Ref. JC/MC 20th January 2016 Dear Parent/Carer I am organising a

Ref. JC/MC
20th January 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
I am organising a residential trip to the University of Southampton’s Oceanography Centre which
your child is invited to attend. The aim of the trip is to engage and inspire students whilst giving
them a feel for university life, allowing them to experience Science in University laboratories and
also to think about University as an option for themselves in the future.
The trip will take place on Wednesday 23rd March and we will return on Thursday 24th March, we will
be leaving the academy by minibus at 8am sharp! We hope to leave Southampton after lunch on
Thursday, about 1pm and hope to return by 3:30-4pm.
What to Pack
Please do not allow your child to bring anything bigger than a rucksack – we are away for one night
only, we will be staying within the University all day until 9pm doing activities and so no opportunity
for changing clothes for dinner etc, students will only need toiletries, a change of clothes,
nightclothes and any other essentials. We will be going on a boat and so students should wear
sturdy footwear – flat, with good grip and non-slip, such as trainers or flat boots. It can get quite
windy and cold on the boat depending on weather conditions, please pack waterproof warm coat,
warm clothes, hat and gloves, sun cream (if sunny, the boat will be extremely exposed to the sun’s
Students will stay in same sex rooms of 2 in the Jury’s Inn hotel in Southampton, this stay will include
breakfast on the Thursday morning.
Wednesday 23rd March
Arrive at Southampton Oceanography Centre by 1200 for lunch there.
13:30 – Boat trip to take water samples to investigate in the lab.
18:00 – Dinner at the canteen of the Oceanography Centre
Evening – film and a science quiz with prizes at the Oceanography Centre.
21:00 – Return to Jury’s Inn Hotel to check into hotel rooms and go to sleep.
Thursday 24th March
7:30-8:30am – Breakfast in the Jury’s Inn hotel.
9:00 – Leave and check out of Jury’s Inn.
9:15 am – Arrive back at Oceanography Centre and split into four groups, completing 4 x 30 minute
activities, including; looking at sediment samples showing a mega tsunami that hit the UK 8,000
years ago, working in the Aquarium with the Aquarium manager, looking at how currents work using
the rotating tank as well as spending some time in the seminar room looking at University,
experiences from students, what you need to get into University etc.
12:00 – Lunch
13:00 – Depart Southampton
15:30-16:00 – Arrive back at the Academy.
Emergency Contact Details
In the event of an emergency, I will take a school mobile phone, which a member of staff will have
with them at all times.
Please save this number, in case you need to contact us in an emergency. The number for the
National Oceanography Centre is 023 8059 6666, we will be working with Dr Simon Boxall, so please
mention his name if you need to call.
The contact number for Jury’s Inn Southampton is 023 8037 1111, the hotel are aware that a school
party are staying with them. Please ask for myself, Jenny Cannon, if you need to call the hotel.
If there are any problems at our end, we will call you on the number provided on this reply slip, so
please advise of any changes nearer the time, if they arise.
The total cost of the trip, including travel, food, boat trip, activities and accommodation is £80 per
student. Please enclose the money with the reply slip ASAP to secure your child’s place.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Cannon
Science Teacher
Reply slip: ...............................................................................................................
Student’s Name …………………………………………………………
I ......................................................... give my permission for my child to attend the residential trip to
the National Oceanography Centre, staying at the Jury’s Inn Southampton hotel and travelling by
minibus on Wednesday 23rd March to Thursday 24th March 2016.
Signed........................................................................ Date............................
I enclose £80 to cover the cost of this trip. Cheques made payable to Ormiston Shelfield Community
My child has the following medical conditions/ allergies
My child has the following dietary requirements.................................................................................
My child is taking the following medication............................................................................... this will
be administered by teacher/ student themselves (delete as appropriate) at the following times
In the event of an emergency I can be contacted on the following numbers:
Mobile / Work / Home /Other family Contact name and number
Broad Way, High Heath, Pelsall, Walsall. WS4 1BW | Principal: Paula Arrowsmith
Telephone: 01922 685777 | Email: | Website: