Admission notice for Ph.D programme

Established by Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road-Delhi-42
Admission Notice for Ph.D Programs 2015-16 of DTU
Under Visvesvaraya Fellowship Scheme, Deity GOI.
Delhi Technological University (DTU) has been established by govt. of Delhi by upgrading the erstwhile
Delhi College of engineering vide Delhi Act 6 of 2009 which has come in force with effect from July 15,
2009 with its notification in the official gazette. DTU is committed to attract best of minds for its faculty
& students, ensure high academic standards and encourage research & innovation in areas of relevance to
industry and society. Applications are invited for admission to the Doctoral programs of the University
under visvesvaraya fellowship scheme of deity, GoI for the session 2015-16 in the even semester.
Ph.D Programs (Full Time 2 vacancies Part Time 3 vacancies) are offered in the following academic
Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication/Electrical Engineering/ Eligibility and other
details are available on DTU website:
The applicants shortlisted for the aforesaid Ph.D Program are required to appear in the Written
Examination and those applicants who will qualify in the Written Examination, will be allowed to appear
in the interview. No TA/DA is admissible for interview.
The application form can be downloaded from DTU Admissions website and the duly
filled application form be submitted in the University along-with a demand draft of Rs. 1,000/- on or
before the last date of receipt of completed application form.
The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of “Registrar, Delhi Technological University”. Payable
at “Delhi”.
Important Dates for Admissions in Ph.D Programs
Application Form for Download Will be Available from Website
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Application Form at DTU
Dates for Written Test
Date for Interview
11.01.2016 (Monday)
27.01.2016 (extended)
30.01.2016 (Saturday)
30.01.2016 (Saturday)
Note 1: The list of the shortlisted candidates for screening test for admissions to Ph.D program will be
displayed on the venue within two hours after the written examination on 30.01.2016.(Saturday) No
separate call letter will be issued. The shortlisted candidates are advised to make their own arrangements
for travelling and lodging.
Note 2: The application form received after the last date will not be considered under any circumstances.
Note 3: Incomplete/late received Applications are likely to be rejected.
Note 4: In case of part-time applicant, he/she must have at least two years experience in regular capacity
as on or before 27.01.2016.
Established by Govt. of N.C.T of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road-Delhi-42
Under Visvesvaraya Fellowship Scheme, Deity, GOI.
Department Applied for
Full-Time / Part-Time
For official use
(note to be written by applicant)
Last date for receipt of application form is 27th January 2016. Submit the completed Application No.
application to the Asst. Registrar Academic (PG), Academic Section Delhi Technological
University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110042. (The candidates will be required to
submit separate application form if they wish to apply for more than one department.).
Area of Research in Order of Preference
Paste (do not pin)
your recent passport
size photograph duly
attested by a
Gazetted Officer/
Director of College
last attended
1. Applicant’s Name (in BLOCK LETTER)
2. Postal Address
3. Contact Details (Mobile No.)
4. Date of Birth
E-mail Address
5. a) Sex(M/F)
b) Religion
c) Nationality
6. Category (Please Tick ) SC
7. Marital Status
8. Particulars of School and College Attended and Examination Passed.
Board/University School/College Year of Agg.
Passing Marks
High School
SSCE or Equivalent
B.Sc. Engg./B.Tech./
B.E. or Equivalent
AMIE or Equivalent
ME./M.Tech or
Any Other
9. Details of Paper/Publications Published (Attach Separate Sheet if Required):
S. No. Title/Topic of Research
Name of the
Month Year of
10. Have you been employed, if so give the following particulars (Attach separate sheet if required)
Name of the Organization and Address
Post Held
Nature of Duties
11. Present Employment Status (Employed/Not Employed)__________________________________
12. Father’s / Husband’s Name
13. Mother’s Name
14. Permanent Address
15. Indicate the list of enclosures attached encircling the appropriate ones. (only attested/self attested
photocopies to be submitted at this stage).
(a) Mark-Sheet/Degree Certificate of all Examinations Passed.
(b) Proof of Date of Birth.
(c) Cast Certificate for SC/ST/OBC Candidates only.
NOTE : Your Application will not be considered if not accompanied by appropriate certificate and
I hereby certify that the foregoing particulars are correct and I agree that admission may be granted to me on the
terms, condition, rules and the calendar of the Delhi Technological University or such modifications thereof as may
be made by authorities concerned from time to time I understand that my admission may be cancelled and tuition fee
paid by me forfeited if any of the particulars given by me in this application are subsequently found to be wrong.
I agree that Vice-Chancellor’s decision in all matters concerning my admission, studies, discipline and conduct will
be final and binding on me
On admission I undertake to submit myself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and the authorities
of the University
(d) I understand that my association, active or passive, with any unlawful organization is forbidden
(e) I certify that I am not registered as a provisional student of any other University.
(f) I agree that the University shall have the right to forfeit the security deposits inter alia on the ground of my failure to
claim the relend within three years of the date of my ceasing to be on the rolls of the University.
Signature of the Applicant
Details of Demand Draft(Attach D.D in original):
Demand Draft No.:____________________ Amount in Rs.:_________________
Date of Issue:________________________ Bank Name ________________________________
Ph.D Admissions 2015 -16
The applications for admission to the Ph.D programme shall be classified under any one of the following
a) University Research student/candidate (Full Time)
b) Part Time Research student/candidate (with residency requirement).
The University shall admit Full Time/Part-Time scholars under visvesvarya fellowship scheme,
deity, GOI. In the following broad areas in which the seats are available under the various
departments as:
Name of Department
Area of Specialization
Information Technology
Image Processing, Soft Computing, Evolutionary Computing,
Artificial Intelligence, Information Security, Internet of Things
& VLSI, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Wireless
Communication, Nano Technology, Network Security, Wireless
System on Chip large Area Electronics
Electrical Engineering
Power Electronics and Embedded System.
1. An applicant possessing a Masters degree in Engineering/Technology/ in respective discipline or
equivalent with a minimum 60% marks in aggregate (of all the year/semesters) or equivalent
cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) as determined by the Delhi Technological University and
at least 60% marks in aggregate ((of all the year/semesters) or equivalent CGPA at Bachelor’s
degree level shall be eligible to apply for admission to a Ph.D programme of the University
provided he should not have attained an age of 50 yrs. The relaxation in age limit may be done by
Academic Council on case to case basis. In exceptional cases applicant with Bachelors’ degree in
Engineering & Technology having a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate (of all semesters) or
equivalent CGPA and having proven research capability may also be considered eligible.
2. Part- time applicants will be eligible under three categories (i) candidates from organization which
have MOU with Delhi Technological University (ii) Regular faculty/Teaching cum Research
Fellow or Science from Educational institutions, R&D organizations, and Govt, Devotement/Govt.
Undertaking Provided that:
The applicant possesses the minimum entry qualifications for the degree as given in 1;
The applicant is having at least two years experience in regular capacity as on 27.01.2016
The applicant proves to the satisfaction of the University that his official duties permit
him/her to devote sufficient time on research:
Facilities for research are available at the applicant’s place of work in the chosen field of
research or the applicant can spare sufficient time to pursue research in the Department of
the Delhi Technological University on daily basis, residing in the vicinity of the University;
He /She will be permitted to reside at the Delhi Technological University for a period of not
less than 6 months during his/her registration for the degree.
(This condition of minimum residence will be automatically waived for candidates who are
working in National Capital region (NCR) of Delhi or in organisations/ Institutions located
within a distance of 50km from the Delhi Technological University)
If the number of courses prescribed by the DRC is more than 12, then the residency
requirement for part time Ph.D students working in Educational Institutes/Organisation outside
NCR of Delhi will be 1 Year.
Project staff under sponsored projects, sponsored projects, sponsored by DST/UGC/ any
government agency, industry or centers established from grant-in-aid from government or
international agencies at Delhi Technological University for not less than 2 year duration may be
given administrative clearance to seek admission on part-time basis at any time after completing
two years of service in the University subject to recommendations of the concerned Principal
Investigator of the said project/ centre and approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
4. Permanent academic staff of the Delhi Technological University (including the academic staff of
erstwhile Delhi college of Engineering ) may be given administrative clearance to seek registration
on Part-time basis after satisfactory completion of the period of probation subject to
recommendations of the concerned head of the Department and approval of the Vice Chancellor
1. Reservation of seats for applicants in each of the categories of the Research Scholars shall be
in accordance with the policies of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
2. Physically handicapped applicants may be permitted 5% marks or equivalent CGPA
relaxation in eligibility requirement of or equivalent in line with the policies of Govt. of NCT
of Delhi. They will not be allowed any other relaxation beyond this limit even if they belong
to SC/ST category.
1. (a) The shortlisting of applications for the purpose of screening test & interview will be done by
the Ph.D coordinator nominated by the Vice-Chancellor/Dean Acad (PG) in consultation with the
respective departments.
(b) The screening test shall be conducted by Ph.D coordinator/Dean Acad (PG). The DRC of the
concerned department shall decide the cut off for the screening test for shortlisting the candidates
for the interview.
(c) The interview shall be conducted by a committee comprising of Vice-Chancellor, Chairman,
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean Academic (PG) and Ph.D coordinator as common members along
with the members of respective DRCs.
The candidates are requested to contact prospective supervisors of DTU or Heads of the concerned
academic departments before selecting their area of research work for Ph.D Degree and see
updates regarding admission on the DTU Website: from time to time.
The application form can be downloaded from DTU website and the duly filled
application form be submitted in the University along with a specific demand draft of Rs. 1,000/- for each
department applied for on or before the last date of receipt of completed application form.
The demand draft should be drawn in favour of “Registrar, Delhi Technological University”, payable
at “Delhi”.
Application Form for Download Will be Available from Website
Last Date for Receipt of Completed Application Form at DTU
Dates for Written Test
Date for Interview
11.01.2016 (Monday)
27.01.2016 (extended)
30.01.2016 (Saturday)
30.01.2016 (Saturday)
Note 1: The list of the shortlisted candidates for screening test for admissions to Ph.D program will be
displayed on the venue within two hours after the written examination likely on 30.01.2016.(Saturday)
No separate call letter will be issued. The shortlisted candidates are advised to make their own
arrangements for travelling and lodging.
Note 2: The application form received after the last date will not be considered under any circumstances.
Note 3: Incomplete/late received Applications are likely to be rejected.
Note 4: In case of part-time applicant, he/she must have at least two years experience in regular capacity
as on or before 27.01.2016.
(Anil Kumar)
Assistant Registrar (Acad PG)