Institute of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Roth-Stielow Current probe ILA SMZ 3000 Operating instructions and technical data 1. Operating instructions for the Current probe ILA SMZ 3000: The current probe ILA SMZ 3000 is an instrument for non-contacting measurement of currents with any waveform and amplitudes up to ± 5000 A. To keep the accuracy, listed in the technical Data, the steady component of the current must not exceed ± 3000 A. If exceeding these max. values there will be a non defined measuring error. An exceeding of the overload limit of ± 20000 A is not permitted and can damage the current probe. Conductors of the primary current (the current to be measured) have to be isolated. At the amplifier's coaxial output cable a signal voltage proportional to the measured current is put out. If a 50 Ω terminating resistor (1W) for the coaxial cable is used, the proportionality factor is 1mV A The amplifier's ground conductor is connected to the amplifier's case as well as to the protective conductor of the probe's mains-plug. If the current probe shall be connected to a display instrument whose ground potential must not be connected to the mains' protective conductor, the probe has to be supplied by an isolating transformer and without connection to the mains' protective conductor. Attention! In that case, special care has to be taken by the user to prevent persons from touching the amplifier's case. In some cases, the quality of the signal voltage's waveform can be improved by additionally connecting the amplifier's ground conductor to the ground conductor of the display instrument. For that purpose you will find a 4 mm socket connector at the amplifier's front panel. Immediately after switching on the probe, offset-correction takes place automatically. The duration of this event is about 2 s. It is displayed by a green LED at the amplifier's front panel. During offset-correction the current sensor must be kept close and no current-carrying conductor must be in the sensor's window. The offset-correction can also be triggered manually by pressing the small knob under the note "OffsetAbgleich" at the amplifier's front panel. Manual offset-correction may be necessary after overloading the probe or after a considerable change of temperature inside the amplifier. When measuring currents with a steady component the amplifier has to be placed in a horizontal position, to ensure the best heat dissipation. Datasheet SMZ ILA 3000 2 Attention! The electrical components inside the sensor are sensitive to mechanical shock, so it must be treated carefully! (The magnetic circuit of the current probe sensor is based on an amorphous metal). Datasheet SMZ ILA 3000 3 2. Technical Data of the Current probe ILA SMZ 3000: - AC/DC Current Range: Rating current IN ± 3000 A - Max. Current: Max. continuous current I=max ± 3000 A Peak Pulse Measurement (Sine-halfwave with 60 µs impulse-length at a repetition frequency of 100 Hz) ± 5000 A Input overload limit ± 20000 A - Accuracy: Offset-Error < 0.1 % (rated to IN) Linearity-Error for |I| ≤ Imax < 0.5 % (rated to indicated value) 0,4 % of the Linearity-Error are caused of a different current-carrying wire layout within the window area of the primary conductor. Former Errors < 0.1 % (rated to IN) - Dynamic characteristics: di Measurable dt Propagation delay - Output characteristics: > 1500 A/µs < 20 ns 1 mV/1A Output voltage to current ratio at 50 Ω/1W in line BNC-Termination. - Input overload indication and amplifier temperature monitoring - Power Supply: Power supply Max. Power consumption Fuse 230 V ± 10 % / 50 Hz 300 VA 2.5 A, inert - Current sensor: Window area for primary conductor Width - Total weight (Sensor and amplifier) (∅ = 1.92") ∅ = 49 mm (1.29") 33 mm approx. 10 kg (22 lbs) Datasheet SMZ ILA 3000 4 Fig. 1 Current probe ILA SMZ 3000 Fig. 2 Sensor of the Current probe ILA SMZ 3000 Datasheet SMZ ILA 3000