Help Others Hear

“Thanks to the Helping Others Hear program I
got new hearing aids and I love them! Before
I got new aids I was embarrassed to be seen
wearing these huge bulky and very noticeable
hearing aids. They were very sensitive to loud
noise, which made my hears hurt, a lot! So
that made me want to never wear them.
How You Can
Help Others Hear
You can make a tax-deductible
donation today and make a
significant difference in the life
of a child or adult living with
hearing loss who cannot afford
the cost of hearing aids and/or
But when my mom found this program, I
was finally able to get better hearing aids. The
best part about them is that they don’t hurt
when there’s loud noise, and they’re so small
and barely noticeable! I wear them all the
time and I’m hearing new sounds like
conversations behind me, birds chirping, and
people across the street talking! It’s amazing!
I want to thank TLC and its kind donors who
gave the money for my new hearing aids! It
made a big difference in my life and I LOVE
- Jessica, High School Student
Help Others Hear Your donation in any amount can
help, so please donate today on
our website with
your credit card or by check
made out to TLC and mailed to:
TLC’s Family Hearing Center
2092 Gaither Road
Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850
TLC’s Family Hearing Center
2092 Gaither Road, Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850
301.424.5203 TTY
301.424.8063 fax
How You Can
Give the Gift of Hearing
to People in Need
in Our Community
Why We Need To Help Others Hear Imagine being a child in school and not being able to adequately hear teachers’ instructions. Or being at work, hoping you can read lips in meetings to avoid asking people to speak louder or repeat themselves. Or looking forward to phone calls from children and grandchildren, knowing you won’t hear most of what they are saying. Some people have asked us why we need Help Others Hear. After all, aren’t hearing aids cov‐
ered by insurance like other critically needed medical devices? At TLC’s Family Hearing Center, we understand that hearing is a necessity, not a luxury. In fact, hearing is one of our five basic senses. In 2008, we created Help Others Hear to provide free hearing aids to people who could not otherwise afford them. Help Others Hear would not be possible without the generosity of our donors, who have already donated more than $80,000 to provide 36 children and adults with 47 hearing aids, as well as hearing aids repairs for eight patients. You can help us reach our goal of never having anyone leave us without necessary hearing aids simply because they cannot afford them. Unfortunately for most people, the answer is no. Medicare does not cover the cost of hearing aids, and most private insurance companies provide minimal, if any, coverage. Given the state of the economy in recent years, our staff hears far too many patients say they will forego purchasing hearing aids simply because they cannot afford them. Read the stories in this brochure to understand how you can change someone’s life with your most generous, tax‐deductible donation to Help Others Hear. For more information, please contact TLC’s Director of Development, Debbie Ezrin at or 301.424.5200 x155. You Can Help Us Receive More Letters Like These “I have suffered from hearing loss for
many years. Reading lips, laughing at jokes
I could not hear, and pretending I could
hear others talking became a way of life
for me. I knew I needed hearing aids but
could not afford the cost of purchasing
them. Then I heard about TLC's Help
Others Hear program. I met with a case
worker and found that I was eligible for
hearing aids at no cost.
Words cannot describe my new hearing
world. I am able to perform better at work
and have more meaningful conversations
with co-workers and my family now that
they don’t have to shout for me to hear
them. Being able to better hear the sound
of my grandchildren's voices and laughter
has been an especially meaningful gift.
Thank you TLC, for your program and
helping people like myself hear again!”
- Margaret, Family Hearing Center patient
“The generosity of others has enabled me
to benefit from my new hearing aid in
many ways. It would be hard—next to
impossible—to function without it in
every day society.”
- Amy, Montgomery County Public Schools