www.ietdl.org Published in IET Power Electronics Received on 31st January 2010 Revised on 28th March 2011 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 ISSN 1755-4535 Zero-current zero-voltage transition inverters with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuits: analysis and experimental results M.L. da S. Martins1 C.M. de O. Stein1 J.L. Russi2 J.R. Pinheiro3 H.L. Hey3 1 Federal University of Technology – Parana – UTFPR, Pato Branco, PR 85503-390, Brazil Federal University of Pampa – UNIPAMPA, Alegrete, RS 97546-550, Brazil 3 Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil E-mail: mlucio@utfpr.edu.br; mariolsm@gmail.com 2 Abstract: Hitherto, zero-current transition (ZCT) and zero-current zero-voltage transition (ZCZVT) inverters have provided desirable switching conditions for main semiconductors, chiefly for minority carrier ones, by means of a current impulse that unavoidably increases the reactive energy of the auxiliary circuit, penalising their efficiency and device ratings. This often offsets the benefits gained by the above-mentioned soft-switching techniques. This study presents a novel family of ZCZVT inverters that overcome this problem by using a non-resonant auxiliary circuit, which is magnetically coupled to the filter inductor, reducing the inverter component count, and associated circuitry. The principles of operation of the ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit is presented and analysed. Experimental results from a 1 kW, 40 kHz, laboratory prototype are used to verify the theoretical analysis and also to compare different technologies applied to the auxiliary switches. The ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit and MOSFET-based auxiliary switches presented the highest efficiency, achieving 96% at full load, meanwhile its insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)-based counterpart reached 94.2%. 1 Introduction Nowadays, the ever-increasing switching frequency level in industrial power inverters (such as variable-speed drives, AC-power sources and uninterruptible power supplies) provides significant reduction of the physical size, weight and cost of reactive elements and electrical performance enhancements [1]. As semiconductors have improved over the years, in the range of voltages above 500 V, the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) has become predominant. After decades of improvements and successive generations, the IGBT still presents a strong trade-off between on-state voltage drop and turn-off switching time, which constrains its total power handling capability [2]. In order to alleviate IGBT switching losses and hence to loosen the aforementioned trade-off, soft-switching techniques have become an attractive alternative and thus have been continuously discussed in the past decades [3]. Owing to the IGBT turn-off switching limitations, the zerocurrent transition (ZCT) [4] and zero-current zero-voltage transition (ZCZVT) [5] techniques appear to be the most adequate approaches. The ZCT technique eliminates the current and voltage overlapping completely during the turnoff of main switches, providing favourable conditions for a minority carrier-type device to be turned off. The reverse recovery of diodes can be significantly reduced. 968 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 Nevertheless, voltage transitions across the semiconductors are quite abrupt, mainly during the turn-on of main switches, which could deteriorate the EMI performance of the inverter. The ZCZVT technique combines zero-current switching turn-off conditions and zero-voltage switching turn-on conditions for the same device, reducing IGBT losses, smoothing the voltage and current transitions and improving EMI performance. However, the price paid for the favourable switching conditions is the addition of a resonant auxiliary circuit that yields additional reactive energy [6]. This energy is handled by the auxiliary devices that may cause high-voltage and -current stresses, leading to additional auxiliary circuit conduction and switching losses. To effectively improve the inverter efficiency, it is necessary that the auxiliary circuit losses must be smaller than the saved main device switching losses. Hitherto, the auxiliary circuit for ZCT and ZCZVT inverters has relied on the operation of a resonant LC tank which produces a huge amount of reactive energy that may offset the inverter efficiency gain. This situation undermines the advantages of using the aforementioned soft-switching techniques. To overcome the reactive energy problem that plagues the zero-current mode soft-transition inverters, this paper presents a novel family of ZCZVT inverters with lower auxiliary circuit reactive energy. The improvement lies in the IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968 –978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 www.ietdl.org replacement of the resonant tank LC by a voltage controlled voltage source, magnetically implemented with the inductor of the inverter output filter. In this way, as presented in [7], coupled-filter-inductor ZCZVT inverter results in a very compact topology, with a simple structure that allows the linear magnetisation and demagnetisation of the auxiliary inductor. Additionally, it allows variable timing control of the auxiliary devices, reducing the auxiliary switches’ conduction losses. In the following sections, the principles of operation of the ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit (ZCZVT with MCAC) is presented and analysed. Experimental results from a 1 kW, 40 kHz laboratory prototype are used to verify the theoretical analysis and also to compare different technologies applied to the auxiliary switches. 2 Magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit ZCZVT inverters As described in [7], a novel family of ZCZVT inverters is generated by coupling the auxiliary circuit inductor with the inductor of the output filter. The diagrams of the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit (ZCZVT with MCAC) applied to one inverter leg are shown in Figs. 1a and b. In its simplest configuration it is comprised of a snubber capacitor (Cs), a bi-directional active pole (Sa1 and Sa2), an inductor (La) and an auxiliary voltage source (AVS), implemented by the secondary winding of the coupled-filter inductor. In the auxiliary circuits of these ZCZVT inverters, the magnetising and demagnetising processes of the auxiliary inductor are always aided by the Fig. 1 Auxiliary circuit of the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit a Circuit diagram applied to one inverter leg b Circuit diagram applied to one inverter leg with alternative connection of the auxiliary circuit c Detail of the N-port cantilever model of the filter-coupled-inductor IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968–978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 voltage controlled voltage source NvLm , shown in the N-port representation for the cantilever model [8] of the coupled inductor secondary winding (Fig. 1c). The N-port representation for the cantilever model also comprises a leakage inductance (LK) in the secondary branch and the parallel connection of the current controlled current source NiLk with the magnetising inductance (LM) in the primary branch. These inverters are unique in that because they are implemented with a non-resonant auxiliary circuit, Class A AVS [9]. Furthermore, this AVS implementation allows for a set of advantages hitherto only presented for ZVT inverters, such as variable timing control for the auxiliary switches and simple design methodology. Considering one switching period (Ts), the magnetic implementation of the AVS consists of the use of a single magnetic core with a primary winding (LP), forming a closed loop with one constant voltage source and one or more secondary winding(s) that play(s) the role of each AVS. The location of the primary winding produces a variety of topologies by exchanging the primary winding among the terminals x, y, z and u of the diagram in Figs. 1a and b. If the primary winding is connected between terminals ‘x ’ and ‘u ’ it will ensure the magnetic core demagnetising. On the other hand, besides the two possible connection of the auxiliary winding terminals, as shown in Figs. 1a and b, there are three possible configurations for the secondary winding, a single coil, named Ls (as shown in Fig. 2a), two split coils, named Ls1 and Ls2 (see Fig. 2b) or three split coils, named Ls1 , Ls2 and Ls3 (see Fig. 2c). Since all configurations consist in dividing the voltage controlled voltage source NvLm and exchanging its location in series with the auxiliary inductor or with the auxiliary switches, the results for each configuration will be very similar. The simplest case is the single coil secondary winding. In this topology (Fig. 2a), the secondary winding leakage inductance (Lk) contributes to limiting the di/dt through the semiconductors, keeping the auxiliary switches naturally clamped at bus voltage. In the cases where the secondary winding is split and connected in series with the auxiliary switches, the leakage inductances should be minimised as much as possible to avoid excessive overvoltage across the auxiliary switches, which are no longer clamped at bus voltage. Therefore the implementation of multiple coils Fig. 2 Circuit diagrams for the three secondary winding configurations for the ZCZVT inverters with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit a Single coil (configuration 1) b Two split coils (configuration 2) c Three split coils (configuration 3) 969 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 www.ietdl.org secondary windings requires more attention from the designer and unavoidably makes necessary the use of voltage clamps across the auxiliary switches. Aiming to make the following analysis simpler, as well as the laboratory prototype, the single coil secondary winding located at terminals ‘r ’ and ‘x ’, as the diagram of Fig. 1a, is chosen for the subsequent theoretical and experimental analyses. 2.1 Principles of operation To simplify the soft-switching auxiliary circuit analysis, all circuit parasitic elements, such as the semiconductor junction capacitances and stray inductances, are disregarded. Additionally, the DC bus capacitor is assumed to be large enough so that the bus voltage (Vi) is constant. Besides the output load current (i0) and voltage (v0) to be predominantly sinusoidal, because of auxiliary circuit action, the magnetising current (iLm) and load voltage (v0) are assumed to be constant in one switching period (Ts), since the switching frequency ( fs) is larger than the output current/voltage frequency ( f0). Thus, for the auxiliary circuit analysis, magnetising current and output voltage are defined as ILm and V0 , respectively, and it is valid only for a switching period (Ts). For configuration 1, assuming that load current is flowing in a positive direction (Fig. 1a), the ZCZVT with MCAC assumes 12 different circuit modes in one switching period (Ts), as shown in the theoretical waveforms shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the auxiliary circuit exhibits a linear current that increases when auxiliary inductor La is magnetised, deviating the main circuit current and also a linear-like current when its demagnetisation takes place. The resonant intervals are restricted to the charge and discharge of snubber capacitor Cs , as described in the following description. Previous to the auxiliary circuit to be triggered, load current (I0) flows through D2 . Mode I (t0 , t1): At instant t0 the auxiliary switch Sa1 is turned on and the current starts to ramp up through auxiliary inductor La . Owing to the connections of primary and secondary coupled inductor windings, both currents increase, iLa and i0 . As the secondary winding current rate of rise di/dt is larger, current through main diode D2 decreases proportionally. This mode lasts until current through diode D2 reaches zero. This circuit mode diagram is shown in Fig. 4a. Mode II (t1 , t2): When diode D2 is off, capacitor Cs1 starts to discharge. This resonant process between voltage vCs1 (vs1) and current iLa lasts until Cs1 is fully discharged, as shown in the circuit mode diagram depicted in Fig. 4b. Mode III (t2 , t3): When voltage vCs1 reaches zero, current through secondary winding is larger than primary winding current, forcing the main diode D1 to start conducting the difference between these two currents. This situation enables zero-current and zero-voltage switching conditions for S1 . This interval must last until main switch S1 is driven into the on-state. This circuit mode diagram is shown in Fig. 4c. Mode IV (t3 , t4): When S1 is fully turned on, auxiliary switch Sa1 is turned off in order to demagnetise the auxiliary inductor La . At this instant, auxiliary diode Da2 turns on. This circuit mode lasts until main diode D1 current reaches zero. This circuit mode diagram is shown in Fig. 4d. Mode V (t4 , t5): At instant t4 the primary winding current is larger than the secondary winding current. Hence, the main switch S1 starts conducting the current difference between these currents. This mode lasts until secondary winding current reaches zero and switch S1 assumes all load current, as can be seen in Fig. 4e. Mode VI (t5 , t6): At instant t5 current through the auxiliary circuit is zero and the inverter operates like its hardswitched counterpart, as shown in Fig. 4f. The description of each circuit mode for the switch S1 turnoff process is as follows. Fig. 3 Theoretical waveforms for the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit 970 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 Mode VII (t6 , t7): At instant t6 the auxiliary switch Sa1 is turned on and current starts to rise up through auxiliary inductor La in a linear fashion. This mode lasts until primary and secondary winding currents are equal. At this instant current through main switch S1 becomes zero, as can be seen in the circuit diagram shown in Fig. 4g. Mode VIII (t7 , t8): Once current through secondary winding is larger than primary winding current, at instant t7 diode D1 is turned on conducting the difference between these two currents. This circuit mode enables zero-current and zerovoltage switching conditions for switch S1 . As voltage across inductor La (secondary winding) remains positive, current iLa continues to rise. This interval must last until main switch S1 is driven off completely. This circuit mode diagram is shown in Fig. 4h. Mode IX (t8 , t9): Similar to Mode IV, when S1 is fully turned off, the auxiliary switch Sa1 is turned off. At this instant, auxiliary diode Da2 turns on and auxiliary inductor La demagnetising starts. This mode lasts until main diode D1 current is zero and its circuit mode is shown in Fig. 4i. Mode X (t9 , t10): When diode D1 is off, capacitor Cs1 starts to charge-up in a resonant way. This circuit mode lasts until Cs1 IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968 –978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 www.ietdl.org Fig. 4 Circuit mode diagrams for the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit applied to one inverter leg a b c d e f g h i j k l Mode I (t0 –t1) Mode II (t1 –t2) Mode III (t2 –t3) Mode IV (t3 –t4) Mode V (t4– t5) Mode VI (t5 –t6) Mode VII (t6–t7) Mode VIII (t7– t8) Mode IX (t8 –t9) Mode X (t9– t10) Mode XI (t10–t11) Mode XII (t11–t0) is fully charged at bus voltage Vi , as can be seen in the diagram of Fig. 4j. Mode XI (t10 , t11): When voltage vCs1 reaches Vi , current iLa decreases linearly until it becomes zero. The diagram of this circuit mode can be seen in Fig. 4k. Mode XII (t11 , t12): At instant t11 current through the auxiliary circuit is zero and the inverter operates like its hard-switched counterpart. This circuit mode diagram is shown in Fig. 4l. Before the main switch S1 to be activated again the auxiliary circuit is triggered, starting another switching period. This way, instants t0 through t11 are all referred to each switching period Ts . 2.2 Comparative voltage and current stresses Different from the ZCT [4] and the ZCZVT inverters previously presented in [5], whose main current waveforms IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968–978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 are shown in Figs. 5a and b, respectively, the voltage applied through the auxiliary inductor is almost constant during a switching period (Ts) in the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit, yielding a quite linear current for the auxiliary inductor, switches and diodes, as can be seen from Fig. 5c. As main semiconductor devices (IGBTs and co-pack diodes) are subjected to no additional stresses, they can be rated in the same way as their hard-switched counterparts. In contrast, from Fig. 5a it can be seen that although the main switch suffers no additional current stress, the co-pack diodes of the ZCT inverters proposed in [4] are subjected to a huge current stress (grey areas). It also can be seen that both auxiliary switches operate in a switching period, sharing the auxiliary conduction losses (hachured areas). In the ZCZVT presented in [5], Fig. 5b, the main switches present a high current stress during their turn-on process. The auxiliary switch current stress is also quite significant, and it 971 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 www.ietdl.org Fig. 5 Main and auxiliary current waveforms for ZCT and ZCZVT inverters a ZCT [4] b ZCZVT [5] c ZCZVT with MCAC is concentrated in a single semiconductor for each output voltage half-cycle. Taking into account one output voltage period (T0), it also should be addressed that the ZCZVT with MCAC presented in Fig. 5c presents a lower current stress as the turn-on and turn-off process of the main devices take less time. Furthermore, as the load current varies in a sinusoidal way, the auxiliary switch conduction interval and stress are also proportional to a sinusoidal shape. Table 1 presents a comparative analysis for the main parameters of the three above-mentioned topologies. As can be seen, the ZCT and ZCZVT inverters with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit present a lower device count. However, Table 1 shows the same amount of auxiliary devices for both inverters, when the leakage secondary winding inductance is used as an auxiliary inductor, the device count is lesser for the ZCZVT with MCAC. Accounting for the main device stresses, the ZCZVT with MCAC presents the same voltage stresses as the ZCT [4] and ZCZVT [5]; however, its current stress is lower. On the Table 1 Parameter Comparative auxiliary parameter analysis ZCT [4] ZCZVT [5] ZCZVT with MCAC Number of auxiliary components (per PWM pole) switches 2 2 2 co-pack diodes 2 2 2 capacitors 1 2 1 inductors 1 2 1 Main switches stress IS1,2(max) 1 2 1 VS1,2 (max) 1 1 1 Main co-pack diodes stress 2IS1,2 (max) a k 1 2VS1,2 (max) 1 1 1 Auxiliary switches stress √ ISa1,2(max) a 1 + a2 − 1 ax + 1/(1 2 N ) VSa1,2 (max) 1 1 1 Auxiliary co-pack diodes stress √ 2ISa1,2(max) a a 2/2 ax + 1/(1 2 N ) 2VSa1,2(max) 1 1 1 a ¼ Vi/(ZI0(max)); ax ¼ (1 2 kxMa)Vi/(ZxI0(max)) K ¼ I(max)/I0(max) , k . 1; kx ¼ 1 2 (va/v)2 Ma – modulation index; N – coupled-filter-inductor turns ratio; va and v – frequencies of resonance (6) 972 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 other hand, the auxiliary device stresses are quite dependent on the auxiliary circuit and load current for all inverters. Nevertheless, the ZCZVT with MCAC presents an extra degree of freedom from the coupled-filter-inductor turns ratio (N ) which can be used to reduce current stresses on auxiliary devices. 2.3 Limited voltage and current transitions Both ZCT and ZCZVT techniques presented hitherto have relied on resonant currents to commutate the pulse-width modulation (PWM) pole semiconductors [4, 5]. In these topologies, to ensure that a low di/dt is applied to these semiconductor transitions, a long resonant period must be considered for the auxiliary resonant components. This situation yields an exacerbated circulating energy and an extended operating interval for the auxiliary circuit. In the linear like currents of the auxiliary circuits of the ZCZVT with MCAC, the low di/dt transitions are handled more effectively, simply by choosing the proper inductance for La , which is magnetised so that zero-current switching (ZCS) conditions of the outgoing PWM pole switch are enabled. This feature is very important as it allows the use of the variable timing control, as in ZVT inverters, and has been proved to result in better efficiency [10]. 3 3.1 Design procedure and example Design methodology 3.1.1 Auxiliary inductor and coupled-filter-inductor turns ratio: The auxiliary inductor La controls the di/dt of the inverter leg diodes (D1 , D2), its value can be obtained by determining how fast the inverter leg diodes can be turned off. However, it is difficult to determine accurately, because the recovery characteristics of these diodes vary among different IGBT modules. A widely adopted estimate is to allow the current through the auxiliary inductor to ramp up to the diode current within three times the diode’s specified reverse-recovery time. Hence, from the expression for the current through the auxiliary inductor for the ZCZVT circuit mode 1 (Fig. 4a), it can be found that La ≥ (1 − N)(Vi − NV0( max ) ) (3trr ) ILm( max ) (1) IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968 –978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 www.ietdl.org where trr is the reverse recovery time of inverter leg diodes (D1 , D2), N is the coupled inductor turns ratio, Vi is the bus voltage, V0(max) and ILm(max) are the maximum load voltage and coupled inductor magnetising current, respectively. It must be observed that the sinusoidal load current appears through the magnetising inductance (iLm ¼ i0), once the primary and secondary winding currents are transferred from one side to another during the auxiliary circuit operation. As can be seen by (1), La depends on the value of the coupled-filter-inductor turns ratio N, which determines the value of the secondary voltage, affecting directly the ZCZVT turn-on and turn-off intervals, as the secondary current ripple as well. Expression (2) shows an approximate value for the maximum current through auxiliary inductor during the main switch turn-on process. It shows that the coupled inductor turns ratio N is proportional to current stresses ILa (max ) |turn-on ≃ ILm( max ) 1 + (1 − N) Za 1 Vi − V0( max ) 1−N (2) where La Za = and Ceq = Cs1 + Cs2 Ceq (3) Expression (4) shows an approximate value for the maximum current through auxiliary inductor during the main switch turn-off process. It shows that N is also proportional to current stresses ILa ( max ) |turn-off ≃ ILm( max ) (1 − N ) La ILm(max ) p + (1 − N )(Vi − V0( max ) ) 2v (5) where (1 − N ) 1 v = and va = La Ceq La Ceq (6) La ILm( max ) (1 − N )V0( max ) (7) It means that N must be chosen according to the compromise between the auxiliary circuit current stresses and the loss of duty cycle. 3.2 IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968–978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 (8) Component selection and design example In order to illustrate the proposed design methodology described in Section 3.1, a single-phase ZCZVT inverter with IGBT-based technology has been analysed. The ZCZVT inverter with MCAC specifications are given in Table 2. The IGBT chosen for the analysis is a standard module (SK45GB063) designed for switching applications such as switched mode power supplies and uninterruptible power supplies, where an output filter is required. It is assumed that the inverter feeds a resistive load and the output filter is a second-order (LC) low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency ( fcut ≃ 10 800 Hz) defined to ensure 5% of THD for a standard 127 Vrms , 60 Hz sinusoidal output voltage. An important feature of the coupled-filter-inductor is that its primary self-inductance plays the role of filter inductor. In this way, as the primary winding leakage depends on constructive features, instead of the self-inductance, the magnetising inductance (LM) is adjusted to meet the output filter inductor value, ensuring a high coupling factor to the coupled-filtered-inductor. For the SK45GB063 module a typical trr is approximately 80 ns. Thus, applying the inverter specifications, given by Table 2, to expression (1) it can be found that La ≥ 4.62 mH (9) where N was chosen equals 0.3. From expression (8) Ceq = Cs = 1.1 nF (10) where tdead was chosen equals 2 times trr . Since the snubber capacitor incorporates the output capacitance of the IGBT and co-pack diode, the snubber capacitor value can be obtained by subtracting the output capacitor value of the IGBT and co-pack diode from the Ceq . For the SK45GB063 module a typical Coss is less than 80 pF, hence Ceq was chosen equal to 1 nF. Auxiliary circuit semiconductor selection The selection of power semiconductors for static or shortterm (overload) operating conditions of any application is subject to the consideration of: (i) maximum ratings and (ii) power dissipation (junction temperature). Under no circumstances that might occur during any static or dynamic operation must the maximum ratings for blocking voltage Table 2 ZCZVT with MCAC specifications Parameter 3.1.2 Snubber capacitor: The snubber capacitors (Cs1 , Cs2) are designed to control the dv/dt across the IGBTs and co-pack diodes of the main inverter leg (PWM pole). A good estimate is to determine the total capacitor value by setting the resonant transient time to the inverter 4 tdead (1 − N ) 2 p La where tdead is the dead time of the IGBT inverter leg. 3.3 and turn-off process DtZCZVT |turn-off ≃ Ceq = Cs = Cs1 + Cs2 = (4) In the same way, expressions (5) and (7) show that coupledfilter-inductor turns ratio N is proportional to the ZCZVT intervals during main switch turn-on DtZCZVT |turn-on ≃ dead time. Hence bus voltage (Vi) output voltage (Vo(rms)) switching frequency ( fs) output filter THD (L/C) Value 360 V 127 Vrms 40 kHz 5% (1.0 mH/20 mF) 973 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 www.ietdl.org (Vblocking), peak current (ISa(max)), junction temperature (TJ(max)) and safe operating area be reached. For an IGBT switch 2 Pcond(IGBT) = Vto ISa(avg) + Rce(on) ISa(rms) 3.3.1 Blocking voltage: Since the ZCZVT inverter is applied in DC-voltage links, which is AC-voltage supplied via a rectifier bridge, the blocking voltage is adjusted to a line voltage fluctuation tolerance of 10%, and thus Vblocking = Vbus × 1.1 = 396.0 ≃ 400 V For a MOSFET switch 2 Pcond(MOSFET) = Rds(on) ISa(rms) where the semiconductor constants Vto , Rce(on) and Rds(on) are defined in Table 3. The auxiliary switch rms value is given by (12) ISa(rms) where MF sin2 (2pf0 tk ) = ((ton × H12 ) + (toff × H22 )) 3T0 k=1 (18) V0( max ) √ = V0(rms) 2 ≃ 180 V I0( max ) = ILm( max ) = P0 √ 2 ≃ 11.1 A V0(rms) (13) (14) Considering a 20% output current ripple in the coupled-filterinductor because of the finite magnetising inductance, ILa(max) can be approximated to 24 A. The auxiliary switch average value is given by ISa(AVG) = (H1 × BS1 + H2 × BS2) 3.3.3 Power dissipation and junction temperature: The power dissipation of a semiconductor is directly related to the semiconductor junction temperature, which is given by TJ = TCASE + RthJC PLoss = TCASE + RthJC (PCond + PSwit ) T0 ≃ 668 Ts (20) where H1, H2, BS1 and BS2 are defined in Fig. 6a. The turn-off switching losses for an IGBT are a function of the maximum current (iSa) that can be defined with the aid of Fig. 6c as follows (15) As power losses are dependent on device technology, the power dissipation for an IGBT and a MOSFET is given as described below. Owing to the zero current turn-on of the auxiliary switches (Sa1,2), their losses comprise conduction and turn-off switching losses. The conduction losses are a function of the average ISa(avg) and rms ISa(rms) current components as follows: MF sin2 (2pf0 tk ) (19) 2T0 k=1 The frequency modulation ratio (MF) is defined in [11] and given by MF = Table 3 (17) (11) 3.3.2 Maximum current: The maximum auxiliary circuit current can be given by ILa ( max ) |turn-on = 21.1 A (16) PSwit(IGBT) = MF H1 + H2 a( sin(2pf0 tk ))b 1000To k=1 (21) According to [12], the turn-off losses approximate zero when snubber capacitor Cs approaches a given value (Cs ≃ 1 nF). As can be seen in Table 3, the output capacitance (Coss) for the IRFP360 and IRFP460 ensures that in both cases the MOSFET losses can be approximated only by the turn-on capacitive losses. Auxiliary switch parameters for IGBT and MOSFET implementations Parameter VBreac(max) , V I(max) , A TJ(max) , 8C RthJC , 8C/W a b Vto Rce(on) Rds(on) Coss SK45GB063a IRG4PC40UDb IRFP360b IRFP460b 600 45 150 1 0.1035 0.707 0.94 V 24 mV – – 600 20 150 0.77 0.0534 1.182 1.18 V 21 mV – – 400 20 150 0.45 – – – – 0.3 V 1100 pF 500 23 150 0.45 – – – – 0.5 V 870 pF a Semikron International rectifier b 974 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968 –978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 www.ietdl.org Fig. 7 Laboratory prototypes for the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary a Single-phase inverter power stage b Different semiconductors auxiliary switch implementation c Coupled inductor implementation Fig. 6 Semiconductors characteristics and losses a Normalised auxiliary circuit current stress b Static on state voltage drop c IGBTs switching losses d Auxiliary switches losses for ZCZVT and main IGBT module switching losses in hard switching mode e Devices operating temperatures The absolute maximum ratings datasheet parameters of the devices SK45GB063, IRG4PC40UD, IRFP360 and IRFP460, as well as the curve fitting constants extracted with the aid of graphical curves [13] shown in Fig. 6d, are shown in Table 3. It can be seen that on-state voltage drop (Vceon) is much higher for MOSFET IRFP460 and IRFP360, Fig. 6b, when compared with the IGBTs, which yield higher conduction IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968–978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 losses, Fig. 6d. On the other hand, switching losses are more predominant in the IGBTs, as can be seen in the switching energy losses of the SK45GB063 module and the IRG4PC40UD discrete IGBT (Fig. 6c) and estimated power losses of the auxiliary switches (see Fig. 6d ZCZVT with MCAC). In order to analyse the benefits of the ZCZVT with MCAC, the estimated losses for the ZCZVT inverter with resonant auxiliary circuit presented in [4] have been also calculated (see Fig. 6d ZCZVT [4]). It can be seen that the conduction losses are predominant in the auxiliary circuit of the ZCZVT inverter with a resonant auxiliary circuit [4], such that only with the IRG4PC40UD is the circuit competitive with the ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit (ZCZVT with MCAC). On the other hand, the predominant switching losses of the ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit (ZCZVT with MCAC) make it more efficient with MOSFET auxiliary switches. Considering a constant case temperature Tcase of 508C, the estimated junction temperatures for the auxiliary switches are shown in Fig. 6e. For all semiconductor devices, the junction temperature does not exceed the absolute rating of 1508 (vide Table 3). The lowest thermal resistance (RthJC) of the MOSFETs associated with the lower losses ensures the lowest junction temperature for the IRFP360 and IRFP460 MOSFET devices. It is worth noticing that when compared to the main switching losses (SK45GB063) from co-pack diode recovery charge and IGBT switching, it can be seen that with auxiliary devices such as SK45GB063, IRG4PC40UD and IRFP360, the auxiliary losses are much lower, being less than 35% of the main switching losses. 975 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 www.ietdl.org Fig. 8 ZCZVT with MCAC experimental waveforms for a 1 kW load a b c d e f Output voltage and current. Scales: vo – 100 V/div; io – 5 A/div; time – 5 ms/div Snubber capacitor and coupled inductor primary and secondary currents. Scales: iLp – 5 A/div; iLs – 5 A/div; vCs – 100 V/div; time – 2 ms/div Main switch turn-on. Scales: vGE – 10 V/div; vCE – 100 V/div; iC – 5 A/div; time – 500 ns/div Main switch turn-off. Scales: vGE – 10 V/div; vCE – 100 V/div; iC – 5 A/div; time – 500 ns/div Auxiliary switch waveforms during main switch turn-on process. Scales: vGE – 10 V/div; vCE – 100 V/div; iC – 10 A/div; time – 500 ns/div Auxiliary switch waveforms during main switch turn-off process. Scales: vGE – 10 V/div; vCE – 100 V/div; iC – 10 A/div; time – 500 ns/div 4 Experimental results In order to verify the theoretical analysis presented so far, a laboratory prototype has been implemented. The prototype inverter stage is comprised by a single-phase ZCZVT inverter with a magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit, as shown in Fig. 7a. The inverter main semiconductors are implemented with two-pack IGBT modules (SK45GB063), whereas the auxiliary switches are implemented with discrete devices in three different ways. One auxiliary switch implementation, named DevCon 1 (abbreviation for Device Configuration), makes use of discrete IGBTs (IRG4PC40UD) associated with small dissipative turn-off snubbers, as shown in Fig. 7b. The other two implementations make use of discrete MOSFETs (IRFP360) associated with a reverse blocking diode (Da1) and a bypass ultrafast power diode (Da2 , RHR740). As the reverse blocking diode (Da1) is subjected to a very low reverse voltage, it is implemented with a low-voltage Schottky diode (80SQ045) in DevCon 2 (Fig. 7b) and with an ultrafast power diode (Da1 , RHR740) in DevCon 3 (Fig. 7b). The IGBTs present lower conduction losses than the power MOSFETs; nevertheless, their switching losses are significantly higher. Hence, an experimental evaluation of both technologies is appropriate. Aiming to reduce the component count, the leakage secondary winding inductance was adjusted to meet the auxiliary inductor 976 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 value (Lk ¼ La). As defined in Section 3.2, the coupled inductor magnetising inductance is designed to meet the output filter inductor value (LM ¼ L). Both inductances are presented in the coupled-inductor model of Fig. 7c. Additionally, to reduce parasitic capacitance effects in the auxiliary circuit, a saturable inductor implemented with eight turns on a Toshiba ‘spike killer’ core (SA 14 × 8 × 4.5) was placed in series with the coupledinductor secondary winding. The inverter stage operates in an open loop with a PWM discontinuous modulation function [defined by (22)] that permits switches S3 and S4 to commutate at the output voltage frequency (60 Hz), maintaining the high frequency (40 kHz) only for switches S1 and S2 , which are assisted by the ZCZVT auxiliary circuit VMod(PhA) = Vi − 2Vi Ma sin(u) (22) The main parameters of the evaluated prototype are described in Table 4. The single-phase inverter synthesises a 127 Vrms/ 60 Hz voltage that feeds a 1 kW resistive load, as can be seen in Fig. 8a. The auxiliary circuit resonant elements are the coupled-filter-inductor and the capacitor Cs , whose correspondent currents and voltages are shown in Fig. 8b. By means of these waveforms it can be seen that the IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968 –978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 www.ietdl.org Table 4 ZCZVT prototype experimental parameters Parameter Vi/Vo P0/fs Cbus L/C S1 , S2 , S3 ,S4 Sa1 , Sa2 Da1 Da2 N (ns/np) LM La (¼Lk) Cs (aux. capacitor) RSn1,2/CSn1,2/DSn1,2 spike killer (Lsat) ZCZVT with MCAC 360 VDC/127 VRMS (60 Hz) 1.0 kW/40 kHz 2000 mH 0.93 mH/2 × 20 uF SK45GB063 (600 V/45 A) IRG4PC40UDa (600 V/20 A)/IRFP360b,c (400 V/23 A) 80SQ045b (Schottky)/RHR740c RHR740 0.3 (9 turns/30 turns) 1.26 mH 5.9 mH 1.0 nF 100 Va/2.2 nFa/BYV26Ca Toshiba–SA 14 × 8 × 4.5 (8 turns) a DevCon 1 DevCon 2 c DevCon 3 b resonant process is confined to very short intervals around the switching transitions, ensuring very low reactive energy. The zero-voltage and current switching conditions for main switch S2 turn-on and turn-off can be observed in Figs. 8c and d, respectively. It can be seen that both di/dt and dv/dt across the main device is limited during both switching intervals. The auxiliary switching Sa2 waveforms for the main switch turn-on and turn-off processes are shown in Figs. 8e and f, respectively. They show that both turn-on processes take place with a ZCS condition and current increases in a linear fashion through the auxiliary switch. Fig. 9 presents an experimental comparison among the different configurations of the auxiliary switches. It can be seen that DevCon 1 (IGBT auxiliary switches) presented the lowest efficiency among the ZCZVT prototypes, achieving 94.2% of efficiency at full load. DevCon 2 (MOSFET and Schottky-based auxiliary switches) allowed a slight efficiency gain over DevCon 1. However, DevCon 3 (MOSFET and bipolar diode-based auxiliary switches) presented the highest efficiency, achieving 96% at full load. Owing to the high switching frequency (40 kHz) the hardswitched prototype could not be evaluated as it proved to be not reliable during the experimental tests. Thus, for comparative purposes, the same specifications of the ZCZVT inverter prototype have been used to design a Fig. 9 Experimental efficiency curves for the tested prototypes IET Power Electron., 2011, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, pp. 968–978 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2010.0038 single-phase inverter with Undeland dissipative snubber, which replace the hard-switched inverter in the comparative. The prototype of the Undeland inverter presented the lowest efficiency among all experimental prototypes, which proves that the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit is a strong candidate to replace the hardswitched and conventional ZCT and ZCZVT inverters. 5 Conclusions In order to overcome the reactive energy problem that plagues zero-current mode soft-transition circuits such as the ZCT and the ZCZVT inverters, this paper presents a novel family of ZCZVT inverters. It provides soft-switching conditions for the main semiconductor devices by means of a non-resonant auxiliary circuit, which is magnetically coupled to the filter inductor. Furthermore, it allows the auxiliary inductor to be magnetised and demagnetised from an almost constant voltage reflected directly from the filter inductor. Besides reducing the resonant energy from the auxiliary circuit, it also can reduce the auxiliary circuit component count and associated circuitry. The principals of operation of the ZCZVT inverter with magnetically coupled auxiliary circuit was presented and analysed. A simple design methodology is also presented. Experimental results from a 1 kW, 40 kHz, laboratory prototype corroborate with the reliability and efficiency gain achieved by the proposed ZCZVT inverters. When compared with the Undeland snubber counterpart, the proposed ZCZVT presented an efficiency gain of 4%, which is a considerable improvement in converter losses. 6 Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude to ‘Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior – CAPES’ and ‘Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fco e Tecnológico – CNPq’ (proc. 307798/2009-7, proc. 478154/2009-7 and proc. 554103/ 2010-9) for fnancial support, Icotron – an EPCOS Company, Thornton Inpec Eletrônica Ltda and Xilinx for material support. 7 References 1 Moguilnaia, N.A., Vershinin, K.V., Sweet, M.R., et al.: ‘Innovation in power semiconductor industry: past and future’, IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag., 2005, 52, (4), pp. 429– 439 2 Majumdar, G.: ‘Power modules as key component group for power electronics’. 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