Spatial Resolution in Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy Ralf Hambach1,2 , C. Giorgetti1,2 , F. Sottile1,2 , Lucia Reining1,2 . 1 LSI, Ecole Polytechnique, CEA/DSM, CNRS, Palaiseau, France 2 European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) 23. 03. 2009 — DPG09, Dresden R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS What is EELS? angular resolved broad beam geometry I momentum transfer q, energy loss ~ω I resolution: ∆q ≈ 0.05 Å−1 , ∆~ω ≈ 0.2eV k0 , E0 I k0 , E0 −q ω − h̄ q EELS for graphite (π and π + σ plasmon) [M. Vos, PRB 63, 033108 (2001).] R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS What is EELS? spatially resolved E0 I highly focussed beam I impact parameter b, energy loss ~ω I resolution: ∆b ≈ 1 Å, ∆~ω ≈ 0.5eV b E0 − h̄ω EELS for Si/SiO2 [M. Couillard et. al., PRB 77, 085318 (2008).] R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Outlook 1. Methods and Theory 2. Spatially Resolved EELS: Graphene 3. Charge fluctuations in Graphite R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Semi-classical Theory How do we calculate EELS ? R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Classical Perturbation 1. electron flying along straight line ρext (r , t) = −eδ r − (b + vt) 2. external potential (no retardation) ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium v b ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy loss ofZ the electron h dW dt it = R. Hambach dr hE ind ·j ext it Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Classical Perturbation 1. electron flying along straight line ρext (r , t) = −eδ r − (b + vt) 2. external potential (no retardation) ϕext ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium v b ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy loss ofZ the electron h dW dt it = R. Hambach dr hE ind ·j ext it Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Classical Perturbation 1. electron flying along straight line ρext (r , t) = −eδ r − (b + vt) 2. external potential (no retardation) ϕext ϕind ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium v b ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy loss ofZ the electron h dW dt it = R. Hambach dr hE ind ·j ext it Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Classical Perturbation 1. electron flying along straight line ρext (r , t) = −eδ r − (b + vt) 2. external potential (no retardation) ϕext ϕind ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium v b ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy loss ofZ the electron h dW dt it = R. Hambach dr hE ind ·j ext it Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Classical Perturbation 1. electron flying along straight line ρext (r , t) = −eδ r − (b + vt) 2. external potential (no retardation) ϕext ϕind ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium v b ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy loss ofZ the electron h dW dt it = dr hE ind ·j ext it ⇒ energy loss probability S(b, ω) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS EELS: Quantum Mechanical Response ab initio calculations (DFT) 1. ground state calculation gives φKS i 2. independent-particle polarisability χ0 3. RPA full polarisability χ = χ0 + χ0 v χ non-local response of crystals I ρind (r, t) = R χ(r , r 0 ; t − t 0 )ϕext (r 0 , t 0 ) Codes: A BINIT: X. Gonze et al., Comp. Mat. Sci. 25, 478 (2002) DP -code:; V. Olevano, et al., unpublished. R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS χ0 Spatially Resolved EELS Aloof Spectroscopy for Graphene R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Energy Loss for Graphene Electron parallel to sheet (super-cell with 30 Å vac) Energy loss for different pos. b 14 b=0 Å b = 0.6 Å b = 1.2 Å b = 1.8 Å b=6 Å I non-dispersive modes I surface plasmon: 6.2eV I further excitations at 20eV and 32eV S(b,ω) [arb.u.] 12 10 8 6 4 2 x4 0 0 R. Hambach 5 10 15 20 25 Energy Loss ω [eV] Spatial Resolution in EELS 30 35 Energy Loss for Graphene R. Hambach I spatial distribution of the loss probability for 6eV, 22eV and 32eV I atomic resolution (∆b = 1.1 Å) Spatial Resolution in EELS Energy Loss for Graphene I exponential decay with b I delocalization S(b,ω) [arb.u.] 10 E= 6 eV E=22 eV E=32 eV 8 6 4 2 -2 R. Hambach 0 2 4 6 Impact Parameter b [1/Å] Spatial Resolution in EELS 8 Outlook I Cerenkov radiation I non-local effects I experiments 1. electron flying along ` straight line´ ρext (r, t) = −eδ r − (b + v t) 2. external potential (no retardation) ∆ϕext = ρext /ε0 3. linear response of the medium ρind = χϕext , −1 = 1+v χ 4. energy lossRof the electron h dW i = dr hE ind ·j ext it dt t 5. non-local response χ(r, r 0 , t − t 0 ) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Induced Charge Density Looking at Plasmons in Graphite R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Graphite: π–Plasmon Induced charge fluctuations ρind = χϕext I plane wave perturbation ϕext (r , ω) ∝ e−i(ωt−qr ) R. Hambach I |q| = 0.74 Å−1 , λ = 8.5 Å I ~ω = 9eV Spatial Resolution in EELS Graphite: π–Plasmon Induced charge fluctuations ρind = χϕext I plane wave perturbation ϕext (r , ω) ∝ e−i(ωt−qr) I |q| = 0.74 Å−1 , λ = 8.5 Å I ~ω = 9eV (resolution: 0.8 Å, isosurface at 50%) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Graphite: π–Plasmon Induced charge fluctuations ρind = χϕext (partial) ground state density pz - orbitals (resolution: 0.8 Å, isosurface at 50%) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS sp2 - orbitals Graphite: π + σ–Plasmon Induced charge fluctuations ρind = χϕext I plane wave perturbation ϕext (r , ω) ∝ e−i(ωt−qr) I |q| = 0.74 Å−1 , λ = 8.5 Å I ~ω = 30eV (resolution: 0.8 Å, isosurface at 35%) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Graphite: π + σ–Plasmon Induced charge fluctuations ρind = χϕext (partial) ground state density pz - orbitals (resolution: 0.8 Å, isosurface at 35%) R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS sp2 - orbitals Outlook I realistic external potential → electron in graphite I relation with plasmons I experimental accessibility 9MeV gold ion in water (from IXS measurements) [P. Abbamonte, PRL (92), 237401 (2004)] R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Summary Spatially resolved EELS 1. atomic resolution in EELS calls for ab-initio calculations 2. first tests for graphene layer induced charge density 3. visualisation of density fluctuations R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Summary Spatially resolved EELS 1. atomic resolution in EELS calls for ab-initio calculations 2. first tests for graphene layer induced charge density 3. visualisation of density fluctuations Thank you for your attention! R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS Relation with Plasmons I Def. Plasmon: normal modes of the intrinsic electrons ! E tot = E ext = 0, ⇐⇒ < = 0 I plane wave perturbation excites normal mode(s) ρind = χϕext 6 q = 0.74 1/Å, in-plane 5 EELS, S(q,ω) ind max [ρ (q,ω)] EELS 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 Energy Loss ω [eV] R. Hambach 50 Spatial Resolution in EELS Energy Loss for an Electron The energy loss in semi-classical approximation is given by Z dW h dt it = drhE ind ·j ext it Z ZZ = dωω dqdq 0 ϕext (−q, −ω)iχ(q, q 0 ; ω)ϕext (q 0 , ω), and for an electron flying through a crystal h dW dt it Z∞ ZZ h χ(q, q 0 ; ω)eib(q ⊥ −q 0⊥ ) i 2 2 0 = − dωω8π e dq ⊥ dq ⊥ = , q 2 q 02 0 0 (0 ) where q ( ) = q ⊥ + (w/v )e z is split into a part perpendicular and parallel to the direction of motion of the electron. R. Hambach Spatial Resolution in EELS