Proceedings of the 28th ASM Heat Treating Society Conference October 20–22, 2015, Detroit, Michigan, USA Copyright © 2015 ASM International® All rights reserved Applying and Specifying Metallurgical Engineering in the Production of Heavy Truck Axle Shafts Steven C. Heifner, PE Sypris Technologies, Inc., Louisville, KY, USA; 502 774 6215 • Abstract The American Trucking Associations reports that “In 2014, trucks moved 9.96 billion tons of freight, or 68.8%” of all freight tonnage transported domestically. [1]. "Spending in the U.S. logistics and transportation industry totaled $1.33 trillion in 2012, and represented 8.5% of annual gross domestic product (GDP)."[2] Truck axle shafts for decades have been made from induction hardened carbon steel with 0.4% to 0.5% carbon. Associated metallurgical engineering of steel procurements, forging, processing, and applied machining, impacts axle shaft production and performance. This paper, and the associated presentation at the ASM 2015 Heat Treat Society (HTS) Conference and Exposition, reviews metallurgical principles and controls currently applied to heavy truck axle shaft use and production in North America. Basic metallurgical engineering principles and controls, as historically and currently applied and specified, plus potential opportunities for increasing engineering value optimization, are reviewed. In particular, case depth, surface hardness, microstructure, grain size, chemical compositional interactions, procurement, processing, metallurgical and overall engineering characterizations and achievement targets are discussed. Engineering impacts people and the world we live in. The designs and services provided by engineers require awareness, impartiality, and equity. Engineers serve many masters, including both our employers and our customers. In fact, engineers serve the world. Heavy trucks, especially in North America, and also around the globe, impact each of us every day because transported freight makes our lives and our current society possible. The Heavy Truck Axle Shaft in Perspective to the Entire Truck There are many vehicles that travel the roads in North America. “The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation that supports State and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation’s highway system (Federal Aid Highway Program).” “Through financial and technical assistance to State and local governments, the Federal Highway Administration is responsible for ensuring that America’s roads and highways continue to be among the safest and most technologically sound in the world.” [4] This includes oversight of the vehicles that travel the highway system in North America. The Role of an Engineer An engineer uses knowledge of science to create something useful, typically something that can be sold. Engineers by vocation are value oriented. Most engineers deal with homogeneity in their designs and their associated creation and application. Material and metallurgical engineers are more focused on, and trained in, understanding imperfections and performance limits in implementing and deploying engineered solutions, such as truck axle shafts. Heavy trucks are those vehicles classified as Class 8 and above as shown in Fig. 1. [5] Heavy trucks on North American roads are becoming longer, and at times, employing more axle shafts. In addition, those axles’ shafts are continuing to be more heavily loaded in order to move more freight to support our society and our ever expanding population. All vehicles, including heavy trucks, are striving for greater fuel efficiency, and thus corresponding vehicle weight reductions by using less material mass to handle expected loadings. The balance of procurement costs and operating savings are constantly monitored by fleet operators, truck assemblers, and component manufacturers. Longer vehicle life also means more cycles of loading before vehicle replacement, putting more demands on the materials, such as the steel in truck axle shafts and the associated processing to make that steel a truck axle shaft. Degrading highway infrastructure is also increasing potential vehicle loadings. This increases demands on the materials, specifications and the processes used in engineered product solutions. Trucks and associated truck axle shafts, as all items The Fundamental Canons of the Code of Ethic of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) are [3]: “Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall: • • • • • Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.” Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Perform services only in areas of their competence. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees. Avoid deceptive acts. 398 in our economic driven society, need to continually become less wasteful and generate more value. system adopted in Nazi Germany. Standardized transportation is a major component of military readiness, and has become increasingly more critical to commercial success and value creation since the Roman Empire. The Industrial Revolution harnessed steam to do work, and that work included movement. One aspect of that movement became transportation. Metal was needed to harness and direct the power of steam into useful work. Iron, and then steel, became ever more in demand, in particular for railroad tracks, railroad wheels, and railroad axles. The application of metallurgy, in many forms, was critical to transportation progress. As is currently the case with heavy truck axles, getting more life from each railroad axle, was an economic necessity. Steel processing techniques used to make railroad axles were subsequently transferred to motor transportation designs as road networks grew. These road networks, and vehicles using them, became increasingly to the rapidly expanding North American economy after World War 2. Making a Truck Axle In the past fifty (50) years, since the creation of the US Interstate Highway System, the manufacture and processing of steel trucks axle shafts has changed very little. The process involves procuring steel, forging a spline on one end and a wheel connecting flange on the other end. The forging is then machined as necessary and induction hardened and tempered to obtain optimal material performance properties in the axle shaft. The outer fibers of the axle shaft experience the greatest torsional stress, thus a hardened martensitic case with a ductile pearlite and ferrite, or bainite, core is created through induction hardening heat treatment. This process flow is illustrated in Fig. 2. Figure 1: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Vehicle Classifications graphic; A_Classification_Chart_FINAL.png Without an axle, one wheel has little value, and a pair of wheels has even less. Specified standard axle widths were a critical component of the success of the Roman Empire. If you wanted to drive a Roman road, your wheels needed to fit into the road ruts created by the standard axle widths of previous travelers. These same axle widths greatly influenced the first railroads centuries later. However, it also led to businesses working with engineers to create various track widths, or gauges, to monopolize and control freight transportation in selected areas along particular lines of commerce. INPUT Raw Material (Steel) Cut or Shear to Working Size Forge Spline Forge Flange Scale Removal - Blasting Machining Induction Hardening Tempering Straightening Axle Shaft Shipment OUTPUT This plethora of railroad gauges, and the freight chaos and associated economic waste it caused, led to development of road width standards during the previous century by governmental predecessors of the current Federal Highway Administration. Specifications, or standards, did not exist prior to invention of the typewriter, subsequently put to use during World War 1 to help create safe housing for armament workers. Production was being lost when temporary housing collapsed killing workers, and discouraging new workers from coming forward. Great value was associated with these first typewritten specifications regarding worker housing which soon expanded throughout the military, and in the coming decades into all aspects of North American and world business, especially after World War 2. The interstate highway system concept was a post-war import to North America modeled on the standardized Figure 2: Process Map for Making a Truck Axle Shaft. Raw Material Steel is a relatively inexpensive material that can be easily altered in shape by forging, modified by machining into a particular dimensional design, and heat treated as necessary to optimize material performance and engineering usefulness. 154X plain carbon steel is the primary material used to make 399 heavy truck axle shafts in North America. At times, more carbon is added, or other alloying elements modified, often altering the hardenability to an H or RH grade. Hardenability is important because it allows induction heat treatment to give the outer fibers of the axle shaft the strength desired. composition of the material, the grain size, and the severity of quench. It is important to note that the maximum achievable hardness in steel is determined by carbon content while hardenability is determined by the alloy chemistry, which also includes carbon. Hardenability is key to achieving the desired case depth in a heavy truck axle shaft, and will be discussed more in the Induction Hardening section of this paper. As with most steel in use in the world today, the steel material now being produced and in use is recycled steel scrap processed by a mini-mill using electric arc furnace (EAF) steel processing. Steel is the most recycled material in the world today, however this recycling is concentrating tramp and residual elements in the steel product being produced, increasing material hardenability potential over the past five decades, and thereby at times impacting subsequent axle shaft processing activities. Micro alloyed and high strength low alloy steels (HSLA) are created by using these same tramp and residual elements. Hot rolled steel is the primary material used to make heavy truck axle shafts, but at times, turned and polished steel is requested by customers. Such attention to surface condition is a fatigue design consideration. If crack initiation can be delayed, fatigue life of the truck axle shaft will be extended. Fatigue cracks can initiate on the outer fibers of the axle shaft, or at the internal case-core interface when the internal torsional shear stress level exceeds material strength of the internal nonhardened core material (as explained by Greg Fett [13]). In North America, ASTM A29 [7], along with other referenced ASTM standard specifications, are universally employed for steel production. Other parts of the world have similar national or regional standards, but also often embrace ASTM standards. Each ladle of steel made is assigned a heat code by the steel mill. A certified material test report (CMTR) from a typical steel mill reports: procurement references, applicable specifications, dimensional information, reduction ratio, ladle chemistry (ASTM A29), calculated Jominy hardenability (ASTM A255 [8]), microcleanliness (ASTM E45 [9]), grain size (ASTM E112 [10]), possibly but not typically mechanical properties (ASTM A370 [11]), general and specific comments per procurement requirements, approval signatures, and processing dates. Failures within the spline or flange are material condition issues controllable by, and thus the responsibility of, the axle shaft manufacturer. Failures in the shaft body and associated transition areas are typically associated with shock loadings during vehicle operation. A shock load is a sudden and powerful force applied against a component that can cause the component to crack and the halves to separate from each other. An example of this would be, spinning wheels that suddenly find traction. Damage occurs because a shock load overstresses the axle shaft beyond its material strength, and this can damage or destroy the shaft immediately or shortly later. Often an axle shaft damaged by a shock load will continue to operate but then fatigue fail some time later after accumulating more cyclic stresses. Finding a rough, crystalline finish on failure surface of fractured axle shaft is indicative of an axle shaft damaged by a shock load. Thus, axle shaft failures can be progressive or immediate. Steel chemistry can include the following elemental checks: C, Mn, P, S, Si, Al, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Sn,, N, V, Cb, B, Ca, W, Ti, Pb, Co, As, Sb, Zr, and Bi. C, Mn, P, S, Si, Al, M and Fe, are the primary components of steel composition. The other noted elements are tramp or residual items. Aluminum content is a critical alloy necessary to create a killed steel with a consistent prior austenitic grain size of 5 or finer historically[6], and currently observed to be in the range of a grain size of 7 to 9 which is associated with improved steel cleanliness, and other steel making, process controls. Progressive failure is cracking of a shaft following the initial shock followed by crack growth and torsional fatigue failure. Immediate failure is from a single sudden shock; i.e. a torsional shear failure. Shock load failures are initiated by the vehicle operators, not the material condition of the axle shaft. If the resulting axle shaft fracture is at a 45-degree angle to the axle shaft centerline, that fracture is called a torsional tensile failure because of an additional axle shaft loading dimension. Early life axle shaft failure events can also include crack initiation during axle shaft straightening, quench cracks during induction hardening, or insufficient case depth achieved during induction hardening. In addition, it is typical to calculate and report the DI or ideal diameter. As explained so well by Daniel H. Herring [12]: “A quantitative measure of a steel’s hardenability is expressed by its DI, or ideal diameter, value. This abbreviation comes from the French phrase “diamètre idéal” and refers to the largest diameter of steel bar that can be quenched to produce 50% martensite in its center. The quench rate of the bar is assumed to be infinitely fast on the outside; that is, it has sufficient quench severity so the heat removal rate is controlled by the thermal diffusivity of the metal and not the heat transfer rate from the steel to the quenchant. Typically, water or brine provides these infinitely fast quench conditions. The larger the ideal diameter value, the more hardenable is the steel.” “DI values are an excellent means of comparing the relative hardenability of two materials as well as determining if it is possible to harden a particular cross section (or ruling section) of a given steel”. DI values are influenced by the chemical Typically, axle shaft failures occur at the transition from flange to the shaft body, or less often, at the transition from the shaft body to the spline. These transition failure sites are desirable because they act as fuses protecting the rest of the truck transaxle. A high residual stress state in the outer fibers of the axle shaft is strong mitigator of fatigue crack initiation, and early fatigue failure. Balancing axle shaft strength and axle shaft toughness, that is, the impact or shock resistance of that axle shaft, is necessary to achieve performance and prevent failure of a given heavy truck axle shaft. Well-controlled 400 processing of the starting raw material is necessary to achieve the axle shaft’s full performance potential. In order to balance all these factors, forgers need a greater processing temperature range than heat treaters, typically plus or minus 50oF [20 oC], or even plus or minus 100oF [50 oC]. Reducing allowed variances, such as processing temperature, or material inputs (such as a grain size) can be done, but at a cost and after repeated forging production process rebalancing. Spline Forging Raw material is sheared or cut to length, then one end is heated and forged for some distance (short or long; 3” [ 70 mm ] to 12” [ 300 mm ]) to be subsequently machined and then splined by rack rolling or hobbing, to form a spline for insertion into the transaxle. Forging involves heating metal and striking to form a desired product. Such metal working, or blacksmithing, has formed the foundation of metallurgy for centuries. Making a spline does not take much metal movement, especially compared to forming the flange, but the principles and material property limitations are the same. The steel needs to be hot enough to flow but not so hot to damage or burn the steel. Blacksmiths judged the formability by its heated color with their eyes, today we have pyrometers and electronic logic systems. 154X steel is typical forged between 1800oF [ 1000 oC ]and 2250oF [ 1280 oC ]. Heating 154X steel above 2300oF [ 1300 oC ] begins to damage the steel by insipient melting. Above about 1550oF [ 900 oC ] the ferrite and pearlite microstructure of the bar transforms to austenite. Alloying, temperature, and time at temperature impact the metal grain size. 154X is a fine grained, aluminum killed steel. Forgers want the metal to flow easily and welcome higher temperature levels (in addition to fine grained steel). Flange Forging The other end of this cut bar is forged into a wheel flange. Flange formation on a truck axle shaft from a rolled steel bar takes more metal movement than creating the spline end. Metal can be moved only so far during each processing hit. While spline ends are created in one or two hits, flange formation typically takes 3 to 5 hits, or passes. During each hit the metal comes in connect with the die, or anvil, losing heat at the contact surface. In addition, atomic friction during metal movement creates adiabatic energy somewhat increasing internal metal temperature. Thus a somewhat non-uniform starting heated zone on a bar end is becoming even more non-uniform in each subsequent forging process step. The piece being forged cannot get too hot. This can result in insipient melting (burning) of the steel. Neither can it get too cold and critically slow metal flow. The metallurgy throughout the flange being formed is impacted by these temperatures and flows in relation to time. Fortunately, computer modeling is helping us to better understand these temperatures and flows in an engineering perspective rather than our historic blacksmithing perspective. Forging engineers strive with their process design to create a desired property and dimensional output. By balancing their starting raw material, with subsequent processing activities. This finally results in the deployment of a high quality axle in a truck driving safely down the road. This balancing requires understanding, specifying and applying sound metallurgical principles in the forging operation. 154X steel heated above 1750oF [1000 oC] is fully austenitic and flows readily in the forging die. After forging, the piece is typically slow cooled in still air to form a ferrite and pearlite microstructure with an associated hardness of 20 to 30 HRC. The pearlitic/ferritic microstructure is desired for subsequent machining and induction hardening. 1800oF [1000 oC] and 2250oF [1280 oC] is a rather wide temperature range. Heat treaters typically strive to maintain plus or minus 25oF [10 oC] during processing operations. The benefits of reducing variances to standardize output is well known in our modern Six Sigma world. Higher temperatures require more energy to achieve, and energy is an ever escalating cost. However, forging at lower temperatures loads the forging equipment more with associated potential equipment damage and repair costs, decreasing value creation. Also, steel expands differently at different temperatures thermally thereby impacting the forging die sizing necessary to achieve the final desired dimensional product output. Precision dimensional forging can reduce subsequent machining and associated costs, creating production system value. Achieving temperature uniformity in the portion of the bar being forged is impacted by the metal chill effect created by the rest of the unheated baron one side of the bar heat zone. and more exposed surface area at the cut end (end effect). There are temperature variances throughout the heated zone being forged. All this balancing impacts metallurgical properties through the heated zone during forging and during (and after) subsequent cooling. Scale Removal - Blasting In addition, to moving metal at temperature during forging, the heated surface of the hot zone is also interacting with the surrounding atmosphere forming an oxide scale. More temperature at the surface leads to more scale formation, and also potentially carbon migration and decarburization at the heated surface. Scale may or may not break free during each subsequent forging pass, including the heating prior to forging. This scale impacts the ability of a pyrometer to correctly measure the surface temperature of a heated piece of metal. Also, this scale impacts subsequent machinability of this forged product, therefore this oxide scale is typically removed by steel grit blasting after forging, which adds cost. Scale can also be removed with high pressured water spray as well. Preventing scale by forging in an inert atmosphere has been considered and attempted, but adding an inert atmosphere also adds significant cost. Shot peening rather than shot blasting can add residual stresses at the surface of a truck axle shaft, dramatically improving 401 fatigue performance, however the extra time and shot loading associated with peening adds substantial cost. depth for induction processes than published in hardenability curves because more and quicker cooling is available. As explained by M.A. Grossman in 1942 [15], and as documented and specified within Table 5 of ASTM A255 [8], achievable surface hardness is limited by material carbon content that during initial contact with quench media almost instantaneously forms martensite at the outer surface. Hardness achievement away from the spline declines with distance because the location at depth cannot cool as fast (soley by conduction) because the cooling quench media is at the outer surface (allowing for both conduction and convective cooling). Thus a case depth profile in a heavy truck axle shaft is created. Engineers use their knowledge to create something useful, something valuable, that a customer is willing to purchase, however the physical world limits what can and cannot be done for reasonable cost. The level of scale removal, or surface cleaning, must be agreed upon and specified by impacted parties. Customers are unwilling to absorb additional cost unless a performance benefit is achievable and demonstrated. Thus the level of scale removal required and specified is dependent on the economic value associated with that scale removal. Conduction transfers energy, as represented by temperature, into a part, and conduction must transfer energy back out from inside the part during quench cooling. As with forging, it is desirable to heat a part enough to austenite the microstructure (above about 1550ºF [900 oC]) sufficiently to allow the outer case to transformation to austenite while limiting temperature and associated heating exposure and phase transformation in the core. Maintaining the lowest austenization temperature possible also makes cooling, or quenching, the heated axle shaft easier and correspondingly less costly than a process requiring additional heat exchangers, cooling towers, and fluid management. Machining The cleaned forging now must be altered into the final dimensional configuration envisioned by the transaxle design engineers. Material properties variances can impact subsequent processing such as machining, but the 154X steel heavy truck axle shaft raw material is readily processed using standard machining tools and techniques. It will not be attempted in this paper to cover these standard machining techniques. Machining tolerances must take into consideration subsequent processing. Induction hardening heat treatment in the next processing step (along with subsequent tempering) will alter part dimensions due to thermal expansion. Most significantly the axle shaft will become longer during hardening. Spline and other dimensions are affected to a much lesser extent. So once again understanding, applying, and specifying material properties is critical to axle shaft processing. The metallurgical engineer must work with both the design engineer and the production engineer to achieve system balance and the desired dimensional outcome. It is important to have an axle shaft core hard enough to oppose applied torsional stresses that decreases from maximum at the outer surface to zero stress at the center of the core, with no quench cracks to act as fatigue initiation sites. Over hardening the core does not benefit axle shaft performance, but under hardening at the core-case interface can limit axle shaft performance as it can becomes a fatigue crack initiation site. Certain customers request greater hardness levels, especially in transition zones, to ensure sufficient case depth hardness and associated material strength. Others expect no heat exposure in the core. Verification of hardness currently requires destructive testing (sectioning). Destructive testing is a lagging, not a leading, indicator, that your induction hardening heat treatment process is working and producing good parts. This raises the question, where should a hardened axle shaft be tested? How many hardness tests are necessary, and need to be correspondingly specified? Sample quality and preparation is critical for obtaining meaningful hardness measurements. Testing has a cost, and more testing than is statistically required has decreasing value and reduces profits unnecessarily. Induction Hardening Heavy truck axle shaft processing time after forging, is 80% machining and 20 % induction hardening. Induction hardening creates a strong, hard case over a more ductile, softer inner core. Induction hardening changes a 154X heavy truck axle shaft surface hardness from 20 to 30 HRC to 50 to 60 HRC. Hardness achieved decreases from the surface to the core of the shaft, however the induction hardening pattern also varies longitudinally. There is hardening flare into the flange, that transitions into the shaft body, which transitions again into the spline before running out at, or slightly before, the end of the spline. The transitions zones, as previously mentioned, can vary slightly or significantly from adjacent hardened zones if hardening operations are not carefully managed. Induction hardening scanners incorporate electrical, mechanical, and fluid systems to create a magnetic field, and then move a part through that field to austentize/heat the part and then quench/cool the part to produce a martensitic surface/case, while limiting phase transformations in the part’s core. This is a complex balancing act. As previously noted, reducing variances aids process control, however the raw material, the forging, the machining, and now the induction scanner operation itself are all sources of potential variance. Hardenability curves present potential achievable hardness during a Jominy end quench [14], and thus are one dimensional. Induction scanners for truck axle shafts operate in two dimensions, during a single-shot induction hardening operation, or three dimensions, during a two-turn coil induction scanning operation. Designers demand greater than average hardness at 402 Should a hardening operation be adjusted to compensate for previous variances, or should the previous variances be eliminated so the hardening operation can remain constant? If one axle shaft fit all vehicles it might be a single hardening operation, but this is not reality. Unique solutions are costly to create and maintain, and actually introduce more variance into any system. Ideally a heavy truck axle shaft of consistent construction and dimensions is moved through a consistent magnetic field, heated and then cooled, to create a consistent metallurgical and dimensional output.. Heavy truck axle shafts are heavy (45 to 65 pounds each), and packing for shipment must be designed to control this weight and also protect the axles hafts, especially the spline and flange design interfaces. Finished parts can be exposed to the elements before and during shipment and in storage, and can begin rusting. Customers expect any and every delivered axle shaft to be ready use directly upon receipt or whenever there is a need to use that axle shaft. Adding rust protection may add value or be just an added cost to and a shaft that has also been forged, machined, and hardened. Tempering Axle Shaft Insertion into Trucks and Society During induction hardening, the micro expansion of martensitic needles created in the case impart a beneficial compressive residual surface stress. Untempered martensite, however, is susceptible to environmental hydrogen and can be subject to catastrophic fatigue failure. Blunting the lath martensite needles through tempering is typically employed. Part exposure to a temperature of 300oF [200 oC] to 500oF [300 oC] for one to one and half hours minimum is typically specified to temper a steel heavy truck axle shaft. This hold time is based upon the heater treat’s maxim of one hour per inch of thickness. Heavy truck axle shafts are usually 1-7/8” [ 47 mm ] in shaft diameter, and usually no greater than 2-1/4” [ 57 mm ]in diameter, with hardened case depths typical 0.5” [ 12 mm ] thick, up to 0.7” [ 18 mm ] thick. Having a case depth thickness less than an inch may allow for lesser temper hold times to achieve a desired temper. Higher tempering temperatures and longer hold times will reduce 154X mechanical properties slightly, therefore the lowest temperature and time exposure is considered a potential cost savings and value generator. In addition, induction hardening in-process controls occur directly after hardening rather than after tempering so the production line is not excessively idled, (or not generating parts or value). Warm parts are easier to straighten (if required) during the next axle shaft processing step. Finished axle shafts are typically shipped to a transaxle assembler, who may or may not be the final truck assembler. Trucks are ubiquitous to our societal and economic existence. We have invested in roads and must have vehicles to travel those roads to deliver almost everything that makes our lives possible. Engineering is a team activity. We must work with others to make our solutions work. Making things work better is what value is all about. Conclusions Metallurgical engineering value concepts and knowledge applied during today's production of heavy truck axle shafts include: Steel is a relatively inexpensive material that be easily altered in shape by forging, modified by machining into a particular dimensional design, and induction hardened as necessary to optimize material performance and engineering usefulness. Customers, are unwilling to absorb additional costs unless a performance benefit is achievable and demonstrated. Trucks and associated truck axle shafts need to continually become more value generating and less wasteful. Most engineers deal with homogeneity in their designs and their placement in the world. Material and metallurgical engineers are more focused on and trained in understanding imperfections and performance limits in implementing and deploying engineered solutions, such as truck axle shafts. Hardenability is key to achieving the desired case depth in a heavy truck axle shaft. Controlling this, and other metallurgical and process inputs can assure a consistent output. There is no value in performing surface hardness verification tests during axle shaft production. Aluminum content is necessary to create a killed steel with a consistent prior austenitic grain size of 5 or finer. It is unclear how additional grain size specification requirements impacts truck axle shaft performance and usefulness. Straightening Ideally, straightening any axle shaft would never be necessary, however, exposing hot metal to a cooling solution can cause part warping. The non-uniform application of cooling solutions or quench to a non-uniform heat surface is a major contributor to warping. Excessive warping or distortion will compromise the transaxle design and its operating efficiency and cannot be allowed to compromise the axle shaft or the vehicle. Improper straightening can also crack the outer surface and create fatigue initiation sites. Non-destructive inspection, such as magnetic particle inspection, of straightened parts is sometimes mandated. Such inspection is time (and value) consuming. Preparation for Shipment The heavy truck axle shaft is now complete, however it has generated no value until it is sold and delivered to a customer. Sometimes customers require their axle shafts to be blasted again after induction hardening, and sometimes they do not. 403 If fatigue initiation can be delayed, fatigue life of the truck axle shaft should be extended. Improper straightening, and other processing missteps, can create fatigue initiation sites limiting axle life. Non-destructive inspection, such as magnetic particle inspection, is time and value consuming. When specified, one must consider how this non-destructive inspection is improving axle shaft performance. Dimensional achievement in balance with achievable metallurgical properties is required during axle shaft forging. Forgers need a greater processing temperature range than heat treaters. Destructive testing is a lagging, not a leading indicator, of metallurgical quality. [3] National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), 1420 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 , phone number 703 684 2800; “Code of Ethics” webpage; [4] U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration website; [5] Traffic Recorder Instruction Manual, Texas Department of Transportations, Released February 01, 2012, Appendix A: Vehicle Classification Using FHWA 13-Category Scheme; HWA_Classification_Chart_FINAL.png. [6] Mishra, B., Steelmaking Practices and Their Influence on Properties, Metals Handbook Desk Edition, ASM International, 1998, p. 174–202. [7] ASTM A29 / A29M-12e1, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012, [8] ASTM A255-10(2014), Standard Test Methods for Determining Hardenability of Steel, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014, [9] ASTM E45-13, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013, [10] ASTM E112-13, Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013, [11] ASTM A370-14, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014, [12] Herring, D.H, "THE HEAT TREAT DOCTOR: Fundamentals of Heat Treating: Ideal Diameter," Industrial Heating, September 1, 2005, page 18-20, [13] Fett, G.A., Induction Case Hardening of Axle Shafts, Induction Heating and Heat Treatment. Vol 4C, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 2013, p 160–172. [14] Kirkaldy, J.S., Quantitative Prediction of Transformation Hardening in Steels, Heat Treating, Vol 4, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1991, p 20–32. [15] Grossman, M. A., Hardenability Calculated from Chemical Composition, AIME Transactions, Vol 150, 1942, pp. 227–259. Acknowledgments My friend, Matt Yaksic, for expanding my knowledge regarding forgings. My company, Sypris Technologies, for supporting my professional association and involvement with ASM International and the Heat Treat Society. References [1] "Trucking Revenues Top $700 Billion for the First Time According to New Report” press release from American Trucking Associations, 950 North Glebe Road, Suite 210, Arlington, VA 22203-4181, dated May 11, 2015; [2] U.S Department of Commerce, SELECTUSA website, “The Logistics and Transportation Industry in the United States" webpage; 404