Jameson York Starting, Ending, Passing: The Impossibility of Motion Zeno proposed a number of paradoxes, most famous of which is “The Arrow.” Other paradoxes of motion are “Achilles and the Tortoise” and the “Dichotomy,” each of which is essentially the same, as they each show a different portion of motion being impossible using variations on the logic. These paradoxes are obviously false, (as you can surely attest, being in this classroom, rather than still trying to leave your bed, or pass a slower car on the road, or trying to reach your seat), but proving it intellectually is difficult. The arrow paradox is that it will be impossible for an arrow to strike a target, because it would have half of the remaining distance to travel forever. The Dichotomy paradox states that it is impossible for anyone to move anywhere, because before they can travel half the distance to a target, they have to travel half of that distance, and so on (the opposite of the arrow paradox). The final variation originally was that Achilles, giving a tortoise a hundred foot head start could never beat the tortoise in a race, because in the time it takes Achilles to reach the point where the tortoise started, it would have moved forward a much smaller distance, but still moved forward. Then when Achilles reaches that point, the tortoise has moved again, and so on forever. York 1 There are a number of ways to defeat this logical paradox. A common method is to refuse the idea that distance is infinitely divisible. This means that it an arrow reaches and hits its target because although the distance is halved many times, it reaches “ ” (Planck Length) which is the smallest distance, or 1.61624x10-35m. So a 5 mph car hits a wall by traveling at lP /( lP *3600/8046.72m), which is math talk for the speed of lP per 7.23085x10-36 seconds (such a small portion of a second, we have no device able to correctly time it – the most accurate atomic clocks are synchronized to 10-7 seconds, for some perspective). We can similarly do the math based on the Planck Time, but that number is such a small fraction of even the time we have here (10-44), we would end up with a smaller distance than even the Planck Length, which is theoretically impossible. This shows that completing an infinite number of actions (portions of movement) to get to the target is no longer required, as there is a finite number of units of range to cross. For the starting paradox, the lP method is just as valid, and the math is the same, supposing the car starts at full speed. The passing is slightly more complex, but still thwarted. The problem with the passing paradox is that the target point moves as well. If a man is running at 10lP/sec and a tortoise is moving at 1lP/sec with a 20lP head start, then 1 second later the man would be 11lP away from the York 2 tortoise. One second more gets him 2lP away from the tortoise. So the man moves the 2lP to reach the tortoise, which takes only .2 seconds, and insufficient time for the tortoise to have moved another 1lP away, and since it is only possible to move in a complete lP, in another .1 second the man has moved 1lP past the tortoise, and when the tortoise finally makes its 1lP, the man will be 7lP beyond that new point, disproving the paradox. Note, these objects are moving at a ridiculously slow speed in order to simplify the math and prevent yoctoseconds from coming into play. I personally have a problem with this refutation. I don’t see any good reason not to have a ½lP, if not just in a purely intellectual sense. It may not be possible to see or measure or in any way gauge anything smaller than Planck’s units, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist all the same. Just as travel above 299,792,458 m/s is considered impossible, there is nothing to prevent us from imagining something traveling at 300,000,000 m/s. Easier for me to accept is the fact that it is possible to complete a limited infinite set of tasks within a finite period of time. My “limited infinite” is to mean an infinite set that is conceivably ended, such as traveling every portion of ½ the remaining distance of a 100 meter travel – the infinite set approaches zero. An “unlimited infinite” would be something such as running north forever, with no stated limit other York 3 than the end of forever – the infinite set approaches infinity. That is to say, it is possible to move two feet forward in a time less than forever, while still preserving every (infinite) degree of space traveled before reaching the end point. The reason I can so blithely accept something that seems at the face to be irrational is Speed = Distance/Time. When a car is traveling toward a wall, the speed it travels at is constant (just as the arrow traveling in the paradox), so Distance/Time will always reduce to the same value (2 = 18/9 and 2 = 4/2). If we assume the car’s speed is 5 m/s (11.18 mph), and the target is 100 meters away, then the time to reach the target is 5 = 100/t, or 20 seconds. Following the paradox, half the distance is 5 = 50/t, so it takes 10 seconds to reach the half way mark. Half again is 5 = 25/t, or 5 seconds. Essentially, for each halving of the distance, it halves the time it takes to complete that task. If we continue this trend for long enough, we reach a point where the distance traveled to half the distance remaining is indistinguishable from zero, say 10-100 meters, the time that it will take to travel that space is 2*10-101 seconds. This continues until it is an infinitely small distance to travel in an infinitely small amount of time, where infinitely small becomes zero rather than simply approximating it. York 4 Perhaps the simplest and most elegant refutation is to simply dispute the definition of infinite. It makes sense to split infinite sets into Limited and Unlimited, because they describe vastly different number sets. An Unlimited infinite would retain the standard definition of infinity, wherein it is an unbounded and indefinably large number or amount. A Limited infinite is not unbounded, and is, in fact by definition, bounded on both ends – a car traveling at a wall with infinite degrees between has both a start and ending bound of the set, starting at 100 meters and ending at 0 meters. Strictly speaking, anything moving to a target has bounds, and so isn’t infinite by the classic definition. Something that is not infinite is finite, so by strict definition, it is possible to reach a target simply because although it seems infinite, it is not because it does not meet the requirements of an infinite set so because it has an end, it is possible to reach it. The argument that it is impossible to reach a target because you have to do an infinite number of tasks is false, assuming you have more time to complete the actions than the actions take. And when moving the last second to hit a target, although it takes an infinite set of actions to complete, the time it each takes is infinitely small. The only way to prevent an infinite set of actions that takes a finite amount of time to complete from completing is to prevent the time from progressing. For an infinite action to be impossible to complete, it York 5 must take an infinite (non-bounded) amount of time. That said, it is impossible, assuming an infinitely divisible unit of length to move half the distance, then move half the distance, then again, and in the end reach the target – in this case the action is not finite in duration, so cannot be completed. An arrow hitting a target, however, does not change it’s speed (for ease of math – it does change speed, but not in the same way that halving the distance, then again and again does, for the speed change is insignificant for the purposes here unlike stopping and starting.) This lack of change means that the constant speed and set time means that the distance is traveled in that time is mathematically set (and never in dispute). The improbability of traveling through a (limited) infinite set of actions is overcome when shown to have a limited time in which those actions are performed. The end result is that in order to keep the arrow from hitting the target, time must stop 0.00..(∞)..01 seconds before it hits or sooner. York 6