INSTRUCTI 0 N MANUAL 1ffM.17 Crank & Con-Rod Apparatus Crank & Connecting Rod Mechanism INTRODUCTION Early examplesof mechanisms to convert an up and down motion to rotation were the treadle drivesfor a wood turner'slatheor a tinker's grindingwheel on his barrow. With the inventionof the steamenginethe needfor a well madeconnectingrod and crank was evidentin order to use the reciprocatingpistonto drive rotating shaftsfor mills and railway enginesand other machinery. Now the most commonuseis in the internalcombustionengine. To designa crank. connectingrod and cross headit is necessaryto detenninethe velocity and accelerationof the moving parts. Generallyit might be assumedthat the crank rotates at a uniform speedaided by adding a flywheel to the crankshaft. A more accurateanalysiscan be madeemployingtrigonometricaltermsto expressthe relationships,and by taking accountof the fluctuatingspeedof the flywheel. LIST OF PARTS The standardset of itemssupplied(HTM.17) consistsof: 1 - Crankand ConnectingRod Apparatus HTM.17. Page I. Issue I. September. 1993. APPARATUS This experimentalsimulation of a crank uses a circular steel protractor with a central pivot graduatedin 10° divisionsand numberedfrom 0° at the "outer deadcentre" in an anticlockwise sense.The crank is a bar attachedto the protractor andwith tappedholesat threeradii, 25, 31.25 and50 rnm. Thereis a bar constrainedto slide along a centreline in the mannerof a pistonwith a moveablelinear scalealongside. The connectingrod is pinnedto the piston at one end and at the other end has three holesfor the crank pin, thus providing the different lengthsof 200, 225 and 250 rnm. The whole apparatusis mountedon a steelchannelbaseplate with a supportthat holds the apparatusupright if requiredfor classdemonstrations. EXPERIMENT OBJECT Therearetwo partsto this experiment In the first placethe object is to determinethe relationshipbetweenthe rotation of the crank and the piston stroke, and to see how this is affected by the crank radius and the length of the connectingrod. The secondobject is to studythe link betweenthe angularspeedof the crank and the velocity of the piston. PROCEDURE Part 1. Crank & Piston Displacements. Set up the mechanismwith the minimumcrank radiusand length of connectingrod. Note these valuesandtheir ratio. With the crankat the outer deadcentreadjustthe pistonguideblock to put the displacement readingof zero againstthe piston mark. Turn the crankthrough 10°andnote the displacement in table 1. Repeatthis at 10°intervalsup to 180°. Table I n. rod I (mrn) rank r (mm) tion Crank Angle 9 (O) Displacementx (mm) (mm) (mm) 0 to 20 Repeatthe aboveprocedureusing a connectingrod of 250 mrn with a crank radiusof 31.25 and 50 mm,recordingthe readingsin table 1. HTM./7. Page 2. Issue /. September./993. Part 2. Crank and Piston Speeds. Commencewith the connectingrod at 200 mm length and a crank radius of 50 mm. Zero the displacementscaleasin part 1 andtake readingsat 20° intervalsof the crank arm from 0° to 360°, enteringthe displacements in table 2. Repeatthe procedurehavingchangedthe crank radius to 25 rnm(somepart 1 readingscanbe copiedinto table2). Table 2 Con. rod / (mm) Crank r (rom) Ra . bon: : I Crank Angle CO) I 0 I ; ~ I 40 Increment Dispt. (mm) (mm) Dispt. (mm) Increment (mm) 60 RESULTS The analytical solution of the displacementsof a crank and connectingrod can be made as follows: Let x be the piston displacementfrom the outer dead centre point Q, and let the length of the connecting rod I be nr. x = 1coscj)- rcos9 - (/- r) and r sin e = I sin <I> This valueof coscI> canbe derivedusingthe binomialexpansion cos 4>= 1 . 29 1 2n2 Sn4 . 4 9 - HTM.17. Page 3. [...sueI. September. 1993. As n will alwaysbe severaltimesgreaterthan unity the third term andonwardare usuallyignored. hence r=r(1-cose)-nr{l-cos41) , :rt -cos9- sin2e1 ~) !~ ':iUmlQ"" ;;;",...c~:;~j," {"'\{"f ';'~" \ ) The velocity is obtainedby differentiationusing .Q!= ~.~ dt de dr Thus = o>r(sin 6 - sin 26 (2) ~) Comparethe experimentalresultswith the theory asfollows. Plot the resultsof Part 1 on a graph of displacementx againstthe crank anglee. Checkthat the ratio of the displacements wheren is constant(that is n = 8) is 1.25,the scalebetweenthe two set ups. At angleswhich are multiplesof 300calculatethe theoreticalvaluesof x to comparewith the experiment. In Part 2 it is necessaryto evaluatethe "velocity" of the piston. Assumingthe crankturnsthrough 200per second,then the changein displacementfor each200 interval is approximatelythe mean velocity at the mid-point of the interval. Hence plot the incrementsagainstcrank angle in accordancewith the rule Xn+1 -Xn against 9"+1+9" 2 noting that half of the incrementswill be -ve. Calculate the theoretical velocity at 900 for comparisonwith the experimentusingthe conversion (0= ~ 60 rad./s 20 r.p.rn where N= 60 x 360 OBSERVATIONS How well did theory and experimentcompare? Would the accuracyof the approximationfor cos havebeenpossible to evaluate by theapparatus? <I> /ITA/. 17. Page 4. Issue I. .september.1993.