DATA SSH DATA HEEEETT Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE Applications Protective Cap Displacement Sensors Reference Head Rods & Sleeves For the measurement of: of dam abutments ~ Deformation & foundations movement around ~ Ground tunnels & mines movement behind ~ Ground retaining walls & sheet piles movement within open ~ Ground cast mines ~ Deformation of mine pillars in roofs of ~ Fracturing underground caverns ~ Deformation of concrete piles & heave in soft soil ~ Settlement excavations Features Anchors (Groutable shown) The Geosense® GEO-XB rod type extensometer range is used to measure and locate settlement, displacement and deformation in soil and rock. It consists of a reference head and one or more in-hole anchors each of which is placed at a known depth and connected to the reference head by either a rigid or flexible rod running inside a sleeve which keeps the rod de-bonded from the grout. & easy to install in up~ Quick hole applications access & adjustment to ~ Easy sensors & electrical ~ Mechanical combination possible grout holes in head ~ Integral make grouting easy ~ Accurate & reliable vw VIBRATING WIRE TECHNOLOGY As the soil or rock deforms the distances between the in-hole anchors change as do the distances between the individual in-hole anchors and the reference head. The magnitude, distribution, rate and acceleration of deformation can be accurately measured at the reference head. The GEO-XB rod type extensometer range is available in a wide range of reference heads, anchors, rods and measuring sensors. A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 DATA S H E E T Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE Measurement Measurement is available in the following options: ~ Mechanical Reading is carried out using a dial indicator or depth micrometer. ~ Electric Reading is carried out using an electrical sensor. ~ Combination Both electric and mechnical readings. Reference Heads Reference heads are available in the following types: MECHANICAL Can be used where there is easy access to the extensometer and automatic readings are not required. GXB-M : Mechanical The rod(s) terminate in the reference head block where manual readings are taken with a depth micrometer. The head is normally installed more or less flush with the top of the borehole. ELECTRIC Used when access to the reference head is difficult or where continuous monitoring is required.The rod(s) are connected to an electrical sensor. Movements are measured by converting the signals to a measurement of length change. GXB-ES: Electric Sensor, Standard 1-Part Head A one-part head where the rods connect to the sensors which are mounted on a moveable internal flange within the head and protected by a one piece outer cover. The head is mounted external to the borehole with all the sensors and rod connections located entirely within the head itself. All connections & sensors can be completely accessed post installation by removing the outer cover. The length of the head will depend on the range of the sensor. A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 DATA SSH DATA HEEEETT Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE GXB-EL: Electric Sensor, Low Profile 2-Part Head A two-part head with a lower section and an upper section divided by a fixed intermediate flange and has a lower and upper outer cover. The rod connections and the lower part of the sensors are located within the lower section which is installed within the borehole. The top of the sensors located in the upper section are external to the borehole and adjustment can be done by removing the upper outer cover. The length of the upper section will depend on the range of the sensor but provides a lower profile than the GXB-ES. COMBINATION GXB-ES-M: Electric Sensor plus Mechanical, Standard 1-Part Head GXB-EL-M: Electric Sensor plus Mechanical, Low Profile 2-Part Head All features of the standard version with the additional of a mechanical system which means electrical sensors can be removed, checked and/or replaced; in the event of an electrical sensor fail data can still be taken manually; a manual check is always available to check any long term drift of electrical sensors All GEO-XB reference heads can be use with either flexible or rigid rods & sleeves (see table below). Specifications - Reference Heads TYPE REFERENCE HEAD TYPE MEASUREMENT SENSOR ROD TYPE NO OF POINTS GXB-M-R Mechanical Rod Rigid 1-8 GXB-M-F Mechanical Rod Flexible 1-8 GXB-ES-VW-R Electric standard Vibrating wire Rigid 2-6 GXB-ES-VW-F Electric standard Vibrating wire Flexible 2-6 GXB-ES-VW-R Electric low profile Vibrating wire Rigid 2-6 GXB-EL-VW-F Electric low profile Vibrating wire Flexible 2-6 GXB-ES-LP-R Electric standard Linear potentiometer Rigid 2-6 GXB-ES-LP-F Electric standard Linear potentiometer Flexible 2-6 GXB-ES-M-VW-R Electric standard + mechanical Vibrating wire + rod Rigid 2-6 GXB-ES-M-VW-F Electric standard + mechanical Vibrating wire + rod Flexible 2-6 GXB-EL-M-VW-R Electric low profile + mechanical Vibrating wire + rod Rigid 2-6 GXB-EL-M-VW-F Electric low profile + mechanical Vibrating wire + rod Flexible 2-6 GXB-ES-M-LP-R Electric standard + mechanical Linear potentiometer-rod Rigid 2-6 GXB-ES-M-LP-F Electric standard + mechanical Linear potentiometer-rod Flexible 2-6 Other options available on request A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 V1.1 01/212 DATA S H E E T Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE E l e c t r i c D i s p l a c e m e n t S e n s o rs The following sensor types are available: ~ Vibrating wire displacement gauge ~ Linear Potentiometer ~ Linear Variable Differential Transformer S p e c i f i c a t i o n s - E l e c t r i c D i s p l a c e m e n t S e n s o rs DESCRIPTION RANGES Mechanical 0 - 150mm Vibrating Wire 5,12.5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300mm Linear potentiometer 10, 20, 30, 50, 125,100,150mm LVDT 25, 50, 75, 100, 150mm Rods Rods are used to connect the anchors to the reference head and are available in rigid or flexible form. Rigid ~ Made from stainless steel and come in short lengths of 1,2,3 metre with flush threads. A starter rod is connected to the anchor. ~ Flexible The glass & carbon fibre rods are a continuous length factory produced to meet the project requirements. Specifications - Rods MATERIAL DIAMETER YOUNG’S MODULUS EXPANSION COEFFICIENT Stainless steel 6mm 200 GPa 16.0 ppm/°C Fibreglass 5mm 20 GPa 3.0 ppm/°C Carbon fibre 5mm 130 GPa <1.0 ppm/°C DIAMETER LENGTHS MATERIAL 6mm 1, 2, 3m Stainless steel 5mm 1, 2, 3m, continuous Fibreglass 5mm 1, 2, 3m, continuous Carbon fibre S l e ev e s A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 V1.1 01/212 DATA SSH DATA HEEEETT Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE S l e ev e s Sleeves allow the rods to move freely and prevents bonding of the rod and grout. They are available in the following options: ~ Rigid Made from rigid PVC with flush threaded or push fit joints. A starter sleeve is connected to the anchor. ~ Flexible Made from flexible nylon available in short lengths with external couplers which can be used with the rigid rods or a continuous length for use with the flexible rods. Specifications - Sleeves 1/4”x 1m PVC rigid sleeve FT 10mm x 1m flexible sleeve 1/4”x 2m PVC rigid sleeve FT 10mm x 2m flexible sleeve 1/4”x 3m PVC rigid sleeve FT 10mm x 3m flexible sleeve 1/4” starter sleeve 10mm coupler 1/4” sleeve spacer A n c h o rs Anchors are located at various depths within the borehole and connected to the rods. The choice of anchor will depend on the surrounding ground and are available in the following types: ~ Groutable (Image 1) Generally used in downward-directed boreholes. Used in compact rock and non-cohesive soils. Installed in the borehole and then grouted. ~ Hydraulic (2) Borros Type for use in soft soils and clays, especially in augered boreholes. Drives prongs into the soil using hydraulic pump. Available in single or double options. 1 2 3 4 ~ Snap ring (3) For use in hard or competent rock. Anchors are pushed to the required depth and then a cord is pulled to remove the locking pin. Retaining rings on each anchor snap outward and grip the borehole. Particularly useful in upward directed boreholes. Packer type (4) ~ Used in soft soil conditions, granular materials and are used typically in up-hole installations. Inflated with cement by an injection tube. Specifications follow. A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 DATA S H E E T Borehole Rod Extensometer GEO-XB RANGE Specifications - Anchors DESCRIPTION CONNECTION 16mm Groutable anchor Rigid sleeve 16mm Groutable anchor Flexible sleeve 16mm Groutable anchor BZP Rigid sleeve 16mm Groutable anchor BZP Flexible sleeve Single hydraulic Borros type Rigid sleeve Double Borros type Rigid sleeve Snap ring anchor* Rigid sleeve Snap ring anchor* Flexible sleeve Packer anchor Rigid sleeve Packer anchor Flexible sleeve 1 2 * Diameter to suit individual borehole Accessories Installation kit 16mm x 30m coil grout tubing Hydraulic pump & hose Readouts 0 - 150mm digital depth gauge (Pic 2) VW 2106 readout (Pic 1) Portable Potentiometer Readout Geologger Automatic Data Acquisition O rd e r i n g I n fo r m a t i o n ~ Reference head type ~ Sensor type, range and quantity ~ Anchor type & quantity ~ Distance between anchors ~ Rod type & quantity ~ Readout type A division of Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd Nova House, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND, England e t +44(0)1359 270457 f +44(0)1359 272860 V1.0 01/2012