1030 TRADE. TI. XXXV1L CHAP. 1. TITLE XXXVII. TRADE. Chap.1....BEEr Ar,'Droar:. • •,...CANAL NAVIGATION. " 3....•LOUR AND MEAL. " 4....HAWKERS " 5....HERRING. •' 6....•ARKETS. " 7....P•LOTS. AND PEDLERS. " $ .... TOLL " 9....'•?EIGHTS AND MEASURES. OF MILLERS. CHAPTER BEEF 514. 1835-6. PAMPH. •4. Inspectors appointed. To take oath. 1. PORK, 1, Inspectorsappointed. 10. Inspector's aml repacker', fees. 2. Oath required. 3. Stores provided. 1'2. Penalties for neglect. 4. Barrels, Low made. 5. Beef, assorted and branded. 6. Pork, assorted and branded. Rrv. AND 11. Casks not to be used twice. 13. For ofibnces. 7. Inspectionand branding. •4. For shifting or mixing. 15. For branding .without authority. 16. How collected madapplied. 8. Precautions required. 17. Extra 9. When to be pickled. 18, Penat•ies mess beef. in such case. ;inActt0 regulate therepacking of beefandporkfor exportation. Revision....Approvcd April 10, 1846. 1. BE IT ENACTED b.?]t?zeSenateand GeneralAssemblyof t/•e Stateof •rcw Jerse?], That the governor,or personadministering the govcrmncnt of thisstate,for the time being,onthe application and rccommcndatim• Of' the commoncouncilof. any city or town cm'poratc, or the committee of anytownshipwithin thisstate,shall appointand commission one or moreinspectors andrepackors of* beef.and pork, (who shall not be dealersin the said articles)in suchpartsof thestateasmaybe deemednecessary andexpedient. 2. And be it enacted,That each and every inspectorand repackerof'beefandpork,appointedandcommissioned as aforesaid. shall,beforehc entersupon the executionof' the saidoffice,take and subscribe the followingoath or affirmationbeforeoneof the justlccsof the supremecourt of' this state,or before one of the judgesof the court of commonpleasin and for the countyi,.l which the duties of such oitlce are to be exercised, viz: TRADE. 103• I, A. B. do solcmnly swear(or affirm),thatI will faithfully, T•. XXXW•. CHAP. 1, trulyandimpartially, according to thebestof myjudgment, skill• andunderstanding, execute theoffice anddutyofaainspector and•or•. repackerof beef andpork,according to thetrueintentandmeaning of the laws of this staterelative to the same,andthat I will not directlyor indirectly brandor stifferto be branded, anycasksof' beefor pork,butwhatshallbe soulidandmerchantable agreeably to the said laws. A copyof whichsaidoathor afiqrmation, subscribed by thepersonappointedas aforesaid, and signedby the officerby whomit was administered, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the countywherethesaidinspector andrepackerusuallyresides. 3. And •e it cnacte•,That the inspectors and repackers whosto•e•, pro- maybeappointed byvirtueof thisact,shall provide themselves vialed. with goodandsufficient stores, capableof receiving andstoring suchbeefandpork asmaybe brought to themforinspection and repacking. 4. And beit enacted,That all barrels or half barrels in whichBarrels, low to be made. anybeefor porkshallbe repacked, shallbe madeof goodwell seasoned white-oak staves andheading, andthateverymerchantablebarrelofsalted beefwhichshallbeinspected andrepacked by anyof theinspectors andrepackers appointed or tobeappointed byvirtueof thisact,shallbe of theguageto holdnotlessthau twenty-eight gallons, nor morethanthirtygallons, winemeasure; andeverybarrelofmerchantable porkshallbeofthegauge tohold notlessthantwenty-nine gallons, not'morethanthirty-one gallons of the Incasureaforesaid,and both shall containtwo hundred pounds of curedmeat;andeverymerchantable halfbarrelofsalted beefandporkshallbeof the guageto holdfiaeengallons of the measureaforesaid, andshallcontainonehundredpoundsof cured meat; each barrel and half barrel shall have thereon at least twelve goodandsubstantial hoops, the bilgehoopsshallbe secured by wooden pinsor pegs,andthehoopsat eachendby ironnails;the headsof'eachbarrelandhalfbarrelshallbe flagged, andsocompletelycoopered, thatin theopinionof theinspector andrepacker, it shallbesufficiently tightto preventthepicklefromleakingout; thebarrelsshallbe asnearlystraightaspossible. 5..And 5e it enacted, That there shall be three denominationseeer, howa•sorted. or qualitiesof beef; the fir.st to be denominated"mess beef," to consist of choicepieces,withouthocks,shanksor necks;thesecond, to be denominated "prime beef," shallnot containmore than half' a neck and two shanks,with the hockscut off; the third, to be denominated"cargo beef," shall not havein a barrel more thanhalf a neckandthree shanks, all to be goodsoundbecf of cattlewell •03• TI. XXXVII. CHAP. 1. -- TRADE. farted.There shallnot be anyshanksor bonypiecesput intoany of the barrels as merchantable, from which the meat has been cut for smoking;no beef shallbe repackeduntilit hasbeenin salta Brands. sufficientlengthof time, and eachbarrel shallbe repackedwith at leastthreehalf pecksof salt,not inferiorto Lisbon salt,and half' barrelshalf the samequantityof salt; the first denomination shall be branded"New Jerseymessbeef," and the initial of the inspector's christianname,and his surnameat full length,together with the nameof the placewhererepacked;the second denominationshallbe branded"New Jerseyprime beef,"andthe third "New Jerseycargobeef,"with the name of the inspectorand place;vhereinspectedand repackedasaforesaid,on boththe last mentioned denominations;and half barrels shall contain half the quantityof each description,and shall be branded as the whole barrels. Pork, how assorted. Brands. 6..And 5e it enacted,That the said inspectorsand repackers shallcarefullyexamineall pork to be by them repacked,andsuch only asis well farted shall be brandedby them as merchantable; "mess pork" shall consistof the sidesonly of good fat hogs,and the barrels containingit shall be branded on one of the heads "New Jerseymesspork," andtheinitialof therepacker'schristian name,andhis surnameat full length,with the nameof the place whererepacked;the secondqualityshallbe denominated"prime pork,"andshallconsist of goodsoundGt pork,of whichthereshall notbe in a barrel more than three shoulders with thelegscut off at the knees, and not more than two sizeableheads,with the ears and snoutscut off} and which barrel shall be branded on one of the heads"New Jerseyprime pork,"with the repacker'sname and placewhere repackedas aforesaid;the third qualityshallbe denominated"cargo pork," and shall not containmore than four shoulderswith the legs cut off at the knees,and not morethan two headsnot exceeding in weightthirty pounds,andwhichbarrel shallbe brandedon oneof the heads"New Jerseycargopork," with the nameof the inspectorand placewhererepacked,asbefore directed;halfbarrels.of pork shallcontainone half the quantity of, andbe in every respectasto quali•yas the who.•ebarre]s; and the respectivedenominations shall be brandedas is directed xvithrespectto whole barrels; each barrel shallhave at leastone half bushel of salt, not inferior to Lisbon salt, and each half barrel Inspection and brand- not lessthan onepeck of the.likequality. 7..And 5eit enacted,That everybarrel or half barrel of salted beef or pork, whichshallbe exposedto salewithinthis state,to be exportedfromit to any marketbeyondthe sea,or that shallbe so exportedby the ownerthereof,shall,beforethesaleor exportation TRADE. 1033 thereof,be caredrily inspected and examined by oneof the in-T•.xxxvIr' CHAP. 1. specters andrepackors of beef andporkfor thetimebeing,who shallpassas merchantable, andbrandas is beforedirected, each andeverybarrelandhalfbarrel,beingofthematerials anddimensionsherein before directed and described, and which shall re- spectively containthe quantity andqualityof saltedbeefor pork hereinbeforementioned andrequired,packedandsecured in the manneraforesaid; andthesaidinspectors andrepackers arehereby requiredanddirectedto examine andrepack,andbrandasaforesaid,all suchbeef or pork broughtto themforinspection or re- packing, although thesamemaynotbeintended tobeexported as aforesaidto anyforeignmarket. 8. And •e it enacted, That no beef or porkshallberepacked Precaution untilthesame hasbeen insaltasufficient timebefore such repack-required. ing, andeveryinspector andrepackerof beefandporkshallcave- fullysecure hisbranding irons,soasto putit out of thepowerof his servants and others to obtain and make use of the same contrary to the true intent and meaningof this act. 9. And be it enacted, That all beefandpork repackPal bet•veen wh• tob• pickled. the firstdayof April andthefirstdayof November, in everyyear, shall,at thetime of repacking the same,be pickledwitha good strongpickle,madeof saltnot finerthanLisbonsalt,andeach barrel and half barrel shall be well trimlned and secm'ed,as before directed. 10. And be it enactetl,That it shallbe lawful for every inspec-reesot'in- spector and tot'andrepackerof beefandporkto demandandreceivefromtherepackPt. ownersthereof,forinspecting andrepacking everybarrelof beef or pork, twentycents,andtbr everyhalf barrel of beef or pork, twelvecents,if repackedin thestoreprovidedby them,andfor inspecting andrepacking everybarrelof beefor pork,if inspected andrepackPal in any store,yard, or vessel,otherthantheir'own, twenty-fivecents,andfor everyhalf barrel,fifteen cents; for each hoopxvanting andput nnby therepacker,six cents;for fia=•; ,• nailing,pegging, andpicklingeachbarrel,tencents;andœor flagfind, nailing,pe,gging, andpicldingeachhalf barrel,six cents,the ownerfindingor payingfor the salt. 1l. Anclbe it ezaacte(t, That no personshalluse casksxvhichc•sk•,•ot used twice. barebeenemptied,afterbeingbranded asaforesaid, a second time, unlessthey shallfirster•.se,,scratchout, andeffectuallydefacethe repacker'sbrandoffandfi'omeverysuchcask,underthe penaltyoœ fifty dollarsForeverysuchcasksoused. 12. And be it cnacZe,J, That if any inspectorand repackerofr•n•tyi•r neglect. beefandpork shallneglector delay to repackanybeef or pork, whenthereuntoreqnh'ed by theowneror possessor thereof,for the 4s 1034 TRADE. TI. XXXVII. hours,everysuchinspectorand repackershal•. CHAP. 1. spaceof forty-eight --for each neglect,pay to suchowner the sum of five dollarsper barrel. Foroa•nces.13. And be it e•mcted,That for every offencewhich the said repackersshallcommitagainstthe true intentandmeaningof this law, andbe thereof convicted,he or they so offendingshallfor- feit fifty dollars,andbe renderedincapable of servingagainin the said office. For shifting or mixing. For brand- ing without authority. 14. And be it enacted,That if any personor persons shall,at anytime, intermix,take out, or shift, any beef or pork, thathas beenrepackedand brandedas aforesaid,every personso taking out,intermixing,and fraudulentlyshiftingsuchbeef or pork,and beingthereofconvicted,shall forfeit and pay twenty dollarsfor everybarrelsodisturbedby intermixingor shifting. 15. And beit enacted, That if anypersonor persons, otherthan the saidinspectors andrepackers,shallbrandany casksof beefor pork whatever,in the mannerdirectedby this act,everypersonso offending shallforfeitthe sum of twenty dollarsfor everycaskso branded. Penalties collected and applied. Extra mess beef. 16. And be it enacted,That all the forfeituresand penalties aforesaid shall and may be recovered,with costsof suit, in any courthavingcognizancethereof,by any personor personswho will sueand prosecutefor the sameto effect; onehalf' of which saidforfeituresand penalties,whenrecovered,shallbe paid to the overseers of' the poor of the town or placewherethe oflbnceshall be committed,for the use of the poor thereof,andthe otherhalf to suchpersonor persons whowill suefor the sameasaforesaid. 17. ,4nd [•eit enacted,That it shallbe lawful for any personor personsto put up or pack beef for ship storesor exportation, under the denomination of extra mess beef, if the same shall be of Bran& Penalties. the qualityand assortedin manner hereinafterspecified,to wit: the bestpieces,withouthocks,shanks,or necksof oxenor steers, well fattened,and weighingat leastsix hundredpounds,excl'usive of the hide andtallow, and shall be repackedin the samemanner as is directedin this act, and shallbe branded "New Jerseyextra messbeef," andthe initials of the inspector'schristianname,and hissurnameat full length, togetherwith the name of the place where repacked. 15. •4ndbeit enacted,That anypersonor personsrep•cking, asaforesaid, shallbe liableto all the forfeitures andpenalties, and entitledto all thefees whicharehereinbeforeprescribed anddirected. TRADE. 1035 CHAPTER CANAL TI. XXXViI. CHAP. 2. 2. NAVIGATION. I.5[anifests tobe veri,qed. [ 2. Penalt.yff false. 2.Vessel may be detained. 3. False oa•h perjury. an let t0 prem•tkaudsin themanifests of ;'essels navigating the Dela- wareandRaritan canal, Passed February 16, 18•. 1. Be •r •XCTeUby tleeCounciland GeneralAssembly • tldsManifests to state, a•dit is hei'eb]/ enacted 5• t/eeaut/•ority • t/•esame, Thatbeverified. everymasteror other personhavingthe chargeor commandof any vesselor boat navigatingthe Delaware and Raritan canal, shallproduceto eachand everycollectorof tolls a manifestin writing,containing a just and particularaccountof all the goods, wares, merchandise,and other matters on board of such vesselor boat; andit shalland m•y be lawfulfor suchcollectors of toils,if theyshalldeemit advisable, to requirethe saidmaster,or other personhavingthe chargeor command of anysuchvesselor boat, to declareto the truth of suchmanifest,which declarationshall be onoathor solemn a•rmation,beGresuchcollector sorequiring it, in mannerandGrm Gllowing, to wit: I do solemnly, sincerely •om. andtrulyswear(or a•rm), thatthe manifest subscribed withmy name,andnow deliveredby me to one of the collectors oftollsof theDelawareand RaritanCanalCompany, contains, to thebestofmyknowledge andbelief,ajustandtrueaccount of all thegoods, •varesandmerchandise, including packages of every kind and nature whatsoever,which now are or were on board the • at the time of her enteringthe Delaware and Raritan canal;that•[ amat present, andhavebeensinceherenteringthe saidcanal,masterof thesaidvesselor boat;thatnopackage whatsoever,or any goods,wares or merchandise, have, to the bestof my knowledgeand belie• been unladen,landed,or taken out, or in any m•nner whatever removedfrom on board the said vesselor boat,sinceherenteringthesaidcanalat -- excepting suchas are now particularlyspecifiedand declaredin the accountherewith." 2. Andbeit enacted, Thati• onexamination ofthecargoofthefalse Penalty for mani- saidvesselor boat,by the sMd collectorof tolls,it shallturn outf•sts. thatsuchmanifest doesnotcontain a justandtrueaccount of the thesaidcargo, themaster or otherperson having thecharge or ' command of suchvesselor boatshallGrfeitandpaythesumof one hundreddollars to the said the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company,to be recovered in theirnamein an actionof debt,with TRADE. 1036 '1 I. XXXVII. CHAP. 3. costs; and it shall be lawful for the collector of tolls to detain such vesselor boat till the said penaltyand costsbe paid,unlesssaid master,or otherpersonhavingthe chargeor commandof'suchves- Vessel detained. ,selor boat, shall enter into bond to said company,with one or •noresureties,being fi'eeholders in this state,in the penalsumof two hundreddollars,conditionedfor the paymentof suchpenalty andcostsas maybe recoveredagainsthim or them by virtue of' this act; andimmediatelyupon the deliveryof' suchbondto the collector of' tolls, the said vessel or boat shall forthwith be released. 3. And be iz enacted,That the several collectorsof'tolls of the False oatk perjury. saidthe Delawareand RaritauCanal Companybe, and they are herebyauthorizedandempowered to administer theoathor affirmationrequiredby this act,to the masteror otherpersonhavingthe chargeor command of'suchvesselor boat;andif suchmasteror otherpersonhavingthe chargeor command of suchvesselor boat, shall falsely,wilf'ully and corruptlyswear or affirm, then such personso offendingshallbe deemedandadjudgedto be guiltyof wilful and corruptperjury,and on being convictedthereto e,shall he punishedaccordingly. CHAPTER FLOUIL t. Inspectors apFohated. 2. Oath required. 3. Flora' insFected and branded. 4. How packed, etc. 5• Duty of inspectors. i•EV. 565. AND 3. MœAL. 7. Time Penalty forplace exporting without. I 6. and ofinsFection. 8. Powers ofinspector. 9. Not to make purchases. [ 10.Offines, penalties, etc. Antot for theinspection of flourandmeal, Passed February IS, 1813. Goverllor tO appoint inspeetors. 1. B}• •T •:NXCTm) byt•e Council andGeneral A,•sembly • tlzis state,and it is ]•erebyenacted by t/•eautJ•orit•• t/•esame,That the personadministering the government of this stateshall time to time appointone or moreinspectors of flour and meal in eachof thecitiesof PerthAreboy,Bm'lington, New Brunswick, andTrenton,anti as many inspectors of flour and mealin each countyin thisstate,asshallappearnecessary, who shallhold their respective o•cesduringthepleasure of theperson administering the governmentaforesaid. Oath to be taken. 2. And be it enacted, That the inspectors to be appointed in pursuance of this act, beforethey enteruponthe dutiesof their T R A D E. 1037 respective offices, shalltakethefollowing oathor affirmation, beforeT•. XXXWL CHAP. 3. oneof the judgesof thecourtof common pleas,viz: I, A. B. do swear,(or affirm, asthe casemaybe,) that I will faithfully,truly, and impartially,according to thebestof myjudgment,skill,and understanding, execute,do andperformthe officeandduty of inspectorandexaminerof flour and meal, accordingto law. 3. And be it enacted,That no wheat flour, rye flour, indian Articles to •be inspeetcd mealor buckwheatmeal, shallbe shippedfor exportationout erisa thisstateto a foreignmarket,beforethe sameshallhavebeensub- mitredto theviewandexamination, andapproved of andbranOe3 by oneof the inspectors aforesaid;and it shallnotbelawfulfor suchinspectorto brandany caskcontaining indianmeal,unlessthe sameshallhavebeen made of corn properlykiln-dried,andshaK be groundfine andbolted. 4. And be it enacted,That all wheat flour,rye flora',indianF•o•m•t•., meal orbuckwheat meal, manuGctured forexportation asafore -hø• packe& said,shallbe packedin goodand strongcasks,madeof seasoned oak or othersuitabletimber, each caskwhereofshallbe hooped with at leastten hoops,three of which hoopsshallbe on each chime, and properlynailed,whichsaidcasksshallbe but o• twoSizeofcasks. sizes,onesize whereofshallcontainone hundredandninety-six poundsof flour or meal,with stavesof' twenty incheslong, and each head sixteen inches and one half diameter, the other size whereof shall containninety-eigh;poundsof' flour or meal,the staveswhereofmay be twenty-twoincheslong, and each head ßtburteeninchesdiameter,or the stavesmay be twenty-seven inches long,andeach head not to exceed twelve inchesdiameter,both xvhichsizesof casksshall be made nearlystraight,for the conve• nienceof stowage,andthe tare of saidcasks,respectively, shallbe markedon one headwith a marking iro•;•'oci•[ed nerertl•eless,•ndi•n•e• •may be packthat nothingin thisactshallbe construed to preventthe packingOfedinhogs- indianmealin hogsheads, for exportation, whichshallcontain h•a•' eight hundredpounds,and be duly inspectedand branded; andTobe eachcaskof flour and meal,packedas aforesaid,shallbe branded xvith the inkials of the christian name and surname of the manu- t•cturer thereel at full length,togetherwith the net weight of the flour or meal whichshall be containedin each cask,excepthogsheadsof indianmeal,on whichthenet weightonlyshallbe branded; and on eachcaskof wheat flour intended•r the first quality,shallbe Qualities to marked. be brandedthe word "superfine,"and on each caskintendedfor secondquality, shall be brandedt}•e word "fine," and on each cask intendedfor the third quality,shall be brandedthe words "fine middlings," and on eachcaskintentledtbr thefourth•uality, shallbe brandedthe word m•ddhns•, and on eachcaskof rye 1038 T R A D E, •'•CHAP. xxxvmflour intendedfi.•rthe first quality,shallbe brandeftthe words 3. ........ superflue rye flour,"andon ca. ch caskintended ibr thesecond quality,shallbe branded thewords"fi•e ryeflour,"andoneach cask oœindianmeal shall be branded the words "indian meal," and on each cask of buckwheat meal shall be branded the word and letter "•B. meal,"bcœore c•thcr,respectively, shallbe o•crcdœor inspection; and the manuxh•cturcr or owner•œany goutor meal put up in a caskor casks,shallbe andherebyis madesubjectto penaltyof fiftycentsfor everypound,each,suchcaskis taredless thanthetrueweightthereof;and any iuspector of iiouror meal havingreasonto suspect suchcaskor casks tobefalsely rated,may Duty ofinspectors. ascertainthe same,by a suitableexaminationtilerear. 5. Anclbeit e•actccl,That it shall be the duty of the sa;.din- specters, uponapplication to themmade,to examineanddeterminethequalityof suchflour and meal, and oneachcaskmade andbranded,andthe flouror mealpackedthereina' ' to 'rob•-a•a.this act, he shall then, and not otherwise, brand the initial letter of his christianname,and hissurnameat full length,togetherwith the nameof the city, town, or countywhere the sameis inspected, on the quarter,iu a distinguishable manner; audin all caseswhere the brandsdescribingthe quality of flour or meal shallnot in his judgmentbe brandedaccording to its respective ldndsand qualities, he shall a]ter the same so as to describethe real quality, ac- cordingto the true intm•tandmeaningof thisact; that ,•tshallbe Toweigh.the duty of the inspectorœrom time to time to weighsuchcasksof flour and mealas he or they shallsuspectof being'too light, and if foundnot to containthe just and true weight,to mark or brand the sameon the head with the word "light," and œoreach cask which he or they shallso mark •r brand with the word "light," In.-•,ector's suchinspector._hm]be entitledto receivefi'omthe owner or shipfees. per of' suchflour or meal, for his trouble of weighingthe same, that is to say, for every barrel or half bar:'e], the sum of twm•ty cents,and for eachhogshead forty-fivecents; and every cask of flour or meal whichshallnotcontainthe f,ti! weightbrandedthereon,the manufacturerthereofshallforfeitandpay for everypound weightof flour or mealsodeficient,the stunof twentycents,and on a!l flour or meal injured in manufhcturi•g,or otherwisedamagedso as not to be fit •vr exportationunderany denomination, in thejudgmentof thesaidh•speetor,he shallmark or brand on the •,a•qo•.:o• same, the word "bad," which flour or meal, so marked or branded r..•e•l not to beshipped. "light" or "bad," shallnot be shippedout of this stateto any foreign market,underthepenaltyogfive dollarsfor everycaskso markedor branded, to berecovered in anycourthavingcognizance thereof,by actionoFdebt,by any personwhoshaltprosecute for TRADE. 1039 the same; andfor the troubleaforesaid the saidinspectors shallbeT•. XXXVU CHAP. 3. entitledto receivetwo centsfor eachand everycaskof flour or...... F m'ther fccs meal,andfour centsfox'eachandevery hogsheadof indianmeal,ofi•spector. he shallso inspector examine,to be paid him by the owneror possessor of such flour or meal,who shall chargethe buyer or purchaserof such flour or meal with one half of the amounto[' suchinspection overandabovethepriceof suchflouror meal. 6. And •e it e2iacted, That all flouror mealpurchased for export-Whe•-• tot,• atiou shall beinspected asai•5'esaid, atthetime and place ofsuch inspected' exportation, a•d if anypurchaser of flouror mealfi,r exportation shallnothavethesameinspected asaforesaid, atthetime andplace of suchexportation, suchpurchaser or exportershallibrfeitand pay for everycaskof flour or •nealfive dollars,althoughthe saidPenalty. flouror mea!mayhavebeeninspected andbrandedanytime previousto suchpurchase. 7. And •e it enacted,That if anypersonshalllade,or attemptPenalty for exporting to lade, on boardany vessel,with intentto shipor exportthe same without in. spection. directout of thisstateto anyforeignmarket,anyflouror mealnot brandedas aforesaid, by one of the inspectors, fin'good andmer- chantable flour or meal,suchperson shallforfeitthesame;andif anypersonshallhaveexportedanyflouror meatout of thisstate to a foreignmarket,notbrandedby oneof the inspectors for good and merchantable flour or meal,suchpersonshallforfeit and pay lhe sumof fivedollarsfor everycaskof flouror mealsoexported. 8. And 5e it enacted,That it shall and may be lawtiff for anyInspector may go on vessels inspectorof flour or mealto enteron boardof anyvessel,betweenboard to examine sunriseand sunset,to searchfor flour or meat that he may have reasonto suspect hasbeenshippedcontraryto the true intentand meaningof this act; and if any personshall hinder or interrupt anysuchinspectorin so enteringon boardandsearching, every suchpersonshallforfeitand pay one hundreddollars,to be reco-l•inderance t'e•a'.•y fo• veredin anycourt havingcognizance thereof,onehalf'thereofto the useof the overseers of thepoorin the cityor town wherethe offencemayhappen,and the other half to the potsonprosecuting for the same. 9. And be it e•zacted, That no inspectorof flour or meal shallIns!0ectnrs not to make purchaseany flour or mealotherthan for his own private use,purchases. underthe penaltyof fivehundreddollars;andif anypersonshall alter or counterfeitanyof the aforesaidbrandmarks,whetherstate or private,suchpersonshallforfeitfor everysuchoffencethe sum of onehundreddollars; and that if' any personshallput any flour or mealinto anyemptycasksfor sate,whichhavebeenbrandedby the inspector beforesuchcaskswereemptied, withoutfirstcutting out the saidbrands,suchpersonshallfor everycaskso repacked 1040 T RA D E. "rL xxxvi•. forfeitandpaythesumoffivedollars;andthateveryperson ofibrCIlAP. 4. --ing for sale any flour for wheat flour, which shall be found upon B•ands to be cuto,•tof examinationto be or containa mixture of indian mealor any other en2pty casks. mixture, such person shallforfeitandpayforevery such caskso mixedthe sumof fivedollars,and the flourshallbe liablefor the paymentthereof.. F,•es •nd 10. Andbe•'te•tacted, Thatall suchfines,penalties, andforfeit- penalties, howre½over-Ures afbresaid,nothereinother•vise directedto be collected,shall •d. berecoverable beforeanyjusticeo•'thepeace, orin anycourtof recordin thisstatehavingcognizance thereof, by anyperson who will prosecute for the same,onehalfto the prosecutor, andthe otherhalf to bepaidto theoverseers of'the poor of the city or toxw•where the fi'audis detected; and for the morecertainand easyrecoveryof the penalties for the Falsetare or brandmark l• wh•,t o•,se upon any cask of flour or meal, it shallbelawthlfortheinspectors inspector may seizethereof to seizeandsellthesame, andoutof the netproceeds •nasen. retainsuchpenalty orpenalties, onehalfforhisownuse,andthe otherhalf to the overseers of the poor in thecity or town•vhere thesamemayberecovered, to theuseofthepoorthereof, andpay theremainder to the owneror consignee of suchfiere'or meal. CHAPTER ttAWKERS t. License required. '2. ttow " obtained. Fees and tax for• 3. Penalty for forging. 4. For lending or hiring. [Lx•. 314,363. 1•37-8. PAI•IPH. 149. License quired. re- AND 4. PEDLERS. I 5.For peddling without. 6. Sales in public market. 7.License certified, etc. 8. Penalties recovered and apl,lied. 9. Limitation of suits. In let relatingl0 hawkers: pedlers and pettychapmen, Eevision....ApprovedApril 10, 1.846. 1. Bn •T ENACTED •J t/ze Senatea•,cl General2Iascmat?/ of t•e Stateof New Jersey/,That no personshall follow,useor exercise the business or callingof a hawker, pedler,petty chapmanor itinerantauctioneerin this state,or shall go or travel fi'omtosvnto town, or to the housesof other persons,either on foot, or with a horse or horses, mule or mules, or other beast or beasts of burthen, carrying',selling or exposing,either at privateor publicsale,any goods,wares or merchandise not the growth, productor manufactureof this state,until such person shall have first obtaineda licensefor that purpose,in the mannerhereinafterdirecte& TRADE. loll 2. Andbe it enacted, Thatsuchlicenseshallbe grantedby the•'•. xxxvu. CHAP. 4 governorof*this state,or personadministering the govermnent, ottow obtainupona recommendation for titat purpose,by the inferior courtOred. commonpleasof the countywherethe application for suchlicense maybemade;andthateverypersonwhoshallobtainsuchlicense to travel with a horse or horses,or other beastsof burthen, for the purpose of sellinggoods, waresor merchandise, eitherat publicor privatesale,or both,shallpayto the governor, or personadministeringthe government, the sumof three dollarsandtifty centS;Feeforliandeveryperson whoshallobtaina licenseto travelonfootfor•n•' the purposesaforesaid, shallpay two dollars;2,'ov'idcd, that no suchlicenseshallbe exercised or useduntilthe personor persons licensedto travelwith a horseor horses,or otherbeastsof burthen, shallhavefirst paid to the governor,or personadministering the government,the sum of fifteen dollars,for the use of the state; and'r•x. the persons licensedto travel on foot,shallhavefirstpaidto the governor,or personadministering thegovernment, thesumof eight dollars,for the use of the state;whichsaid paymentshallbe endorsedby thegovernor, or personadministering the government, onthe said licerise,at the tirne of grantingthe same,andwhich saidlicenseshall continueand be valid for one year only,unless Term. renewed,ashereinafter provided. 3. Andbeit enacted,That if anypersonshallforgeor counter-Penaltyfor feltanylicense, oranysuch endorsement thereon, asbefore men-forging. tioned,for the purposeof usingthe same,or shallwilfidlyand knowingly travelwith anysuchforgedlicense, for the purpose of sellingasaforesaid, suchpersonshallbe deemedguiltyof a misdemeanor, andonconviction thereof,shallbe punished asiu other casesof forgery. 4. And •e it enacted, That if any person,havingobtainedaLending or hiring. licenseasaforesaid, shalllendor hirethesameto anyotherperson or persons, for the purposeof usingor exercising the same,such licenseshalltherebybecomevoid; and the personlendingor hiringsuchlicense,and the personusingthe sameundercolour thereof,shall eachforGit the sum of one hundreddollars,to be re- covered in anyconrtof competent jurisdiction, withcosts of suit, in an actionof debt,the one half to the use of the pnorof the township in whichsaidsuitshallbe brought,andthe otherhalf to the personsuingfor the same. 5. And5eit enacted, Thatif anyperson shallbefi•undhawking, Pedaling peddling ortravelling fromhouseto house, or placeto place, towithont. vend,either at public or privatesale, any gonds,wares or merchandiseherein before mentioned arid described,without first havin•obtained a licenseas hereinbeforementioned, suchperson 'n. xxxv•r. shallforfeitthe sumof fifty dollars,to be recoveredin an actionoœ CHAP. 4. ---debt,by any personwho may suefor the same,the onehalf to the prosecutor,and the other half to the use of the state,before any justice of the peace of any of the countiesin this state,together with the costsof prosecution. Sa!es inpub. G. A•d •e it enacted,That nothingin this act containedshall hc markets. preventanypersonfrom sellingor exposingto sale,any goods, waresandmerchandise in anypublicmarketin thisstate,without Pl.o¾i$o. a licensefor thatpurpose;jpro•idedalwa?/.s, thatanypersonfound hawk;.ng or peddiingas aforesaid, who shall,upondemandbeing madeby any personin this state,refuseto produceand showsuch licenseas aforesaid, then the personso offending shallforfeitand pay the sumof ten dollarsfor everyoffence,to be recoveredin an actionof debt,by any personwho shallsuefor the same. •.•e• COl.- 7. Aztd }e it enacted,That it shallbe the duty of everyperson t•fied an4 copy flied.who mayhave obtaineda licensein pursuance of thisact,before he shallsell,or exposefor sale,anygoods,waresor merchandise by virtuethereof,in anycountyof this state,to file in the clerk's officeof suchcountya copyof his license,and the clerk of' such countyshallthereuponendorseon the originallicensea certificate of t• filing of the said copy; andin caseany personshall setlor exposefor sale,anygoods,wares or merdmndise,as aforesaid, withouthaving first procuredthe saidcertificateon hislicense,he shallbe liableto all the penaltiesof this act; and the saidclerks shallbe entitledto receivefiftycentsœorsuchcertificateandfiling. Penalties re- 8. And beit enacted,That it shallbe the duty of the overseers covered and applied. of the poor of everytownshipin this state,to suefor andrecover the penaltieso•'any personor personswho may offendagainstany of the provisions of'thisact in their respective townships;andthey shallbe entitledto one half of any penaltyor penalties,whenreceived,to their o•vn use,the othm'halœto be appropriatedto the poor of the township. Lm•itationof 9. And •e it eztacted, That everysuitForanypenaltyprescribed suits, etc.bythisact,shall becommenced within sixmonths fromthetime of incurringsuchpenalty,and not after; andeverysuchsuitmay be commenced by warrant,in the courtfor thetrial of smallcauses.? gnylaw, usageor customto the contrarynotwithstanding, T R A D E. CHAPTER 1043 TL XXXVIL CHAP. 5. 5. ItERR[NG. •. Of the packingof herring. 9. Oath required. "Casks and brands. 10. Term of 2. What casks lawful. 11. Casks branded. 3. Examination by inspector. 4. Penalty for selling without. 5. Inspector's compensation. 6. I•e-examination of casks. 12. Not used twice. 13. Penalty for neglect. 14. Penalty for eli%noes. 15. Reference of disputes. 7. Penaltiesrecoveredand applied. l 6. Powersof inspector. 8. Inspector, how conunissioned. 17. Foreign herring exempt. •n •tcttoregulate thepacking 0f herring forexportation, •. •. Passed November 27, 1S21. In what con1. BE IT ENACTED •/ the Co•nc/land GeneralAasem51y • t/dsdition herring must be state,and it is herebyenacted by tfie authority• tae same,Thatpacked, and what all herringdesignedfor exportation,which shallbe packedafterincasks. the passingof this act, shall be soundand merchantable,well packedandwell secured,with a properquantityof salt andpickle, in tight casks,madeof good,sound,well seasoned white-oaktimher,hoopedwith at leastfourteengoodandsubstantial hoops,securedat eachbilge with three pins, and at eachheador chime hoop with at least three nails; and the casksshall be of the followingdimensions, viz: the length o• the stave,whenin the cask,Dimensions of the casks. shallbe t•venty-seven and a half inches;the head,seventeenand a half inches;the bilge, twenty inches; and to containtwentyeightgallons,wine measure;and everyhalf barrelcontainingher- ring designed for exportation shallbe of the gaugeof fourteen gallonsof the measureaforesaid;and each and every barrel or half barrel of herring designedfor exportationshallbe branded'ro•a•aed. with the initial letters of the christian name, and the surname at •11 length,of th, personor personsputtingup the same,or of the personsellingsuchherring,underthe penaltyof fifty centsfor eachandeverybarrel or half barrel soldand delivered,not branded as aforesaid; and in case the a•resaid barrels or half barreN of herring,not being brandedas aforesaid,and aiier the finebeing paid, the inspectorappointedby virtueof this act may brandthem with his name, in the manner hereafter described, for which he shalldemandand receive from the personsellingthe same,the sum of six cents for each barrel or half barrel. 2. And beit enacted, That herringdesigned for exportationmayWhat •a•ks bepacked intightcasks made ofanykindoftimber, if sound and are •ega•. merchantable,well packed and securedwith a proper quantity of dry salt,the casksto be of the samesize anddimensions asis designated by the first sectionof this act, and secured by being 104.1: T 1•, .A D E. T•.xxxvr•.hooped with at h:.asttwelve •ood andsu•cienthoops,andnailed .... or pinnedas directedin the firs; section. ,robe, •. 3. •Ind •s it e•acicd, That every barrel or half barrel of hermeal by an ....peet .... ring designed fi)r exportationshall,be•brethe exportationthereof, be carerallyexaminedby an inspector appointed by virtueof this act, who shall passas merchantable, andbrand with the brands hereinaScrdescribed,each and everybarrel or half barrel,being of the materials herein before directed and described, which shall respectively containthe properquantityof soundandmerchantable herring,and be securedin manneraforesaid;and the saidinspector shalleraseand e•ectuallydefacethe brand,mark, or markso• andfi'omeachandeverybarrel andhalf barrel containing herring designed fi•r exportationasaforesaid,whichshallnot be of the dimensions,and madein the way hereinbe•)re described,andwhich shallnotbe of the quality,andpackedandsecuredin the manner herein before directed and described; and if the same cannot be •'•,o•,,•rrenderedmerchantable, accordingto the requisitions and meaning to •,•e•o•a. of this act, by sa, •tm•, ' • pickling,repacking,andcooperingthereo• then the said inspectorshall impressandbranda crossthus, X, charitable each stroke of saidcrossbeingat least two and a half inchesin length,upon onehead of eachand everybarrel or half barrel containingherringsoas afi)rcsaidincapableof being renderedmerchantable. Penalty on 4. A•A be it enacted,That eaci• and every personor persons, who sellwithout 5VhOshallsell and deliver any barrel or half barrel of herring tho•e respection. exportation tothepurchaser orpurchasers tlmreof, before thesame hasbeenduly examinedby aninspectorappointedby virtueofth•s act, andbrandedwith the brandshereindirectedfor brandingthe same,or who shalllade or ship on board of any vesselor vessels for exportation,or who shall refiise to allow or sufferthe saidinspector,in the casesaforesaid, to eraseand effectuallydefacethe brand,mark, or marksoff and from every barrel and half barrel herring, and if need be, to impressand brand thereon the said mark of a crossas aforesaid,shallfi)rfeit and pay tbr eachand every barrel or half barrel so sold or delivered, and for each and everybarrelor half barrel so ]adenor shippedon boardanyvesselor vessels as aforesaid,and fi•r each and everybarrelor half barrel fi'om,vhich he, she, or they shall refuseto allow or sufibr thesaidbrand,mark,ormarksto be erasedandeffectually dehced as afi•resaid,and fi•r eachand every barrel or half barrel whereon he, she, or they do refuseto allow or su•er thesaidmark of a cross to be impressedand branded as aforesaid,the sum of one dollar andtwenty-fivecents;and all and everypersonor persons who shall,by any meanswhatsoever,w•lfillly erase or defacethe sam T R A D E. 10•5 markofacross, afterthesamehasbeendulyimpressed andbranded T•.xxxv•. bythesaid inspector upon anybarrel orhalfbarrel asaforesaid, ctm,. shallforfeitand.paythesumof twentydollars foreachandevery barrel aml half barrel off arid from which the said mark of a cross ,shallbe erasedor defaced, thesaidsumsof moneyor forfeitures How to be to be recovered andappliedin themanner hereafter provided and•-•o,•d. declared. 5. And •e it enacted, That theinspectors appointed by virtueCompensation for inef thisact,maylaw•fully demand, receive, andtakefromtheper-spection. son,orpersons sellingthe same,the sum of twenty-fivecentsfor eachandeverybarrelor half barrelof herringhe mayrepack; andfor eachandeverybarrelor halfbarrelof hen'ing heshallfill up andhead,thesumof eightcents;andforinspecting, examining,andbranding everybarrelor halfbarrelof herring, thesum of eightcents;andforeachandeverybarrelorhalfbarrelofherringexported œrom anyportin thisstate,thectrstomary allowance and compensation for the expense andtroubleof coopering and puttingthesameintogoodandmerchantable orderandcondition; 2,'ovided,that it shallandmay be lawful to andfor the owner, ownersor sellers of suchherringto employanypersonor persons, otherthanthesaidinspector, to do,executeandperformthe cooperagenecessary to put the samein goodandmerchantable order andcondition asaforesaid; andin thatcasethesaidinspector shall notbe entitledto haveor receiveany allowanceor compensation whatsoever, for or onaccount of saidcooperage. 6. And beit enacted,That eachand everybarrel andhalf barrelxv•,,, ofherring, inspected andbranded asisbythisactrequired, shall, • examined. if lyingonhandand unsold,and not exported fi.omthisstatefor six lnonthsfrom andaftersuchinspection andbranding, beforesale or delivery,be againexaminedby the saidinspector,and.if found soundand merchantable, agreeablyto the intentandmeaningof thisact,theyshallor maybe exportedasaforesaid, butif nnsound, theyshallbesubjectto thesameregulations asstatedin thethirdsectionof thisact; andthesaidinspector shallhaveandreceive,fi'om the personor persons sellingthe aforesaid barrelsor half'barrels of herring,for hisexpense andtroublefi•r opening, examining and headingeachandeverybarrelasaforesaid, the sumof threecents. 7. And beit enacted,That all and singularthe forfeituresandPenalties, •overed• penalties inandbythisactimposed, shall becollected bythesaid høwtøbere' inspector, withcosts ofsuit, inanycourthaving cognizance thereof, one half thereof to anti for his own use, the other half, when reco- xered,to bepaidby thesaidinspector to theoverseers of thepoor of' thetownor placewheretheoffence shallbe committed, forthe useof the poorthereof[ 1046 TRADE. TI. XXXVII. CHAP. 5. ---- inspector, how to be commissioned. S. _Andbeit enacted, That the governor, or personadministers ingthegovernment of thisstatefor thetimebeing,ontheapplication and recommendationof the commoncouncil of any city or towncorporate, or on the application andrecommendation of twelverespectable freeholders of anyothertownwithinthisstate, mayappoint andcommission oneormoreinspectors andrepackers ofherring (whoshallnotbedealers in saidm'ticlcs) in suchpartsof Oath to be taken, the stateasmaybe deemednecessary andexpedient. 9. _And beit enacted, Thateachandeveryinspector andrepackcr ofherring,appointed and commissioned asaforesaid, shall,bcIbre heenters upontheexecution of thesaidoffice, takeandsubscribe thefollowingoathor affirmation, beforeoneof thejusticesof the supremecourtof thisstate,or beforeoneof thejudgesof thecourt of common pleasin andfor thecountyin whichthedutiesof such office are to be exercised,viz: I, A. B. do solemnlyswear (or affirm),thatI will faithfully,truly andimpartially, according to the bestof my judgment,skill and understanding, executethe office anddutyof aninspector andrcpackcrofherring,according to the trueintentaridmeaningof the lawsof this staterelativeto the same;andthatI will not directlyor indirectlybrand,or sufferto be branded,any casksof herringbut what shallbe soundand merchantable, agreeably to the saidlaws. A copyof whichsaid oathor afiqrmation, subscribed by the personappointedas aforesaid,andsignedby the officerby whomit wasadministered, shall ana •ea. be filedin the officeof the clerkof the countywhere the saidinspectorandrcpackerusuallyresides. Term of of10. And beit enacted,That the said inspectors shall holdtheir fica. o•ces for the termof fiveyearsfromthetimeofthelr appointment, andnolonger;but uponbeingagainrecommended asaforesaid, maybe r?appointed. Casks, how 11. And •e it enacted,That the said inspectorsand repackors •a. shallprovidethemselveswith, and brand everybarrel and half barrel of herring,asfollows: "New Jerseyherring;" andalsothe to be brand- initial letter of his christianname and his surnameat full length, together•vi•t•the nameof theplacewhereinspected or repacked. Penalty for 12. 21rid t•e it enacted, That no person or persons shall use u•ing casksa . aecondtime. caskswhich have beenemptied,afterbeing brandedasaforesaid, a secondtime, unlessthey shall first eraseand effectuallydeface the rcpacker'sbrand off and from every such cask,under the penaltyof twentydollarsfor everysuchcasksoused. Penalty for 13. And beit enacted, That if any inspectoror rcpackerof herhealoct or dcfky. ring shallneglector delayto inspector repackanyherring,when thereuntorequiredby the owner or possessor thereof,for the spaceof forty-eighthours,everysuchinspector or repackershall, T R A D E. 1047 for eachneglect, payto suchowneror possessor thesumof twoT•.XXXVU. CHAP. 5. dollarsper barrel or half barrel. 14. And beit enacted, That for everyoffence whichthe saidin• inspectorfor spectors and repackersshall commitagainstthe true intent anrto•r•nces meaningof thisact, andbe thereofconvicted, he or they so offend - committed. ing shallforfeitthe sumof twentydollars,and be renderedincapab]eof servingagainin saidoffice. 15. _And 5eit enacted,That if' anydisputesimllhappenbeweenDisputes to be settled b7 the saidinspectors or repackers andthe possessor of suchherring,•-•ees. concerning the soundness or packageof the same,or the soundhessor contentsof the casks,it shall be law•hl for anyjustice of the peaceof the city or countywherethe saiddisputearises,upon applicationto him made,and he is herebyrequiredto issuehis warrantto two indifferent, judiciouspersons of skill andintegrity, to view and searchthe said herring,togetherwith the caskin whichtheyare contained, andmakereportforthwith,after having examinedthe same,to the saidjustice,(whichreport shallbe in writing,andto whichtheyshallswearor affirm,)according asthey findthesame;andthesaidjusticeis herebyempoweredand requiredto givejudgmentaccordingly;andin casethe saidherring shall be foundto be unfit ftrr exportation,the said justice shall orderthemnot to be exported,under the penaltyof forfeitingall suchherring,and shall also award the owneror possessor to pay the saidinspectorand repackerthe sum of twenty-fivecentsper cask,for all suchherringasshallbejudgednotfit for exportation asaforesaid, with reasonable charges;but in casethe saidherring, upontrial as aforesaid,shall be found goodandmerchantable, accordingto the directionsof this act,the chargesof prosecution shallbe paid by the inspector. 16. And be it enacted,That the saidinspectors shallhavefull•nspectors authorized powerby virtueof thisact,andwithoutanyfurtheror other• war-to enter on ß board. of yesrant, to enteron boardanyship,sloopor vesselwhatsoever, •y•ng•d•. or beingin anyportor placein thisstate,to search forandmake discovery of anyherringshippedfor exportation, andif theowner or possessor, or theirservants or others,shalldenyhim or them entrance, or if thesaidinspectors shallbe in anywaymolested in makingsuchdiscovery asaforesaid, everysuchperson shallforfeit andpay the sum of twentydollars;or if any personor persons shallshipoffanycaskor casks ofherring,notbranded asis herein beforerequired,everysuchpersonso offending shallforfeitand paythesumof onedollarandtwenty-five centsfor everycaskso shipped. Foreign her. 17. And •e it enacted,That saltedherring,in barrelsor halfjec• ring to inbarrels,whichshallhavebeenbroughtor importedfromanyplacespection. 1045 T R A D E. •r•.xxxv,. or placeswithoutthebounds andlimitsoœthis state,withthename CtfAP. 6. • of thestate,townor placefrmnwhichthe sameshallhavebeen brought orimported, branded or marked atfulllength, andiuplain legible manner thereon, andwhichshallbeexported withthesame namesoas aforesaidbrandedor marked thereon,andnot asthe herring of New.Jersey, shallnotbe liabletoexamination bythe inspectors hereinappointed, butthesamemaybe lawfully exportedwithoutinspection. CHAPTEI• 6. MAR KETS. I. Itow establisheel. I 2. Howregulated, •E,•.s.•s. An Actt0 pr0•qde for theestablishment of markets for thesaleof live sr0ckin the severalcounties0f this state, PassedFebruary 29, 1804. 'rhobo•-ds 1. BE IT ENACTED 5yt}e Co•ncil andGeneral Assembly • t/zis of chosen f•ehold•s state,andit is Aerc•yenacted • tAeauthority• tgesame, That may institute. markets for the sale of it shalland may he lawtul for the hoard o• chosenfreeholdersoff •vestock.eachandeverycountyof this state,•o institutea market,onceor oftcrier in every year,atanyplace orplaces withinthesaidcounty, whichin theopinion oFthesaidboardmaybe mostconvenient for thesaleof livestock, namely, horses, cattle, sheep, andhogs, from thehouror eightin themorning untilfourin theafternoon, ofany number orsuccessive days,notexceeding •)ur, whichthesaidboard mayappoint;whichtime andplaceshallbe advertised in threeoF themostpubli, c places in the county, a; leastthirtydaysprevious to the time appointedfor holdingthe saidmarket. May pass by- .2. And •e it enacted, Thatit shallandmay be lawfultot the laws, ere., fbr • t• •-•g•t•saidboard' oFchosen fi•eeholders to passordinances andby-laws t•o• or: fortheregulation ofsaidmarkets; provided, thatthesame benot repugnantto the constitutionand laws of the United Statesor of tkis state. 1049 TRADE, TI. XXXVII. CHAP. CHAPTER 7. 7. PILOTS. 1. Commissionersappointed. 2. To certify appointment of pilot. 3. Pilot's oath. 14. May receive pilotage, rates. 15. Fees ibr detention. 16. Fees for extra services. 4. Examination of applicants. 17. Refusal of master to receive. 5. Fresh licenses taken out. 6. Power of removal. 18. Of apprentices. 19. Who exclusively employed. 7. Power to make rules. 20. Precautions to be nsed. 8. Penalty on pilot for neglect. 9. Penalty for refusal to do duty. 10. Penalty for carelessness, 11. Of partnerships. 21. Taxation or certificate of pilotage. 29. Penalty for intoxication. 12. Commissioners 25. Pilot's bond and license. disinteYestcd. 13. Pilot's pay, if ca•rriedto sea. 23. ttow penaltiesapplied. 24. Percentage of commissioners. 26. Commissioners' annual report. /In •iettoestablish andregulate pilots,fortheportsof Jersey City,l•'ew-P•rH.x83e.?. 110. ark andPerth•imb0y, bythewayof Sandy II00k. I•evision....ApprovedApril 17, 1846. PA•r•. 1. Br. •r rN.•c•rm)by theSenate and General Assembly of t]ie 56. 1838-9. 66. State of New Jersey,That the governor, by andwith the advice Commission oers of pilotandconsent of the Senate,shall appointsevencommissioners OIage appointed. pilotage,whoshallholdtheir off:ices, respectively, for threeyears; andincaseanycommissioner of pilotage,soappointed, shalldieor resign,or in any other way becomedisqualified to act,it shallbe the dutyof the governor, by and with the adviceandconsent of the Senate,forthwithto fill suchvacancy;and the personsoUp-Term. pointedto fill suchvacancy,shallholdhisoilicefor thelike term of threeyears;andthecommissioners of pilotage,or a majorityofrowers. them,shallbe authorized, andfullpowerandauthorityarehereby givento them,to permit,at their discretion, anypersonto act asa branchpilot offthebar at SandyHook, or of theriverRaritan,or of thebarboursof JerseyCity, Newark or Perth Areboy,they havingexamined the saidperson]n the mannerhereinafter mentioned,andmadesuchinquiriesrespecting him andhisqualifications,asto them, the saidcommissioners, or a majority of them, shallappearnecessary and expedient. 2. And be it enacted,That the commissioners of pilotageshallto Certificates be given. giveto everyperson appointed bythemasa branchpilotor deputy pilot,a certificate ofhisappointment, signed bya majorityofthem, or by theirchairman, or by theirdirection;whichcertificate shall be presentedto the governor. 3. And beit enacted, That whenever anypersonshallproduce Oath tobe administerto the governor, or in caseof hisabsence fromtheseatof governed. merit,to thesecretary of state,a certificate of theaforesaid tenor, from the commissioners of pilotage, or a majorityof them,the 1050 T R A D E. 'r•. xxxv•. saidgovernor or secretaryof state,as thecasemaybe, shall CHAP. 7• .... ministerto suchpersonthe followingoathor affirmation, to wit: I, A. B. dosolemnly swear(or affirm),thatI will well andfaithfully,andaccording to thebestof myskillandknowledge, execute and discharge thebusiness anddutyof a • branchpilot for the bar, JerseyCity,Nexvark, andPerthAreboyandharbourof SandyHook,andthatI will at all timesusemybestendearours to repairon boardall shipsand vessels .that[ shallseeandconceive to beboundfor,or coming into,or goingoutoftheharbour afore- said,unless I amwellassured thatsome otherlicensed pilotisthen onboardthesame;andI dofurtherswear(oraffirm), thatI will, fromtimetotimeandat all times,maketl•ebestdespatch inmy powerto bringsafelyoverthe bar of SandyHook,everyvessel committed to mycarein coming in m' goingout; andthatI will, fromtimeto timeandat all times,trulyobserve, follow,andfulfil, to thebestof my skill,ability,andknowledge, all suchordersand directions as I shallor may receivefrom the commissioners of pilotage, relativeto all matters or thingsthatmayappertain to the dutyof a pilot: andfurt/&er,that I will not be copartnerxvith morethantwelvepilotsat the s•me time,in any aflhirrelativeor incidentto thebusiness, du. ty, or officeof a pilot. Examination 4. And •e it enacted,That it shallbe the dutyof the saidCOrn- ofapplicants. missloners, before they grant abranch orlicense toany person applyingtherefor,to callsuchapplicantbeforethem,andin the presenceof one or moreof the branchpilots of thisstate,whoshall be personally notifiedto attendfor the purpose,or in caseof the nonattendance of the pilot or pilotswho shallbe sonotifiedto attendibr that purpose,then without the assistance or presenceof anybranchpilot,to examinesuchpersonsoapplyingfor a branch or licenseto act as a pilot or deputy pilot, or to causehim to be examin. ed touchinghis qualifications for suchan employment, and in particular,touchinghisknowledgeof the tides,soundings, bearings,and distances of the severalshoals,rocks,bars,andpointsof land,in the navigationfor whichhe appliesfor a branchor license to act as a pilot or deputypilot. Whe•fre•h 5. And •e it enacted,That the commissioners of pilotageshall hcensesto betaken ore. navepowerandauthorityto order and direct•ll pilotsfor the bar andharbouraforesaid,to deliver up their former, and to take out freshlicenses whcne•:cr so required;but no pilot shallbe charged with anyfee uponreceivinga newlicenseasaforesaid;andevery pilot not complyingwith theseconditions, or any of them, shall forthwithforfeit his license,and shallbe disqaalifiedto act as a pilot for twelve months,and shallafterwards(•btainno pilot's branch, unlesshe be readmitted under the same formalities as one applyingin the first instance. T R A • •. 1051 XXXVIt. G.Andbeit enacted, Thatthecommissioners of pilotage, anda TI.CHAP. 7. majority ofthem,shallhavepowerandauthority totakeaway the• branch of anypilotordeputy pilot,andto.declare hislicense nulltake away andvoid,whenever it shallappear tothemthatsuch pilothaswilfullyinfringed orviolated thisac[ortheorders of thecommissioners,orthathehathnegligently andcarelessly lostanyvessel under Power to license. hiscare,or thath,eis laboutingundera men•alderangement, soas to beincapable of attending to business, or thatheissoaddicted to the habi:tso,f in.t(yxicationas to be unfit to be intrusted with the charge of a vessel;andif anypilothathf•)rfeited hisbranch, orisshall Whe,• pilotcease nolongerentitled to theuseof hislicense by virtueof thisor thereact. foregoing clause,the commissioners of pile;ageshallhavepower to call on him for the surrender of his•license';and if he shallre, fuseto giveupthesameupondemand, the'lattershallnotifyfor oneweek,in thepublicpapersof JerseyCity,Newark,or in such paperas;heyshalldeemnecessary, thatsuchpersonhasnolonger a rightto act as a pilot untilhe'is reinstated according to law; ?rovided, thatbeforeanypilot shallbe deprivedof hisbranchorProvise, license, or suspended fromactingthereunder, suchpilotshallbe summoned by a noticein writing,to be d;elivered to him personally, or to be lef';at hisusualplaceof abodeat leastfifteendays beforethe time specifiedthereinfor his appearance, to appear beforethe saidcommissioners at suchtimeasshallbe specified in thesaid'notice,to showcause, if anyhemayhave,against hissus-. pension or therevocation of hisbranch or license;' andif such pilotshallneglect orrefuse toappear atthetimespecified in such noticebeforethesaidcommissioners, or if the causeshownby such pilotagainst hissuspension or therevocatiou of hisbranchor license shallnotappearsufll.cient andsatisfactory to thesaidcornmissloners, it shallandmaybelawfulfbrfl•emeithertorevokethe branch or license of suchpilot,or to suspend himfromacting asa pilot, asthey mayjudge proper. 7. _Andbe it enacted,That the saidcommissioners shallhavemake eower to rules: fullpower andauthority to makeandestablish such rules, orders, andregulations, notinc'onsistent withtheconstimtlon orthelaws of thisstateor of the United States,for the-bettergovernment of thesaid pilots, andwithsuch titlesandpenalties forthebreach• thereof, astheyshall deem proper, andthesame fi,om'time totime to revokeoramend;andthecommissioners, or a majority ofthem, Toane for ß. misbehavi* arehereby authorized, upondueproofof misbehaviour of a pilot,our. whenin theexecution of hisduty,afterduenoticeandhearingof' such pilot, tofinesuch pilot,notexceeding. twenty-five dollars, or to suspend him. S. And Aeit enacted, That whenan• pilot or deputypilot 1052 T R A D E. TI. XXXVlI. CHAP. 7. shallseea vesselonthe coasthavinga signalfor a pilot,or shall • hear a gun or gunsfired off the coast,andshallrefuseor neglect Penalty on pilot for ne- to go to the assistance of suchvessel,whenit is practicable for him glect. to do so,suchpilotshall,on conviction, forfeitandpayonehundred dollars,to be recoveredby actionof debtin any courtof record, one half to the informer, the other half to the master of such ves- sel; andmay,uponproofthereof,be renderedby the commissioners incapableof'actingagainasa pilot or deputypilot. msa,ty, a,a 9. And be it enacted,That everypilot cruisingor standingout penaltyfor refusal. to sea shall offer his services first to the vessel nearest the land, or in mostdistress, underthepenaltyof fifty dollars;andif anypilot, notbeinghindered by sickness or otherlawfulcause, shallrefuse to go onboardanyvessel,whenrequiredby themaster,to execute hisoffice,suchpilot shallforfeitandpaythesumof onehundred dollars;andin eithercase,uponcomplaint andconviction before thecommissioners, suckpilot shallbe liableto be suspm, ded by shah sho,•them for suchtimeastheyshallthinkfit; andeverypilot,onofferhis license. ß •ng his servicesto the masterof any vessel,shall produceand show to such master his warrant of appointmentand license grantedhimin virtueof this act,underthe penaltyof ten dollars Penalty for fbr every neglect. 10. And beit enacted,That if anypilot or deputy pilot shall cøxdess•e•S'negligently or carelessly loseanyvessel under hiscare, andbe thereofconvicted by duecourseof law, he shallfor everaftersuch conviction be incapableof actingas pilot or deputypilot in this state,andshall be alsoliable,by actionat commonlaw, to pay all suchdamagesas anypersonshallsustainby suchnegligenceor carelessness; andif anypilot or deputypilot shallrun anyvessel on shore,he shall not be entitledto anypilotage; andif by negligence,he shall alsobe liable,by actionat commonlaw, to pay all damagesoccasioned thereby. Ofpartner11. And beit enacted,That no morethantwelvepilotsshallbe ships. in partnership, or in anymannersharethe profitsderivedfi'omthe - pilot business, under the penaltyof two hundreddollarsfor each andeveryoffence, to be paid,onehalf for the useof the inf'ormer, hership. andthe residueto the state treasurer,by each pilot thusin part. Commission.12. And be it enacted, That no commissionershall be concerned ers to ha.e nointerest. or haveany interestin the pilotagebusiness. ri•ot's pay, 13. And be it enacted,That if' anyvesselgoingout,shall carry if carried to sea. OfftO sea,throughthe defaultof the owneror masterof suchves- sel,anypilot or deputypilot,when a boat is attendingto receive suchpilot from on board suchvessel,the masteror owner or consigneeof suchvesselshall pay the boardof commissioners afore- T RA D E. 1053 said,for theuseof suchpilot,besides the pilotageof suchvessel, TT. XXXVU. CHAP. 7. at andaftertherate of seventy-five dollarsper month,untilsuch pilotshallreturnto the port of JerseyCity, Newark or Perth Amboy,asthe casemaybe. 14. And•e it enacted, Thatit shallandmaybelawful for everypilotage. •Tay reeeix'e ß branchpilotor deputypilot,dulyappointed andhcensed, to ask andreceive pilotage fi'omanyperson orpersons whoshallemploy him to pilot ar•yvesselfi'omtheeastward or southward of theWhite Buoy,situate on the eastern ee}geof the OuterMiddleGround, nearthebar,to theportof JerseyCity, Newark or PerthAreboy, andshalltheresafely moorsuch vessel, or takeherto'a proper wharf,asthe master, owneror consignee of suchvessel maydesire;and,likewise, fi'omanyperson orpersons whoshallemploy himtopilotanyshipor othervessel fromport,totheeastward or southwar(I ofsaid'WhiteBuoy,sofar that suchvesselmaysafely proceed to sea,at andafterthefollowing rates,thatis to say:œor Rates of. vesselsof the United States,and for vesselsof other nationsthat are permittedby the laws of the l•'nited Statesto enter on the sametermsasvesselsof the lfnited States,the sumsfol]o;ving, •-iz: foreveryvessel drawing]essthanfourteen feet,anysumnot exceeding two dollarsfbr everyœoot suchvesselshalldraw; fer everyvessel drawingfourteenfeetandlessthaneighteen feet,any sumnotexceedi•ng two dollarsandfiftycentsfor everyfootsuch vessel shalldraw; andforeveryvesseldrawingeighteenf6etand upwards, anysumnotexceeding threedollars foreveryfootsuch vessel shalldraw; andfi)r all vessels of war,anysumnotexceeding five dollarsf•>r every•ot suchvesselshall draw; andfor all other vessels,an addition of one-fourth,to the above rates: and' furt?zerif themasteror ownerof anyvessel havinga pilotonboard shallchoose to havehis saidvessel, not destined to JerseyCity, Newarkor PerthAreboyasaforesaid, moored at anyplacewithin SandyHook,suchpilotshallbe allowedthesamerateof pilotage asif thesaidshipor vessel wasmoored or conducted to a proper wharf/asaforesaid, andshallbe entitledtohisd'ischarge fromsuch shipor vesselwithin twenty-fourhoursthereafter;•prorict'ed, thatHalfpilot- nomorethanhalfpilotage, attheratesaforesaid, shallbed'emanded or receivedby any such pilot who shall, to the westward of the saidWhite Buoy,takechargeof anyvessel comingintoport; anderm'i•o, 2•ro,'ided alamo, that no pilotagewhatevershall be demandedor re- ceivedby anysuchpilot for any suchyessetcomihgi'ntoport, unlesssuchpilot shall take chargeof suchvesselto the souGward of the Upper Middle Ground,an• suchvesselbe at least of the burthen of one hundred tons, unless such vessel shall make the usualsigaalœor a pilot,,in whickcaseit shallbe thedut7 of such 1054 TRADE. TI. XXXVII. CHAP. 7. Additional pilotage. pilotto take chargeof suchvessel,andsuchpilotshallthenbe entitledto half pilotagetherefor,as aforesaid:andfurt?&er, that betweenthe first day of Novemberand the first day of April, inclnsive,in everyyear, suchpilot may ask and receive the additionalsum of four dollarsfor everyvesseldrawingten feet and upwards,andfor everyvesseldrawinglessthanten feet, the additional sum of two dollars, and one half of such additional sum for halfpilotage;andit shallbe lawfulfor everypilotanddeputypilot to askandreceivefrom anypersonor personswho shall employ him topilotany vessel,and whichshallbe takenin chargeby such pilot at suchdistancefrom land as that SandyHook lighthouse cannotbe seenfrom the deck of suchvesselin the day time in fair xveather,' theaddition of one-fourth to theratesof pilotageallowed Fees for detention. by this act. 15. And be it enacted,That for everyday which anypilot or deputypilot shallbe requested to remain or be detainedon board anyship or vessel,by the master,owner or consignee, over and abovetheusualdetentions of gettingshipsor vessels fromthewharf to sea,andfrom sea to the wharF,he may demandandreceivethe sumof threedollarsper day for eachandeveryday he shallbe so detained. roes for extra services. 16. And •e it enacted,That everypilot or deputy pilot who shallhaveexertedhimselffor the preservationof anyvesselappearingto be in distress, and in want of a pilot, shall be entitled for anyextraordinary servicesto suchsumasthe pilot andmaster, owneror consigneecan agreoon,or in caseof not agreeing,asthe commissioners shall determine •Iaster to be a reasonable reward. re- 17. And be it enacted,That if the masterof any vessel(except; fusing pilot, to pay half schooners andsloopsemployedin the coastingtrade licensedfor pilotage. that purpose,and not making the usualsignalfor a pilot,) coming into the ports of Jersey City, Ne•vark andPerth Areboy,or into any of the watersof New Jersey,shallrefuseto receiveon board andemploya pilot who shallhave offered ' to go on boardandto take chargeof the pilotage of suchvessel,the master,owner or consignee of suchvesselshallpay to the pilot half pilotage,fi'om the placeat whichsuchpilot shallhaveofferedhimselfto the port of destination;but no half pilotageshallbe collected fromanyvesselin chargeof a New York pilot. Apprentices. 18. And be it enacted,That to eachandeveryboatin the pilot service,to andfi'om SandyHook, there shallbe not lessthan two apprentices,who shallbe indentedto the masterof the saidboat or boats,or someotherbranchpilotattachedto the saidboat or boats, for a term not lessthanfour years; andit shallbe the duty of tho masterpilotta whomsuchapprentices shallboindented, to attend T R A D,E. 1055 diligently totheinstruction of saidapprentices in theartandmys-T;. xxxwI. CHAP. 7. teryof a pilot,fromtimeto time,and,notless than oncein every .. •. _ . Instruction monthof the last two yearsof the saidapprenucesmp, to tal•esuchof. apprentices on boardof shipsor othersquareriggedvessels, for thepurpose of teachingsaidapprentices to workandmanmuvro suchshipsor vessels. EverypersonwhoshallhaveservedfourExamined and licensed. yearsasanapprentice toalicensed pilot,andtwoyearsasa deputy pilot,shallbe entitledto be examined andlicensed asa branchpi• lot,if foundqualified,in preference to anyotherapplicants; and everyperson havingserved fouryearsasanapprentice toa licensed pilot, shallbe entitledto be examinedand licensed asa deputy pilot,if foundqualified, in preference to anyotherapplicants: and•min Annual ex•fion. furt•.er,thatthesaidcommissioners shallannually, in themonthof May, cause all thesaidapprentices to be examined in their office, in the presenceof two or moreof the branchpilots,(who are herebyrequiredto attendfor thatpurpose) touching and concerning theirknowledgeof the tides,bearinganddistances of the several shoals, reefs,bars,andpointsof land,currents, andeveryother matterthe said commissioners may thinkproper,tendingto promotethesafenavigation of vessels betweenJerseyCity, Newark, Perth Amboy and SandyHook. 19. And be it enacted,That the branchpilots,deputypilots,Whoexaasirely eraandapprentices indentedas abovementioned,andboatkeepers rloyed. (tobeselected fromtheapprentices) shallbetheonlypersons employedin thepilotserviceto andfi'omSandyHook. 20. And beit enacted, That it shallbe the dutyof everypilot or lead. Heaving th• deputypilot,upontakingchargeof anyvessel, eitheroutwardor inwardbound,to causethe lead to be regularlyhove,andto see thattheleadline is properlymarked,and in defaultthereof,that he forfeithispilotage. •1. And beit enacted,That in casethe owner or consignee Of"Whenpilotage taxed or anyvesselshallnotbe satisfied withtheamountof pilotagecharged ½ertiiied. againstsuchvessel,for the pilotageof suchvesselto or from porb it shallbe the duty of suchpilot to have the amountof pilotage claimedby him asaforesaid, taxedor certifiedby the saidcommissioners,who are herebyrequired to examineand certify the same, withoutfee or reward; and that no suit or actionshallbe brought or maintained for suchpilotage,until the sameshallbe taxedor certified as aforesaid. 2•. Andbeit enacted,That in order to preventintoxication inintoxication. eenalt• for persons havingthechargeof vessels as pilots,thatif anypilotor deputypilotshallbecome intoxicated in chargeof anyvessel, as pilot,he shall,/'orthe firstoffence, forfeithispilotage, be suspended fromdutyfor six months, andin addition thereto, forfeit 1956 T [RA D E. ,I.CHAP. xxxvm aforesaid, andto be by 7. andpay fifty dollarsto the commissioners --thempaid to the trusteesof the Pilot's CharitableSociety,if sucb societyis formed,and for the secondoffence, be deprivedof his branchor license,as the casemay be, and be for ever thereafter incapable of actingasa pilot. I•owre•a•- 23. And beit enacted,That all forfeitures,fines and penalties, tics appliecL whichshallor maybe recovered andreceivedunderandby virtue of thisact,andnototherwise appropriated, shallbe applied,inthe firstinstance, for, in or towardsthe paymentof suchcostsof suit anddisbursements of the saidcommissioners, in theirprosecution andproceedings underthis act,againstoffenders, as shallnotbe receivedby them from the partyor partiesprosecuted or proceededagainst;and theoverplus andresiduethereof,if anyoverplusthereshouldbe,shallbe accounted for andpaidover,onthe firstMondayin June,in eachandeveryyear,to the .Pilot'sCharitable Fund, for the use and benefit of that association. Feesofcom34. And beit enacted,That thepilotsshall,oncein eachmonth, accountto the saidcommissioners for the fees receivedby them •nissioners. for the pilotage;andthe said commissioners shallbe entitledto re- ceivefiveper centf'romtim saidfees,as a compensation for their servicesunderthis act,to be dividedamongthe commissioners, according to the daystheymayhaverespectively attended. Pilots to give 2•5. And be it enacted, That as soon as any branch pilot or deputy bond, pilot shallhavetaken and subscribed the oath or affirmation prescribedin the third sectionoœthisact,the governorshalldirectthe commissioners of pilotagefor the time being to take bond œrom suchbranchpilot or deputypilot, in the sumof fivehundreddollars,with two sufficientsureties,to be approvedof by the said commissioners, œorthe fhithœuldischargeof his dutiesprescribed and receive in this act; and thereuponthe said commissioners shalldeliverto license. suchpilot a licensereferringto his respectivebranch; and every such license shall be signedby the governor,and be of œorce duringthe term therein specified,or duringsuchpilot'sgoodbehaviour; andeverypersonwho shallbe appointeda pilot, andwho shall have taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation, as directed in thisac•,andshall have given bond as aforesaid, shallbe to all intentsandpurposes a pilot, agreeablyto the certificate of thesaid commissioners. Annual re- 26. And beit enacted,That it shallbe the dutyoœthe saidcommissioners to lay beforethelegislature, asearlyasthesecond week of'theirsession, yearlyandeveryyear,all bonds takenby themas aforesaid, anabstract of theirproceedings withintheyearthenlast past,togetherwith a statement of thenumberof pilotsin commission,•he numberof vessels takenin andout,andsuchobservations T R A D E. 1057 in relationto thesystemof pilotage,asin theiropinionmaytendTI. xxxvI•. CHAP. 9. to the benefitof the causeof. commerce, andmay be of'advantage -to the generalinterestsof thisstate. CHAPTER TOLL 1. allowed. 2. Toll Penalty for takingmore. 8. OF MILLERS. I 3.Toll measures. An let to ascertain the t011of millers, R=v.440. Passed5•ay 25,1799. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Counciland GeneralAssembly of thisToll artowed to millerr. state,andit is herebyenactedby the authorityof the same,That every miller shallbe allowed,for toll, one-tenthpart of a bushel, and no more,out of every bushelof grain which he shallgrind, includingbolting,exceptmalt, outof eachbushelof whichhe shall be allowedone quart, and no more. 2. And be it enacted,That if any miller shalltake or receivea Penalty lbr .• taking ungreatertoll for grindingthan is allowedby this act, he shall,mr lawa•l toll. everysuchoffence,forfeit and pay three dollars,to be recovered by actionof debt,with costs,by anypersonwhoshallsuefor the same. 3. And be it enacted,That every miller shallkeepin his mill keep Millers to toll an exactmeasureof one-tenthpart of a bushel,and of one-twen-megurns. tieth part of a bushel,for his toll measures,with a fit instrument to strike the said measures, which shall be stricken whenever toll is taken; andif he fail in any of' theseparticulars, he shallforfeit andpay three dollars,to be recoveredas aforesaid. CHAPTER •VEIGI•TS 9. AND MEASURES, 1. Standardestablished. 2. Countiesto be provided. 4. Penaltyfor usingothers. 5. Standardof weights. 3. Weights andmeasures sealed. 6,Standard ofmeasures. 1834-5. P•r}i. 71. 1837-$. in Actto establish a uniformstandard of weights and measures in this r•,•,,. 70. 1843-4. state. r•,,,•. •o4•, Revision....Approved April17,1846. •67. 1845. 1. BE.•T ENACTED by the SenateandGeneral•4ssembly of ther•r,.:t41. 1946. Stateof _New Jersey,That the standard of.weightsandmeasures ra•r. 1•'•. 4v lOftS T R A D E. •,•. xxxv•. of theUnitedStates,now deposited in the oillee of'thesecretary CHAP. 9. -----of state at Trenton, shall be the standard of'weightsandmeasures Standard established, Of thisstate,for the approving andsealingof the same,in the several countiesthereof; andthe said secretaryof stateis hereby joined to preserveand take care of the same,andto allow and as- sistsuchpersonor persons,authorizedby the chosen f•'eeholders of eachcountyof'thisstate,to.compare andadjusta corresponding standardof'weightsand measuresfor eachandeverycounty,and ('ertifieates shall give to suchpersonor persons, soauthorized,a certificate, furnished. underthe sealof hisoffice,oœtheircorrectness, ascompared witt• the standardin his office; andthe saidsecretary of stateshallprose•e•. cure a seal,uponwhich shall be imprintedthe lettersS.S., and' shallmark with the said sealeachandeveryarticlesocompared, for whichhe shallreceivea reasonable compensation fi'omthetrea.surerof thisstate,uponthe certificateoœthe governorthereof, Chosen free- •. And be it enacted, That the chosenfreeholders of' each and to holders ln'ovide for every countyshall,at the expenseof the severalcountiesin this counties. state,provide,by the twentiethof M•rch, eighteenhundredand forty-seven, a set of brasswci•hts,œrom half an ounceup to fifty poundsavoh'dupois, and measures fi'omonepint up to a gallon, andfi'oma quarteroœa peckto half a bushel,anda yard stick,of good,permanent, anddurableconstruction, according to the standard abovementioned, provedandsealedby the secretaryof state, Cou•tys•.andlikewisea seal,upon which sh•11be imprintedthe lettersC. or. S., who sh•11deposi•the samewith the clerk of the countythey represent, who is and shall be hereby constitutedthe sealer of oa•h. weightsandmeasures for said county,andshallkeepthe same his offleein goodorderand repair, and shalltttke,on enteringon the dutiesof his o•ce, the followingoath(or a•rmation), viz: I • do swear (or affirm),that I will not stamp, seal, or give any certificatefor any weightsor measures, but suchas shall, asnearlyaspossible, agree with the standardin rnykeeping,and will in all respectstruly and Githfully dischargeand executethe trustreposedin me to thebestof myabilityandcapacity.So help me Filed, God. \Vhich said oath (er a•rmation) shallbe admhfistcred by any justiceof the peace,in the presenceof not lessthantwo members of the boardof chosen fi'eeho!ders of saidcounty,andfile(}by said clerk in his office. Notice to 3. A•d be it e•,ac•cd,That the clerkor sealerof weightsand brin• in wei•htsana measures in everycountyoœthis state,shallpostup a nr•tification }•re•a[•e•g. in writing,by settingup threeadvertisements in eachl•wnship thereof',ou thefirst day of Marchnext,andon the samedayevery seventhyearthercaf'ler,or shallcausesuchnotification to be pub- T R A D E. 1059 lished atleastfourweeks successively in oneormorenewspapers •'•. xxxw•. CttAP. 9. printed andpublished in saidcounty, requiring allandeveryper-• sonwithintheir respective counties to bringin to thesaidsealer of weights andmeasures all suchweights andmeasures by which theyrespectively buy or sell,givingat leastthirtydaysnoticeof the appointed timefor thesealing aforesaid; andtheclerkorsealer maydemand andreceivefi'omtheownerof all weights andmeasures,sotried,proved,andsealed,by thesealof saidclerk,twoFees. centsfor eachandeveryarticlewhichhe mayseal:it shallfurther be thedutyof saidclerkto give a certificate to everyperson orCertificate. persons whomayapplyto him to havearticlessealed, statingthe number so sealed,theirweightor capacity, andthattheyagree andcorrespond withthe standard deposited in his oil:ice;andif any personor personsshallcarry any weightsor measures to said clerkto besealed, at anytime afterthedaynotified forsealing as aforesaid, theclerkor sealerof weights andmeasures in suchcase maydemand andtakeeightcents foreachandeveryarticlehemay seal. 4. And•e it enacted, Thatif anyperson or persons withinthisfbr Penalty using time stateof shall, sealing, at the vend expiration or sellany ofwares thirtyor days merchandise, afterthe or appropriateweights, anycorn-not •a. ere, moditywhatever, byanyotherweightsandmeasures but suchas shallhavebeentried,provedandsealedasth•sact requires, the personor personsso offending shallforfeitand pay for every offence asumnotlessthantwo,andnotexceeding fivedollars, one halftogototheprosecutor, andtheotherhalftothepoorof the township in whichsaidoffence maybe committed, to be recovered by actionof debt,in anycourthavingcognizance of the same; 2royideal always,thatnothing in thisactshallbe soconstrued astoProviso. prohibitanyperson or persons fi'ombuyingor sellingbysteelyardsorpatent balances, whentheyshallhavebeentriedbyand agreewiththestaudard aforesaid, andwhenthebuyerandseller, payer and receiver, shall both consentthereto. 5. Andbeit enacted, Thatit shallbe lawfulandproper tocal-Standard, how calcuculate thestandard of weights withinthisstatein thefollowing bred. manner,to wit: sixteeudrachmsone ounce,sixteenouncesone pound, twenty-five pounds onequarter ofanhundred, fourquarters onehundred, andtwentyhundred oneton,anyusage or custom to thecontrary thereof notwithstanding, exceptsuch asmaybeused in weights ofcoins andapothecary drugs. 6. And5eit enacted, Thatthebushel shallconsist ofsixtypounds }•hd. ofwheat, fifty-six pounds of rye or indiancorn,fiftypounds of buckwheat, forty-eight pounds of barley,thirtypounds of oats, fifty-five pounds offlaxseed, andsixty-fore' pounds of clover seed.