Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures

H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
1. A Nucleon in a Tiny Box, workshop on Efecive Theories in Nuclear Physics and Lattice QCD
at the ECT*, Trento (Italy), 18th – 23rd July 2005, org. A. Parreño, P. F. Bedaque and E. Pallante;
2. Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering off the Proton and Deuteron, Maier-LeibnitzColloquium, jointly organised by the Physics Departments of TU München and München University,
14th July 2005;
3. Three-Nucleon Forces in Effective Field Theory without Pions, workshop on Nuclear Forces and
QCD: Never the Twain Shall Meet? at the ECT*, Trento (Italy), 20th June – 1st July 2005,
org. J. McGovern, U. van Kolck, R. G. E. Timmermans and B. Gibson;
4. Magnetische Monopole und ungewöhnliche Erhaltungssätze, Akademischer Vortrag (final academic colloquium), presented to the Physics-faculty of Technische Universität München (Germany) as final part
of the proceedings to obtain the degree of Habilitation, 15th June 2005, mentor H. Friedrich;
5. Asymmetries and Spin-Polarisabilities in Compton Scattering, workshop on Two-Photon Physics at
the ECT*, Trento (Italy), 23rd – 27th May 2005, org. B. Pasquini, M. Vanderhaegen, V. Pascalutsa
and C. Carlson;
6. An Effective Tale of A Few Nucleons, colloquium to the Department of Physics, The George Washington
University (Washington DC), 13th April 2005, org. C. Bennhold;
7. Energy-Dependent Polarisabilities: A New Tool to Study the Nucleon, TUNL/HIγS Seminar on Nuclear
Physics, Duke University (Durham, USA), 11th April 2005, org. H. Weller;
8. Deuteron Electro-Disintegration at Very Low Energies, invited contribution at the Frühjahrstagung
2005 des Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2005 Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical Society), Berlin (Germany), 4th – 9th March 2005, org. A. Schäfer;
9. A Nucleon in a Tiny Box, invited contribution at the Frühjahrstagung 2005 des Fachverbandes
Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2005 Spring Conference
on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical Society), Berlin (Germany), 4th – 9th March 2005,
org. A. Schäfer;
10. An Effective Tale of A Few Nucleons at Very Low Energies, Triangle Nuclear Theory Colloquium (Joint
Nuclear Physics Seminar of the Research Triangle Universities) and NCSU Nuclear Theory Seminar at
the Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics Group of North Carolina State University, Raleigh (USA),
22nd February 2005, org. Th. Schäfer;
11. Effective Field Theory, Nucleons and Photons,
(a) seminar at the Nuclear Theory Group, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA), 24th February 2005,
org. U. van Kolck;
(b) Nuclear Seminar at the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Ohio University, Athens (Ohio,
USA), 17th February 2005, org. D. R. Phillips;
12. Probing Nucleons and Few-Nucleon Systems at Low Energies with Photons, Nuclear Physics Colloquium
presented to the Sonderforschungsbereich 634, Institut für Kernphysik/S-DALINAC of TU Darmstadt
(Germany), 13th January 2005, org. A. Richter;
13. Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering off the Proton and Deuteron, 337th WE Heraeus
Seminar: Effective Field Theories in Nuclear, Particle, and Atomic Physics, Bad Honnef
(Germany), 13th – 17th December 2004, org. J. Bijnens, U.-G. Meißner and A. Wirzba, see Ref. [24];
14. Leichte Kerne unter der Lupe: Struktur und Dynamik von Wenig-Nukleon-Systemen, colloquium presented to the Physics-faculty of Technische Universität München (Germany) as part of the proceedings
to obtain the degree of Habilitation, 20th October 2004, mentor H. Friedrich;
H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
15. Compton Scattering and the Polarisabilities of the Nucleons, invited seminar at the Erice-School/Workshop on Nuclear Physics, 26th Course: Lepton Scattering and the Structure of Hadrons
and Nuclei, Erice Trapani (Italy), 16th – 24th September 2004, org. A. F”assler, see Ref. [26];
16. Some Recent Developments in Electro-Magnetic Interactions of Few-Body Systems, invited plenary talk
at the 19th European Few-Body Conference, Groningen (The Netherlands), 23rd – 27th August
2004, org. N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, see Ref. [27];
17. Model-Independent Extraction of Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering off Nucleons and
Deuterons, seminar at the Nuclear Theory Group of Los Alamos National Laboratories (USA), 13th
May 2004, org. J. Friar;
18. Nuclear Physics at Very Low Energies, colloquium at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (USA),
11th May 2004, org. M. Burkardt;
19. High Accuracy in the Nucleon-Deuteron System at Very Low Energies, seminar at the Nuclear Theory
Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (USA), 5th May 2004, org. P. Bedaque;
20. Photons and the Triton at Very Low Energies, invited contribution at the Gemeinsamen Frühjahrstagung 2004 des Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen
Gesellschaft mit der Niederländischen, Belgischen und Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2004 Joint Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical
Society with the Belgian, Dutch and Austrian Physical Societies), Köln (Germany), 8th – 12th March
2004, org. A. Schäfer;
21. Compton Scattering off Nucleons and Deuterons, XXXIIth International Workshop on Gross
Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Probing Nuclei and Nucleons with Electrons and Photons, Hirschegg (Austria), 11th – 17th January 2004, org. M. Buballa, W. Nörenberg,
B.-J. Schaefer and J. Wambach, see Ref. [28];
22. Dispersive Effects in the Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering off Light Nuclei, INT Programme 03-3: Theories of Nuclear Forces and Nuclear Systems, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle (USA), 23rd October 2003, org. R. Furnstahl, R. Timmermans and U. van Kolck;
23. Systematic Low-Energy Expansion for Three Nucleons to All Orders, INT Mini-Workshop on Two
and Three Nucleon Forces, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle (USA), 7th – 10h October 2003,
org. R. Furnstahl, R. Timmermans and U. van Kolck;
24. All-Order Power Counting for Three Nucleons at Very Low Energies,
(a) Chiral Dynamics 2003: Theory and Experiment, Universität Bonn (Germany), 8th – 13h
September 2003, see Ref. [29];
(b) Joint ECT*/University of Trento Colloquium, ECT* Trento (Italy), 18th December 2003,
org. W. Weise;
25. Three Nucleons at Very Low Energies: From Theory to Experiment, Berkeley Visitors Programme
on Effective Field Theories 2003, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (USA), 7th – 28th
July 2003, org. P. Bedaque;
26. Two and Three Nucleon Effective Field Theory at Very Low Energies,
(a) seminar at the Nuclear Theory Group, Universität Tübingen (Germany), 3rd February 2004,
org. A. Fässler;
(b) LOWq-03: 2nd Workshop on Electromagnetic Nuclear Reactions at Low Momentum
Transfer, Halifax (Canada), 16th – 18th July 2003, org. A. Sarty and H. Weller;
27. Getting the Spin-Polarisabilities of the Nucleon from Experiments, LOWq-03: 2nd Workshop on
Electromagnetic Nuclear Reactions at Low Momentum Transfer, Halifax (Canada), 16th
– 18th July 2003, org. A. Sarty and H. Weller;
H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
28. Excitements at Very Low Energies: 2 and 3 Nucleon Physics, colloquium at the Paul Scherrer
Institute, Villingen (Switzerland), 9th May 2003, org. K. Diener;
29. Testing Chiral Perturbation Theory: Compton Scattering, Final Workshop of the DFG-Focus
Programme on the Hadronic Structure of Nucleons and Nuclei with Electro-magnetic Probes, Bad
Honnef (Germany), 14th – 16th April 2003, org. B. Schoch;
30. Compton Scattering on Nucleons: Spin-dependent and Spin-independent Polarisabilities, workshop on
Compton Scattering from Low to High Momentum Transfer at the ECT*, Trento (Italy),
31th March – 4th April 2003, org. B. Pasquini, M. Vanderhaegen and C. Weiss;
31. Three Nucleons at Very Low Energies, invited plenary contribution at the Frühjahrstagung 2003 des
Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2003
Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical Society), Tübingen (Germany), 17th
– 21st March 2003, org. A. Schäfer;
32. Why Theorists Need a Better Determination of the nd Scattering Length,
(a) Maier-Leibnitz-Colloquium, jointly organised by the Physics Departments of TU München and
München University, 23rd January 2003;
(b) CEA/DAPNIA Nuclear Physics Group Colloquium, Saclay (France), 27th September 2002,
org. H. Glättli;
(c) Workshop on Future Instruments for Nuclear and Particle Physics and methods at
the FRM-II, TU München (Germany), 12th April 2002;
33. Introduction to Effective Field Theory in the Few Nucleon System, lecture at the 19th Students’
Workshop on Electromagnetic Interactions, Bosen (Germany), 1st – 6th September 2002,
org. D. Drechsel and L. Tiator (Mainz);
34. Learning from Dispersive Effects in the Nucleon Polarisabilities,
(a) ECT* Workshop Structure of the Nucleon, ECT* Trento (Italy), 2nd – 11th September 2002,
org. M. Birse, A. Thomas and W. Weise;
(b) workshop ETSIM: Effective Theories of Strongly Interacting Matter, Manchester University (UK), 14th – 19th July 2002, org. J. McGovern, M. Birse and N. Walet;
(c) ECT* Collaboration Meeting Baryon Structure Probed with Quasi-static Electromagnetic Fields, ECT* Trento (Italy), 15th – 19th April 2002, org. B. Pasquini, M. Vanderhaeghen
and L. Van Hoorebeke;
(d) 9th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons 2002), Newport
News, Virginia, 3rd – 8th March 2002; org. J. Domingo, J. Goity and B. Mecking, see Ref. [30];
(e) Nuclear Theory Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (USA), 26th February 2002,
org. P. Bedaque;
(f) 264th WE-Heraeus-Seminar Effective Field Theories of QCD, Bad Honnef (Germay), 26th –
30th November 2001, org. J. Bijnens, U.-G. Meißner and A. Wirzba, see Ref. [31];
(g) Joint ECT*/University of Trento Colloquium, ECT* Trento (Italy), 11th October 2001,
org. W. Weise;
35. What to Learn about Dispersive Effects in the Nucleon Polarisabilities from Compton Scattering on the
Proton and Deuteron, Nuclear Physics Colloquium at Universität Mainz (Germany), 29th October
2001, org. S. Scherer;
36. An Introduction to Few Nucleon Systems in Effective Field Theory,
(a) plenary talk 8th Conference Mesons and Light Nuclei, Praha (Czech Republic), 2nd – 6th
July 2001, see Ref. [32];
H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
(b) Theory Seminar of the Werner-Heisenberg (Max-Planck-)Institute für Physik, München (Germany), 9th April 2001;
(c) INT Programme 00-2: Effective Field Theories and Effective Interactions, Institute
for Nuclear Theory, Seattle (USA), 10th August 2000, org. D. B. Kaplan, W. Haxton and P. Lepage;
(d) Theory Seminar of the Institut für Theoretische Physik III der Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg
(Germany), org. F. Lenz, 15th May 2000;
(e) Theory Colloquium at the Technische Universität München, München (Germany), 3rd May 2000;
37. The Pion-deuteron Scattering Length from Perturbative Pion Physics, Frühjahrstagung 2001 des
Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2001
Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical Society), Erlangen (Germany), 19th
– 23rd March 2001;
38. Nucleon Properties by Probing the Deuteron at Low Energies,
(a) Joint ECT*/University of Trento Colloquium, ECT* Trento (Italy), 1st August 2001,
org. W. Weise;
(b) INT workshop Theories of Nuclear Forces and Few-Nucleon Systems, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle (USA), 11th – 16th June 2001, org. B. Gibson, R. Timmermans and U. van
(c) Frühjahrstagung 2001 des Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2001 Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical
Society), Erlangen (Germany), 19th – 23rd March 2001;
39. Dispersive Effects in the Nucleon Polarisabilities, ECT* Collaboration Meeting Real and Virtual
Compton Scattering off the Nucleon, ECT* Trento (Italy), 19th – 24th April 2001, org. B. Pasquini and M. Vanderhaeghen;
40. Effective Field Theory with Two and Three Nucleons,
(a) plenary talk at the 17th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Evora
(Portugal), 11th – 16th September 2000, see Ref. [35];
(b) Bolona 2000: Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, Bologna, Italy,
29th May - 3rd June 2000; org. G.C. Bonsignori, M. Bruno, A. Ventura and D. Vretenar, Ref. [34];
41. Deuteron and Three Body Properties from Perturbative Nuclear Physics,
(a) Workshop of the DFG-Focus Programme on the Hadronic Structure of Nucleons and Nuclei
with Electro-magnetic Probes, Bad Honnef (Germany), 16th – 18th October 2000, org. B. Schoch;
(b) Triangle Nuclear Theory Colloquium (Joint Nuclear Physics Seminar of the Research Triangle Universities), held at the Theoretical Nuclear Physics Group of Duke University (Durham, NC
(USA)), 11th January 2000, org. R. P. Springer;
(c) Frühjahrstagung 2000 des Fachverbandes Hadronen und Kerne der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (2000 Spring Conference on Hadrons and Nuclei of the German Physical
Society), Dresden (Germany), 20th – 23rd March 2000;
(d) Theoretical Particle Physics Group Colloquium of the Paul Scherrer Institute,
Villingen (Switzerland), 9th December 1999, org. R. Rosendorfer;
(e) Theory Seminar of the Institut für Theoretische Physik III der Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg
(Germany), 16th July 1998, org. F. Lenz;
42. Perturbative Pions in Deuteron Compton Scattering And Three Body Physics, 3rd Workshop on
Chiral Dynamics - Chiral Dynamics 2000: Theory and Experiment, Newport News, Virginia,
17th – 22nd July 2000; org. A. Bernstein, J. Gasser and U.-G. Meißner, see Ref. [33];
H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
43. A Tale of Two and Three Bodies, plenary talk at the International Workshop on Hadron
Physics: Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD, Coimbra (Portugal), 10th – 15th September
1999, see Ref. [36];
44. Deuteron and Three Body Properties from Perturbative Nuclear Physics, Workshop on the Nuclear
Interaction: Modern Developments at the ECT* Trento (Italy), 28th June – 9th July 1999;
45. Deuteron Properties from Perturbative Nuclear Physics,
(a) Nuclear Theory Group of NORDITA in København (Denmark), org. P. Hoyer, 2nd December 1998;
(b) Nuclear Physics Group of Lund University (Sweden), org. B. Schröder, 3rd December 1998;
(c) Institut für Theoretische Physik of Bern University (Switzerland), org. J. Gasser, 8th December
(d) Institut für Theoretische Kernphysik at the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany), org. U.-G. Meißner, 14th December 1998;
(e) Service de Physique Theorique in Saclay (France), org. M. Rho, 15th December 1998;
(f) Institut für Theoretische Physik, Abteilung Elementarteilchenphysik of Heidelberg University (Germany), org. H.-G. Dosch, 17th December 1998;
(g) Institut für Theoretische Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik of the Technical University München
(Germany), org. W. Weise, 22nd December 1998;
46. A Hydrogen Atom of QCD, or: Heavy Quarkonia in NRQCD, colloquium at the Strong Interactions
Seminar of the Technical University München (Germany), org. W. Weise, 21st December 1998;
47. The Soft Régime and β Function of NRQCD,
(a) the Institut für Theoretische Physik of the Universität Tübingen (Germany), org. H. Reinhardt,
11th December 1998;
(b) Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum III at TJNL, Newport News (USA), 8th –
12th June 1998, org. N. Isgur, see Ref. [37];
(c) Euroconference QCD ’98 in Montpellier, France, 2nd – 8th July 1998, org. S. Narizon, see
Ref. [37];
48. The Soft Gluonic Régime in Dimensionally Regularised NRQCD,
(a) Mini-Symposium on NRQCD at the 1998 Joint APS/AAPT Meeting in Columbus (Ohio, USA),
20th April 1998, convener R. P. Springer;
(b) Joint Caltech/INT Workshop Nuclear Physics With Effective Field Theories at Caltech,
26th – 27th February 1998, see Ref. [38];
(c) Theory Seminar of the Institut für Theoretische Physik III der Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg
(Germany), org. F. Lenz, 2nd February 1998;
49. Defects Signal the Failure of Modified Axial Gauge QCD3+1 , seminar,
(a) Institut für Theoretische Physik of the Universität Tübingen (Germany), (org. H. Reinhardt), 7th
November 1996;
(b) Theory Group of Brown University in Providence (Rhode Island, USA), org. H. M. Fried, 9th
December 1996;
(c) High Energy Theory Group of New York University (USA), org. D. Zwanziger, 11th December 1996;
(d) Particle Physics Group of the University of Conneticut (Storrs, USA), org. M. Islam, 12th December
(e) Theory Group of the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign (USA), org. G. Baym, 13th
December 1996;
H. W. Grießhammer Invited Conference Contributions, Seminars, Lectures
(f) Nuclear Theory Group of the State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA), org. J. Verbaarschot, 16th December 1996;
(g) Theory Group of the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (Newport News, USA), org. J. Goity,
18th December 1996;
(h) Nuclear Theory Group of the Niels Bohr Institute for Theoretical Physics of København University
(Denmark), org. P. Damgaard, 8th January 1997;
(i) Nuclear Theory Group of the University of Washington (Seattle, USA), org. G. A. Miller, 5th March
(j) High Energy Theory Group of the Brookhaven National Laboratories (Brookhaven (NY), USA), org.
M. Creutz, 10th March 1997;
50. Defects in Modified Axial Gauge QCD3+1 ,
(a) 2nd AUP-Workshop on QCD: Collisions, Confinement and Chaos at the American University of Paris, 3rd – 8th June 1996; convener L. McLerran, see Ref. [39];
(b) Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum II at Villa Olmo, Como (Italy), 26th – 29th
June 1996; conveners A. Di Giacomo, F. Zachariasen, see Ref. [39];
51. Axial Gauge QCD and Magnetic Vortices, Frühjahrstagung 1996 des Fachverbandes Teilchenphysik der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (1996 Spring Conference on Particle Physics
of the German Physical Society), Stuttgart (Germany), 25th – 29th March 1996;
52. The ϑ-Angle in Axial Gauge QCD, seminar at the Instituut Lorentz for Theoretical Physics of the
Rijks-Universitaet Leiden (Netherlands), (org. Prof. P. van Baal), 14th December 1995.
53. Large Gauge Transformations and Magnetic Vortices in Axial Gauge QCD, International Workshop on Non-Perturbative Approaches to Quantum Chromodynamics, European Centre for
Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas ECT* at Trento (Italy), 10th – 28th July
1995, org. D. Diakonov, see Ref. [40].