DC Motor Driver for Servo Driver Applications 1 Overview 1.1 Features • Optimized for headlight beam control applications • Delivers up to 0.8 A • Low saturation voltage; typ. 1.2 V total @ 25 °C; 0.4 A • Output protected against short circuit • Overtemperature protection with hysteresis • Over- and undervoltage lockout • No crossover current • Internal clamp diodes • Green Product (RoHS compliant) • AEC Qualified 1.2 TLE 4209A PG-DIP-8-4 Description The TLE 4209A is a protected H-Bridge Driver designed specifically for automotive headlight beam control and industrial servo control applications. The part is built using Infineons bipolar high voltage power technology DOPL. The device is available in a PG-DIP-8-4 package. The servo-loop-parameter pos.- and neg. Hysteresis, pos.- and neg. deadband and angle-amplification are programmable with external resitors. An internal window-comparator controls the input line. In the case of a fault condition, like short circuit to GND, short circuit to supply-voltage, and broken wire, the TLE 4209A stops the motor immediately (brake condition). Furthermore the built in features like over- and undervoltage-lockout, short-circuitprotection and over-temperature-protection will open a wide range of automotive- and industrial applications. Type Package TLE 4209A PG-DIP-8-4 Data Sheet 1 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.3 Pin Definitions and Functions Pin No. PG-DIP-8-4 Symbol Function 1 FB Feedback Input 2 HYST Hysteresis I/O 3 OUT1 Power Output 1 4 VS Power Supply Voltage 5 OUT2 Power Output 2 6 GND Ground 7 RANGE Range Input 8 REF Reference Input PG-DIP-8-4 FB 1 8 REF HYST 2 7 RANGE OUT1 3 6 GND VS 4 5 OUT2 TLE 4209A AEP02799 Figure 1 Data Sheet Pin Configuration (top view) 2 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.4 Functional Block Diagram VS 4 TLE 4209A RANGE 7 RangeAMP HalfBridge 3 REF FB 8 1 ServoAMP Protection and Logic HalfBridge 5 HYST 2 OUT1 OUT2 HystAMP 6 GND AES02797 Figure 2 Data Sheet Block Diagram 3 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks 45 V – –1 – V t < 0.5 s; IS > – 2 A – 0.3 20 V – – – A internally limited –1 1 A – –2 –6 2 6 mA mA t < 2 ms; t/T < 0.1 – 40 150 °C – – 50 150 °C – 100 K/W – min. max. – 0.3 Voltages Supply voltage Supply voltage Logic input voltages (FB, REF, RANGE, HYST) VS VS VI Currents Output current (OUT1, OUT2) IOUT Output current (Diode) Input current (FB, REF, RANGE, HYST) IOUT IIN Temperatures Junction temperature Storage temperature Tj Tstg Thermal Resistances Junction ambient (PG-DIP-8-4) RthjA Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Data Sheet 4 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.6 Operating Range Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. max. Unit Remarks V After VS rising above VUV ON Supply voltage VS 8 18 Supply voltage increasing VS VS – 0.3 VUV ON V VUV OF V Supply voltage decreasing – 0.3 Outputs in tristate Outputs in tristate F Output current Input current (FB, REF) Junction temperature IOUT1-2 IIN Tj – 0.8 0.8 A – – 50 500 μA – – 40 150 °C – Note: In the operating range, the functions given in the circuit description are fulfilled. 1.7 Electrical Characteristics 8 V < VS < 18 V; IOUT1-2 = 0 A; – 40 °C < Tj < 150 °C (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. – 12 20 mA – Supply current IS IS – 20 30 mA Supply current IS – 30 50 mA IOUT1 = 0.4 A IOUT2 = – 0.4 A IOUT1 = 0.8 A IOUT2 = – 0.8 A – 7.4 8 V 6.3 6.9 – V – 0.5 – V – 20.5 23 V 17.5 20 – V – 0.5 – V Current Consumption Supply current Over- and Under Voltage Lockout UV Switch ON voltage UV Switch OFF voltage UV ON/OFF Hysteresis OV Switch OFF voltage OV Switch ON voltage OV ON/OFF Hysteresis Data Sheet VUV ON VUV OFF VUVHY VOV OFF VOV ON VOVHY 5 VS increasing VS decreasing VUV ON – VUV OFF VS increasing VS decreasing VOV OFF – VOV ON Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.7 Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) 8 V < VS < 18 V; IOUT1-2 = 0 A; – 40 °C < Tj < 150 °C (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. Unit Test Condition Outputs OUT1-2 Saturation Voltages Source (upper) IOUT = – 0.2 A VSAT U – 0.85 1.15 V Tj = 25 °C Source (upper) VSAT U – 0.90 1.20 V Tj = 25 °C VSAT U – 1.10 1.50 V Tj = 25 °C VSAT L – 0.15 0.23 V Tj = 25 °C Sink (lower) IOUT = 0.4 A VSAT L – 0.25 0.40 V Tj = 25 °C Sink (lower) VSAT L – 0.45 0.75 V Tj = 25 °C VSAT = VSAT U + VSAT L VSAT = VSAT U + VSAT L VSAT = VSAT U + VSAT L IOUT = – 0.4 A Sink (upper) IOUT = – 0.8 A Sink (lower) IOUT = 0.2 A IOUT = 0.8 A Total drop IOUT = 0.2 A VSAT – 1.0 1.4 V Total drop IOUT = 0.4 A VSAT – 1.2 1.7 V Total drop IOUT = 0.8 A VSAT – 1.6 2.5 V VFU ILKU VFL – 1.0 1.5 V 5 mA 0.9 1.4 V Clamp Diodes Forward voltage; upper Upper leakage current Forward voltage; lower Data Sheet – – 6 IF = 0.4 A IF = 0.4 A IF = 0.4 A Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.7 Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) 8 V < VS < 18 V; IOUT1-2 = 0 A; – 40 °C < Tj < 150 °C (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. VREFq RREF – 200 240 mV 4.5 6.0 7.5 kΩ VFBq RFB – 200 240 mV 4.5 6.0 7.5 kΩ 0.35 3 μA IREF = IFB = 250 μA VHYST = VS / 2 1.3 μA IREF = IFB = 40 μA VHYST = VS / 2 Input-Interface Input REF Quiescent voltage Input resistance IREF = 0 μA 0 V < VREF < 0.5 V Input FB Quiescent voltage Input resistance IFB = 0 μA 0 V < VFB < 0.5 V Input/Output HYST Current Offset IHYSTIO – 2 250 IHYSTIO – 1.3 0 40 Current Amplification AHYST 0.8 0.95 1.1 − – 20 μA < IHYST < – 10 μA; 10 μA < IHYST < 20 μA; IREF = 250 μA VHYST = VS / 2 GHYST 0.8 0.95 1.1 - IHYST = +/- 2 μA; IREF = 40 μA; VHYST = VS / 2 VHYH / VS VDBH / VS 51 52 54 % – 50 50.4 51 % – AHYST = IHYST / (IREF – IFB) Current Gain GHYST = (IHYST - IHYSTIO40) / (IREF – IFB) Threshold voltage High Deadband voltage High Data Sheet 7 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Overview 1.7 Electrical Characteristics (cont’d) 8 V < VS < 18 V; IOUT1-2 = 0 A; – 40 °C < Tj < 150 °C (unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. VDBL / VS VHYL / VS VHYW / VS VDBW / VS 49 49.6 50 % – 46 48 49 % – 3.0 4.0 5.0 % (VHYH – VHYL)/ VS 0.4 0.8 1.2 % (VDBH – VDBL)/ VS Input current IRANGE –1 – 1 μA 0 V < VRANGE < VS Switch-OFF voltage High VOFFH VOFFL -25 0 100 mV refer to VS 300 400 500 mV refer to GND Thermal shutdown junction temperature TjSD 150 175 200 °C – Thermal switch-on junction temperature TjSO 120 – 170 °C – Temperature hysteresis ΔT – 30 K – Deadband voltage Low Threshold voltage Low Hysteresis Window Deadband Window Input RANGE Switch-OFF voltage Low Thermal Shutdown Note: The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. Data Sheet 8 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Diagrams 2 Diagrams +VB +VB DR 1N4001 CS 20 mF 22µF DZ 36 V VS RHYH 100 kW RR 50 kW PREF 1 kW RREF 4 TLE 4209A RANGE 7 RangeAMP HalfBridge 3 OUT1 REF 8 VREFIN 50 kW RFB FB 1 Protection and Logic ServoAMP 50 kW M HalfBridge PFB 1 kW 5 OUT2 HYST 2 HystAMP RHYL 100 kW 6 GND GND AES02796 Figure 3 Data Sheet Application Circuit 9 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Diagrams VMotor = VOUT1 - VOUT2 Motor Status Turn CW -2.0% (VREF -VFB )/VS -0.4% 0.4% 2.0% Brake Turn CCW DBW DBL DBH HYW HYL HYH AED02260 Expressions: HY = Hysteresis DB = Deadband H = High L = Low W = Window Figure 4 Data Sheet Hysteresis, Phaselag and Deadband-Definitions 10 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Diagrams Testconditons: VS = VB; no reverse polarity voltage diode RHYH = RHYL = 100 kΩ RREF = RFB = 50 kΩ VOFFH VS(t) VREF(t) VHYH VDBH VDBL VFB(t) VHYL VOFFL t Start-Command Stop-Command VOUT2 H L CCW B CW B VOUT1 CW B CCW t Motor Status B B H L t B = Brake Figure 5 Data Sheet AET02798 Timing and Phase-Lag 11 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 TLE 4209A Package Outlines 3 Figure 6 Package Outlines PG-DIP-8-4 (Plastic Dual In-line Package) Green Product (RoHS compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pb-free finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: http://www.infineon.com/products. Dimensions in mm Data Sheet Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 12 TLE 4209A Revision History Revision Date Rev. 1.2 2016-07-25 Page 8: Corrected specification of Switch-OFF voltage High (VOFFH): Previous specification min./typ./max.: 160 / 200 / 240 mV Corrected specification min./typ./max.: -25 / 0 / 100 mV Changes Page 1: Editorial change: deleted "fully" (The term "fully protected" often leads to misunderstandings as it is unclear with respect to which parameters). Rev. 1.1 2007-07-23 Page 1: added Green Product and AEC logo feature list:: deleted Pb-free Lead finish.... added Green Product and AEC Qualified Page 12: added Green Product description Page 14: updated disclaimer Rev. 1.0 2006-04-10 Page1: Package name changed from P-DIP-8-4 to PG-DIP-84 (G stands for Green Package, Pb free lead finish) Changed package drawing) Expand feature List: Pb-free Lead finish (100% matte Sn) Page 12 Modify footnote Page 13 Include Revision History Page Page 14 Include Disclaimer Page Prev. Rev. 2000-09-05 Data Sheet 13 Rev.1.2, 2016-07-25 Edition 2016-07-25 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2016 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.