Pageoph, Vol, 116 (1978), Birkh~tuser Verlag, Basel The Effect of Water on Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone By E. H. RUTTER t) and D, H, MAINPRICE1) 2) Abstract-A series of stress relaxation experiments have been carried out on faulted and intact Tennessee sandstone to explore the influence of pore water on strength at different strain rates. Temperatures employed were 20, 300 and 400~ effective confining pressure was 1.5 kb and strain rates as low as 10- lo sec-) were achieved. Most samples were prefaulted at 2.5 kb confining pressure and room temperature. This is thought to have secured a reproducible initial microstructure. The strength of the dry rock was almost totally insensitive to strain rate in the range 10 -4 to 10-3o sec-1. In contrast, the strength of the wet rock decreased rapidly with strain rate at rates less than 10-6 sec 1. Brittle fracture of the quartz grains which constitute this rock is the most characteristic mode of failure under the test conditions used. The experimental data are discussed in terms of the possible deformation rate controlling processes, and it is suggested that in the wet experiments at intermediate to high strain rates (10 -7 to 10 4 sec- t) the observed deformation rate is controlled by the kinetics of water assisted stress corrosion, whilst deformatier: at low strain rates (ca. I(; -~ sec- ~) is contr~Iled by a pressure solution process. The results have implications for the rheology of fault rocks at depths of perhaps 10 to 15 km in sialic crust. Key words: Strength o f rocks; Crack growth with water; Rock mechanics. 1. Introduction This is a preliminary report on a continuing experimental programme designed to study the effects of water on the mechanical behaviour of rocks to very low strain rates. The experiments were initially devised to test a prediction based on a theoretical model by RUTT~r: (1976) that rock deformation by pressure solution might be experimentally detectable at strain rates of the order of 10 .9 sec - t or less at moderate temperatures (ca. 300~ and effective confining pressures (ca. 1.5 kb). At more typical laboratory strain rates (ca. 10 .5 sec-i) silicate rocks are usually extremely brittle under these environmental conditions. In order to explore the effects of a wide range of strain rates in a practicable period of time the stress relaxation technique was employed. The particular advantages of this technique for long term experiments are discussed in the next section. ~) Department of Geology, Imperial College, London SW7, Great Britain. z) Research School o f Earth Sciences, Austraiian NationaI University, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. Stress Relaxationof Faultedand UnfaultedSandstone 635 In this preliminary study we have had two simple objectives. Firstly, to contrast the mechanical behaviour of a quartz sandstone (Tennessee sandstone) in the presence and absence of pore water' (taking care to exclude any unwanted pore pressure effects) and, secondly, by repeating these long term experiments, to show that the effects observed are reproducible. In these respects the experiments have been entirely successful. We will show that in the strain rate range 10 - 5 to 10 - 10 sec - ~the strength of oven dry Tennessee sandstone is almost insensitive to strain rate changes whereas the same rock tested with pore water but at the same effective confining pressure shows a marked reduction in strength, particularly at the lower end of the strain rate range. A discussion of the interpretation of these experimental results is given and it is concluded that in the wet experiments deformation at the lowest strain rates involves rate control by pressure solution, giving way to rate control by stress corrosion cracking at higher strain rates. The geological implications of the results are discussed, and particular emphasis is given to their significance for studies of earthquake mechanisms and stable sliding on faults. 2. Experimental design The stress relaxation testing method Stress relaxation testing is usually used in conjunction with constant strain rate or constant stress (creep) tests. After an arbitrary amount of strain the specimen length is held constant, and the applied stress is allowed to relax with time. During an ideal relaxation test (on an infinitely stiff machine), elastic strain energy in the specimen is dissipated through permanent deformation of the specimen at a rate which is determined by the rheological characteristics of the specimen material. At any instant in time the permanent strain rate is proportional to the stress relaxation rate, the constant of proportionality being an elastic constant of the specimen material. The maximum amount of permanent strain which can be accumulated equals the elastic strain. The application of the relaxation test in studies of dislocation dynamics has been described by GUPTA and LI (1970a and 1970b). In the rock mechanics literature, the relaxation test has been used in rheological studies by RALEIGHand KIRBY (1970), RUTTER and SCHMID(1975) and SCHMID(1976). EVANS(1973) has used the relaxation method to study the kinetics of crack growth in glass plates. In triaxial testing machines it is not usually possible to hold the length of the specimen alone constant during stress relaxation. Rather, it is necessary to hold constant the length of the specimen plus that of a portion of the machine. This means that a given stress relaxation requires a longer time because the elastic strain energy in the portion of the machine between the constant length points must also be dissipated in the specimen, therefore the permanent strain accumulated in the specimen 636 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, during relaxation will become greater than the specimen elastic strain. Thus if the machine stiffness is equal to the specimen stiffness the time required for a given relaxation will be doubled. A further effect is that if there is any kind of time dependence in the machine relaxation, this will be imprinted on the total relaxation curve. The method of treatment of machine relaxation effects has been described by GuIu and PRATT (1964). The stress relaxation test offers certain advantages which are particularly important for the experiments reported here. The general form of the constitutive flow law for thermally activated deformation mechanisms is = A exp ( - H/RT)f~(a)f2(S) (1) where ~ is the strain rate, A a constant, H an activation enthalpy, R the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature, f~(o-) is a function of stress andf2(S) is a function which describes the effect of specimen structure on strain rate. The form of the flow law follows from the experimental fact that the relationships between strain rate and any one of temperature, stress or structure can be determined whilst holding the other two constant (DORN, 1957). In determining strain rate/stress relationships it is not only necessary to ensure constant temperature but also constant specimen microstructure if extrapolation to strain rates outside the experimental range using a flow law of the form of equation (1) is to be considered. Because the complete Stress/strain rate relation is determined from a relaxation on a single specimen over a small range of specimen strain, there will obviously be no scatter of results due to specimen variability and, provided there is no significant structural change (e.g., recrystallisation, change in microcrack density, extensive recovery, etc.) the constant structure requirement will be fairly closely met. Further, if a succession of relaxations are carried out at different strains on a material which suffers significant structural change with strain (e.g., through work hardening), then the effects of structural change on rheology may be studied. Finally, in tests on rocks at high pressure and temperature the stress relaxation test permits the range of accessible strain rates to be extended about two orders of magnitude below the normal lower limit of laboratory strain rates (10 -s sec- 1). This is because with a force gauge inside a pressure vessel relaxed load can be easily and accurately measured over a very small increment of specimen strain in a reasonable period of time. Test material The material used for these experiments comprised 1 cm diameter by 2 cm long cylinders of Tennessee sandstone cored perpendicular to bedding. This rock consists of 84 percent sub-rounded quartz grains with a predominantly phyllosilicate matrix. The quartz grains were free from discernible optical strain features and possessed a fairly uniform grain size of 150 gin. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) study of Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone 637 the undeformed material revealed that most quartz grains had quartz overgrowths with well developed crystal faces bearing growth features such as steps and terraces (Plate la). The overgrowths are interpreted as having developed during diagenesis. The effective porosity of the rock is 6.7 percent and the permeability is 3.7 x 10 -* darcy (R. HARDY,personal communication, 1972). The experimental programme called for the rock to be tested both wet and dry. The dry samples were oven dried for at least one week at 120~ and the wet samples were prepared by the vacuum saturation technique (RUTTER, 1972). Plate la Scanning electron micrograph showing well developed diagenetic overgrowth features on quartz grains in undeformed Tennessee sandstone, plus interstitial clay minerals. Apparatus and experimental conditions Three identical testing machines were used (at various times) for these experiments, and have previously been described by RUTTER (1972). A series of standard constant strain rate tests were performed at room temperature, at various confining pressures up to 3.0 kb and at a strain rate of 3 x 10 - 5 sec- 1 in order to determine the basic mechanical characteristics of the material both dry and wet (zero pore pressure). 638 E, H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, Most of the relaxation tests were carried out at 300~ and lasted between two and ten weeks. One relaxation was carried out at 400~ and one at room temperature on wet rock. All of the relaxation tests were carried out at an effective confining pressure of 1.5 kb. In the case of the wet tests a pore fluid pressure system was employed to provide a nominal pore water pressure of 0.15 kb so that the specific gravity of the pore water remained close to unity at all test termperatures used. Because of the low strain rates used, the relatively high specimen porosity and permeability and low value of pore pressure compared to confining pressure, it is believed that there could be no significant effects due to dilatancy hardening (BRACE and MARTIN, 1968). F r o m the preliminary constant strain rate tests it was known that at the conditions chosen for the relaxation tests brittle fracture would be the most characteristic and obvious mode of failure of the quartz grains comprising this rock, at least at the high strain rate end o f each relaxation. In order to ensure comparability between the results of relaxation tests on different specimens it was necessary to ensure that each specimen had the same microstructure (e.g., crack density) at the start of each experiment. It was considered that for a significant interval of strain ( ~ 1 percent) in the post shear failure sliding region of the stress/strain curve the crack density would be Plate lb Optical micrograph showing typical microstructure of the deformed specimens. On either side of a glass indurated fault plane are microfractured quartz grains. The density of microfracturing falls off over about 20 grain diameters from the fault. Microfractures tend to be oriented along the applied compression direction, parallel to the short side of the photograph (crossed polars). Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxationof Faulted and UnfaultedSandstone 639 fairly constant. In the pre-shear failure region the microcrack density changes extremely rapidly with strain. Due to specimen variability it would under the latter circumstances be impossible to produce similar microstructure conditions at the start of relaxation tests on different specimens. The adopted experimental procedure therefore involved prefracturing each specimen until steady sliding occurred on a through going shear fault at room temperature and 2.5 kb confining pressure. This resulted in a region of crushed rock in the shear fault zone, bounded by wide areas in which most quartz grains were either partly or through fractured (Plate 1b), the intensity of microfracturing being inversely related to distance from the main fault. Specimens prepared thus were heated at lower pressure, and reloaded at a strain rate of 10 -4 sec 1 until frictional sliding on the fault recurred and then relaxed. The 300~ relaxation experiments were repeated several times in order to confirm observations of the contrasting behaviour of wet and dry rock. In order to obtain a preliminary idea of the effects of structural variations, two wet samples which had not been loaded to their ultimate strengths were relaxed at the same temperature/pressure conditions as above. By loading to different fractions of the ultimate strength, different pre-relaxation microcrack densities were produced. A third such sample was relaxed at room temperature. Experimental results (i) Constant strain rate tests. Figure la shows the results of constant strain rate tests on wet and dry rock performed at room temperature. The specimens always failed in a brittle manner, the formation of a through going shear failure surface accompanying the stress drop after the ultimate strength was reached. The observed effects of water on both ultimate and residual (frictional sliding) strengths are characteristic of many rocks (COLBACKand WIID, 1965; RUTTER, 1972; ATKINSON, 1975). The curve relating differential stress at failure to confining pressure is displaced downwards through wetting (at zero pore fluid pressure), the slope being virtually unaffected. This kind of effect, due to physico-chemical action of the pore fluid at grain boundaries, may involve several fundamental processes, and these may be grouped together under the general descriptive term 'Rehbinder Effects' (BOOZER et al., 1963; RUTTER, 1972; ATKINSON, 1975). (ii) Relaxation tests on faulted samples. Figures 2a and 2b show the results of relaxation tests performed on prefaulted samples at 300~ wet and dry. The results are presented in Fig. 2b as loglostress against loglostrain rate. Figure 2a shows typical raw stress against log~otime data from which the log stress/log stain rate data are derived. The data points are sampled on a logarithmic time base from the force transducer output. They are converted into stress values in the manner described by RUTTER (1972) and the apparent relaxation rate is calculated between adjacent data points. Fluctuations in the apparent relaxation rate therefore appear due to short term drift E. H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice 640 (Pageoph, 3"9""8 .7 12. b. '6 9 "~'~e~ a, / o~ / ,& / / a/ 9 / / / / / / / / 9 / i I0 9 / / / / / o / / / / / / // ii / / o C. _~ /. / /, / o / / 16 / / / / / l / / 9 3.3 - / / / / / / / / / ,2.5 / / / / [] 3.7-;5 / / / f TS 35 300oc 4. / dry [] Ultimate strength "- 9 "-%', , wet 3.5 // 9o 9 9 300C '3 / 9 9 I o/ !. ",,, / / / b- / / / / 3.5 / / / / / / TS 12 / / 8 / / / o 3.7 5 / / o 20oC /o / / TS 13 9 o .3 9 n .2.5 / rl / Residual ,. l:s 2".0 / o ds 1:o Confining Pressure 2:s (kb) 3.b 3.'~ i k i /~ 9 16 - I o g m strain rate (sK "l) Figure 1 (a) Ultimate (short term) and residual (frictional sliding on fault surface) differential stress levels (a 1 - G3) supported by wet and dry Tennessee sandstone at 20~ at various confining pressures. Dashed lines indicate trends in data. Results of relaxation tests on wet, unfaulted Tennessee sandstone. (b) Samples raised to about 90~ of the ultimate (short term) strength prior to relaxation. (c) Sample TS 35, raised to only 60~ of the ultimate strength prior to relaxation. originating in the apparatus. The resulting scatter in the log stress/log strain rate plots increases with decreasing strain rate (Fig. 2). Relaxation rates are converted into displacement rates using the calibrated stiffness characteristics o f the testing machine and specimen. Stated strain rates are nominal, and are calculated by dividing the observed displacement rate by the specimen length. The effects o f specimen variability and reproducibility between runs m a y be appreciated from Fig. 2d, in which several relaxation runs at 300~ on wet and dry prefaulted samples are plotted. The reproducibility is considered to be satisfactory. At high strain rates at 300~ the dry samples are stronger than the wet ones by an amount comparable to that observed at r o o m temperature. Comparing both the ultimate and residual strengths at r o o m temperature and 300~ there is seen to be no Vol. 116, 1978) 641 Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone | ~0 Jlr 'e b a. 7 i ,~ 9 C. ee .~ TS 3/. QNDO~ o 6-TS 30 dry 's P' ,..%. 9.~.:9 .3oooc , 9 o 3~t, 3.6 9 $~ 3 TS33 wet / ..,. = e% F -~ 3"~ 2"5 Xr I ~- 3"~ 2.5 e s 0 o 8 [Og~ot irne (see] b. o TS 30 dry 3-E ~0 8 Y ***t* e**,,ip,~ ~* 9 * **dry,, d. 34 ~5 3-~ TS 33 wet % .%. 3,64. J e wet 5 " 3 o 2-5 3.4 o o e e & -S I~ rate i Figure 2 Results of relaxation tests on pre-faulted Tennessee sandstone. All samples relaxed at 300~ except the 400~ TS 34 relaxation. (a) Log stress/log time curves for wet and dry samples. (b) Log stress/-log strain rate data for the same samples as in (a). (c) Log stress/-log strain rate data for sample TS 34, relaxed at 400~ and 300~ Point F is that at which temperature controller failure occurred (see text). The points labelled B were obtained by relaxation at a separately imposed reduced load. (d) Reproducibility on different test pieces. significant effect d u e to t e m p e r a t u r e , a n d this o b s e r v a t i o n is consistent with t h o s e r e p o r t e d b y STESKY et al. (1974) for o t h e r silicate rocks. W i t h d e c r e a s i n g strain rate the s t r e n g t h o f the d ~ r o c k decreases but slightly a n d this result is closely c o m p a r a b l e with the effects o f large strain rate changes at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e r e p o r t e d for a s a n d s t o n e by DONATH a n d FRUXH (197t) a n d for p o l y crystalline p y r i t e b y ATKINSON (1975). A t strain rates d o w n to a b o u t 10-7 s e c - 1 at 300~ t h e r e is little effect on the s t r e n g t h o f the wet r o c k b u t at lower rates the strength 642 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, of the wet rock begins to decrease at an accelerating rate. This kind of dramatic weakening induced in the wet rock has not been reported in any previous study, probably because the strain rate range which is observed-here lies outside the range of previous studies on wet rock. Figure 2c shows the results of experiment TS34, in which the same faulted sample was relaxed at both 300~ and 400~ Assuming the microstructure to be the same during both relaxations, the heat of activation, H, of the rate controlling process at various stress levels during relaxation may be calculated from this data using the relation H = - R(~ In ~/~ 1/T)~, s (2) assuming H to be constant over the temperature interval employed. This point will be pursued further in the discussion. (iii) Relaxation tests on unfaulted samples. Three relaxations were performed on samples which had not been prefaulted (Figs. lb and lc). TS12 and TS13 were relaxed at 300~ and 20~ respectively. Both samples were loaded to an estimated 90 percent of the short term ultimate failure stress. After relaxation and thin sectioning both samples were found to have no through going fault but a high microcrack density. It will be seen that the relaxation behaviour of sample TS12 is very similar to that of the prefaulted samples. To investigate further the effects of microcrack density, sample TS35 was loaded to only about 60 percent of the ultimate strength at 300~ and relaxed (Fig. lc). This sample was examined in thin section after relaxation, as was a similar sample which was loaded to a similar stress at 300~ but which was not relaxed. Both samples exhibited virtually zero visible microcrack density. The relaxation of TS35 is also strikingly different to that of a heavily microcracked sample. No significant relaxation occurred until a strain rate of about 3 x 10-s sec-1 was reached, beyond which the strength dropped abiuptly, rather like the rapid relaxation observed at low strain rates in the cracked samples. From these observations we infer that relaxation at moderate strain rates depends strongly upon crack density, whilst this dependence is less marked at low strain rates. 3. Discussion of the results Description of rheological data Over the full range of strain rates investigated, the dry samples showed a small but steady reduction in strength with decreasing strain rate. There is no significant change in the slope of the data trend. In contrast, in the results for wet rock, at least one and possibly two significant changes of slope occur, no matter whether the data be plotted in the log stress/log strain rate or stress/log strain rate coordinate frame. As a matter Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone 643 of course, we attempted to describe the relaxation data by polynomial regression analysis, but in view of the fact that this involves making m~justified presuppositions about the form of the constitutive flow law, and because examination of the residuals from the analysis showed no grounds for preferring a fit in either coordinate frame, we prefer to interpret the data from a qualitative standpoint only. Deformation mechanisms In thin section, the texture of all deformed samples was dominated by evidence of brittle fracture (Plate lb). There is no significant difference in the appearance of freshly faulted samples compared to prefaulted samples which had been relaxed. In view of the small strains accumulated during relaxation, this is not surprising. The same small strains also mean that it is difficult to infer which deformation mechanisms were dominant during the various phases of stress relaxation. Possible deformation mechanisms are discussed in the next sections. (i) Crystal plastic flow. Plastic flow by intracrystalline processes in response to high mean and deviatoric stresses might be expected to occur at point contacts of prefractured grains especially, perhaps, in the presence of an aqueous pore fluid. We have observed no evidence from SEM or optical studies to support this hypothesis, however. We are also inclined to discount a significant contribution from plastic deformation because MARTINand DURHAM(1975) have shown that plastic deformation even at crack tips in quartz deformed at 270~ in the presence of water vapour is insignificant. A preliminary examination of some of our deformed samples by high voltage transmission electron microscopy by Dr S. H. WHITE(personal communication, 1977) has so far failed to reveal any evidence for plastic deformation at the points of impingement of quartz grains. Nevertheless, in view of the small strains accumulated during relaxation, we cannot be certain that crystal plastic flow has not been important, especially at the lower strain rate ends of our stress relaxation tests, either in the quartz framework of the rock or in the clay matrix or in both. (ii) Stress corrosion crack 9rowth. This phenomenon has received much attention in the materials science literature (e.g., WEIDEgI-IORN, 1968; EVANSand JOHNSON, 1975). At low levels of the stress intensity factor, K, crack growth in silicate crystals and glasses takes place slowly (ca. 10 -4 to 10- J0 m sec- 1) and the crack velocity depends on the concentration of water vapour in the environment. In quartz it is believed to be determined by the kinetics of the hydrolysis of Si-O-Si bonds at the crack tip to the weaker, hydrogen bonded Si-OH---OH-Si group (MARTIN, 1972; SCHOLZ, 1972). The slope of a plot of log crack velocity against log K commonly lies in the range 10 to 20 (EvANs, 1973). At high K levels crack velocity is independent of water vapour concentration but shows a marked sensitivity to small changes in K. Thermal fluctuations are believed 644 E, H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, to influence crack velocity through their effect on the rate of nucleation and propagation of kinks in the crack tip line (LAWN, 1975). In an intermediate region of behaviour there is sometimes observed a range of K which does not change the crack velocity though a sensitivity to water vapour concentration exists similar to that observed at low K values. Such characteristics are interpreted to mean that the rate of diffusive transport of water to the moving crack tip is velocity controlling. In addition to slow crack growth controlled by stress corrosion, in suitable loading configurations the propagation of fast, unstable cracks may be initiated by stress corrosion effects. BALL and PAYNE (1976) have described the propagation of such cracks through quartz single crystals from deliberately introduced notches in samples tested in uniaxial tension. They showed that in the presence of water vapour nucleation of unstable cracks occurred arlower stresses than when tested dry. They suggested that water vapour increased the rate of sharpening of initial free surface cracks, assisted by the applied stress. SCHOLZ(1972) similarly interpreted his experimental results on the compression of quartz single crystals. A load on a brktle rock such as a sandstone is transmitted through regions of point contact between grains. This leads to the development of extension cracks oriented predominantly at a small angle to the loading direction. It is the coalescence of a zone of such axial microcracks along a fault plane of high resolved shear stress and the total crushing and comminution of grains within the fault zone which leads to the ultimate failure of a brittle rock. Microseismic emission indicates that many microcracks form rapidly (SCHOLZ, 1968; WU and THOMSEN, 1975). In their experiments on the crushing of aggregates of glass spheres, GALLAGm~Ret al. (1974) reported small stress drops and audible noises accompanying the formation of extension cracks linking point contacts between grains. Clearly, microcrack propagation between grains is often rapid and unstable, yet brittle rocks are weaker in the presence of water than when tested dry at strain rates of the order of 10 -4 sec- ~ (e.g., COLBACKand WIID, 1965). It seems likely therefore, that the stress corrosion process at high strain rates controls the rate of nucleation of microcracks rather than their rate of propagation. (ii.a) High strain rate behaviour of Tennessee sandstone. It is clear that at high strain rates there is a well marked effect of water on the strength of Tennessee sandstone (Fig. la). Plate lc shows the surface features of a typical intragranular crack in this rock. Such features are a characteristic of rapid propagation. We therefore attribute the weakening effect of water at high strain rates to an increased overall rate of development of fast axial cracks as a result of enhanced kinetics of sharpening of embryonic cracks around grain to grain point contacts, We suspect that the marked sensitivity of strain rate to small variations in the applied stress is due to the fact that the applied stress on the specimen will be magnified many times at the small areas of grain point contacts. Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone 645 20 prn Plate lc Scanning electron micrograph showing typical surface features of a microcracked quartz grain. FRIEDMAN et al. (1974) have shown that rapid (overall specimen strain rate 10 -4 sec- 1) faulting of Tennessee sandstone is accompanied by frictional melting under experimental conditions that embrace those employed for the initial faulting of specimens used in the present study. The glass so formed occurred in fibrous patches tending to cement the gouge. On the fault planes of our samples we have observed similar features with the SEM, and Wma'E (personal communication, 1977) has observed glass in the fault gouge in his preliminary study of our samples by transmission electron microscopy. SWAINand JACKSON(1976) have reported features in a natural fault plane which may indicate that very small amounts of frictional melting are not uncommon in nature. (ii.b) Behaviour o f Tennessee sandstone at intermediate to low strain rates. In the strain rate change 10-6 to 10-8 sec-i the wet samples lose strength at a rate of about one order of magnitude in stress to about 12 orders in strain rate. This is similar to the rate of change of log crack velocity with respect to log K reported by EVANS(1973) for soda-lime glass, and we suspect that the rate of stress relaxation of Tennessee sandstone is here controlled by slow tension crack growth or through frictional sliding between particles controlled by the stress corrosion failure of adhesion bonds. From a 646 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, comparison of the relaxation rate of the faulted samples with that of TS 12 (unfaulted but possessing a comparable microcrack density) it seems that the presence or absence of a fault is irrelevant to the mechanical behaviour in this strain rate regime. Therefore we conclude that at these lower stress levels most of the sample shortening in the faulted samples is not taken up by flow of the fault gouge but by further slow comminution of fractured grains adjacent to the gouge, with consequent widening of the gouge zone in direct proportion to the total amount of slip in the fault zone. Further support for this conclusion is provided by specimen TS35 (Fig. lc) which was relaxed after loading to only 60 percent of the faulting stress, and was almost devoid of optically visible microcracks. This sample failed to exhibit a 'slow crack growth' regime such as inferred above, but instead exhibited an abrupt strength drop at a strain rate of about 10 -s sec-1. The occurrence of the 'slow crack growth' regime therefore appears to be dependent on the presence of pre-cracked grains unless the rapid strength drop observed in TS35 is also associated with crack growth phenomena. The question of fault slip controlled by gouge thickening as against flow within the gouge has been discussed in the literature (e.g., EN~ELDER, 1974; JACKSONand D~JNN, 1975; ENGELDERet al., 1975). (ii.c) Change of temperature experiment. Only in the 'slow crack growth' strain rate regime have we so far been able to perform a change of temperature experiment in order to estimate an apparent heat of activation. Sample TS34 was relaxed at both 300 and 400~ (Fig. 2c). From an inspection of the separation of the isotherms at constant stress the heat of activation is about 21 500 cal mo1-1 over most of the observed stress range. Other studies have reported figures of this order from experiments on quartz and silicate glasses where it has been suggested that the mechanical behaviour is controlled by the kinetics of hydrolysis of Si-O-Si bonds (e.g., SCHOLZ, 1972; CHARLES,1959 ; WE~DERHORN,1968). Sample TS34 was first relaxed at 400~ but a temperature controller failure led to the specimen cooling to room temperature for several hours, at the point indicated by F in Fig. 2c. After reheating without changing the stress it was noted that the relaxation rate had abruptly decreased by at least two further orders of magnitude, below the limits of significant resolution. It was inferred that the cooling had resulted in the deposition of dissolved silica from the pore fluid into the cracks and pores, partially cementing the rock. When this cessation of creep had been established, the temperature was changed to 300~ but the rock was also otttoaded and then reloaded, so that any cement would become fractured. It is possible that the unwanted cooling episode may have affected the activation enthalpy determination, but it has also brought to our attention the idea that slight changes in the 'metamorphic' history of a rock, such as a slight change in the structure through cementation, may strongly affect the creep behaviour. DE BOER et al. (1977) have made a qualitatively similar observation in their experiments on the compaction of quartz sand at high temperature in the presence of a pore fluid, Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone 647 (iii) Deformation by pressure solution. The characteristic rock textures attributed to pressure solution processes are familiar to most geologists, e.g., interpenetration of grains with the removed material being redeposited as grain overgrowth or in pores, etc. Pressure solution as a deformation mechanism appears to be restricted to low grades of dynamothermal metamorphism, and gives way to crystal plastic flow with increasing grade. RUTXER (1976) presented a model to estimate the kinetics of this process, assuming diffusion through a supposed intergranular fluid film to be rate controlling. It was further assumed that the grain boundaries were everywhere parallel or perpendicular to the principal stresses, so that grain boundary sliding would not be important. Pressure solution processes are usually taken by geologists to result in the elimination of any existing pore space (compaction). If there is no flux of mineralised fluids the characteristic intergranular diffusion distance for pressure solution will be of the order of the grain diameter, d, in which case it may be shown that strain rate by pressure solution is proportional to 1/d 3. For more general granular aggregates creep by diffusive mass transfer requires grain boundary sliding to occur concurrently, so that intergranular voids need not be created. RaJ and ASHBY (1971) have developed a theoretical model of sliding on a serrated grain boundary, accommodated by diffusive mass transfer (Fig. 3). This ~ra~n A Local fliffusive flux ,.~,d \ ~'~.,~.~ T .~/. solution 4 / Region~ of precipll~lllon T Figure 3 (a) Schematic illustration of sliding of a serrated grain boundary at a rate controlled by grain boundary diffusion away from interfaces with relatively high normal stress and towards regions of potential dilation, where repreeipltation occurs (after RAJ and ASHBY, 1971). (b) On the larger scale of grain to grain relationships sliding between grains (A and B) and/or interpenetration by pressure solution (B and C) may lead to porosity fluctuations. model may be of relevance to the deformation of rocks at low strain rates in the presence of pore fluids, involving sliding between grains with local accommodation by grain boundary diffusion through an ~ntergranutar fluid film. However, even though it is assumed that there is no dilatancy in the stressed interface, on a larger scale there may be local porosity fluctuatior~s as grains slip from one local packing configuration to another (sand pile dilatancy of NuH, 1975) (see Fig. 3). In this adaptation of the RAJ and ASHBY(1971) model, the characteristic diffusion distance is much less than 648 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, one grain diameter, being of the order of the wavelength of the grain boundary asperities. Pressure solution processes producing dilatancy on the one hand and compaction through indentation on the other may be expected to compete, depending on the instantaneous rock texture and the strain history. Pressure solution sliding and indentation are possible processes at the low strain rate ends of our experiments. ELLIOTT (1976) has appealed to Raj and Ashby's model to describe the development of large scale striated hydrothermal vein minerals in dilatant natural shear faults. 7- .o theory 5" 3000C %:: j IBO ~ 9 I b-" 2.5' 2' 1"5' ! 3 -tog,estrain rate (sec") Figure 4 Comparison of typical relaxation behaviour for wet Tennessee sandstone at 300~ (TS 33) with isotherms predicted from the pressure solution sliding theory (see text). Given the assumptions set out by Rtn'xv_g (1976), it is possible to obtain theoretically an estimate for the rate of serrated grain boundary sliding controlled by diffusion through a thin liquid film, by adapting the analysis of RAT and AsI-IBV(1971). The derivation will be given in a further paper. We obtain, for a sinusoidal grain boundary: = 8 Co(p, r) hZP (0 In \ ~P ,Jr (3) Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxationof Faultedand UnfaultedSandstone 649 in which D is the sliding rate, z the shear stress along the grain boundary, h is the amplitude of the grain boundary asperities and D b is the grain boundary diffusion coefficient, p is the density of the solid phase and 6 is the width of the grain boundary. Co(p, T) is the temperature, T, and pore fluid pressure, p, dependent solubility of the solid. The temperature dependence of the sliding rate is contained in the Co(P, T) and Db terms. Together, it is expected that the apparent heat of activation for pressure solution sliding will be of the order of 7000 cal mol- i. This is very low compared with activation enthalpies usually associated with solid state diffusion processes. It means that even at low temperatures (< 300~ a substantial temperature change will produce a relatively small sliding rate change. In equation (3) the shear stress, v, is that which is applied to a particular grain boundary, and not that applied to the aggregate as a whole. For the purposes of rough calculation, however, they will be taken to be equal. Specifically with respect to quartz, using the data given by RUTTEP, (1976), equation (3) can be rewritten in the form 0 = 3.0 x 10 -9 "c6h -z p-1 exp (-7460/RT) exp (0.415p) (4) in which h and 6 are in cm, ~ and p are in kb, R is in cal. deg- l tool- 1 and 7?is in ~ The strain rate for the aggregate cannot be obtained directly from the sliding rate. We might assume that there is a given increment of strain, e, associated with each increment of sliding, and this will introduce a dependence upon grain size, e = kU/d, hence d = kU/d (5) where d is the grain diameter, and k is a constant, perhaps of order unity. This is a much weaker grain size dependence than the lid 3 dependence usually associated with creep controlled by grain boundary diffusion (Coble creep). This difference arises because h is taken to be generally much smaller than d. We have calculated strain rates using equations (4) and (5), assmrning h to be 1.0 ~un,k is unity and sliding is presumed to occur on all grain boundaries. The results are displayed graphically on Fig. 4, together with one of the sets of experimental data. Bearing in mind the crudeness of the model and the guesses as to the values of the various parameters, the agreement with the low stress end of the relaxation data is remarkable. The model predicts a linear viscous types of stress/strain rate relation and the experimental data, though possessing a considerable scatter, all lie within one decade of the predicted strain rate over a substantial stress range. The model also predicts no pronounced grain size effects. It was anticipated that if there was to be a marked grain size effect then the prefaulted samples, due to their possessing a fine grained gouge, might be expected to deform faster than the microcracked but unfaulted counterpart. As Figs. I and 2 show, there is no significant difference between faulted and unfaulted samples in the low stress regime. The pressure solution sliding model predicts that deformation rate should increase as pore fluid pressure is increased, all other factors remaining constant. We have not explored this point but SPRUNT and NuR (1976), reporting slow compaction tests on 650 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, St Peters sand in the presence of pore fluids at 270~ showed that the compaction rate is increased by increased pore pressure (at a constant effective confining pressure of 0.5 kb). They ascribe the observed compaction (measured from reduction in porosity) to pressure solution. They also showed that the compaction rate is enhanced by the application of shear stress, which is also predicted by our model From our experimental results it appears that flow produced by pressure solution may occur at about 2 kb differential stress and below at 1.5 kb effective confining pressure. This stress level is rather higher than might have been expected, for although an increase in applied stress should increase the rate of pressure solution, we anticipate that it might also decrease the intergranular diffusivity at some presently unknown rate. However, in a stressed porous aggregate we might expect some spectrum of normal stress across grain boundaries, the more highly stressed grains being on the point of brittle failure whilst the less heavily stressed grains may be able to undergo grain boundary sliding accommodated by pressure solution. The latter process will tend to relieve load on the less heavily stressed grains, thereby transferring it to the more heavily stressed grains which may fail by slow or fast brittle fracture, thus redistributing the loading yet again. We might therefore envisage a dynamic balance between pressure solution sliding and cracking, with the overall rate at low stress levels being controlled by intercrystalline diffusion. It is to be expected that sliding on grain boundaries should leave a fibrous film of recrystallised material. We have looked for such a feature using SEM, but have failed to find features which we consider to be totally convincing. However, assuming a sliding rate of 10- lo cm sec- 1, if such sliding occurs during the last 10 6 sec of a relaxation test, then recrystallised fibres will be at most 10 -4 cm in length, and would therefore be difficult to recognise. Using the results from these stress relaxation tests as a guide, further testing using the constant strain rate technique is planned with a view to accumulating larger strains at low strain rates, so that the operative deformation mechanisms may be more clearly identified. Examination of rocks naturally deformed by pressure solution processes usually reveals that the characteristic textural features are best developed in rocks relatively rich in phyllosilicate minerals, particularly clays. It may be inferred that the rate of intergranular diffusive transfer is enhanced by the presence of phyllosilicates (Rm'TER, 1976). The presence of ca. 10 percent clay in Tennessee sandstone was one of the reasons for choosing this rock for the experiments reported here. It will be necessary to perform experiments like these on clay free sandstone in order to evaluate the potential role of clays in producing the observed weakening at low strain rates. 4. Geological discussion We have described a set of experiments which show that a brittle rock tested at 300~ in the presence of water becomes markedly weakened at low strain rates. In addition we have presented an interpretation of the data, though much of the dis- Vol. 116, 1978) Stress Relaxation of Faulted and Unfaulted Sandstone 651 cussion is at this time rather speculative. Perhaps the most important geological implications of the data and the speculations are with respect to the mechanisms of deformation of rocks in fault zones. The rate of heat production in fault zones depends on the shear stress and the average rate of sliding. The lack of a sharply peaked heat flow anomaly along the San Andreas fault zone is taken to mean that a time averaged shear stress of the order of only 100 bars exists (STESKY and BRACE, 1973; BRUNE, 1974). This stress level must therefore be consistent with the observed slip rate. For many years it has been difficult to reconcile the high strengths of brittle rocks tested in the laboratory with the very much lower strengths attributed to rocks in nature. However, it is clear that the facts of our results hold a promise of such a reconciliation, quite irrespective of our interpretation. In addition to seismic fault slip it has been found that sections of active faults sometimes exhibit aseimic slip, or creep, measurable at the trace of the fault on the earth's surface (e.g., the straight portion of the San Andreas fault in central California, SCHOLZ et al., 1969). The surface creep usually takes the form of discrete 'creep events', periods of relativeiy rapid slip separated by much longer periods of quiescence, and these events propagate along the fault trace as dislocations (NASON and WEERTMAN, 1973). The episodic nature of the creep probably reflects the rheological characteristics of the fault rock close to the Earth's surface. In the case of the Californian active strike slip faults the seismicity is concentrated at depths less than ca. 15 km (SCHOLZ e t al., 1969; WESSOY et at., 1973). Below this depth range slip is totally aseismic and at lesser depths partly aseismic. Although our experimental conditions are not precisely what would be expected at ca. 15 km depth, let us assume them to represent a first order approximation. If we can extrapolate our observed stress/strain rate relation linearly and to large strains, or alternatively, employ our pressure solution sliding flow model, a fault zone I m to 10 m wide with an effective grain size of 10 .2 cm at 300~ would slip at a rate of the order of 1 cm yr- 1 under a shear stress level of about 100 bars. The inferred slip rate is commensurate with observed slip rates, and provided the proposed linear viscous flow law can be extrapolated linearly to zero stress, so that slip/no slip transients will not normally develop, we would infer that the slip rate would be fairly uniform over large areas of the fault, without any tendency for discrete creep events. Because the kind of flow which we envisage involves direct componental movements of rigid grains relative to one another, we regard 'flow controlled by pressure solution sliding' as a variety of cataclastic flow. Such flow can potentially lead to porosity and hence pore fluid pressure variations over long time periods at constant stress. Whether such fluctuations really occur, and their potential importance, remains to be seen. It must be pointed out that such a mechanism for producing time dependent porosity variations contrasts with the dilatancy which occurs as rocks are progressively loaded over a stress increment when close to failure (e.g., NtrR, 1975; BRACE and MARTIN, 1968). 652 E.H. Rutter and D. H. Mainprice (Pageoph, Under the higher pressure/temperature conditions of the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism it is reasonable to suppose that brittle fault zones pass into mylonitic shear zones (SmsoN, 1977) which are characterised by intense plastic deformation and recrystallisation, particularly of quartz (WHITE, 1976). Studies of deep levels of ancient fault zones, now exposed at the earth's surface, should reveal the various deformation mechanisms which characterise fault zones at various depths. If the proposed process of cataclastic flow controlled by pressure solution sliding is important in nature, we would expect it to be particularly so in the intermediate depth range, between the regimes dominated by seismicity on the one hand and plastic deformation on the other. On the experimental front, the effects of total confining pressure variation, pore water pressure variation, microstructural and mineralogical variations and the accumulation of large strains remain to be investigated, so the present extrapolations from a limited amount of factual data must be treated with great caution. Acknowledgements This work was funded initially under the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council grant No. GR.3/2048 and the continuation under the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program contract No. 14-08-0001G-377. For part of this project period one of us (Mainprice) was supported by a NERC advanced course studentship. 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