EVALUATING PARALLEL PATH MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGYTM (“PPMTTM”) MOTORS AND CONVENTIONAL MOTORS BY THEIR PERFORMANCE CURVES AND THE PPMT VALUE PROPOSITION FOR VARIABLE SPEED AND/OR VARIABLE LOAD SYSTEMS C JOSEPH FLYNN AND PATRICK J PIPER QM POWER PRELIMINARY REPORT NOT FOR RELEASE 1. Summary PPMT motors have significant power, efficiency, reliability and cost advantages over conventional motor alternatives for applications that operate under varying speeds or loads. Table 1 Higher Power Density Higher Efficiency Higher Reliability Lower Cost PPMT Comparative Advantage over Conventional Motors in Variable Speed and Loading Applications Average Minimum/Maximum 27% 0-100%+ 75-109% 0-400%+ Higher Same - Higher 10% Less 0-50% Less Applications that typically operate under variable speeds and/or loads include but are not limited to power tools, electric or hybrid-electric vehicles (including passenger cars, heavy, medium and lightweight trucks, buses, other fleet vehicles, golf carts, ATVs, marine, bikes, forklifts, locomotives and the like), non-vehicle industrial applications (conveyors and servo motors), robotics, toys and variable speed appliances. 2. Background One of the most common misperceptions regarding motors today is their actual operating efficiency. It is not uncommon for a lay person or even an engineer to state that the efficiency of motors is already in the upper 80% to lower 90% range, implying minimal need or capacity for further optimization. Most motor manufacturers advertise their motors by peak efficiency and peak power. However, with conventional motors, these numbers do not coincide in application. For instance a 1 hp motor with a “peak” efficiency of 84% may be less than 68% efficient at 1 hp. There appears to be a common lack of understanding of motor performance especially “peak” versus “average” efficiency and/or power in applications that have varying speeds and loads. 1 In reality there is much to improve upon over the current state of the art motors. Our objective is to provide a basic understanding of motor curves and the mathematical constraints of these curves and present the PPMT motor solution for improving performance in applications with varying speed and load requirements. 3. Scope The scope of this paper is confined to comparing PPMT motors to permanent magnet and field wound DC motors, as they are typically the most commonly used conventional motors utilized in variable speed or load applications. PPMT also offers a value proposition over other types of motors, to which some reference will be made but will not be fully analyzed; this will be done in separate papers. We will define mathematically what constrains a motor by analyzing the motor’s performance curves. This analysis will be in simple terms, however the underlying math can be quite complex. It is not our intention to mathematically analyze motor design parameters, which would be beyond the scope and intention of this paper. Since the general shape of the performance curves of Permanent Magnet DC (“PM-DC”) and PPMT motors remain essentially the same, regardless of motor size, this is a scientifically valid study with regards to predicting performance trends from smaller applications like power tools to larger applications like electric vehicles. 4. The Torque vs. Speed And Power Out Curve The torque vs. speed curve defines the constraints of the motor’s magnetic circuit. All of the other performance curves are derivatives of this curve, especially the more important performance curves, Power Out and Efficiency. A conventional motor’s Torque vs. Speed, Efficiency and Power Out curve is shown in figure 1 and a PPMT Torque vs. Speed, Efficiency, and Power Out curve is shown in figure 2. Each of these two curves sets will have the same basic shape, whether they are scaled for a motor producing a few watts or thousands of horsepower. In order to conduct accurate performance comparisons of various sizes of motors (ie – independent of scale), the curves are normalized to a percent of each of the motor’s maximum values for each parameter. This does not change the curve shapes or motor characteristics. 2 Figure 1 Figure 2 (Power Out is normalized to Power In) All PM-DC and PPMT motors have these basic shapes for all horsepower ratings. Power out is a mathematical derivative of torque and speed and is given by: Equation 1 Powerout Where Powerout Torque Speed 9.55 = = = = TORQUE⋅ SPEED 9.55 Mechanical Shaft Power [watts] Shaft Torque [Newton Meters] Shaft Speed [RPM] Constant accounting for units Motors that have a linear speed torque relationship, such as conventional PM and most wound field DC motors will, by mathematical definition, always produce a parabolic Power Out curve, like the one shown in figure 1. Any PM-DC motor curve that has a different shape must be showing only a portion of the motor’s true power profile. Motors that have a hyperbolic speed torque relationship will produce an essentially rectangular Power Out curve, like the one shown in figure 2. To our knowledge, PPMT is the only permanent magnet motor technology that produces a hyperbolic speed torque curve. The main advantage of PM-DC motors, most wound field DC motors and PPMT motors, over standard AC-induction motors, is the ability to easily vary the motor speed by controlling the input power. Varying the speed however does not change the torque to speed characteristic or their mathematical relationships to Power Out. Regardless of what value the maximum speed actually is, the performance curves will still be identical 3 to those shown in figures 1 and 2. More detailed information on the shape of the Speed Torque curve can be found in Appendix A. In applications that have time varying loads and speeds, particularly where the variations in speed and load cannot be predicted, such as operating electric or hybrid electric vehicle drives over unknown terrain, one needs to consider the average power delivered by the motor over its entire operating range. Even though peak Power Out occurs at 50% of the maximum speed for both types of motors, the average power delivered over the entire operating range by the PPMT motor is about 27% greater than that delivered by the conventional PM motor. The average power for each motor is shown in figures 1 and 2 and is given by: Equation 2 ∑ powerout i average power i i range The average power delivered by the conventional motor over its operating range is 66.8% and the average power delivered by the PPMT motor over its operating range is 84.7% (84.7/66.8=1.27). At the edges of the load curve the difference is even more dramatic. At low rpm, a PM-DC motor may only be at 40% of peak power, where as a PPMT motor, at the same rpm, would be at 82% of peak power (more than 2x increase in power). This is a significant advantage for applications such as power tool, robotic actuation, and electric vehicle applications that have a wide operating range of loads and speeds and frequently accelerate from zero rpm under load (ie – acceleration tests from 060mph). The relatively low average power of a PM-DC motor over its operating range and low ‘low end’ torque is why many electric and hybrid electric vehicles use 3 phase induction motors even though they require more costly variable frequency inverters to convert dc power to 3 phase ac power. The down side to using 3 phase induction motors is they are synchronous machines where speed is controlled by varying the frequency of the ac. Induction machines can only be optimized to a narrow range of frequencies and when operated outside this frequency range their efficiency drops dramatically. PPMT motors avoid the need to sacrifice efficiency to obtain additional power. A PPMT motor, with its high average output power, high ‘low end’ torque and high peak and average efficiencies offers a true dc power solution for all applications requiring a wide operating range of load and speeds. 5. Efficiency Demystified Efficiency typically has a higher value to the end customer in applications that require using a limited power supply (ie – a battery) or for those using significant energy (ie - 4 24/7 high HP industrial). Motors servicing applications with higher efficiency value propositions typically publish “peak” efficiencies between 60-90%. Most PPMT motors have measured peak efficiency in excess of 95-98%. However, in order to understand the very important role “Average Efficiency” plays in variable speed and load applications, we have assumed for the balance of this analysis that both the conventional and PPMT motors have the same peak efficiency. A 94% “Peak Efficiency” was chosen as the basis for comparison at it was the highest published peak efficiency we were able to identify in the market for conventional PM-DC motors. The graphs in figures 1 and 2 are related to graphs captured by a dynamometer where the measurement starts with a motor operating at no load speed and then the dynamometer loads the motor until it reaches zero rpm. (Normal testing standard) Analysis: Table 2 Parameter PM** 94% 57% 54% 65% 67% 34% 22% Peak Efficiency* Average Efficiency Where Peak Efficiency Occurs as Percent of Peak Power Out Efficiency at Peak Power Out Average Power Out as Percent of Peak Power Out Peak Power Out as Percent of Maximum Power In Low End Torque (at 20%) PPMT 94% 76% 79% 83% 85% 89% 68% PPMT Comparative Advantage 33% 28% 27% 162% 209% *Baseline for comparison, identical peak efficiencies **PM and most wound field DC Calculations for Analysis: Average Efficiency, Equation 4 ∑ Effii average effi i range Average Power Out as Percent of Peak Power Out, Equation 5 percent ∑ powerout i i range powerout peak 5 Peak Power Out as Percent of Maximum Power In, Equation 6 percent powerout peak powerin max Equalities Both conventional PM and PPMT motors share these characteristics. a. Power In is inversely proportional to speed vs. torque offset by ‘overhead’ b. Peak power and peak efficiency can never mathematically coincide c. Efficiency drops as a function of the increasing distance between Power Out and Power In, point A in figures 1 and 2. 6. Normal Operating Ranges For Variable Speed & Load Applications In this section we will examine the advantage of PPMT motors over the specific operational range of targeted motor users. Figures 3 and 4, show power and efficiency curves for conventional PM-DC and PPMT motors with the operational ranges of selected applications noted. Figure 3 Figure 4 (Power Out is normalized to Power In) Zero RPM to Peak Power Range Many variable speed and load applications such as electric power tools and robotics operate from zero rpm to peak power as shown in figures 3 and 4. This is in the lowest motor efficiency range. A comparison of peak and average efficiencies between conventional PM motors and PPMT motors operating in this range is shown in table 3. 6 Table 3 Parameter PM PPMT Efficiency at Peak Power Average Efficiency Over 0 RPM to Peak Power Operating Range 65% 33% 83% 69% PPMT Comparative Advantage 27% 109% Zero RPM to 75% Of Entire Operating Range Other variable speed and load applications such as traction drives for electric vehicles, industrial machines and similar applications operate from zero rpm to about 75% of the motor’s entire operating range as shown in figures 3 and 4. A comparison of peak and average efficiencies between conventional PM motors and PPMT motors operating in this range is shown in table 4. Table 4 Parameter Peak Efficiency At 75% of Maximum Speed Average Efficiency Over 75% Speed Operating Range PM PPMT 83% 86% PPMT Comparative Advantage 4% 44% 77% 75% Motor Operation At or Around Peak Efficiency Normally the only applications that operate at or around the Peak efficiency are constant load constant speed applications. Note that these calculations are for a conventional motor that has the same efficiency as a PPMT motor. This would be a much more expensive best of class PM-DC motor. In the vast preponderance of cases, the PPMT motor starts with a 10-30% peak efficiency advantage over a PM-DC motor. At low RPM, a BLDC motor could be operating at 10-15% efficiency, whereas the PPMT motor would still be operating in excess of 60% or a 4x+ comparative advantage. Thus, the actual PPMT comparative advantage in most cases is substantially greater than the value shown in this analysis. 7. Reliability PPMT motors use the same materials, coils and magnets and a similar rotor design as seen in conventional permanent magnet motors. All of the increased performance is associated with the design and arrangement of the magnetic circuit. As a result, there should not be any new reliability issues associated with a PPMT motor. In fact, PPMT motors are actually more reliable than brush DC motors, due to lack of brush contacts and most likely more reliable than brushless PM-DC over longer periods of time, due to the 7 fact that they do not have magnets in their rotors, which can fail over time due to excessive centrifugal force and bond failure. 8. Cost A PPMT motor can be produced at the same or less cost than existing motor technologies. This is largely due to the design of the PPMT motor and recent developments that have lowered the costs of the magnets and electronic microcontrollers required to operate the motors. A more detailed component cost analysis is attached in Appendix B. Since a PPMT motor has no active components (magnets or coils) in its rotor, its design can be simplified and its cost reduced. In addition, since a PPMT motor can operate near its peak efficiency at its peak power, it can often be much smaller than its competitors, which often have to be oversized by as much as three times to a much higher peak power but then operate at a lower “targeted” power to take advantage of the higher efficiency available at that part of the curve. As a result, the material costs can be as much as 50%+ less than that of a conventional motor in a given power class. This concept will be further discussed in the White Paper on Fixed Speed Applications where the trade off is more often a requirement for existing competitive solutions. A further cost advantage of the PPMT design is a minimal cooling requirement. Since all active components of a PPMT motor are at the periphery of the motor, they are easily air cooled at minimal cost. This contrasts to brush DC motors, which must cool the rotor field coils (via active cooling or oversized components). High performance brushless DC motors also require rotor cooling, to prevent the permanent magnets from exceeding their maximum use temperature. PPMT’s high performance at low cost is partially made possible by recent advances in high performance components. The strongest magnets available are Neodymium magnets which have recently come off patent protection and fallen by about 90% in price in the last few years. In addition, continuing advances in electronics (Moore’s Law) have allowed for the construction of cheaper, smaller, faster, more precise and more sophisticated microcontrollers. Finally, it is also important to remember a motor’s efficiency greatly impacts its operating cost and the total system cost of the end user. In heavy use applications a motor may consume 5-10 times more energy in dollar terms than it costs to purchase the motor up front. As a result, its efficiency is a huge cost driver for the end user. In some applications, the efficiency advantages of PPMT could pay for the motor in less than one year via power grid electric rates alone. In battery-powered applications, PPMT extreme efficiency could substantially reduce the system cost by reducing the total required battery watt-hours for a given application. 8 Appendix A: How Back Electromotive Force [BEMF] Defines the Speed Torque Curve BEMF determines the form of the torque vs. speed characteristic, whether torque and speed have linear, hyperbolic or some other mathematical relationship. A conventional PM-DC motor will produce a ‘generator effect’ that opposes the input voltage. The amount of the opposing voltage produced by the ‘generator effect’ will be equal to the amount of voltage the motor would produce when operated as a generator at any given speed. The ‘generator effect’ or Back EMF in a conventional PM motor is proportional to motor speed. The voltage available across a motor phase [coil] at a given speed is equal to the supply voltage minus BEMF so the available current in a motor phase [coil] at a given speed is equal to the supply voltage minus BEMF divided by the phase [coil] resistance, equation 3. Equation 3 Iphase Where Vsupply Rphase Vbemf Iphase = = = = Vsupply − Vbemf Rphase Voltage supplied to motor [volts] Motor Phase resistance [ohms] Motor Back EMF [volts] Current in a motor phase [amps] Motor torque is proportional to the current in the motor phases [coils] which is given by equation 3 therefore: When a conventional motor is running at no load speed the Back EMF is almost equal to the supply voltage. When the motor is presented with a load, speed drops, Back EMF drops proportional to the drop in speed and the current in the motor phase and torque increase proportionally. These algebraically related proportional relationships will always produce a linear speed torque characteristic, independent of motor size or efficiency. When a PPMT motor is running at no load speed the Back EMF is almost equal to the supply voltage. When the motor is presented with a load, speed drops, Back EMF drops as an algebraic power of the drop in speed and the current in the motor phase and torque increase at an algebraic power of the speed. These algebraic power relationships will always produce a hyperbolic speed torque characteristic, independent of motor size or efficiency. 9 PPMT 90-98+ % efficiency Efficiency range and contributors to I2R losses minimal due to cool field coils (within the that range permanent magnet flux range). Primary motor losses due to windage, iron core, and bearing friction losses. Primary markets would be Primary market replacement for superior power and efficiency and same or lower cost. DC Brush Efficiency ~40-75% for small motors up to 90-94% for large motors. Efficiency may be poor in small applications due to large brush losses, bearing losses, etc. End to end total efficiency in some battery powered tools may be less than 30%. BLDC (Brushless DC) Efficiency ~50-85% for small motors and 70-95% for large motors. Typically greater efficiency than AC induction or AC syncronous for same size. Stepper (Hybrid PM) Efficiency similar to PM motor. Stepper motors are expensive, because they are constructed to high precision. This is due to their use in positioning equipment, etc, which require precise control. Effectively a PM stepper motor is nothing more than a high precission BLDC motor with many poles. Toy motors, DC appliance and power Low Power: computer cooling fans etc. Industrial, precision appliance, and robotic tool motors. Generally smaller - High power BLDC motors are found motion control. applications. Some electric vehicle in electric vehicles and some industrial applications. machinery. These motors are essentially AC synchronous motors with permanent magnet rotors. Switched Reluctance Efficiency ~40-80% for small motors and 4095% for large motors. Electric motor components Rotor (discriminator) Simple stamped steel laminate Rotor is wound and has commutator Rotor has magnets (+cost) for brush contacts (+ cost) Rotor stamped laminate and PM magnets (+cost) Rotor stamped laminate (larger for same power as PPMT) Stator (discriminator) Stamped steel, coils, and magnets Stamped steel and coils, plus Stamped steel and coils graphite brushes with springs (+cost) Stamped steel and coils (precision + cost) Stamped steel and coils (larger for same power as PPMT) Housing (discriminator) Bearings Shaft Controller (discriminator) Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Structural Medium cost Structural Structural Simpler Structural Structural High cost Structural Structural Medium cost Simple wiring Low specific power (more materials required) Simple wiring Low specific power (more materials required) Similar to slightly more expensive than PPMT Structural Wiring Specific power (discriminator) Structural Structural Medium cost. Amplifiers for brushless motors are more complex than brush types and generally call for two additional solid-state power switches. Simple wiring Simple wiring Simple wiring High specific power reduces Medium specific power (slightly more Medium specific power (slightly more materials cost per HP materials required) materials required) Total Baseline - NA More expensive then PPMT for larger motors Slightly more expensive than PPMT Substantially more expensive than PPMT Low power density. Primarily low cost appliances. Appendix B: Motor Cost Analysis Cost analysis result: PPMT is likely to be the same or less expensive in production than all other motor types. 10