DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY – SAVANNAH RIVER SITE BIOMASS COGENERATION FACILITY, SC Contract Details Contract Type: Energy Savings Performance Contract; Guaranteed Energy Savings; Renewable Energy; Biomass Facility Size: More than 300 sq. miles Energy Project Size: $795 Million, Task Order Award 2009 $154 Million, Modification Awarded 2014 The SRS Biomass Cogeneration Facility replaced a deteriorating and inefficient 1950s-era coal powerhouse and oil-fired boilers. The existing plant has the capacity to combust 285,000 tons of forest residue into 100,000 megawatts of clean power annually. Energy Savings: Customer Benefits Today, the plant sustains more than 27 full-time jobs Over $34.3 million annually In 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on-site. Ameresco will continue to operate and awarded Ameresco an Energy Savings Performance maintain the $195 million (construction value) Summary Contract (ESPC) to finance, design, construct, renewable energy facility through a 20-year plant In May 2009, Ameresco was awarded operate, maintain, and fuel a Biomass Cogeneration performance agreement. Under the budget-neutral Facility under a 19-year fixed price contract valued at ESPC, the biomass cogeneration facility is expected $795 million. to generate $944 million of energy, water, operations an ESPC task order for design, construction and operation of three biomass-fueled renewable plants at and maintenance savings. During the first three years Under the contract, Ameresco constructed and of operation the biomass facility has generated operates and maintains a biomass-fueled steam approximately 5.8 billion pounds of steam, over 1,400 cogeneration plant and two smaller biomass-fueled million pounds of steam exported in support site maintaining their 1950s-vintage boilers, plants at the DOE Savannah River Site (SRS) in operations, and over 330,000 MW of electricity. and at the same time, meeting the Aiken, South Carolina. The facility has been requirements of the Clean Air Act and operational since January 2012. the DOE Savannah River Site (SRS). SRS was experiencing challenges other mandated improvements in energy In 2014, DOE awarded Ameresco a $154 million modification to the original ESPC to increase critical efficiency and increased use of The SRS biomass facilities are long-term national steam security and to provide an additional electrical renewable energy. assets in the areas of environmental stewardship and generation of an average 3-4 MW of green power to innovative technology. Ameresco constructed the 20 SRS. Under the modification, Ameresco will construct megawatt (MW) capacity Biomass Cogeneration a new biomass heating plant with a new fuel yard and Facility to replace a deteriorating and inefficient additional plant auxiliaries. The construction-only 1950s-era coal powerhouse and oil-fired boilers. The value of the modification is $39.3 million. The new renewable energy plants are designed to reduce plant will be located in the southeast corner of the carbon emissions annually by 100,000 tons and existing 35-acre Ameresco site. In addition to reduce site water consumption by an estimated 1.4 providing Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services billion gallons of water a year from the Savannah for the original biomass cogeneration facility, River. Ameresco will also provide turnkey O&M services for the new equipment over the modified 20-year The plant combusts approximately 285,000 tons of Renewable Energy World awarded the SRS the 2012 Excellence in Renewable Energy Award for Biomass Project of the Year. AW A R ' 2 0 1 2 Groundbreaker of the Year SAVANNAH RIVER SITE BIOMASS COGENERATION FACILITY Department of Energy Biomass Power & Thermal BBI International performance period term. forest residue for site process steam and the generation of 100,000 MW of on-site renewable More than 20 million tons of forest residue are energy annually—generating up to half of the generated annually in the state of South Carolina. necessary energy to power the 300 square mile SRS There are numerous sources of clean biomass within facility. Over 600,000 hours of construction and a 100-mile radius of the project site. The use of operational labor were invested into the 30-month renewable energy fuel sources provides many construction of the plant. positive economic and environmental benefits to the SRS, and to the entire Central Savannah River Area. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY – SAVANNAH RIVER SITE BIOMASS COGENERATION FACILITY, SC About the Savannah River Site Accolades 7KH6DYDQQDK5LYHU6LWHLVORFDWHG “In support of the Department’s clean energy efforts, LQWKHVRXWKHDVWHUQFRDVWDODUHDRI this project demonstrates the Savannah River Site’s WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVLQWKHVWDWHRI6RXWK commitment to promote clean and efficient energy &DUROLQD,WLVERUGHUHGWRWKHZHVW operations. This is the Department’s largest biomass E\WKH6DYDQQDK5LYHUDQG*HRUJLD cogeneration facility, and represents a unique way of contracting, which allows partnering with industry for DQGLVFORVHWRVHYHUDOPDMRUFLWLHV construction and operations, and reduces the cost to LQFOXGLQJ$XJXVWDDQG6DYDQQDK*$ the Government, while producing real energy and DQG&ROXPELD*UHHQYLOOHDQG environmental benefits.” &KDUOHVWRQ6&656LVUHFRJQL]HGDV DORQJWHUPQDWLRQDODVVHWLQWKH DUHDVRIHQYLURQPHQWDOVWHZDUGVKLS - Dr. David Moody, Office Manager The clean biomass will consist primarily of various types of forest residues, and the bio-derived fuels (BDF) will consist primarily of scrap tires and pallets. DOE Savannah River Operations LQQRYDWLYHWHFKQRORJ\QDWLRQDO VHFXULW\DQGHQHUJ\LQGHSHQGHQFH,W Key benefits of the SRS biomass project include: Services Provided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bout Ameresco 5HGXFWLRQRIWRQV\URI6XOIXU'LR[LGH SUHYLRXVO\OHIWRQWKHIRUHVWGHFNWRURWLQFOXGLQJWUHH $PHUHVFR,QF 1<6($05& LVRQH HPLVVLRQV WRSVOLPEVDQGVPDOOQRQPHUFKDQWDEOHWLPEHU DFWVZLWKDQLQVSLUHGZRUNIRUFHDQG Learn more at RIWKHOHDGLQJHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\DQG 5HGXFWLRQRIWRQV\URI&DUERQ'LR[LGH HPLVVLRQV %LRPDVVLVXVHGWRIXHOWZRVWHDPERLOHUVFDSDEOHRI 8QLWHG6WDWHV'HSDUWPHQWRI(QHUJ\%HVWLQ&ODVV SURGXFLQJOEKURIKLJKSUHVVXUHVWHDPDQG 2XUHQHUJ\H[SHUWVGHOLYHUORQJWHUP 6XVWDLQDELOLW\$ZDUG WRSRZHUDVWHDPWXUELQHFDSDEOHRIJHQHUDWLQJXSWR FXVWRPHUYDOXHHQYLURQPHQWDO $PHUHVFRUHF\FOHVaWRQVSHUPRQWKRIWLUHVDW 0:RIHOHFWULFLW\7KH%LRPDVV&RJHQHUDWLRQ LWV-DFNVRQ6&WLUHUHF\FOLQJSODQW )DFLOLW\SURGXFHVFOHDQJUHHQUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\WR 1RUHFRUGDEOHVDIHW\LQFLGHQWVLQWKHILUVW\HDUVRI PHHW656PLVVLRQFULWLFDOVLWHQHHGVIRUVWHDPXVHG RSHUDWLRQ LQWKHVLWH¶VLQGXVWULDOSURFHVVHVDQGEXLOGLQJKHDWLQJ UHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\VHUYLFHVSURYLGHUV VWHZDUGVKLSDQGVXVWDLQDELOLW\ WKURXJKHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\VHUYLFHV DOWHUQDWLYHHQHUJ\VXSSO\PDQDJH V\VWHPV,WDOVRSURGXFHVHOHFWULFLW\WRSRZHUPXFKRI PHQWDQGLQQRYDWLYHIDFLOLW\UHQHZDO Environmental Benefits DOOZLWKSUDFWLFDOILQDQFLDOVROXWLRQV 7KURXJKWKH'2(¶VSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK$PHUHVFRWKH $PHUHVFRDQGLWVSUHGHFHVVRUVKDYH WKH656VTXDUHPLOHIDFLOLW\ 656UHGXFHGLWVFDUERQIRRWSULQW7KHDQQXDOJUHHQ 'XULQJWKHSURMHFW¶VFRQVWUXFWLRQLWLVHVWLPDWHGWR EHQHILWVIURPWKLVFDUERQUHGXFWLRQHTXDO KDYHVXVWDLQHGDQGFUHDWHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\MREV FRQVWUXFWHGELOOLRQVLQSURMHFWV ŹWKHUHPRYDORIFDUVIURPWKHURDG VSDQQLQJWKHPHFKDQLFDOFRQVWUXFWLRQHQJLQHHULQJ WKURXJKRXW1RUWK$PHULFD ŹWKHSODQWLQJRIDFUHVRIWUHHV DQGVXSSOLHUVHFWRUV For more information about Ameresco and our full range of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, please visit 3ULQWHGRQUHF\FOHGSDSHU$PHUHVFR,QF$PHUHVFRDQGWKH$PHUHVFRORJRWKHRUEV\PERODQGWKHWDJOLQH ³*UHHQ&OHDQ6XVWDLQDEOH´DUHUHJLVWHUHGLQWKH863DWHQWDQG7UDGHPDUN2IILFH$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG &6