Super Wide Viewing for Tele-operation

Super Wide Viewing for Tele-operation
Hajime Nagahara*, Yasushi Yagi**, and Masahiko Yachida*
** The institute of Scientific and Industrial Research,
*Graduate School of Engineering Science
Osaka University
Osaka University
8-1, Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-0047,
1-3, Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka, 560-8531,
Abstract: - In this paper, we propose a tele-operation system with a super wide field of view (FOV). Our teleoperation system has an omnidirectional image sensor for capturing a panoramic image and a personal spherical
screen display for projecting a wide-angle image. The first original contribution is applying our system to
navigating the mobile robot by tele-operation and evaluating efficiency of wide FOV. The second original
contribution is a new propose of a super wide FOV. Generally, FOVs of a common display system and a HMD
system are restricted and it is unable to see the outer of FOV of these displays. The idea of super wide FOV is
that the wide FOV is nonlinearly compressed to display FOV. Therefore, the operator can look behind even if
the display is not a panoramic large screen display.
Key-Words: - Wide filed of view, Tele-opration, Robot, Navigation.
1 Introduction
The tele-operation that human operator directs the
robot from the remote site has been studied and
produced [1], because human does not have to go
hazardous environments such as space, volcano, sea
and nuclear plant. To complete the tasks effectively
and safely, tele-operation systems, called telepresence [2][3] and tele-existence [4][5], are required
high quality and realistic feed back information, as if
the operator felt actual presence at robot site. Visual
feedback is the most important factor of tele-presence.
Considerable factors of visual reality are plasticity
related to vergence and focus controls, texture related
to resolution and dynamic range of images, timedelay caused by camera rotation and communication,
and extensity caused by field of view of display. In
this paper, we focus to extensity caused by field of
view (FOV) of display.
It is well known that peripheral vision included
wide FOV would influence postural control of human
[6]. In addition, a FOV over 80 degree is required for
feeling immersion and reality by human operator [7].
Takahashi et al [8] measured the influence of wide
FOV head mounted display to human attitude control.
They compared 140 degree FOV. This research
suggests that the wide FOV is one of important factor
for human attitude control. Caldwell et al. [9]
reported that the narrow FOV disimproved task
efficiency and reality in a navigation task. However,
they compared only 30 and 60 degree FOV.
Almost previous visual tele-presence systems use
the ordinary narrow FOV display such as CRT. The
view field can be changed by rotating a camera to get
the large FOV information. However, a rotating
camera arises a time-delay problem. One solution of
enlarging the FOV without such a time-delay
problem is to use an omnidirectional image sensor on
tele-presence system. Onoe et al. [10] proposed the
tele-operation system with omnidirectional image
sensor. The system presents the transformed
perspective image on a common Head Mounted
Display (HMD) corresponding to an operator's head
motion. The operator control led the mobile robot in
indoor environment. FOV of the common HMD is
narrow less than 60 degree, therefore, it is not enough
wide angle to present peripheral vision information
and the report did not evaluate easefulness of the
system. However, they built the virtual tour system
[11] by projecting panorama movies on the
cylindrical large screen named CYLINDRA and the
cubic screen system like CAVE [12]. The first
research suggested us that the 360-degree panoramic
image is suitable for tele-operation system. The
second one suggested us that the wide field of view
increases existence and presence.
In this paper, we propose a tele-operation system
with a super wide FOV. Our tele-operation system
has an omnidirectional image sensor named
HyperOmni Vision [13] for capturing a panoramic
Slave system
Master system
PC for Imaging
PentiumII 400MHz
image sensor
a: Slave system
PC for robot control
PentiumII 266
b: Master system
Figure 2. Tele-operation system for navigation
Figure 1. System configuration
image and a personal spherical screen display for
projecting a wide-angle image.
The first original contribution is applying our
system to navigating the mobile robot by teleoperation and evaluating efficiency of wide FOV by
The second original contribution is a new
proposal of a super wide FOV. Generally, FOVs of a
common display system and a HMD system are
restricted and it is unable to see the outer of FOV of
these displays. Therefore, we propose the idea to
project super wide FOV information over the display
capacity. Actually, FOV of the input image is
transformed to the display system, nonlinearly. The
operator can look behind even if the display is not the
panoramic large screen display such as CYLINDRA
and CAVE.
2 Tele-operation system
Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the tele-operation
system used in our experiments. The slave system
shown in fig. 2-a is a mobile robot (B12: Real World
Interface inc.) with an omnidirectional image sensor,
HyperOmni Vision. The omnidirectional image
sensor composed of a hyperboloidal mirror and a
common NTSC video camera unit (EVI-310: Sony).
It can capture a 360-degree FOV on a single input
image. The input image is transmitted to the master
system by a wireless NTSC video transmitter. The
mobile robot B12 has three wheels steering and three
wheels drive. These three wheels are driven
synchronously and remain parallel at all times. The
robot is controlled by the joystick on the master
system through a wireless RS232C modem.
The master system shown in fig. 2-b consists of a
spherical screen display (VisionStarion: Elumens
inc.), a joystick, PCs for an image processing and
robot controle, a wireless RS232C modem and a
wireless NTSC video receiver. The display can
project 120hx65v FOV image by SXGA(1280x1024
pixels) resolution. Where, 120hx65v means that
horizontal and vertical fields of view are 120 and 65
degree, respectively. Afterward, we represent
horizontal and vertical fields of view like this in this
The input image is transformed to a spherical
image by the PC on the master system. The
transformed spherical image is projected on the
omnidirectional image sensor has a single center of
projection. The input image can transform to any
desired coordinates without distortion. Therefore, the
complete distortionless image is shown to the
operator on the spherical screen display. Equations 24 are relationships between the input image
coordinate of the omnidirectional image sensor and
the spherical image coordinate. Here, p(x, y) and P( i ,
a ) indicate to the input image coordinates and
spherical coordinates longitude and attitude around
the sensor.
b and c are coefficients of the
hyperboloidal mirror shape described in equation 1. f
is the focal length of camera. More details of the
image formation are in reference [13].
X 2 + Y 2 - Z 2 = - 1, (Z > 0)
a2 + b2 = c2
(c 2 - b 2 ) f
(b + c ) tan a + 2bc tan 2 a + 1
x = r cos i
y = r sin i
Fig. 3 and 4 show the input image of the
Figure 3. An omnidirectional image
Figure 5. 270hx65v degree FOV with linear
Figure 4. 120hx65v degree FOV
Figure 6. 270hx65v degree FOV with nonlinear
omnidirectional image sensor and the projected
image on the spherical screen display, respectively.
3 Wide field of view over the display
Generally, FOVs of a common display system and a
HMD system are restricted and it is unable to see the
outer of FOV of a common display system. A new
proposal of a super wide FOV is that FOV of the
input image is nonlinearly transformed to the display
FOV. It is like compression the input image to
display size. Therefore, the operator can look behind
even if the display is not the panoramic large screen
display such as CYRINDRA and CAVE.
A linear transformation described in equation 5 is
a simple way to transform FOV. Here, i and i' are
azimuth angles on input image and output image.
H view and H disp are horizontal sizes of input FOV and
that of display screen FOV, respectively. Fig. 5
shows the sample of the linear FOV transformation
However, the operator would be confused which
way to heading in remote environment, because of
discordance between the real observed azimuth and
the transformed direction on the display. Incidentally,
the operator would not be confused at the peripheral
area, because human peripheral vision is not usually
used for details analysis but also rough sensing such
as motion detection. Therefore, our system
nonlinearly transform the input image to the display
image by the equation 6. In this system, the central
area is done by a linear transformation and the
peripheral area is done by a nonlinear transformation.
From preliminary experiments, the center area of
60 degree should keep the direction accordance. The
outer area is transformed by quadratic curve shown in
fig. 7. In this figure, the horizontal FOV of display
Figure 7. FOV transformation
screen H disp is set on 120[degree] and the horizontal
FOV of input H view is set on 180, 270 and 360[degree].
This figure also shows the azimuth accordant case
when the horizontal FOV of input is within that of
display screen FOV (120[degree]).
Fig. 6 shows an example of a transformed image by
nonlinear transformation.
i= H
H disp i'
i' - c (i' + i c ) 2 (i' # - i c )
(- i c < i' < i c )
i = *i'
i' + c (i' + i c ) 2 (i' $ i c )
2 (H view - H disp )
(H disp - 2i c ) 2
Figure 8. The experimental scene
4 Experiments on real environments
We evaluated the efficiency of wide FOV to robot
navigation. We prepare four navigation courses such
as a slalom, a crank and parkings. The robot is
35[cm] wide. The motion freedom of the mobile
robot is translation and rotation. The maximum
speeds of rotation and translation are set on
31.6[deg/s] and 14.1[cm/s], respectively. In case of
slalom and crank, the robot can do pinwheeling.
However, in case of two types of parking tasks, the
robot movement is same as car; steering and driving.
We used the nine different types of FOV setups
(six sizes of FOV for linear and three sizes for
nonlinear transformation). 60hx45v is the setup to
assume a common video camera FOV. The
transformed image is projected on the spherical
screen display that has 120hx65v FOV. The setups
over the FOV 120hx65v are applied to the nonlinear
transformation and also the linear transformation to
Figure 9. Results in real environments
compare them. The angular resolutions are same in
all FOV setups. Figs. 4-6 show the sample images
displayed on the spherical screen display. Ten
subjects tried every combination between task and
FOV. Fig. 8 shows the experimental scene in the
clank course. The time taken to perform the course
together with the number of collisions was recorded.
Fig. 9 shows a total result of all experiments. In
this figure, horizontal axis indicates the field of view
and vertical axis indicate the average, standard
deviation of accomplished time and average number
of collisions. Hairline and bold line indicate the linear
transformation methods, respectively. The averages
and the standard deviations of accomplished time and
the number of the average collisions were decreased
when FOV was larger. It means task efficiency was
improved by wide FOV. It shows the advantage for
using wide FOV display and image sensor such as an
omnidirectional image sensor. Over the 120hx65v
setup, the average and the standard deviation were
increased in case of the linear FOV transformation
method. This was caused by the direction discordance.
Field of view[deg]
Field of view[deg]
Figure 11. Results of 2D navigation task in virtual
For example, if robot rotating 90[degree] in the
remote environment, transformed image shows only
30[degree] rotation on display FOV in 360hx65v
setup. Many subjects report that linearly transformed
images were unnatural and difficult to understand the
relation between robot heading direction and
obstacles around the robots in the remote
Next, the accomplished time of the proposed
nonlinear FOV transformation method was decreased
until 270hx65v setup, and it was faster than linear
FOV transformation. It shows that the nonlinear
transformation method got more improvement of the
tasks to keep the direction accordance and to present
the wide FOV information over the display capacity.
As shown in figure 9, totally 270hx65v with
nonlinear FOV transformation was the best setup in
sight of both the time and the collision on the tested
setups and tasks.
5 Experiments on virtual environments
In this section, we also evaluated the efficiency of
wide FOV to robot navigation in virtual
environments. It is effective to use the virtual
environments for the evaluation, because it is easy to
set up a complicated environment and tasks, such as
3D navigation and spacious environment. We
constructed a simulator of robot navigation with a
wide field of view for the experiments. The simulator
was constructed by using OpenGL graphics library.
Figure 10 shows a view of the simulator with
270hx65v FOV set up as an example. We use two
Field of view[deg]
Field of view[deg]
Figure 12. Results of 3D navigation task in virtual
types of tasks; 2D navigation task (similar to
experiments of real environments in section 4 and 3D
navigation task (assumed like an exploration of
submarine). Both tasks are to move from a start to a
goal point with avoiding the obstacles. The 3D
navigation task required to overcome and to pass
through under the obstacle objects. Motion of
elevation was added in the 3D navigation task.
We employed eight subjects for 2D and 3D
navigation tasks. Experiments were carried out with
the different view and FOV; 60hx45v and 120hx65v,
nonlinear 180hx65v and 270hx65v, 360hx65v.
Additionally the omnidirectional input image was
also compared in these experiments, because some
directly used
omnidirectional input image for tele-presence
application. Figures 11 and 12 show the resultant
time to perform the tasks and the number of
collisions for 2D and 3D navigation tasks. The
resultant times also show the standard deviations to
indicate a scattering of samples. These results also
show short time to accomplish the task and small
number of collisions about 180hx65v and 270hx65v
in the both tasks. It means that wide FOV is effective
to a remote navigation task. The operation with an
omnidirectional input image is also good for 2D task.
However, the result with the omnidirectional image is
worst in the case of 3D task. It shows that the
omnidirectional input image is easy to recognize the
environment around the robot in the 2D task that only
requires motion about horizontal plane. On the other
hands, it is difficult to operate with the
omnidirectional image is hard to recognize the object
height. So proposed wide FOV display method is
effective on more general cases.
6 Conclusions
To accomplish the tasks effectively and safely on
tele-operation, high quality and realistic feed back
information are displayed to the remote operator as if
operator is in robot site. We think that FOV is the one
of important factor of reality on visual feed back
system on tele-operation.
In this paper, we focus on the effect of FOV to
operate the mobile robot. We construct the wide field
of view tele-operation system. The slave robot system
has the omnidirectional image sensor to take the
panoramic image and the master system has spherical
display that can display 120hx65v wide field of view
distortionless image. Moreover, we propose FOV
transformation method to present super wide field of
view information over the display capacity.
We evaluated efficiency of the tele-operation
system and the nonlinear FOV transformation method.
From experimental results both simulation and real
environments, we confirmed the effect of wide field
of view to accomplish the navigation task effectively
and safely. The proposed nonlinear FOV
transformation method was also effective at the setup
of 270hx65v degree. However, we ignored another
problem on tele-operating system such as
communication delay etc. We will pursue to estimate
more realistic situation and tasks.
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