IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999 1177 An Accurate Method of Neglecting Dynamic Saliency of Synchronous Machines in Power Electronic Based Systems S. D. Pekarek, Member School of Electrical Engineering University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri and Abstract - In this paper, motivations for neglecting dynamic saliency in the detailed models of power electronic based systems are presented. A new method of neglecting dynamic saliency is then introduced in which approximate operational impedances are derived from original dynamic salient models. New machine parameters are obtained by fitting to the approximate impedance curves, yielding model parameters in which dynamic saliency is eliminated. An example synchronous machindconverter system is provided that demonstrates the accuracy and increased simulation efficiency resulting from this technique. Therein, errors resulting from neglecting dynamic saliency are reduced from greater than 25% using traditional approximations tn less than 0.6%. In addition, simulations using the new approximate model are greater than 48% faster than simulations based upon the original dynamic salient model. I. INTRODUCTION There are several approximations, models, and model structures that are used to represent the dynamics of the synchronous machine. The complexity of the model chosen for a particular analysis is a function of the size of the system being studied and the detail requircd. In several applications, including the development of reduced-order models of large-scale power systems [I I and average-value models of machine/converter systems [2], an approximation is made in which the dynamic saliency of the synchronous machine is ncglected. In large-scale transient analysis programs, neglecting the dynamic saliency provides a means to reduce computational requirements by eliminating time-dependent matrices [1]. In average-value analysis of machine/converter systems, neglecting dynamic saliency greatly reduces analytical derivations by eliminating time-varying commutating inductances [2]. Although several researchers have documented the use of the approximation, the actual methods used by researchers vary. In particular, some equipment manufacturers, particularly in North America, assume equal subtransient reactances and calculate q-axis machine parameters based upon this assumption [3]. In other cases, the system analyst neglects any differences, or uses a weighted average of the q- and d-axis dynamic reactances within the respective machine and network equations [1,2,41. PE-453-EC-0-12-1998 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Electric Machinery Committee of the iEEE Power Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. Manuscript submitted July 30, 1998; made available for printing December 17, 1998. E. A. Walters, Student Member School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana Several researchers have expressed concern over the use of these approximations, particularly in machines in which the ratio of the q- and d-axes dynamic reactances is large [2,5]. In the derivation of average-value models of synchronous machine/converter systems [2], errors of greater than 20% were documented when the dynamic saliency of an example synchronous machine was neglected. In this paper, it is first shown that neglecting dynamic saliency can substantially reduce the computational ovcrhead required in the detailed analysis of power electronic based generation systems. Such systems are typically used in shipboard and aircraft power and propulsion systems and consist of one or more generator/power electronic converters which supply power to a network consisting of highly-regulated loads. A new method of neglecting dynamic saliency is then derived. Using this method, the original parameters of the machine, which can be determined using any technique, are used to calculate operational impedances. From the original impedanccs, new approximate operational impedances are derived. The new curves match the original impedances over a user-specified frequency range, while having high-frequency asymptotes that are equal. A refitting of the machine parameters to the new approximate curves is performed in order to establish parameters that yield equal dynamic reactances. This technique requires little work from the system analyst, and greatly reduces the errors resulting from neglecting dynamic saliency. Example simulations using a machine with an original dynamic reactance ratio of 1.9 are provided in which the errors resulting from neglecting dynamic saliency are reduced from over 25%, using traditional methods, to less than 0.6%. In addition, simulations using the new approximate model arc greater than 48% faster than simulations based upon the original dynamic salient model. 11. BACKGROUND Since the techniques that are described in this paper are directly related to the model structure used to reprcsent synchronous machines in power electronic based system studies, it is convenient to describe the model of the synchronous machine that will be used herein. A generic Park's equivalent circuit of a synchronous machine is shown in Fig. 1. It is assumed that an arbitrary number of armortisseur windings, (denoted by M and N ) are represented in the q- and A x e s of the machine and that the rotor windings are referred to the stator windings by an appropriate turns ratio. It should be noted that sevcral analysts use additional leakage inductances in the d-axis of the machine [3,6,7]. The physical meaning and/or mathematical necessity of these terms remain matters of debate [8] and it is not the intention of this paper to support or dispute their use. Rather, the model structures and techniques described herein are applicable, with slight modification, to machines modeled with an 0885-8969/99/$10 1.00 0 1998 IEEE vos = r&O$ +PLlSiOS Herein, the dynamic inductances are defined as L, = Ld 4s = Lmq + Lmd where L,, = L",q II LlkqlII ... II LikqM Lmd = LmdII LlfdII LIkdl II ... II LikdN The back emfs are defined as i-qd I.. ,, M kiS vi,? Z<i(sJ I I I "2 L,,,~ j = i N I "2 v ~ = - o ~ h ; i CLmdrkd' ( ~ ( h ", - h i , , L8ndrkd'.r + ~ ~ d . j (13 d-axis Fig. 1 q-d equivalent circuit of synchronous machine. 'Ikdj j = 1 arbitrary number of additional terms in the d-axis of the machine, Although Park's circuit is an extremely useful representation of the synchronous machine, it is often difficult to represent power electronic circuits in terms of transformed stator variables. Therefore, in order to model the machine/electronic interface, a where coupling between the transformed stator variables and the physical variables of the power electronic circuit must be developed. = In many power electronic based generation systems, it is more convenient to represent the machine in terms of physical variables, rather than variables based upon Park's transformation. "2 M h, L,, model sources, can be developed Using physical using simple variables, circuit the elements machine/system such as voltage inductors, switches, and resistors lo describe the circuit configuration, without the need for physical/transformed variable coupling equations. Derivations of efficient physical-variable models are based upon manipulation of machine equations in the rotor reference frame. Transformation between the physical variables and transformed variables is accomplished using Park's transformation j = 1 (2) E(%)] h, = L+&+ j = 1 as = r'riabcsCP'Labcs(er)iobcsl 1 2 2 2 The equations describing Park's circuit can be manipulated into a Corm in which the stator voltage equations are expressed as [9] .I v 9s r = rsiqs t r o,Ldi:,T+ pLqi,,v + vq " " + v'bcs where r,r is a diagonal matrix of stator resistances, and ,, ,, -1 (15 'Ikdj Applying the inverse of Park's transformation to (5)-(7),the sta tor voltage equations are expressed in terms of physical variable: Ls(')= LlstL,-Lb"s(') (4) -1 (14 N (1) givenby 2 Likdj La ,I LM(.)= - z - L b c o s ( . ) and L i = (Lmq L m d ) / 3 (16 ~i~~ i: 1179 parameters, the solution of (25) must be performed at each integration time-step. In contrast, if L, is time-invariant, the inverse (22) The stator voltage equations given by (16), along with the voltage equations r. of L, may be precomputed and the solution involves only a matrix-vector multiply at each time-step. Thus, the disparity in the number of operations required at each time-step between the time-varying and time-invariant models, increase on the order of 3 , where n represents the number of states in the system. Addi(23) tionally, the time-varying inductances can produce time-varying Llj positive eigenvalues [91 that can reduce the efficiency when r. ph. = (24) implementing a variable step-size integration algorithm [14]. - hmd)+ v, ; j = fd, k d l , , , , kdN J J Llj Second, several commercial algorithmic languages, such as . . where kmq and Am, are the magnetizing flux linkages, define Spice [lo] and Saber [ I l l , do not include a component representation of time-varying inductors. Therefore, the elimination of the so-called physical-variable voltage-behind-reactance (PVBR) time-varying inductances in the PVBR model provides a model of the synchronous machine. It is important to note that no to easily implement an efficient physical-variable model of the approximations are made in its derivation. Neglecting numerical synchronous machine in such error, the solution of the corresponding equations yields the Same These incentives provide a motivation to develop an accutime-domain response of a full-order Park's circuit model upon rate physical-variable synchronous machine model in which the which it is based. inductances are time-invariant. p h . = -L(hj-k,,,,)+vj;j ' = kql, ...kqM 111. NUMERICAL ADVANTAGES OF NEGLECTING DYNAMIC SALIENCY n IV. TRADITIONAL METHODS OF NEGLECTING DYNAMIC SALIENCY Traditionally, a significant challenge in the development of For machines in which at least one d-axis amortisseur windpower electronic based systems has been the derivation of ing is represented, equipment manufacturers often provide detailed models from which a system can be analyzed and machine parameters that have equal dynamic reactances [3]. Hisdesigned. In particular, the use of power electronic devices torically, deriving models that have equal dynamic reactances has makes it difficult for an individual to analytically derive the dif- been facilitated by the calculation procedures used to determine ferentialequationsforallpotentialswitchingtopologiesofasystem.machine parameters. In particular, using traditional methods, In order to alleviate the task of analytically deriving the equations parameters of the d-axis are calculated based upon open-circuit of complex power systems, several algorithmic methods have and short-circuit tests. Similar tests to determine q-axis dynamic been developed [10,11,12]. The syntax of the algorithms, as well values are impractical; therefore, approximations are often used. as the equations that are formed and solved, vary. However, In particular, each axis is modeled with an identical number of regardless of the method, the complexity and model structure of rotor windings and the q-axis dynamic reactance is assumed to be components are critical factors in establishing computationally equal to that of the d-axis, X, = X d . Values of the q-axis rotor efficient system models. The PVBR model described in Section I1 has been shown to Circuit parameters are then determined using these approximabe an efficient model structure for detailed analysis of power tions [3l. TO the authors' knowledge, the accuracy of neglecting electronic based systems. Comparisons between model struc- dynamic saliency using this technique has never been analytically tures of synchronous machines used in algorithmic languages established, although it has been questioned [51. Furthermore, have demonstrated that the PVBR is significantly more efficient the test procedures used to obtain the q-axis parameters from than standard physical-variable models [9] and models in which these methods has been opened to concern [3]. This technique Park's circuit is used with associated coupling equations [13]. will not he explored in depth in this paper for two reasons, First, Although efficient, there are significant incentives to eliminate from an analyst's Perspective, if Parameters are provided in this the time-varying inductances present in the model, The incen- form, the accuracy of neglecting dynamic saliency only becomes an issue if the responses predicted by the model are deemed inactives are two-fold. First, significant numerical gains can be achieved if time- Curate. In such instances, the analyst will most likely need to pervarying inductances are eliminated. In particular, in differential form tests in which the q-axis machine paramcters can he equation-based algorithms, a major computational step is the measured, such as a Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test. manipulation of the system equations into an explicit state model Results Of these tests will most likely yield a model that does not form. This manipulation, in which currents are state variables, have equal dynamic reactances, in which case the technique requires the solution of a system of equations of the form described in this paper can be applied. Second, with advances in (25) test procedures to measure q-axis parameters, a more common L,& = -(rx+pL,)ix+vx approximation applied in power electronic based system analysis for the derivative of the state vector, pi,. In ( 2 3 , rz , L x , and is to neglect dynamic saliency in the machine and system equa- pL, are algorithmically generated matrices consisting of branch tions [21. The accuracy of neglecting dynamic saliency using this technique has been analytically examined for machine/conresistances, inductances, and time-rates of change of inductances, verter systems, and serious regarding the accuracy of respectively. The size of these matrices are directly proportional the auuroximation have raised 121, _. .to the size of the system. If the matrix L, contains time-varying Considering the PVBR model of the machine given in (16)- 1180 (24), the time-varying inductances are eliminated if the following assumption is made, namely I , I, Ld-L !? Lb = -o. (26) 3 Determining mathematical hounds for errors resulting from this approximation is a tedious, if not intractable, task. Therefore, to better understand this approximation, it is helpful to transform the stator equations (16) in which (26) is applied, to the rotor reference frame. Application of Park's transformation to the approximate stator equations yields U , over the entire frequency range. 2 V. NEW METHOD OF NEGLECTING DYNAMIC SALIENCY Observing that the traditional method of neglecting dynamic saliency introduces errors over the entire frequency range, a new method is derived that only introduces errors at and beyond a user specified frequency, f, . Independent of how the synchronous machine parameters are determined, the operational impedances for the q- and d-axes can he expressed as (29) (27) (30) (28) where X4, X,, and zXy are determined from the machine param- "d Comparing the original and approximate models, it is seen that the q- and d-axis dynamic reactances in (5)-(6) are replaced with average values of the q- and d-axis dynamic reactances in (27)(28). This is interesting, since (27)-(28) are similar to representations of the stator voltage equations which raised concerns regarding the accuracy of neglecting dynamic saliency in [Z]. To further compare the original and approximate models, it is interesting to consider the models in the frequency domain. In particular, by simulating a machine to a steady state, and setting the rotor angular velocity and stator resistance to zero, perturbations to v i $ and v i s can he made and the resulting perturbations eters as shown in 1151. From these expressions, the high-frequency asymptotes, which correspond to the dynamic reactances, are defined as x" = 4 x" -- ( 2y15y2"'TqM 4 ZYlTYZ"'TQM 1 (31) (32) d(2Tdf:l"'TdN) Df D1 " " D N In general, xq and xd Will not be equal. Therefore, from (211, the PVBR model will contain time-varying inductances. As shown in the Section 111, significant advantages can be realized if I , .I measured. The resulting input impedance of the q- time-varying inductances are eliminated. Thus, the goal of this technique is to fit machinc parameters to approximate impedance and d-axes equivalent circuits, Zq(s) and z d ( s ) , can then he curves that have equal dynamic reactanceS while matching the obtained numerically and used to establish the operational imped- original operational impedances for frequencies less than a user ances X,(s) and X,(s) [E].The numerically calculated q- and specified rotor fit frequency, f,. This goal can be accomplished d.axes operational impedances of the synchronous machine by altering the rotor windings in the original model or by adding described in section VI are shown in pig, 2, comparing the a winding in either or both axes. From experience with this technique, either or both q- and d- axes may he manipulated with identical results. Therefore, for simplicity, only the q-axis Model parameters will be modified herein. Once the rotor fit frequency, f,,is sct by the user, the refitIn tqS and i;, 01 10'~ J io2 io-' ioo IO' 10% io3 10' ting of the impedances is a two step procedure. The first step is to consider whether an additional winding is required. A winding will need to he added if T 1 QM >-207lfr (33) Failure to add a winding- if (33) . . is satisfied will produce a q-axis impedance that will not match the original q-axis impedance to ' z* 0 the specified frequency f,. IO-' 10.' 10.' loo IO' IO' 10' io4 The second step is to determine the q-axis operational frequency (Hz) impedance time constants. If a rotor winding is added, numerator Fig. 2 q- and d-axis operational impedances, original and traditional approximate and denominator time constants, 2Ty(M + and T Q ( M+ 11, must models. _"._ L-- , ~ impedances of the original and traditional approximate model shows the frequency domain errors associated with the traditional method of neglecting dynamic saliency. In Particular, in the traditional approximate model, the curves are both shifted by he added to (29) to fully describe the higher order system, If a winding is not added, TqM and T~~ must he modified to provide equal dynamic reactances. In either case, only the numerator and denominator time constants associated with the highest order result of the equal dynamic reactances. Iff, is large, a high frequency rotor time constant is introduced. However, the rotor terms required to produce accurate results are generally slow compared to many stator time constants in power electronic based systems. Therefore, the effect on simulation performance is minimal. VI. COMPUTER STUDY In order to illustrate the accuracy and numerical efficiency resulting from the new approximation technique, the results of two computer studies are described. The synchronous machine = 0.08 rs = 5.15 'L,? x mq rkd = 0.024 = 1.00 xLkd= 0.334 XLfd = 0.137 XI,,, = 0.330 r* r* = 0.062 kq2 kql = 10.44 XTkq2 = 0.331 X m d = 1.71 rj.. = 1.11 r k q Z = 0.061 XTkql = 0.146 * indicate refitted parameter. variable .I traditional approximate model new approximate model 29.7 % 1.3 % 21.5 % 0.1 % 31.1 % 0.7 % 24.4 % 0.2 % NAM, which is expected since the state model of the system is relatively small in order. Therefore, the addition of a rotor state has a more significant impact than would occur for larger-scale systems. Although the CPU time required by the OM are not prohihitive for this study, as the size of the system increases, the computations required to reform the state model at each time-step increases. Therefore, the difference in efficiency between the NAM and OM will significantly increase with the size of the svs- 'qs .I Ids T. $"d 4 - 2 . so -2 -4 10 Traditional Approximate h 8 5 c2 '0 1 I Traditional Approximate 6 6.05 6.1 6.15 6.2 6.25 6.3 time (s) In Fig. 4 Responseof NAM and OM are less than o,6 % for all system contrast, the TAM response is significantly less accurate. Errors for the TAM system variables are greater than 25%, which correspond to results published in 121. Close inspection of the responses also reveals that the TAM does not accurately predict the switching dynamics in either the steady-state or transient response. The solution of the NAM and TAM responses was accomplished by pre-computing the matrix L, at each change in topol- ogy. Thereby, the solution of (25) only required a matrix-vector multiply at each integration timc-step. In contrast, because of the time-varying inductances of the OM model, a linear solve routine was required to form the OM state model at each integration time-step. The CPU times required to calculate the 0.2 s studies on a 133-MHz Pentium PC, are given in Table 4. Therein, it is seen that the time-invariant form of the PVBR is significantly more efficient than the time-varying form. 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