Pressure and Friction Drag II Hydromechanics VVR090 Drag and Lift – General Observations I Inconvenient to separate between pressure and frictional drag. Total drag force is taken to be the sum of : • drag in a two-dimensional flow (profile drag) • drag produced by end effects (induced drag) Induced drag is related to the lift force. No lift force Æ no induced drag. tip vortices 1 Drag and Lift – General Observations II Pressure drag depends on the pressure distribution around the body and the size of the separation zone. Large zone of separation Æ large drag force The location of separation points decisive for the magnitude of the pressure drag . Such locations are determined by: • body shape • body roughness • flow conditions Flow Separation Boundary layer growth starts in the stagnation point. In the phase of acceleration the boundary layer is stable, whereas during deceleration an unfavorable pressure gradient develops that leads to separation. streamlined body cylindral body 2 Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers Ideal fluid Laminar conditions Turbulent conditions Drag Coefficients for Different Shapes Drag coefficient depends on Re (sphere, disk, streamlined body). Transition to turbulent boundary layer Laminar flow Little variation with Re No separation 3 Flow around Sphere Flow separation point Flow separation behind sphere Trip wire Cricket ball Flow separation point with trip wire Drag Coefficient for Laminar Flow Stokes derived the drag force for laminar conditions (viscous forces dominate): D = 3πμVo d General formulation: D = FD = CD 1 AρVo2 2 George Stokes Equivalence yields: 3πμVo d = CD 1 AρVo2 2 4 Cross-sectional area: A= πd 2 4 Solve for drag coefficient: CD = 24μ 24 = Vo d ρ Re Stokes equation valid for Re < 0.1. Re ≈ 10 Æ weak separation Re ≈ 1000 Æ fully developed separation zone Vortex Shedding Under certain conditions vortices are generated from the edges of a body in a flow. Æ Von Karman’s vortex street Theodore Von Karman Vortex street behind a cylinder Vortices at Aleutian Island 5 If 6 < Re < 5000, regular vortex sheeding may occur at a frequency n determined by Strouhal’s number: S= nd Vo (S = 0.21 over a wide range of Re) Vincent Strouhal Periodic vortex shedding may lead to transversal forces on structures (e.g., pipes, chimneys, bridges) resulting in vibration and possible structural damages. If is close to the natural frequency of the structure, large effects are expected. Strouhals Number as a Function of Re Data for cylinder Fully developed turbulence, no regular vortex shedding 6 Example I: Vortex Shedding from Antenna Stand What is the frequency of the vortices shed? 30 m wind 35 m/s 0.3 m Standard atmosphere (101 kPa, 20 deg) Example II: Vortex Shedding from Telegraph Wires What is the frequency of the vortices shed? Wires diameter = 2 mm V = 10 m/s 7 Ferrybridge Cooling Towers Three towers collapsed because (November 1965): • underestmated wind design conditions • interaction between towers not considered Tacoma Bridge Built 1940 Span: 2,800 ft (850 m) Plate-girder deck: 8 ft (2.4 m) Wind-induce vibrations caused oscillations of the deck with eventual collapse. 8 Example of Drag Force Calculation • parachute jumping • sedimentation of particle • popcorn popper Basic equation for drag force: 1 D = CD ρAVo2 2 CD obtained from empirical studies A is the projected area on a plane perpendicular to the flow direction Empirical Values for the Drag Coefficient CD I 9 Empirical Values for the Drag Coefficient CD II Dolphin drag Empirical Values for the Drag Coefficient CD III Cd Vehicle Year and Model Area (m2 ) Area (ft2 ) Cd x m2 Cd x ft2 Lotus '80 Eclat 0.360 1.830 19.69 0.66 7.09 '95 Elan S2 0.380 1.709 18.40 0.65 6.99 '91 Elan SE 0.380 1.709 18.40 0.65 6.99 '80 Esprit 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 '94 Esprit S4 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 '83 Esprit Turbo 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 '86 Esprit Turbo 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 '89 Esprit Turbo 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 '90 Esprit Turbo SE 0.330 1.802 19.40 0.59 6.40 Lotus Mercedes-Benz Bionic Concept: 0.19 Hummer H2: 0.57 10 Example I: Parachute Jumping FD Terminal speed of a person jumping with a parachute? Assumed data: M = 100 kg ρair = 1.2 kg/m3 D=7m FG Example II: Particle Sedimentation FB FD Sediment particle in water – what is the terminal speed? Newton-Stokes law of sedimentation (laminar flow) FG Example of settling tanks 11 Example III: Popcorn Popper Design the popcorn popper Heating coil Unpopped corn: 0.15 g/kernel 6 mm diameter Popped corn: 18 mm diameter Fan Allowable air speed produced by the fan? Lift Force on Bodies Important in design of: • airplane • pipelines (e.g., on the seafloor) • pumps and turbines Flow and pressure distribution around and airfoil 12 Principles of Flight Horizontal and vertical force balance for design FL = FG FD = FP Lift force: FL = CL Gliding angle: 1 AρVo2 2 tan γ = CD CL Lift Coefficient CL CL for typical airfoil sections versus angele of attack Stall speed 13 Tip Vortices (Induced Drag) I Tip Vortices (Induced Drag) II CD and CL for different wing aspect ratios 14 Example: Takeoff Speed of Airplane FL What is the necessary angle of attack (a) for a takeoff speed of 140 km/hr? a FG Wingspan: 10 m Chord length: 1.5 m Plane weight: 10 kN Two passengers at 800 N each Magnus Effect Net force occurs when a sphere or cylinder in a moving fluid is rotating Heinrich Gustav Magnus Top of cylinder: velocities of the moving fluid and the rotating ball enhance each other Æ low pressure Bottom of cylinder: velocities of the moving fluid and the rotating ball counteract each other Æ high pressure Pressure difference Æ net force 15 Importance of Magnus Effect in Sports I Golf (hook, slice) Soccer (banana shoot) Table tennis and tennis (topspin, slice) Importance of Magnus Effect in Sports II Spinning baseball (curveball) Lateral deflection of baseball 16 Ship Propulsion Buckau Alcyone 17