Homework 2

Problem 1.
For all the transistors in figure P5.15, β = 75. The results of some measurements are indicated on
the figures. Find the values of the other labeled currents, voltages, and/ or resistor values.
Problem 2.
In the circuits shown in Figure P5.18, the values of measured parameters are shown. Determine β,
α, and the other labeled currents and voltages. Sketch the dc load line and plot the Q -point.
Problem 3.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P5.20. The measured value of the emitter voltage is VE = 2V.
Determine IE ,IC, β, α, AND VEC . Sketch the dc load line and plot the Q - point.
Problem 4.
For the circuit shown in Figure P5.24, if β=200 for each transistor, determine:
A) IE1 B) IE2 C) VC1 D) VC2
Problem 5.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P5.44. Determine IBQ, ICQ, and VCEQ for
A) β=75
B) β=150
Problem 6.
Using the circuit in Figure P5.52, design a bias-STABLE AMPLIFIER SUCH THAT THE Q-point
is in the center of the load line. Letβ=125. Determine ICQ, VCEQ, R1 and R2.
Problem 7.
The dc load line and Q- point of the circuit in Figure P5.56(a) are shwon in Figure P5.56(b). For
the transistor, β=120. Find RE, R1, and R2 such that the circuit is bias stable.
Problem 8.
For each transistor in the circuit in Figure P5.70,β=120 and the B-E turn-on voltage is 0.7V.
Determine the quiescent base, collector, and emitter currents in Q1 and Q2. Also determine VCEQ1
and VCEQ2 .
Problem 9.
The transistor parameters are β=125 and VA =200v. A value of gm=200 mA/V is desired.
Determine the collector current required, and then find rπ and r0.
Problem 10.
The parameters of the transistor in the circuit in Figure P6.11 are β=150 and V A   ,
A) Determine R1 and R2 to obtain a bias- stable circuit with the Q- point in the center of the load
B) Determine the small- signal voltage gain Av=v0 / vs
Problem 11.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure P6.18 where vs  4 sin t (mV ) . Assume β=80,
A) Determine v0(t) and i0(t). What are the small- signal voltage and current gains?
B) Repeat part(a) for Rs=0.
Problem 12.
The parameters of the transistor in the circuit in Figure P6.20 are β=100 and VA=100 V.
A) find the dc voltages at the base and emitter terminals.
B) Find RC such that VCEQ=3.5V .
C) Assuming CC and CE act as short circuits, determine the small- signal voltage gain AV = vo / vs .
D) Repeat part (c) if a 500Ωsource resistor is in series with the vs signal source.
Problem 13.
For the circuit in Figure P6.14, let β=100, V A   , RE=12.9KΩ, and RC=6KΩ. Determine the
maximum undistorted swing in the output voltage if the total instantaneous C-E voltage is to
remain in the range 1  vCE  9V and if the total instantaneous collector current is to remain
greater or equal to 50μA.
Problem 14.
The transistor parameters for the circuit in Figure P6.39 are β=180 and V A   ,
A) Find ICQ and VCEQ
B) Plot the dc and ac load lines.
C) Calculate the small- signal voltage gain.
D) Determine the input and output resistances Rib and R0
Problem 15.
For the circuit in FigureP6.49, the transistor current gain is β=80 and RL =500 Ω, Design the
circuit to obtain a small- signal current gain of Ai=i0/is=8. Let VCC=10v. Find R1, R2, and the
output resistance R0. If RE = 500Ω, What is the current gain if RL=2000Ω.
Problem 16.
For the circuit shown in Figure P6.56, the transistor parameters are β=100 and V A   .
A) determine the dc voltages at the collector, base and emitter terminals.
B) Determine the small- signal voltage gain Av =v0 / vs
C) Find the input resistance Ri
Problem 17.
The parameters for each transistor in the circuit shown in Figure P6.64 are β=100 and V A   .
A) determine the small- signal parameters gm ,rπ ,and r0 for b oth transistors.
B) Determine the small- signal voltage gain AV1 = vo1 / vs , assuming vo1 is connected to an open
circuit, and determine the gain AV2 = vo / v1 .
C) Determine the overall small- signal voltage gain AV = vo / vs . Compare the overall gain with
the product Av1 and Av2, using the values calculated in part(b).
Problem 18.
For the circuit shown in Figure P6.66, assume transistor parameters of β=100 and V A   .
A) Determine the dc collector current in each transistor.
B) Find the small- signal voltage gain AV = vo / vs.
C) Determine the input and output resistances Rib and R0.
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