Turboprop Propulsion System Malfunction R Recognition iti and d Response R Propulsion System Malfunction Recognition and Response “The The rate of occurrence per airplane departure for Propulsion System Malfunction Plus Inappropriate Crew Response (PSM+ICR) accidents has remained essentially constant for many man years. ears These accidents are still occurring despite the significant improvement in propulsion system reliability, suggesting an increase in rate of inappropriate crew response to propulsion system malfunction.” Introduction to the AIA/AECMA Working Group Report on PSM+ICR Turboprop PSM+ICR 2 Major Conclusions Many pilots have difficulty identifying certain propulsion system malfunctions and reacting appropriately. Pilots are failing to properly control the airplane after a prop lsion system propulsion s stem malfunction malf nction which hich should sho ld have ha e been within their capabilities to handle. The changing pilot population, coupled with reduced exposure to in-service events due to increased propulsion system t reliability, li bilit is i generating ti large l numbers b off flight fli ht crews who have little or no prior experience with actual propulsion system failures. Turboprop PSM+ICR 3 Conclusions - Recommendations Simulated V1 engine failures in an airplane have caused a number of hull loss/fatal accidents. It was the Working Group’ss belief that this specific training could be better Group effected in simulators. Where suitable simulators are not available, the airplane handling task could then be adequately and much more safely trained at altitude, altitude where recovery can be safely accomplished. The use of flight g idle on turboprop p p airplanes p for simulated engine failures or in the event of a malfunction has been associated with loss of control events if the engine is not sshut u do down. Opportunities exist for negative transfer of trained pilot behavior and experience p when transitioningg between different airplane types. Turboprop PSM+ICR 4 Turboprop Accidents by Phase of Flight 75 fatal accidents Take-off phase of flight 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Takeoff Turboprop PSM+ICR Climb Cruise Descent Approach Go-around Landing 5 Primary Cause of Accident 75 fatal accidents Loss of control 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Heavy landing Turboprop PSM+ICR Loss of airspeed Loss of Loss of Loss of control directional height control Loss of thrust Partial loss of thrust Overrun 6 Type of Powerplant Malfunction % of malfunction Total Power Loss P e rc e n t o f T o ta l 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Failed Turboprop PSM+ICR Shut down by crew Throttled to Flight Idle Other 7 How to Handle a Failure ¤ Control the aircraft. ¤ Identifyy the malfunction. ¤ Confirm and Feather. ¤ Manage the power, drag, and trim. Turboprop PSM+ICR 8 Fly the Aircraft ¤ Apply rudder to oppose the yaw. ¤ Use rudder and aileron to keep straight and initiallyy maintain the wings g level. Best control margin comes with 5o bank into the live engine. ¤ Adjust the pitch attitude to maintain airspeed. ¤ Carry out any immediate actions to reduce drag. drag Airspeed means survival Turboprop PSM+ICR 9 Identify the Malfunction The best initial indication is ‘Dead leg…Dead engine’ but this assumes you are correctly controlling the airplane. airplane Read the instruments; check the value, direction and rate t off change h off eachh parameter. t Scan all parameters, compare with the normal indications. Cross-check Cross check against all engines. Turboprop PSM+ICR 10 Confirm and Feather Scan all of the engine instruments Look for patterns. N1 EGT N2 Compare with normal values. Don’t rush the confirmation. Turboprop PSM+ICR 11 Instructors – Check Airmen Beware the V1 cut Use simulators where available. available Demonstrate VMCA at altitude. Check engine shut down procedures at altitude. Check aircraft handling at a safe height. If you do cut at V1 Only pull back the power to zero thrust. Guard the rudder control. Take recovery action early. Turboprop PSM+ICR 12 Train for the Threat Loss of control is the #1 cause of power-plant accidents. Follow basic procedures – fly the airplane. airplane Do not rush identification or engine shutdown. Beware bad habits from previous aircraft. Fli ht idle Flight idl may give i negative ti th thrustt – know k th the settings. tti Increased VMCA may lead to loss of control. Airplanes are safe to fly with one engine shut down. Avoid uncertainty – feather and shut down. Turboprop PSM+ICR 13 Other Problems Flight Director Few flight directors are optimized or approved for engine failed at takeoff or go-around. EFIS speed displays Do not allow a single instrument to dominate aircraft control. Adjust pitch attitude, then cross check for the required speed change. change Turboprop PSM+ICR 14 Conclusions Modern powerpower-plants are more reliable but…accidents still happen. pp Power loss resulting in loss of control is the dominant cause. Train for the threat, beware the V1 cut. Fli ht idle Flight idl may give i negative ti th thrust.t Control, Identify, Confirm, Manage. Take time to identify the failure. Use all available information. Single engine flight is safe. Rule #1 - Fly the airplane. Airspeed means survival. survival Turboprop PSM+ICR 15 FLY SAFE Avoid PSM+ICR