DEFENCE INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICES (Not to be communicated to anyone outside HM Service without authority) Title: Instructions for Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS) in the Army. Audience: All FTRS personnel and those that wish to apply for service in an Army FTRS post. Applies: Immediately Expires: When replaced or incorporated into Service Regulations Replaces: 2009DIN01-089 Reference: 2011DIN01-024 Released: February 2011 Channel: 01 Personnel Subject: Instructions for Full Time Reserve Service (FRS) in the Army An explanation of the Army's arrangements for establishing and Content: undertaking FTRS employment including Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) for Army personnel Sponsor: DM(A) Contact: Maj Kris Beauman, SO2 Reserves ToS DM(A) 96770 1169 Keywords: FTRS, TACOS, NRPS, Reserve Service Related info: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED References: A. Reserve Forces Act 1996 (RFA 96), Section 24. B. TA Regulations 1978, Chapter 10. C. The Compendium of Reservist Regulations and Administrative Instructions for the Army 1997. D. The Queen’s Regulations for the Army 1975 (QR). E. Army Personnel Centre (APC) MS Reserves, Practice & Precedent. F. AGAI Vol 2 Chapter 67 Administrative Action. G. JSP 752 Tri-Service Regulations for Allowances. H. JSP 754 Tri-Service Regulations for Pay and Charges. I. JSP 764 Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005. J. JSP 534 Tri-Service Resettlement Manual. K. Reserve Forces Pension Scheme Regulations 2005 (RFPS) as amended by RFPS 2006 and 2009. Introduction 1. This DIN replaces 2009DIN01-089. 2. Individual members of the Reserve Forces, whether members of the TA or the Regular Reserve (including RARO), may enter into a commitment to serve full time in a broadly similar way to members of the Regular Army by authority of Reference A. This is known as Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS). FTRS is not intended to be, nor is it managed as, a full career. Service personnel remain members of the TA or Regular Reserve throughout their FTRS service. 3. FTRS is not the same as mobilisation, whereby individuals may be called out to serve on an operational tour for a specified period. Mobilisation is subject to separate rules and regulations and is not covered by this DIN. 4. FTRS regulations and instructions for TA personnel are at Reference B and for Regular Reserve personnel in References C and D 1 . Where units encounter difficulty with their understanding of FTRS they should contact APC, Military Secretary (Reserves) (MS Res) FTRS Section for clarification. Aim 5. The aim of this DIN is to explain the Army’s arrangements for establishing and undertaking FTRS employment including Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) for Army personnel. Policy 6. Policy for the establishment, employment and Terms of Service for FTRS in the Army is determined by DM(A) and the Directorate of Personal Services (Army) (DPS(A)) on Conditions of Service 2 . Eligibility 7. Only members of the TA and Regular Reserve who have a Reserve liability are eligible to undertake an FTRS Commitment. The Regulations for Reserve liability are at Reference C. Serving members of the Regular Army will only exceptionally be considered for FTRS if in their final year of service or already accepted for PVR 3 . Serving Members of the Regular Army will not be permitted to take up an FTRS appointment prior to the date of discharge from Regular Service. Leave to apply during later years of Regular service (over the age of 50) may be given in exceptional cases, subject to the individual having or establishing a Reserve liability on retirement. In all cases, applicants must have a Reserve liability to cover the expected duration of the FTRS Commitment before any application can be authorised 4 . 1 2 3 References B, C and D are available on the Army Electronic Library. A list of contact details is at Annex A, Para 58. PVR is subject to the interests of the service. Where members of the TA are beyond Normal Retirement Age (NRA) for their rank and cap badge they may retain/establish Reserve liability by volunteering for the Regular Reserve (RARO 2 for officers and Regular Reserve, Section D for soldiers). 4 Types of Commitment 8. The Army employs 3 types of FTRS commitment as shown below. The type of commitment offered by the APC is determined by the liability type (known as the Person Category (PC) on JPA). General Terms and Conditions of Service (TACOS) covering all types of FTRS are at Annex A. a. Full Commitment (FC). b. Limited Commitment (LC). c. Home Commitment (HC). FTRS(HC) Reserve Staff Group (RSG) is a sub set of FTRS (HC) with the same expected standards; however, they are employed in the Staff environment in specific roles to enhance continuity. Establishment Action 9. Policy for setting the liability, where there is no existing liability cover, is determined by the TLB authority. Within LF this is the responsibility of D Plans and is executed through the Land Forces Establishment Committee (LFEC) 5 . All applications for post extensions or post enhancements must be approved by LFEC before recruitment can commence 6 or commitments be extended. The commitment type for FTRS will be determined in accordance with the liability PPC. 10. The establishment of FTRS(HC) RSG posts is subject to additional scrutiny by DM(A) in support of the LFEC process. Posts must justify the strict RSG criteria: a. A continuity staff post in a HQ where extensive military experience and Staff credibility, likely to have been gained from a full career in the Army spanning numerous disciplines including operations and at staff, is considered an essential prerequisite. b. Clear and persuasive justification that the post could not effectively be undertaken by an MSF Officer. 11. A Temporary Liability Authority (TLA) Form may be used exceptionally for the creation of FTRS positions directly onto JPA where establishment action will not be completed by the required FTRS start date. All requests for advanced JPA action must be submitted to LF Org with a robust justification for the urgency and supported by the TLB. In the case of Land Forces the point of contact is HQ LF Man Estbs. Liability Action 12. Army manpower liability is managed on the System for Liability Information Management (SLIM) managed by LF Org. Army positions created on SLIM are transferred into JPA by the JPA Liabilities Branch at APC. 13. The liability types (UKTAP, OCE(R) and FTRS) and suitable FTRS commitments applicable are indicated below. 5 LF Plans 3110-3 dated 22 Mar 10 ‘Managing Military Manpower Liability Within Land Forces’. 6 This also includes all NACMO funded posts. a. UKTAP. Only FTRS (FC) and (LC) 7 are used to substitute UKTAP personnel in an existing UKTAP liability and where Regular personnel are not available for appointment. Regular APC Glasgow desk officers must consult with MS Reserves and DM(A) prior to authorising the employment of FTRS in vacant or gapped regular posts. b. Operational Commitments Establishment (Reserves) (OCE(R)). OCE(R) PIDs are NACMO funded and their use are controlled by LF Cts for operational requirements. Personnel may be employed on Mobilised or FTRS Terms of Service as applicable. FTRS (FC)/(LC)/(HC) (but not normally FTRS (HC) RSG) may be used to fill OCE(R) posts in accordance with LF Cts guidelines. Personnel employed in OCE(R) PIDs on FTRS Terms of Service will be offered the FTRS commitment type most suitable to the role. This will be determined and agreed between LF Cts and MS Reserves, and authorised by DM(A). As a general principle, FTRS commitments offered should aim for parity with the employment of Regular soldiers in the same type of appointment. c. FTRS. FTRS Posts are generated through the LFEC process and are filled by FTRS (HC) or (HC) RSG personnel only. These posts are to be created and marked on JPA with a Person Category of FTRS (HC) or ERA 8 . Regular personnel cannot be employed in FTRS posts. Manning Controls 14. Manning levers are subject to change, determined and periodically reviewed by DM(A). It is expected that the greatest proportion of FTRS personnel will be employed on FTRS(HC) Terms of Service and the following additional controls apply: a. All FTRS personnel are to be assigned to a valid and appropriate JPA PID prior to commencing employment. b. TA officers and soldiers already selected for TA appointments in a TA unit (e.g. Commanding Officer) are not to be employed in such posts on FTRS without exceptional authority granted for such employment by DM(A). c. FTRS (LC) and FTRS(HC) RSG posts are subject to DM(A) approval as part of the establishment process. TLBs other than LF wishing to employ Army personnel on FTRS(LC) or (HC) RSG Terms are also to seek prior approval from DM(A) as part of the establishment process. This is to control the growth of Army FTRS strength and ensure that (HC) RSG, which is a single service term of service is not used inappropriately. Manpower Costs 15. The costs of personnel employed on FTRS are borne by the employing unit and charged against that budget UIN. This is achieved through JPA assignment action. 7 LC posts are based in a single location with a limited liability for deployment up to 35 days a year. 8 ERA is a JPA Flag currently used for FTRS(HC) RSG posts only. Procedures for Taking Up FTRS 16. Bids for personnel to be employed on FTRS are to be cleared by the chain of command in accordance with instructions published by the appropriate TLB 9 . 17. Selection. The FTRS scheme is managed by MS Res (FTRS Sect). All posts for which FTRS personnel are sought are to be advertised by MS Res (FTRS Sect) to enable the widest possible number of Reservists to be able to apply. Selection is to be made in accordance with APC, MS Res P&P described at Reference E. 18. Assignment. Commitments can only be authorised by MS Res (FTRS Sect). The Commitment and assignment order is to be issued by FTRS Sect prior to commencement of employment. No person may commence employment without such an Assignment Order. COs and Line Managers are to ensure that Reservists are aware that any verbal or written reference to possible employment on FTRS terms, prior to the completed Commitment being signed by both parties, does not constitute an official offer of FTRS employment. Procedures for taking up FTRS are at Annex B. 19. Diversity Impact Assessment. This policy does not discriminate on grounds of race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation or social background. Neither does it discriminate on grounds of gender, disability or age, insofar as the legislation applies to the Army. FTRS(HC) Commitment Renewal 20. FTRS(HC) commitments may be renewed without an obligation for new competition, up to retirement age and subject to the continued funding of the post. Incumbents must meet the performance criteria at Appendix 3 to Annex A. Commanders retain the right to conduct a new competition at the end of the current commitment regardless of the incumbents’ aspirations or Appraisal Reports. 21. This policy does not apply to FTRS(FC) or (LC) personnel. UKTAP posts should be filled by a Regular Officer or Soldier at the earliest opportunity. The non-availability of a Regular does not imply an automatic extension of FTRS commitment. Induction 22. All personnel taking up new FTRS appointments are to be inducted through RTMC, reporting as instructed by APC. On completion of the induction phase, RTMC will inform the employing unit of any training deficiencies and recommend remedial action. Attendance at RTMC for J1/J4 administration and successful completion of MATT assessment is mandatory for all personnel on FTRS (FC) or (LC) terms. The MATT requirement is laid down in Appendices 1-3. All FTRS personnel must complete a WIP (Work Induction Programme) package in accordance with LF Policy requirements. 23. All TA personnel provisionally selected for an FTRS appointment are to report to RTMC with all medical and dental documentation. MS Reserves will arrange to forward medical and dental documents for non-TA Reservists to Med Wing, RTMC prior to reporting. 9 See Para. 9. 24. FTRS personnel who are due to deploy on operations but fail to attain the MATT standard may be required to delay their deployment to reach the required standard or for APC Glasgow to conduct a medical risk assessment. Individuals that do not meet the required standard are liable to have their commitment terminated. Dismount Procedures 25. All individuals, without exception, are to dismount from FTRS through the RTMC. The process will be initiated by MS Res (FTRS Sect) issuing a Dismount Instruction to the employing unit, copied to RTMC and the parent TA unit (if applicable). Employing units are to arrange for FTRS personnel to undergo a pre-release medical within 2 weeks of dismount. The results of this medical together with F Med 4 are to be brought to RTMC by the dismounting individual. Political Activities 26. Personnel in FTRS appointments are not to take an active part in the affairs of any political organisation, party or movement. They may not participate in political marches or demonstrations, be an elected member of any national assembly, the House of Commons, the European Parliament or any other legislative assembly. The rules regarding local authorities are in QR, Para J 5.586. Annexes: A. General Terms and Conditions of Service Applicable to all FTRS. B. Procedures for Taking Up FTRS. C. Application Forms for FTRS.