and the effort driving it would be accumulated work in the hammer head, which is a dillerent thing from a dead pressure . The hammer mu sf remain in contact with die wedge for some definite time after impact, during which it is, as we say, giving up its momentum to it, but the total work done by the wedge, useful and frictional, mu st equal that s t ored in the hammer in its descent. It is a common error to reck on the force of a blow a s a pressure, and to confound kinetic energy and weight-if a body fallsif a poor fellow jumps fro m the top of a burning building 15 0 feet highthe "ma n in the street" s tarts inquiring how much his weight was multiplied by the fall, and some scientis ts profess t o give him an answer. The m omentum which is a mere rna thematical ratio, of no EFFICI ENCY OF LH'TING 'f ACKL E . 53 objective mea ning, is what they mean , but the accumula ted work, due to the distan ce fall en is the real fa c tor in the case . The wedge , by itself , then, is n ot ot much consequence as a lifting ma chine, but is only a convenien t mode of app lying the outp ut of some other mechan ism or s tore of energy through . We coil our wedge or inclined s urfa ce on a mandril, and ma ke a screw of it, turning in a nut, but s till the screw without a lever would be a poor a ffair , so we apply a "tommy" bar t o the head of the s crew to give the effort a grea ter radius of action , an d have the screw-jack. The theoretical advantage or pO'wer gained, as we say, by this machine, can be calculated from the ra tio of the pitch of screw to the circumferen ce desc ribed by the end of t he lever, but the efficiency depe nds on the fri ct ional resistance ; and is seldom more than 25 per cent.- t hat is, the actual pressure on the lever is abou t 4 t imes or more than that which is theoretically n ecessary; and the r ubbin g s urfa ces may even seize an d se t fa st, when the efflc ienr.y would of course be nil. To measure this frictional resistance and elab orate a form ula for it, a comprehensive series of careful experiments would be n ecessarybu t assu ming that the ordinary laws of friction are applicable, let us see what we can do with the data at h and. Le t us t ake a screw of 1 in. pitch, square thread, outs·i de diame ter 21 inch and I t inch at bo t tom of thread, so that it s mean ra dius is I inch, worked by a lever 20 in . long, and carrying a weight of 2,000 lb s . on cap with an a nnu lar hearing on t op of screw of 4 square inches area, and also a mean radius of I in., which would correspond t o outside a nd inside diameter of a bout 2t in. a nd l ~. in. 'l' be we ight p .. odllees a frictional resistance both at the threa d and a t the cap bearing . T he intensity of p ressure at the cap will be 2000/4 , eq ua l to 5 00 lbs. per sq. inch, which is not too high at sl ow speeds t o altoget her squeeze out a lubricant of good body, s o we may t a ke the co-efficien t of friction as for 110-- lian ki ue Ii. uotes Rmooth surfaces .08 0 1' lnhricated . lz We as tbe Rhall co efficient take t.he co-efficien t at t he thread to be the same , the bearing area is usually much greater here than at the cap, owing .t o the pre s sure heing spread over several convolutions of 54 EFFICIENCY OF LIFTING 'PACKLE the thread a t once, and the lubrication should be a t least as good. The fri ctional resis tan ce at the cap will then b e 2000/lO = 200 (bs., and it acts throug h 1\ space 2 1' 1 incheR, or 6.2832 inches .5236 foot. t he foot Ibs. work Jost hers in one revolution will 200 x .5236 = 104 72. A t th e thread t.here is of So be a g reater pressure than a t the cap owing to its carrying th.e weigh t of the screw also, but we may neglect that a t present . There is, 'however, a g reater normal pressure bet ween the surfaces than that due to the direct weight, because there is also a turning effort or tenden cy to run down , which fri ction resist s , and the normal pressu re is the res ult ant of that and of the weight. Thic:; normal pressure bears t he same proportion t o the weigh t as t he length of one turn of the threa d does to its projected circle's circumference . With a fine t hread t he difference is not mu ch- in t his ca se the two lengths are 6.303 inches and 6 .28 32 in ches, and the pressure on the th read is this, or and the revolu tion 6 303 = 2006 l bs. Th en itr of 6.2882 2006 lbs. IS the frictio nal r esistance her e, di stance i t is overcome through 1D one heing 6303 '! or 525 foot.. th e product. 2000 X 10 5. 3 foot lbs . is the work absorbed at the thread, if we suppose t he effort applied parallel to the surfaces in con tact, but a s it is applied perpendicular to the axi s and at a n angle with these surfaces, some of the effort goes, to increase the normal pressure between t hem still further. We m ay arrive at the t rue amount by g raphic construction or trigonometrical calculation, bu t with fine pit ched screws the slight excess may be neglected Hen ce the combined frictional loss a t t hread and cap is 105.3 + 104.7 or 210 foot (bs. per r e vol ution . The useful work is 2000 lbs. lifted ! " equal to 83 .3 foot lbs. , and the t otal work impressed on lever in one revolution is therefore 293 ft. Ibs. T he circumference of circle described by end of lever being 10.47 feet, we would need an effort of 293 10-47, equal to 2 8 lbs. , to move the weight, which 83.3 10.47, equal a little under 8 lbs., would have done had there been no friction, and the efficiency is 83.3 X 100 = about 28 per cent. 293.3 EFb'ICIENCY 0];' 55 LI FTING TACKLE . The co-efficient of friction is the tangent of the angle <Jf tepose of the surfaces, or that angle with the horizon .at which sliding would begin under the ihfluence of gravity onl y . To get the true effort to overcome the friction of the thread and lif t the weight, we take it a'5 proportional to the tangent of the sum of the two angles - the pitch angle or that made by the thread with a line perpendicular t o the axi s-and the angle of repose. In the above case the pitch angle is 4 deg. 33 min. , for t he tangement of that angle is 6 ' 85 .~ ;j~ pitch divided by -circumfe r ence = .07958, while the ang le of re pose is that WhORO tangement is .1, Rnn 1" 5 neg. 42 mm., the sum of these a ngle s is 10 deg . IS min., whose tan'g ent is .1 808 3, only slig htly in excess of the s um of the tangents themselve s at the se small angJes. This number, then, is the ratio of effort to ' weight if applied at ra dius of screw thread) or I inch, and if applied wi th a lever 20in. long, it will be proportionately redu <;:ed to l. 8083/ 20 .009. With a load of ~!OOO Ihi!, this gives us 181bs. as effort needed . The cap resistan ce being calculated and added a s before brings up the eff or t t o 281bs. The efficiency of the screw-j a ck, neglecting for the present the cap friction, that is, supposing the weight to revolve with t he screw, as when one sits on a screwup mu sic s tool a nd spins it round and up, is, if we call the angle of pitch m, and that of repose n, equ al to t,an m . tan. (m X n ) .equal in the above case to .07958 .18083 = 44 per cent.; with fine pitches and g ood lubrication thi'5 {}oes not differ m aterially from tan. m but tan. (m + D) with 'coarse pitch or mu ch friction it would greatly fall short ·of it . For instance, if the pitch angle was 45deg ., t hat is, if the pitch was equal to 3.141 6 times the diameter, and the co-efficient was frJ as before, th e sum of t he tangents would be I . I, but the tang ent of the sum, 50deg. 42min., would be 1. 222, and the efficiency would ,56 not b.e EFFICIENCY OF' LIF'.rI NG TACK LJ<j. 1 or 90 pe l' ce nt, but 1 or 82 pel' cent. [i 1.22~ Here we see the effi ciency is mu ch greater than with the fine p itch , but there is no mechanical advantage gained by the scre w it self, thoug h there would be some "purchase" from t he lever used to turn it . Screws of this long pitch a re n ot, of course, used in screw-j acks, but occasionally a re in mechanism, the common t wist brace fo r drilling small holes being an instance . Th us we see nearly three-fourths of the effort and work done. IS lost in a fairly lubricated, not over-loaded jack ; how much more m ust be when the oil. is a bs<;nt, a nd t he pres, sure poss ibly concen trated on one edge of the thread or cap, m aking it seize and abrade, instea d of sliding ! If the t hread is triang ul ar in section the friction is m uch increased, the normal pressure between the surfaces being increased as the slant side of the thread section is to the dept h of it . In t he Whitworth t hread the slant is about Ig the depth, so the friction is in creased a bout I3 per cen t. over wha t a square threa d would give, and t he efficiency correspondingly lowered. T he g reat er s trength of the section is some compensation fo r this, but the "buttress" threa d as fo rmerly used in t he breech blocks of big guns would be as strong as the ordinary shape, and have no more friction than the sq uare thread ; of course , it could be used for screws that overcome resistance in one direction only . I say "formerly used, '" fo r I notice modern breech-loaders h ave the ordina ry isoseeles t riangular thread. Whit worth' s early breech blocks had not only a buttress thread, but the fa ce of It was undercut, so tha t it tended to bind the breech together under the p ressure of firing instead of to burst it, a s with the ordinary form, bu t t his has been g iven up, owing, I presume, to its g reater lia bility to jamb. The great loss of efficiency by fri ction is not without some compen sation--it effect ually preven t s the weight overhauling t he screw or running down of itself. If t he efficiency is m ore than 50 per cent . this may occur, a ne!some constant pressure on the t urning bar be necessary to prevent it, when the weight was not being lifted . So· it gives us a very efficient brake , bu t a t an unreasonable expense. The efficiency is about the maxim um when